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03x05 - Chains of Command

Posted: 05/30/23 08:51
by bunniefuu
The Philippine Sea, Macronesia

A submarine base on Palau Island

Six months basic i
advanced combat training,

and they put me on this one
cliff. - It must be difficult,

it's harmless and easy
a job on a paradise island.

I want to try my hand at fighting.
- Our next battle will be

a short nuclear burst
and four centuries of radiation.

It's easy for you. You've been in a fight.
- Yes, but there will be no w*r.

President Bourne will not allow it.

He was approaching the colony of Nexus.
- Both sides withdrew.

Our president is not crazy,
as well as OUO leaders.

Nobody wants a w*r. That would be it
Armageddon. - For Christ's sake!

What's the matter, Lieutenant?
- OUO missiles are coming to us.

It will hit in thirty seconds.
- Satellite confirms it.

Ten SSN-52 rockets
goes straight to Palau Base.

It will hit in twenty seconds.
- Tell President Bourne.

Do we have a receipt?
- Yes.

I'm sorry, Mara.
- Ten seconds.

Eight, seven, six,
five, four, three, two ..

Tell my father that ...

He is the Chief of Staff
online. What can I tell him?

Tell President Bourne yes
the OUO declared w*r on Macronesia.

The OUO shuttle arrives. Standby
of the highest degree.

Welcome, sir. - Excuse me
for an unannounced visit,

not sure they are
video connections secure.

I need to talk privately
with Captain Hudson.

Highest degree readiness?
Are we at w*r? - Not yet.

Six hours ago, ten of ours
the m*ssile destroyed

a Macronesian submarine
base in the Philippine Sea.

The attack was not provoked.
There was no warning either.

Who is responsible for this?
- We.

We told the Macronesian Alliance
that it was an accident.

The remote launch ramp fired
missiles due to computer failure.

Did it work?
- I do not know.

That's what you're about to discover.
Missiles were fired

from a base in the Mariana Fur,
deep in macronesian waters.

We don't have a base there.
- Not officially.

But a year ago we did
set up a mobile base

with long-range projectiles
and nuclear warheads.

We should have used them
only if tensions with the Alliance

turn into a global conflict.
- Or for the first attack?

Six months ago we didn't
get a secret signal from there.

We sent two submarines
to examine the case.

None answered. - In that bay
is someone who can launch nukes,

did he not answer for six months?

But not anyone.


We are counting on you to bring
Admiral. - What if he refuses?

You have 24 hours to occupy
that base at any cost.

If you can't, you have
an order to destroy it.

You lost something?
- I found something.

Allow me.

No ...
- It's a cockroach, Dagwood.

She didn't hide anything from you.
- She's disgusting.

Cockroaches pollute food. From
we can get sick.

I'm sick of looking at it.
- I'll put it in a bowl.

I'll let her go when we go ashore.

So we won't get sick,
and she will survive.

Some staff on duty
report to the officer room.

Commander at Mariana Base
is Admiral Aaron Vanalden.

The military is so loyal to this man,

that his deputy,
Commander Pamela Loper,

left her 3-year-old daughter
to serve under him.

We don't know what happened there.
They may have gone astray.

They have enough nukes
to wipe out the smaller continent.

That was the plan, wasn't it?
- We are not discussing politics.

We need to disable the base
and prevent world w*r.

I'll go there by shuttle yes
remove the admiral if he is alive.

Why don't we go by seaQuest?
- I want you to be here.

If I don't answer in 24
hours, you will destroy the base.

There are over a hundred people there.
- And how many are on the planet?

Dagwood, you will come with me.
- I understand.

I'll need you too.
They have high-end computers.

You know we might not
to return. - Yes sir.

All right.


Didn't I say
Willingly, Lieutenant?

Except for the two of us, everyone is
missing for ten years.

Move on to the thing. - That's why
they send you on this mission.

This has nothing to do with seaQuest.
Is it Lucas and Dagwood

they don?t need to know it
before they go with you?

If I want to listen
criticism, I'll tell you.

If so, you would be today
Vanalden's deputy, not Loper.

Good luck, sir.

Thanks, but it's luck
too big a lucuz for us.

Launch missiles right
at 08:00. - I understand.

We know where they came from
missiles that destroyed the base.

The a*t*matic base broke down.
To prove that they are honest,

Secretary-General McGath
he destroyed it. Bedan gesture.

But politics prevailed.
- It's not an a*t*matic base.

And it wasn't even destroyed.

I entered the information in
satellite tracking system.

I check underwater objects with
infrared resonance and sound display.

- What should we do?

McGath says the base will be destroyed.

If his people don't do it,
our covenant will destroy it.

If we attack seaQuest,
we will start a new world w*r.

They started it. We do
we just fire back.

Condition, Mr. O'Neille?
- Everything's calm.

Brody, the state of the w*apon?
- All systems are ready.

Piccolo? - More
we are in position.

Just like two minutes ago.
- Commander?

There's something wrong?
- We're on the brink of w*r,

and I was ordered to k*ll ours
soldiers in 18 hours, if there is no answer.

Yes, something is wrong.

Don't waste your work.
That makes the crew nervous.

When this is over, if the world
not be a radioactive asteroid,

I'll take a vacation as far from the sea as possible.

Cross-country skiing.
- Tall and steep. - Ajax.

Aspen in Colorado. - S
cowboys on Bell Mountain.

Maybe we'll see you there.

Maybe the missiles were accidental
targeted a predetermined target.

Palau is not a strategic target.

This island is intentional
att*cked. - To provoke w*r.

And neither side wants it.
- Someone wants it though. - Look!

What did you find? - Sensors
scan the wreckage.

I identified them.
OUO reconnaissance submarines.

Long range scanner.
Is there anything else out there?

I do not know. Sensors show that
the cove narrows before us.

I see nothing behind it.
- How narrow is it?

We will pass if we hold our breath.

Get your w*apon ready. He's waiting for us
society on the other hand.

How do you know? - Vanalden me
has learned everything I know.

Is he your friend?

I was his officer during
sieges on the Manika Plateau.

I refused to comply with the order.
I was replaced by Pamela Loper.

Sensors register drones
hunters 500 yards ahead of us.

Plasma torpedoes, lasers,
mine. They are armed to the teeth.

Fire your torpedoes!
- I'm firing.

Hunters destroyed.

There are more.
- How much?

Too much.

I do not understand. It's a blast
70% weaker than normal.

It was not a blast.
They push us.

Let's see where we are headed.
Forward by a third of the power.

Captain Hudson from seaQuesta .
I'm looking for Admiral Vanalden.

Boy, freak and clown!

Nice of the OUO they sent us a circus.

It's Loper's. Commander?

He knew from the start
that you will come, Oliver.

Keep it out of my sight.
- You're trying to impose yourself,

but here he commands
Admiral Vanalden. - Not anymore.

Really? - You're fired.
Hand over the w*apon to the ensign.

There is no OUO here, Oliver.

Now there is.

Dagwood, no!

Take them. Leave Dagger.

I follow two rocket launchers
launched from Balintang base.

270 degree azimuth,
distance 800 kilometers.

Follow them and determine their target.

We are the target.
- How much time do we have?

Two minutes and twenty seconds.
- Mr Brody,

get ready for a counterattack.
Open the launch ramps.

Missiles ready.
Targets are at gunpoint. - Fire!

Targets shot down.

What is this? - Plasma
torpedo, seventh deck.

Hydroponic chamber flooded.
- Evacuation. Close the deck.

Two Macronesian fighters
submarines are in front of us.

They fired six torpedoes.
- Fire the interceptors.

We don't have time.
- It will hit in thirty seconds.

Get ready to hit!
- Where did they come from?

Twenty seconds. - Cover up
them is the noise of our drive.

Missiles distracted us
attention! - Fifteen seconds.

Seven, six, five ...

Four, three, two ...

The hull was pierced on the decks
four, seven and eight.

Dip the torpedo tubes!
Delta one and two!

Prepare your hunters for the move.
- No!

I'm taking the helm!
I will redirect electricity to the pumps!

I'll adjust the top speed!
I open the auxiliary suction pipes.

I include turbo heaters!

Submarines fire torpedoes.
- What are you doing? I'm in command!

I want to get us out of here!
Get tied up!

This looks like a charger for
Class T pulse r*fle.

What did they do to Dagwood?

Vanalden is twice a week
went to inspect uniforms.

He sent me to the laundry yes
I fold my shirts until I learn.

Or changed,
or no longer in command.

If he's alive, he's in command.
- What order did you refuse?

It doesn't matter.
- Maybe it is.

What do you know about Manika Plateau?

The Alliance soon occupied it
after the disappearance of seaQuest.

Debron Colony was a haven for us.

Macronesia annexed it
before we arrived.

Didn't the OUO introduce the blockade
to starve the enemy?

We kept the north quadrant
forty-seven days.

And then there's a submarine
tried to break through the hoop.

It was big and fast, but
she did not answer calls.

Vanalden ordered me to destroy it.

She was coming straight to us,
it did not avoid the radar.

Would it be hostile
a submarine doing that?

He didn't want to listen to me.
- You refused to open fire?

He arrested me and ordered me
Loper to fire torpedoes.

Did she do that?
- We registered before that

weak radio signal from you
submarines. Refugees.

They were hiding seven weeks before
than they captured the submarine

and tried to escape.
- You saved them? - Yes.

He thinks I'm a coward.
- And what do you think?

Do you have a plan or will you just do it
to remodel? - Yes sir.

If we reverse the polarity in the charger,
we will send plasma energy

back through the conductor and
we will disable the entire network.

Like driving a fork
into the plug? - Basically, yes.

But first it needs to be adjusted
charger, lest we die.

If we don't take the risk,
we will die in eight hours.

Vanalden is looking for you.

We have a meeting in Aspen, remember?

How's he doing?
- He's in a coma.

You set the biggest one
speed without my approval.

I got us out of there before they did
drowned us. - We don't run to battle,

at least while I'm in command.
- Nobody commanded.

Chain of command. Captain
Hudson, Commander Ford and myself.

Now I'm in command.
We'll fix those submarines.

We were ordered to wait and
destroy the base in eight hours.

I'll look into that.

O'Neille, can you locate
those Alliance submarines?

That's where we left them.
- Fredricks, save Spector.

Lure them to us.
- And where will you be?

At the bottom of the ridge. They won't
see until they are above us.

You can't do that, Brody!
- I've already decided. To the position.

We have a mission at Mariana Bay.
- I don't want to get you off the bridge.

You came to k*ll me, Oliver?
- No, but to dismiss you.

Who do you belong to?

you begin to understand
the true nature of man.

People started to
fighting between themselves.

There was blood everywhere.
You could taste it,

to touch it, you felt it
how the dried blood itches you.

Isolation dementia. That's why
died probe crew for Jupiter.

I almost didn't sh**t my eyelids
and sent the base into the abyss.

What stopped you? - I realized
that I was wrong and that my people were right.

I shouldn't have stopped them.
- It's a symptom of an illness.

Paranoia, fear, v*olence ...
It's all part of the disease.

Do you know what a disease is?
Peace is a disease.

Peace is an unnatural state
that I have imposed on the people,

and this base was supposed to
it imposes on mankind.

What are you going to achieve
by torturing him?

I'm not torturing him. I release him.

Warriors exist for the sake of w*r.
It makes us men.

This is our true nature.
- Stop this, sir.

We implanted it with daggers
and we do not admit that we are.

To free himself, no
you have to bleed a lot.

Stop it now!
- You didn't need much.

Release my people and your own
send in rescue capsules.

Do you have the courage?
- Yes.

It's all the same anyway.
Do you think they will follow you?

Do you think he'll follow you?

I'm approaching the target.
Eight kilometers. Course 1-7-9.

It's not too late to come back.
- Get as close as you can and sh**t.

At least while I have this chip in my head.
- How much longer do we have?

Five o'clock. - At least we need it
one hour to get back there.

We don't have time for this.
- They att*cked us.

Commander Ford is in a coma.
We won't run away from the fight.

Drop us to the bottom. - We have a duty to destroy
base if Captain Hudson's mission fails,

not to chase the enemy
to satisfy our whim.

Mr. O'Neille, we're moving on a quiet walk.

She's right, sir.
- I thought about it.

I rejected the idea.
You got the order.

I understand. I switch to a quiet walk.

Do you think that's the question?
- And what else?

Basic training.
This is how it should be.

Like medieval knights.
They separated the grain from the weeds.

The warriors were ready to fight them.

For God's sake! You att*cked Palau
to start a fight?

A good w*r would come to us.
- There is no good w*r.

Even you have to admit yes
peacekeeping is futile.

Why should we give up
your primary instinct?

Because it makes us human.

We live in a lie that OUO
imposes on humanity.

The first attack did not provoke w*r.

But others certainly will.

You're crazy.

History will give judgment.
- If anyone survives.

The fittest will survive.
That's the thing.


What did they do to you?
- I almost didn't k*ll the man.

You defended yourself, Dagwood.
- Partially I liked it.

But partly it is not.
It makes you human.

Dagwoode ...

Dagwood, we have to disable
missiles. This is our only chance.

Then do it!

We need to find a conductor
which we will ram into the charger.

It will be difficult to overload
electrical network ...


Thank you.

Spectrum 1 is in position.
- sh**t when you're ready.

I definitely got their attention.

sh**t again and come back
following the old coordinates.

And what if we lose the battle?
- We won't.

Now we're surprised
them. No withdrawal.

They can severely damage us,
even if we win.

Approaches. They are 5,000 meters away.
- Unless we destroy that base,

Vanalden will be able to
perform a nuclear attack.

Do you want to wear it on conscience?
- Piccolo, sink the front pipes.

sh**t as soon as they are above us.
- They have already damaged us well.

If they hit us again,
there is no moving us from here.

Do you? - This is what we do
to avenge them.

It's selfish. It would
to continue the mission courageously.

"Courage is temporary
the absence of selfishness. "

It was written by Stephen Crane.
- The submarines are 3,000 meters away.

Two minutes to contact.
They can pass over us,

without even knowing that we are here.
- Is this a riot? - No.

We ask that you reason. But
we will carry out your order.

One thousand five hundred yards.
Sixty seconds to impact.

Fredricks, you can
to get rid of them?

I'd give up my own shadow too.
- Do that.

We are heading to Mariana Bay.
- I understand.

Stephen Crane?
- A red badge of bravery.

Great book.

They were able to disable it
electrical network.

Poor, but still inventive. You thought
that will prevent the launch so?

That was the idea.

You didn't listen to me again. Some
people never get noticed.

The m*ssile system has an independent power supply.

I can't convince you yes
you don't provoke w*r? - w*r?

I'm not destroying the world, Oliver.
I'm saving him.

Your daughter will have these
missing Christmas.

it?s easy to push a button
and send others to die.

I don't see you fighting.
Let's handle this in your style.

You and I in the arena.

Or you don't have the guts to live
and you die by your own rules?

Leaders only fight if
their best warriors are misled.

I've been waiting for this for a long time.

What do you get with this fight?
- Time.

As he watches the fight, he won?t
press buttons.

Now it all depends on seaQuest.

He's crazy, Commander.

Prevent him from provoking Armageddon.

It started back in the Garden of Eden.

You believe anarchy is better
of peace? - Peace is a fantasy.

Anarchy is true.

Do you want your daughter
growing in a world like this?

You're scared, aren't you?

It is good. It means you value life.

There is still hope for you.

You have not found the core of humanity.
You lost it!

We don't want to be
part of this madness.

Great. Eliminate them.

Will you save us for yourself?

I would have done it until five minutes ago.

Maybe I'll do it in five minutes.

You have to go.

We came to disable
missiles. - I did it.

Why did you change your mind?
- Because of my daughter.

If I had won, she
she would have nowhere to live.

I don't want that.

And? How does that make me?
- Makes you a human being.

Come with us.
- It's too late for me.

As for all of us here.

Tell my daughter I'm on
eventually did what she needed to do.

Go on.

- Another thirty seconds.

Any sign of the shuttle?
- There's nothing on the sensors.

Piccolo, sink all the front pipes.

Tubes submerged. Another 15 seconds.
- Target the Marian base.

It's at gunpoint. We're ready.
- sh**t at my sign. - No!

The captain is still there with
Lucas and Dagwood.

I'm aware of that.

Piccolo, fire the torpedoes.
- Give them another half hour.

You think I don't want that?
You proved to me that I couldn't.

I wanted to get revenge for
the submarine and my friend.

You reminded me that it is
mission always comes first.

I liked it more
when you were wrong.

Piccolo, fire the torpedoes.

Torpedoes fired.

Let's hope they escaped.

Ten torpedoes are coming towards us.
- SeaQuest?

It will hit in a minute and ten seconds.

And Hudson? - Let go
I did it. - You let him go?

You and Hudson never could
to make difficult decisions.

The refugees are gone, you know?

Two days after Hudson
renounced the act for their sake.

The m*ssile was hit by a refugee
camp. No one survived.

Sir? - Yes?

If we were able to, you would
first to launch a nuclear attack?

Four, three, two, one ...

All the torpedoes hit
the target. The base was destroyed.

Are there any rescue capsules?

No, just shards.

One shuttle OUO is looking for
permission to consent.

Landing approved.
- I understand.

Guadeloupe Underwater

I'm not going to be melodramatic,
but today you have saved the world.

What happened down there?
- The computer is broken.

And isolation dementia
made matters worse.

Do this for Vanalden though
did you ruin your career?

You have received my report.

You will recover.

You said it was like that
something good. - Isn't it?

If Hudson finds out what's up
happening with a submarine,

I want to cause as much pity as possible.

Mr. Brody? - Yes?
- Let me know.

An officer thrown out of the machine,
without command in the midst of battle ...

Was there a problem?
- No, sir.

It's not. - No.

We all know the chain of command.

Hold the rudder. Let's go.

I understand.

I just came
to see if you're okay.

I almost didn't become
the k*ller. I'm sick.

That means you're fine. Everyone
we have a beast in us, Dagwood.

Only the best know how to tame it.

That's why I have this.
To remind me.

A cockroach?
- I'm saving a life.