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02x11 - Kings and Swords

Posted: 05/31/23 06:32
by bunniefuu
Kings and Swords

Yup, they're going at it.

Over here, Your Highness.
It's His Majesty and Wulf.

You're right.

I can't believe my brother's...

He actually dodged that.

I'm impressed. His Majesty moves well
for someone so heavily armed.

Aren't those real swords?

Probably, yes.

Can this really be considered practice?

If either gets hit, they'll be badly hurt.

Ah, I see he's making quite the effort.


Princess Estrid, how do you do?

Terribly! I'm so frightened,
I'm on pins and needles.

Don't worry. Wulf is a skilled swordsman.

He's surely holding back so as
not to seriously injure His Majesty.

It doesn't look that way to me.

I can't believe this.

My brother used to hate
even touching swords.

His Majesty's royal blood has
awakened in England.

It's a very good thing.

Above all else, a king must be strong.

After all, Norse men
don't listen to weaklings.

But my brother...

seems like he's in a lot of pain.

Retreating when you're tired
is a bad habit of yours.

Retreating will draw out the fight.

A king fights by advancing and
cutting his way through his enemies.

Both your enemies and subjects
are watching to see how you fight.

Estrid is watching as well.

I'm sure you've noticed.

I see. That must be why you started
attacking more aggressively.

There... There you go again!

I'm not falling for that.

Forget what I said.
Just a slip of the tongue.

Besides, she seems lost in
conversation with the man beside her.

I... concede.

Nicely done, Your Majesty.

I'm amazed.

He may have only won one in five bouts,
but he made Wulf admit defeat.

Didn't Wulf look away at the end?

Your Majesty, I've told you that
you mustn't throw your sword.

Your Majesty, that was an impressive fight.

What do you want, Gunnar?

I've finished preparing the documents about
the matter you asked me to investigate.

We can review them in your room later.

Anyway, there aren't too many wealthy men.

Even if we were to squeeze
any of the men listed,

we'd get at most , pounds a year.

Besides that, our only option is to
raise taxes on the overall population.

Ah, I'd recommend that one.

Ketil, son of Sverkel.

He's a wealthy farmer who owns
a large swath of land in the south.

I don't see the families'
military forces listed here.

Yes, but without visiting them
in person, it's hard to say.

We need those numbers.
Look into it and report back to me.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Either way, we'd be
raising taxes significantly,

right after you've been
crowned King of Denmark.

I'm concerned there will be
backlash from the people of Denmark.

Part of governing is making
sure that doesn't happen.

We have options.

After being crowned King of England,
Canute faced an urgent problem:

securing a new source of funds.

Even after conquering England,

Canute kept a Danish force directly
under his control stationed there.

But the cost of maintaining such a force
was being paid with English taxes,

which contributed to the
discontent of the English.

Unless he could squeeze funds
from Denmark, his other territory,

he would be forced to
downsize his stationed army.

You said we have options,
but what are they exactly?

Bringing more land under our control.

By developing it?

But it would take some time
for that to yield a profit.

We'll acquire more farmland
without developing virgin land.

You mean... by requisitioning land?

Your Majesty, surely
you're not considering that?

We need the money.

We've no choice but to be somewhat
heavy-handed in our approach.

It's better than sowing discontent
among the people by raising taxes.

If you've got a better suggestion,
I'm all ears.

Well... what about drawing down the army?

That's out of the question.

I'm their conqueror and a Dane.
The English will never look favorably upon me.

An army under my direct control is
what allows me to govern the region.

Kings are like swords.

What can a king without military might
accomplish in this world?


King Harald has passed away?

A week ago. You're too late, Dad.

But... Then by the time
I left the farm, he was already....

That's exactly what it means.

I had no idea he was in such poor health.

I don't believe it.

I even brought him a mountain of gifts.

Enough to fill three knerrir, huh?

What a lavish offering.

Wait a minute.

Thorgil, if you came to meet me,

does that mean His Majesty Canute
is here as well?

Well, yeah. I do serve him
directly as his guard.

Currently he's acting as the king.
He's at the palace.

I see. That's my silver lining, then.

I've lost King Harald's backing.

I must build a good relationship
with the next King of Denmark.

Could you arrange a meeting
between me and His Majesty?

You're a tough old man.

All right. I'll make something happen.

I'm counting on it.

Olmar! Olmar!

Hey, where did Olmar go?

The young master headed off into town alone.

And you let him go?

I told you not to take your eyes off of him.

Now, now, Dad.

He's years old. He's not a child.

He is a child.

That idiot son of mine has never grown up.

You watch what happens
while he's town alone.

By now, he's surely bumped into someone

and gotten into a fight over
who should apologize to whom.

You're the one who bumped into me.

Don't screw with me.
You should be apologizing to me.

What was that?

What are you talking about?

What are you gonna do about this?

I was going to trade this cloth.

That's not my problem.

Don't think you can use this as an excuse
to force me to buy it off of you.

What's going on?

What the hell? Don't insult me.

It's a fight.

I do expect to be compensated, though.

Now you've shown your true colors.

That's what you intended from the start,
isn't it? You're just a sleazy swindler.

Ugh! So disgusting.

You bastard...

How does someone grow up
to be an assh*le like you?

I'm an honest businessman, just like my dad.

I won't allow you to continue to insult me.

What are you gonna do about it, huh?

You wanna go, huh? I'm ready to go anytime,

you clumsy oaf.

Now I'm pissed off, you ignoramus!

He drew his sword.

What's wrong, you oaf? Bring it on.

Are you scared?

Th-This isn't fair.

Not fair? When men fight, it's to the death.

If you're walking around unarmed,

then it just means
you're not a real Norseman.

Then let me ask you this:

who do you think bought you that?

You idiot son of mine!

Why are you always starting fights?

Wh-What the hell is your problem, Dad?

Stay out of my fight!

I'm sorry.

Allow me to compensate you for the cloth.

Is this enough?


W-Well, in that case,
I've got no problem with you.

Hold it, Bug-Eyes.

Give him his change.

Oh, Dad, you were watching?

I saw the whole thing.

I was watching to see how you'd
settle the fight, but I'm disappointed.

You still can't be trusted with big deals.


Allow me to apologize for my son.

My name is Leif Ericson.

So he's your adopted son?

Yes, something like that.

It was a stroke of fate
that brought him to me.

Come on, introduce yourself.

My name is Thorfinn. Thank you for earlier.

But call me Bug-Eyes.
That's what everyone calls me.


Oh, excuse me.

One of my people goes by the same name.

He's quiet and hardworking.

Perhaps I should've
named this boy Thorfinn as well.

You've got a rather spirited boy there.

Ketil, forgive me for asking, but...

That Thorfinn...

Is he by any chance a sl*ve?


Yes, I'm surprised you figured that out.

I didn't mention his status
because I didn't want to offend you.

Is he a Nord with blond hair and brown eyes?

About the same age as this boy?

I'm surprised. It's exactly as you say.

He's shorter than him, though.

This again, Dad?

Is he from Iceland and a former warrior?

Now, what did he say?

I remember seeing numerous scars
clearly left by blades all over his body...

Don't get your hopes up.

It's probably just like
what happened with me.

I know. I know that, but he matches
the description so far.

You seem very interested in
him for some reason, Leif.

Would you be willing to tell me about it?


I've been looking for him.

He's my friend's son, who was enslaved.

It's been years now.


W-We're going where, Pops?

I was just thinking
we could take a little detour

and make a quick stop at Ketil's farm.

It's not that far away, really.

Ketil came here by boat, too.

He said we could follow him back.

How far is it from here?

He said with favorable winds,
it takes about five days.

Then we'd lose more than ten days.

That's not what you call a little detour.

Listen to me, Mors.

This Thorfinn is different.

I think it's really him this time.

It's already fall, Pops.

If we don't get back soon,
the Greenland Sea will freeze over.

What are we gonna do if the winds and tides
don't favor us after a ten-day delay?

Sorry, but I can't go along
with you this time.

You gotta understand that.

I'm surprised I'm getting an
audience with His Majesty

after requesting one just yesterday.

You must have a lot of influence, Thorgil.
I've changed my mind about you.

Huh? Oh...

Honestly, I'm surprised, too.

He's a busy man.

Maybe he liked your gifts.

Yes, I'm sure he did.

Our crops are the best and
most plentiful in the south.

He only stands to gain
from making a deal with us.

Ketil and family, you may enter.

Let's go.


Be polite.

Ketil, I saw your gifts as well.

They are all high quality. I accept them.

Y-Yes, Your Majesty. I'm honored.

Were all those crops grown on your land?

Yes, they were.

The late King Harald was also
pleased by my family's products.

I have no intention of unnecessarily changing
the way my father and brother did things.

Don't worry.

Strong farmers like you
are the treasure of Denmark.

You should continue serving as the foundation
of our nation's strength with pride.

I appreciate your words, Your Majesty.

I hope to have the throne's
continued support.

You are in the presence of the king. Kneel.

What are you doing?

I'm t-terribly sorry for—

Your Majesty, I have a request!

Please allow me to join your forces.

Ideally, serving as your guard
alongside my brother.

I've trained a lot.
I promise I'll be useful to you.

I'd even be willing to
demonstrate my skills for you—

Enough, you idiot!

Who draws a sword in the presence of a king?

Let go of me, Dad!

I wanna fight!

You've really outdone
yourself today, you idiot!

Well, well...

Shut up, Dad!

What shall we do, Your Majesty?

It's fine, Ketil.
Let's see how he handles a sword.



That pig is the soldiers' dinner.

Imagine it is a man and cleave it.

Y-Yes, Your Majesty.
I'll take a whack at it, then.

Hey, what's going on?

What's happening?

I heard screaming.

What's all this screaming?

Enough. That's enough. I understand.

Bones are... so hard...

Olmar, was it?

I'll consult with the captain
regarding your request to join my guard

and notify you of my decision tomorrow.

Stay in town near the castle until then.

Aw, man.

You really screwed the pooch
this time, Olmar.

The other soldiers will be
teasing me about this for a while.

Unbelievable. The more cowardly a man is,
the less predictable his behavior.

In any case, what's done is done.

Be careful not to do anything to
embarrass our family further.

Men like him are common.

All pride, no skill.

And no understanding
of their own abilities.

Men like him are the first
to die on the b*ttlefield.

I wouldn't want him serving under me.

I understand your thoughts
as Captain of the Guard.

Let me hear your thoughts
from another perspective.

That young man could be incredibly useful.

You're right. He could be useful to us.

He's a typical young Nord.
A foolish one, at that.

He'd surely act as we expect him to.

Shall we proceed with the plan, then?

Yes. The coronation hasn't happened yet,

but we shouldn't let
this opportunity pass us by.

It's so the people can live in peace.
I feel for them, but they must pay the price.

Ketil's farm will be
the first we requisition.

For Lost Love

"For Lost Love."