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02x03 - The Fear That Follows

Posted: 05/31/23 07:30
by bunniefuu
Still nothing
on the breach, sir.

This part of the abyssal
is kind of famous for
its phantom signals.

We get them
all the time.

I don't investigate
boogiemen, soldier.

Launch a Scattercom,

minutes west
at meters.

Sir, I'm not authorized
to violate
U.E.O. Tracking accords.

Well, fortunately,

I am.

S.C.I. Transmitting at


thirty-thousand meters,

seventy thousand,

one hundred.

There you are.

Isolate it.

Give me a secured audio.
I wanna hear this.

Yes, sir.

That's weird. If I didn't know
any better, I'd swear
it was looking for seaQuest.

Wake the General.

I thought you
said we couldn't make
their technology.

We can't.
I launched an S.C.I.

That's a U.E.O. Violation,

Yes, sir, it is.
But, as I understand it,
so is treason.

You telling me
I have a spy aboard

One that I know of.

Secure all locations!

On the double!
On the double!

- Drop that knife!
- Put that down!

You mind telling me
what this is about?

Stand to, Captain.

Stand to?

What is this? A joke?

Sorry, Captain,
this is strictly

Now listen,
you're not my commander.

You can't storm aboard
my boat,
arrest my people.

You bet I have
a right to know.

Not this time,

I still can't
get through, sir.

I'm sorry.
Do you want me
to keep trying?

Yes, Mr. O'Neill.
I want you
to keep trying.

Aye, sir.

You are traveling
east by southeast.

- Well, hello.
- Thank you for selecting...

In the event
we actually find
our off ramp, Lucas,

you sure you wanna blow
right past it?

I'm sorry. I just don't
get to drive that much.

You are traveling...
How'd you like the food?

Major paella time.
How'd you ever
find that place?

Nice, huh?

I don't know,
I think I woke up there
or something.

You still alive,

What are you
doing back there?


You are traveling
south by southwest
on Interstate...

Does the restaurant know
you took their placemat?

I didn't mean to.

He's kidding,

Did you get enough to eat?

I'm still hungry
and I have to urinate.

You are
at the junction of U-.

All circuits are busy.
Please try again.

Try the Internet.

I tried the Internet.
I can't log on.

GPS lockup has failed.

That's weird.
Global positioning
is never down.

I wonder how old
these are?


There's an idea
that went out
with leather seats.

Please enter your coordinates

or press "Q"
for further assistance.


Not now, Dagwood.

... thank you for selecting...
But, Lucas.



Mister, I'm sorry.
I didn't even
see you there.

Where did
he come from?

There isn't
a town around
here for miles.

Must be a reservation
or something.

Yeah. It's minor.
But this guy... Hey, guy.

You lost
or something?

That would be
"no," right?


I wouldn't
aggravate him, Tony.

Not to worry,
aggravation doesn't seem
to be in this guy's book.


What's going on?

I've been looking for you two
for over an hour.

Where's Lucas?

He's right here.

What's wrong?

Darwin's been arrested.

That signal
has been chewing up U.E.O.
Communications all week.

A signal transmitted over
secured U.E.O. Frequencies.

he's a dolphin, not a spy.

Sir, you can't put him
in just any ecology.

He's gonna get
sick in there.

Your mammal
is responsible for
a breach in U.E.O. Security.

Until we find out
who he was talking to,

we intend to
keep an eye on him.

My friend,
have you been
sending messages?

Come on, buddy,
I don't think these guys
are kidding around.

Who sent this to you?

Captain, if there were
fewer people around.

Lieutenant, I don't think
we're gonna sneak him
a flounder with a file in it.

Is there something
about national security
that amuses you, Captain?

Yes. Quite a bit.


That guy's a million laughs.

Who are the messages to?

Bridger message.

My message?


Who's returning?





Our friends,
they're returning.

The aliens?

Visitors coming.

Captain, that would explain
the Internet going down

and the power drain.

Yeah, but you're
forgetting something.

I withheld very
important information
from these people.

I'm lucky I'm not in jail.

Darwin tired.

Yeah. Thanks for
keeping our secret.

This is my crime, pal,
not yours.

Engaging extraterrestrials,
inviting them back.

Look, we don't know
anything about these aliens.

Who are they?
What do they want?

We'll ask.

We're the U.E.O.,
the first line of defense

between invasion and
the people of this planet.

Now, don't you think
we owe it to them
to think this through?

Do you want me
to uninvite them?

No, what I want
is to fly back to Washington
to see my Capitols play.

Three aliens land
and you want to see
a hockey game?

It's the finals.

Oh! Oh, that's fine.
That's great.

You have my word,
I'll take
every precaution.

I had your word
last time, Captain.

This time, I want Rienhardt
in charge of security.

Rienhardt is a jerk.

Yes, but he's my jerk.

And no one's gonna be
walking off with
the planet on his watch.

I want my dolphin back.

An intelligent
holographic message

that could still be activated
after a million years.

That'll give you an idea
of the kind of technology

that slipped through
our fingers.

But not this time.

Commander Ford and I
both feel that
a night docking at sea

would provide
the most security.

We'll be evacuating
this entire sector.

We'll launch a Class-B buoy,

signaling to the surrounding
ocean communities

that the U.E.O.
Is investigating
a bioreactor spill.

We'll then communicate
coordinates with the aliens
through Darwin,

with the alien ship,

and then escort her
to a secured U.E.O. Underpost.

You were getting to this part,
weren't you, Captain Bridger?

It's a deionization process.

I don't know anything
about it either,

but the results
weren't permanent.

- No side-effects?
- No.

Except for the hope
they'd return,
so we'd learn more about them.

You have no idea
what these creatures
did to you,

yet you would
willingly submit
to it again.

Sounds like
you've been
brainwashed, son,

and not by any alien.

Anything else, Lieutenant?

Yes. I want Seaman Piccolo
and your Model K off-loaded.


Piccolo is
a convicted criminal

and your Model K
is classified technology.

There's nothing classified
about our Model K.

And as for Piccolo,

we don't persecute
those who've submitted
to the will of the court.

He's here to make good.

History tells us
he's better
at making trouble.

This is my call, Captain.

Well, the pressure
in this container
is pretty low.

This stinks.

I know.
Take it easy, sailor.


I got more in common
with these aliens
than anybody.

I agree,
but that's not
the point.

What is the point?

Special circumstances.

We're special?

Yeah, we're special.

I'm a convict,
and you're
a varicose vein.

Look, Rienhardt's order
is not out of policy.

It's just unfair.

Get used to unfair, Dag.

Military's lousy with it.

Shuttle MR-
is cleared for departure.

Wait. I forgot my drawings.

Sorry, Dagwood.
Now means now.

Your drawings will
be safe.

I promise.

Commander Ford,
everyone's checked in
and we're green to go, sir.


Up-world reports
all phases of the evacuation
have been completed.

Thank you, Commander.
Mr. Ortiz?

Yes, sir.
Caps and Rangers tied
with : to go.

I'm sorry, sir.

General Thomas
asked me to keep him
appraised of the game.

We're in position
any time you wanna
send the message.

See who's listening out there.

Come in, Scott.

We're set, Nathan.
We got our fingers crossed.

Look at that.
One night in jail,
he gets a tattoo.

Everyone thought
I'd be the first.

Is he all right?

He picked up
a non-virulent strain
of some kind. No big deal.

I'll do some
more blood work,
but he'll live.

They're responding
to our signal, sir.

That was fast.

I think they're
as anxious as we are.

I find that hard to believe.
Let's go for it.

Numbers accepted.

Eager welcome.

Thanks, pal.

What's their ETA?

Sir, their ETA was
two minutes ago.

They're here already?

On their way down, sir.

That's what I call
stealth technology.

All right.
Open the window.

Let's see what
she looks like.

Aye, sir.

Nitrogen content
six parts per thousand.

It's smaller than
the last ship,

but the fusion ratings
are through the roof.

They've had a million years
to make improvements,
if that's possible.

Initiate docking sequence
in three, two, one.

Caps are out of it,
four games to three.

If anyone...

Docking procedure complete.


On behalf of all the people
of our confederations,

we welcome you.

You'd think somewhere
over the last million years

they would've picked up
a couple of Earth words.

I'll take that.

It's okay now.
It's cool.


It's very cool.

You've learned
to talk to us.

We picked up
a couple of words.

I'll need those.

We'll give them back.

We have come
in peaceful exploration
of our common goals.

We want you to feel safe.

And this...

It's barium.
It's a harmless sensor.

You need that leash?

Captain, I can't
let them off the seaQuest
without it.

Will there be anything else,

Yes. You will submit
to a full medical workup
followed by a Q and A.

It's security.

We don't like it either.

Nathan, I'm gonna
take a seacrab

and I'm gonna see
inside their cockpit.

I promise I won't
touch anything.

Let's take us up,

Aye, sir.

Elevator engaged.

Please state destination.

Now, there's
intelligent life.

Lieutenant, I can't imagine
anyone feeling welcome

when you've got them
on such a short leash.

These guys have come
an awful long way.

Well, in all due respect,

we really don't know
where they came from.

And we certainly don't know
why they're here.

Well, it's gonna be
kind of hard to find out

if they don't feel
they can trust us.

It's not their trust
I'm interested in.
It's their fear I want.

With the technology
they're packing,

it might be
the only effective
w*apon we have.

That's assuming
they know what fear is.

Oh, they know,
all right.

There isn't a creature
in this universe whose
heart isn't driven by fear.

We just have to find it.

The design is flawless.

If I could figure out
how to synthesize their heart,

I could make a fortune
in the pulmonary aftermarket.

Look at this.

They're not even
breaking a sweat.

Don't they know
they're not supposed
to like this?

Well, in theory,
we're heading
the same way.

There's nothing here
I can't identify.

I've always theorized
about a biological evolution

away from carbon
to silicon life forms,

durable, organic,

relatively invulnerable
to damage.

Wait. Are those
what I think they are?

Male and female
reproductive organs.

No disease,
no hang ups.

No "Honey,
I got a headache."

Well, that's no fun.

So much for perfection.

Well, nothing's perfect,


Anything that can
self-procreate and
live to be years old

has got to have
some flaws, right?

You'd think so,
wouldn't you?

Quark physics applied
is inter-dimensional.

Now, we've made
theoretical stabs
at these concepts,

but you've actually proven
that our theories on fusion

and matterlantimatter
propulsion systems

actually makes intergalactic
travel possible.

with all due respect
to your findings,

I know what we know.
What I want to know
is what they know.

You have had the ability
to travel between planets

for over a million years.
Where have you been?

What have you seen?

How many times
have you been to Earth?

Have you been
here recently?

No. We have not.

With the knowledge
you could give us,

we could jumpstart
the new world.

Apply concepts
in high-life dynamics.

Peace, thousands of years
ahead of the game.

You must come to knowledge.
It cannot come to you.

We have come here,
searching for beginnings
of intelligent life.

Until we understand
the genesis
of all life-bearing worlds,

we find our knowledge

We are very flattered that you
responded to our signal.

But, surely, we're not
the beginning of life.

With the universe
constantly expanding

and creating new life,
aren't you just wasting
your time stopping here?

Perhaps you should ask
your Dr. Smith
about wasting time.

Doctor Smith?


Don't be afraid.
That's what she does.

Oh, what?

Why is everyone
looking at me?

Next time you decide
to pick their brains,
you might wanna ask first.

Why won't you permit us
to leave your base?

Well, unfortunately,
your appearance
would cause concern

and panic among
the people of our communities.


It's pretty common
for people to fear
what they don't understand.

But you are not afraid.


I guess I'm just too stupid
to be afraid.

Our methods of security
can seem a little mistrustful,

but they are
for your own good.

Give us hours
to work something out.

I have every confidence

that we can make this
a satisfying encounter
for everyone.

Why am I always suspicious
when you and I
are in agreement?

You don't object to
a little good cop, bad cop,
do you?

Not when
you play both parts.

Having Dr. Smith
read their thoughts

without their permission
is inexcusable.

She could've been hurt.

What good is having
a parapsychologist
if you can't engage her?

They run
a few of the tests
on you just...

Well, they like
the Wolenczak kid.

They should spend time
together, build a trust.

The kid's name is Lucas.

You don't intend to
let these people
leave the base, do you?

You can't lie to them.

Who's lying to who,

They're on a mission
to find the beginnings
of intelligent life.

What did they do,
stop to stretch their legs?

Why not?

Captain, these "people"
can travel
thousands of light years

in the time it takes me
to back out of my driveway.

Now, technologically

we have one hell of
an opportunity on our hands

but very little leverage.

The leverage
is not gonna be Lucas.


Well, it can be
their space craft.

And if our friends aren't
a little more forthcoming
in the next hours,

not only will they not
be leaving Fort Gore,

but I'll see to it
they don't leave this planet.

What is it?

What's wrong?

Where are the others?

Do you want me
to come with you?

They've left the ship.
Where is this position?

That's a cove
about half a mile from here.

It's within
the evacuation area.

Who's with them?

Lieutenant Brody.

Yes, Commander.

Who's watching our guests?

Aren't they with you?

Get a transport.
Meet me up top.

What is it?

What's wrong?

Kind of late,
isn't it, Lucas?

Everything all right?

it's wrong to keep them
from leaving the base.

That's not our call, Lucas.

Are you all right,

Where's the
other guy?

Come on, guys.
We have to get back
to the seaQuest.

Where is he?

This won't hurt.

Well, something happened here.

I'm getting ion particles
and a high mix of xenon
and argon readings.

Would it have caused
these burns?

Ion magnetics
and fire can't exist
in the same environment.

One of them needs oxygen,
the other is literally
an absence of oxygen.

Are you sure
this is where
the barium signal died?

They're gone, Captain.

I see no reason
to doubt the abduction
of your men.

But they're ship
is at the bottom of the ocean

and your men
are guarding it.

With their stealth technology,

they could have
an entire fleet hovering
just beyond our capabilities,

and we would never know it.

Lieutenant, why
the elaborate charade

if all they were interested in
was three of our people?

You tell me, Captain.

Say nothing.

Vehicle I.D. Confirmed.

U.E.O. Plates.
Probably had one too many.

Evening, fellows.

Blowing the fuel cells
out a little?

I'll need to check
your vehicle registration
and conveyance data.

Commander, huh?

All right, I'm not gonna
bust your chops
on the speed violation.

But I do want to know
what you're doing

in a non-authorized
confederation zone.

I guess we're a little
turned around.

Yeah. Well, I guess
you're a lot turned around.

The ocean's back that way
about miles.

You're gonna have to
leave this area.

We're on official
U.E.O. Business.

Yeah. Not in this zone,
you're not.

All right, fellows,
step out of the car.

Look, fellows,
don't make me ask you again.

Now out of the car.

Move away from the vehicle.

Dagwood's drawing
and Darwin's tattoo.

There must be some
significance there somewhere.

Doesn't anybody
know what this means?

Well, it could be
some kind of ancient alphabet.
Maybe a language.

Get me O'Neill.

I found Dagwood, sir.

Oh, good.

Tell me.

What is this?

I don't know.

But you drew hundreds of them.

Do you know what it means?

Who told you to draw them?

I don't know.
I just started drawing it
when we went to dinner.

With Lucas and Piccolo?

When the highway went dark.

Is Lucas hurt?

I hope not.

They were communicating

They were sending
a message ahead.

To him?
Yes! Dagwood, Darwin.

Did you want to
see me, sir?


Do you recognize this?

If I had to guess,
I'd say it was a codet,

like a picture symbol.

Maybe the kind
the Timucuan
mound builders used.

He drew it.

I didn't know
you were Timucuan.

I'm not.

No one is.

They were decedents
of a pre-Columbian
Creek and Iroquois nation.

They're all gone now.

Do you know what it says?

Can I read Timucuan?
I'm not that dull.

Am I?


You could ask
a Seminole Indian.

There's a reservation
about miles from here.

The transport vehicle
is about yards past
that clearing.

We don't have
to be afraid.

They won't hurt us.

One abduction
and the man's an expert.

I'm just
saying that

I think we can
trust them.

As recently as ,

President Reagan
denounced the holdings
of the Florida tribes

even though
they still had the deeds
to their wetlands.

His administration
simply declared their
documents worthless.

We need a location, O'Neill,
not a history lesson.

Is there something wrong
with the computer?

No, sir, it's a map.

The Iroquois nations
receive no funding,

so we receive
no intelligence.

But I think you're close.

We are.

Oh, Captain.
I found out
that symbol's meaning.

It represents
some kind of
Timucuan prophecy.

It's like their version
of the last supper

where the disciples
gather to discuss the end.

The end of what?


Lucas. Don't...

No. Please.

We're safe.

We just need to
leave them alone.

Where are they?
Where's Lucas?

Leave us to our work
and no harm will come.

Three degrees Celsius
above absolute zero.

It's the echo, Nathan.


Life hurled away
from its origin.

The big bang.

Maybe they're not
searching for new life.

Maybe they're starting over.

Now back off!


No, wait!
No, Nathan!

Get away from it.

I said get away!

This is why you came?

To rid yourselves
of this death?

It is not our leader's death
we leave here.

It is his hope
for the future.

We are all
that remains of our world.

A planet,
taken by our own hand,
leaving nothing

but the knowledge
that self-destruction
is a fate

sealed in the organism
of all life-bearing worlds.

The burden of intelligent life
is death?

By finding the beginning,
we hope to reengineer

our organism
to build a new world.

For who?

For all of us
or just for those
for whom you see fit?

Aren't we all
on the same path
of destruction?

Yes, but, Captain,
it doesn't have to
be that way.

They were keeping
a promise they made

to the people
who lived on this planet
long before we did.

And the knowledge of them
someday returning
gave these people hope.

Hope which we managed
to destroy through
technological imbalance,

fear and our own
gigantic egos.

You give us hope, Lucas.

Come with us.

Help us build a new life.


I can't make this call.

If anything, I'm envious.

It's the journey of
the ages, son.

It's exodus.

Oh, thank you,
but this isn't helping.

The selfish part of me
wants you to stay, Lucas.

But whether your work
is with us,
or with your new friends,

that's for you to decide.

Soak it up, junior.

It's not every day
you get your butt kissed
by two planets.

I'm flattered,

but, um,

this is where my home is,

with my friends.

Maybe someday
you'll come back for me.

We will come back.

We know you exist.

Now how do we return
to what we thought
was our normal life?

Once we leave
you will understand
how to go on.

Who's driving that thing?


Sir, no one.

No one?

It must be on
some kind of auto pilot.

sh**t it!

sh**t what, sir?

Once we leave,
you will understand
how to go on.

How to go on.

How to go on.

How to go on.

Numbers accepted.

Eager welcome.

Thanks, pal.

What's their ETA?

Sir, their ETA was
two minutes ago.

They're here already?

On their way down, sir.

Talk about
stealth technology.

Okay. Open the window.
Aye, sir.

Let's see what she looks like.

Where's Lucas?
He should see this.

Sir, I lost them.

Lost them?

Checking frequency responses.

What happened?

I don't know,
they're just gone.

Like they got spooked
or something.

Or changed
their minds.

I'm sorry, sir,
but whatever was
out there,

she's not there now.

False alarm,
eh, Wolenczak?

Those aliens must have figured
our dinky planet
wasn't ready for them.

Yeah, something
like that.

Welcome home.

Sorry we had to shuttle
you up-world.

No problem, sir.

Hey, I had two hours
free liberty. I'll live.

I know you'll live.
I just said I'm sorry.

Yes, sir.

Thank you, sir.

Where were you?

Oh, I've been around.


His infection is gone.

Dr. Smith said
that would take
hours to clear up.


Well, I...

Something you're
not telling me?

No. No.
I wouldn't keep
anything from you.

I just...

Well, I know
how disappointed
the General's gonna be.

The General?

If anyone cares,
the Capitols were just
eliminated from the finals,

four games to three.

Mr. Ortiz.

Send the General
my condolences.

Hi, I'm Rosalind Allen
and this is Moose,

an orphaned manatee calf

being cared for by
SeaWorld's rehabilitation
unit in Orlando.

Moose will grow to be
about feet long

and weigh around

His life expectancy
is about years,

but manatees as a species
are endangered.

Less than
remain in the wild.

Rescue programs
like SeaWorld's

aim to help
repopulate the ocean

with these gentle creatures.

See you on the next adventure
of seaQuest.