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01x03 - Harmony

Posted: 05/30/23 16:47
by bunniefuu
Previously on Haven.

FBI, who are you?

Haven PD! Who are you?

FBI. Are you deaf?

Oh! I am sorry. Are you all right?

It's all right.

I didn't feel it.

So you seriously can't feel pain?


You must be Duke.

I don't talk to cops.

Even cops that I like.

I know that picture.

You do?

Colorado kid m*rder.

She looks like you.

Yeah, I know.

This isn't the first weird
thing I've seen in Haven, Nathan,

and I've only been here a week.

Can you tell me what's going on?

Every town's got a few
skeletons in the closet.

Well, this is a big freakin' closet.

Your father just offered me a job.

What did you say?

I said that I would think it over.

Might be a good idea.

The troubles, you're
afraid they're coming back?


They are back.

And I'm afraid they
won't go away this time.

Hey, babe, um, I just fixed that hatch.

The caprice is almost ready to
get back out on that high seas.

Maybe one day you and me can
motor out to seal island, huh?

- It's okay, it's okay.
- How you doing, Ray?

Tired. I'm good. I'm fine. Thanks.

You hang in there, all right?

Okay, Lilly. I'm gonna go home.

But I'll see you next week.

Ready? And one, two...

- How's William this morning?
- Three...

Oh, he's a regular Lebron James
today, aren't you, William?

The doc's gonna administer.
Help me with the lunches?

Mmm! Chicken salad today.

They eat well. Better than me.

They have to.

Need a full stomach to
tolerate that medicine.

Damn it!

That's not good. Let
me help you with that.

No! You're contaminating everything!

Oh, my God!

Nice work on the cat
lady call this morning.

Who knew I had such talent

with drunken women in housecoats?

Not me.

Oh, and I did a pretty good job

with that angry fisherman dude.

Once you got his pants on.

Yeah, that helped.

Life of a local cop.

Hey, remember, I'm on loan.

You'll stay.

Oh, you think so?

Best way to find out if
your mother came through here

is to be a local cop.

Unless you're ready to
give that investigation up.

You know I'm not.

I just thought that when I was in Haven

the cases would be more...


I get it.

Well, we'll see more of that soon.

But, you know, don't underestimate

your skills with the small stuff.


A local cop probably
wouldn't have put all the cats

in the same box.

I only had one box.

And anyways they all fit.

Next time, maybe just look around.

Why, did I miss something?

Mrs. Nelson's fourth grade class
watching you from the school.

Oh, God, do you think I scarred them?

I think they laughed their
fourth grade asses off.

Nathan, are you there, hon?

Go ahead, Laverne.

Got a call about a
disturbance at the Freddy.

We're on our way.

What's a Freddy?

You're kidding me.

Haven has a mental hospital?

That's a grain of sand at the beach.

- Who's Murray Q. Frederikson?
- A respected local car dealer,

'til one day he announced
he could breathe like a fish.

And disappeared under the sea.

Let me guess: Was that
during the troubles?

Nope. He was just crazy.

His wife founded the
Freddy with his estate.

- Thank God you're here!
- Whoa!

- What's going on?
- I have no idea.

I was in the kitchen, I heard screaming.

I went into the common room.
Doctor Lucassi's medicine

was all over. Morgan's in
there trying to calm everyb...


Laverne? We need backup

- and a medic at the Freddy now.
- What's going on, hon?

The patients have taken over the asylum.

- Morgan?
- Where are the doctors?

- Who's in charge?
- Him.

That's Doctor Lucassi.

Okay, come on, just keep coming this way.

He's no bored housewife!

- We can't sh**t the doctor.
- No.

And we can't go in that room.


Why are we sneaking up on him?

Because Haven doesn't have a SWAT team.

It has a dispatch lady that calls you hon.

So we're following FBI protocol.

- What's that?
- Engage the suspect verbally,

- attenuate and mitigate.
- Talk to him?

- Yeah.
- Great.

Doctor Lucassi, this is FBI agent...

Go away! I have work to do!

- Plan b?
- So much work to do!

You think we could, uh...
think we could taser him?

Don't think a taser will reach.

And given that, I'm winging it.




Got the doctor contained in the
Freddy pending medical's arrival.

We need A.J. to come take a sample

and see if Millikin can salvage anything

off the security cameras
before they were trashed.

Alright, she did a patient head count.

We lose any?

Three. And we need to
get to them immediately.

Doctor Lucassi is a good man.

He's a little intense,
but he wouldn't hurt a fly.

The three that escaped,

they were in the room with him
when the jungle juice spilled.

If it did to them what it did to him?

Yeah, but do you really think
that a drug spill could do this?

Well, seen worse.

I went to college.

- Okay, what are you thinking?
- That guy looked different.

Different how?

Different like a... like a
special blend of Haven crazy.

- You like it.
- Like what?

The weirdness.

You hope it's something weird.
It's why you're still here.

No, I'm still here because
a woman who was here

could have been my mom
and I'd like to find out.

Uh-huh. Right. And you run
around in the mystery machine...

- Wait, Nathan.
- Are you there hon?

Prowlers reported to be pilfering
items off the laundry line,

including two pairs of shorts, four
socks and two grey sweatshirts...

What might escaped mental patients need?

A t-shirt and, oh! One floppy hat.

Thank God!

They're still here! They
have my son in the back!

Oh, hello there!

William's always been a
bit of a child at heart.

I could do that, too,
if I was young and fit

and him.


What the hell?

Those twits. How did you get out?

Hey, Ray. What's with this fridge?

Twelve beer,

two ketchups and zero veggies?

That's not gonna help with
your cholesterol, love.

Ray? You okay?

Yeah. Yeah. Uh, are you?

I think so. It's weird.

I was just walking down
Harkness. Was I in the hospital?

You... were.

How are you feeling now?

Bit spacey, but fine. Hungry.

Okay. I'll make us some...

Nothing. Got nothing.

That's okay. Maybe
start with a hello kiss?



- So you're a florist.
- Uh-huh.

And this part of the northeast
is great for flowering vines.

This... beautiful flower...

is a Wisteria Sinensis. Spectacular plant.


- What?
- I remember...

Gerber daisies... snapdragons.


Okay. Nathan. Nathan,
can I have some help here?



Wait! Stop.

Hey, what do you think
happened to these guys?

The excess saliva's completely normal.

It's a side effect of his meds.

- Although he might be dehydrated.
- Uh... are you okay?

Because you weren't a few minutes ago.

I feel fine.

Though I shudder to think
what behavior got me here.

William needs my help. Can you unstrap me?


Alright, go ahead. Just...


Thank you.

Why are these men here?

Well, we're just bringing them back.

You know, they had a trampoline play date.

These two men are stage three catatonics.

Mr. Sperry hasn't spoken
or moved in 16 years.

Well, he was fine up until a
moment ago. You? Not so much.

Doctor, there was a spill.

Maybe it made them
better and you... worse.

And oddly stronger.

- What was I doing?
- You were ranting about your work.

- And contamination.
- I am somewhat obsessive

about cleanliness.
Perhaps whatever happened

amplified my predilections
and removed inhibitions.

Although I can't imagine
my dr*gs doing that.

At least everyone's
back the way they were.

Ah, Lilly is still out there.

- Is she a catatonic?
- No. But she can be violent.

Extremely so.

Lilly was a musician...

And now she has a grand
mal... obsessive disorder.

Akin to a PTSD, only worse.

Is that why she was committed?

When she feels the
music is... escaping her,

she gets extremely
frustrated. And destructive.

Ray McBreen?

Ah, Doctor Lucassi. I was wondering
when you were going to show.

Whatever you did for Lilly: Thank you.

She's okay?

She's great. Come on in.

Lil! Love?

Damn it.

She must have changed back.

- How? She was fine!
- I don't know. Yet.

Any idea where she could have gone?

If she's back the way she
was... any place with a piano.


- She wants to compose music.
- Okay. Let's find her.

Wait, Nathan. Maybe we
should test his medicine,

- make sure it's causing it.
- And if it isn't, then what?

- It's a simple test.
- Okay, you two do that.


We'll find her.

Why pianos?

She liked to compose on
them. Said they felt right.

- Right?
- I don't want to talk about it.

Ray, talk to me.

Lilly... Lilly loves writing music.

One day a music exec
heard one of her songs.

Said if she could write
another, we had a big contract.

She wanted it... she wanted it perfect.

I did, too.

I talked her into driving up
to her favorite composing place.

We were so excited,
I got distracted and...

drove off the road into
the Penobscot River.

I barely made it out alive.

Took me another eight
minutes to get her out.

Well, they said that if
the water wasn't so cold,

she would have been brain dead.

Instead, she's...

Like she is.

Because of me.


Have you ever had a family member

fade away because of Alzheimer's?

I have. Cruel doesn't
begin to describe it.

I'd like to stop that.

Identical volume and concentration.

Pray we get a measurable delta in wattage.

Measurable delta in wattage?

Flesh and electricity. That's what we are.

Of course, I'm sure there are some
unmeasurable energies, like our soul.

Oh, you believe in that?

A few centuries ago, the
world's best scientists

were convinced that the earth was flat.

Everything they saw about
it was flat. But was it?

No. They were just afraid to...

open their eyes and sail.

Could you get me those safety
goggles out there, please?

Wait! What are you doing?

- Scientific method.
- Get out of there!

Calculated risk is critical
to great discoveries.

Doctor, you need to get out of there!

Why isn't this working? What's different?

♪ farewell and adieu, to you... ♪

Where'd you get that?

- Came with a happy meal.
- Yeah, right.

Alright, you caught me. Ah, Nate,

the scupper was giving it away.

I was going to us it to decorate the boat.

Now do I need a permit for that, officer,

or is it going to be okay?

You know what's amazing, Nate?

Is that you get a badge,
you get to harass me.

Because you're a low-life criminal.

I'm gonna check inside.

New partner?

I don't know, I kinda
liked the old one better.

Let me ask you something: does she...

I mean, does she know you're not a...

a real boy?

I mean, does she know about
the things you've done?

Hey. She's here.

Have a nice day, Nate.

This is what we got
off the security camera.

This should be the spill.


It's like I just dropped it, like I...

- Felt something.
- Okay, let's rewind it

to right before the spill. There.

Wait... is that William?

And he's... he's already holding the ball.

Nathan, whatever caused it
happened before the spill.

It was something invisible.

- Okay. Listen...
- I don't know if it was a gas

or a virus or if it was something weird,

- but when we checked the tape,
we figured that it was...
- Audrey...

we found Lilly.

How is she?

She's trying to play the piano.

Can't get it out of neutral, though.

Let's get you back to the Freddy, baby.

It's... contagious?

How is this spreading?

Nathan? Are you in there?

Nathan! Nathan, what happened? Where...

Hey, where's Ray and Lilly?

What's going on here? Nathan!

Did you call for backup?


Nathan, don't...

Oh, crap.


Oh, Nathan. What are you talking about?


We've rounded up the party boys.

I'm still trying to get a line up Nathan.

Alright, we gotta find
out what's causing this.

- I can only thin of one common denominator.
- What?

Not what. Who.


Audrey, are you there, honey?

I got a twenty on Nathan's
car he's down at the marina.


Ach! Look, Nathan...

You might want to consider
switching to decaf, buddy.

What's it feel like? The sun?

Feels good.

Hey! What are you doing?

What's it like to feel this?

You talk about the things I've done?

They're nothing compared
to things you've done!

- Who?!
- The things you still do!

To me!

Sorry I had to do that, Nathan.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah, I fine.

I was talking to Nathan.


Felt nothing.

- What's going on?
- I need you to keep him here.

- No.
- He's sick, Duke.

I knew that.

This is different, alight? Something ...

zomething just happened to him.

Is he contagious?

I'm just asking.

No, I don't know. Alright?

But I know someone who is and
if I don't get to her soon,

she's going to make more like him.

Okay, so I gotta go.

I'm not...

This is the part where you
come through for me, right?

Remember who kept you from going to jail?

I was having such a nice day!

Officer Parker, it's Doctor Lucassi.

- Any luck finding Lilly?
- Not yet.

Hey, um, can I ask you something?

When it all happened, was
Lilly playing the piano?

Yes. I seem to recall her

actually starting to play
something. Why do you ask?

Well, according to Nathan, she was playing

at the Shiny Scupper, too... or,
at least, you know, trying to.

- And?
- At least it's a common denominator.

You know, I, uh... I want
to take a look at her room.

Let me go.

I don't think so. You're on a timeout.

What the hell happened to you?


You keep doing that, you're
going to hurt yourself.

I forgot. You're special.

Can't hurt you.

At least I'm not a parasite.

That's a good one!

Just using people...

Like you always do.

You planning on using Audrey, too?

Hmm? Ha! Ha! Of course you are.

Course you are. It's what you do!

You can't hurt me, remember?

I think they might be
hiding out on Ray's boat.

It's called the Caprice.

Huh. Alright, thank you.

It's not berthed in any
of the local marinas.

I'm kind of surprised that he
can own this nice of a boat.

Well, from what he's
told me during his visits,

his grandfather abandoned
it when the McBreen family

washed up in Haven years ago.

Sorry. Excuse me.

No problem. I'll see if
I can locate the boat.

Okay. Hello?

Yeah. Sleeping Beauty just woke up.

And... I'm all done
playing Prince Charming.

Caught it, didn't I?

How are you feeling?

I'm not sure which is worse:

Going crazy or being sane afterwards.

- What do you remember?
- Shiny Scupper.

That's it.

Lilly was playing the piano there.

Yeah. Why?

I think her music is causing this.

- Nah, I don't think so...
- No, c'mon, Nathan.

This is not just me being
excited over the weirdness.

I didn't say it was.

I just don't think it's
Lilly who's causing this.


Ray sat down next to her at the piano

and he started to play.

Wait... Ray did?

I got some music for the trip.

Aretha at the Fillmore with Ray Charles.

Spirit in the dark.


What happened to those people at the bar?

That was awful. Did I do that?

You? No. No.

Did you? Oh, my God, Ray!

- It's okay.
- It's not okay.

You can't keep doing that.

Of course.

Ray was at the Freddy.
I saw him on the tape.

He must be the one who
changed all these people,

but he left so fast that
he didn't even realize it.

Pretty sure he knows what he's doing now.


I won't lose you again.

I don't want to hurt people.

I don't want to hurt people, either.


No word on Lilly or Ray.

I guess we gotta go find the Caprice.

I know where the boat is.

- Great! Where?
- I'll take you to her.

No. It's just us.

Oh. Okay, forget it.

Hey, Duke, if you know
and you don't tell us,

we could throw you in jail.

No, you can't.

And, frankly, I'm getting
a little sick of the threat.

Considering that a police
officer just att*cked me...

Mr. Crocker?

I encourage you to file a
complaint and press charges.

Not my style, Nathan.

Why exactly do you want to come?

'Cause I'm a good citizen.

And I want to know what the
hell's going on around here.

Okay, that should get that head working.

At least until we get out of here...


Hang in there, babe. Hang in
there. I'll get you out in a jiff.

There you are.

Hey, Ray.

It's you.


No, no, no, no. I'm coming.

No, the deal was you have
to do exactly what we say.

And I'm saying stay here.


And the people from the Scupper

got better at exactly
the same time you did.

So people who hear Ray
together are affected

for the same duration.

Yeah, but you were gone for two hours

and the people from the
Freddy were gone for four.

So, what makes it shorter?

No... better question
what makes it longer?

Okay, now I wish Haven had a SWAT team.


Down! Down! Down! Down.

So what happened?

Lucassi overpowered
Ray, threw him in the car

and said something about getting him back.

Okay, you?

Keep her here until we call you.

Okay, you're taking this good
citizen thing way too literally!

We're staying here, 'kay?

Lilly sure Lucassi came here?

Where else would he go? Since
he knows what Ray can do.

Nathan, Lucassi wants to help
his patients more than anything.

- He's a good doctor.
- And, presently,

- crazier than an outhouse rat.
- Yeah, well, then there's that.

- You know, it might work.
- What?

The doctor using Ray to help his patients.

I mean, if he can manage
him. Keep him safe.

That's a big if. Take it from
a guy who caught the funk.

You're right.

We might have a problem.

Stop. This is sterile.

Okay. Okay. Just... doctor?

Don't do this.

Do you realize what this man can do?

- Yes, yes.
- I need his brain. This...

this... this... this
is a whole, new world.

You're right. We do
need to understand him.

If we can.

If we can.

Been exploring the
brain for twenty years...

twenty years been exploring the brain.

We can spare... we can
spare the families the pain

of watching their loved
ones fade away to a...

You're getting good at that.

Electricity. It did...
it did wonders on you.


Ray, I'm changing back.

I need a musical instrument.

No! No music.

- Lil.
- No.


Why? You were tied up with a
guy about to open your head.

I can't have you risking your
life, other people's lives!

It's too much!

We can get a cabin.

- It's all too risky.
- No, no, no. Baby...

I don't care...

I don't want to lose you.


Promise me!

♪ now I'm decided

♪ what I'm going to do

♪ after denying

♪ what you put me through

♪ I've waited a lifetime ♪

♪ for maybe, maybe ♪

♪ maybe... maybe... maybe... maybe!

♪ maybe... maybe...

Maybe... maybe. Maybe a chance...

When did it all start?

I don't know.

I just stopped playing
everything when Lilly got sick.

Didn't have it in me.

Freddy was the first
time I played in forever.

Didn't used to be that way.

So is that your grandfather's boat?


He came here on it.

You know, he always told
me to stay away from music.

I think... I think he knew.

I just thought he hated rock and roll.

Doctor, if the goal is
safety through solitude,

wouldn't a small boat on the
ocean be an acceptable risk?


Okay, Doctor, Ray is special...

I'm aware of Mr. McBreen's condition.

And you're right, he is special.

Yeah, but he's also just a man
who wants to be with his wife.

So, if we just let them go on the boat,

maybe that's the right thing to do.

Maybe that's where he should be

and maybe there he would discover that...

That the earth isn't flat?

"Red in the morning, sailors' delight"?

Ha! Ha! Good thing you're staying here.

Yeah. Hey, are you gonna be okay?

With this crack crew? We'll be fine.

Brought a lot of instruments.

Yeah. As long as you
play them way out at sea.

Yep. And when it's safe,

we'll take short trips back to the shore.

Maybe help some other
people. See the world.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome. Alright!

- I wanted to apologize to you.
- Yeah? For?

For gaping at you like a schoolboy.

It's just you are the spitting image

of someone I sold flowers to years ago.


Daisies, snapdragons and orchids.

I remember flowers, not names.

Alright, me mateys! Cast off!

Hey, was that around 1983?

- I believe it was.
- Wait, what was her name?

- I don't know.
- No, no, no! Please, please! Please.

Just. ... can you think?

Lucy. I believe it was Lucy.

You're not going to tell anyone, right?


About me being a good citizen.

Oh, no. No, your secret's safe with me.

Thanks. Thanks for helping.

Oh, I'm going to send
you and Nathan a bill.

I charge double for night work!

I'm glad that I could help.

Troubles are back, aren't they?

Yeah. I think so.


The lady in the picture.
It's Lucy. Mr. Sperry told me.

Lucy. Well, that's a start.


Okay, you know what? I admit it:

This weird stuff, it
kind of does turn me on.

- You want to fix them.
- No, they're just cases.

Really, really interesting cases.

Well, maybe you'll fix me someday.

I don't think so. Nobody can fix you.

Nathan, where are you,
love? Doctor Lucassi called.

More shenanigans up at the Freddy.

Three patients have gone missing.

- I think you better go check that out.
- Yeah, yeah.

That place... it's crazy.

They really gotta get their act together.

♪ a chance to dream

♪ I've waited

♪ a lifetime for maybe

♪ a chance to dream