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01x02 - Holston's Pick

Posted: 05/28/23 09:34
by bunniefuu
Any spoken request to

leave the Silo is granted,

but it is irrevocable.

You have been asked to clean

and have been provided

with materials to do so,

but you cannot be forced into cleaning.

Once outside the air lock,

you are outside the law.

Have you any last words?

Sorry for all the fuss.

We do not know why we are here.

We do not know who built the Silo.

We do not know why everything

outside the Silo is as it is.

We do not know when it

will be safe to go outside.

We only know that day

is not this day.

Why'd he say it?

I can't believe they're sending

the sheriff out to clean.

You know, once he said it,

they didn't have any choice.

But why would the sheriff wanna go out?

It's happening.

Oh, shit. He's coming.

Oh, no.

Come on.

Damn it, Allison.

You were right.

They have to see.

- How much?

- Ten.

You bet ten credits he wouldn't

clean? They always clean.

Can he last three minutes before

the poison gets him? That's the bet.

Come on, Sheriff!

What's he doing?

Has anyone taken their

helmet off before?

Get up!

Where's he going?

To be with his wife.

The sheriff's dead. What happens now?

f*cking liar. He's a f*cking liar!

Hey! Hey! Cut it out!

Stop now! Come on.

Listen up! Everybody,

calm down! Listen up!

That is f*cked up, no question.

But it is no excuse

for us to lose our shit.

If anybody's gonna fight over a

sheriff being sent out to clean,

let them fight Up Top or in the Mids.

Here, in the Down Deep,

it's none of our business.

Our business is keeping the lights on.


Keeping the generator running.


Keeping the Silo alive!


Here in the Down Deep,

we'll just get shit done. Okay?





You got a message from Karins.

We've been getting more alerts

about people lining up at Recycling,

trying to get their

hands on pipes, hammers

Yeah. People are boneheads.

Well, people are scared.

Yeah, I'm gonna check in with

everybody, uh, on the radio.

Do you want anything from the cafeteria?

You should go home, Sandy.

Oh, he really loved her.

If you're wondering why.


I'm a size medium, by the way.

Maybe 20 years ago.

The Jensen baby's due next week.

I used to be able to knock out

25 of these a year,

one for every tenth kid.

Now I'm lucky if I do five.

- Drink?

- Yeah.

Day like today, I think

we get the good stuff.

Comes from before the rebellion.

Maybe before everything.

Thank you.

To Holston Becker.

You decide who you're

gonna pick for sheriff?

I'm not looking at him?

I'll help break in the next

one, but I'm going to retire.

When Jamal was retiring,

he chose Holston to be

sheriff. That was easy.

If Holston had been retiring,

I could've just followed

his wishes, but now

Judicial will try and slip one

of their people into the post.

Holston didn't say anything to you?

I've been looking through the

mayor's ledgers. I'm up to 97.

Births. Deaths.

How much water was used that

year. How many computer cables.

Was anyone sent out?

So far, not a single instance of a

mayor sending a sheriff out to clean.

He went out, but you didn't send him.

I didn't bring this up 'cause

I feel sorry for myself.

I brought it up 'cause I don't know

what happened before

these ledgers existed.

Before the rebellion?

Before whatever caused the rebellion.

You worry it was a cleaning?

- I worry about instability.

- Yeah.

That's why we need a new

sheriff as soon as possible.

This is the last one we've got.

Thank you.

I need this.

- No, you're not getting it. No! You

- No. I need this.

- No, you can't have my f*cking hammer!

- Hey!

- Stop this shit!

- I need to protect my family!

- Put the hammer down.

- Hey! Cut that shit out!

Shit. Judicial.


Deputy Brooks.

Mr. Sims, I got this under control.

Get their names.

Any idea when we'll get a new sheriff?

'Cause there's still a long

line at our local Recycling,

and the deputy asked me to make

sure we have enough amm*nit*on.

Level 14 is clear.

- What are you doing?

- What does it look like?

It looks like you

showed up in a bad mood.

Now, you're taking it

out on that toaster.

No. I'm fixing it.

Oh. You've been coming in

here since you were 13

Oh, here we go.

to fix shit, so you

don't have to deal with shit.

Can you just let me work alone, please?

This have anything to do with what

you said after the sheriff cleaned?

Because Shirley came by last night.

She said you stormed

out, yelling, "He lied!"

Don't think I was yelling.

You know what? Coming in here,

sitting in that chair, using my tools,

that's a privilege.

And the only way you get to stay here

is by telling me what

in hell's going on.

Okay, then I won't stay.

You didn't come here to mend a

toaster. You came here to talk.

I know that's hard for you.

Okay. Take your time.

It's about George.

It's been three months since he died.

- You're saying he lied?

- No. Holston lied.

- You still think George was m*rder*d?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, 'cause he didn't k*ll himself, so

- How can you be so sure?

'Cause the last time I saw him,

he really wanted to show me something.

We were celebrating

Cooper becoming my shadow.

George was always paranoid

'cause we weren't sanctioned,

so he never came to these things.

Computer guy!

They're making me get drunk.

Well, it looks like

you're putting up a fight.


why don't we get you

some water and a chair?


Hey, everyone knows about

us. They don't give a shit.

They're not gonna send us to the mines.

You'd be fine down there, tough girl.

Hey, uh Something happened.

Something big.

I can't tell you here, but

can I speak to you after?

Yeah, sure. I work until late.

Oh, uh, then I'll-I'll

tell you at your place.



Where's Coop?

- Get Coop up here.

- Oh.

This is all about him. Come here.

Coop, I know you're

freaking the f*ck out.

- You are ready to shadow Jules.

- Gotta go.

Let's all give it up

for Cooper! Come on.

When I got off work at

midnight, I was exhausted.

I was looking forward to seeing George.


- Hey.

- Hey.

Well, you don't look too hungover.

I'm not. Just sad.


- You didn't hear?

- I just got up. Hear what?

Computer George went off

the stairs last night.

They're saying su1c1de.

Did you know him well?

Look, Jules, I don't know

what you want me to say.

I really liked the guy.

And su1c1de is a crime against the Silo.

- I know.

- If you have proof that he didn't jump,

you'd be saving me a

mountain of paperwork. But

But m*rder?

And by who? And why?

I don't know! I just know

he didn't k*ll himself, Hank.

Okay, see, for it to be

m*rder, you need more than that.

- You need motive and opportunity.

- Don't f*cking patronize me, Hank.

Hey, I'm not patronizing

you, it's just

What? Hmm?

I know you two were

I figured, down here,

who cares? The thing is,

if you were in a sanctioned

relationship, this would be easier.

A partner has certain rights.

Yeah. Well

f*ck it.

I'll run your concerns Up Top.

I'll say it came from a

coworker who knew him well.

See what the sheriff has

to say. He's a good man.

Nobody likes a su1c1de.

Come on!

That's her.

- What's her name?

- What?

What's her name?


Juliette Nichols.

The body was found here,

on this ventilation unit.

I'm thinking George must've fallen

maybe 100 feet, give or take.

No witnesses.

So, nothing much more I can give you.

You seem awfully tense.

Oh, I I'm always tense, sir.

I get it. su1c1de is a serious crime.

- No, it wasn't su1c1de.

- So you've said.

Yeah. He wasn't depressed. He

wasn't giving anything away.

There was no sudden elation

that he finally made a

decision that he would

We're all taught those signs so

early, people get good at hiding them.

How'd you know him?

Oh, uh, George

Everybody knows everybody down here.

And George was the funny computer guy.

Why do you think he was m*rder*d?

He have any enemies?

I just know he

I told her, for m*rder,

you need motive and opportunity and

Yeah, but I told you

we have opportunity.

He died at 3:00 a.m?

No one's on the stairs then. Right?

Unless you're a porter.

Or going to jump.

Go to Dispatch, would you?

See if there were any porters

on the stairs when it happened.

- Yeah.

- Okay.

That's a nice watch. Is that a relic?

- Um, it's it's legal.

- Just said it was nice.

Look, I'm sorry about your coworker.

I'm gonna go look at his body again.

Check for any signs of a struggle.


Hate to ask, but maybe there's

something you'd see that I don't.

But only if you're up to it.

Uh, no, yeah. Of Of

course. Yeah, sure. Cool.

We're looking for anything unusual.

Abrasions that wouldn't be consistent

with a fall. Evidence of a fight.

- You ready?

- Yep.

Some people

cut their wrists in previous attempts.

Then they decide to be sure

so they jump.

Even after all these years, I

haven't gotten used to the sight.

- You ever seen

- Dead person? Yeah.

My brother when I was 12.

My mother when I was

13. But, you know

you knew that, so

Someone says m*rder, you look into them.

Find out what reason they

might have for saying that

The reason is 'cause he

was m*rder*d. That's why.

But you might not wanna believe

it's su1c1de, given your history.

That's something I can understand.

Anything new?

Not really.

What they say at Dispatch?

It was a quiet night for the

porters. Nobody up or down.

- Judicial's on their way.

- Okay.

Possible su1c1de and

all, they want a briefing.

You guys, uh, ask around.

See if there was anyone

else on the stairs.

All right.

You want something to eat?


How long were you and

George in a relationship?

I won't tell anybody.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Why didn't you get sanctioned?

Why not?

Look, if we're gonna

figure out what happened,

you're gonna have to tell me the truth.

When you went to my

deputy and said m*rder,

you wanted help, right?

He didn't k*ll himself.


I gotta go meet with Judicial.

Juliette, the not knowing,

it's gonna haunt you forever.

He left something for me.


You being sheriff and

me, not being sheriff.

I need you to promise me you're

not gonna rat me out to Judicial.

Is it a relic?

'Cause if it is, I'm gonna

have to confiscate it.

No, he didn't leave me anything.

Nothing to show you.

But who's to say where I found it?

The Silo's a big place.

What is this?

I don't know.

Maybe it was his way of saying

goodbye. Giving you something.

He left this with it.

Where's the rest of it?

That's all there was. I don't know.

"Remember where you last saw this?"

What I'm about to show you is

more illegal than any relic.

I'm sure Up Top knows about

it, but they don't seem to care.

I'm from Up Top

and I have no idea where we're going.

Our agreement still apply?


All right.

I hope you're not afraid of the dark.

Or tight spaces.

Or heights.

- Who did all this?

- I don't know.

We think it's from before the rebellion.

Hey. Careful.

- What's down there?

- You'll see.


There were probably a hundred

work lights here at one time.

Only these ones are left.

What is that?

Best guess is what's left of

the machine that dug the Silo.

Theory goes, digger comes down this far,

there's no easy way to get it out,

so the founders just walled it

off with a 30-foot cap of concrete.

Digger must have looked like

this for, pfft, a hundred years.

Anything of value has been

stripped a long time ago.

First time I saw this place,

it made me realize how

little we know about the Silo.


Oh, um, it's better not to look down.

You okay?

What is this place?


He put it all together.

Last time I saw this

thing was was down here.

Was in this box.

These are why he wanted

to keep us a a secret.

You know, if he ever got caught with

them, he didn't want me sucked in.

Are these all relics?


I don't know

Never seen this one before.

Maybe it's what he wanted you to see?

No idea what it is.

So, George sold and traded relics?

Yeah. He was obsessed

with the before time.

You know, he'd come down here on his own

and he'd be looking for something.

- Looking for what?

- I don't know. He never told me.

He just said that he'd

know it if he saw it.

That's odd.

This plastic wire used to

be wrapped around the spool.

Wait. Hold on.

What is this?

What is that?

You see any of this before?


He never mentioned this?

Said what might be on it?


"Instructions on how to

recover deleted files."

There's handwriting on the back.

That's not George's handwriting.

It's my wife's.

Do you think your wife knew George?

Allison did some IT work for

him not long before she went out.

Wh Why didn't you tell me that?


If George and your w

Did Did you talk to him?


Oh, shit. The watch.

You'd seen it before, hadn't you?

That's why you checked his wrists.

That's That's why That's

why you knew we were together.

Is Is that why you're here?

To see if I had anything to do with

why your wife went out to clean?

I came down here to

determine his cause of death.

Bullshit! You're wondering

if George had anything to do

with why your wife went out to clean.

And I'm gonna have to tell

Judicial his death was an accident.

Wh Why? Why would you

do that? He was m*rder*d!

- By who?

- I don't know by who!

There's a reason why George hid this.

Maybe it'll tell us why

why what happened to him.

I don't know why he hid

a f*cking hard drive.

This is a red-level relic, making

it a threat to order in the Silo.

I don't care about the order in

the Silo. I want you to do your job!

Maintaining order in the Silo is my job.

What about finding out the truth?

I've gotta get this into the

incinerator before anyone else finds it.

- No.

- That's enough!

Maybe if you'd listened to your

wife, she'd still be alive right now!

To get to my office, I have

to walk through the cafeteria.

So, now I go to work before dawn,

and I come home after dark

just so I don't have to

see her body on that hill.

Allison asked questions too.

She was never afraid.

Then please Just

help me.

I'll keep trying to find

out what happened to George,

but you have to stay quiet and

you have to keep your head down.

Stop wearing that watch!

It may be legal, but it draws attention.

When I find something, I'll send word.

A signal.

I promise.

What kind of signal?

You'll know it when you see it.

Anything I can do while I wait?

I have to figure out what this is,

and you need to trust me.


You actually said if

he'd listened to his wife,

she'd still be alive?

And you wonder why you

never heard from him again.

Jules, y-you could've

told me this before.

- He asked me to wait, so I waited.

- And you got no word, no sign.

Well, I'm sorry you didn't get

the answers you were hoping for,

but maybe you should take a day.

Maybe do something.

Take your mind off it.

Maybe I should keep my mind on it.

I didn't show the sheriff everything.

Bottom half of the note George left me.

"I found what I was looking for."

Why didn't you show this to the sheriff?

George told me that

whatever he was looking for

was more dangerous than any relic.

He was afraid me even knowing

about it could get me sent out.

What was he looking for?

Jules, this is getting dangerous.


Um, I'll fix this later.

No, you won't.

Yeah. No, I won't.

Um Okay.


Try not to get yourself

k*lled down there.


I've got the judge's picks for sheriff.

Four mediocre candidates

just to shine a light on

the one she really wants.

- Paul Billings.

- I remember him. He was a deputy.

Yeah, in the Mids.

He was a good guy till he

abandoned us for Judicial.

He got married and he

wanted better hours.

To be honest, Paul Billings

wouldn't be the worst.

I don't want someone

who's not the worst.

I keep thinking any minute

someone's gonna come through that door

and tell me there's an armed

mob coming up the stairs.

And 140 years of peace is

gonna go down the drain.

And my next thought is, I have

to go talk to Holston about this.

Yeah. I think the same

thing about ten times a day.

I wish he'd said who

should take the job.

He did.

- He left a note.

- Why did you wait until now to tell me?

Because it's ridiculous,

and if anything,

it's a sign he wasn't

quite there at the end.

- Who'd he choose?

- You might wanna top off your drink.

"In my final act as

sheriff, I, Holston Becker,

nominate Juliette Nichols of

Mechanical as my successor."

- Juliette Nichols?

- She's an engineer.

"Even if she refuses,

I ask that this badge,

my personal property, be

given to her. Holston Becker."

Why her?

Like I say, he wasn't in

his right mind at the end.

I wanna meet her.

Are you sure?

I said meet her, not give her the job.

I'll message and have

her start up tomorrow.

No. I'll go to her.

Oh, yeah? 144 levels?

I just sent a sheriff out to clean.

I need to walk the Silo. The

people need to see their mayor.

You've got a lot of rope.


What do you need it for?

To get where I'm going.

Okay. Where's that?

The past.

The past?

What are you looking for?

Well, what I'm looking for isn't nearly

as important as what I've found.



Wow. You idiot.

Seriously, what are you looking for?

Uh, if I find it, I'll let you know.

- Get off me Okay, okay, okay.

- Tell me. Tell me.

I think it's a door.


A door?

What do you mean, a door?

Uh. I I saw it on

a a-an old drawing.

It's at the end of a short tunnel.

W-Well, what's behind it? How

do you even know it's real?

Well, I don't know. That's

why I need to find it.

It's somewhere down at the bottom.

At the bottom?

There's water. There's water down there.

Why would anyone put

a door at the bottom?

- I know that the water scares you.

- Yeah, it scares me, George.

'Cause you sink in water

and you can't breathe.

What if you What if

you fall off the rope?

What if you can't get

back up again? What if

I'm gonna be careful.

Okay, make me a deal. Um

if you're gonna go down there,

I, uh I don't wanna

know about it until after.





