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03x11 - Second Chance

Posted: 05/30/23 09:08
by bunniefuu

Mr piccolo.

Yes sir.


Going somewhere.

The bridge sir we had a reactor shutdown it was
just men were prepping for a restart yes i know.

What day is this.

Thursday Sarah October
twenty eight twenty thirty two.

Did i do something wrong sir.

He was born mr Beckham.


Happy birthday.


Did i get the right kind.

Absolutely sir that they
used to call him the king.

Captain to the bridge.

Nobody ever remembers my birthday.

Thank you sir.

Carry on mr bakula.

Yes sir.

That should do it

during the lowest cost bidder actually
knew how to make a modular reactor this all.

At least that was made by Dan
industries okay folks over cheddar.

We're ready sir

oh see.

Commentary start.

Powering up.

Magnetic containment is
stable we're go for ignition.



Wait a second

we have fusion powers increasing

i said wait a second i'm seeing
something weird inside the bottle.

I don't see anything.

Mr wolin Chuck you are the
science officer you have an order.

Sir scram and

scram it cut off fuel.

Scram it on.


I'm trying to.

It's just continuity we've got a
black hole inside the reactor.

Gather loud enough.

Right now.

Uh of the hell is that.

To space time discontinuity.

When we were inside and captain.

For long emergency speed ahead.


Do we don't know what's on the other side.

Revert to find those.

Rays yourself.


Since it was reported
back in normal water's.

Surface a whisker.

Is back in communication assessing.

What about lieutenant Henderson

and her group.

They got clear in the reactor's stabilized.

Captain i'm

picking up.


Well at least we're not on Mars.

It's time in a radio signal.

It's acoustic.

It's coming from.


Put a boarding party to get a check a

better way.

I want to start shut off the whisker.

Because where the hell we are.

Already running so computer calculates
were on bearing one to zero degrees.

Fifty five

kilometers off the coast of


October twenty eighth nineteen sixty two.

The day the Cuban m*ssile crisis and.

The biggest thing that ever
happened on my birthday.

m*ssile crisis.

The fall of ninety sixty two

Soviet union deployed nuclear missiles.

On Cuba just ninety
miles off the United States.

The us responded by going to full alert
imposing a naval blockade all around Cuba.

Throughout the world to
the brink of nuclear w*r.

I always resolved.

Over twenty eight.

Sixty two.

Both leaders.

President Kennedy nikita khrushchev
they negotiated a way out of the crisis.

Instigated a process of peacemaking
that lasts until the end of the cold w*r

thirty years later.

Under this timeline happened.

This is a static we're hearing to fall out
radiation from a massive nuclear attack.

They've destroyed the planet.

My god.

Uh uh.

Over there.


Radiation sickness.

Even thank Christopher medal ah.

My own family.

We've got one captain.

We found a survivor.

Oh my god.

It's not a plasma transfusion through
the bag and remember people he's hot.

Do ID them.

Adam and Christine Van
camp and the motherland.

The survivors the father commander Michael

and can be us Navy intelligence.

He was attached to
headquarters second fleet.

While he's probably got some answers that.


Even the bags radiation hazard.

Dr Perry.

Did you help him.

With this much radiation damage.

All i can do is prolong his agony.

I've advanced the whiskers toward
the mainland it's a nuclear wasteland.

Then was that glow on the horizon.


The mainland is burning

cities forests everything.

Is going to be a nuclear winter.

And anyone who survives.

Who freeze.

Anything on the airwaves.


Not of thing.

Nobody's broadcasting
and i doubt they ever will.

I don't get it.

This never happened.

Soviet ships never
crossed the blockade line.

Both sides met in negotiations
out of that came the.

Nuclear test ban treaty the hotline.

Both sides never got
close to nuclear w*r again.

So what went wrong.

Well maybe this is some
sort of alternate reality.

Every time i run the numbers
they say the same thing.

The singularity was unidimensional we're still
in our own timeline just seventy years earlier.

You mean if we can somehow
get back that w*r will still be there.

It's going to be part of our history.

No it means the fact
that we're physically here.

Means that it never took place.

What do you mean.

I'll think about it

maybe the fact that the world
wasn't destroyed is because.

We went back in time and prevented the w*r.

Okay so.

That means you're successful then.


maybe it does maybe not maybe

some other

spacetime version of awesome successful.

Backup second are you
saying that we could go.

Further back in history
maybe stopped to swap

one of our lasers was out of phase just
long enough to create a resonance in the plan.

A moment of ignition.


We generated our own micro black hole.

As long as containment holds.

It won't grow out of control

but if it flexes

it could create another singularity in which a
release of radiation could cut a portal through now our

movement through time.

Should be proportional to that
portal assistance to the previous one.

And if containment doesn't hold.

Will blow sky high.

So tell me.

Can you control this process well
enough for me to stick all our lives on it.

You think we have a choice.

There's always a choice since.

The trick is gathering enough
information to support that choice

they've done it.



Where am i.

Aboard a submarine near Miami.


Like that.

They aren't in any pain.


Commander i apologize but i have to ask.

How did this work it started.

I didn't know.

He's got an

awesome huh.

The other blockade.

Beyond the blockade.


Base command started yelling at ah.

The us service piano position


It was fire


Soviet ship that had crossfire.

Oh we we couldn't tell where.

The bombs started falling.

Alright family.

I try to my family out.

Radiation just came ahead of us.

Excuse me.

Not you're very

where do you want this not now see.

All of them.

All of that.




Just like anything I've ever seen before.

We already United States submarine.

Were on loan to something
like the United Nations.

But we're from seventy years in the future.

You could travel in time.

They cut back

stop this w*r

you've got to rest


You go back.

You stop this w*r.

You're doing anything you can.

You blow up one of our subs if you have to

you stop it more time.

Can't you do something for him.

I can't even hold his hand while he dies.

Is that radioactive.

Just like everyone else on the planet.


Lieutenant Henderson.


And address reactor three
we're going to give this a try.

Yes sir.


Several systems go for re-start
whisker standing by reactors unsecure.

Many have gone.

Thanks to condition one.

Nationwide condition one all
hands manufactured stations.

At one third steady of
course zero zero degrees.

We start three.


He start three.


We have flux.

It's coming.



Energy pulse weapons on standby.

And we have to hit it just two
degrees left of the portal two degrees.

Steady on course to nine



we're in position.

Fire on my Mark.


Of working.


Because speed ahead.

Us surface was.

On it's way.

Oh my.

Getting something.

Lotta stuff and

I've got a day.

It's October twenty sixth nineteen
sixty two or two days back in time.


The hell is that.

Sounds like an antiquated alert
signal from an old military frequency

to code.

No need to turn to keep
repenting in the clear.

On speaker


To all commands from looking glass i repeat this
is a national command authority alert from cnc sat.

Said death con to.

Set defcon to.

Authenticator delta bravo zulu zulu.

Oh my god.

Defcon two.

Second stage lurch.

All across america missiles
silos are being fueled.

Bombers are taking off to hold and
striking position off the Soviet union.

It's the hair trigger for defcon one.


viewer w*r.

According to our sensors it's all
unfolding just the way history recorded.

On Cuba the missiles are coming online.

And as you can see there
are at least twelve Soviet ships

approaching the blockade

and we think one of the
us subs is about to open fire.

But we don't know wherein
the lines over a thousand miles.


why don't we just surface and

order everyone to stop the w*r

because if we try and change history

like the hand of Providence
reaching down from the heavens

you could lead anywhere it might
even panic somebody to start in this w*r.

But if we can get a hold of the patrol assignments of
the us subs the communication codes we may be able to

do such been covertly.

So mr Ford sir.

I'll take seacrest out beyond the blockade

you will infiltrate a party
ashore get the data we need

Lucas will work your sensors
have a single platform.

Very good sir


If you don't mind i'd also
like to take along piccolo.

We'll be needing
transportation and clothing

that fit in.

Which piccolo got to do with that.

Mister Bigelow.

Well sir.

While we're searching the boat i kind of.

Liberated the family's
keys and decontaminated.

Old habits die hard sir i thought
they were appropriate in this case.

Mr piccolo.

Sometimes you're frightened.

Sometimes it's good to be frightened.

Launched in ten minutes.

Good luck everybody.

You know i could persuade
him to keep you here.

I'd rather be with you.

Oh wow.


Got errors with the w i r t.

Tensions increased today and the Cuban m*ssile crisis
with reports that us nuclear bombers were dispersing to

civilian airfields.

While in Moscow the tass news
agency published a statement

accusing the united
states of acts of provocation

that might lead to nuclear w*r.

Meanwhile the military
says it so here's the route

where the us

key from the future

opening the door from the.


to be assembled.

Anyone know how we ought to look.

At nineteen sixty to.

Ninety sixty two i think
you're supposed to go topless.

Oh okay maybe i get the wrong decade.

If you don't.

Retail Sean an old Marlon Brando film.

Maybe ought to go for more preppy look.


when you make

shave my head but.

I end up getting the
short end of the stick here.

Yeah somebody's kinda.


But that.

What we.

Your Christine

Christine Van camp.


Now that we know that.

Too are you.

Look small check.

No kidding.

Sure and tell the police


Try it now.

Don't make me use this.

Let me explain.

Explain what.


what are you going to tell her that because

there were here from the
future to save all of mankind.

I guess you're right okay look.

You just have to take it easy


To take it easy which is gonna.

Kidnap you for a little while




Good thinking Lucas so many
genius good at thought of that.

Will you let me explain.

It wouldn't even make you come
with this except you have seen us.

But if you're promised to act naturally.

We won't tie you up.


In a couple of hours will set you free.

Why do you say.


Australia stone.

I'm gonna say.

Max before his baby.

Can't believe distinct.

Doesn't even respond to voice commands
yeah well charming a paper map for a change.

You want to guess where we are.

Oh man was it confirmed.

Great years ago was born in the wrong era.

And the wrong cut entry.



Of course.

Might as well confess.


Not from Hicksville usa.

They were Russian.



People Russia.

Of course you're Russian.

Check out my dad says his outfit.


your pow you're barely even
knows how to drive a car.


You're trying to pretend like you're

like Jack kerouac and going
back on the road or something.

I met.

Know who won the world series this year.

Too yeah.

Paris lasers.

Think that you're not even a very good spy.

It is kind of a shame they
didn't grow up in the us.

Because it's

a little bit of help.

It can be kind of handsome.





Oh check yes sir.

Near the naval base.

Bring the sensor pack


Oh my god.

You guys really are skies.

Aren't you.

Amy Christina is not what it looks like.



You can set up camp over here.

If you give us line of
sight right there at tennis.


We might have trouble.

Think we're being followed.

It's me it's my team sixty two.

What are you talking about committee you fitted and like
to i'm black we've gone back before the civil rights


I don't understand.

In Florida nineteen sixty two a black man couldn't
even drink from the same fountain his words.

And he sure as hell couldn't
ride around in a car like that.

With a white woman and you knew it

what was i supposed to do.

He kidnapped me.

What are you guys doing here.

Your freedom riders.

I'm commander Jonathan
Devyn Ford United States Navy.

I don't care what some pointed head intellectual
who can't park his bike stray wants to call you boy.

You're just one thing to me.

Hey wait.


What the hell are you guys doing.

I didn't want you to hurt him

i just wanted to get away from them.

And step aside.


There's more.

Go back to the car moving.

Come on.

Why did you do that to that worry about
it they're gonna be fine just keep running.

United States marines throw down your w*apon Christine
runbook but i don't want anybody hurt with down your



Harass these people.

With Soviet agents.

Sir yes sir.


No way well i'm still


Hear if you're making a big mistake
there's gonna be another w*r when

we could stop but you've
got gotta listen to me.

That was the goal.


Christine are you okay.

Today they'd do anything to you.

Come on dad.

You don't get yourself all worried.

I'm fine.

All right i mean the groceries were strewn all over
the boat the chair was getting phone calls saying that

you were driving through town with

the n*gro and.

They are people just like we are.

And nobody hurt me.

The your problem Christine.

Your problem is you think everybody's
got a good heart just like you.



Partnership with the search team
just found the man on the beach.

They were just beginning
to regain consciousness

and they say that this group.

Stunned them with some sort of cattle prod.

I think a Shepherd looks

forty yeah.


Looks like.

Some kind of detonator.

And weapons though i'm
not quite sure what they.


And radio detection gear.

It lieutenant commander trask
and i want to start this interrogation.

I want to start it now




We're pushing the blockade line

but he got fredericks.

Looks like the us subs are lying on
the bottom listening on passive sonar.

Not even our whisk is
going to be able to detect all.

I assume before the first Soviet
freighter approaches the blockade line.

Three hours

and this spread out way
too far for us to protect.

Uh come on.

How stupid do you think i am.

By buying a single thing you say.

You'll let us explain.

There was a us sub up there that
is about to start world w*r three

because it thinks the
Russians have crossed the line



Soviet agents.

You were on an infiltration mission.

Now you're trying to spread disinformation.

Or do you want the truth the
whole truth and nothing but the truth.

I'm commander Jonathan
Devin for the United States Navy

and this is my shore party.

And if we seem a little strange to
you and claim to know the future

it's because we are from

the future.

You're twenty thirty two.

No wonder they had a
woman on the combat team.

Are out of their minds

now we can prove it.

Just take a pallet parter set of Paul's
g*n into the red and firewood out to sea

and then what.

Have a blow up in our faces
that your idea of revenge please.

You've got to believe us any second
now there's going to be a nuclear w*r.

We know because we found
your boat two days in the future.

You were there.

You were dying of radiation exposure
and the rest of your family was already dead.

You're still an Adams
radiation reading was so hot.

We couldn't even touch
a st Christopher's medal

if you think trying to scare me by
going through my family's go to work.

Very wrong.

Get em out of here

shipping up the.



One Christine was on the boat today because she told
your family to run a nuclear w*r breaks out but they're

not going to run.

They're gonna wait for you and the radiation is gonna
hit them before you even get there and you're all going

to die together

give it up.

It's not gonna work my son doesn't
even have a st Christopher's medal.


Yeah do you think we got the keys



So they told.

Pretty much.

When they said anything at all.

Hey hey hey.

Sweetheart you don't let him
scare you now they were just lying


How can you be so sure.

Let me tell you something.

When they shut those guys at that beach.


Seen anything like that
in my whole entire life.

Christine you've read a lot of books.

I know you got some
strange ideas against berg

burls and bias okay.

These people.

Are not a problem.


your wife's on the line
she's heard the news.






just heard this.

Is Christine okay.

Yeah she's fine she's right here she's

pretty excited

you wanna talk to.


Hi mom.

Oh baby.

Yeah were they first
told me i was so scared.

Where they really communist.

Yeah it sort of looks that way Ellen.

But everything's under control now.

How's my man i'm taking it.


No first all this stuff
about Cuba and now this.



know it's silly but while i was out i.

I bought him a Saint Christopher's medal.

Now i thought it might come down



st Christopher's Miller you know I'll go.

Did anybody see you do it.

When did you do it.

Just about ten minutes ago.

Alright now Ellen this is important
i need you to do exactly as i say.

If anything happen if

anything happens Ellen.

You take atom and you
head straight out to see.

Your hearing.

And Allen.

No matter what

do not

wait for me.

Not even for Christine.

You got that.


You're scaring me.

What is happening.

Please just do it.

Do as i say.

I will call you as soon as i can.


What's wrong.


These are your keys right.


I have my keys right here.

Very Christine.

You stay here.





Uh oh my god.


A word from for.

Drying separately must be out of range
so one of the freighters is picking up speed.

How soon before it reaches the blockade.

Less than an hour.

But herself asking me running these
waters but I've been detected by the census

sixty sixty five knots
should i really expect her.

Absolutely not they get one look at
that and we will start world w*r three.

Had one-third

mr neel sir energized lasers low power.

Destination sir.

That Russian freighter



Tired the propeller shaft i want to sh**t

repeated up sees the engines little luck.

Going Ronald in public.

I say.

Target locked.

Low power on your convention.


Uh they blew the engine.


I want somebody in that seat now.

Printers report something bearing stirring
sounds like a hole rising from the bottom.

Give me a visual.

On screen.

So that's a skipjack class nuclear taxicab.

They are over the lunch why did they wait.

Thermo clans two hundred meters are masking the senses
they couldn't hear that freighter until we banged up

the props and other sounds drawing them in

did we just start world w*r three

i want commander Ford online i don't care what
it takes mister O'Neill sound general court nicer.

General quarters general
quarters all hands better


What the hell was that.

Was it based expl*si*n
I've ever seen in my life.

You tried one of their weapons.

Yeah i did.

Trust is a much more dangerous
situation than i thought.

Stand him up.

Yeah i'm scared there for a minute.

So much gone pointy headed on.

I am.


Because it's.


Come what you need.


so the us submarine is accelerating to
thirty knots to Peter doors are opening

standby countermeasures
steady on course to two zero

launch warning to peos in the
water-type Mark fourteen high expl*sive

he's firing on the crater.

Fire intercept.

Intercepts away.



I've got active sonar usf channel locks up sir
captain torpedo tubes opening second bank

since it's read radiation is consistent
with torpedoes type Mark forty five nuclear.


He's never heard
anything like our ever since.

He's so frightened he's gonna
start this world w*r on the shot.


Nobody moved.

As a matter of national security.

I'll explain my actions
later but this is my call.

Z quests this is Alpha
team do you read over.

Mr piccolo where are you.

Based communication center.

Right now listen up we're under attack by a us submarine
at twenty seven degrees north seventy degrees west

we need to know the identity and
authentication codes of that sub now.

That would be the striker.

Wait a minute that puts it

thirty miles outside it's patrol quarter.

Authentication code zulu
delta X-ray one two nine.

And a


Launch warning to Peter in the watermark forty
five nuclear bearing one zero zero and closing.

Artist starboard.

Buyer intercept.

Alright we're going down die

die we have a die.

Intercepts away.


scratch once i got it before it.

He's coming about for another attack.

O'Neill the hydrophone.

USS striker USS striker.

This is a message from national
command authorities zulu delta

X-ray one two niner.

Cease fire your out of position
i repeat your out of position.

Uh sir I've got an object detached
from itself floating upwards.

Unknown sometimes stay true identity

and not recognizing so our
signature or your capabilities.


the optics gotta be a w*r warning buoy

at defcon two that's all they
need to start dropping the bombs

mr O'Neill target buoy


USS striker you are not authorized
to know my identity or my capabilities

authenticate my order
you will be destroyed.


I'm not suffering your order's authenticated and accepted
but I've released a warning buoy can you disable it

over sir bu is fifty metres and rising.

Just doing the hellfire.

Eye cancer the Russian ship is in the way.

Darwin can do it.


Erin Edwards friends.

Are when the hell.

Go for it.

Darwin there's a large float heading towards
the surface can you stop it before it makes a noise




Are twenty metres and rising.



Starting to transmit.


Transmission reported.

He did it it's off the air.

Unidentified submarine sonar indicates my boys
destroying i don't know how you did it but thank you.

We try to be useful.

Striker what are your intentions.

By inertial guidance
system is malfunctioning

and returning to the base
repairs thank you and good day.

Sir contact is going about consisted with
a return to the mainland the Russian ship

has broken off and it's making
three nights toward the open sea.

Does that mean we won.

Yesterday would do.

Come on this thing's gotta go faster.

Let's go.


i'm getting strange resonances and reactor
three i think the singularities becoming unstable.

Mr O'Neill Warren commander Ford.



Reactor three is becoming unstable.

And yeah we're almost there.

But leaving you in a hole in the trouble

yeah was trouble we can live with.

There is one thing.

That i still want to do.

Oh man Lucas am my
sorry but we have got to go

yeah go.




We come visit me in the future.

So will.

Come on.






Alright people let's go back.


and a giant number three.

The guys

cathodes are down to twelve percent.

Okay we've got containment.



let's go for it.

Starboard eight degrees.

On my Mark.


Uh a.

A time signal.

Happy birthday donates jojo greenwich town.


Should be happy and she needed to find you.

Thank you sir.


i'm not quite sure that's finished yet.

I'd like to request permission to leave.




Do i know you.

My name is Lucas.

Lucas swollen check.

Do you remember.


I always knew you would come.

