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03x10 - Good Soldiers

Posted: 05/30/23 08:54
by bunniefuu
Thank you for meeting me
Mr. Secretary.

Emil Verachek.
I thought you were dead.

It was me, many years.

The UEO has spent millions of dollars on you
forget, doctor.

Why don't you hide anymore?
- I had to, I am dying.

I'm not interested
in your last confession.

For me you can do your dirty work,
go straight to hell.

My job is not
dead young man.

Your work is forbidden.
Your laboratories were destroyed.

Not true, Mr. Secretary,
one was not destroyed.

I do not believe you.

There is a laboratory on an outpost.
Who nobody knew.

Not even the ones
thought they were the punishment

for the UEO crimes, against the

Not even those who resigned
by their fate, in the UEO.

Central Sea basin
near the border of Macronesia

Captain Hunson, a submarine
asks permission to moor.

Identify it, O'Neill.

UEO submarine,
Specifications confidential.


It sends security code
for identification.

Seventh Division, sir.

Commander ...

Why is the seventh division coming?
board? Did you know about it?

No, but I will definitely figure it out.

As captain of this submarine, recognize
I your power of attorney. Corresponding to

the laws of the UEO in wartime.
That is, if your papers are in order.

Okay, what are you doing here?
- They are with me ...

I'm taking my boat back, Captain.

For how long?

I do not know.

You have the seventh division
no need to get your boat back.

Leave the Gestapo next time

Sorry Oliver, but for the
time of this mission ...

I am the seventh division.

We are going to Macronesia territory.

Macronesia territory?

You only know what is necessary for this mission.
I will give you as much as possible

provide information, but I know it
won't be enough for you, I'm sorry.

Who are your orders?
- No one's, these are my orders.

That's why I have the 7th division, authority.
That's why I ask for help.

I can't if I do
don't know what I'm starting.

You start with nothing,
I do.

I have Commander Ford and Lucas,

Look, with a bit of luck. In 24 hours, you have your
submarine and I'm back on my island.

If I have Seaquest, in it
area of ??Macronesia.

They can see it as a declaration of w*r.
I have a duty to inform my crew.

We take over an outpost of the federation.
On Beniver island.

We turned that page six months ago.
Why would we do that?

risk life and w*r for it
an unimportant weather station?

We do not occupy the island, we take it
only secret material.

Something the UEO has left behind
long ago.

Why 7th division?

It is important,

Commander Ford, set course
1 5 7-6. Full steam ahead.

And commander. You and Sergeant Wolenczak
the officers' room.

Yes, sir.

The basis on Banaba is a garrison
with about twenty soldiers.

We come through this protected channel.

That leads to the dock below the base.

Then we search for the underground rooms.

Any comments, commander?

Do you know this basis?

If and straight from the academy,
I was here on guard for 30 days.

I thought because you were there
I thought you could help us.

Tell me if I'm wrong.

There is a ventilation system
over the entire base.

maybe know nothing then,
about those rooms.

We are looking for this.

Baranit data crystals. they already use them
ten years, they are too unstable.

These were for medical video archive,
not true captain?

I don't know what they were used for,
our job is finding them.

This base has had many battles,
the last twenty years.

If the crystals are still intact,
they may have been buried by rocks.

How can we find them?

With help from a
microwave scanner.

We can search the rooms
and find the Baranit.

If this is so important, why
has the UEO not closed the base?

Maybe the UEO doesn't like anything
know the rooms.

But they now know about it.

How long do you think I will be Seaquest
can hide the patrols?

As long as you have to.

Captain Hudson,
we are approaching the Macronesia border.

Hold this position, I'll be right there.
- Very well, sir.

Lucas, we don't have much time.
- I prepare the scanners.

I hoped you had information,
of your service here, commander.

Would help us find those crystals.

Sir, I was just a ensign.
I don't know if I know anything.

What you can help.

I'm taking my things.

We are the only one here for now.

Thank you.
Ready to go.

Yes, sir.
- Captain Bridger.

I want to come.

Not this time, Dagwood.

Please, I have to come.
- Dagwood, I say no.

But Commander Ford ...
- Dagwood, you're not coming.

Why do you want to come?

I do not know.

I think ... I have ... it
feeling that there is something ...

That I should know.

Okay, get your gear.
- Thank you, sir.

Captain, I see multiple objects
for us.

Those are nearby mines.

The UEO protects this channel
very well.

What if the alliance itself too
has placed mines?

At least we know about it

I thought you no longer
worked for the army.

I thought so too.

I know this is hard for you.
- Difficult?

When you knew that I was incorporated, I thought
that you didn't want to see me anymore.

And now you are going on a mission with the 7th division.
How do you think I feel about that?

I expect you to behave like a soldier,

Weather station on the island of Banaba ...

Captain ...

The entrance is completely blocked.

We can try to deal with explosions,
to clear the entrance.

We must abort the mission.
- Has not been up to you to decide that.

And that hole there?

Is about five meters wide.
I would not recommend it.

Well sailed. There is a construction ring for us.
If the locks are still intact.

Ready to disembark.
- Okay...

The energy system is still OK.

This complex has its own generator.

What do you see?
- I see other tunnels in the area.

Blocked with
stones or debris, but they are empty.

The only thing that moves is us.

What's up, Dagwood?
- A feeling.

This is a kind of storage location.
Probably for cryotechnics.

It still works, Captain.

My God.

He's dead, Dagwood.
- I know.

Ensign, follow me.

Ensign ...

I don't understand one thing.

Someone lives here ... UEO equipment.

We know that experimenting
with Daggers.

Long been banned, before the UEO became

With all due respect, sir, we deserve an explanation.

At the start of his career I was just a moment
at the secret service.

One of the tasks was to experiment
with electrochemical projects.


This database is one of them.

Until we found out that the
doctor here, used extreme methods.

How extreme?

We stopped him
deleted the project.

At least I thought so.

What are you talking about?
What was going on here?

Let the captain keep the secret.
And let's do this.

Yes, sir.

What is that?
- Unmanned drone.

Helmsman, full stop.
- Yes, sir.

Launch a probe.

Have we been discovered?

Don't believe it, the drone
did not change course.

But we are within it
range of the sensor.

Within six and a half minutes.

Mr. O'Neil is possible
help animal?

Maybe, sir.

Try it.
- Yes, sir.

Do you know what probes are?
- Eyes and ears, for Seaquest.

Right, it looks like the probes.

Goes out and destroys them.
Do you understand?

Darwin strong, goes
they destroy.

Okay, go now ...

He destroys them both, sir.
- Very good, Mr. O'Neil.

Send probes, maximum range.
- Yes, sir.

- Sir?

Slowly move us into position.
- Yes, sir.

Mr. Piccolo, prepare all weapons.
- Yes, sir.

Posts at level two of readiness.
I doubt the Alliance

believe their drones are one
collided with marine life.

Banaba, meteorological station.
Alliance control center.

What is it?
- We just lost two drones, in sector C19.

What happened?
- I am not sure.

Contact the fleet management.
- Meteorological station, Banaba.

Call the Alliance fleet management.
- Fleet leadership here, say it.

We approached the basics.
From here we can find a way.

Along where, commander?

Ensign, along here.

I do not know.

Along here.

What is this?

Laser scalpel.
DNA bio sampler and analyzer.

This was twenty years ago,
the best there was.

It was used for autopsies.

What is this?

They were tortured.

You knew about this?

What happened here, commander?

- What kind of research?

Don't even know what they were doing here?
- I was a security guard.

I don't know why they chose me.

I had to report in part of the base,
where I had never been.

I had to get a corpse to this one
bring room.

They said they were used
for medical examination.

I thought he was dead
military officers, he has att*cked.

And then he came to me.
- Let me go...

I thought we were going to help him.

I thought they wanted to help ...
I don't know why they chose me.

You were a good soldier.

Why did they hurt Daggers?

Were they punished for Daggers,
to hurt?

Did you see it?
- This island was the highest priority.

Telling what happened here,
would have been a betrayal.

Betrayal, for crimes against humanity
confesses to?

Are we going to let the world know,
what happened here?

When we have what we wanted.

Captain, Banaba's security was
under your protection.

Or did you regularly give away secret codes,
worthless bases?

I had my orders and
i was not here.

You knew the UEO
experimented on daggers

and therefore in direct conflict with
international law.

All my life...

I wanted a normal ...

be human.

Let's find the crystals.

The probe has an alliance group that the
chase exploration drone, sir.

- they discover us within 30 seconds.

Rate 1-0-6 point 5.

Sir, that's right in the group.
They see us immediately.

I'm counting on it.

In coming ...
- Ready to intercept.

Grab torpedo ready.
Firing at my sign.

A grab, sir?
- That's what I am.

Yes, sir.
A grab, ready ...

- Torpedo is gone.

Get him in, Mr. Piccolo.
- Yes, sir.

Mr. Piccolo?

I'm trying, sir.
He resists.

He overloads his engines.

Call him.

He does not answer.
- He's going too far with his reactor.

Alliance fighter, here Seaquest.
Surrender and we will not harm you.

He didn't have time to get one
SOS signal.

That was not necessary.

Two drones on exploration
at the same coordinates.

Yes, sir. The basis is now on general alarm.
- Lieutenant, what's happening down there.

I don't know, but I'll find out.
- Do that.

Activate the laser cannon.
Maximum range of the sensor.

There is something in the ventilation system.
- Go with an exploration team, check.

If you see something, sh**t.

Dagwood ...

I know you're angry.

I don't blame you.

Rachel told me that
one colored bad.

One colorful?
- You...

You did terrible things with Daggers.
I didn't believe her.

I told her that
you are my friends.

Dagwood, we are your friends.

Then why do you hurt Daggers?

Why can I do it?
do not understand.

That you are my friends and
my race hurts.

Dagwood ...
- No ...

Dagwood, this won't help you.
- There is so much pain.

Dagwood, by hurting yourself,
the pain will not disappear.

Lucas, the pain is here.



This is the only one that is still good.

Go after a thorough bio-genetic scan
we move on to the second phase of the experiment.

With subject 87, the left arm,
removed from the shoulder joint.

We simulated combat conditions,
Has not received an anesthetic.

She removed his arm.

Grows back to?

The life cycle of the bones,
completed in nine minutes.

nerve cells and muscle growth,
are the same as natural growth.

A self-generating Dagger?

He can handle any fight, by
keep coming back.

The UEO has done genetic research,
to make the perfect soldier.

You had a share in it.

That was your arrangement
with Mc.Gath, no?

You bring the crystals and all
prove your involvement

In the darkest part of the
history UEO disappear.

Lucas ...

No, captain enough, what
you or commander Ford

also say, you made
part of that time.

We now collect the evidence,
of these atrocities.

Because somewhere in the sick diary
of genetic engineering.

They have values.
- Yes, they have that.

And that says nothing
why we are here.

No, that's right.

- Yes, Nathan ...

We found what we were looking for.
- Very well...

Set an interception course.
- Yes, sir.

There is another submarine in the area
and it is fast approaching.

It's big, it has one
water displacement of 20,000 tons.

Mr. O'Neill?

We have nothing comparable
in the database, sir.

We're being called.

On screen.

You are in violation by in Macronesia
be territorial water, Captain.

We responded to an SOS call.
From one of your scouts.

Three hundred Km outside your limits?

Seaquest, does not look at limits.
When lives are at stake.

We have the reconnaissance
submarine found.

The report says it is an overloaded reactor
used to be. Unfortunately, you were late.


Your help was no longer needed.

But now we need your help.
In the hurry to come here,

we damaged our propellers
and lost several engines.

Then we will guide you to the
nearest base for repairs

We would be very grateful to you

Leave as soon as possible.
- Thank you, sir.

Piccolo, set a course, a bad one.
Let the speed vary, slaloms.

In general, make a mess of it.
- I'm still good at that.

There is a breach in the Delta-6 fan,
we have intruders.

Attention everyone. we have intruders.
Close the base.

Switch on the defense network.
Nobody is allowed to leave the island alive.

Wait ... I see life forms
on our way to us.

And even more, direction
the ventilation shaft.

They know where we came in.
- Let's place expl*sives.

Okay, we don't have time anymore.
- Let's go.

I'm not going.

Dagwood, we have to
go on.

Then go.
- We're not going without you.

Dagwood, I order you
to go back to the attack submarine.

Are you refusing an order?

Yes, commander. I'm not going to do that
what you say.

Because I know what I'm doing is right.

If you don't go, you die.

like the others.
- Not like the others.

They could not leave.
You do.

Like their life
something means to you, you have to go.

They found us.

Keep it like that.

Within four minutes,
it is completely destroyed here.

Everyone, you, me,
Captain Bridger, Lucas

and the other soldiers,
will die.

If we don't immediately

Dagwood, sorry.

We can not do it
hold longer.

Captain Bridger,
go with Lucas.

What do you say?
- If this place is destroyed.

Everything that was part must be destroyed,
I was a part of it.

I can't stop them.
- Go ...

You want to do that for Daggers.

No, I do it for myself.

I should have done something
but it didn't.

Nobody has to die.
If we all die, nobody will know.

We must remember it.

Go ......

Disconnect the docking coupling,
- If we're lucky we'll get out of here.

Sir, it's splitting up.

Very creative ... Fredricks?
- Yes, sir.

Take a hunter and keep them busy.

Requests permission to join.
- You have less than 40 hours of training.

And nothing in combat.
- Now is the time, Captain.

Fredricks is good, but one submarine hunter can
do not stop three Macronesia submarines.

You have permission, go ...

Thank you...

There is a submarine that is approaching us.
I've never seen anything like it.

Fallback maneuvers,
brace yourself.

One less.

I have a torpedo after me.
I'm not losing him.

Don't panic, I'm coming.
- Don't take a risk for me.

Piccolo, inject ...

What a kick.

I'd say he knows how to do it.

Give them a warning.
- Fire the plasma lasers.

They understood.
Stop Macronesia chase.

Attack submarine arrives in docking link
number two.

If they are on board,
maximum speed.

Lieutenant the floor is yours.
- Yes, sir.


Mc.Gath is trying to talk to you.

Thank you, Captain. Switch it on.
- I can not do that.

O'Neill, improved the communication system.

It can take an hour.
- Was it really necessary now?

I want to keep the submarine in top shape and you are
not keen to talk to Mc.Gath.

Whatever you decide ...

I support you...

Thank you, Oliver.

As long as I live, I wondered. What's up
would have happened if he had disappeared.

He would never have gotten alive from the base
and you neither.

7th division. Your life would
have been completely different, Jonathan.

My life is different ...

It will never be the same.

What do we do?

It is not for us to decide.

I need to talk to you.
- Go away.

No, listen. You have to explain
what's on these crystals.

I do not want to know.

Look, you have to know ...

A decision must be made,
about the information here.

This information can,
make a better world for all Daggers.

How can that harm
ensure a better life?

That information from the experiments.
Can make you healthy again if you are sick.

Then that's good.

Only if you can accept how
the experiments were performed.

You decide.

I can not.

I turned my back on them
because I did not agree

with the way the operation
went thirty years ago.

You must decide.

How can I decide?

You just do that.

Just follow your feelings.

And then you do what you think is right.

It is ready.
You just have to press this button.

My name is Matthew. Genetic type

Eyes brown, large 1.80 M

Weight, 80 pounds.

I learn to read.

Dr. Verachek, admire my intelligence.

And said that I am the perfect candidate for
to study.

He said, with mine
strength and dedication.

That I can help others
to give a better life.

I think Dr. Verachek nice.
He says he's proud of me.

He is my friend.
- Great, Matthew.

Thank you for saying your mind.
- Thank you, doctor.

Thank you doctor .....

Do I know you?

We were up together
the island of Banaba.

I could stop you doctor,
but I was scared.

I was afraid that I would not do my job well.
I was scared of you.

You knew that, that's why I was there.
And I was a good soldier.

You benefited from me.
- What do you want?

I'm still a good soldier.
But not afraid anymore.

Neither yours nor the 7th division.
Or the truth about your criminal work.