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04x19 - All the Time in the World

Posted: 05/28/23 06:47
by bunniefuu
Previously, on
Warehouse 13...

I have cancer.

You are
the Count of St. Germain

An alchemist, used a stone
to keep my body from aging.



My lying,
cheating husband

is once again
out in the world.

But I have plans, too.

- A 15-year-old-boy?
- Nick Powell.

Why don't you come back
to South Dakota with us?

- Is everything all right?
- I'm in, aren't I?

Nick broke into
the Warehouse

And released one of
the Bronze Sector prisoners...

- A guy named Paracelsus.
- The alchemist.

He destroyed the bronzer.
And look...

This is Claudia.

Four score and seven years ago...

I have a dream...

One giant leap for mankind...

Tear down this wall.

It's brilliant.

I understand now.

Thank you
for freeing me, Nicholas.

The centuries

pass slowly when
you're encased in bronze.

Mother and I tried many times
to free you but...

No one knows
better than I

what an inconvenience
the Warehouse can be.

- But no longer.
- We only ask one thing in return.

I would have thought
immortality was trade enough.

Oh, we've been ageless
for far too long, uncle.


We want... I... I have
to live out my life.

Nothing can be done,
until we are...

All right, I'm sorry,
but I can't read lips.

I can't see.

How could there be
nothing in the system

about why Paracelsus
was bronzed?

I don't know. I just
figured he's some kind of

Lex Luthor-Joker-
Doctor Doom-mash-up.

I mean, the Warehouse only bronzed
the baddest of the baddies.

H.G. wasn't a baddie.

Oh, yeah, now. But she did
try and blow up the world

which is the number-one
criteria for an arch nemesis.

Pete, look at this.

Sutton's ring
and Genghis Khan's mace

and a bunch of other
artifacts are missing.

Yeah. I'm just going to stick
with super villain mash-up.

Hey! Don't break her.

Yeah, thank God
you said that

because, you know, breaking
her, that was our big plan.

You fixed it?

Just be glad that they didn't
destroy this whole thing.

So, why do you think they
took her out of there?

Were they gonna try
and bronze someone else?

I don't know.
You know, who might know?

You. If you keep using
the Durational Spectrometer.

We also may be able to
figure out where they went.

- Okay, yeah, we're just...
- Uh, okay.


You don't need lips
to read that.

Ready to go.
Let's give this a try.

That didn't work, Artie,
she's still bronze.

Yeah, I know,
I can see that.

It just needs a reset.


That's probably just,
you know, a loose wire,

something electronic

It could be
something far worse.

Artie, what is it?

- Yeah, it's gone.
- What's gone?

The artifact that makes
this bronzer work.

It's a bronze Mesopotamian
stele from 1250 BC.

And, no, we do not
have another one.

So then, how do
we un-bronze Claudia?

Artie! What is that?

Judging from the smell, I'd say it was a
chemical reaction triggered by light.

When I opened this panel.

What the hell?

It's a message
from Paracelsus.

Sutton's involved. Why
does it not surprise me?

So, Paracelsus has
the bronzer stele

and he's holding it till he gets
whatever it is that Sutton has.

That's not a message.

It's a ransom note.

Sync & corrections by lost0ne

All the Time in the World

You know, there's really
no reason to restrain me like this.

I'm not going anywhere.
And this thing...


The Folsom Prison ball and chain
is attached to your shadow,

not your person.
It doesn't chafe.

But you're absolutely right.

You're not going anywhere.

No more games. Where's
Paracelsus and your son?

I don't know.

They weren't
supposed to leave.

Yeah, well.
He bronzed our friend.

So forgive us for
not believing you.

But that was not
part of the plan.

Nicholas liked Claudia.

- You know what, lady, I'm...
- You know what?

What if Nick bronzed
Claudia against his will?

did slap him pretty hard.

Paracelsus struck my son?

In you urgency
to free Paracelsus,

you neglected to factor
in one volatile element,

- Paracelsus!
- That's why Nick had the g*n.

I told him not to

I should have
un-bronzed Paracelsus...


- Password?
- Year I was born. 1502.

I would have guessed,

What's your secret?

- Oil of Olay?
- No messages.

Call him. Speed dial is "N."

Pilates, sunscreen...

- Straight to voice-mail.
- Something's happened then.

Paracelsus made
plans of his own.

Now he's got
two hostages.

Why don't we start with this?

Why did you get involved

with the most dangerous
rogue alchemist in history?

Paracelsus was,

is, Sutton's brother.

As you know,
he had a rather

heretical approach
to, well,

pretty much everything.

Pushed the boundaries
of science,

and combining that science
with artifacts.

Multiple artifacts.

Just a few moments.

Step into the chamber.

By your command,
dear brother.

The wine? You've drugged me.

I was already playing your
guinea pig for a reasonable fee.

What the hell is
my family doing here?

Have you
lost your mind?

This was only
supposed to be me.

Let them go.
You don't need them.

Oh, but you're wrong
my dear brother. I do.

I must test my theory on a
man, a woman and a child.

How else would
I determine

whether gender
or age alter the process

or the result.

I'll see that
your fee is tripled.

And you
woke up immortal.

Paracelsus combined the Philosopher's
Stone with another artifact.

With a copper bowl with the
Egyptian symbol for life.

That's as dangerous as replacing
gunpowder with nuclear fission.

So, what happened next?

Not long after,
Paracelsus disappeared.

We later found out that
agents from Warehouse 9

had taken him.
And they bronzed him.

- Why?
- No idea.

I've watched my son

trapped in an endless
adolescence of broken hearts.

The first
was the most painful.

Her name was Sophia.

They were just two 15-year-olds in love.
What could be more natural?

Nick stayed 15 and...

Sophia grew up.

She married, she had children and
she forgot all about her first love.

But Nick
never forgot her.

That was the first time that I
saw the cruelty of immortality.

Centuries caught
between child and man.

Never to fall in love,

raise a family,

share your life with someone.

And worse, watching
your loves age and die.

He knows only loss.

But the heart is strong and it
takes a long time to give up hope.

Nick fell in love again...

And again, until finally
he understood

that there would be no one
to love for all eternity.

That's why you want
mortality for your son.

But the Philosopher's Stone
isn't enough, is it?

You need Paracelsus
to reverse it.

And he's got to use
the same mixture

of artifacts and elements
he did the first time.

You un-bronzed him. Even though
you knew he was dangerous?

We assumed he would be weak after
all that time, and grateful.

I mean, some things are worth
risking everything for.

And my son is one of them.

Artie, I'm assuming
that Paracelsus

is going to try to use
the Stone on himself.

Where would Paracelsus find
those specific elements?

We assumed in his laboratory
in Constantinople.

Istanbul, today.

Call me crazy, but after
500 years I'm going to bet

that it's been made
into condos by now.

Well, we have to try.

Where exactly in Istanbul?

We were drugged
when we were taken there.

Deep underground somewhere.

Well, we can't just go diggin'
holes all over Istanbul

Wait a minute.
Paracelsus' message said,

"Sutton knows what I want."

If Sutton knows
what Paracelsus wants...

Then Sutton would know
where to find him.

Any idea
where you husband is?

Oh, I've given up
keeping track of Sutton

after Napoleon put a price on his head.
lt's just...

Too dangerous.

Come on!

The old boy's been there
for, like, 11 hours.

Well, you know, it takes time.
Needle in a haystack.

- Maybe he needs some help.
- Really? You're gonna...

Put your hand
in the lion's cage?

No, no! No! No!

Good point.

So, while we're at it,
why don't we, uh...

Why don't we talk about why you
haven't started your treatments yet?

- What treatments?
- Myka...

Your cancer treatments

which you should have
started, like, yesterday.

Look. That's why I didn't
tell anyone about this. Okay?

This is...
This is my disease.

And it's my treatment program and I will start
it when I'm good and ready to start it.

You're really telling me
how to handle my own body?

No. It's just you can't
just "handle" cancer.

- Look, I got this under...
- I got it!

I got it! I got it!

This system has been
maddeningly slow.

- Okay.
- But...

Using Sutton's last known
whereabouts, which was Paris,

I started with Interpol and then video
from Charles de Gaulle Airport.

- And then, I widened the net.
- Artie!

Long story short.

The Count is posing as
a Russian businessman

named Vladimir Kamenev.

- Natter Weekly?
- Yes, Natter Weekly.

It's utterly reliable. How do
you think we found Jimmy Hoffa?

- Really?
- Shh.

Okay. The Count
is in Luxembourg.

And Natter says that
he is "quite chummy"

with an incredibly
rich duchess.

According to Natter, the Duchess is
throwing an elaborate dinner party.

So dust off your formal wear,

and off to Luxembourg you go.

- Take Charlotte with you.
- Wait, Charlotte?

Yes, Charlotte. Charlotte knows
her husband better than anyone.

Just keep an eye on her.
Go, go, go, go.


Artie, get down to
the Bronze Sector, now.

- I think she's getting worse.
- Worse than bronzed?

Yeah. The Farnsworth, it's crumbling.
And that's not normal, right?

No, the bronzer. It was built
to stabilize the stele artifact

and create a bronzed state
for the prisoners

who would remain alive, and...

That's why we didn't find her
inside the bronzer.

must have bronzed her

outside the machine,
using just...

- The stele.
- What does that mean?

Her bronzed state
is unstable.

If we don't find
the artifact

or find away to reverse
Claudia's disintegration

then eventually
she's just gonna...

Crumble away.

Lots of bronze files.
We got Bronze Age,

Bronze Era,

Couldn't you...

Phosphor Bronze.
Arsen... Arsen...

What the hell?
Come on.

Okay, Bronze Color,
Bronze Properties,

- Bronze Cop...
- I...

- I got this. All right?
- What, you've got this?

- Yes.
- There's, like, a gazillion files

- that have something to do with bronze...
- There are 6,083 files.

Well, 6,083 files that you
can't get through alone.

I don't plan to
get through them alone.

- What I plan to do is use an algorith...
- Artie.

Mrs. Frederic.

You're here.

Yes, I am.

- Mrs. Frederic?
- Yes, Arthur?

Why are you here?

There's something here.

There's something of...

Yeah. I was hoping
to correct that before.

You know what? I have
something to show you.

- Tell me more about Paracelsus.
- That's all we know.

Warehouse 9 wouldn't have
bronzed him without reason.

Well, whatever they
had on Paracelsus,

they didn't keep
any records of it.

I must access
the restricted files.

The what?
There are restrict...

There are restricted files?

Of course, only the Regents
in their infinite wisdom

- would have restricted files so
we couldn't access... - Arthur!

Not now.

Yeah. Call me if
there's any change.

- Artie, Artie.
- What?

She didn't just disappear,
she walked away.

- Walked.
- Yeah.

Okay, I got this. Act natural.

- I am acting naturally.
- Good, good.

Where is the little weasel?

Oh, just
follow the money.


He looks a lot better than
he did the last time we saw him.

A lot more alive.

Thank you all so much
for joining us this evening.

I am going to let you in
on our little secret.

This isn't just a party.

It's an engagement party.

Vladimir and I
are going to be married.

My future Duke.

Not again, he's been
someone's future duke,

earl, count, marquis,
12 times in five centuries.

Yeah, well, maybe he thinks eventually
he can trade them all in for king.

- So why do this?
- The lonely hearts con.

Get engaged to
a wealthy noblewoman.

Stage a fancy party and then she
gets out all the family jewels.

"Family jewels."

- So he can steal them?
- Yes.

And afterwards,

he'll use them
to do a Thai gem scam

or a rip deal.
Oh, God! He's so predictable.

You know what? I'll bet he's that
Nigerian prince that keeps emailing me.

No, not you.
No. Hey! Not you.

Sutton will be making off
with the gems tonight.

- We can't lose him.
- Okay.

- Pete? You circle around...
- Guys, guys, guys, guys...

I told you we should
have worn moustaches.

You're saying
the restricted files

are kept in
the storage room?

Is it a storage room?

Do you mind?

It's nice to know

that even grumpy, jaded
Arthur Nielsen

can still be surprised
by endless wonder.

I believe I said,

Yeah, no. I'm not offended.

No. No.

I'm fine.

Trey, you could go in,
you're a Methodist.

There you are.

Wait a minute.

Yeah, this could
be a possibility.

Artie! She's getting worse.

Again? How much worse?

More crumbling and faster. Took
an hour for the Farnsworth,

now there's cracks
starting everywhere.

Not her yet, but it's
just a matter of time.

- 64A.
- 64A?

Yeah, that's four down.
Two from the left.

Hook her onto that,
it'll monitor her vitals.

Meanwhile, I'll keep
looking into this.

Well, look into what?
What is it?

You want a seminar or
do you want to save her? Go!

Forgive me, darling.

But I haven't had you
to myself for hours.

Perhaps your entourage would be so
kind as to give us some privacy.

We'll be fine.
Wait for me downstairs...

The formal announcement has left
me rather unexpectedly amorous.

Vladimir, you rogue.
That I am.

To us, my darling.

To us.

To us. Hmm.

Whoo! Ooh!

The bubbles went
straight to my head.

You must lie down.

I'll join you.

Perhaps, we could think of something
to do while you're down there.

Let me help you
get more comfortable.

Hold it right there,
Count Sticky Fingers.

- Who are you?
- We're with the Secret Service.

We're here to extradite
your fiance to the US.

He's been
a very bad boy.

Some folks back home
want a piece of him.

No, you can't.
Can't. Can't!

I believe
I have a say in this.

Her timing's not bad.

- And who are you?
- I'm his wife.

And I say,
to hell with extradition.

The files from
Paracelsus were redacted

by the Regents
of Warehouse 9.

- It's most unusual.
- I feel left out. Tell me about it.

- I beg your pardon?
- Um... Nothing. It's not important.

- I'll have to contact Mr. Kosan.
- Good.

Yeah. Bit of
a ticking clock, you know?

If Sutton is a dead end,
those files, they could

be a clue to finding Paracelsus.
Mrs. Frederic!

Yes, the files were redacted.

I'll have to contact
Mr. Kosan.

He's dead!

My fiancé is dead!

Sorry, love. Long story.


Pete! Myka! He's gone.

Oh, man!

How many times are we going to let
him die and sneak off like that?

Okay, Charlotte,
you just stay here.

And don't sh**t
anyone else.

I'm just gonna
monitor your vitals.

You know, it's uh...

It's kind of weird
me doing all the talking.

And, no.
I don't like it, I...

I miss your constant chatter.

Don't worry.

Claud, we're going
to get you out of this.

After all the times
that you've saved us.

Oh, my God. Pete!


I cast you out!

Hey. Oh, my God.

After all the times
you've saved us,

you'd never let us hear the end of
it if we didn't save you, right?

And according to this,
your Vitals are...

Not responding.

Artie, for crying out loud!

- How did you hear me?
- What?

No, look. I think I can
boost her genetic material

on a cellular level.

And that will help her
fight deterioration.

But I'm going to need DNA.

Well, her toothbrush.
Or a hairbrush.

No, I need a blood sample.

From a family member.

You've reached the
voice mail of Josh.

- Leave me a message
- Yeah.

Joshua, this is Artie, again.

Listen, I have left
you messages

on every number that you have.

Will you call me back please?
This is urgent.

Artie, her shoes and jacket
are starting to crack.

And I can't get her vitals.

Don't worry.
I will find Joshua.

Hey, you've reached
the voice mail of Josh...

Oh, Joshua, call me back.
Joshua, call me back.

Please, don't
make me do this.

- Incoming. Incoming.
- Hey! Look out!

Hey! Hey!
Make a hole! Make a hole!

Stop him!

Oi! Oi!

You there.

Those two!
They're intruders.

They just att*cked
the Duchess.

Got him! I, uh, guess we
crashed the party, huh?

Did you see Mrs. Frederic?

Yes, I just left
her at the B&B.

Yeah. Well she was a little
unfocused this morning,

but she's gotten worse.

And if I didn't know any better
I'd say she was developing

some kind of dementia,

and rapidly. I don't think
she can help us anymore.

The only thing we can
do for Claudia now

is to find out what is in
those Paracelsus files.

Come with me.

No, no, no, no. Didn't
Mrs. Frederic tell you?

The files have been redacted.
They're not there.

There's something
more urgent.

Something we need
to check.

This is the Eldunari, the
Warehouse's central nervous system.

This is what makes
the mind of the Caretaker

link with the soul
of the Warehouse.

The Eldunari.

The symbols are
moving in harmony.

That's a relief.

Are they supposed
to be doing that?

No, they're not.

The slow computer,
Mrs. Frederic's condition...

Something's tearing apart the
Warehouse from within its heart.

Yes, I'm afraid so.

Mrs. Frederic's mind
is a mirror of the Eldunari.

It seems

that both of them
are deteriorating.

What is it
with you two?

In five minutes
I'd have had the jewels.

You're a common thief.

I am not common.

All right, look. We
don't want to see you either.

- We need your help.
- You crashed my engagement party

and shot me because
you need my help?

Watch you tone, darling. Or next
time I'll sh**t you in the face.

Your brother
bronzed our friend

and he won't release her
till he gets what he wants.

Paracelsus? Impossible.

He's basted in bronze himself.

It's ironic since he's the one who
perfected the bronzing process.

That's how he knew what
made the bronzer work.


Well, somebody
let him out.

He took the bronzing
artifact with him.

How could you
be so stupid?

Well, you did this to us.

And as I've told you
for half a millennium,

it was only
supposed to be me.

I didn't even believe
he could do it.

Sutton, Paracelsus
took Nicholas.

He says you know
what he wants.

Revenge springs to mind.

Among other things.

My brother was consumed with
the idea of being immortal.

And what immortals
could accomplish.

I was foolish enough to think him
eccentric rather than insane.

What did you do to us?

I gave you a gift.

A gift that not
even God can give.


You shall live forever.

You in turn showed me

that the Philosopher's
Stone works.

Are you mad?

Waving some rock around
didn't make us immortal.

But it did.

Good God!

I must have k*lled the three of
you a dozen times when you slept.

I didn't think
it possible.

Anything is possible,

at a cost.

It took an entire village to
turn the three of you into gods.

You k*lled them?

Well, all great achievement
comes at a price.

Socrates was ex*cuted.

Magellan died proving
the world was round.

They gave their own lives,
not the lives of others.

The more fool them.
Now get out.

He was brilliant.

But lived in his own
moral universe.

To k*ll an entire village...

I didn't know what
his endgame was

but I wouldn't allow
him to cause more death.

I went to the authorities.

But it was the agents of
Warehouse 9 who collected him.

What is this?
How dare you?

What are you
doing in here?

After he was bronzed the Regents
wanted the Philosopher's Stone.

But I told them
it had been destroyed.

I wouldn't destroy it
in case we needed it again.

So I split it
and hid the two halves

You took a crystal
from inside the geode.

Your ring! That's how
you restored plants

as the Count of St. Germain.

A fellow has to eat.

That little trick
helped me pay my bills.

Oh, as if you've
ever paid a bill.

- Touché!
- So, you have the ring?

No, they have the ring.
They took it from me in Paris.

No, Paracelsus has the ring.
You have the Stone.

Half the Stone.

The Warehouse
found the other half

and lost it to pirates.

Until I found it.

- So you have the Stone.
- No, they have the Stone.

They have the Stone? You just
said you have the Stone.

- No, I said they have the Stone.
- Okay, okay, just stop...


Tell me that you know
how to get to your half.

Of course.

I have it locked
safely away.

I want my son
away from him.

My brother had some plan in mind
back then, but I interrupted.

He's bound to go
at it again.

He's already
k*lled hundreds.

He'll k*ll us
and anyone else

who gets in the way
of his science.

Yeah, well, first
we have to find him.

He'll go to his lab.

After 500 years,
it's still there?

It's deep beneath the monastery
in Stoudios, in Constantinople.

The monastery's in ruins but
the lab is still intact.

You've been there,
haven't you?


Claud, are you there?

This setup belonged
to Barry Seal.

He was a pilot/drug smuggler

who flew covert
missions for the CIA.

- But you should probably...
- Oh, my God! Steve, can you hear me?

Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Claud, loud and clear.

Are you okay? Over.

You mean aside
from being the Tin Man

in a bronze production
of The Wizard of Oz,

I'm just peachy.

What's going on?
Where's Paracelsus?

And why am I melting?

Well, technically
you're crumbling.

I am working a Wizard of Oz
motif here, Steve.

God, why am I
gayer than you?

Oh, hold on a sec, okay?

Look, I can't reach Joshua

I know where he is,
it's not far

but it's a high security
facility, so no cell service.

ls there any way
to contact him?

Well, not by phone
but don't worry,

I'm gonna get
the DNA right now.



Hey, you're, uh,
your bronze state

isn't stable.
It's disintegrating.

But Artie thinks he can
use DNA to help you.

He's on his way
to Joshua right now.

Joshua's DNA
can un-bronze me?

No, no, but...

But Artie thinks he can use
it to stop the deterioration.

I feel this weirdness
in my nerve endings.

Is it getting worse?


No, you just hang
in there, Claud.

This monastery's been destroyed and
rebuilt at least a dozen times.

I mean, how did you keep
Paracelsus' lab intact?

Bribery and coercion.

I've been trying for
centuries to find away

to undo what
Paracelsus did.

You're not the only one
who loves our son.

It's not much farther.

Main lab is just
around this corner.

Probably best if we come
at him from both sides.

Pete, you and Charlotte
go this way.

Sutton and I
will loop around.

Each team has
half a Stone

so if anyone gets caught
we have bargaining power.

Good luck.




Charlotte, wait.

- Mykes.
- Hey!

I lost Sutton. He heard the scream
and he thought it was Nick.

So did Charlotte. We got to find
them before Paracelsus does.

- Right. This way?
- Yeah.

Oh, my God, Pete!
Look at this place.

The bronzing artifact.

Pete, look at this.

It's the Cavalry cross, the
tree of life and the ouroboros.

Life out of death.
I bet there's a pattern...

I'll grab the stele.

Pete, wait.

You think that's a

A trap?



Okay, I think I found
something that will help.

Not as good as DNA, but...

Maybe enough
to save your haircut.

Wait, my haircut's
in danger?

Maybe not, but I liked you
better with short hair.

I've been trying
to grow it out.

Well, at least it hasn't
started on your nose yet.

Oh, you're not trying
to grow that out, are you?

Whatever's happening,
I think it's speeding up.

I, I can't feel
my legs anymore,

my chest is
starting to hurt.

So how about you hurry up
with the slowing down.

I figured
that you're oxidizing.

So, I brought the binnacle
from the USS Squalus.

It's a submarine
that sank in 1939.

Now, a lot of
the men survived

40 hours on a minimal
amount of oxygen.

So, I figure I'm gonna
use the binnacle

to suck all the oxygen
out of the bronzer,

slowing down
your deterioration.

Jinksy, I'm impressed!

Take it to periscope depth.

Let's give it a try.

Damn it!

- Steve.
- Oh, tell me that you got it.

- I got it.
- Okay.

Hang in there, Claudia.

I got the blood sample,
atomized the DNA.

Now we just watch

and hope
and you know, pray.


Claud! Claud!
Artie stopped it.

- Woo-hoo!
- I didn't stop it.

I just delayed it
about 14 hours or so.

Hopefully long enough for Myka
and Pete to snag the stele.



Pete, wake up.
Where is he?

- Who?
- Where is he? Where did he go?

- Where'd who go?
- Paracelsus.

He was...
He was here.

Oh, no, Mykes.
Mykes, the Stone...

- The Stone... He's got the Stone.
- What?

How did he, uh... How
did he get in here?

I don't know. I don't know.
I conked out.

How do we get out of here?

Same way we got in.

Nick, is that you?



Five hundred years together

and still the perfect
little family.

You bastard!

Mother, don't, don't...

It's Coleridge's fishing net.

He has far more dangerous
artifacts than that.

Listen to your
son, Charlotte.

He's a bright lad.


What was once mine
is mine again.

Be good and quiet.

And I'll make
you mortal again.

Breathe, my
little lab rats.

For centuries
I was encased in bronze.

Unable to think

about a thing
except my revenge.

If you hadn't gone
to the authorities,

my dear brother,

the Warehouse would
never have found me.

And things would have turned
out very differently.

You took everything from me.

Now I'll take
something from you.

- Not Nick!
- No!

Hey! Drop that!

The Warehouse is
always so clever.

But never clever enough!

- You, okay, Mykes?
- Yeah, go!

Not so fast,
Senator Palpatine!

Look, Sutton, Nick,

just try and get Charlotte
out of here, okay?

I have to go get the stele.

No! Charlotte?


Hey, Sutton! Hey, you
guys are mortal now.

Falling buildings hurt.

Hold on,
Mother, just hold on.

Oh. my God!

Guys, this whole
place is collapsing.

We've got
to get out of here.

I'm sorry, love.
I'm so sorry.

I thought we had
much more time.

It's all right.
Just go.

Just go.
Get out of here.

No, no, Mother.
We can do this.

I am sorry,
but we have got to go.

I'm not leaving her.

Oh, yes, you can. Just for
once, just listen to me.

Look after our son.


It's what we've wanted.

It's what we've worked
for all these years.

You've got a life.

Live it now.

Hey, I got the stele.
We should...

Pete, is she... Oh, my God!
I'm so sorry.

Nick, Sutton,
I'm so sorry

but we have to go. We are
running out of time.

We have to go now!

- Let's go!
- Nick!


Nick, go.


I have spoken
with the Regents.

And we agree that the
danger Paracelsus presents

requires us to
uncover what had been

permanently expunged
from the Warehouse files.

How can we...

As you know, information of this
nature is held by the Keeper.

The one person
in each generation

who learns vital parts
of Warehouse history

and maintains them
in a living memory.

Yes, the Keeper.

The failsafe for highly
classified secrets.

- We must meet him at once.
- There's no need.

The Keeper is here.

I'm sorry, Irene.

It was necessary for my
identity to remain a secret.

I understand. There's
no need to apologize.

This is a lei niho palaoa.

Once worn by Hawaii's
Queen Kaahumanu.

The ancestral hair
that was used to braid it

holds the memories
of past Warehouses.

And only the Keeper
can release them.

In the early days
of Warehouse 9,

the alchemist Paracelsus

was becoming
a dangerous threat.

Not only to the Warehouse

but to all of mankind.

It was therefore necessary for
the Regents of Warehouse 9

to take action.

Oh, my God!
It worked, you're back!

- You okay?
- Here, Claud, here. Let me help you.

- Uh-huh. Yeah.
- You want my coat?

- Here take my coat.
- Oh! Okay.

We could have
lost Claudia.

So, I'm not gonna
let you ignore it anymore.

- Ignore what?
- You heard Sutton.

He thought they
had so much time.

I mean,
hell, we all do.

We... We think we have all the
time in the world but we don't.

We just don't.

You have...


And you need to get
it taken care of.

Because I'm not gonna
play that scene, Myka.

I'm not gonna
regret all the years

that I didn't get
to spend with you.



I'll book an appointment
with my doctor, okay?

All right.

Just don't. Okay?

Because I really, I don't
want to cry right now.



Just go.

I'll go.

I'm fine. I'm fine.
I'm fine, guys. Really.

And, Artie, please
take your coat.

Smells like old cookies.


- What is it?
- Something's wrong.

It's not the bronzing. I...

It's the Warehouse.

Paracelsus, I can feel
something about him.

You're feeling the peripheral
effects of the same thing

that's affecting me
quite strongly.

The Eldunari? How?

Two Caretakers vying
for the Warehouse.

I'm in a battle.

And I'm losing.

But you and Claudia coexisted
peacefully for a long time.

Ms. Donovan's relationship
with the Warehouse

is in the future.

This is about the past.

And the past
takes precedence.

Paracelsus was Caretaker.

Of Warehouse 9.

And as he gains strength
I am...

I will...

Mrs. Frederic!