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03x05 - Cary & Brooke Go to an Aids Play

Posted: 05/28/23 19:48
by bunniefuu
Even though we're breaking up,

we want you to know

this is not your fault, you hear me?

Yeah, it didn't remotely occur to us

that this would be our fault.

Yeah, I just assumed it's yours?

No, no, no. It was not Streeter's fault.

And we still love each other very much.

We just realized we're at
different places in our lives.


So now let's get back
to the nitty gritty.

You'll, of course, still
live with your mother.

We both live on our own.

But I will have custody
every other weekend.

So I will pick you up Fridays at : .

And I need you on that
curb right at : ,

because that is my time.

Again, we are and years old.

And, of course, you each have
a bedroom at my new place.

I, uh, decorated them
specifically for you,

so you feel nice and comfortable

when you stay at, um, "Daddy's house."

So what do you think?

Sounds a heck of a lot better
than this dump, am I right?

[CHUCKLES] I'm kidding, of course.

And if I ever hear you
badmouthing your mother,

I will put the kibosh on that
so fast your heads will spin.

Now, give me a hug, you two.

- God.
- We will get through this.

Until then,

just cry it out on Daddy's shoulder.


- You crying, Cary?
- Yes, I'm crying.

♪ I-I-I'm a winner ♪

Eee! I've never been
to the opening night

of a Broadway play before.

It's so cool you're
dating one of the actors.

Lucas is doing such
prestigious stuff now.

Yeah, I thought it'd be
cool, but then I remembered

prestigious, when you're gay, means...

Hello, good evening.

Thank you for coming
to " Gay Men with AIDS:

A Poem in Many Hours."

And exactly how many hours is it?

- Why?
- Oh, no. Sorry.

Never mind. It's a very important topic

and I... I'll be here
as long as they want.

- Thank you.
- Okay, but I don't understand

what the problem is
with Lucas being in this?

Well, this is just the third role

where the two of us can't f*ck.

Like, first he was a teen virgin,

then he was closeted at Christmas.

- Now he has full HIV?
- Okay, h*m*.

It's not the ' s.

Everyone knows you can have
sex with someone who has HIV.

Yeah, but it sort of is the ' s to him.

- I promise you we can have sex.
- It's not safe.

The doctors still
don't know what this is.

Yes, they do. It's HIV.

It's fully treatable. Plus, I'm on PrEP,

we have condoms, and... and this part

is very important, you don't have HIV.

Maybe I should stay at Streeter's?

- Ugh.
- Or maybe we break up with Lucas?

Meredith, hi.

Ugh, I hate that I had to come

- straight from work to this.
- Oh, yeah.

- How's the new job?
- Well, let's see, Cary,

I've spent the last
days kneeling in dirt.

Nothing I've planted is remotely a tree.

And everyone I work with is so nice,

I literally fantasize about
slitting their throats,

which I know is bad. I'm the wrong one.

So overall, not really workin' out?

No, Cary. It's a full he...

- Whoo.
- Heaven. My job is heaven.

Man, how sexy is Cook
Brook in her tree shirt?

My little Shady Lady.

Yes, that is what we women
at work call ourselves.


- Hi, guys.
- Hey, look over here, Chase!

- Hey, guys. Let's do it.
- Let's do it.

- Right over here.
- Oh, my God.

Chase is here with Kiernan Shipka?

- That is so...
- Insane.

- Smart.
- Hey, guys. This is Kiernan.

- We're engaged.
- Hi.

Yeah. We're getting married.

Sorry, you're engaged?

Yes. Chase has been
for nine weeks now.

And it's high time he settled down

and had three to five children

with a member of the Hollywood elite.

Kiernan's part of that elite.

- Right, Chase?
- Yeah. Yeah.

Kiernan, hi. I am a huge fan.

- You are such a great actor.
- Oh, thank you so much.

- What do you do?

She plants trees for a living.

So cute. Do you want a pic with me?

- Oh, uh, no.
- She'd love a pic.

- Get in there, baby.
- We should get a pic.

Let's do it. Oh, come on.
Get in here. It's no problem.

- Let's go.
- Oh, my God, you're gorgeous.

- Thank you, Kiernan.
- Babe.

- Thank you for this.
- Everyone, please head

- into the theater.
- Oh, so nice to meet you.

- Yeah.
- The play is about to begin.

Chase, Kiernan, this way.

We're in the box seats so
everyone can see you two.

Okay. Great. I just, um...

We'll see you in there. Okay, honey?

Okay, Mom.


♪ ♪

♪ Mmm ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Pride can stand ♪

♪ A thousand trials ♪

- Hi.
- Hi.

Gummy worm?

My team says I'm too hot for candy.

Oh, that's silly. Here, have one.

♪ But watching stars ♪

♪ Without you, my soul ♪

- Oh, no. I have to go.

When can I see you again?

Meet me at intermission.


♪ Heeee ♪

January, . Central Park.

It's a sunny day

but with an air that's crisp,

an air that portends.

Isn't Lucas so good?

You know, I'm his
manager, so I'm responsible

for every role he takes.

- W... uh... okay.
- f*cking Reagan.

Janice, get Reagan on the phone.

No, get the whole damn
administration on the phone.



to be in the industry.

I'm like you, girl.

[MOUTHING WORDS] Oh, thank you.

Ugh. God.

Oh, shit.

So what is it, doctor?

The medical community is baffled.

We just...

we still don't know what it is yet.


- Thank you.

We will now take a brief intermission.

It's been a whole act

and they still don't know it's HIV?

- I mean, that's fine.

This is paced out
however it's paced out.

- Thank you.
- Say, "AIDS."

[CHUCKLES] Hey there.
Just wanted to say hi.

I'm Lucas Lambert Moy's boyfriend.

- Hey! Mike.
- Hey.

- You must be so proud.
- Yeah.

Lucas' first big prestige gay role.

So proud. Uh, but I was just curious

what other roles you might
be circling for ol' Lukey?

Oh, man. We're chasin' so many
prestige roles for him now.

First, there's obviously the
movie adaptation of this play.

Oh, f*ck no.

I mean, been there, done that.

Right? You know, I'd pass.

Then there's this other drama

we're really chasin'
about a conversion camp.

He'd play a counselor

who's actually closeted himself

and 'cause of his beliefs

never ever comes out of the closet.

Then kills himself.

Oh, my God.

Is there anything coming up

that is prestigious and gay

but doesn't have, like,
nonstop trauma in it?

You know, like, the
character's just out and happy

and loves to f*ck.

Hmm, there is one movie
about porn stars in the ' s.

It's Adam McKay, so still prestige.

And there's a gay porn star in it?

Yeah... they wanted Lucas

or another one of my clients for it,

but I wasn't really chasin'
it 'cause it's just two scenes.

And like you said, no traum.

He's just a happy, out porn star

who loves to take loads.

But, again, not really chasin'.

Oh, hey. Sandy!

- Baby!
- No. No, no, no.

Please chase that.

Call the producers. Pl... I beg you.

- Shuli? Oh.
- What?

Shuli, I need to tell you something

while Lance is in the bathroom.

I know you want Chase to be dating

Kiernan Shipka, which
makes perfect sense.

But I saw him making
eyes at some normal girl

- during the play.

No, no, no, no.

Chase is engaged to Kiernan Shipka.

He loves Kiernan Shipka.

He wants to go to Sundance

and reveal on the red carpet

he's havin' a baby with Kiernan Shipka.

Then why is she standing
all alone over there?

If Chase loves her, where is he?

- I have to go soon.

My publicist will be looking for me.

No, wait. One more.

Would you rather have one
big toe or one big tooth?

- This is the hardest one yet.

- I know.
- Listen, Brooke,

stop makin' up drama just to
feel like a part of things.

You're a Shady Lady now.

- Remember?
- No, seriously.

It was a plain girl. She
was eating gummy worms.

Hey, what you guys talkin' about?

- Oh...
- Trees.

- Nothin' but trees.

'Kay. Think we gotta go in, B.

- Okay.
- Bye, Shules.

Bye, Brooke.


- The air continues to portend.

And it is portending in ways

it has never portended before.

If I thought it was
portending yesterday,

- today it portends...
- Excuse me.

Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God,
oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.

Let's see.

Girl with gummy worms.

There's no way he's... oh.

[GASPS] Holy f*cking shit.


Chase, what the hell is...

Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God,
oh, God, oh, God, oh, God.



- Shit, shit, shit.
- Hey.

- This is a disaster.
- I know.

- Chase can't date a normal girl.
- Exactly.

- Let's split up,

see if we can find them

- before this goes too far?
- All right.

- Oh, this is crazy.

- This is crazy.
- Hello?

[AS MIKE] Hey!

How's my favorite pro-douche?

Mike? Good to hear your voice.

Yeah. Yeah. This is my voice.

Um, just callin' about this porn
star role for my client Lucas.

I know I wasn't chasin' it

'cause it didn't have
enough traum-traum in it...


You do always call it that.

Anyway, I changed my mind
and I am chasin' it now.

So what do you say we
give the role to Lukey boy?

Sorry, Mike, I'm in an AIDS play.

I'm steppin' out to the bathroom now.

No, no, no. No, don't step out.

- You're good where you are.

Okay, listen, Mike, I
wish I had known sooner,

but we're circlin' someone else.

Mike? Mike?

Mike, what's up? What, are you upset?

Are you seriously giving me
the silent treatment right now?

Or are... are you...
are you threatening me?

Are you threatening me, Mike?

So if I don't give Lucas this role,

you're gonna tell people about the girl?

You're gonna tell people about
the girl and the boy on that boat?

This is a new low, Mike.

Fine. He can have it.
He can f*ckin' have it.

[SIGHS] Love to Shelly.



- You're so cute.
- No, you're so cute.

- Chase!

- Brooke.
- Oh, my God. Okay.

I'm so... I did not expect
to find you in a full bed.

But much love, little bro.

- What are you doin' here?
- I just, um...

I'm here because you
two cannot be together.

I'm sorry, Chase and
whatever your name is.

It's Pam. Pam Snot.

Pam Snot? Is this a prank on Shuli?

[GASPS] Get dressed at once.

- Shuli.
- My God.

Just think what would happen

if Kiernan's team got word of this.

I don't care about Kiernan Shipka, okay?

- I care about Pam.
- Well, that's f*ckin' insane.

But if it's true, the best thing

you can do for her is
never see her again.

Now back to your box.

And you, back to orchestra.


Excuse me.

I did it. I got the role for Lucas.


Oh, my God. I just got
cast in an Adam McKay movie.

Me, Lukas Gage.

- No.

He manages two Lucases? f*ck.

I did it. I saved the day.

You okay? Where'd you go?

Oh, uh, just a tree emergency.

But I'm back now. Won't happen again.

We finally know what it is...

a great big mystery.


Thank you for coming to
" Gay Men with AIDS:

A Poem in Many Hours."

How is this about the AIDS crisis

but there was never any AIDS?

Join us tomorrow for
" Gay Men with AIDS:

A Poem in Many Hours, Part Two."

- What?
- ALL: What?

Hello. Welcome back.

Welcome back to part two.

Feel like I've spent
more time here recently

- than I have at our house.
- At least tonight

we'll actually get to AIDS.

Or why does the screen on
stage say Germany, ?

- I... I mean, if they feel

that we need more context
before we get to AIDS,

then, my God, of course.

- Thank you.
- I really appreciate it.

- You got it.
- Hey, um, Lukas Gage?

- Hello. Hey.

Um, so I have a weird favor to ask.

- Oh.
- My boyfriend is Lucas Lambert Moy.

Right, yeah, that...
oof, that must be tough.

Yeah, between the last
couple roles and this play,

we still haven't been able to f*ck.

And even aside from the sex, right?

So I was wondering if there was any way

you might, uh, give
up that porn star role

so he could have it?
'Cause if he's playing

a horny, out, gay guy,
then we... we can f*ck.

I think I understand.
And I would love to help.

I just... I think I'm,
like, perfect for that role.

Like, underneath these clothes,
my body is... is really good.

No. Yeah, I know.

- I, uh... I Google.
- Oh, thank you.

- Chase, Chase, over here.
- ChaseDreams!

- Hey.
- Wait, who's that?

- Hi.
- This is, uh... this is Pam.

- Yo, yo.

- Chase!
- Say cheese, Chase.

What have you done?

Say hi to Pam.

Streeter, we have a code red.

He's here with Snot.

Whoa. What's goin' on over there?

Uh, h... how would I know?

I was with you all last night

except for that tree emergency.

Let's go watch the play.



Should listen to Shuli

- what she's saying to you.
- Yes.

- My God. I do...


Sorry. Sorry, B.

You know, I know AIDS is bad,

but I worked a double
today. I'm exhausted.

That's fine. You deserve the rest.



I mean, come on, you don't get to pick

- your girlfriends.
- Hey, guys.

Hey, kiddo.

- How you holdin' up?
- About what?

Me and your mom breaking up.

Oh, that has not affected me in any way.

Okay, so I assume that we're talking

- about how Chase can't date Pam?
- Yes.

But thanks to Chase,

they've already been seen together.

Okay, I've been thinking,
and how about this?

She's a contest winner.

Yeah, there was, like, a contest

to come see a Broadway play

through, like, Dannon Yogurt
or some shit and she won.


She's nothin' but a silly contest girl.

A yogurt-eater.

Brooke, this is an excellent idea.

h*m* are like a...

like a sort of plague.

They are a plague... I
think you're being selfish.

- What?
- It's just you already got

to have your ass ate in "White Lotus."

I feel like you should let
other people have sex on camera.

I mean, if anything,
you should have to do

- one of these now.
- Sorry. No dice, man.

Okay, how about this?

If you give up the role,

I'll eat your ass

or you can eat mine.

So now you want me to
give up a movie role

and eat your ass?


I mean, it's a good ass.

Okay, no, I'm not calling
Pam a contest winner.

- She's my girlfriend.
- Chase, be realistic.

You can't date a normal girl.

But I like that she's normal.

We're not just talking how it looks.

Though it does look... cray.

We're talking if you break up or...

Whoa, why are we jumpin' to breaking up?

Oh, shit, it's almost intermission

and Lance'll be up soon,
but I can try and sneak out

- during the next act?
- Yes. I would love that.

- Eee.
- In all of history.

- Thank you.

We will now take a brief intermission.


- How'd you sleep?
- Good. You?


Okay. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Is there anything on
earth... Oh, my God.

I can do to make you give up this role?

Sorry, man. No.

But it was nice meeting you.

I'm actually... I'm gonna duck out.

This play is just so long, right?

- I'll tweet that you left.

- What?
- I'll tweet that I saw you, Lukas Gage,

walking out of the AIDS play.

- You wouldn't dare.
- Really?

I haven't f*cked in months, Lukas.

Who know what I'll do?


Your move, Gage.


♪ ♪


I'll just stay and watch.

- Gentlemen, please.

It has been settled.

We shall call this land "America."

Wow. .

We're more than years
before AIDS even started.


And remember, you can
leave any time you want.

- I won't say a word.
- Nope.

I actually like that we're in ,

and I'm so excited to see how
it all connects back to AIDS.

Like, I wanna be seen as an adult.

What do you mean?

Your bare armpit was in "Rolling Stone."

Yes, millions of girls,
and let's be honest, boys,

- have seen you as an adult.
- By my team.

I wanna make my own decisions.

So you don't think we
make good decisions?

Shuli, my second album was released

on the day of the insurrection.

- That's a good point.
- Yeah, that was a full whiff.

Our ancestors' ancestors.


Thank you for coming to
" Gay Men with AIDS:

A Poem in Many Hours, Part Two."

Hey, your hair's not in your pony.

Oh, uh... must've fallen out

while I was sleepin' so damn hard

through this AIDS play.

Oh, yeah. Makes sense.

Good thing the play's over now, right?

Join us tomorrow night
for " Gay Men with AIDS:

A Poem in Many Hours,
Part Two, Chapter Two."

- Man, what?

Sorry, I gotta work tomorrow night.

This is your job now.

Welcome back. Good evening.

Here we are. Night three.

Which is fine. Whatever they need.

Of course. I didn't say otherwise.

I didn't say you said otherwise.


Good morning, Lukey.

We're in caveman times
now. That's right.

This AIDS play

is at the literal dawn of time.

So you gotta ask yourself,

how does this connect to AIDS?

And more importantly, when?

I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Yes, we will.


- So if Chase is going to be with her,

we need to be ready to
tell the press about her.


Well, Pam, why don't you
tell us more about you?

Like, who is Pam?

Um, my favorite color is purple.

- Okay, what if we k*ll her?
- Streeter, no.

Chase, what do you see in Pam?

She's kind. She's pretty.

She makes me laugh. Like, ask them

what you asked me when we first met.

Okay, would you rather
poop out your mouth

or eat with your butt?

Oh, my God.

[SIGHS] I guess eat with my butt.

That's beautiful, Tiny.

The world is at once new and old.

Knowable and yet... Wait,
who is this woman now?

I don't even know what time we're in.

That's because they've
stopped doing times, Lukas.

I think we might be in no time at all.

- Oh, my God.

- Oh, my God.
- No! Look... no.

Streeter, listen.

If you eat with your butt,

you can never go to restaurants.

- Yep.
- Final answer,

- poop out my mouth.
- But then you taste

- poop every day?
- No.

'Cause your tongue is in your butt.

Ahh. Chase, this is a disaster,

but I like the girl. Makes me think.

- Thank you.
- Brooke, shouldn't you get

back inside before Lance wakes up?

Yeah, yeah. But hang on.

Like, your tongue is in your butt now,

- right, Pam?

Oof, and now she's starting the Kaddish?

I think we're in for a day four,

maybe even a five.

How do you like the taste of that?

Okay, fine.

He can have the f*ckin' part.

I just... I can't take it anymore.

I know it's important.
I just... I've seen this

- so many times.
- Shh.

People are trying to sleep.

f*ck. [GROANS]



What the...

- Where is the tongue?

- Would it taste...
- The aftertaste would be ugh.

Hey, B. What's goin' on out here?

Oh, I, uh...

I... I was just thirsty.

Yeah, and I... I came
to get a drink of water

and I... I ran into Shuli.

Are you back in the industry?

No. No.

I do good now. Remember? I love trees.

Don't lie. You can tell the truth.

Okay, fine.

The truth is...

I'm having sex with Shuli.

Yeah, it's a Holland
Taylor/ Sarah Paulson thing.

Am I Holland Taylor?


- Okay.
- No, wait. Come on.

No, wait. No, come on. I just...

- No. Don't worry about it.
- Lance, I...

- It's all good, B.
- No, I...

look, I was having sex with Shuli,

but it's... it's over.

- It's in the past.
- All good, B.

- Lance!

Welcome. Welcome back to day four.

- You know, my boyfriend's in this.

Yeah, he just got cast in a movie too.

I'm not sure when it films,

'cause he's always in character,

but I'm gonna break into his
email tonight to find out.

Then we can finally have sex.

Ticket, ma'am?

Maybe it's because I've
been here for four days,

but that made no sense to me.

- Yeah, no, it does make sense.

Good afternoon. At today's performance,

the role of Larry will
be played by Rob Moss

because Lucas Lambert
Moy is sh**ting a film.

Thank you so much and
enjoy the matinee.

Wait, what? It's today?

Oh, shit. It's only two scenes.

Sorry, do you know where he's sh**ting?

Well, actually...


Okay, I'm not getting
ready for this AIDS play

until you talk to me.

Like, I don't know what you
want me to say, all right?

Me and Shuli were sleeping together.

- And I'm... that's...
- Oh, God.

Just shut the f*ck up.

- What?
- Enough with the lying.

Just f*cking stop it, okay? Please.


Fine. Okay. I just...

I have been embarrassed
to let you know this,

but I don't like trees.


I don't wanna do the tree thing.

Okay? I don't care about trees.

And it makes me feel like
there's something wrong with me

because all these
people that I work with

f*ckin' love trees.

But it's just not... in me or something?

Like... like, I think I hate trees.

Okay, who gives a shit?

If you don't like trees,

then find something else you do like.

But that's the problem, okay?

I already did.

Like, I liked being a manager.

But then the last few years,

everyone started trying to find

something more meaningful to do,

but I had just done that.

Being a manager was meaningful to me.

Like, I liked it. I
was f*ckin' good at it.

Then that's great?

No, it's not, because I can't do it

without feeling judged all the time.

By who? Who's judging you?

You! You're judging me.

Whoa. Whoa, what?

- Quiet all around.
- Quiet all around.

And we are rolling.

[PANTS] There they are.

I'm here, Lucas!

I'm coming to f*ck you, baby.

And cut!

- No!
- That's a cut.

No, no, no. Please tell me

Lucas Lambert Moy has not wrapped.

Holy shit. What the f*ck is this?

No, it's okay. I'm totally normal.

My boyfriend is just always in character

so I'm coming here to have
sex with him real quick

before he wraps this role

and goes back into this other role

- where we can't.
- Actors make me so sad.

But you're in luck.
The director may need

to go one more time after lunch.

He's gonna watch playback to decide.

Yeah. Yeah. Great.

Oh, my God.

Yeah, this... this is bad.

Yeah, you can't use this.

Let's just go again after lunch.

- Yes.
- He's happy.

So that's lunch and a picture wrap

on Lucas Lambert Moy.

What? No!

No, no, no. [SOBS]

Sorry, buddy.

But I... I have to ask,

what exactly was the plan here?

To... have sex with my boyfriend.

Yeah. But then what?

I mean, doesn't it suck to never be able

to talk or connect with him in any way?

I don't know. Could be wrong.


Oh, my God, are you serious right now?

I'm judging you? That's
what you're tellin' me?

Yes, like, nonstop
while you're off doing

all your brain surgeries.

First of all, that's not remotely

what nurses do, and I've told you

a thousand times, I don't
judge what you do, B.

Jesus with this shit.

[CHUCKLES] No, no. Yes... yes, you do.

You do judge me.

Like, last month, remember, at the bar,

when you and your
friends were all laughing

and you said that my job can be

"a little dumb sometimes."

- And I quote.
- What?

Okay, if I did say that,

I was probably just agreeing with you.

Also, all jobs can be dumb sometimes.

Well, you did. You did say it.

And I just... I can't unhear

- the judgement in your voice.
- Oh, my God.

Give me a f*cking break, dude!

You don't feel judged by me, Brooke.

You don't. And you know you don't.

You have judgement on yourself

and you're makin' this about me.

I have been nothing
but supportive of you.

You say you wanna be a manager?

I say, "Hell yeah. That's great.

I love my girl as a manager."

But then you don't believe me.

So then you say you wanna do trees.

I say, "Great. Hell yeah, girl,

do those trees."

And then you're mad at me
for supporting the trees.

It's like... it's like I
can't f*ckin' win with you.

'Cause you never should have
let me do the trees, Lance.

Like, you know me better than anybody,

and yet you let me
quit a job that I love

to go plant f*ckin' trees?

You should have f*ckin' stopped me.

You kept saying it's what you wanted.

And it's not my f*cking job

to make you be honest with me.

Okay, well, that is a
very interesting point

so... f*ck you.

Listen, during the pandemic,

all I did was listen to my gut

and decide to do something
that made me happy.

That's all I did.

You're the one who's makin'
this constantly about you.

You don't care at all about my job

except how it relates to
you, how it makes you feel.

And it's exhausting,
dude. Like, what about me?

I want a partner too. I want somebody

to show up for me, to support me.

Not just someone who's always
thinkin' about their own bullshit.

And if you do have a problem,

you need to f*cking talk to me, B.

But instead you spin and you spin

and you dye your hair,

and you sneak out on me.

Like, we're engaged, dude.

I'm your ride or die.

But maybe that's the problem.

You know I'm not goin' anywhere,

so it just gives you this permission
to just treat me like shit,

to lie to me, to test me,

to always be in your head

instead of just listening to me

or be a good partner to me.

And I deserve that, B,

'cause I'm a good f*ckin' person.


Yes, that's been made very clear.

Okay, cool.

- Very cool, B.
- What?

That's what you have
to say after all that?

I... well, I'm just saying,
we get it, you're good.

That's all I'm saying.

Okay, well, if we can't talk,

then I don't know how we do this.

Well, maybe we don't do this.

Okay, yeah. Maybe we don't.

[SIGHS] Go f*ck yourself, Lance.



Hey, um, I was curious if we could talk,

like, out of character for a second?

I just... the way this
is going now, with us,

isn't working. People are right.

It's weird I don't
actually know the real you.

So, what, you're gonna leave me

- while I have HIV?
- Okay, no.

No, that's not what's happening here.

I mean, if anything, I'm
thinking of leaving you

because you don't have HIV.

Also, I thought the doctors said

they "didn't know what it was"?

Stop it.


Was that you?

If you're going, go.

Okay, no. See, I don't wanna go. Okay?

So what if we do this,

you get out of character for one night

and we just talk and laugh

and maybe we order pizza.

Do you... do you like pizza?

And then you can just
pop back into character

and no one will be the wiser.

Okay, please? I... I
really want this to work.

So just give me a reason
to stay, I'll stay.



I guess I'm gonna go.

You can just let yourself out whenever.


Oh, flower delivery for Mr. Lambert Moy?

- Yes.
- Okay, yeah.

Thank you.

"Congratulations on your Tony
nomination for Best Actor.

"Think of me for your future projects.

Your fan, Debra Messing"?

You got nominated for a full Tony?






This is so dumb, but
can I stay here tonight?

Of course.

You always have a place here at...

"Daddy's house."

The bedrooms are upstairs.

Thank you.



Oh, my God.

Oh, you chose Cary's room.

That's okay. You want something to eat?

Capri Sun? String cheese?


You know, I... I will take a PB&J,

if you don't mind. No crusts, please.

Comin' right up.



♪ ♪


It's just... it's over.

I can't believe it's actually over.

I know.

I... I'm sad your mom and
I broke up, too, sweetheart.


♪ ♪