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04x18 - Lost & Found

Posted: 05/28/23 06:46
by bunniefuu
Previously, on
Warehouse 13...

You k*lled my friend.

An alchemist used a stone
to keep my body from aging.

If I blow your heart out of your chest,
do you think that will stop you?

I'm gonna guess that's Charlotte.
No! Myka!

A poisoned dart.

A 15-year-old boy?

Nick Powell.

Why don't you come back
to South Dakota with us?

Nick. Hey.
How's it going, man?

We could be looking
at ovarian cancer.

- Hey, Myks.
- Hey.

- What are you doing up?
- It's time for my 3:00 AM sandwich.

- It's 1:00 AM.
- I'm still on East Coast time.

What's your excuse? Oh, wait.
No, no. No, no, no, no, no.

Let me guess.
You're re-reading the manual... again.

Do you remember
our first night here?

It was all so new
and exciting.

A world of endless wonder.

I'm just so glad
that we got to see it.

Okay, what's wrong?

Pete, I have cancer.



You went to the doctor
three days ago,

and--and you're
just telling me now?

I have cancer.

You're just telling me now?

Myka, are you gonna die?


Is something wrong?



No, I was just thinking

about... stuff.

Let's go get you your sandwich.



- Shh. We can't wake up Pete.
- Why?

Because I'm starving.

I'm about to steal
his 3:00 AM sandwich.

- Okay.
- Hey, Claud.

Uh, Steve was looking
for you earlier.

Yeah. No, I gathered
from his copious texts,

emails, and phone calls.

- Hello!
- Oh, so close!

Why aren't you asleep?

Sleep is for suckers, okay?

It's hoagie time up in here.

Ah, listen, we got a ping!
A big one!

This is something I've been
after a long time.

This is an old--Nick?

You're here... listening.

Yeah, uh, Claudia and I
just got back--

That's nice.
It's late.

You look tired.

I th--

I thought you told me
you would find a place for him

that was not here.

Well, yeah, I mean, there
aren't a lot of alternatives

to foster care
for a kid like Nick.

I've got a little more
digging to do, but--

Then good, go dig.

And listen, in case nobody's
ever told you this

the Warehouse
happens to be a secret!

Oh, good.
Thank you.

Let me warm that up for you.

- Whoa, whoa! No!
- Sucker.

Come on, let's go, let's go,
let's go.

Wait, is there any way

that this ping could wait
until tomorrow?

No, no, can't wait.
I've been waiting for years.

We have to act right now.

Or what, you won't make
Warehouse employee of the month?

Of the century!

Listen, we let this slip through
our fingers right now,

we may never get it again.

Or worse, somebody could
swoop in and claim it.

Swoop in and claim what?

It's the treasure
of Roaring Dan Seavey.

- Roaring D--who?
- He's a pirate.

A pirate who stole a collection
of artifacts from Warehouse 12.

And we are gonna
steal them back.

During the transition between
Warehouse 12 and Warehouse 13

the HMS Avalon,
which was a cargo ship,

was laden with artifacts.

It was besieged off
the Atlantic Coast by pirates.

Led by Roaring Dan Seavey,

these brigands
looted the Avalon,

absconding with several crates
of artifacts

and claiming the life
of Agent David Wolcott.

Oh, man.

k*lled by a pirate?

That's how I wanna go out.


So whatever happened
to Dan Seavey?

Vanished for 100 years.

No Warehouse agent has ever
been able to find him

or the artifacts that he stole.

But I have a lead.

This is 1/2 of a puzzle box

that was actually built
by Roaring Dan.

I, 18 years ago, borrowed it
from the Smithsonian.

And I know that when

the two halves of the box
are put together,

it will somehow reveal
where his hideout is.

Now, when you say "borrowed"--

And Dan was notoriously

Paranoid about the location
and protecting his stash.

So I'm assuming that your lead

is the other half
of that puzzle box?

Yes, that's right.

I managed to trace it

to a black market dealer
in antiquities,

and I finally convinced him
to let us buy his half.


One condition.

We have to meet this dealer
in Upstate New York

in exactly five hours
or the deal is off.

Why so small a window?

Well, black market dealers,

they tend to be
a little skittish.

They don't want to give time
for their buyers

to bring the authorities.

But now we need to get a move on

and shuffle off to Buffalo.

Ah, yes, Buffalo.
Birthplace of the hot wing.

Healthiest part
of the chicken.

Well, well, well.
She lives.

Mm. What is all this stuff

and does it have
anything to do with me?

Backlog mission reports

and, no,
I drew the short straw,

- but you're welcome to help.
- Mm. Pass.

Oh, by the way,
thanks for maxing out

my voice, text, and data plans,
Mr. Cyber Stalker.

Well, if I was stalking you
I would have known

where you were
at 1:00 in the morning.

I took Nick
to a Dead Rent concert,

and it's a long drive back
from Featherhead, mom.

Still, wouldn't have
k*lled you to call.


You, sir,
are in an official snit.

What gives?

- It's Nick.
- What about him?

He's been here three days,

and I still haven't heard
an honest word from him.

Even a simple question like
"Where are you from?"

He dodges it like a b*llet.

Huh. A kid from the streets
lying to an adult he just met.

That never happens.

You need to be
more careful around him.

He's 15 and homeless.

He's withdrawn,
guarded, mistrustful.

Three of my best friends
at that age.

And I get that you wanna
protect him. I do.

All I'm saying is just...

Keep your eyes open, okay?

And do you think you could
maybe be a little more

older brother
and less big brother?


Okay, deal.

Now I must go bathe in caffeine.

Was everything all right?

I'm in, aren't I?

I'll text you
when we're a go.

This one can't be traced.

And don't forget to floss,

Yes, mother.

Resync for WEB-DL by lost0ne

Lost & Found

Can you sense it?
Can you feel it?

We're this close to solving
an historic Warehouse mystery.

I don't know,
kind of a strange place

to be selling
a priceless antiquity.

You're right,
we should be looking

for a quaint little storefront--
ye olde black market.

Any idea what
this dealer looks like?

No, but when we find him,
my name is Mr. Fisher.

- You got it? Fisher.
- Fisher.


That's him.

It's on.

Agent Jinks, hey,
just the guy I want to see.

Um, you got a sec?

I'm kind of busy, Nick.

Maybe later?

Next time you feel like
calling me a liar,

why don't you just
do it to my face?

Okay, so... Claudia told you
about our conversation.

- It's just--
- 'Cause you're right.

I haven't been honest with you.
I'm really sorry.

You guys have been like...
really nice.

And I'm not used...
to people being nice.

What I am used to
is lying...


getting beaten up

and not being able to trust
another living soul

for what feels like
500 years, and I--

I'm just--I'm so--
so damned tired of it.

All I want is for, like,
a normal life.

That's the first honest thing
you've said to me

in three days.

Oh! Uh, okay.

We're doing this now.


I'm--I'm sorry.


I'm sorry that I've been
a pain in the ass.

Um, can I, like,
buy you lunch or something?

My treat. Well, Claudia
gave me the money, but...

Well, thanks,
but I got paperwork.

Yeah, looks like
mountains of it.

Yep, never ends.

You're here
for the puzzle box.

- Mr. Nielsen.
- My name is Fisher.

I can verify that.
Clyde Fisher.

Your name
is Arthur Nielsen.

We know that voice.

Pete Lattimer.
Myka Bering.

Charlotte Dupres.

What the hell
are you doing here?

I've come to make a deal.

Roaring Dan Seavey's
puzzle box.

Exquisite, isn't it?

It's kind of a coincidence
that you have it,

don't you think, Char?

I collect items
of historical significance,

Mr. Lattimer.

And what a storied past
lies behind this little beauty.

Could we just please
move this along?

When we last met,
you people broke into my home.

You stole from me.
And, oh, yes...

You shot me,

which might explain
my being cautious.

Okay, you started it
with the shotgun.

if you want my half,

it's going to cost you.

Good, fine--
what's the price?

Oh, no, no, I'm not interested
in chump change, Mr. Nielsen.

No, no, I have got my eye
on a far greater prize.

What do you want?

Dan Seavey was one of the most
successful pirates

of his time.

His unrecovered fortune
would be worth, whew,

tens of millions today.

But, you see,
I need your half

of the puzzle box
to get it.

- We don't have the puzzle box.
- I don't have it.

Oh, please.

It was stolen
from the Smithsonian

18 years ago by a man
wielding a ray g*n,

which, at the time, sounded
positively absurd,

until you two
zapped me with one!

So... thought I'd put
my half up for sale

and see if I could
smoke you out.

Oh, f-fine!
We have half the puzzle box!

Our half, not for sale.

Thought as much.

But, you see,
I would be willing

to combine
our respective halves

and split Dan's fortune

Now, you can't say
that's not fair.


- Can we just--
- Wait, wait, wait.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
- We'll just--

- Give us a second.
- Here we go, here we go.

No, no, hold on.
Hold on.

You're not seriously
considering this, are you?

Yes, I am.

She holds the key
to the lost artifact.

Those artifacts
have stayed lost for 100 years.

I know.

They will keep
for another 100.

No, no, you don't understand.

Listen to me.
This woman is clearly a liar.

Listen, there is a reason

that she has dragged us here
to Buffalo.

I'm telling you,
the wings are legendary.

Put some ranch dressing
on 'em--

Will you--

just stay cool.

Listen to me.

Roaring Dan targeted chips
from the Atlantic

to the Great Lakes.

And Charlotte
must have evidence

that his stash is somewhere
in this region.

We cannot risk her finding
the artifacts

without us there.

Keep your enemies closer.

And don't worry...

She won't be with us
for very long.

All right, Ms. Dupres.


So... where were we?

We were partners.
Where the hell have you been?

Well, Artie wouldn't stop
at a single Denny's.

You have it everywhere.

Ah, what would I do
without you?

Okay, wait a minute.
There's that look again.

Myka, what's--
what's wrong?

On my physical,
the doctor found something.

I have cancer.


Myka, Myka, Myka,
Myka, Myka.

Earth to Myka.

Why do you keep
zoning out on me?

What is with you today?

Nothing. No.

there's nothing wrong.

Let's just stay focused
on the mission.

No, not until
you tell me what's wrong.

Pete, just forget it,

Pete... Myka,
come here and look at this.

Come here, come here,
come here, come here.

Look at this.

I gotta say,
I'm very excited.

What the hell?
What is that, the...

to Davy Jones' locker?

No, I think it's, uh...

longitude and latitude.
They're coordinates.

No. No!

So, what, is this puzzle box
a one-shot deal?

Wait a minute.
Tell me you got it.

You have to ask?

Okay, this is about
as specific as it gets.

It's somewhere within
100 yards of here.

Looks like somebody
was a bit too literal

about taking his secrets
to the grave.

It's a good place to hide
a lifetime of plunder.

All right, we're gonna cover
more ground if we split up.

you two go that way

and just shout
if you find anything.

- You do the same.
- All right.

- Hey, Artie.
- Yeah?

We're not gonna have to dig up
any dead bodies, are we?

'Cause I promise you, it only
looks cool in the movies.

Yeah. Dan put the coordinates
in the puzzle box for a reason.

There's gotta be
something here.

All right, Pete,
you check that way.




Jonathan P. Tann.

That was the name of his
first mate, right?

- Yeah.
- Seaman.

Yeah. Mm, please.

His headstone,
it's not made of stone.

No, this
is molded concrete.

A more secure puzzle box,

Auguste Rodin's
sculpting tools.

They have the power
to reveal shapes

hidden inside objects.

Hey, how come that bag
always has exactly--

Ah, ah, ah, ah.
You'll jinx it.

Well, that doesn't
look like a treasure.

Looks like
an electric meter.



First, we have
to lose Charlotte

and the giant.

And then--


What the hell?



I knew I couldn't trust you.

Thank you, Lars,
and thank you, Warehouse 13.

Hey. Okay.
So which would you prefer,

Sandy beaches
or rocky mountains?

Because I just found
two kick-ass youth shelters

- in Miami and--
- Whatever.

The sooner I get away
from your partner, the better.


Why? What happened?

Steve and I just got into it
something fierce.

That seems...

God, he said he'd be cool.

Well, I guess not.

And no matter what I say,

that guy's never
gonna believe me.


Let me handle him, okay?

Come here.

Well, that was shocking.

Duplicitous minx!

She double-crossed
my double-cross.

Look, we know
where she went, though, right?

I mean, uh, NFPC.

Niagara Falls
Power Company.

Construction began
in 1897,

the same period that Roaring Dan
was active in this area.

I think his stash has gotta be
be buried under here.

Ah, an uber-rich loner
with a secret underground lair.

Right? Like who is this guy,

What? Oh, my God, no!

Spider-Man lives in Queens
with his aunt. Batman--

Pete, moderate your Comic-Con
panel later!

What's Comic-Con?


You know what I think?

Nikola Tesla designed
a lot of this.

- Hey, guys.
- Yeah?

These--these meter

They look just like the one
that was in that headstone.

You know what?
You're right.

And I'll bet one of these
is the key to Dan's hideout.

Guys, I think Charlotte
already found it.

Wonder if...

Avast, me hearties.

Let's go snag us
some arr-tifacts.

Yes, indeed.

Yeah, just tell him that
Steve Jinks called. Thanks.

Hey... I was just about
to come looking for you.

- What's up?
- You know, I think you and I

need to have some serious
words about Nick.

Sure, but...

Is that alarm
coming from your computer?

That sounds like the intruder
alert you told me you set up.

We gotta get
to the Warehouse.

If Charlotte got here
ahead of us,

she could have already found
the Warehouse 12 crates.

Artie, relax.
She'd probably just mistake 'em

- for a bunch of junk and--
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!

It's Lars.

He's dead.

That never happens
at Comic-Con.

I'm no doctor, but I'm--
I'm pretty sure

the human head is not
supposed to twist like that.

His neck is broken.

Well, given
the unnatural angle,

I would say his neck
was forcibly snapped.

He must have died instantly.

You know, I think that...

Myka, what's wrong?

What? Nothing's wrong!

Look, just judging
by the dagger in his hand,

I mean,
he and Charlotte must have

turned on one another,

There's no blood
on the dagger.

He never got a chance
to use it.

Okay, wait, I'm sorry.

All right, are we saying
that Charlotte

took out a guy over a foot
taller than she is?

Well, look at
his body position.

He was obviously running
up the stairs to get out.

Maybe--what, maybe Charlotte

found an artifact
and used it on him?

All the more reason
for us to snag and bag him

before she uses an artifact
on us.

Who else could the intruder
possibly be if not Nick?

I don't know, can you wait
until we get in there

before you start
pointing fingers?

Okay, when was the last time
you saw him?

Oh, my God, Nick knows nothing
about the Warehouse, okay?

Also, I've got this place
locked down

tighter than
Mrs. Frederic's weave.

Only person who gets past
my security protocols is me.

Okay, but if he could,

what would he have to do first
to break in,

cut the power to Artie's office
or something?

Well, yeah.
I mean, technically...

Yeah. But if the lights
are on out here,

chances are
they're still gonna be on in...

This proves nothing.

There's gotta be
a glitch somewhere.

Everything looks normal.

Let there be light.

Can you tell
if there's anyone out there?

If there's anything I can't
do, I'll let you know.

FYI, there's not.

- Thermal imaging.
- Yeah, okay, that blue spot

is the Dark Vault,
a breezy 66 degrees.

All good there.

That red zone,
the Lehmann Fornax,

- a balmy 120.
- There.

Oh, the Bronze Sector?

Yeah, since everyone there
is technically still alive,

they radiate faint
traces of heat.


Where are you going?

Well, to check
the Bronze Sector.

With all those
heat signatures in flux,

- it's a perfect hiding spot.
- I'm going with you.

No! No, no, no.
No, no.

I need your eyes up here
watching my back.

Just give me a shout if you
see anybody coming my way.


Seriously doubt it.

But take this.

This is nuts.

Artie, you have to wait
until we can clear the room!

Don't worry.
We're fine.

Nothing is gonna
k*ll you, Myka.

I know what you're thinking.

You do?

Yeah, Charlotte whacked
Lars so she could keep

all of Roaring Dan's loot
for herself.

Yeah, you read my mind.

Guys, come here.
Look at this.


Well, shiver me timbers.

Look at this.

It looks like Dan
tried to replicate

the interior of his ship,
the Wanderer.

Doesn't look like
Charlotte's been here yet.


Let's hope.

Think Dan lived here?

Most historians say he died
in 1949,

but the truth is he fell
off the map decades earlier.


Check out Bonesy McDead
over here!

Roaring Dan Seavey,
I'd imagine.

Oh, it's him all right.
Take a look at this.

During the raid
on the ship Avalon,

it's said he lost
a couple of fingers.

And scored
some serious bling in--

We're here for artifacts,
not treasure.

Look around.

You know what?
There's no point

in the three of us
searching the same room.

I'm gonna check out
the hall.

Hey, I'm running
a diagnostic

on the Warehouse systems

Claudia, check
the thermal imaging.

In Caretto-0101.

I think there's
somebody behind me--hurry.

Checking right now.

Oh, my God, Jinksy,
watch your six.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, no.

- Steve, what is it?
- Claudia, go.

Get the hell
out of the Warehouse, now!

What? Why?

You're dead.

She k*lled you!






You remember me.

That's good.


No. Uhh!

Children shouldn't
play with g*ns.

- Uhh!
- Ohh!

How'd you k*ll
your bodyguard?

I didn't.
We were att*cked!

- By whom?
- I don't know!

But we're not the only ones
down here!

If Roaring Dan actually
tried to replicate

the original cabin,
these captains, they--

they often had escape hatches
down to the cargo hold

so that if their ship
was under attack,

they could go down there,
grab their plunder,

and get the hell out.

So we look
for a hidden passage.

I love hidden passages!


That could have
a false bottom...

and hide a passageway.

Whoo hoo hoo!

Man, my timbers
are shiverin'.

Did it just
get cold in here?

Ah, what's that?

What the--ohh!
Agh! Oh!

Holy crap!





It's the noise.
The noise, Artie, the noise!

The noise is its kryptonite.
Make noise!

Aah! Aah!


Aah! Aah!


Artie, Artie, Artie,
Artie, Artie.

Are you all right?

- Yeah.
- Are you all right?

Think so.

What the hell was that?

I don't know.

Artie, listen.
I found Charlotte.

She claims--get this--
that some sort of smoke monster

k*lled her bodyguard.

Yeah, it just tried
to k*ll me too.

I know, right?

Wait, what?

I'll explain later.
Just get here now.


Ah! 20 miles
of Warehouse,

I find the one dead end.


Wrong turn.

I k*lled you.
You can't be here.

Yet here I am.

What did you do with Steve?

Oh, I replaced
his ghostly pallor

with a nice bronze glow.

You bronzed him?

What the hell do you want?

Nice try.

♪ Should auld acquaintance be ♪

No, the dagger
wasn't a w*apon.

It was treasure
that he picked up.


Exactly the same as when
I moved these coins.

- That's when it came again.
- No, it was like

- a really angry shadow.
- Exactly.

A shadow
that protects treasure.

Doesn't that seem, I don't know,
strange to you?

- Nuh-uh.
- Uh-uh. Seen stranger.

- Not really.
- I've seen stranger.

- Artie!
- Yeah?

That thing, it went down
under the carpet,

into the floor, now...

If its job is to guard
Dan's stash...

Then there--
there could be a hatch...


Okay, we can...

Okay, you know what?

There's gotta be some kind
of mechanism

that unlocks this thing.

Go, look for a switch!

Hey, guys...

Check it out.

Look alive, ye scurvy dogs!

There be stormy seas ahead!

Why do you always
have to--

Aah aah!


Found the switch.

Hang on, Jinksy.

Artie and his stupid
spit locks.

Oh, my God.

Prepare to be bypassed.

You all right there, Artie?

Oh, I'm fine.
The floor broke my fall.

Oh, my God.

This is it.
Dan's fortune.

Oh, my God, Artie.
You did it!

- We found it!
- No, we--we did it!

Finally the Warehouse 12

missing artifacts.

We--wait, first...

First, we have to find
the artifact

that is causing that smoke thing
k*ller to come--

Right, and bag it before tall,
dark, and neck-snappy shows up.

- Copy that.
- Okay, Artie,

how are we supposed to find
the artifact

that's causing this
if we're not supposed

- to touch anything?
- No, I know.

Look at the outside
of the crates.

They all have--
they all have, look.

They have manifests.
Just check those out.

Maybe one of them
will have a clue.

I'm not seeing anything
that says

"causes murderous smoke monster"
on any of these labels.

How about you, Myks?

Me, neither, but, look--
it's gotta be here somewhere.

So just keep looking.

What the hell
are you doing?

- I didn't do anything?
- Uh, her.

Oh... nothing.

Just checking my emails.

This was never
about Dan's treasure.

Was it, Charlotte?

This has always been
about the artifacts.

What artifacts?

The artifacts that you knew
somehow were down here

- that you used us to find!
- What are you talking about?

I was only ever here
for the--

No, no, no!

No, no, no!

Make noise!
Make noise!

That's what's
gonna scare it!

Make noise!

It's not working!


- Oh, my God, she's--
- Dead.

So I take it back.

Being k*lled by a pirate
is a crappy way to die.


Is there a good way?

- What's with her?
- I don't know.


So I guess sound
isn't what chased off

Old Slim Shady after all,
but what made him run?

I don't know, I think it's
maybe just a question of pitch.

Of maybe it's the composition
of the brass.

- I think we need the bell.
- What the hell was that, Artie?

Smoke? I don't know.
But from everything I've seen,

I think it's some kind
of psychic extension

or projection.

Projection of who?

Roaring Dan Seavey.

When that smoke monster thing
was choking Charlotte,

I noticed that it only
had three fingers on one hand,

just like
the skeleton upstairs.

So even from the grave,

Dan's keeping an eye
on his booty.

Now all we need to do
is find out

what artifact he used.

All right, let's just
keep looking at the manifest.


Because we don't want
to touch anything.

I got Thaddeus Cahill's
telharmonium keyboard,

which causes synesthesia.

Uh, Robert the Bruce's tartan
inspires unyielding defiance.

Guys... this box is empty.


Uh, one jewel-studded
unicursal hexagram amulet

belonging to Aleister Crowley.

Aleister Crowley?
The guy from the Ozzy song?

Yes. Yes,
you're right, actually.

Aleister Crowley.
He was a notorious occultist

who spent much of his life
studying and mastering the art

or astral projection,

which he considered essential
in the quest

for the discovery
of one's true will.

So Dan's one true will

is protecting his treasure
after his death.

And--and he was
a frustrated tenor

who could never
hit high "C"!

- What?
- The bell.

That was a perfect high "C."

Oh, come on,
tell me you could hear that.

- What bell?
- All right, so--so--so--

Crowley's amulet allowed our
favorite pirate to project,

but where is it?

It was an amulet

that was a hexagram.

A hexagram
is a six-pointed star, so...

Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!

In the skeleton's hand upstairs
there was a hexagram!

You know how a ladder
works, right?


There is no limit
to my genius.



What the...

unusual and out of place.


Come here.

Can you just tell him
that Steve Jinks called?

Hey, I was just about to
come looking for you.

Is that alarm coming
from your computer?

It sounds like the intruder
alert you told me you set up.

Okay, but if he could,

what would he have to do first
to break in,

cut the power
to Artie's office or something?

Technically, yeah.

You know, but if the lights
are on out here,

chances are
they're still on in there.

Since everyone there
is technically still alive,

they all radiate
faint traces of heat.

With all those
heat signatures in flux,

it's a perfect hiding spot.


Well, Jinksy,

it turns out
you were r--

Who the hell are you?

Jinksy, thank God
you're still there.

Uh, where else
would I be?

I gotta get these
mission logs done

before Artie gets back.

Yeah, I knew that we
were backlogged,

but this is gonna
take weeks.

Oh, yeah,
you've been whammied too.

Check your pockets.


What's this?

Just bag it.


Claud, are you gonna
fill me in?

Franz Mesmer's magnets.

They create illusion through
the power of suggestion.

I'll give you one guess
who slipped them to us.


Oh, thanks,
but I got paperwork.

Looks like mountains of it.

Looks like mountains of it.


He used them to make me think
that he was you.

And then he used...
me, Steve!

I-I trusted him!
I let him into our home,

and you--
I mean, you warned me!

God, but I just--

You did what you thought
was right.

Yeah, well,
now that little pissant's

loose in the Warehouse.

- What's he after?
- Uh--uh--

a Bronze Sector prisoner,
some geezer named...




How long have you
known about the Warehouse?

You wouldn't believe me
if I told you.

I am way past
believing anything

you have to say.

Look, I wish that I didn't
have to lie to you.

But you'll understand later.

You're making
a big mistake, Nick!

I mean, there's a reason
that guy was bronzed,

whoever he is--
he's dangerous!

I know!

But I need him!

I'm sorry, Claudia.

Okay, okay,
now, listen.

Soon as I touch
this amulet,

Pete, bell.

Myka, bag.
You got it?

- Ready.
- Okay.

Bag! Myka!

Aagh! Argh!



Agh! Aah!

How do I stop it, Myka?

What do I do?
Tell me quickly!

Put the amulet in the bag!


Okay. Not dead.


I imagine
she gets that a lot.

At least once
every hundred years.

Allow me reintroduce myself.

I am the Countess
of St. Germaine.

Sutton's wife.

Who's Sutton?

He was the count who--

who died in Paris.

I had no idea that thing
was even down there.

Get in, get out--
that was the plan.

In our business, things almost
never go as planned.

- Wait.
- Uhh!


So in Paris,

the... little weasel.

He--he faked his own death
too, didn't he?

Well, it comes in handy
when things get dodgy.

It's easier to--
to disappear

when everybody
thinks you're dead.

But you didn't.

You came back,
and you saved us.


I have dealt with agents
since the Ottoman Empire

hosted the Warehouse
in 1561.

Alexi from Warehouse 11
k*lled me twice.

But you three...

You--you were the first ones

that risked your own life
to save mine.

It would seem that even
the Warehouse has evolved.

Wait, wait.
Not--not so fast, Countess.

You may have misjudged us,
but the jury's still out on you.

What were you looking for
in that Warehouse 12 crate?

The philosopher's stone.

From Harry Potter.

From the Magnum Opus.

It's said that that stone
can turn base metal into gold.

Among other things.
Sutton said that a stone

kept him from aging.

- Not just him.
- Clearly.

And now you've got...

Do you mind?

Oh, just half the stone?
Where's the other half?

I don't know.
But I need to find it.

Uh-huh, and then what?

Unlimited power?



Then what do you want?

Just to be like you.
Like... everyone else.

I-I want to be mortal.

You want to give up

Wait a minute.

Are you crazy? I mean, who
wouldn't want to live forever?

You might get to see the Browns
win a Super Bowl.

The things you've seen.

Imagine what you will see.

Imagine what
you could accomplish.

Yes, yes, but now imagine
everyone you have ever known,

or will know, dying.

Imagine never allowing yourself
to get close to somebody

they don't understand.

"Why don't you age?"

Imagine the loneliness
and the solitude

and the isolation.

And then imagine watching
your only child

go through that forever.

That's why we had to try
to get into the...

Had to go into...

Only child...

Nick. Oh, my God.
Nick--Nick is your son!

He's been 15 for...

Over 500 years.


is his prison.

I've spent centuries
trying to release him from it.

My son deserves
a real life.

He deserves to fall in love
with somebody,

to grow old
with somebody, to--

To die.

He'll die.

You know that, right?

'Cause that's what us,
we mere mortals, do.

We die.

And sometimes,
it's not pretty.

It's ugly
and it's messy and it's painful.

Myka what was that?

It's nothing.



We've been friends
way too long.

Cards on the table.

I have cancer.

Is that it?
I mean...

You're not gonna yell
or cry...


Why is Nick at the B&B?

We wanted something
from you,

something I wasn't sure
that you'd give.



Artie, you guys need to
get back here right now.

Nick broke
into the Warehouse

and released one of the Bronze
Sector prisoners,

a guy names Paracelsus.

The alchemist.

Yeah, well, he was bronzed
for a reason.

Probably a good one.
Where are they now?

- They're gone.
- Gone?

Oh, no, no.
That's not the plan.

Nick said they'd wait.

He would have told me
if things had changed.

he destroyed the bronzer.

And, look...

He bronzed Claudia.

What did you do?