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01x01 - Freedom Day

Posted: 05/28/23 09:33
by bunniefuu
[SHERIFF] We do not

know why we are here.

We do not know who built the Silo.

We do not know why everything

outside the Silo is as it is.

Good morning, Sheriff.

Hey, Sam. You awake yet?

[SAM] I'm about halfway there.

[SHERIFF] We do not know when

it will be safe to go outside.

We only know that day

is not this day.


You're in early.

[DEPUTY] Yeah, I couldn't

sleep. Got the damn leg cramps.

When you get your coffee,

meet me in holding 3.


You want some coffee?

[DEPUTY] What are you doing?

[SHERIFF] I wanna see her.

[DEPUTY] No, Sheriff.

I should've done it three years

ago. But I couldn't listen.

[DEPUTY] Hey. Stop.

[STAMMERS] Come on out of

there. Let's talk about this.

I made up my mind, or

I wouldn't be in here.

I'm sorry, Sam.

You're gonna say this to me

after all we've been through?

Want me to wait till Sandy gets in?

I don't want you to say it.

Please, Sheriff. Don't say it.

- Deputy Marnes

- Please, Sheriff.

I wanna go out.




While you get things rolling,

I think I'm gonna lie down.

[SHERIFF'S WIFE] Are you getting coffee?

[SHERIFF] I am, I am!

Okay. I'll take milk, please.

Actually, no milk. I don't I don't

I don't need any milk. No.

- Come on. It's almost 8:00.

- Okay.

- [SHERIFF'S WIFE] Please.

- [SHERIFF] Okay, coming.


[SIGHS] I don't know

why we're doing this.

We're not gonna get

it. We had two tries.



I can't believe it. [SIGHS]


- Third time's a charm.

You're just excited

to have sex every day.

Hey, you could be

pregnant a month from now.

- Please let it be more than that.



You know I love you no matter what.

Shut up. We're doing this. Let's go.

Allie, his office

doesn't open for an hour.

Yeah. Well, we can get some breakfast.

We can talk about baby names.

Which will be me just humoring

you, because obviously,

if I'm giving birth

to this little critter,

I'm naming it whatever the hell I want.



- Good luck.

- Oh, thanks. [CHUCKLES]

- Congratulations.

- [SHERIFF] Yeah. Thank you.

Thanks. [CHUCKLES]

- Hi.


Oh, hi. Congrats.


I really hate this part.

People are just happy for us.

Oh, I just wish everyone

didn't know. [CHUCKLES]

Oh, shit.

Sheriff, Mrs. Becker.


mean to intrude. [CHUCKLES]

So don't.

There's your famous

tell-it-like-it-is manner.

Why everyone likes you.

If everyone likes me,

I'm not doing my job.

Mrs. Becker, your husband

might not be interested

in what I have to say

What I'd be really interested in

- is you leaving us alone, Gloria.

- Holston.

But whatever our sheriff

may have told you,

I provide fertility counseling

Oh, yeah? Like what?

[CHUCKLES] Your husband's

waiting for me to say something

I'm not legally allowed to say.

- Such as?

- Clever.

[GLORIA] I have no desire to

be sent out. Thank you, Sheriff.

Mrs. Becker, if you have

an open mind, come see me.

I wish you both the very best.

What does she do exactly?

She goes right to the edge

of promising people a baby

if they do what she says,

which is fraud. And it's cruel.

[DOCTOR] I'll let that go numb.

Now, after I remove the birth

control, it'll take two to three weeks

for your hormones to reset.

Now, that said, some

couples do become pregnant

within days of getting clearance.

But then, you know all this.

Is this your, uh your second time?

- Third.

- And last.

I'm almost thirty-eigh eight.

Can you feel this?

Just pressure.

[DOCTOR] Well, even though you're

numb, it's still gonna feel weird.

We make sure the capsule's

implanted quite deep

so it never gives you any trouble.


- But not for long, as I am done.


And there it is.


- You are no longer under birth control.

[DOCTOR] You are now

free to make a baby.



Thank you, Mrs. Flores.

I swear if one more person

congratulates us [BREATHES HEAVILY]

Impregnate me. Now.

- Yes, ma'am. [GRUNTS, CHUCKLES]


- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait.

- Mmm. What?

[SIGHS] Remember last time?

At some point, this is gonna

start feeling like work.

- Best work ever.


[IT WORKER] We tried, like, four

times before we finally got clearance,

so now's your time.

[ALLISON] Yeah, let's hope.

[IT WORKER CHUCKLES] My cousin Charlene,

she convinced her husband

he had to dye his unit blue.

Did it work?

- They got pregnant.


But I'm sure his blue d*ck

had nothing to do with it.

She was just f*cking with him.

Gives you a clue to that marriage.

- Hello, Bernard.

- Morning, Bernard.

Karen. Allison.


you posted an article

on our BBS about

recovering deleted files.

- I did.

- You do know you need to get my approval

for any IT-related content

before it goes wide.

Well, I figured we could

cut down on service calls

if people could handle

some things on their own.

[CHUCKLES] Hmm. I took

it down. Your post.

I have no doubt your

intentions were good,

but our reporting structure

is there for a reason.

- Got it.

- Hmm.

[WHISPERS] f*cking assh*le.

Did you know you were

breaking the rules?

No. Maybe. Kind of.

There's too many rules.

Well, you wanted to work in IT.

It's not just IT. It's everywhere.

We blame the rebels for

erasing our history, right?


So why can't we ask

questions about that stuff?

And if losing our history is so

bad, why can some g*ons from Judicial

send you down to the mines

if you happen to have a

relic from the before times?



You're gonna use your

sheriff voice with me?

Honey, the Pact is the

only history we have.

What if a bunch of rule-breakers

decide they wanna see for themselves

what it's like aboveground?

They somehow manage to

open that door, we are done.

Part of my job is making

sure that doesn't happen.



I got my period.

I know, I know. We still have time.

[MARNES] What are you so afraid of?

I'm afraid some drunken, pyromaniac

adolescent with a cherry b*mb

is gonna start a fire

that sets off a stampede.

Are you done? Is it

safe for me to speak?

Since you've been wearing the sash

and we've been wearing a badge,

Freedom Day has gone off without a

hitch. And that's a long damn time.

All deputies will be on patrol,

and we'll have fire teams

on every tenth level.

[SILO LEADER] It's getting harder

to see with every passing month.

A long time between cleanings

means things are going well.

No one wants a cleaning,

but people need to see

what it's like out there.

- Mrs. Becker.

- Oh.

- Hi.

- I was looking for you.

- Are you pregnant?

- Um, not yet.

But I'm afraid I won't be

needing your assistance.

- Take care.

- Oh, no, no, no.

That's not why I was looking for you.

I'd like to ask you

a question in private.

Oh, I hate that term,

"Freedom Day." So simplistic.

"Put Down the Rebellion

Day" would be more accurate.

Ma'am, you said you wanted

to ask me a question.

Why'd you do that?

Because I don't want them to hear.


Well, who's got listeners?


Have you ever wondered what

was on the servers they erased?

In the books they burned? If it

was even the rebels that did it?

- I should get to work.

- Oh, please.

I didn't ask you here on a whim.

I've heard you're someone who also


Who told you that?

Why do we live underground?

What actually happened out there?

- I'm going now.

- One last thing.

Do you really think

you're the kind of person

they want having children?

[ALLISON] Three times with no success?

She just said it it started

to feel a little intentional.

Okay. Now she has officially

descended from eccentric oddball

to completely f*cking crazy.

I should send the psych team

- to pay Gloria a visit.

- Don't. She just

Just what? Said

something that upsets you?

She and her husband

couldn't have a baby.

She wants you to find out why.

You had your birth

control removed, Allie.

We have the same shot at making a

baby as anyone who has clearance.


- Okay?


You're not gonna like this.

Our buddy George

submitted another ticket.

Guess whose turn it is to take it.


He's a programmer in the Mids

with a repair stall in the market.

- Why do you have to go?

- Everybody's taking off for Freedom Day.

And because you're working, I

figured I would just be on call.

But he wants me to be there

first thing in the morning,

which means I have to go down

tonight and get a room in the hostel.

Also means that we will be missing

this evening's entertainment.


- [WHISPERS] Honey.

- I know, I know. I'll be quiet.

- Not here.

- Yeah, here.

- Honey. Marnes is

- Let's be quick.



- [ALLISON] It's okay. It's okay.











- Holy shit.


[CHUCKLING] If I don't get

pregnant from that, I never will.


[ACTOR 1] We'll beat you to the top

and open the door to the outside,

letting all the poison into the Silo!



[ACTOR 2] Not so fast, rebel!

In the name of the Founders! [YELLS]











[GEORGE] Allison Becker?

I am. You must be

I've been looking forward to

meeting you for a long time.

Sorry about getting you

down here on Freedom Day.

I'm on call. My husband's working, so

That's what I figured,

him being the sheriff.

Why I thought I might get you.

I don't understand. How can I help you?

[STAMMERS] Yeah. I I read your post

on how to retrieve deleted files.

I had a feeling it wouldn't

stay up long, so I printed it.

- That must have cost you a fortune.

- Yeah, worth every credit.

It got me a long way.

But I needed to see you in person,

so I put in a repair request

hoping I'd get you.

Of course, they sent everyone but you.

So then I thought with the holiday

Why didn't you just ask for me?

I didn't wanna arouse suspicion.

From who?

Who wrote the law on relics?

You're worried about Judicial?

[SCOFFS] Isn't everybody?

Is this about a relic?

That's just it. I don't know.

A guy came in with this

about a year ago.

Said he found it under

the carpet in a closet.

I fired it up, and it

it looked like it was empty.

Then I tried what you posted

and I was able to check the memory.

It It says most of the drive is

in use, but I can't find any files.

There's something on there. I

just don't know how to get to it.

Could just be old family recipes.

[SCOFFS] Then they're

very old family recipes.

I checked the log in IT.

There's no record of this serial number.

Course, the log starts

after the rebellion.

You think this drive

is over 140 years old?

That's impossible. All the drives

were destroyed in the rebellion.

Could just be an entry error.

Or not.

It might be as simple as just

figuring out the name on the directory.

- May I?

- Mmm.

Is there anything I can

Not talking would be great.


- Happy Freedom Day.

- Happy Freedom Day, Mayor.

Very nice to see you all.




Any idea what the 18 means?


- Do you have a magnifying glass?

- Um, yep.


[SILO LEADER] Six minutes

and six seconds

past six o'clock

on this day

140 years ago.

That is the moment we

regained our freedom.


We are gathered on the anniversary

to remember the terror of the rebellion.

If they had succeeded,

if they had opened the

door to the outside world,

none of us would be here right now.

They didn't succeed, thank the Founders.

But they did manage to

take away our history.

Got anything more powerful?

That's as powerful as they get.

It's letters, but

I think it says "library."

[SILO LEADER] They destroyed

our computer drives.

They shredded our files and burned

all the books in our libraries.



But they were stopped.

Our heroic forebears won the day.

Look at this. [CHUCKLES]


You shouldn't either.

You should bury this.

Bury it? Are you kidding?

This is the great

This is a relic. It's against

the law to even have it.

But this could be the key

to everything we don't know.

- We have to look

- They can send you out to clean for this.

Are Are you gonna tell your husband?

Just get rid of it. [BREATHES SHAKILY]



[SILO LEADER] And their great victory

should be celebrated with cheers.


It should be celebrated with horns.


Where the hell does that go?


And it should be remembered in silence.

[CROWD] Hear the sound that rings ♪

It's calling us ♪

To our duty ♪

Hear the voices sing ♪

So loud and proud ♪

Praise freedom's beauty ♪

See the rising lights ♪


Long night, rise up ♪

Uh, sorry. Sorry. I'm just

I'm just really

exhausted from that climb.

I think [SIGHS] if I

didn't sit on my ass all day,

- I'd be more fit.

- Mmm.


- [HOLSTON] It's okay.

Just saying I'm tired.

[SIGHS] Yeah.


Are you 70-levels tired,

or are you


We still have some time.

This can't be fun for you anymore.

It's not about fun.

I wanna have a baby.

[SIGHS] So did I.


[KAREN] How'd it go with George?

Couldn't help him. [SIGHS]

I think he's just lonely.

Wants to converse with

other computer geeks.



You know, I don't know if it's

[SIGHS] something I ate

or if I'm catching a cold,

but I don't feel great.

Then go home. I'll tell Bernard.


Feel better soon.

Oh. Come in, come in.

[SIGHS] I hoped you'd be back.

Why wouldn't they want

us to have children?



- [HOLSTON] Bernard behaving himself?

- I didn't see him.

I think I'm gonna take

tomorrow off. Go to the market.

What do you need? I

I can send a porter.

I just wanna look.

Get some exercise.

Take my mind off

Sure. Yeah.

Sounds like a good idea.


I wanna see everything.

- [GROANS] My brain is fried.



Needless to say, we shouldn't

tell anybody about this.

Uh Needless to say.


- [CHUCKLES] When can you come back?

[SIGHS] I don't know.

What's this?

[GEORGE] I don't know.

Last one?





- Hey! Keep right.


It's late.


lost track. [CHUCKLES]

You go on a shopping spree?

Spend all our credits?

[SIGHS] Oh, yeah. I wish. Next time.



I got a message from the doctor.

The only time he can see us is at 11:00.

But, uh, you never know. We

technically still have a few hours.

That's fine. [SIGHS]

I'm gonna sleep in a little,

so I'll meet you there.

Hey. Are you okay?


But I will be.



- Hey, Karen.

- Hey.

Where's Allison?

Oh. She sent a note by porter

saying she wasn't feeling well.

- Thanks.

- Sure.

We need to talk.

- What's going on?

- Sit.

- Are you okay?

- Sit, please.

I was gonna talk to you last night,

but I wasn't sure you were gonna

be able to hear what I had to say.

You don't always listen, honey.

What are you talking about?

- I always listen

- Talking is not listening.

Because you're the lawman, I figured

I needed to give you some proof.

- Proof of what?


I can't tell you how I know this, but

they were never gonna

let us have children.

- What?

- We

I'm not the type of person

they want having kids.

[CHUCKLES] Who Who's "they"?

The enforcers of the Pact.

They want docile, obedient people.

[STAMMERS] I saw Dr. Leonard

take out your birth control.

- No, you didn't.

- I was there.

He was behind a curtain.

- You didn't see what he was doing.

- Allison

I can assure you,

he didn't take out my birth control.

How do you know that?

Because I just did.

What did you do?

Keep pressure on it and don't move.




- Hey.


- Hey.

- Whoa!




- You gotta come.

- [DR. LEONARD] What?

[PANTING] It's Allison.

- [MARNES] Oh, good. Sheriff!

- I can't. Allison's hurt.

Allison's in the cafeteria.

None of this is real. Do you see?

They wanna keep you in here,

so they're lying to you.

It's green out there. There's

green trees. There's blue skies.


things flying in the air.


no one listening to me?

They're keeping us here.

- This display is a lie.

- [HOLSTON] Allison.

- Allison. Allison. Come with me.

- They They want us to No, no, no, no.

- Listen to me.

- [STAMMERS] We tried

- We tried three times. I know it's hard.

- I'm not crazy!

- Why are you treating me like I'm crazy?

- Of course not. Of course not.

Allison, I've known several

patients who have had breakdowns.

I'm not having a breakdown.


[HOLSTON] You are bleeding, honey.

- And you need to come


No. No. Just I've been thinking

about this a lot, okay? [SNIFFLES]

Please. [SIGHS] Just

know there's no other way.


- I'm sorry, honey.

It's It's okay.

- It's okay.

- [BREATHING HEAVILY] I want to go out!



I want to go out. [SIGHS]

Oh, God.





- [SILO LEADER] There has to be something.

- [MARNES] There isn't.

We could say she was distressed

or that she misspoke or people misheard.

[GROANS] There were people

there. They heard what they heard.

- Maybe we could

- We can bribe them, k*ll them.

No, g*dd*mn it.

The Pact says you can request a hearing

if you feel you have been misheard.

Allison does not feel she was misheard.

Don't you want to at least

look at the possibility?

Of course I do!

Don't you think I've gone

over it again and again?

There is nothing I can do.

[INHALES DEEPLY] If you boil

the Pact down to one rule,

it's do not say you want to go

outside or you will f*cking go outside.

[SILO LEADER] Did anyone

else play a part in this?

Steer her in this direction?

She talked to a fertility

counselor on 17. Gloria Hildebrandt.

And what did she say?

She admits she put the

bug in Allison's ear

about us not being the

kind they want having kids.

[SILO LEADER] Who's "they?"

[HOLSTON] She doesn't know.

She's just mad she and her

husband couldn't have kids.

Do your talking at the station.

[MARNES] We also hauled up the guy

from the marketplace, George Wilkins.

He runs a computer repair stall.

Allison gave him tech

support on the holiday.

She went shopping yesterday. I

thought maybe she'd gone to see him.

[MARNES] But Wilkins said

that Allison never came back.

A Judicial team searched his stall,

but they didn't find anything.

[SILO LEADER] Then why?

Allison feels things strongly.

But not being able to have a baby

I think it was just too much.


Holston, you don't have

to be here for the rest.

I'm the sheriff.

Sure you don't want to step aside?

- I took an oath when I took the job.

- I know, but everyone will

What's the value of swearing an oath

if you only stick to it when it's easy?



holiday, except for essential.

Open rooms Up Top for visitors.

We expect this'll attract

a larger crowd than usual,

as it's been a while.

[VOICE FADING] We'll hold a lottery

for attendance in the cafeteria.

[ALLISON] I'm so sorry.

Me too.

[ALLISON] I didn't go all crazy.

You cut something out of

your body with a knife.

Yeah, and it hurt like hell. [CHUCKLES]

I took the capsule back to Dr. Leonard.

[ALLISON] Oh, yeah? What'd he say?

It was in there to hold

a spot, prevent infection.

Something like that, right?

Doesn't matter.

[SIGHS] I have to tell

you something. [SNIFFS]

But I need you to sit close.

- I don't want anybody to hear.

- We're alone.

[SIGHS] Please.




of all, I love you.

- That is the most important thing.

- Is it?

I know you're angry. I would be too.

If I could wind back the clock

and not know what I know, I would.

Ugh. In a heartbeat.

But what I found out, what

they told us isn't true.

Why we're here, what

happened 140 years ago,

why and who gets to have children.

And that's not even the big thing


- So?

- You find out something like that,

you bring it to me, to

Mayor Jahns, to Judicial.

You let everyone in the Silo know.

What you don't do is say the words

that get you sent out there to die.

But that's the big thing I

found out. I won't die out there.

Listen, they have the ability to

change what we see on the screens.

In the cafeteria, throughout

the Silo, everywhere.

- What are you talking about?

- They take an image,

and and they alter it somehow.

So, what we see is not what's out there.

It's what they want us

to think is out there.

- What's that? Right there.

- [SIGHS] Holston.

- And that.


[HOLSTON] The last

three people who cleaned.

Or maybe that's not what it is.

- What if it's just rocks and bushes?

- I know what I'm seeing.

Not if it's just what the

computer wants you to see.

- Why would they do that?

- To keep us in here.

Okay, okay.

If it's so wonderful outside, why

would they not want us to go out?

I don't know.

- I don't know.

- O Okay.

But I'm gonna find

out. I'm sorry. [SIGHS]

- You keep saying that. I I

- Okay.

Just one more thing I

want you to think about,

and then you should get some sleep.

- [SIGHS, CRIES] Not going anywhere.



people clean? [SNIFFLES]


To get the dust and

grime off the sensors

- so we can see.

- No. No.

Why do they go through with it?

Most people swear

they're not gonna do it.

When you arrested Brent, he said

you'd have to put a

b*llet through his head

and throw him down the stairs

'cause he wasn't gonna clean.

- And then what did he do?

- He cleaned.

I think people clean

because they hope somehow

that they can show people

the truth that that is a lie.

When I get out there, if that's

what it's really like, I won't clean.

I'll wave goodbye,

because I would have made

the biggest mistake of my life.

- But if I'm right


and it's green

and lush and beautiful,

I'll pull out my wool and I'll

start to clean. And you'll know.

And then I'll walk over the hill,

and I'll find out what's going on.

And then I'll come back for you.


[JAHNS] "Allison Becker.

You have been charged with

and convicted of violating

the cardinal law of our society.

Any spoken request to

leave the Silo is granted,

but it is irrevocable.

Once uttered, it is determinative.

You have been asked to clean

and have been provided

with materials to do so.

But you cannot be forced into cleaning.

Once outside the air lock,

you are outside the law."


"We do not know why we are here.

We do not know who built the Silo.

We do not know why everything

outside the Silo is as it is.

We do not know

when it will be safe to go outside.

We only know that day is not today.

[CRIES] Allison Becker.

On behalf of the people of the

Silo, I hope that you will clean

so that we will better see the

world outside our sanctuary as it is

and thereby be reminded

that here is safe and there is not."


[HOLSTON] Have you any last words?


I love you.









[MARNES] Something you should see.

George Wilkins, he's the one Allison

went to help in the marketplace.

- We hauled him up and

- Yeah, I know who he is.

He got a transfer to

Mechanical last year.


He's dead. Went over the rail

somewhere around level 120.

Accident? su1c1de?

I don't know.

- What does Hank say?

- Eh. He didn't say much.

No one saw him go over.

Get to the part you're not telling me.


There's an engineer down

there that says it's m*rder.

[MARNES] Where's the engineer?

Uh, she couldn't make it.

It took us a day to walk down here.

She could have cleared her schedule.

Something came up.


Meeting with us isn't optional, Hank.

She says this guy was m*rder*d.

We need to speak to her.

What came up?

The generator. It's

been giving her fits.

What does she do?

Well, she pretty much keeps

everyone in the Silo alive.


[SHOUTING] That's her.

- [SHOUTING] What's her name?

- What?

[SHOUTING] What's her name?

Juliette. Juliette Nichols.

[MARNES] What happened

between you and her?

For two years, you were dead inside.

Then you met Juliette Nichols.

- I finally started listening is all.

- To what?

To Allison. To what she

was trying to tell me.

I'm not gonna tell you what that was.

All you need to know is,

I'm gonna go find her.

You want to find her?

She's right there.

I'm sorry.

As much as I love you, you old bastard,

I love Allison more.

If that really is her out there or not,

either way, I'm done.

I've gotta know the truth.