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01x10 - The Hand You're Dealt

Posted: 05/30/23 16:56
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Haven...

You remember that woman
that I look like?

- In the Colorado Kid pic?

- Do you think there's a chance
that her name could be Lucy?

So you seriously
can't feel pain?

- Happy birthday!

- Julia Carr.
I'm Eleanor's daughter.

I just got back in town.

- She was in Ethiopia.

- With Doctors Without Borders.

- Vaughn Carpenter
was a chameleon.

Somebody right here in this room
is a k*ller.

- Oh, please!

How did you know it was me?

- Audrey...
I can feel her touch.

- I thought
she could help me,

like Lucy.

- I got you a gift.

Lucy Ripley.

The boy...

standing next to Lucy
in the Colorado Kid photo...

is me.

- The only time I was in school
after 3:00 p.m.

Was for detention.

- What are you trying to do,
swipe a lunch box?

- Maybe.

Some of those
are collectibles.

For the record, this place
gives me the heebie-jeebies.

- Huh, I had you pegged
as one of the cool kids.

- For the record,
nobody was cool in high school,

not even me.

- Yeah.

- High school,
like so many other things,

should be left in the past
where they belong.

- Wait, wait,
is that your way of saying

you don't want
to help me with this?

- No.

- I find a picture
of the Colorado Kid's death,

and I spend all this time
running around Haven

trying to ID the woman
in the photo,

who could be my mom,

and then after all of that,

you tell me
you were in the picture.

- Okay,
that may have been unfair.

- Yeah, you think?

- I'm gonna try to get Vanessa
to talk to you.

- Okay.

- But she was just
my babysitter.

I haven't even seen her
in over a decade.

And there's one other thing.

I can't remember anything
from that morning...



How have I not seen you?

You look incredible,


- Well, I hope it's not
that unbelievable.

I have been
in Portland, mostly.

- Well...

has been good to you.

- Maybe I should just
leave you two

to finish catching up.

- I'm sorry.

What can I do to help you?

- This is you, isn't it?

- The woman next to Duke
is your mother?

- That's what I'm trying
to find out.

Her name is Lucy Ripley.

It's been 27 years,

and that morning
is still a mystery.

We don't know
who the Colorado Kid was,

how he died.

So anything you could tell me
that might help me know

why she was there
or what happened...

- Look, I'd...
I'd like to help, but...

- You don't remember
what happened.

- No, not a thing.

Me either.

- Really?

I mean, that's
a horrible feeling, right?

- Yeah, which is why
I don't talk about it.

- All right, so maybe
I had my hopes up too high.

- Buddha says expectations
lead to suffering.

- So does
quoting the Buddha at me.

- We'll go see
that photographer tonight.

How's that?

- Fine.

So are you hot for teacher?

- Babysitter.

A boy's got to have somebody
to play with, right?

- Yeah.

- Xander,
work on communicating

with your words,
all right?

And, Matt,
control your temper.

Don't let it control you.

Okay, now, go.

- Stay out of my way, loser,

or my foot's gonna communicate
with your ass, got it?

- Stop that right now.

Matt West,
my office immediately.

- But he just...
- That's a detention.

Do you want another?

I'm watching you.


Those boys were
at each other's throats.

You call that
an intervention?

I'm talking to you.


- Principal Manning, I...

I'm just... sorry,
I'm not feeling very well.

- Go home now.

Whether your illness
has anything to do

with your ability
to handle students

is a matter
we will discuss later.

You stop this,
do you hear me?

I'll call the police.
- It's too late.

The police
can't help you, Carlene.

- I want you
to leave me alone.

- Carlene,
don't get in there.

# #

- Cars explode,

and the fire department
investigates, not us.

- Unless there's foul play.

- Okay, no one says
"foul play" anymore.

Look, I'm sorry.

I don't see anything
that's suspicious.

- I'd have to agree.

- Hey, what are you
doing here?

- I did a summer rotation
with the ME a few years ago.

With Mom gone,
they need a hand,

so here I am.

- Hey, so do you think
that this whole car thing...

do you think
that's an accident?

- My preliminary findings.

No injuries inconsistent
with being inside

a really raucous expl*si*n.

- Which bothers me.

I mean,
cars don't just explode.

- Okay, see,
I know that I'm the one

that's usually asking
all the questions,

but I just...
I don't see anything here.

- Well, I would like
to ask around

if that's okay with you.

- Yeah, no, go... feel free.
That's fine.

- We could talk
to her coworkers.

Thank you, Julia.

- No big.

Hey, Audrey, you want to grab
a bar stool sometime?

Be kind of nice to talk
to someone from outside

this strange little petri dish
once in a while.

- Yeah, sure.

Hey, do you want to get
some coffee?

- You could use some.

- Okay.

- Just black for me, thanks.

I think I'm done
with the fancy stuff.

- Great, high five
for the real thing.

Hey, it's on me.

Nathan, I'm sorry,

but there's just
nothing here.

There's no evidence
of an expl*sive device.

There's nothing
that seems unnatural.

- There's just... there's
something that I don't like.

Make that two things.

- You always look so happy
to see me.

Miss Audrey,
shall we abscond?

- I-I'm sorry.

We were gonna go talk
to somebody about the photo.

I just... I totally forgot.

- Does that mean
that we're not doing this?

'Cause that's fine.
I'm happy to...

- None of this
is going anywhere tonight.

I'll stay,
poke around a bit more.

You should go.
- No, but you're right.

There's still more people
we can talk to.

I can make some phone calls.

- Parker, you don't need
to be on the clock 24-7.


- Wow.

Nathan Wuornos
being magnanimous

is a rare and beautiful...

- Please, take him and go.

- All right.

- Okay.
Thank you.

- I was giving you
a compliment, okay?

I'm just saying,
that was a legitimate...

from the heart.

- Come on.
- Okay.

- Just how did you find
Morris Crane?

I turned over half the rocks
in New England

to put a name on
the photographer in the picture.

- I guess I just turned over
different rocks.

- Yeah.

- So you think this guy's
got other pictures, huh?

- Well, he had a camera
in the photo.

Can only hope so.

- Well, you know,
Buddha says...

- Hey, don't even start
with me.

- You mean nobody else

Damn, that's strange.
That's... that's strange.

- That is strange.

I don't remember any of it.

- Well, hell,
why would you want to?

I can't forget it.

They... they came
out of the water,

three, four at a time.

- Who did?

- The guys with the...

with the little things
on their hands.

- You mean claws?

- Yeah, like...
like a lobster.

They were clicking
back and forth at each other.

Some kind of language...

I couldn't quite make out
what they were saying.

- Crazy, table for one.

Let's go.
- You had a camera.

You must have gotten
some film.

- No, they ate it
right in front of me,

little blue bastards.

- Okay, all right.

You know what?
We're gonna see ourselves out.

Thank you.

- It was really good
to meet you.

- Yeah, yeah.

- Sorry, I forgot my coat.

Thank you.

It was all
sort of depressing.

- Actually,
it sounds kind of funny.

- Did we get any progress
on Manning?

- I pulled the log
from her cell phone...

calls to and from teachers,
no surprises.

- Whatever that is.

Nathan, are you okay?

You've been acting odd,
more than usual.

- I'm all right.

See you in the morning.

- All right.

- Hello?

- So I'm looking around
my restaurant today, thinking,

"Is this really me?"

And then it dawns on me.

I know a guidance counselor

who happens to be
kind of cute.

- It's kind of
a bad day, Duke.

- Yeah, I'm sorry.
I heard about that.

You know, bad days are seldom
improved by being alone.

Meet me at the Gull.

We can have a drink.

- I'm sorry.
Another time, Duke.

- Night, Laverne.
- Night, sweetie.

- A strawberry daiquiri, huh?

I bet those are pretty hard
to come by in Darfur.

- Some of the stuff
I've drunk out in the bush,

you would not believe.

But when I get anywhere
near civilization,

I can't resist a big
froufrou mess like this.

- Yeah, I can get that.

Julia, I didn't know
Eleanor that well,

but she...

she was...

- Unique?


Mom did it all her way.

She lived
with this crazy troubles stuff.

She died with it.

And she never budged
an inch for anybody.

She had a good run.

- Well, to your mom, then.

- You can have her notes
from the autopsy

if they'd help you.

- What autopsy?

- The Colorado Kid's.

- Wait.
What, she was there?

- She was there.

She was training
with the ME's office.

She helped handle the case.

- She never told me that.

- She was probably waiting
for you to earn it.

Anyway, she took notes
on everything.

You're welcome
to go through them.

- Thank you, Julia.

That's... that's great.

- Hey!
Let me in!

- Lady, we're closing up.
I'm sorry.

- No, no, no, no, no.
Hey! No!

- What you say to me?

Get out of here.
This ain't your pool.

- Come on, man.

Let him go.

It's not your pool.

- Unless you want
to take it from me.

- Hey, guys.

I'm locking up.

You got less than ten.

- Idiots.


What's going on?

Help! Ah!


- Somebody help!

- Help! No!

- No!

- No!


New one, even for me.

Kid was boiled.

- Boiled?
- Yeah, boiled, Nathan.

Not quite falling off the bone
but close enough.

No other trauma.

Two deaths now in one day.

This is why
I left this place.

- We need to start
with the pool heater.

- Because there's any chance

that it could
crank out enough power

to heat all this water
up to a boil?

- No, because we need
to be able to say in the report

that we did.

No, we both know
that Julia's right.

This is not natural,

like the car thing
this afternoon.

High school principal,
high school student...

we have a connection.

- Guess I know
what we're doing tomorrow.

- Yeah, I guess so.

I'll go ahead
and do research.

I think Julia will help,
and you can take witnesses.

- Deal.


Are you okay?

- Yeah, just, uh,

the smell
got to me.

- Right...

your sensitive nose.

- So there was a woman
near the pool

before Xander's death.

Did you see her?

- Like I told the other cop,
I didn't really see her.

- Kind of busy here, Duke.

- You say that as if I come here
looking for you ever.

Where's Audrey?

- Working a case,
also busy.

- She really doesn't know

how to cancel appointments,
does she?

- Find someone else
to pal around with.

- That's a fine idea,

I'm sorry to interrupt.

Is it weird to hook up
with your old babysitter?

- You're kidding, right?

- No.

- I don't have time
for this.

The sketch artist
is down from Portland.

Do you mind?

- Hey, kid,
what do you think?

- Hot.

- Exactly. Right.

- Duke...


- I'm off like a dirty shirt.

- Man, you weren't kidding

when you said your mom
was a note taker.

But I'm still
not finding anything

about heat or fire
in here.

- Try this.

They're stories Eleanor heard
about incidents

back in the '70s...

death and destruction
at some cabin

on the border between
New Hampshire and Vermont.

- And here
and upstate New York.

Now, these people,

they mentioned something
about a firebug,

but I don't think
that means arsonist.

- You ever heard
of pyrokinesis...

people starting fires
with their minds?

I've heard stories about it

in some of the cultures
I've visited.

- Thanks.
That's worth a start.

# #

- Well...

to the Grey Gull.

- It's, uh, charming.

I don't see any gulls.

- No, they're, uh...

they're not allowed inside.

- Oh, of course.

- Come on, let me, uh...

let me show you around.

Here's the bar.

This is the deck.

That's, um, pretty much it.


- So you're a smuggler?

- Well...

it's true...

I've had several encounters

with various
law enforcement entities,

but I'm an importer.

- Mm.

Importing illegal goods?

- Well, everything
is illegal somewhere.

So enough about me.

What about you?

- What about me?

- Well, for instance...

why does Nathan Wuornos

have a sketch artist
drawing your face?

- He does?

- Mm-hmm.

- I got to go.

- Vanessa,
I can probably help if...


- Let me help.

- Don't, don't.

You can't.

- Vanessa, look...

- It's coming.

- Is that her?

- Yeah, the witnesses have been
collaborating on an image.

- Hey, can you, uh,
move her part over?

Yeah, and move it
more towards the middle.

Okay, that's better.

Yup, and her glasses,

more rounded at the bottom.


- That's her.

- Thank you.
You can go.

- Thank you.

- I spent a half an hour
with her and Duke yesterday.

That's Vanessa Stanley.

- She called 911
after Manning's car exploded.

I've been trying
to reach her all day.

But if you met with her
at noon

and then she blows up a car
at 4:00,

it's quite a coincidence.

- I was meeting with Vanessa
because she was at the scene

of a very mysterious death
27 years ago.

And suddenly
we have her at the scene

of two other
mysterious deaths?

- Hmm, suddenly it doesn't sound
like such a coincidence.

- Let's go pick her up.

- Police! Open up!


- I heard you
the first time.

- Duke?

- Hi, Audrey.
How are you?

- Vanessa!
- She's not home.

- Wait. Is she the babysitter
you were talking about?

- I don't appreciate
the judginess.

Come in.

I came here looking for her,
and she was gone.

And I found all this.

- So you just let yourself in?

- Yeah, call a cop.

She came by the Gull earlier.

We were talking and...

- You saw the sketch.
You tipped her off.

- You want to arrest me,
or you want to let me talk?

- Vanessa, the Gull,
then what?

- As I was saying,

we were at the Gull.

We were talking.

Somehow she found out
about the sketch.

I don't know.

And then she freaked out,
all right?

She took off.

That was a few hours ago.

She wouldn't answer my calls,
so I came here to check on her,

and I found all this.

I mean, it's...
it's nonsense.

It's descriptions
of explosions and g*ns and...

It's all pretty freaky.

- It's kind of manic.

- Yeah.


Look at this.

Those names
that are crossed off,

that's the two people
that died yesterday.

This a hit list?

- A hit list?


You did meet her, right?

- Well...

- You knew her, what,
27 years ago?

Your babysitter.

You know, people change.

- You didn't.

- Okay, Matt.

Matt, next on the list.

Ring any bells?

- There was a Matt at the pool
when Xander died...

Matt, uh, West.

He's a student.
He was on my witness list.

- All right, let's get to him
before she does.

- Police!

Let me see your hands.

- Get out of the car...


- Don't do this.

- Vanessa,
don't do anything stupid.

- You don't understand.

There's going to be
an expl*si*n.

- Does that have anything
to do with this?

- Yes. No!

Look, there's only
a few minutes to save Matt.

- Vanessa!
- Hey!

- No, don't touch me.
Don't touch me.

You got to stop it, Duke.

There's a propane t*nk.
It's gonna explode.

- So, Cheryl,

messed up what happened
to Man-o-Manning, huh?

- My spam filter's on, loser.

- Rude much?

- Stupid much?
Piss off, West.

- That's Matt.

- Hey, break it up!

- The grill.


- Everyone!
- Everyone move!

- Clear out!
- Move back!

- Get back. Get back.
Get back.

Go. Go. Go.

- Ready?

- What was that about?

- Oh, great.

We should get out of here.
Let's get out of here.

- Hey.

Hey, you.

You were at the pool
when Xander died.

- So what?

- Let's go.

- How did you know?

- I see things.

I see the last things people see
before they die.

They're just fragments.

I try to stop them
from happening,

but no matter what I try,
the people keep dying.

- Do you think it was Brian?
- I don't know.

I haven't seen him.

I just... I feel him
out there.

I'm just trying
to stop him.

- Okay,
so what about the list?

- A disaster is coming.

All those people
are gonna die.

I just haven't figured out
what happens to them.

- Are you okay?

- I don't think it's Brian.

- Why not?

- Earlier this morning,

I touched a mirror.

I saw my own death.

Nothing has changed
about the image.

The disaster still comes...

And I still die in it.

- You looked
like you were in pain

before that t*nk exploded.

- The pain comes and goes.

It's... it's worst
right before somebody dies.

It started yesterday afternoon.
I was feeling sick.

And Carlene came in
and found me,

and she touched me.

And I saw
what was gonna happen.

And it was the same thing
with Xander

and... and all those people
at the bar yesterday.

I saw so many of them
dying at the same time.

- You know, you could've come
to us for help.

- I wanted to.

I even went
to the police station,

but I was afraid that you
would assume I was to blame.

- No, we would've listened
to you.

- Yeah?

And then what?

Locked her up?

Like Brian, the kid
you've got just in case?

- God, it doesn't matter.

It's fate.

I can't change anything.

All I have to do is watch.

I can't change anything.

- Hey, we just did,

at the party just now.

We can make our own fate.

We can stop this.

And we will.

- I'm sorry.
We messed this all up.

We couldn't make
much sense of it.

- That's okay.
Neither could I.

This... this is about
Phil Banks here.

He's the lumber guy
at the hardware store.

He's lying on the ground,

or maybe it's a floor,

and he's looking
under something,

and the fire
comes rushing at him.

- You describe it
very clearly.

- Soldiers, g*ns...

what, are the Canadians
finally invading?

- Okay, you know what?
Here's one.

"Man on fire
burning from inside."

You think he's the cause
of all this?

- Yes.
That, I'm sure of.

Audrey, can I speak with you
for a moment...


- Yeah.

- You came to see me
the other day

of the Colorado Kid photo,

and I told you
that I didn't remember anything,

because I didn't.

But it started
to come back to me.

- You remember that morning?

- I remember something.

I remember that this
isn't the first time

this has happened to me.

I was there that day

because I'd seen
how he was going to die.

- Come on, you're not buying
into this fate stuff, are you?

- What, so Duke
charts his own path?

- You don't?

- After you visited me,

I was...


and it just started
to come back to me.

- Vanessa,
when troubled people get upset,

the shock,

it triggers
their affliction.

I'm really sorry.

I feel like this
is all my fault.

If... if I hadn't visited you,

you wouldn't be suffering
like this.

- God wouldn't have given me
this terrible gift

for no reason at all.

I'm supposed
to do something...

to save people.

There's always
a price for that.

Let's say a guy like me,

who can't feel anything,

meets a woman and discovers
he can feel her touch.

That just...

Seems like fate,
doesn't it?

- But Jess left you anyways,

which is sad,

but it's not fate.

- Forget it.

- Do you want to hear
about my vision

from that day,
the day the Colorado Kid died?

- Yeah.

if you can tell me, yeah.

- There was a hand...

coming right at me,

at his face.

It was a pale arm...

a man's arm...

with a tattoo of some kind

inside the forearm.

I'm sorry.

That's... that's all I remember.

- No, that's great.

That's more than I had
five minutes ago.

- I don't get this.

All she can see
is a textured red wall.

What is that?

- Life is random.

Now, we try
to convince ourselves

that this little movie
we call life has a plot.

But it's not a movie.

- Yes, it is.

That's exactly what it is.


We got something!
Get in here!

It's a movie.

This whole thing, everything
takes place in a movie.

- That's where the w*r images
come from.

- But I think it's outdoors,
not in a theater.

Dockside Green.

- What's Dockside Green?

- Bunch of kids have been
screening movies there lately.

- Yeah, they, uh...
they put up a big screen,

charge a buck,
show movies.

People bring picnic stuff,

- Okay, wait. Wait.

Matt West, okay,
he's part of the group

that show the movies, right?

They let him in because he knows
how to run the equipment.

- Matt West.

He was at the school.

He was at the pool.

- And the backyard party.

That's it.
He's our common thread.


We just saved a k*ller.

- So now what,
chase everyone out?

- No, I think the rain's
gonna do that for us.

- Then we just got to find him
before everyone else leaves.

- Yeah, I don't see him
up at the projector.

- Let's split up.

Duke, come with me.

You're tall and loud.

- That was almost
a compliment.

Be careful.

- Is what Nathan says
about Matt true?

- Well, he's a troubled kid.
His temper gets the best of him.

You know, I think he tries,

but for every step forward
he takes,

something makes him lose
his cool, and he self-destructs.

- Great, a troubled misfit...

Excuse me, we need
to have you leave now.

- Hey, Cheryl.

You want to share my umbrella?
- Not interested.

- But...

- West, you are not invited
to attend my life,

rain or shine.

- Got to hurry.
It's coming.

- Okay, we need you
to go now.

Pack up your things.
Go, please. Thank you.

Can you please leave?
Thank you.

- Go! Everybody go!

- Matt West,
I'm a police officer.

I need to talk to you.

You need to come down
right now!

- Let go of me!
Leave me alone!

- You did that, Matt,
and you need to make it stop.

- What are you talking about?

- People have the ability
to do things,

unusual things,

and we think
that you can heat things up,

catch them on fire.

- The troubles?

You mean I did that?

- Yes, you did that.

You blew up
the principal's car,

and you k*lled Xander
in that pool.

- This is awesome.

- No, Matt,
you have a choice,

all right?

This is not awesome.

This is m*rder.

- Oh, yeah?

Prove that in court.

Leave me alone.

- Ah!

- I'm not gonna
let this happen.

- Vanessa, no!
- Vanessa!

- Vanessa, come on.

- Matt, stop this.

We will sh**t.

- No, you won't.

- Mother!

Nathan, put it down.
It's burning.

- A g*n's not really fair,
is it?

That... that didn't...
that didn't hurt, did it?

- Actually, no.

But you are starting
to piss me off.

- Nathan, stop.

I think... I think I have
a way to... to take him down.

Just hold on.

- Oh, you're...

you're... you're gonna try
to fight me?

That'd be stupid!

- Look at you,
Mr. Big Bad Guy now,

talking smack to the cops
like he's all tough.

"A g*n isn't really fair,
is it?"

Oh, you actually think
that we're afraid of you?

- You should be.

Oh, yeah, that?

That's supposed
to scare us, right?

'Cause you're all big
and powerful?

You know, whatever.

Come on.

I don't have time
for this lame-ass bad guy.

- Hey!

Hey, you can't walk away
from me!

You don't go
till I say so!

- You sure about this?
- Trust me.

- Screw you!

You can't talk to me
like that!

I'll burn your ass!

- He's gone.

- I k*lled him?

- No.

You saved everyone else.

- Hey.

Hey, you hear that?

They're coming for you.
You're gonna be just fine.

I'm not.

It's... it's okay.

I don't want to...

I don't want to live
with this gift.

- You don't get
to just give up.

There is no fate.

- Yeah, Duke, there is.

Do you want to know what I...

what I saw about you?

- This is all my fault.

- You can't blame yourself.

- Vanessa is dead because
I triggered her affliction.

- And all those people
are alive.

- Yeah, but how did we know that
they weren't gonna die anyway?

- You can go crazy
trying to explain fate,

looking for the secret reasons
why things happen...

waste of time.

You never know
if you're right.

Screw fate.

- Agreed.

- I'm sorry about Vanessa.

- What did she tell you?

- Oh, well, she told me

what every man
secretly wants to know...

how he is going to die.

Fantastic, right?

Except she couldn't help
with the when.

The how, yes, but the when...

Not so much.

- How do you die?

Well, apparently,

some guy with a tattoo

of a maze
with four little people

at each of the compass points

grabs my face with his hand.

- Wait a second.

she had a vision

of the Colorado Kid
before he died,

and it was
of this man's hand,

and it was coming
towards him.

- It was the same guy, right?
Same tattoo?

- Wait a minute.

Like this?

- How did you know
what that looks like?

- We found it on a body
about a month ago.

- Well, if he's dead,
then he can't k*ll me, right?


What, there's more
than one guy out there

with the same tattoo?

- We know of at least one,
but there could be more.

- Well, then that's too bad
for them,

because I'm gonna
find them first.

Looks like
we're on the same team.