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02x02 - Ketil's Farm

Posted: 05/31/23 06:26
by bunniefuu
Ketil's Farm

Einar, Thorfinn... Starting today,
you two are friends.

Go on, say hello.

I'll be assigning the
two of you the same job.

You're to work together.

Nice to meet you, Thorfinn.


Good. Let me explain what you'll be doing.

Einar, what does this place look like to you?

What? Uh...

A forest?


This is a future wheat farm.

I own these woods.

I'm going to let the two of you borrow them.


Yes. I'll leave everything up to you.

You'll clear this land, work it,
and reap the harvest.

I'll buy it from you for a fair price.

Once that amount exceeds your price,
you'll buy yourselves back.

Buy ourselves?

In other words, we'll... we'll be free?

That's right. Earn your freedom
yourselves, the right way.

Depending on how hard you work, you may be
able to accomplish that within three years.

I'll wait to collect your lease payment
until after your first harvest.

What's the matter? Is there a problem?

N-No. Thank you. I'll do my best.


If you have any problems
or questions, ask Pater here.

He knows this farm well.

Nice to meet you.

I became a free man by the same means.

I know it'll be tough working in an
unfamiliar land, but do your best.

I w-will!

For today, observe Thorfinn's work.

You must be exhausted from the long journey.

Thorfinn, be good to Einar. Got it?

Yes, sir.

Hey, our master...


Hey, wait up.

What kind of man is our master?

Is this normal in Denmark?

We had slaves back in my homeland,
but they were slaves for life.

I'm from Northern England. What about you?


Iceland, huh?


Where's that?

Wow, you've already cut down a ton of trees.

How much is left?

Everything on this side.

This side?

See that river over there?

Everything on this side of the river.

This side of the river?

You mean...

There's still a lot left to clear?

Huh? What?



What do you want?

He told you to observe.

I want to free myself as soon as possible.

What's wrong with that?

In that case, could you
work a little farther away?

And cut them so they fall
perpendicular to the river.

I see. So we float them down the river, huh?


Man, I'm hungry.

Hey, how does lunch work around here?

We get lunch.

That's good. Do we go pick it up somewhere?

No, the retainers should be bringing it soon.

Really? This place leaves
nothing to be desired.

No way. Seriously?


Hey, lunch is here. Right, Thorfinn?

I'm telling you, seriously.

You're the only one who hasn't.

Man, I had no idea.

I guess I'll go see her tonight.

Yeah, you should.

Go and get rejected.

That's not gonna happen.

Hey, that must be the newbie.

Yeah, looks like it.

Look at that stupid face.

The face of a sl*ve.

H-Hello, I...

Yeah, we know. We've heard.


What is this?

Your lunch.

Let's all go tonight.

Um, what is this?

I said it's your lunch.


Th-This is all?

What? You got a problem with that, huh?

Not a problem, exactly...

This is for both of us?

You heard him.

Good grief.

Is this your first time being a sl*ve?

What? Well, yes.

Then remember this.

You're lucky you're getting fed at all.

Not only that, but us free men came
all the way here to bring you lunch.

You should start by thanking us.

These jerks...

Go on, say it.

Say, "Thank you."

Why are you looking at me like that, assh*le?

We'll take it. Thank you.

Thorfinn, you'd better
teach him some manners.

And don't injure the horse.

Yes, sir.

Those assholes are napping.

They just came here to shirk their duties.

And you shouldn't be so obedient
just because you're a sl*ve.

Einar, push from the back.

I'll pull from the front.

Once we get it to the river,
we'll use it to build a raft.

Shouldn't we cut this tree a little shorter?

That old horse won't be able
to drag it by itself.

The trees belong to our master.

We can't cut them shorter
without his permission.

Hey, isn't this their job?

Normally you wouldn't let
a sl*ve use a horse.

And this miserable horse alone
won't be enough.

Don't worry about it. Let's go.



Einar, lift the front.

Got it.

Let's go.

I'm so hungry, I feel sick.

They won't get away with this.

They ate my lunch.

Retainers don't have their own farms,
so they have to serve a master, right?


Then they're halfway
to being slaves themselves.

They're just making sure there's
someone beneath them by bullying us.

Don't you agree, Thorfinn?

I don't know. It doesn't matter.

It does matter.

We're our master's property.

His retainers can't push us around.

I'm going to tell our master about this.

Don't. They'll just harass us more.

And you're okay with that?

Einar, Thorfinn...


Well, Einar? How was your first day?

Actually, I have something to report.


Shut up.

I have something to report.

Today, those retainers of yours...

What is it, Einar?
What do you have to report?

What a strange fellow.

If you've got nothing to say,
then I'm leaving.



Weren't you going to report them?

Shut up.


It's hot today.

We've got water.

We just got it from the spring.

It's cold.

Bring me a cup.

High-speed turn!

Here you go.

Thank you.

We went to the deep spring.

I feel rejuvenated. Thank you.

You're welcome.

Come on, everyone.

We're almost done.

Let's finish this patch by noon.

Yes, sir.

The master's pitching in, too, huh?

I thought rich people didn't work.

Danish or English, we all look
the same when we're working.

Hey, not like that.

Don't make me say it again, Olmar.

What? I'm just doing what you told me to do.

Use a hand sickle.

And cut it to below the knee.

I showed you how to do this.

Who cares as long as it gets cut?


You fool. After the harvest
comes the grazing.

We leave long stumps so
the livestock can eat them.

You're , and you still haven't
learned the order of things.

That's why you don't understand
the purpose of each individual task.

Shut up. I know.

I've got the order down pat.

Get this into that thick skull.

If you're going to lead others, then—

Yeah, yeah. Below the knee, right?

I got it.


You fool! Don't swing your scythe like that.

You'll crush the ears of the wheat.

You said cut below the knee.

What's going on over there?
He's getting an earful.

I'm doing that.

Do it properly.

That's the master's son, Olmar.

Right there. Just like that.

Father and son, huh?

Shut up.

Ah, I can't take this!

I thought I'd help out for once, and you
won't stop complaining about stupid shit.

I'm out. I thought I'd help, but forget it.

Hey, where are you going, Olmar?

Somewhere you ain't, shithead.

You'll be taking over this farm before long.

You need to accept that.

When did I say I wanted
to take over this place?

A grown man shouldn't be doing
this dull, boring, tedious farm work!

I'm gonna use this to...


What's he doing?


I'm not sure.

I'm gonna make a name for myself
with a sword, damn it!

Olmar! Wait, boy!

I'm going to England soon.
I'll make sure of it.

I'm not spending my whole life here
in the middle of nowhere.

I'm gonna join Prince Canute's army
and achieve greatness.

Um... Sir, when is soon?

Soon means soon.

King Harald should be calling
for reinforcements soon.

I think you should take over the farm.

What? You, too?

What do you know?

That's not what I meant.

I'm just worried about you.

Huh? Oh...


Come here. Let's go again.

Good, daughter of mine. That's it.

How are things going?

I brought food for the young master.


N-Not now. They're getting round two started.

Oh, my!

Oh, my.

With this, our family's future
will be secure.

Exactly. As long as the young master
keeps coming here...

Wh-Wh-Wh-What's the matter, sir?

Did our daughter commit some kind of blunder?

Shut up, idiots!

I know what you're up to,
you penniless tenant farmers.

You're after my dad's fortune.

You think you'll get to live a life of
luxury if you join Ketil's family?

W-We'd never dream of that.

Women are rotten, every last one of them!

Sir, that wasn't our intention!

Sir, wait!

Damn it. What's wrong with everyone?

I'm my own person, not my father's tagalong.

Damn it! I feel like shit!

Hey, it's the young master.

Huh? The young master?

Hello, sir!


What are you doing?

It's dangerous to race around at night.

So dangerous.

What are you guys doing?

We're coming over to you.

Come on. Walk straight.

We went to see a woman,
but the retainers beat us to her.

Hey, the wheat...

So we're drowning our sorrows.

But if we start a fight with them,
we'll get in trouble with our boss again.

Screw that, right?

Screw that.

You're lucky. You can do
whatever you want on this farm.

Shut up. You guys don't know how I feel.

What? Are you mad?

You got something on your mind?

Don't be mad.

I don't have time for you idiots.

Go back to your fort and go to sleep.

Now, now, now, now, now, now...
Don't be so irritable.

You're young.

But you're so cold.

H-Hey, don't try to lead my horse.

Don't worry about it.
Let's drink another round, okay?

Let's stay up all night chatting, young master.

Tell us all about your youthful troubles.

You're hoping I'll entertain you
while you drink, aren't you?

Screw this. I'm going home. Let go.

He should just take over the farm.

He doesn't know w*r.

He probably thinks warriors are cool.

Everyone who goes to w*r is a beast.

Go to sleep. We have an early morning.

Soldiers came to my village twice.

First came the King of England's soldiers.
They burned down every single house.

My dad fought against them, but he was k*lled.

All I could do was watch.

After them came the Danes.

They claimed they were saving us
from the tyranny of the King of England,

but they pillaged everything they could.

They're beasts wearing human skin.

Hey, Thorfinn. Are you asleep?

