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02x03 - 5:55

Posted: 05/31/23 05:58
by bunniefuu
[dreamy music]

I hope recovering this knick knack of yours

is worth the wait.

A first century Roman glass bowl is hardly a knick knack.

If it's so priceless, why would you

ship it to this Benoit without seeing any money?

Well, I've dealt with him a dozen times before.

He usually inspects the piece and he--

he sends me the money.

And you know, he's always paid.

And he's always paid on time.

Well, if I recover it for you, you might want to reconsider

your business practices.

What does he look like?

Well, he's been described to me

his late 40s, kind of portly.

You haven't even met him.

Let's just get this bowl and get out of here, shall we?


Somebody's cranky.

I came as soon as you called me.

If I had known this was a simple recovery case, I would've--

I would've stopped for a bite first.


Henry, what is it?

There's something here.

It's pain and fear and hate, suffering.

We're in a no tell motel.

Worst thing going on some guy getting busy with Mary from

accounts payable.

There's presences, scores of them.


You certainly have the most unconventional

methods I've ever seen.

Your friend is like a bloodhound.

You got the blood part right.

OK, you're half hour's up.

Are you OK?


I had, um, a dream or something.

- Looks more like a nightmare. - Yeah.

It was-- it was with Henry.


We were in a building.

It was a hotel.

We were walking and--

something came towards us.

It was like an energy or something.


And I died.

Cool dream.



It wasn't cool.

Whatever it was, it tore right through me.

I felt every part of it.


Definitely no more frozen burritos for lunch.

I need the Ackerman file.


The goblet.

It was an accident.


- I knew you hated it. - No.

I like it fine.

Vicki Nelson?

We've met.

I don't think so.

My name is Jacob Keller.

I'm in need of your help.


THEME SONG: I can't explain these things of late.

And it burns in the night, the place where I keep my peace.

And I can't explain these strange things of late.

And when the darkness falls, I hear you call.

It goes on and on and on.

I say, who wants to live forever?

Who wants to stop the sun?

Who wants to live forever?

It's you.

It's me.

It's in our blood.

Who will be my fantasy?

Who will be my ecstasy?

Who wants to live forever?

It's you.

It's me.

It's in our blood.

I'm an antiquities dealer.

And I'm looking for a business associate

of mine, Benoit Fournier.

Benoit Fournier.

JACOB: You know him?

I don't think so.

Well, he's hired me to track down a piece for him.

It's a Roman glass bowl.

Now, I shipped it to him over a month ago.

And I haven't received any payment yet.

His phone number's not listed.

You know, I can't seem to find him.

I'm beginning to fear that I'm a victim of fraud here.

Where did you send it?

Well, I use a bonded career.

And all they'll give me is the billing

address, which happens to be a mailbox at the photocopy shop.

Do you often do business with people you know nothing about?


He's a very wealthy man and, you could

say, an offbeat individual.

He doesn't like people knowing where he lives.

Really sounds on the up and up.

My business caters to a lot of eccentric people.

I've learned not to ask any questions.

When you're poor, you're crazy.

When you're rich, you're eccentric, right?

I can't tell you the resources I used to find this bowl.

But if I don't find him and get paid,

my business won't survive.

I'll look into it.

Here's my card.

Please call me, anytime, day or night,

as soon as you find anything.

All right.

All righty then.

VICKI: Hey there.

This is Emmy Lou from Union Courier.

To who am I speaking with?

Well, hey, Gary.

Listen, I'm in a bit of a pickle and I'm wondering if you could

do me a bitty bit of a favor.

Aren't you precious?

Oh, I bet you're just as cute as a speckled pup in a red wagon.

Shame you live so far away.

Well, listen, Gary.

We have a package here addressed to box number 413

at your address.

And we have a strict policy of not delivering to mailboxes.

So I was fixing to see if you'd be able to give me

the registrant's address so we could

deliver this package properly.

Oh, now, come on, Gary.

This ain't my first rodeo.

I know y'all got that address.

A numbered company, huh?

22 Corrigan.

All right.

Well, Gary, you are just sweeter than a Tennessee Williams.


Do one thing for me.

Tell me you've always depended on the kindness of strangers.

Well, if that don't put the pepper in the gumbo,

I don't know what would.

I have to get in there, my piece.


Just keep him here.

Hey, John.

ME says he couldn't have been dead more than an hour.

And the guy next door?

Says he only ever talked to him once.

He thought he was a bit of a nut job.

Notice the bloody shoe print over by the bookcase.

Yeah. I already have FIS on it.

They'll have a brand in an hour or two.

Nice work, Kate.

Is that Benoit Fournier?

This can't be good.

Well, thanks for the warm welcome.

Hey, any other time but a homicide, right?

So what?

You gonna tell me that was k*lled

by the bog monster or basilisk?


Actually, I'm just here to retrieve

a piece of Roman glass.

I can't believe this.

The first normal case I get and the guy I

need to talk to turns up dead.

What happened?

Well, we got a single s*ab wound to the abdomen.

Face is obviously torn apart.

Looks like a struggle.


He's got defensive wounds on his hands.

Is that your lucky tie?

It's just a tie.

It's just your lucky tie.

Who were you hoping to get lucky with?

Look, it's not just lucky you like that.

This is the same tie that you gave me after we

solved the Aires murders. All right?

For me, it's just work related.



When we got the call, Kate and I were out celebrating

the Nichols cold case.


I heard about that.


Who would've thought it was the old man, huh?

Clearly not me.

We worked that case for, what?

Six months solid?

Kate opens it up last week.

She said she had a hunch about the scratches

on the old man's wheel well.

That's quite a hunch.

Hey, I'm sure we would've solved

it if we'd had enough time, OK?



So who's this client of yours?

Guy named Jacob Keller.

He's been with me for the last hour and a half,

so don't get your hopes up.

All right.

Just covering the bases.

Every one.

So you went out celebrating wearing

your lucky tie with her.

Yeah, entirely professional.

It's just a tie, Vicki.

He's dead.

What do you mean he's dead?

Looks like he was robbed.

Well, we have to get it back.

They must have some idea who k*lled him.

Excuse me.

A man is dead.

I still owe money to the people who sold me that piece.

I have to get it back.

Are you gonna help me or not?

I may know where your package is gonna be tonight.


I think it's time you told me what's going on here.

How do you know the bowl wasn't in Benoit's office?

The police believed the k*ller robbed him and got away.

I know.

Benoit had an appointment to buy the bowl jotted down

on a notepad in his office.

That could've been last week, last night.

It could've been a business lunch.

Yeah, but do you ever have the feeling like you've

been somewhere before?

Like a deja vu, amnesia?

Kind of.

Only this feels like more than that.

This isn't exactly a place I'd was twice, even in a deja vu.

If a guy and a girl go out for a drink, is that a date?

What is that about?

Just wondering.

I mean, is a drink an implied sexual advance?

Other than our strange sexless relationship we seem to share,

I don't have much experience in the world of dating.


So you don't get your groove on before you put the bite on?

My relationships are usually intense and passionate

from the first glance.

I don't need to make a sexual advance.

I am one.

I hate it when you do that.

I know.

What is all this / of questioning?

I'm just wondering why a guy would whereas lucky tie

to work, I mean, especially when he was going out

with a strange woman later on.

This hypothetical guy we're talking about,

what would be so wrong if he was wearing

his special tie he believed would help him get lucky?

Well, because maybe the person who gave it to him

would be hurt if she saw him wearing it with some bimbo.

OK, now, I'm starting to sense that this guy and this bimbo

might actually be people we know.

The tie donor too, for that matter.

Look, if it's any consolation, I believe

it takes much more than a silk accessory to win a woman over.

Come on.

I mean, don't you have some kind of lucky shirt

or, I don't know, socks or something?

Well, I do have a bonnet Anne Boleyn gave me right

before she tried to poison me.

And I am still here.

So I guess that's lucky.

Forget I asked.

Excuse me.


Any idea where my package is?

Yeah, I do.

And I think we have to hurry.

I hope recovering this knick knack of yours

is worth all this waiting.

First century Roman glass bowl is hardly a knick knack.

You're hungry, aren't you?

I could eat?

You haven't eaten all day.

How did you know that?

She did it again.

What do you mean, again?

I told you.

I've been here before.

Well, that should make the rest of this case

exceedingly simple.

Where do we go from here?

I don't know.

We had just started looking for the thing.

And then, something happened.

Something like--

Like we kind of died.

Excuse me, what are you two talking about?

You feel it, don't you?

The energy.

How did you know?

It's hate and fear and pain and suffering.

I think that's the guy.

Is that it?

That's it.

Keller, no.

No, Keller.



Your half hour's up.

Are you OK?

Where's Keller?

Who is Keller?

Twitchy guy, wearing glasses, came in looking

for a Benoit Fournier.

I know.

Can you believe it?

30 years.

Is this yesterday's?



The goblet.

I like it fine.

Forget about the goblet.

Coreen, it's the same day.


Do I know you?

You've lied to me.

I haven't even said anything yet.

What is it?

What's in the box?

How-- how could you know about the box?

Never mind.

You just tell me the truth this time.

This time?

I know what it can do, the box you want me to look for.

What is it?

It's a piece.

It's something that I recovered.

I'm an antiques dealer. - Yeah.

You're Jacob Keller.

You're an antiquities dealer.

And you're looking for Benoit Fournier.

You're about to tell me that it's a Roman glass bowl

and you sold it to him.

But what you're really looking for is some kind of box.

And I think you're looking for it in the same way that he is.

How could you possibly know that?

Just tell me what's in the box.

I don't-- I don't know what's inside the box.

Wrong answer.

It has mystical powers that's associated with it.

Some say it can prolong life, give you supernatural powers.

I think it does a whole hell of a lot more than that.

Let's go save your friend, Benoit.

You know where he is?

Yeah, I do.

And in about 15 minutes, he's gonna be dead.

What's the rush?

We gotta go see a man about a box.


I don't understand.

Who'd want to k*ll Benoit?

Well, if you weren't with us, you'd be my first suspect.

So you're saying he actually has the box?


I think he's gonna buy it tonight at the Empire Hotel.

Wait a second.

How do you know that?

Call it a hunch.

A hunch is when you think it's gonna rain tomorrow.

This is a play by play.

Just trust me.





You know what?

I don't care what you say, a lucky tie means a date.

Where the hell did that come from?

I know two cops out for beer after work,

but isn't that how we started?

Well, yeah.

That and a 10-37.


We'll always have aggravated as*ault.

OK. Look, did I miss something here?

I feel like I walked into the middle of a fight

that we hadn't even had yet.

What the hell are you doing here anyway?

You want to hear a theory?

The assailant came in dressed as a janitor

looking for something, which we now know he didn't find.

In the course of looking, he got into an altercation

with Benoit Fournier and stabbed him.



Who's Benoit Fournier?



I mean, is that a date?

A guy and a girl can't go out for a drink

without it being a date, I mean, even

he's wearing his lucky tie?

I wouldn't know.

Aside from our strange--

I know we have a strange relationship

and you've never been much for dating.

Why do I feel like I don't have

to be in this conversation?

Makes sense, doesn't it?

Them. - Absolutely.


Well, it's not like you snapped him up.

And with him seeing someone, you might

want to take this opportunity to move on as well,

to someone special, someone who deserves you.


Someone who will be snacking on a different girl in his bed

every night of the week.

Everybody has their flaws.

Speaking of which--

I know.

I called before you had time to--

what about her?

She looks like your type.

Keller? What are you doing here?

Well, you said they were gonna make the exchange.

I can help.

Of course you can.

It came from this direction.

All right.

We're gonna end this right here.

He's gonna be coming through that door right about now.


You are gonna tell us what the hell is going on.

Stop it.

Keller, no.


Your half hour's up.


Keller's gonna be coming in here looking for me again.

And I want you to hold him here until I get back.

What do you mean again?

Who's Keller?


It's me.

I'll be downstairs, so stay in the car.


I need the Ackerman file.

It's on my desk.

Where are you going?


COREEN: The goblet.


So you had a client come in today looking for a business

associate of his, Benoit.

But what he's really looking for is a box

Benoit's on his way to buy. - Yeah.

It's a box.

It's an ancient box and there's something inside it,

some kind of mystical energy and it is evil, more evil

than you can imagine.

You died, I died, everyone died.

If I might say so, you're looking awfully appealing

for somebody who's dead.

Henry, listen, my marks glowed.

Something kept me alive.

You think because Astaroth has marked you, that other evil

can't touch you?


I don't know, maybe saving me for something.

And if that's the case, I'm gonna use it.

HENRY: Don't.

Do not begin to think that you're on the right side

of evil, that you can beat it.

That's part of its seduction.

I watched us die three times tonight.

And if I have a chance to stop it, I'm gonna take it.

Vicki, please.

Henry, I may have been marked by that thing,

but I am not gonna be fate's bitch.

Benoit Fournier?

Who are you and what are you doing in my office?

My name's Vicki Nelson.

I'm a private investigator.

I was hired by Jacob Keller.

I'm sure I don't know anybody by that name.

Please, Mr. Fournier, I need you to come with me.

You're in danger.

Madame, with all due respect--

It's about the box.

I don't know anything about any boxes.


You're coming with us.

Come on.

You have no idea what you're getting

yourself into with that box.


How can something so beautiful be dangerous?

Trust me.

I've seen it, up close and personal.

25 years.

It's taken me 25 years to locate that box.

And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you stop me now.

Think I got here too soon.

What Vicki said--

I don't care what she said.

- I have to be on my way. - No.

Mr. Keller, please, I can't let you go yet.

She'll be here any minute.

And she really wants to talk to you.

Why would she want to talk to me?

I don't even know her. - I have no idea.

She was a little weird this morning.

She gets like that sometimes.

But you have to trust her, because it's

when she's the craziest that she's the most right.

I don't care.

If you don't let me out that door right this second--

You'll what?



Hello, Keller.

Your g*ons may have brought me here,

but that won't get you the box.

Be careful who you call a goon.

How dare you put a price on it?

Like it's one of your little trinkets.

That is a priceless artifact, my friend.

I'm sorry if my love of beauty offends

your scholarly sensibilities.


OK, whatever either of you think you know about this box,

it doesn't matter.

It is about to fall into the wrong hands

and we have to stop it.

And keep them here. - Wait.

No one leaves.

Sit down.

But you don't understand.

I have to get out of here.

Sit down now.


I will never get tired of the way that you do that.

It's awesome.

Hey, Mike, it's me.

I'm sorry to interrupt.

I know you're out celebrating that cold case.


I am not following you.

Listen, Mike, I need you to meet me at the Empire Hotel tonight.

I'll explain everything there.

It's urgent.


It's one of those cases.

But I got to tell you, this one is strange, even for me.

Thank you.

A magic box?

And you're reliving the same day over and over?

Told you it was strange, even for me.

Actually, the only thing that would be strange

is if there was nothing strange.

Look at you.

You're learning.

Vicki, I went to bed last night.

I woke up this morning.

Today is today. - Yeah.

For the fourth time. - No.

It can't be.

How do you know?


How do you know it's not four times?

How do you know it's not 100?

How do you know that it doesn't keep happening until fate

gets everything straight?

Mike, he's the guy who had the box.

He's dead.

Darryl Foreman.

You know him?

Sort of.

I mean, he's the guy who's supposed to be selling the box.

Well, if he's selling it and the two

buyers are corralled back at your office,

who the hell has it?

I don't know.


There was-- there was another guy back at Benoit's office.

He was-- he was dressed in a janitor's uniform.

Henry and I saw him before we stopped the other m*rder.

- Another m*rder? - Yeah, but it's all right.

We already stopped it.

You stopped a m*rder?

Mike, stay with me.

MIKE: Hey, I have to call this in.

Come on.


Hold it right there.

Drop the briefcase.

What are you doing?

I didn't do anything.

You got nothing to worry about then.


Don't do it.

Don't open it.


JANITOR: Don't look at it.



You're half hour's-- up?

Have you ever seen this symbol?


I can't place it though. - OK.

I need you to do some research.

Find out whatever connection it might have to some kind of box.

A guy named Jacob Keller is gonna

come in here looking for me. Don't worry.

Henry's on his way.

He will help.


My goblet.

I knew you hated it. - You know what?

I don't hate it. OK?

I'm sorry I broke the goblet.

But listen, you know what?

Fate is not gonna beat us.

We are gonna live our day the way that we want to.

Am I right? - Yes?




How could something so beautiful be dangerous?

You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.

How could you possibly know this?

Where is it?

BENOIT: I don't have it.

I don't have it.

Where is it?

- Drop the knife. - No, no, no.

You don't even understand.


You don't understand.

Drop it.

BENOIT: It's a bloody janitor.

And don't think I'm not gonna press charges.

Vicki said--

I don't care what she said.

I have to be on my way.

You're not going anywhere.

She'll be here any minute.

And I know she really wants to talk to you.

Why would she want to talk to me?

I don't even know her.

Sit down.


So Vicki woke up babbling about a broken goblet, fate,

and told you to keep him here and then ran out?

I think she's finally snapped.

[phone ringing]

Vicki Nelson Investigations.

Hey, Coreen, it's me.

I need you to get Henry to bring Keller down to the station.


Is everything all right?

No, I'm OK.

Did you find anything about that symbol?

Oh, yeah.

It's a symbol for a secret society

called the Knights of Babylon.

VICK (PHONE)I: The Knights of Babylon?

One of your lesser known secret societies.

They're not sure exactly when they were started.

But a lot of the legends say it was in the 15th century

when they came into possession of, listen to this,

Pandora's box.

Pandora's box?

As in Pandora's box?

The one and only.

The one Zeus gave her and told her never to open?

But she did and released all the misfortunes of mankind.

Just once, once couldn't a myth be a myth?

I've been reading up on it.

A lot of scholars say it wasn't Pandora's fault.

They say there's no living creature that

can handle the bath without giving

into the temptation to open it.

I think we can prove them on that one though.

I mean, who would be dumb enough to unleash a tidal wave of evil

into the world?


Who'd do that?

How do you know Benoit?

Who's Benoit?

How about the guy you were planning to k*ll?

I wasn't gonna hurt anybody.

MIKE: Right.

You were just coming for a visit and forgot you happened

to have a knife in your hand.

Is that it?

What were you doing in his office?

What office?

You do realize we're just gonna

keep doing this over and over, until you give me some answers?

How do you know Benoit?

Get anything on that name I gave you?

Yeah, Darryl Foreman.

He graduated top of his class.

Did some military service in Europe

and then disappeared off the books.

There are records of border crossings here and there.

But for the most part, he's an enigma.

Just like this one.

Vicki I don't know--

Kate I don't care if you and Mike go out for drinks.


But, you just-- yeah.


Was Mike gonna ask me out?

Oh, I don't know.

What Mike does is his business, right?

I'm charging him with as*ault. But I have

no proof of attempted m*rder.

You have proof.

You have me.

I saw him die, twice.


Because-- because you're reliving the same day.

You really think that's gonna hold up, Vick?

Where are Fournier and Keller?

They're being released right now.

Mike, you can't do that.

I told you what they did.

Vicki, what am I supposed to do?

Hold them overnight, at least until I get the box.

You know, the laws haven't changed since you left the job.


I need to be able to charge him with something

and buying antiques isn't a crime.

Well, it didn't used to be.

This is all going wrong.

Look, if you need me, I will be at the Empire Hotel.

It's gonna hit the fan at midnight

and I need to be there.


Hold up.

I'm coming with you.

I don't know why.


So everything else you've called has come true,

the woman dropping the tray, the guy

whistling at the front desk.

Even finding a free parking space in this part of town.

Now, that's eerie.

So basically, we can expect to see

this Foreman guy walk through that door any minute now.


Not any minute.

This minute. MIKE: OK.

Hey, hey, hey.

That's far enough.

Drop the briefcase.







Come on.

You're getting-- you're getting blood all over your lucky tie.








Bring me the box.


I can go back.

I can change this.

Who's to say the same thing won't happen over again?

Because I won't let it.

If it weren't for me, he's be alive.

He'd have gone out with Kate.

He might've had a chance to be happy.

There are some things you can't change, Vicki.

There's not.

Nothing is preordained.

What do you want to do?

You want to keep opening the box until everything's OK?

I have the box.

We've won.

No we haven't, not like this.




You'd die for him, wouldn't you?




Half hour's up.

I know.

Here's the Ackerman file.

MIKE (PHONE): Yeah, Celluci.


MIKE (PHONE): Hey, Vick.

Vicki, are you all right?


It's fine.

Hey, are you wearing that tie, the one I gave you the night

we cracked that triple homicide in Cabbagetown?


I am.

The one after the triple homicide.

What's going on?


I just-- I got to go.

I'll-- I'll call you soon.



Vicki, wait.


Have a good time tonight.


Hey, Mike.

What do you say we head to Lavey's

for a few drinks after work?

Celebrate breaking the Nichols homicide?


Why not?

Nice tie.


Coreen, I'm giving you the rest of the day off.

OK? Go home.

Get out of here as soon as you can and don't come back.

But I was just about to--

Do it at home.

I'm taking your meeting at the Empire Hotel.

He's gonna keep you safe.

What do you mean, keep me safe?

Come on.


Boardroom, here we go.

Hi. Sorry.

I just gotta drop this off for the conference tomorrow.

Put it down and get out.

Where is it?

I don't know what you're talking-- the box.

All right, enough people have died.

I don't mind making it one more.

You have no idea what you've done,

how many people you've hurt.

Put the box down.

This has nothing to do with you.

Sure does.

You're one of them.

You both are.

I know all about it.

I know all about Pandora's box and the Knights of Babylon.

Then, you know that it has to go back to where it belongs.

Our order has been protecting it for hundreds of years.

Oh, and what's a few dead bodies along the way, huh?

To save it from the rest of the world?

I'd say one or two bodies are worth it.

Why does he have it?

He professed to have a vocation

and was brought into the fold.

But all he was doing was biding his time until he got close

enough to the box to steal it.

You betrayed out sacred trust.

Don't do it.

Put the g*n down.

I told you, this has nothing to do with you.

It does, all right?

I've opened it.

I saw myself and everyone I know die.

Then, what's coming next won't be a huge shock to you.

I'd never opened.

I've been trained.

Just the same.

I really don't care.

It goes where I know it will be safe.

How can he do that?

He's not opening it.

No living person can resist it.

He falls into an entirely different category.

I'll be happy when this is sealed

up in the wall of my apartment.

It's been a long day.

I know.

And I haven't--

Even fed yet.

I know.

I wanted to thank you for everything

you did today, for everything you did in the last few hours,

days, day.

To tell you the truth, I don't have experienced of anything

except this last time.

You ended the world for me, because you

believed I could bring it back.

You trusted me.

Trust can be extremely stimulating.

Do you mind?


What time is it?

Five to six.

I know you've been sleeping all day,

but I didn't want to wake you.

It looks like you had a late one last night.


Is that today's paper?



Simply, we were lucky to find the g*n in the second location.

We had originally [inaudible].

But by 7 o'clock on the second night.

We-- Vick?

I'm going to go.



You OK?

You sounded a little frazzled on the phone there when we spoke.

Do you ever have one of those days

that you wish you could just reset and start over?

All the time.

Well, I had one of those.

Well, I'm--

I'm glad that you're OK now.

You kind of had me worried there.

How was your date?

My date?

With Kate.


We just had some drinks to celebrate solving the case.

I mean, it wasn't a date.

It was just--

Two cops having a drink.



I just came by to tell you that I'm happy you're OK.


It's good seeing you around here.

It's like nothing ever changes, huh?

Almost nothing.


THEME SONG: Who wants to live?

Who wants to live forever?

Who wants to stop the sun?

Yo, I know a lot of y'all wouldn't expect it.

Ah, now, see this beat is moving hectic.

I've been elected.

So y'all best sit on your ass real fast, because I'm dropping

like electric.

I know girls saying, quick, take the exit.

Keep it up, get beaten up on, getting your head split.

I'm coming through with more flavors

than Nesquik and desperate. Making fresh hits.

Now check the next hit. Who wants to live forever?

Who wants to stop the sun?

Who wants to-- who wants to live forever?

Who wants to stop the sun?

It's you.

It's me.

It's in our blood.