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03x13 - Weapons of w*r

Posted: 05/30/23 09:09
by bunniefuu


Don't be want to sort out what is it Tony
we're getting the poker game together.

We need another player to keep an eye on
Lucas for things to become the guards again

i can't i

a chat session again
come on the chords are high

it's more the girl from the farmer Khan.

I gotta go.

You know maybe

spend a little more time playing poker with your
friends all as cooped up in front of that computer.

I'll let you know you said that
when you meet a girl like her.

Will your Tim minchin.

Usual the dogma.

Ie albo yasawa

should nyima.

That i have to like

zero of atavism Kim ah.

Ha sale claw.


To the memoirs read to melita Monday.


could dwell in a metal to go to Basra.

Kitty Potter cns manion.

Strike on Saturday spaniard.

Got up via noir separate door to lingua.

The techniques of pascua


That ishmael and

twenty meters per.

New event through democrats'

new best crisis


Yeah no nine nine nine


Not on our first date

don't tell me you have other plans.

Ah well.

I was kinda hoping to meet your parents.

Having sharing those
videos you keep talking about

hi you kidding.

That's like me asking for a
crash course captain bligh.

I would trade your
parents for Hudson any day


Are you gonna tell me
about your dream or not.


What do you want enough

that you won't be disappointed

when you finally see me.

I don't think you have it
in you to disappoint me.

Of course.

You could let me see
what you look like now.

We made a deal Tim.

When we meet.

It's going to be face to face

i can't wait to meet you

don't worry.

It's only.

Oh yeah.

Two hours

eight minutes twenty four seconds left.

Attention rajasthan to their
stations this is not a drill.


Tim what's going on i
can't talk i gotta go Tim.

Are you gonna make it tonight.

I don't think i could survive effective.

Oh boy.

Mr O'Neill we have a priority
transmission on the uno distressed man.

Get it on the screen and i serve.

Talking in.

Most great.

Wondering immediate
assistance if anyone can hear me.

Scap an Oliver Hudson
sequence what's your status.

We are under attack.

To permit there.




This before.

So the coarser the nicobar rise


All stations ripper emergency speed

diverting all power to impose

opening secondary intakes.

A million of the.

Meters engaged to

control surfaces modify Rosie.

Can you assist the steam questions.


Back mr O'Neill.


I've lost.


Uh uh.


Scan for enemy vessels

is nothing sir.

Whoever did this is long gone by now.

Mr only.

Not picking up any chatter.

Sensors show no sign of survivors captain the books have
didn't even have a chance to jettison the escape box

this is weird.



give me full magnification
on the whiskers please.


Stations defense perimeters totally intact.

Whoever did this knew exactly
how to count manner defenses.

That station was probably destroyed
the time it took to make the distress call.

Thank you.

Commander wollen check.

One a full tactical analysis of this attack
on the double stand down from red alert.

Sub fighters on recon all stations
battle already standard rotation mr O'Neill.

Drop a communications grid over this
whole sector scan any and all signals.

Are not leaving here until we find out
who's resp possible for this i should.

Have done in Henderson you have the bridge.

I don't believe it Tony.

The first date i get an eleven years.

And i stand her up.

At Tim i'm sure the guys in
that outpost to feeling your pain.


presence of a unique plasma laser signature in the
absence of particles seduction leads me to believe that

this was not a machination attack.

I was afraid of that.

We have reason to believe that the
attack may have been the work of the chow.

Chow haven't been seen or
heard from since i destroyed the

molten yo confederation and
sealed off the andaman sea.

Even the Micronesian is
do not move in on them.

Over the outbreak fifteen years of isolation
in an unprovoked attack on a uvo base.

The attack may not have
been entirely unprovoked.

The nicobar station functioned as a covert surveillance
outpost we i used it to listen in on transmissions

along the machination border

six months ago a section seven
agent was assassinated in the free zone.

But not before delivering a report that the child die
we're testing a new stealth technology beyond the most

advanced design to
either the uio or Micronesia.

Kind of

phone that could defeat the station's
automated defense perimeter right.


for the last six months nicobar station has been
actively scanning child eye movements along the abdomen


and destroying your baseball uio officers is
their way of saying mind your own business

given what we've seen i hope that's
the only thing they have to tell us.

So what exactly are we
going to do about this

well captain the nineties rich borders you eo chaldean
Micronesian territory it's the only place in the

Indian ocean where a

semblance of commerce goes on
without the threat of w*r breaking out.

Until the yoyo can come up with
an official response to this attack.

I expect seacrest to protect
our interest in the area.


I couldn't wait until the
next time to see you.

We'll always have the
Internet it's not enough.

I don't deserve this kind of luck.

What do you mean.

There was ever been this eager to see me

maybe no one's ever been

here to see me.

I guess we're made for each other huh.

I think so too.

That's why i still shuttle.

You what.

When you didn't show up i
took one of the colony shuttles.

If you give me your location.

I'll come and meet you are you crazy.

I've had a military vessel
you can't just drop in


I've been pretty close to ready.

Where are you exactly.

Just shut nicobar eyes.


Oh my god.

Did you have any idea how close
you are to the chao doi border


You have to go back

i don't exactly have a lot of fuel left.

Tim you have to tell me where you are.

Okay camorra.

Transmit your coordinates plant your ship somewhere
safe and don't come out into the open no matter what.

Only more

recount measures do we have to do
by now i can do that patrol with sleep.

You ought to be thankfully
training hours you're logging.


Remember to put that in my prayers tonight.

You know what I'll catch
up with the inner sect.


What are you doing.

I'm off duty amazing my shuttle pass.

Your past surely
we're still a yellow alert.

I know what you don't.

She's not worth torpedo
when your career like this.


Can't explain it.

She's in serious trouble okay

if it's that serious she goes
straight to captain oates.

He's not going to help me.

Have to do this by myself.


You're going a wall.

Technically that's not true.

Do you know what captain Hudson's
technically going to do to you.

Are you really going to risk
court martial offense for date.

This is ridiculous.

He knows ridiculous Tony.

I didn't have a life before
sequence vanished.

And ten years later
none of the people i had

know what to make of me.

I don't even remember
why join this boat anymore.

Tomorrow is the only thing that
comes close to making me happy.

Which is the only thing that's real to me and
if something happens to her because of me.

I can never forgive myself.

I'm pulling the docking clamp Tony.

I'm not moving.

Ah uh man i'm reading an a*t*matic
warning beacon transmission.

Looks like somebody to one of our shuttles

can be assured.

Just confirmed shalimar
seven set for the shout i bore.

Captain to the bridge.

Shut Omar seven this is
commander Ford acknowledge.

Repeat this is commander Ford you
are to return to sea quest immediately.

This is better be the prettiest woman alive

you're gonna answer

just keep scanning for a shuttle Tony.

What's say.

Proximity alert.

Something's coming right at us.

I have an unidentified contact at our
launch range moving to intercept our shuttle

the hells are showing

out there anyway we don't know sir.

If i'm stopped by the set

said of course i want them back now.

Is it her.

No i can't get a fix on it.

Yeah fashioned things going.

Lips all over the place

unless your days piloting a hyper velocity
torpedo i suggest to get the hell out of here.


sort of projects ready to launch

piccolo still unaccounted for.

Its own


the shuttle's not going any faster Tony.

I always it's wake.

The passers-by.

Oh my god.


It's coming right at us.


I'm intercepting a message
across the hailing frequency.

On screen.


This is lieutenant commander hi ko kimura

Joe di submarine as*ault force.

I'm hereby requesting an
escort back to your ship.

And asylum in the united
earth oceans organization.

If the board informs me that you were lured
into this gross dereliction of duty to go on a date.

I know there's no excuse for
my behavior you're damn right.

During the years ago you would've been called for
pulling a stunt like this captain we had reasonably

i'd believe that if i was you mr piccolo your hair's
breath away from having your field commission resend

now until the uio does a thorough investigation of this
incident you're both suspended from active duty and

confined to quarters yes sir yes sir.

Get them out of my sight.


Two tax negative for many notes
skip tracers and radioactive isotopes.

He is a complex electronic web

wired straight through her cerebral cortex

but it scans negative is either
an expl*sive or tracking device.

If she's bugged in any way.

It's certainly not one i can detect.

Full analysis of the Sybil chicken.

That commander.

Had a lot of explaining to do.

You must be captain Hudson.

Tim told me a lot about you.


Mister Ford

get her out of here.

And last six months have conducted an
online relationship with lieutenant O'Neill.

The intent of gathering intelligence
pertinent to my defection.

At no time was he aware
of my origin or intentions.

How could he not be aware.

I routed all my transmission through a sequence
of anonymous repeaters around the globe.

There's no way he could have known.

You have more important issues
here than protecting identity Neil.

I'm here to train a child

shale class sub fighter.

As well as information on
childline military structure.


and future plans

in exchange for what.

Immediate passage out of
the free zone into u e o territory.

As long as the child i believe i'm here they will
stop at nothing to get me in there so fighter back

they go to w*r with the
yo-yo over a defection.

Six months ago i made contact with an operative from
your section seven choudary counter search and see

traced my transmissions to him

and k*lled him


I made my escape
approximately eight hours ago.

I'm certain that the attack on the nicobar outpost
was an attempt to recover child died property

i'm sure captain Hudson can guarantee
your safety on board of seacrest.

Until you can be transferred

and there's not what i'm asking for.

Mr Ford.

Lieutenant commander two recorders.

For guard at all times.

To be taken out of this area immediately.

Duly noted.

For all we know about her is that she compelled
two of my officers to endanger sea quest and it's crew.

Even if her story checks out i don't
feel comfortable having her on board.

Sea quest is on a mission in the trade zone
captain once we assure the zone is stable

we will arrange for her transfer.

Yes sir.

Some fetters and have a single macros
Asian or uio component in it as far as the

talents a hundred percent made in Chennai.

Power plant

weapons stealth capacities are far superior
to the lysander class or spectre demon

the one thing that we
do have on it is that.

Much more lightly armored
than any of our sub fighters.

Makes it harder to hit

and there depends on the pilot sir.

The pilot's helmet.

It is lined up with her neural interfaces.

Similar Frederick site shit but
much more advanced no offense

none taken.

The ship's rudder and weapons they're
controlled directly by the mind of the pilot.

Yoyo che step to this technology for
years but they abandoned it because the.

Neural implementation procedures
raised too many human rights issues.

Is there any good news.

Well it ah.


Doesn't have an escape pod.

Barely showed i pilots aren't expected
to come back without their buses.


Captain we're reading huge amounts of
flash traffic along the machination border

long range scanners
confirm signs of battle.

Think the child i just att*cked
a Micronesian listening post.

Are we within range to assist.

Negative sir but the Micronesian alliance
was sending forces across the border.

Was bastards going take us all to w*r.

Do you have an order sir.

Old position commander.



What are your people up to.

The ship hasn't moved.

I made it clear i would not divulge any
further information until i'm certain my safety.

Your safety

depends on just how much information you're willing
to share with us are you familiar with kelda diplomacy.

Make your point there isn't any.

Destroying covert listening
post across the trade zone.

Is a child die way of
politely asking for my return.

We have a mission to protect

the trade zone

then you should let me go before
the child died destroy you to get me.

Thinking on the flagship of the uv albeit little
more difficult than attacking a defenseless outpost.

Take six days to wire the mind of a
shoe class pilot interface with their ship.

The pilot is conscious.

While the surgeon cuts from the base of
the spine to skull to implant the hardware.


touch of the surgeon's hand
feels like a lifetime of pain.

Only three out of every ten
pilots survive the procedure.

And still every pilot in
the corps volunteers.

It is considered the highest
honor of a military career.


And deaf.

Or the coin of the chao die.

I wouldn't make any assumptions about the
price they're willing to pay to get what they want.



Z in there as you requested.


Speak your mind.

I've been lieutenant O'Neill superior
officers since the quest was commissioned

and all Tim may not be the most
military minded officer we've got.

I'd stake my reputation

and my command army would never.

Voluntarily betray


or the us.

For any reason.

Thank you commander.

At ease.

What is that.

My resignation stretch him
this way called me in here

get it off my desk.


Khan scan has reported heightened
activity along the machination border.

The Chinese still have ships hiding in the freeze
on and i have twelve trading settlements demanding

protection in twelve different languages.

I need your language and
communication skills on the bridge.

Therefore i'm putting you back
on active duty immediately.

I thought i was up on charges sir.

Make no mistake about this agenda.

You put yourself in this ship

in jeopardy.

Suitable disciplinary
action will be enforced

but that does not the fact that your
skills are an essential part of this mission.

I expect you to do your
duty to the best of your ability.

Do we understand each other.

Yes sir.

You have your orders dismissed.



I'll take it.

Open up.


Security this the bridge we have to alert
on dec five weapons fire has been reported.

The second and she seems to have vanished.

Launch bay this is a cabinet witcher stuff.

Yeah machado subfolder secure sir.

Mr wallin check.

Open the bay doors.

Unto life.

Dr Perry the launch bay this is an
emergent mosman doors are opening.

Override it.


and her supporters already wet.

We wanted a chance to
test yourself against the child

here spring her back.



i only have sporadic short range reading
sir she must be jamming my sensors

to transmit your location
we're standing by to attack.

Honey hospital for so long
her last confirmed contact.

Because she's heading
for the macanese border.

Is through O'Neill.

Open a hailing frequency.

Channel open.

Then a commander camorra nurses captain
Oliver hundreds of sea quest acknowledge.

Uh no responseare.

Uh mister O'Neill i'm told that you
have a relationship with this person.

I suggest you talk her down now
before we blow her out of the water.




Go to w*r.


shambhu jojo.

The oil shea neary shoe

save your breath temp.

Fix on that location
transmitted the fredericks.


Captain once decided
death warrant for your ship

that's his choice.

I'm taking my trade to
someone who protect me.

You are jeopardizing peace in this region.

If you do not return i will
be forced to destroy you.

Risk my life escaping the child

so i can lose your board your ship captain.


cut us off soon.

Uh fredericks.

Move into position to intercept.

Unofficial contact captain

step to disable.

Capture first.

Understood sir.





We've lost the center contact
with the enemy sub fighter sir.

And been tracking on the spectrum.

And it won't be long before
they enter machination territorial.

De piccolo bring us
into position to intercept.

Plotting a courser.


She's moving too fast for hyper velocity torpedoes
sacha plasma lasers the seventy percent see if you can

slow her down.

All the.


captain Alaska.

Um just engage

will be destroyed.


Captain i have a machination centaur class
patrol ship must have been hiding on the sea floor.



torpedoes bearing down on the sub fighters.

Did get.

Uh she's down i'm coming
about and firing a w*apon torpedo.


Backers ship is hailing his captain.

On screen.

I'm captain Oliver Hudson of seacrest
what does your business in the trade zone

this is captain John Corey
the Micronesian alliance

and before i ask you the same question.

Let me say that i consider it an honor to
stand face to face with the hero of nexus.

I can't see the feelings mutual sir.

They told us you weren't much of a diplomat

but even you must know that deploying
weapons of w*r along a free trade zone

is a violation of treaty

don't lecture me on treaty violation stand
down and release my sub fighters now.

I count one yoyo some fighter.

Perhaps the other one needs protection
from your provocative incursion into the trades.

Excuse me sir.

We are within firing range.

Are a good commander.

Flood all tubes arm all weapons.

Target their bridge.


Captain i'm sure we both have more pressing issues to
deal with and to stand around quibbling over a couple

of sub voters

that didn't do to flooded.

We are hot.

Thank you commander.

I see your point.

I trust we will both deal with
these matters presently captain.

Thank you sir.

Thank you mr farda.

He flipped the sub fire over the surface
nobody looks a sapphire over the surface.

No but.

We were lucky to do.

Just you study those mission tastes because
you're the best we've gotten she smoked.



What's wrong with her

e before ahead overloading
your neural implants.

I need to take her to sickbay.

Go right ahead.



Tomorrow to meet Tim.

Let me go for god's sake.

What's wrong with you.

You shouldn't have brought me back.

The child died will destroy
your ship and everybody in it

why did you come here
in the first place no choice.

You had no choice but to put everything
and everyone i care about in danger.

I trusted you

and you used me

did to yourself Tim.

You want a naive little farm girl who
spoke eight languages and had a genius i q.

Word somebody would laugh at your jokes.

Give you sympathy every time
captain Hudson pushed you around.

Yeah well.

I gave it to you.

We thankfully had you
fantasy for as long as she did.

Everything about you

is a lie.

My parents tried to escape
the child die when i was five.

The child dye injected nano
expl*sives into their bloodstream.

Put them on display

and blew the charges one at a time.

More than anything else.

I remember the look on my mother's face.

When she finally gave up.

Lies the only reason i survived
the child day long enough to escape

don't expect me to feel
sorry about what i did to you.

These people represent a horror
you can't even begin to understand.

I began to understand the
moment you decided my life

was worth sacrificing to save your own.

Red alert.

Two battle stations.

They've come for me.

This is where it ends.


Are you feeling ensign

pretty football's.


Trepidation warships
running back in our direction.

This is a distress call.


Shopper buys.

Long range scanners confirm weapons fire but
we can't pin down the number of hostile contacts

my blog of course to intercept full ahead.

There go

fredericks do you sub fighter yes sir

yes sir.

There's still a chance to
get out of this alive captain.

Don't engage chow die.

Screw doesn't run away from a fight.

Other visual contact three
show class some others captain.

Go jamming our sensors for target
locks down inspectors in the water sir

i'm gonna show you class and an as*ault.

Captain that Micronesian ship is as
good as dead because still just that sorry.


Including mine.

Mr far.

Take a look Frederick's

take them out.


Did you sell craft

rescue any survivors.

Up huge.

UN piccolo or you're right.

Never better.

Chatter or grouping this is
our chairs to cut them off.

Of falling into attack formation.

Unbecoming coming in for texture.

Directory and colors.

Arm !sis close range target manually start.

Firing always.

Ulrich star dec five.

Ugh got it in my sight.






I've got a.

Amen mister Ford.

Wiring retinal torpedoes.

A suppose coming about it's
headed straight for the bridge captain

and try to take us with him.

Fire everything dead ahead.

Uh scratch one shot.




They're coming around for another pass yet.

I'm taking evasive action maximum speed.

Gas propulsion control.

I'm trying to bypass.

Of integrity critical.

Of all Jews.

The torpedoes

short range maximum detonation.

Think your ship captain.

Will take them with us.


Cho dire hailing us.

Commander Ford standby fire on my Mark




Oh yeah new men need you
zhao wei Jin you aren't i will.

Chair donation demands the immediate
surrender of their pilot and their property should.


Data commander Kumar
has formally requested asylum

with a uio the ship under no
circumstances will surrender a refugee

now captain.

I've done what i set out to do.

You know know enough about the child to
prepare for the next time they try to do this.

My life isn't worth your sacrifice.

Way nehmen

don't see zhao wuji.

Demand nor answer sir.

A can't allow this to happen

and let me make the choice.

Tim open a calm like
going to suspend freedoms.

Or sure chao daiya Guantanamo commander
hickok morrowind shower channel force.

And hereby offering my
unconditional surrender.

Charles r g show nida toshack.

Shadow nation accepts her term show.


Christian commissioner escort
the lieutenant to or some fighter.

Permission granted.


I hope you aren't here
to talk me out of this.



Captain lieutenant commander
kamara ship has cleared the docking bay.


Joe died applause.

Okay I've done a lot quicker
contact with the shoe.

They're gone sir.

Go with the Kane five.

But Dan Henderson


I'll need an assessment of damages.

We'll make a real person.

That's it.

Get a priority message from launch bay.

To the commander camorra
never got on her ship.

So i'm getting a strange motion signal
in the hydro two of just moving from.

Launch bay to see Dexter.


years mr Ford

mr wolin checker with me

yes sir.


Mr O'Neill.

What the hell do you think you're doing.

Well sir.


Yeah it wasn't that much
different operates than a whisker.


If you insist on
indulging in this behavior.

Just might get promoted.

That is one possibility.

A Micronesian have decided to write this
off as an unfortunate misunderstanding.

And the child i

still haven't acknowledged
your attempts to communication.

So it would seem that you are
free to become a citizen of the jojo

and i thank you for that.

But i want something more mr mcgrath.

I'm a soldier.

My defection doesn't make
me any less of what i am.

You want to enlist.

You appear to be in need of a
sub fighter pilot captain Hudson.

The best pilots in the u e o
wait years to serve on seacrest.

You know you wouldn't
find a better replacement.

And my knowledge and expertise
on the child die will prove invaluable.

You need that expertise.

I need the opportunity
to put it into practice.

The person you're suggesting
replacing was my best student.

Flying that ship is her whole life she
dedicated everything she had to honor our duty.

I'll ever get extremely
large hole for you to fill.

Modena commander.

But you excuse us for a moment.


Commander Ford dropped
the appropriate papers

you sir.


And I've spent nearly enough
time playing poker with my friends.

I never learned to play.

Maybe someday you could teach me.


Should thank you for saving my life.


I had no choice.

There's something you should know.

I couldn't have deceived you as
well as i did for as long as i did.

Unless somewhere within me.

I had those feelings.

Nobody's a good liar.

You are.

Just a pickle.

About fredericks right.

I tell you my luck ahead.


A more or less fixture.


Yes sir.




A uh.