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02x02 - It Happened One Summer: Part 2

Posted: 05/30/23 09:25
by bunniefuu
♪ There is more to life than what you're living

♪ So take a chance and face the wind

♪ An open road and a road that's hidden

♪ A brand new life around the bend

♪ Nights are long but you might awaken

♪ To a brand new life

♪ Brand new life around the bend ♪

Dear diary.

We're all here at Camp Catawba to pick up Jonathan who's a little homesick.

On our way up we learned something very strange.

Angela and Tony each had their first kiss

at a place near here called "Kissing Rock."

Wait a minute, I may be way off on this, but you've got to admit,

the stories do sound alike.

I mean, the moon and the rock

and the... (KISSES)

Then this afternoon, Tony and Angela disappeared from camp.

Angela, I found it.

I found it.


And Ingrid.



Huh. Well, it wasn't us.


And that's when our old friend fate stepped in,

drawing the two of them together.

It's not like I'm holed up in a small motel in a thunderstorm with Ingrid.

I mean, if I was with Ingrid there might be trouble.

Yo Ingrid, come here, baby.

Tony... I'm Ingrid.


I know something's going on.

I just wish I knew what.


Are you ready?

For what?

What, have we got dinner reservations?

I'm coming out now.

I'm coming out a little bit myself here.

Come on, Angela, I'm just kidding.

You know, come on out here.

Come on.

Come on.


So, that's what they mean by a fitted sheet.

(CHUCKLES) Yes. Well, hmm, here we are.

All undressed and no place to go.

What, what are you doing?

Well, I thought I'd tie one corner of the bedspread up here and then we could

tie the other one maybe down here.

And then we'd both have a little privacy like in, It Happened One Night.

Oh, that's great, Claudette, but that was in the 30s.

Tony, privacy never goes out of style.

Angela, look, come on, if you're worried about you and me and...

You know, that kiss was a long time ago.

I mean that was then and this is now.

Right. This is now and that was then.

Right, so I mean, we were just two hot-blooded kids then.

But we're adults now, right?

So we'll just relax we'll have some fun...

Not too much fun...

We'll watch TV.

It's a good idea.

Angela, we got it made.

They've got cable here.

Oh, great, this won't be so bad.

I love those old movies... Or the ballet.

(EXCLAIMS) Oh no, don't do that.

Perhaps a foreign film with subtitles.

I love subtitles, my favorite.


I don't think we need subtitles for this, huh?


Oh, my God.

You want to change the channel?


Tony, is that an extra person with that couple?

I think it's the lifeguard.

I didn't know you could give CPR like that.

Well, so much for TV.

-Over here? -Yes.


Jonathan, your mother's safe at the Hidden Hollow Motel.

Room 12.

Samantha, your father's safe at the Hidden Hollow Motel.

Room 12.

Do you notice what I notice?

Yeah, you're losing your hair.

All right, campers, tomorrow morning, there's a nature hike at 10:00.

You better wear your long pants because there's lots of bugs

and frogs and crawly things, ugh.

Boy, that Wormser is a total geek.

Yeah, what a squid.

Let's short-sheet his bed.

Boys, I am ashamed of you.

I expected better things of you.

We've got to nail that geek.

Let's try to think, of something that'll drive him up the wall

but won't leave any scars.

Well, there goes my idea.

Wait a minute, he hates slimy things.


ANGELA: You know, Tony,

it is amazing how little there is to do in a motel when you don't want to... Watch TV.

You think of doing push-ups?


-I got it. -Room service.


I didn't mean to interrupt anything here?

You're not. You're not.

I thought I'd turn down the beds.

But I see you're already wearing yours.

Oh, by the way, I thought you might like some dinner.

Oh, thank you.

But we didn't have any, so I brought you some pajamas.

And I brought you some socks.

Oh, how thoughtful.

But don't lose the jammys. They're the only pair I've got.

Oh, won't you be needing them?

No, no, I sleep buck naked.

Well, let's change.


What? What?

All right, all right, all right.

I'll flip you for the top.


Okay, which bed do you want?

The east wing or the west wing.

Oh, I'll take this one.


Knock, knock. If you need me, I'll be in my room changing.



Oh, boy!

Well, goodnight.

Goodnight, Angela.




Come on, you can't laugh and say nothing.

That sounded like something.

It was nothing.


Angela, that sounded like something.

I was just thinking about that night at Kissing Rock,

you thought you were so cool, and you had sweaty palms.

I did not.

Yes, you did.

Oh? Yeah? Well, I'll tell you something. I cut my lip on your braces.

Oh, I'm sorry.

That's okay.

It was worth it.

Well, goodnight.


Goodnight, Angela.





Tony, you are just doing that to get even.

You're right.

No, no, really I did just remember something, you know.

I was thinking about that night at Kissing Rock.

How terrific you smelled.

I mean, that was some great perfume you were wearing that night.

Tony, that wasn't perfume.

It was insect repellent.


You ought to wear it more often.

Tony, that is so sweet.

Do you know that my husband could never remember our anniversary

and you remembered that 20 years ago, I wore Bug-Off.

That's the kind of guy I am.

You know, I always wondered about that boy.

You know, who he was and if he ever thought about me.

Oh, yeah, he did. I mean, I did.

I... I used to wonder how your teeth turned out.

And now I know. They turned out terrific.

Thank you.

Well, I guess it's getting late.

I'd better go back to my room.

Maybe you'd better.

I'll help you.

Goodnight, Tony

(SIGHS) Goodnight, Angela.



Did you touch that sheet?

Of course I didn't.

Well, you know what Mother would say,

that there is some great force pulling us together.

The only force at work in this room is gravity.

I got it?

You do have to admit though, that it's quite a coincidence

that I would end up working for Ingrid.


Kind of silly of me to lie about my name.

Yeah, well, don't feel so bad.

If it makes you feel any better, I told a little white lie that night myself.


Well, I knew you were 13 and I...

I didn't know, I thought, maybe you wouldn't go out with me if you knew...

-Well, if you knew... -If I knew what?

How much older you were than me.


How much older?

How old were you?

I was 11.

My first grown up kiss was with an 11-year-old?

Hey... Wait a minute.

I didn't hear you complaining that night.

You hung in for 57 seconds.

Were you counting?

Angela, was I counting?

What kind of guy do you think I am?

Wouldn't that be a little insensitive of me?

Bruce Wynaburn had a stop watch in the bushes.



Huh. You're gonna get a big kick out of this, Angela.

You see... And this is funny.

This is what I think is the basic difference between boys and girls.

You went back to your bunk and told all your girlfriends how romantic it was

and I went back to my bunk and collected my bet.

Yeah. Give me that money...


That is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard of!

What, you didn't get a kick out of it?

Tony, you took an innocent memory of two lovely children

and turned it into something shabby and tawdry and stinky.

Angela, I mean, don't you think you're overreacting a little bit here?

No, I am not overreacting.

I thought of you as a man with sensitivity, not a womanizer and a stop-watcher.

Come on Angela, we were 13.

Well, I was 11.

And a liar!

This conversation is over.

I'm going to bed.

Do you want me to hang up the sheet again?

We don't need it.

There's a wall between us that goes beyond sheets.


Oh, you dirty, rotten...

Oh, come on, Angela, I said I was sorry.

Lighten up.

It's not you.

It's the dumb ceiling. It's leaking on me.

Oh, you're kidding. Can I help?

What are you going to do? Time the drips?


Oh, the...


It's about five seconds, Angela.


Here they come.

Now I know how Ma Barker felt when her boys came back from a job.

Come on, g*ng.

We're back.

Tell us all about it.

And don't leave out the disgusting parts.

He put frogs in Wormy's bed!

And he put a humongous snake in his footlocker!

All right, Bower.

You're awesome.

Yeah, you're really sneaky and rotten.

Thank you.

Well, it runs in the family.

Look Angela... Angela, forget about that bed.

You take my bed... And you know, I'll catch some Z's in the chair.

No, it's perfectly all right.

I'll just sleep leaning up against the wall.

Come on, Angela.

You're not a horse.

Take the bed.

I don't want your bed.

Angela, take the bed.

-I don't want the bed. -Take the bed.

I don't want to argue. I'll take the bed.

Thank you.

You're welcome.


That bed's no good anyway.

It's too soft.

This chair is nice and firm.

Are you kidding me?

I'm gonna be real fine over here. Nice and firm.

Nice and firm.


Tony, Tony, are you all right?

Tony, you fell out of the chair onto the floor.

Thanks, Angela.

I'd a never pieced that one together without you.

Are you all right?

Oh, yeah. I think I broke the fall with my head.

Oh, wait, I'll get you a damp cloth.

Sit down.

Is that better?

Yes, Angela, but the bump's on the other side.

What am I doing with this?

Tony, I'm sorry if I overreacted about Kissing Rock. It's...

Just that it was very special to me.

It was very special to me, too, Angela.

To you it was just a bet.

Come on, huh.

I mean, that might have been the way it started out, but

that's not why I carved your name in the rock.

I mean, hey, the money's gone, but your name is still there.

Well, not your name... Ingrid's.

Uh, uh, well, I guess I'll hit the chair and try not to hit the floor.

Yo, okay.

-Tony. -Yeah.

It's all right.

You can sleep here.

-I can sleep there. -Right.

Right, because nothing's going to happen,

and because we're both adults and because...

Because things are pretty good between us the way they are.


Although, things could probably be good between us

the way they aren't.

They'd be great.

Yes, they would.

But they would not be the same.

And I am not willing to risk

losing what we got.


So we don't need any sheets between us...

We'll just get into this bed...

This... Narrow bed.

And go to sleep.

I've got a headache anyway.

Oops, I'm, I'm sorry.



See how easy this is?

Piece of cake.

Goodnight, Tony.

Goodnight, Angela.


TONY: Who's The Boss? will be back in a moment. Stick around.

I am a guest here.

How did I draw latrine duty?

What do you expect, Mona?

Wormser made out the duty roster.


Well, then, I don't feel so bad about putting Saran Wrap over his toilet bowl.

Here we go, Cinderella.

Orphan Annie.


Oh, I've missed you. I've missed you.

All right. What have you two been up to?

Oh well, Tony carved the name of the girl

that he kissed at Kissing Rock, so we went there.

Yeah. I carved it.

And was it you two?

Well, to tell you the truth, Mona, it was me... And... "Ingrid."

Right, Angela?

Right, Tony.

-Sweetheart. -Please Mom, not in front of the guys.

Oh, I'm sorry, honey, uh...fellow.

Hey, hey, hey. Champ, where are you going?

We're cutting out of here in about an hour.

I'm staying here.

Bye, Mom. See ya.

What happened to, "I miss my Mommy?"

You know, Mona, I got a feeling that some thing

went on here last night that we're not aware of.

I get the same feeling about you two.

Come on, Mona, let's pack 'em up and move 'em out.



-Well... -(SIGHS)

That was some night.

Yeah, it was.

And I learned something very important about myself, Angela.

I would have made a great monk.

-The best. -Thanks.

Hey, that's not all I learned. I learned something very important about you, too.

What's that?

You got very warm toes.