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03x06 - Brainlock

Posted: 05/30/23 09:05
by bunniefuu
Spectrum, this is Shadow.
The hunter followed you.

Let's go.

At gunpoint. - Time?
- . seconds.

Record, Fredericks.
- My record, fearless.

You have no chance.
- And I don't need it.

Calm down, Fredie. That record is not worth it
half a billion dollars of OUO assets.

Another back hunter.
- And you did so well.

The hunter is aiming you.
- Say good night, Fredie.

They don't call me futile fearless.

- . seconds.

That's not true. She didn't even sh**t.
- Surrender, Noonan.

I beat you by eight
seconds. - Fredie, up!

Help! Help me!

Hold on, the rescue shuttle arrives.
Fredie! Fredie!

Calm down, calm down.

Fredie, you're really lucky.

Fredie! Fredie!

I was scared though I was
just watched.

I don't know how you got away.
- I didn't really get away.

You've been crazy before
for embedding that chip on you.

Implant people are not crazy.
- I know. They are just devoid of fear.

Nevertheless, from you always
I'm staring. I'm going. - Enjoy the reception.

There is no reception this time.
The OUO charter has expired,

and a new one has not yet been adopted.
- McGath will handle it, as always.

McGath fights for survival,
and President Bourne is

resolved to abolish OUO.
- That will not happen.

Crazy people like me will
k*ll before he does.

And lunatics like me think
that views should be defended.

Come on! You with the chips are all the same.

You know what, Noonan? Because of
such as you,

guys like you are bad
voice. See you, Nichols.

I tell you they will win
with ten differences. - Excuse me?

You wanna bet?
- Of course.

Did we forget something?

He may be dissatisfied with his back.

Give me the start codes.
- Start codes?

From Spectrum. Needed
it's you and your submarine.

Sorry, no way ...

Give me the start codes.

- .

OUO-protected colony,
coordinates unavailable

Commander Ford,

my deputy and I
we were combing our surroundings.

It's safe.
- Great, Lieutenant.

Nice uniform.
- Yeah, you look great.

We're President Bourne
personally attended the summit,

at the request of Secretary McGath.
- Thank you, Lieutenant.

Here it is!
- Let the games begin.

McGath's abolished
a veto on a g*n ban.

You had a stake in it.
And what about sanctions?

OUO introduces and repeals
sanctions at its discretion,

because it doesn't bill anyone.
- Are you going to run for secretary?

No. It is time to abolish it
that secret alliance of bureaucrats

and return the planet to humans.
- Be careful.

Abolishing OUO though
has one advantage.

We won't have to go to these
receptions whenever the charter expires.

We walk around the room full
poison and we chat.

How's it going there? - Lieutenant
Brody and Fredericks

they check security
around the colony.

Great. Thank you.


Captain Hudson?
- Mr. Secretary ...

Should they see us together?

Most of the voting block is
always supported a strong army.

My relationship with seaQuest
is not a problem.

Half of them think you are
introduced a dictatorship in the OUO,

and the other half
that you are just a cat.

It's hard to be so duplicitous.

Ever since we ran out
Macronesia from Nexus,

President Bourne energetically
runs a misinformation campaign

and represents the OUO as a fascist regime.

The message he sends
that irresistible charm,

the easiest way is to detonate.
- I don't know much about detent.

I know that between Macronesia and complete
dominance of the planet stands only OUO.

This message should be conveyed.
- I'm trying, Captain.

Trust me I'm trying.
- Cranberry juice?

You drink that, don't you?
- Not with you.

You're still angry about the Omni-Pacific.
I was hoping we could get over it.

Let's clear something up.

I want my conscience to be pure
when I beat you up one day.

Speaking of which, where are you?
bodyguard Mason Freeman?

Unfortunately, I'm not talking to him.
He claims that I promised him actions

in a letter that does not
i remember signing it.

It used to be a bonus of a hundred
millions of dollars meant something.

And today they expect him.
- What are you looking for here?

Same with you, Captain.
I'm trying to save OUO.

I do business with all the people here,
not just with Alexander Bourne.

His attempt to abolish OUO
not good for my company,

nor for anyone outside of Macronesia.

I want people to know when
vote for a new charter.

Mr. Deon? - Yes?
- Thank you for the places in the lodge.

You're welcome.
- Great match.

If I knew what a fan you are,
I would give you my place.

To know something about basketball,
Remillard would stay in Toronto.

Tom Remillard was for sale.
I honestly bought it.

Without OUO, President Bourne
will abolish free trade.

Tell me what you want,
but I do what I say.

The Security Council refused
McGath's veto on g*n bans,

so as not to destabilize
diplomatic relations

with opponents of nuclear weapons.

Finally, I got rid of dyslexia,
and people no longer speak English.

McGath defended the views
at an evil hour. - What do you think?

I like. I liked it
and when you first read it.

It's an excerpt from Bakner's
Maritime Services.

The words are mine.
- But his thoughts are.

The officer exam is for
less than a week.

How much do you want to pilot with hunters?

It's not easy to think alone, Tony.

We'll do it again this afternoon.
- I thought you had plans.

You don't have much time yet.
- Why are you doing this?

I do not understand.

You try as hard as I do.
Even more so.

You asked me to teach you
to read. - Yes.

But I didn't know you would teach me to study.

This is a very exciting period.
Expansion of new technologies,

we are paving the way to new frontiers.

Drawing new borders on
land and deep under the sea.

OUO will be our leader.
- OUO is no longer useful.

He is an obstruction of the free
wills and threats to those who have

the opposite opinion from you.
- Like Nexus?

I occupied Nexus to
ended your military presence!

These were peacekeeping troops
that protect the colonists.

And what about the colonists now? Is it
Nexus better, now that I've retired?

Ladies and gentlemen, come on
give me a chance to bring

this charter as a guide for the future.

Without it, there will be no OUO.

And there will be no OUO
guarantee for peace in the world.


Delegates, please! For
today the session is over.

We'll continue at nine in the morning.

Lieutenant Brody, President
Bourne enters the shuttle.

Let's be safe
let's escort our boy.

Alliance ā€¯seeks permission
to set sail. - Roger.

President Bourne's shuttle
is ready to go.

OUO hunters will accompany you.

Radar registers unidentified hunters.

Relax, it's the hunters
class "Spectrum SF-A ".

Who sh**t the president?
- Brody, what's going on?

They attack from nowhere.
I'm losing power! - Help her.

This is Lieutenant Fredricks.
Say who you are and surrender.

I have permission to open
fire. - Do your duty.

- You want to die?

I'll convince him to quit.
- Lieutenant!

Noonan, I don't know what's wrong with you,
but I have orders to sh**t.

I'll sink you.
Answer me, Noonan!

I have something to tell you.

When you said yes
you take the officer exam,

I thought it wouldn't
last longer than minutes.

But I'm really amazed.
Although I don't understand why

would any normal sat in
of the hunter. - Thank you, Lieutenant.

Because that's great.
- Yes, but it's dangerous.

That's why it's great.
Reading these books ...

I know he's waiting for me
slightly at the end of the rainbow.

And help came in handy.
Henderson's is amazing.

And me, Tony?
- No offense, Lucas,

but it's not the same to be smart
and helping others learn.

You know that saying?
Who doesn't know, he teaches.

And those who can't
they teach, they teach languages.

I'm going. Good luck, Tony.
- Thank you.

Are you sure you don't
are you overreacting to Henderson?

Are you sure she's free?
- You mean gossip?

- That she and the commander are a couple.

Yes they are a couple.
- So it's true?

No, I didn't say that.
I'm just correcting you.

I don't know anything about gossip.

You didn't hear anything from me,
because I know nothing.

We didn't even have this conversation.

This is chaos! I'm fighting against
accusations that I introduced a dictatorship,

and two of our hunters tried
to k*ll the one who accuses me!

Did they say something? Yes
did they act suspiciously?

Lieutenant Noonan did once
said something suspicious. - What?

That there are nuts like him who will
k*ll Bourne before abolishing OUO.

They seem to be working on their own.
- I want to hear your answer as well.

I can defend myself.
- Someone could have been k*lled

because of your hesitation to step in
into the fight. There is no defense here.

Maybe if I was programmed yes
I ignore the consequences of danger.

Fredricks, willingly.

Excuse me, may I
stay alone with him?

I know you're angry, but
I have to be honest.

You better not, Lieutenant.
You don't know what you're talking about!

Get up! I heard you're a womanizer.

When's the last time
made love? - Excuse me?

Was there an audience?
How much do you value privacy?

Using that chip around the clock
we follow all her emotions!

We monitor them, we record them,
analyzed and sterilized.

That poor girl is not
cried for four years.

But he suffers humiliation because
wants to be the best.

I'll give her a command.
You will be her deputy.


I understand.

Help! Help me!


Thank you. - Lieutenant
Fredricks is tired.

The Dolphins are smart.
They sleep when they get tired.

They talk when they're scared.
- It's late, isn't it?

I couldn't sleep.

You couldn't or didn't want to?

You have to forget about
that. You att*cked two hunters.

Everyone would be shaken by the fact
that his friends are inside.

That's why. I have an implant.
I'm not scared, I'm not even shaking.

There's something wrong.
- Lieutenant ...

If the implant is defective,
repair it immediately.

I'll give you a command.
Brody will be your deputy.

It's not his fault, sir.
- I never said it was.

Take care of that.
- Captain?

Thank you.

Lieutenant? - Dr. Slaussen,
there's something wrong.

I wanted to get back to you.
I log too many activities.

Tell me what's going on?
- I think I was scared.


Were there tears?

Why is he haunting me after so many years?

It doesn't chase you. You're recovering
se. - I'm recovering?

But the implant is still tuned
to the original level of fear.

That's why many emotions are muffled.

Let's lower the level.
You'll feel better in the morning.

Try it now.

You have undergone top-notch training for
pilots. You lead a dangerous life.

Whatever you feel, such
reactions are normal.

We all know what will happen.

The implant was rescheduled.
It's on. - Thank you, Doctor.

It will shake us well.
- I said everything was fine.

You avoided it skillfully.
- You too, sir.

What are the prospects for a charter?
Am I not learning in vain?

Henderson's helping me.
Sorry about that.

Why? - She delayed seeing
with you to help me learn.

Thanks for your understanding. - Why
I would have no understanding?

Some are weird about that
a question? - What question?

but it's not my business to deal with
she sees in her spare time.

I understand. Thank you
you explained it to me.

If your relationship with her doesn't
can be professional,

you better stay away from her.


Simulation started.

Time? - Eight seconds.
That's better.

Go to the next level.

My opposition to this charter

listed someone in the OUO
to try to k*ll me.

No talk! The investigation is ongoing.
- And the investigation is being conducted by the OUO.

Without a doubt, the discovery that
they are completely innocent.

We are all victims of that incident.
The pilots worked on their own

and are not available for testing.
- That's why you'll be easier

to push it all under the rug.
- I want to introduce you to someone.

This is Lieutenant Fredricks,
the woman who saved his life.

This is President Bourne.
It's Lieutenant Fredricks

OUO Navy officer and member
the crew of seaQuest.

Because of her quick thinking
and the ability to react,

you are going to reporters today
communicate their views.

I'm very happy that
i can thank you

for saving my life.
You are an exceptional woman.

OUO is full of exceptional ones
men and women.

It's easier now, Captain.

Thank you, Lieutenant.
- Thank you, sir.

She turned off. - She's resisting.
Turn it on again. Right away.

System on again.

She's back. - Follow her. If
to resist, to return.

I've already tightened it enough.

If I don't give in,
it will burn its own brain.

Do whatever it takes.
I will not make a mistake.

Lieutenant? Fredie?
I want to apologize to you.

It does not matter. - I did.
I seem to be jealous.

I'm not interested in your excuses.

This is not an excuse. I want to
to know how I feel.

I know how you feel.
Like a coward.

Now I'm in command,
not you. - What is wrong with you?

You stood by the dock
I risked my life.

If you endanger my life again,
I swear you will pay with your head.

System overloaded.

I'm moving to the secondary disk.
The subject is excluded.

These are the orders.
Execute them. Do you understand?

System on again.

I wanted to give you back
this. Wish me luck.

I thought u
Thursday you go to Annapolis.

I want to leave early
to acclimatize.

Did I say it well?
- What's the matter, Tony? - Nothing.

The commander is not very pleased
we spend time together.

We're just learning.
- That's what I told him.

It shouldn't be
jealous. - Maybe you would.

I did not know. - Me neither.

I hope you are not angry. - No.

But it does not matter. Saved
I do myself the best I can.

Nobody cared about
to my wishes like you.

I wish things were different.

I don't see anything, Captain.
She's in the "safe zone".

She's calm and in control.

You asked for me, sir?

Are you Lieutenant Brody
threatened with death? - Excuse me?

that she threatened someone,
I would let you know immediately.

Thank you, Doctor.

Brody, get back on the sub.
- Excuse me?

You're relieved of your duty.
- She's not in control.

Obviously the two of you don't
you can work together.

We'll solve this after the mission.
Return to seaQuest.

Thanks for trusting me.
Is that all?

You're fine, aren't you?
- Yes sir.

I slept like last night
baby. I feel great.

Lieutenant Brody is back
at seaQuest.

Our friend's ability
to thr*aten and react,

she was rewarded for being
became security chief.

Your secrets are doing just fine
trying to defeat me.

I'm losing. - But I still do
they like our chances.

Lieutenant? Thanks for being
come. Have a glass of champagne.

Come on, have a drink.

Are you sure we can trust her?

When you have time,
can you strangle a doctor?


Even if McGath wins
the majority of the charter votes,

she will k*ll him sooner
than apply it.

Thank you, Lieutenant.
The OUO charter has expired.

Until it is voted new
the charter is a proposal only.

Without McGath, OUO will collapse the floor
by its own geopolitical weight.

It will lose support and it will disappear.
- And if he turns against us?

They will not be able to resist
encourage him to cooperate.

If he tries to remove the implant,
will be taken away and die.

She'll do what we tell her to do.

No, Jonathan. It's time.
Let people know.

I'm bored of hiding.
- You said the secrets were sexy.

I said they were mean
emails sexy. This is miserable!

I feel like I'm going out
with a married man.

I wish we went somewhere
where we will meet friends,

instead of running away from them.
If people knew this,

they would not misunderstand us.
And even then they would be right.

Then I wouldn't hurt Tony.
- Let's get Tony under control.

He is a litmus test for me.
- What's that supposed to mean?

Glad to have you
the two became good friends.

He at least knows what he is feeling.
- Then go out with Tony.

Maybe I will.

Jonathan ...

Just say you don't want to
this more to do.

That's not what I want to tell you.

This is hard for me to say.
Like I have a defect.

But I'm really trying.

I'm really trying.

Brody, where are you from here? Zar
not working as security?

I have a new assignment.
- Which one?

To sit with my arms crossed.

That being said, Doug.

I sometimes sit cross-legged
hand. When they are cold.

Mr. Secretary, delegates,
you had time to study

Charter proposal and decide.
Now is the time to vote.

Approve the charter or dissolve the Council,

which would mean abolition
United oceans organizations.

Get that in, Commander.
- Excuse me?

Tell your voices
when we call your country.

Morocco Confederation.

Six votes in favor, one against.

The Chad Confederation.
- Yes?

Captain, seaQuest.
- This is the captain.

I think I know what
is Lieutenant Fredriks.

You have to listen to me.
He'll try to k*ll McGath.

It's not up to Brody this time.
She gave him a copy of the implant.

I don't know who or why, but
someone controls her mind.

Can you turn it off?
- They'll know about it.

At this level it would be
dangerous to turn it off.

She knew the risk when she was
she agreed. Try it. - I understand.

Ladies and gentlemen, delegates,
voting is complete.

Ninety-three votes
against, one hundred and sixteen for.

Yes, Mr. Secretary.

Madam President,
members of OUO ...

According to Article E,

She turned off. Liquidate it.
- You won't be able to do this without this.

Sorry, Doctor. You will not
be able to cooperate.

Come shuttle for me at
auxiliary dock. - I understand.

Usually I would worry about this.

Careful, Lieutenant.
It's a long way down.

You're not afraid without that one
a chip that eliminates fear?

Give me your hand.
- I'm afraid.

And I.

You survived three days
under his control.

You will survive this too.
Give me your hand.

I can not. - You can!
Give me your hand.

Commander, take him into custody.

OUO Headquarters
San Diego Island

Captain, I don't like it
for dragging me into this charade!

You don't think so
have I got to do with this lunatic?

I guess we'll find out.

That was painful.

But I'm sure you'll understand.

Mr. President, you have hours
to surrender to OUO authorities.

If you have not done so by then,
I'll come for you personally.

Don't we have to wait and see
whether the statement of Mr. Deona correct?

- The g*n!

All this because of the hundred million?
You're very loyal, Freeman.

I can be.
- He's not dead.


Arrogant thugs!
Do you think you'll get away with it?

Everyone needs to spend
I am with myself for a while.

Get him out of here.

You asked for me, sir?

It's an order. - I'm sorry
which I cannot personally come to.

Thanks to your courage
today we are passing a new law.

Yes, sir.
- They asked me to come.


Any news on Deon?

Waiting for surgery at : p.m.
in the intensive care unit.

But they never die.
- I have a problem. I can hardly see you.

I see you well.

If you have ever doubted yes
you can function without a chip,

this experience will dispel these doubts.

Do you want to stay now?
Alone? - Yes sir.