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03x08 - Equilibrium

Posted: 05/30/23 08:53
by bunniefuu
Honey, do you have my toys?
- It's not on the list.

What do you mean, it's not on the list?
- Tim, I still have the list.

You didn't ask.
- Look on the back.

Why didn't you say you're up
have written the back?

I have the violin strings, not for the captain either.
He's gonna k*ll me.

Lonnie, think about it. I write
always on the back.

Wait a second,
the radio picks up something.

I get nothing.
- The signal is weak.

Wait a second.
- Okay.

SOS. Is there anyone who can hear us? About.
- Unknown submarine.

Here is UEO shuttle 4600-2.
What is your situation about.

We are on fire and we are losing power.
- Where are you, honey?

I do not know.

Press the red button on the channel,
it says JPS-SRA. Do you see it?

Is it this one?
- Yes. Wait a minute, I'll be right there.

SeaQuest, here 4600-2.

I receive an SOS signal from a child.
GPS block 427-297.

SeaQuest, do you hear me?
- Lonnie?

Lonnie? I lost the connection.

Did she say block 427?
- Yes.

Where's Brody?
- Not in position yet.

We have to stop her.

Full speed forward
on course 2-1-9.

Captain to the bridge.

Daddy? Mother?
- Okay.

What is going on?
- We have to go.

We have to go.
- Is there someone else?

They are all dead.

Fasten the belt.

What happened there?

We smuggled dr*gs to it
Macronesia. Antibiotics and implants.

If we buy them from the government, we pay
ten times more than what they cost.

Yes. So?

A monster has att*cked us.

They lit up our fuel
and left us to die.

Mom and dad...

died when they fought the fire.

Block 427 is a neutral zone.
- Not anymore.

We are now a part of Macronesia,
she claimed it last week.

They're back.
- SeaQuest, here 4600-2 ...

We are being att*cked by a Macronesia fast
command hunters.

I repeat, we are under fire.

Macronesia hunters, don't sh**t.

This is a UEO shuttle
and there are children on board.

If it is true, that you are who you say.
Stop the engine and let us come on board.

Message received.

I agree.

sh**t and board on one
military ship on the high seas

one violate international law.
And a declaration of w*r.

Just like penetrating our water
and try to escape with our children.

I brought them to safety.
- Do you have parental approval?

Of course not.
You k*lled them.

According to the law of Macronesia
part 14-02.

I put you under arrest
for espionage and abduction.

For these offenses,
you can be sentenced to death.

General alarm.
Everyone at his post.

Ensign, when was the last contact?
- Five minutes, sir.

What happened?

Macronesia has been coming all week
in the neutral zone.

Henderson was still on territory
from the UEO until she heard the call.

Do you think it was an ambush?

Judging by the parts of her call, yes.

That shuttle had an escort
have to have.

I was ordered to counter Henderson,
but I missed the meeting point.

Did you send another one?
- No, sir.

With Fredricks still on leave.
I did not want to send a reserve.

Mr. Brody ...

Back to your submarine and
get ready to leave.

Yes, sir.

Captain an urgent message from UEO leadership.
- Put it on the screen, O'Neil.

Captain, you must immediately
to change course.

I want to get one of my officers back.
- You are on the territory of Macronesia.

It was not a Macronesia area,
when I looked at the map.

It is now and we are not going to challenge it.
- They have it

stolen and you don't fight
to get it back?

I'm your superior, Captain.

I know the pressure that the
UEO Security Council imposes you.

But we think they will take our shuttle
ambushed. I

wants to get Henderson before she gets the
gather troops. Let me do that.

I can't and it's not necessary.

What does that mean?
- I received an urgent message.

Lieutenant Henderson is twenty
imprisoned minutes ago,

by an attack squadron
the Macronesia territory.

They have already taken her out of the area.

Commander, come with a jet. Arrival in
Cape Quest in two hours.

No need, Captain.
I am coming to you.

With an observation team,
to the Macronesia base in JPS 429.

An observation team, sir?

Yes, then we try to negotiate,
for the release of Lieutenant Henderson.

Do you really think that negotiation will free her?
- I hope so, because I'm not going to wage w*r.


Commander ...

Keep us in UEO water,
while we wait for orders.

Macronesia, border fort
GPS 429 location

Let me go.

Scan her.

According to the Geneva
Convention of 2027.

You must release me immediately. And that
giving children, food and drink and medical care.

Say the name of your boat and the reason
that you break our limits?

Henderson, Lenore Ellen.
Lieutenant with the UEO navy.

Registration no. 437 271 809.

Poke her.
- No ..

Free her, please.

I want to talk to her.

President Bourne?
- Let us...

She will be safe with me.

It appears that I have quite a reputation,
for the way I treat women.

Has that reputation preceded me?
Henderson Lenore?

Apparently not.

Say something, please.

There is nothing I can tell you,
that you already know.

Not even the name of your ship?

Why don't you say it for the record.

Henderson, Lenore Ellen.

Registration no. 437 271 809.

Of course ... you're scared
not true? Henderson Lenore.

You're scared when you start talking,
You can't stop anymore?

O 'believe me, I appreciate that.

I wish my men, at least
have half such a heart as you.

If you respect that,

you give those children food and medical assistance.
And you release us immediately.

Yes of course...

But first answer my question,
if you want.

Do you want peace between mine
Macronesia alliance and the UEO?

Do whatever you want to say.

We are alone.

No, we are not.

Beauty, heart and intelligent.

Yes, you are right,

But think about it.

I just want you to tell me the truth.

I broadcast it, of course.
That can't hurt.

I am certainly the most member of UEO,
even your family. Want peace.

So why not give a vote
for their hope. And you go free.

What do you say?

My name is Henderson Lenore Ellen,
Lieutenant in the UEO Navy.

I demand the immediate release of
me and the children who are in their care.

And also stubborn.

Put them in block nine.

This is really great.
The lieutenant has a fighting spirit.

A leader like Hudson will do anything,
to save her.

Captain, the General Secretary shuttle arrives.
With him the leader of the Spinder is people.

Thank you, Mr. O'Neill.
- Sir, I would like to be an observer.

Taking into account your relationship with
Lieutenant Henderson, that's a bad idea.

I can handle that.
- That's an order, commander.

I would like to come ..
- Why? To make demands?

That's how you put it.

You have permission.
Follow me.

With all due respect, sir.

Do you think you can talk to
a man like Bourne?

We can't talk normally, Captain.

Why not?

The mother of the orphans. Was a daughter of
my clan. That makes them my children.

If your people protect the UEO
would have never accepted this.

You would never give us the status of a member state.
- Member States have land, colonies.

The only thing you have are ships
and the desire not to pay customs duties.

We are the joints in the wall. Sir
Secretary General, the outlet.

We only want our freedom in the seas.

Your much-needed protection helps
Lieutenant Henderson either.

OK, gentlemen. I stand
open for suggestions.

Recommend her release and
withdraw the UEO marine.

And if they refuse?
Then we have a w*r.

Like tens of thousands of sons and daughters
fifty democratic states would die.

So that your one officer can be saved.
- My one officer?

What would a correct number be?
Ten, a hundred, a thousand?

Where do you draw the line?
- She's a professional soldier, captain.

The purpose of democracy is, citizens
protect against people like Bourne.

Eventually we will have to fight him.
- Maybe maybe not.

But we solve this with diplomacy.
- I doubt it, sir.

We offered them more than the normal bribe, but
our children did not get free with that.

I believe in diplomacy, gentlemen.

It saves lives.

Let me go.
- Go into the cell.

Keep an eye on her.

If she asks something
then say no.

Want some sea turtle in
bearnaise Sauce?

Local specialty this week.

I thought sea turtle one
endangered species, Mr. President?

These are Macronesia leaders.
They deserve a special treat.

They come from all corners of the empire.
They are expecting my lieutenant on the menu.

Captain, she is accused of violating
of the law. Deserves a public hearing.

And you are going to make it as public as possible,
to humiliate the UEO.

Is this the diplomatic way
from the captain ...

Captain Hudson is worried about his
crew member, just like the UEO.

But you are certainly worried about it too
the sovereignty of the Macronesia union.

Nobody says you like your
breaking the law.

I understand.

So you hope and honestly
and fast process.

My advisors tell me that
itself under Macronesia laws.

Not Lieutenant Henderson
can be found guilty.

On an original process.

It's hard to process her
to speed up.

Is because, my government
is busy with other concerns.

Then what?
- Crisis in our metal Industry.

Made by the UEO embargo on the
sale of vanadium.

The embargo was introduced because of
your violation of human rights.

But still, a shipment of vanadium
may be here early tomorrow.

In that case...

Although you will have to fight against me.

Shall I release those children,
captured by your lieutenant Henderson.

This will prove it
respect human rights


And my lieutenant?

I'm afraid that beautiful young lady,
still have to go to court.

But nobody will find her guilty
espionage or abduction.

We start that process,
as soon as Vanadium arrives.

That will be true if you are mine
honored guest.

Thank you, Mr. President.
- I will take care of it.

Release the children ...

A minute.

- Lieutenant ...

Don't worry, we'll get you out of here.
McGath made a deal with Bourne.

You will stand trial tomorrow.
And not being found guilty.

What did you offer, New Jersey?
- You are worth much more than that.

A whole load of Vanadium.
- And the children?

They have been released.

We don't have much time. Brody ...
See if the lieutenant needs anything?

What did they do to you?

They hit me because I hit them
wanted to hit.

Take it easy okay.

I don't want to carry you outside tomorrow.
My back couldn't handle that.


Are you really okay?
- I don't mind going home.

I'm so sorry, Lonnie.

Jim, it's not your fault.
- Anyway.

The Supreme Court of
Macronesia comes to order ...

At the request of our president
and the Secretary General UEO.

This court must decide
based on the above evidence.

How does the suspect say,
do you agree?

- Based on the statements of the suspect.

And the kids who are with her
were and the lack of

new evidence, the court can
draw only one conclusion.

We have a deal, right?
- Of course.

Because these children are orphans and
were in danger.

Can't be said that they are
taken by force.

Neither can their rescue
are described as ...

the reason for searching for information.

That is why the court considers that
that the defendant is not guilty.

Abduction or espionage.

Order ......

The court is not yet ready.

We have to take the
content of the statement of the accused.

Difficult times demand strict laws.

And brought before this court ...

and spoke as openly as the accused.

Means to honor her ...
not to forgive her.

I do not understand this.

The suspect admits,
when she took possession of the children.

She transported medicines.

In violation of the law on the smuggling of

Since they don't take the children immediately
had surrendered.

To the police.

Has the suspect made himself complicit?
to the crime.


... and with deep regret.

We find the suspect,
by her own statement.

Guilty of smuggling.

And we demand the only punishment
that the law permits.

And that is the sentence of the death penalty.

- No ...

Not now.

We had a deal.
- And I respected him.

She has not been convicted
for espionage and kidnapping.

And the law of smuggling already exists
more than a year.

Order ...

We have decided that the death penalty tomorrow
afternoon will be conducted.

What are you going to do, Captain?
What are you going to do?

We can not afford
for a thousand or one hundred thousand

to let people die. In front of
the life of one officer.

Sir, you are not leaving me a choice.
I don't want the first one

are those who lead an uprising
in the UEO history.

I'm going on leave. If you don't
approved, then I give my resignation.

I know you can't stop.
I wish I could.

Because I think you
nothing you can do ... end.

I have no answers for you.
I also have no answer for myself.

I have to try to save her.
- And I'm coming with you, sir.

I believe in that too.

The truth is captain.

You can count on us all.

Piccolo, with this you don't become a lieutenant faster.
- I could not care less.

Wolenczak, you stay here on the Seaquest,
with mr.Ford.

We have a gift from
the Spinder people.

It is a gesture of gratitude, for
bringing back our children.

They also give us the use of
an attacking vessel. Those who

go with me, load the Seaquest
equipment and register your leave.

We leave in twenty minutes.
- Captain?

Take her home.

They say you should do this.

A PUW uniform.
- Yes, it is a sign of pity

by President Bourne.
It is warmer than your clothes.

No, he just wants to show the world,
that he defeated the UEO.

And why do you lie about him
and att*cked him?

att*cked him?

Look at me.
I live...

I want to have children someday
and he's going to k*ll me.

Because you break the law.

Because I saved two children who left behind
were to die as a lure for me.

I'm not listening to this.
- Why?

It's just words,
they can't hurt you.

Only if they are true.

You do not know
what you are talking about.

My mother had to work at the factory
begging for food. But now she has food.

Our destiny has been met.


How long will it be looting
go underwater colonies?

Because Bourne, Macronesia is not rebuilding.
He will plunder the whole world.

He does not want a w*r, but the UEO does.

You can't do that propaganda any more
to believe?

You are close to the source.
You heard his lies,

you've seen their victims.

What I see is that my mother and my friends
have food again.

Remember the last time you saw them.

You must be love in their eyes that you saw.

But you must certainly have seen the fear,
every time they saw your uniform.

How can you be a president
serving children as pawns.

They have told you clever lies,

but that won't work.

Why don't you die like a soldier?

Like I'd do for my president.

We are three clicks away,
from the fort.

Do you see anything?
- Passive sensors only.

I reprogrammed them so we can
can switch off. So you can go inside.

Hold on, Captain.
What is it, Darwin?

Water tastes like metal.

Captain, keep your place. I think we
have found a chain of Booby traps.

Are you sure?
- Is there only one way to find out.

Piccolo? Can you hear me?

I'm sorry, Captain. They have
powerful laser cannon and sensors.

No chance to get in.

Stop this route.

You have very brave colleagues.

That's what she calls friends.

Well your friends have stopped,
through my defense belt.

So you come here for pleasure?

Grief entertainment is one
honorless emotion.


I have come to save you personally.


I owe it to my people.
That you confirm their fate.

What destiny?

Them and the whole world
suffering and bringing w*r.

The world to a new order
and glory.

You think you're kind
Are you Nietzsche superman?

All you have to do to save yourself

contribution to the common
good and recognize my power.

I have enough power and vision
for the whole nation, Henderson.

I certainly have enough for you.

Great words from a man who is just one
propaganda statement.


I want you a lot more from you.

I want you to share my life,
for a while.

That and advice about the weakness of the UEO.

But also...

enjoy my presence.

And the safety of my power.

You are very skilled.

But I didn't forget it
what shame is ...

What shame is?

Shame is for quitters,

Fearing the shame, dying
young soldiers in front of me.

Come here,
let me show how to ignore it.

For God sake. You are not superman but
a vampire.

If you wish to insult me.

Show the test,
switch it on.

Open the fire.

That's how you'll die tomorrow,
Henderson Lenore.

Unless you let me save you.

Get lost....

Tony, are you sure there's no way,
to come in unseen?

It is directed inwards. You can't do it
only mislead if you are already trapped.

That means they hope
that you are coming.

Yes, but if we don't have an attack submarine ourselves
get in, no idea then.

There must be a way?

Who says we need an attack submarine?
- How else?

They will come from all over it
rich, come and watch the execution.

There will be private hunting submarines ...

Submarine excursions and it
Spinder's people will also be there.

Let's say
sell goods from wrecks.

With high rates.
The Duane were bribed this morning.

You mean we go as a Spinder people?
- It would be an honor if you did that.

But how do we get back outside?

They are always full of nice surprises.

I would let a priest
but unfortunately all were

priests who are against us
policies in this sector.

Had to ...
moving away.

I've already prepared.

Prepare her.

Are you going to see when I die?
- You can get out of here.

I heard what the president said.
- Is that right...

Then you have heard what you are for
and your friend to die for.

he was testing you.

You know that's not true.
- It does not matter.

President Bourne takes care of ours
future. He has the right to our lives.

And mine...

Tell me when I die. Does that make you happy?
- What do you want me to do?

Even if I gave my g*n.
You are not coming yet

fifty meters in front of them
capture you again.


but I am scared.

I know you can't help me.

I shouldn't have asked.

It doesn't matter, we are soldiers.

Maybe we were born to die.

Enter the admission card.

Major Brecker has mine
admission card.

What's in your bag?
- See.

Have a nice day.

It's time.

I know you feel responsible,
but don't do stupid things.

I know my job, sir.

On my mark.
- Yes, sir.

May God avenge me.

Order, order at this meeting.

Bring the convicts forward.

Hudson ...

There he is.


She stops.
- Go ....

Run to the construction center.
To landing bay ...

Close it.

O'Neil, opened the airlock.

I can't, it's locked.

Take cover.

Retire everyone.

Get out of here.
- Are you crazy?

Go ...

Go .... Go then.


I have to help him.

Brody ....

Jim ...

Close the hatch.

Bring the medical box.
- Put him down here.

Why did you do it, Jim?
- It was my turn.

No, Jim.

No ... stay with us.

Launch ...

They have left.
- We have to do something.

Our orders are not to interfere.
- They won't come back alive.

You know I'm too friends with Henderson,
to be able to decide.

Just like all of us.

Arm all weapons.
Give the general alarm.

They dock.

Everyone to the departure bay.

Leave now ....

We made it.
We have misled security.

Squadron attackers at three o'clock.

I need more speed.

Torpedoes were fired.
- Wait a second...

We have lost an engine.
- They're coming back.

Lieutenant, hard on my starboard side.

Sir ...
- Now.

All four destroyed.
- Where are we?

According to the GPS, two hundred meters
within our limits.

Macronesia w*r submarine
has entered our waters.

Submarine hunter requires permission
to dock, sir.

Get them on board as quickly as possible.

I need two doses.

Switch on the machine. Bring me pentamina
and one more plasma.

Wake up, Jim.
Please wake up.

Jim ...

We are back again?
- Everything will be fine, Jim.


With the shield on it.

No reaction...

Jim ...

Straight line.
- Charge the defibrillator.

Jim ...
- No reaction.

Can I come in?

If you want.

Just before he died ...

Jim said:With the shield or on it.

Do you know what he wanted to say?

Mothers of the Spartans said that against
their sons when they went to fight.

She believed cowards flee and their
threw the shield away to run faster.

But those who die in battle brought the
comrades home, with the bodies on the shield.

Come home with your shield or on it.

Meant for honor.

Two good men are dead because of me
to save.

That's not right, right?

You would have been put to death
by a fascist dictator.

Which you would use to ours
to humiliate democracy.

And instead, died
Brody and that Macronesia boy.

Do you know that boy's name?

He died saving you.

If every man could say why
he does it ...

I think Brody
wanted to say it was worth it.

Lonnie ...

you risked your life.

To save those children.

Those two men have their lives
risked and died.

To save your life.

I think you owe it to them
to live...