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04x17 - What Matters Most

Posted: 05/28/23 06:45
by bunniefuu
Previously, on
Warehouse 13...

It wasn't the marriage that
I was trying to keep secret.

It was me--

the guy I was before,
you know, Pete the drunk.

You've never met that guy,
and I don't ever want you to.

Charlotte Dupres, who, as it
turns out, is a rival of mine.

If I blow your heart
out of your chest,

you think that'll stop you?

My lying, cheating husband
is once again out in the world.

But I have plans too.

[Indistinct chatter]

Good morning, Mrs. LaBelle.

Hi, Terry.

Oh, my God.

Help me.

I'm burning up.

His name was Terry Chambers,

district attorney
in Marlon, Ohio--

poisoned out of nowhere
in his driveway this morning.

Arsenic in his coffee?

No, he hadn't eaten
anything in eight hours,

and there were
no visible track marks.

Cause of death--

muscle paralysis
and lungs collapsed

and heart attack.

That's why I'm sending
you and Pete.

Where is Pete, by the way?

He's at his yearly physical.
[Loud thud]

Oh, God, no.
Is it time for those?

Yeah, wait till you hit
over 50,

and the real fun begins.

What is that?

Oh, this is
the last of the stuff

that I had at my mom's.

Yeah, she needed the space.

You got a flight
in an hour, so...

I'm on my way.

Hey, Steve, do you smell...?

Yes, I do.

Mmm, you know, uh, Abigail,

it is
spectacularly nice of you,

but you didn't have to go
through the trouble

- to bake us scones.
- Bake you scones?

Oh, no, this is my breakfast.

Yeah, they're from that cute
little bakery over on 3rd.

- Oh.
- Okay.

Yeah, yeah, whenever Pete
talks about that place,

he gets a little...

- Drool.
- Right here, yeah.

Yeah, but if somebody
wanted to do the dishes,

I would consider
sharing one of my scones.

- Ooh, uh...
- Did somebody say "scones"?

Actually, you don't have time
for breakfast,

because you and Steve--
you've got a ping of your own.

- I was kind of hoping I could--
- A 15-year-old boy

went into some kind
of fugue state

in a park in New York City,

and he graffitied some seriously
advanced math on the wall.

Ooh, that sounds fascinating.

- Mm.
- It does?

Yeah, don't you think?

Okay, I'm officially jaded.

Because Abigail and I--

we were gonna flush out
the neutralizer annex,

but if you would really
rather stay...

Nope, thank you.
Loving the fugue.

- Come along, Jinksy.
- I'll stay.

- You'll what now?
- You're gonna stay?

Yeah, I would love
to just unpack all that junk.

Yeah, but wouldn't you
rather do that

after they flush out
the neutralizer?

No, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

I've hogged all the neutralizer
fun for 30 years.

If Steve would rather stay,

- we should let him stay.
- Might as well.

Yes, and I could use a little
bit of action in the field.

And I think you and I rather hit
our stride

chasing Beethoven's bust,
so shall we?

All right, Bilbo Baggins,
you're on.

- Let's go.
- I have to pack, though.

Oh, you go--
and I'll go--yeah.


Okay, what are you doing?


Grip strength
is the first muscle to go.

Well, I know how important
that is to you.

Can I help you?

Yeah, we're looking
for Terry Chambers' house.

Ooh, Secret Service, huh?

I recognize that badge
from the website.

Are you here
about the DA's death?

Uh, Hummingbird Lane,
you make a left--

2141, okay?

I'm here for backup.

Jeez, this place
looks like a '50s TV show.


I have to do the other side.

[Whistle blows]
[Both gasp]

You can't park here, mister.

Visitors park
in visitor parking.

Secret Service.

I don't care if you've got
the potus in the back seat.

I'm Colonel Arnold Cassel,
president of the board here.

I'll have you towed.

Okay, you want to go?

Okay, wait, wait!
No, you're staying inside.

It's okay, sir.

We will move.
We'll move.

Rules are rules, soldier.

It's a slippery road to hell
once you start breaking 'em.

[Whistle blows]

Gated communities--

for when you really miss
boot camp.

A guy is dead, and all they
care about are parking rules.

- Talk about twisted priorities!
- Okay, what is going on?

First your hand-exercise thing,

and now--then you yell
at an old guy?

Oh, my God, you had
your physical this morning.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. No. No. Nothing.
No--no news.

Then why--why are you
speeding up?

Okay, Mykes...

The doctor may have said that my
testosterone was a little low.

Oh, well, that means...

Well, you know, he--he said
it was no big deal.

- Oh.
- You know?

But then I read online
that it could cause infertility,

loss of sex drive and...


- Hi, there.
- Hey.

Janice Malloy--

26, right over there.

- There it is.
- Yep.

And you are?

I'm Agent Bering.
This is Agent Lattimer.

- We're with the Secret Service.
- Agents--I knew it.

Are you guys here
to investigate

DA Chambers' death?

Think it was m*rder?

Do you think it was m*rder?

I certainly hope not,

but with what happened
a few nights ago...

- To the DA?
- You haven't heard?

The DA forgot to park his car
in his garage,

and somebody
broke his windshield.

[Imitates glass breaking]

Nobody saw who,
but we all saw the windshield.

Anyhoo, I must dash.

Good luck to you.

26, right over there,

if I can help you in any way.

- Toodles.
- Eh.


Thank you, Gladys Kravitz.

Do you think that I really
need to wear--

Oh, uh, that's a bit much,
don't you think?

Ooh, no,
after what happened

when the Warehouse
was trying to grow,

I am not taking any chances.

Suit yourself.

Pun intended.

[Machine gurgles loudly]

- Oh!
- Ugh.

Okay, something here is dead.

[Mysterious music]

♪ ♪

What Matters Most


A 15-year-old boy?

Nick Powell.

He did all of this
in a trance?

Yeah, and according
to two witnesses,

radiating some kind of light.

So when do we meet Nick?

You know, the--huh?
Oh, in about an hour.

Nurse said he's getting an MRI.

I just--I see
algorithmic physics.

I see differential calculus.

There's code
on the other side.

It looks like C++ or Java.

Well, maybe we should go to
his home, talk to his parents?

Nick's got no parents
or a home.

He lives over there.

Nice box.

I used to have one like that.

Lost the lease.

So, Rodger,
do you know if your stepdad

brought home anything old
or antique-y lately?

Well, it's Rodge,
and--and I don't know.

Uh, my mom might.
She should be home soon.

What about his windshield?

We heard somebody broke it
a few nights ago.

Okay, well, you know what?
It wasn't me.

I wasn't even here.

Are you guys--are you guys
really Secret Service?

- Look, Rodger--
- Rodge.

- Rodge.
- Mm-hmm.

Uh, did your stepdad
receive any threats lately?

Wait. What?

Well, he sent 6 men
to death row in 15 years.

I mean, surely someone nicknamed
"DA Gas Chambers"

must have made some enemies.

Wait. Are you guys saying
that Terry was m*rder*d?

Because I just thought
he had a stroke.

We're just covering
our angles.

Dude, that is--that's--
that's messed up.

[Cell phone rings]

I-I don't know
anything about his work.

Uh, thanks...

- Rodge.
- Right.

Um, Pete...
[Cell phone beeps]

So I got
the forensics report.

They found
sodium thiopental, Pavulon,

and potassium chloride
in his blood--

all of which are used
in lethal injections.

All right, so maybe it's some
kind of execution artifact

in the hands of a grieving
death row family member.

Right, I'll get Steve to look
into those death row cases.

[Siren wailing]
I'll go look into that.

Hey, hey, what's going on?

Hysterical woman--
says she's stuck.


Oh, help!
We're stuck!

- Stuck to what?
- To each other!


So, Spencer,
this is not your home?

Uh, no, it's, uh--
it's my parents'.

- [Chuckles nervously]
- They're in Miami.

So you were just--
you were just sitting around,

chillaxing, just kicking
like a chicken?

Uh, yeah, just, uh, working.

Uh, I just sort of reached,

and then it just
kind of happened.


Uh, what--what
were you working on?

- Oh, uh, my website.
- Website.

Both: Yeah.

Uh, Spencer's this,
um, crazy web guru,

and, um, I have
this candle business and...


Have--have you two crazy kids

come into contact
with any strange objects lately?

- No, I--
- What about DA Chambers?

Have you--have you crossed paths
with DA Chambers?

Well, my husband, Gerry,
worked for the DA's office

before he got fired
a few days ago.


Just excuse me a moment.

- Hey!
- Hey!

I know it sounds insane,

but they're totally joined at
the waist, like siamese twins.

And I'm thinking,
coo-coo-coo-choo, Mrs. Robinson.

So you think she was fooling
around with this younger guy?

I thought that they were
working on their laptops.

Yeah, right,
well, that's what he said.

But I noticed
his computer was off,

and I saw him kick some motion
lotion underneath the couch.

So, while his computer
may have been off,

his laptop was definitely on.

So Mr. LaBelle gets fired
by DA Chambers

and then finds out
that his wife is cheating on him

with this--this kid.

Right and uses an artifact
to even the score.

But what kind of artifact
poisons and conjoins?

Unless he has two artifacts.

God, the stench.

It's like
when something bad goes bad.

Yeah, well, that's what
the goo smells like

after it neutralizes
an artifact.

Relieving the pressure
helps normalize it.

So did you unpack
your stuff?

Not yet.

That's not really
why you stayed, is it?


Well, it was,
but not only that, I guess.

Okay, I'll bite.

Talk to me.

I don't know.

I guess it was a combination
of saying good-bye

to my ex all over again
and then the trunk arriving.

It suddenly occurred to me

that literally my entire life
is here now.

I'm--I'm finally completely
settled here permanently,

Pete and Myka and Claudia.

- And that's a bad thing?
- No.

They say you get to share
your Warehouse life

with one very important person.

And none of them
have found anybody.

And I'm about ten times
more shy than they are.

I mean--

- Uh, Steve?
- I got to think about this.

I mean, is this
the kind of thing

that I want for a guy like me?
Because I'm already so nervous.

Oh, Steve! Watch out!
[Machine belches]


Oh, God.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

No, I'm fine. I--
No, I'm really good. I'm good.

Is there something
I should do--

maybe hose you down
or something?

No, no, no, thanks.
I'm, uh...

I'm just gonna go have
a shower

with some shred
of dignity left.


So, Nick,
it happened again, huh?

I guess so.

About an hour ago.

Yeah, you want
to tell me about it?


Why, so you'll think
I'm crazy too?

I don't think you're crazy.

Forget it.

If you're trying to put me
back in foster care, I won't go.

Whoa. No.

We are so not
social services, okay?

- So you can relax.
- Right.

Believe everything you say.

Well, you have no reason
to believe everything I say,

but I did go through the system,
and I'm not a fan.

I know it can suck.

- You were in foster care?
- Yeah.

And I wasn't about
to go looking

for any more abusive father
figures to smack me around,

so I did my time
on the streets instead.


Minneapolis, three months--

wouldn't recommend it
in February.

And even that was warmer
than the psych ward.

Look, I understand
being locked up

for talking about something
unexplainable--I really do.

We're the guys
who explain the unexplainable.

But, buddy, you got to talk
to me first.

I don't know what happens.

But before the seizure starts,
I get, like, these visions...

Like I'm someplace else,
and I'm not in control,


Like my body's here,
but my mind is someplace else.

Hey, thank you.

Look, don't worry. We're gonna
figure this out, okay?

- Claudia?
- Yep?

Excuse me.


The MRI shows massive
neurological seizures--

bursts of electrical activity
that are ten times stronger

than any epileptic seizures.

This thing's
frying his brain?

Essentially, yeah.

And if it keeps happening,
it's gonna k*ll him.

Well, he's home.

I don't think
anybody's told him yet

about his wife and Spencer
going to the hospital

all joined up and such.

Yeah, that should be
fun news to deliver.

Mr. LaBelle,
it's Rex in security.

[Knocks on door]

Mr. LaBelle,
it's Secret Service.


Mr. LaBelle?

Agents Bering and Lattimer--
we're with the Secret Service.

What's this about, Rex?

We have some questions
to ask you about DA Chambers.




Common misconception--

running does not make you
look innocent.

Today is not
the day to test him.

- Now, where's the artifact?
- The what?

Whatever you used
to poison DA Chambers--

where is it?

I didn't use anything,
I swear.

I-I just broke his windshield.

Yeah? Then why'd you
take a swing at me?

I panicked.
I knew you'd think I k*lled him.

- I didn't!
- You k*lled him,

and then you went
after your wife

when you found out
she was cheating.

Leslie's cheating...
on me?

How did--with who?

Do my kids know?

You smell that?
Something's burning.

Dude, you're on fire.



Pete, need to stand back!

[Pounds on truck]

[Siren wails]

Okay, Mykes, we--we got
to find this thing.

I mean, with burns like those,
that guy could still die.

All these people
are starting to panic.

We are back to square one.

LaBelle clearly did not know

that his wife
was cheating on him.

So, okay, what do we know?

We got--we got three victims
from three different att*cks

which may or may not have come
from the same artifact.

Well, they all lived here
at Crown Heights.

So who have we met in town

who might be able
to tell us what's going on?


I'll get us some tea.

So, um, Mrs. Malloy...

Janice, please.

It's Janice.

How long has Rex worked here?

Um, a while...
Maybe eight years.

Hmm. And was he,
uh, especially close

with either DA Chambers
or Mrs. LaBelle or Spencer?

Mykes, you got to try
these cookies.

No, I don't think so.

You know, Rex--
he always kept to himself,

even after his condo
burned down and he moved in--

His condo burned down?

As in with fire?

Yeah, a fire
about three months ago--

Faulty wiring, I think.

And then the board let him
live in our rec room

while he settles
with his insurance company.



- Mm.
- Mm.


Oh, hey.

Hey, I--uh, you all right?

- Back in one piece.
- Yeah, I'm sorry that I just--

- I left you down there.
- No, no problem.

I managed to clean out
the last filter

before the, uh,
nausea overwhelmed me.

What about you?
Are--are you okay?

Oh, yeah, no, I'm sure
that the, um--

the--the goo smell will leave
my sinuses in a few years.


Guess that's karma for me
trying to mooch free advice.

Oh, no, the Regents
brought me here

to help with issues
exactly like this.

And, um, I happen to know
a thing or two

about being alone.

You know, I'm a therapist.

I don't make a lot
of friends at work.


I imagine
in the regular world,

once you tell people
what you do, they, uh--

they want to unload.

Or they put their guards up,
which is why I quit.

No, it's not.

Oh, oh, God, I'm--
no, I'm sorry.

- It's something that I do--it's--
- The human lie detector.

Yeah, that's me, yeah.

I meant to say it's one

of the reasons why I quit.

I guess I don't like
to talk about it.

You don't have to.

No, it's--it's good for me.
I just--

You want to...

Sit down?

- Yeah.
- Step into my office.

So, um...

Two years ago,
I had a patient who, uh...

I couldn't help him.

I guess I was afraid
that it would happen again,


I quit...

and went traveling,
just me and my camera--

another observational tool
to hide behind.

Physician know thyself, right?

So how did you end up here?

I was in Burma photographing
political prisoners

when I met Adwin Kosan.

And he said he had
a sense about me

and told me
about the Warehouse.

He found me in New Jersey.

You know, I thought
I knew things, but...

this place...

Well, I guess
that's what we have in common.

We're a bunch of lonely
misfit toys

that the Warehouse collects.

Except now
you have each other.

Maybe that's why
you're so anxious

about your things arriving.

How do you mean?

Well, you said
you were worried

about not having someone
to share you life with.

Now it seems to me
like you might have

four special, unique someones.

And for now,
they might be your one.

And it might be time for you

to share a little more
of yourself with them,

which can be scary.

Artie said you were good.


None of these equations
seem to be solving anything.

"For all 'T'
not equal to 'S'"--

what the hell?

I hate having only one clue.

Is he always like this?


Usually grumpier.
He's just distracted.

So what is this place anyway?

Uh, it looks like it might
have been an old NSA safe house.

Now they obviously
use it to sh**t porn.

Hey, that's St. Jude, right?

Patron saint of lost causes.

Where'd you get this?

Um, one of my foster moms.

There was this kid at school
who used to terrify me.

And Mrs. L said
that I should pray to St. Jude

if I ever had nightmares.

I need one of those.

Do you mind if I...?

You still have nightmares?

Like a never-ending
sci-fi miniseries--

about the psych ward,
about my brother being lost,

and more recently
about this guy.

He k*lled my friend.


What happened to him?

You sneaky little bastards.

No, no, not you, not you.
I think I've got it!

- Here, I need you.
- Sit tight.

- Yes, Dr. Frankenstein?
- Ha ha. Yeah, what hump?

Okay, so you--you keep seeing
programming code.

I keep seeing
probability formula.

It turns out...

Both are used
by investment firms

in their marketing analysis
programming languages.

Can I get the tweeted version?

Banks hire physicists
and statisticians

so they can create numerical
price-hedging models.

- Like derivatives.
- And other things.

And the bank's employees
are called quants.

They're quantitative analysts.

You know what
their work looks like?

- What?
- Exactly like this-o-rama.


So it's no coinkydink
we're near wall street,

but what--what would Nick
have to do with any of it?

Yeah, Nick...

[Marker scratching]

Oh, Artie, he's having
another vision...

Which means he's gonna have
another seizure,

so we should be ready.

Nick says that he feels

as if he's being transported
to another space, right?

If there's an artifact and
if a quant is somehow using it,

we have to get Nick to give us
more details about where he is,

- so we can track the artifact.
- Yes.

Nick, can you tell me
where you are or what you see?

I see a man's hands.

Yeah, what--what
are they doing?

What are they doing?

They're doing
what I'm doing.

Yeah, they're mirroring
his actions--what else?

Artie, he's already seizing.

The downside of the artifact
is intensifying.

We have to stop this.

We got to keep going.
We got to save him.

- What else?
- [Groans]

Um, I'm in an office.

I see a blue mug
and some whiteboard...

A clock with an antelope.

- That's enough.
- All right, all right.

Okay, all right, all right,
get him on the couch.

All right, hold him, hold him.

- You got him?
- I'm trying. I'm trying.

All right.

- What is that?
- Joseph Stalin's sleep mask.

It's the only thing

that would let that paranoid
dictator actually sleep.

[Man speaking russian]

All right, so there's
got to be some connection

between Rex
and the other victims.

Well, maybe they all
stumbled on to some secret,

and now they're paying
the price for it.

Mykes, doesn't it seem
kind of weirdly lucky

that the fire didn't touch any
of his expensive electronics?

Janice did say that Rex
was waiting for a settlement

from his
insurance company, right?

Yep, well, he should have
had his testosterone checked,

'cause this weight is nothing.


Pete, this is a notice of
a secondary arson investigation.

It says that they found
traces of boric acid

in his power outlets.

Boric acid?

Boric acid--
it burns green.

I saw it on
Bill Nye The Science Guy.

Rex burned the same color.

So this is
a cause-and-effect artifact.

I don't know--
he torched his place

and went up in flames with it.

Mrs. LaBelle and Spencer
were boinking, right?

- Right.
- Now they're conjoined.

One was an arsonist,
the other two adulterers--

all being punished
with their own sins.

Yeah, but what
about DA Chambers?

It was his job
to put people away.

Unless he did something
unethical during a m*rder case

which resulted
in a lethal injection.

So we need to start
telling Steve

to research
sin-related artifacts?

and we need to figure out

who in this town is so obsessed
with morality that--

- Colonel Cassel.
- What?

- C-Colonel Cassel, remember?

"Rules are rules, soldiers.

"And once you start
breaking 'em,

- it's a slippery slope to hell."
- Right.

It's kind of
a Burgess Meredith thing.

- It's very weird.
- I don't know.

His cart is here,
but he won't answer.

Colonel Cassel?

Colonel Cassel?


[Both coughing]

I got this.
You call 911.


Yes, yes, we're
at 106 Woodpecker Crescent.

Yes, in Crown--
in Crown Heights.

- [Coughs]
- Yes. Thank you.

- Colonel.
- How is this happening?

- How is what happening?
- Somebody knows.

That's why
they're doing this to me.

Somebody knows what?

Did you do something illegal
or--or immoral in your past?

What? No! No!

you need to tell us, okay?

There could be a connection.


All right.

It was Kuwait, '91.

Our unit was stranded
in a village.

We were outnumbered
four to one.

We knew where the enemy was.

The locals
were harboring them.

They had whole stockpiles
of gas.

We had no choice.

We gassed the whole village,

k*lled 'em all
in their sleep--

women, children.

God, forgive me.

We should have died
that morning.

Instead, we got
Liberation Of Kuwait medals.

Listen to me.

Okay, listen to me.

Okay, when you said,
"Somebody knows,"

did you mean somebody here
in Crown Heights?

[Indistinct chatter,
siren wailing]

I don't know.

Okay, just lie back. Relax.
Someone's here to help you.

Just try and breathe.


Mykes, someone here
is doing this.

[Tires squeal]

Well, we better find out who
before we have a mass exodus

and we lose
this artifact for good.

How is he?

Well, heart rate's low.
Blood pressure's high.

I'm getting
erratic brain activity.

I don't think he's gonna survive
another seizure.

We can't let
this kid die, Jinksy.

So you think
that this artifact

is tethering him to a quant
somewhere and doing his math?

Yeah, his mind seems to be
going wherever the quant is.

He described an office.

You think this quant
is nearby,

or is he affecting Nick
at a distance?

Well, it theoretically
could be anywhere.

These psychic artifacts--
they can work from afar.

The brooch that Queen Isabella
gave Columbus--

that could make you brave
from across an ocean.

Well, we're hoping
the quant is closer, obviously.

Nick said he saw a clock
with an antelope,

so I've been cross-checking
with New York investment houses.

Yeah, but why would
a quant want to be tied

- to a boy who barely knows math?
- Wait. Wait.

You said that quants
analyze a vast amount of data

and apply them
to numerical models, right?

Yeah, they're--
all firms use them.

Well, that would take a huge
amount of mental capacity.

You see, young brains
are still developing,

and so they're more flexible,
and they have the ability

to make more connections
than adult brains.

So you're saying
that someone is using

Nick's young brainpower
to help them do their work.

Like a hacker
borrowing a server.

Not that I've ever done that.

Okay, what about
Sir Isaac Newton's cravat?

It gives the wearer insight

if you wipe it
across your forehead.

The downside--it increases
your gravitational pull

till you can't move.

It does not create
a psychic link.

I got it.

Four Wall Street banks
have logos with horns.

Only one has an antelope--
Armstrong Investing.

That's it.

That's what I saw.
[Farnsworth buzzing]

Guys, that's Pete and Myka.
We'll keep looking.

Why do
I suddenly want vodka?

Oh, yeah. No, that's just the
downside of the sleeping mask.

It'll be gone in 30 seconds.

But now I want vodka.

So the tight-ass
we thought had the artifact

turns out to be a gas-spewing
chimney from Mars.

Okay, uh, we started
with sin-related

and ended up
at biblical artifacts

and the closest we got
to divine punishment

was an obscure version
of the Sodom And Gomorrah story.

It says that when Sodom
was razed for its sins,

a windstorm buried it

in the salt dunes
that made it so wealthy.

apparently Warehouse 3 agents

feared that a handful
of artifacts

may have been created that day
as salt-covered objects

and took their shape.

But it didn't say
what those objects were.

But why is somebody targeting
these specific people?

I mean, is it
just because they live here?

Or because they sinned?

Everybody sins.

There has to be
another connection.

I got it.

- What?
- Mykes, look.

It's because they're all
Crown Heights board members--

DA Chambers, Mrs. LaBelle,
Colonel Cassel.

So maybe
a disgruntled resident

is targeting board members.

Yes, but why?

And Rex the security guard
is not on this list.


You can read all about it.

Steve, keep digging
on the artifact.

I'm gonna go check out this last
board member, Mr. John Foster.

Pete, just be careful.

And did you hear
from Steve?

No, but I did find
an article

crediting Armstrong's
algorithmic trading

quantitative analysts
for their recent success-- "ATQ."

Got it.

So maybe
if there's a section--


Oh, no.
It's happening again.

I'm gonna need
specific directions.

This place is huge.

Nick, Nick, can you hear me?
Can you tell me what you see?

I'm in the same office
as before.

I ne--I need more.
Something specific?

Door with frosted glass
and a desk in front of it.

Frosted glass
and--and desks.

They've all got
frosted glass and desks.

Nick, what else?


I know you can do this.
Come on.

I hear that song from
the "k*ll The Wabbit" cartoon.

Artie, I don't know--he keeps
hearing "k*ll The Wabbit."

"k*ll The Wabbit"?

"k*ll The Wabbit."

[Ride Of The Valkyries plays]

Oh, "k*ll The Wabbit."

- [Groans]
- Okay. All right.

I got you.

♪ ♪

Of course, Orville Wright's
aviator goggles.

Take 'em off!

Artie, come on.


'Cause if I'm right,
they belong to the less talented

of the Wright Brothers who
imbued them with the ability

to steal other people's
brainpower--never mind.

You're k*lling a young boy
by wearing them.

Come on, Artie!

Are you okay?


Artie, you did it.

I don't know what you did,
but it worked--Nick's okay.


Lucy, you've got
some "splaining" to do.

[Grunts loudly]
Well, that was

way more testosterone-y
than picking a lock.

John Foster?

[Line trilling]
Hey, Mykes.

I think I know
who has the artifact.

Last week the board rejected,
for the third time,

a petition
from Janice Malloy.

She wanted to erect a bust
of her late husband,

the founder of Crown Heights.

What about Rex?

Rex spoke out
against the bust,

saying it would "Tempt vandals
for no good reason."

So Janice is doing
this whole thing over a bust?

You said it, right?

Twisted priorities,
but, you know,

we still don't know
how she did it.

She might be doing it
to John Foster right now.

Oh, my God.
Her chocolate cookies.


whose cookies--Janice's?

When sodom
was razed for its sins,

it was buried by a windstorm

in the salt dunes
that made it so wealthy.

The salt, Pete.

I know.

That's what made 'em so good.

Pete, w-what if the handful
of artifacts

that were created
by the windstorm

weren't the objects
that the salt covered,

but the salt itself?

What if it's imbued
with some sort of power?

Salt from Janice's cookies?


That would...


[Groans, screams]

Gah! Gah!
Oh, my...

- Pete!
- God!



Pete, don't move, okay?

Okay, I won't,
'cause I don't think I can.

I think my legs are broken.

Myka, go get Janice
and bag the artifact!

- Go!
- Okay.

Oh, yeah, they look good.

[Chuckles] I could lose
a little weight here,

but, uh, oh, they look good.

Thank you very much.

- Don't eat that!
- Hey! What the--

Trust me, okay?
I know what you've been doing.

Oh, my God, the salt--the salt
covered a person's face

and took its shape.

- [Yelps]
- Shut up!

That's what you've been using
to hurt people, isn't it?

All for what, Janice?
What--a bust?

No, it's my husband!
He built Crown Heights!

Get back!

Our whole marriage
is about this place,

down to naming the streets
after our favorite birds!

He loved Crown Heights!

He--he gave his life to it,

and they--
they want to wipe him--

they want to wipe him out!


Give me the mask.


Just save it, Janice.

It's getting worse.

Look, I bagged it, all right?

Oh, my God, Myka.
Oh, my God.

Why isn't it working?

Okay, listen,
we just--now we just, uh--

Colonel Cassel, what happened?

They sent me home.

As soon as I left you,
I started feeling fi--good lord.

Is he all right?

No, just go
and please call an ambulance!

Okay, so we just--we just
have to figure out

what happened when he left us.

Okay, what--what--
what did we do?


We gassed the whole village,

k*lled 'em all
in their sleep--

women, children.

Forgive me.

We made him confess, right?

Pete, listen to me.

I think that you
have to confess, okay?

I think I'm just gonna wait
till the ambulance comes.

You can't wait
for the ambulance, okay?

The only thing that will work
is a confession, all right?

Whatever it is, just trust me.
Tell me, okay?

I'm--I'm your partner.
Just talk to me.

- Okay.
- Okay.

It was
when I was still drinking



I was--I was young,
and I was--I was cocky.

It was stupid, Myka.
I don't--

and I was--
oh, I was drunk, man.

I was drunk.

I got behind the wheel.

It was an...

I was such an idiot.
I don't know why.

I lost control of the car.

I hit a tree,

but I walked away.

I walked away,
not a--not a damn scratch.

But my buddy Dave--

he--he got--
he got thrown from the car.

And he broke both his legs.

And I did that.

I did that.

I'm responsible for that.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


That was rock bottom for me.

I swore I'd never take
another drink,

and I haven't, Myka.

I haven't taken any.

I know. I know.

Pete, I think it's working.

All right.

I could have k*lled
my friend.

I've never been able
to forgive myself.

Just listen to me, okay?

You have come

so far since then, okay?

You are a completely
different person now.

It took real guts
to tell me that.

I think you've got all
the testosterone that you need.

- You think so?
- I do.

So no more seizures?

No. Artie caught the guy
who was doing this to you.

We think maybe you ran into him
panhandling or something.

So no more seizures,
no more visions.


- Yeah.
- Okay.

Uh, thanks.
I mean, you're awesome.

You saved my life,
so, you know, I owe you.

Oh, no, come on,
it's my job.

So can I go now?

I mean, I guess.

You're not gonna call
social services?

Well, like you said,
we don't really do that,

and I would never do that,
but where are you gonna go?

I don't know.
I'll figure it out.

It's just that...

Why don't you come back
to South Dakota with us?

South Dakota?

- Why would I do that?
- Just for a couple days--

so we can monitor
whatever the residual effects

of this might be,
and then when we're done,

we'll fly you back to wherever
you want to go to start over.

Eh, I don't know.

Sounds like a trap
to put me in foster care

someplace really far
where I can't run away.

Well, that's
a good idea, but, no.

[Chuckles] And I think
I've earned a little trust

at this point, haven't I?

Look, Nick,
I know the worst part

about where you are right now is
that feeling that nobody cares.

So why don't you let me
pay forward

what was done for me?

Yeah, I guess
we can give that a shot.


It'll--it'll be fun.
You'll like it.

[Bell dings]

What's that?

Oh, this is, uh,
one of my photographs.

I thought I'd share it
with everyone.

- Taking your own advice.
- Yeah.

Well done.


- Hey.
- Abigail, hey.

Welcome home.

So, uh, we heard you
had to flush out the gooery.

That's a bummer, huh?

Did it barf on you?

Because I cried
when it barfed on me.

She did.

it barfed on Steve.

- Ooh.
- What?


What is
that wonderful smell?

- Hello. Ah.
- Hey.

- Hey, guys.
- Hi. Welcome back.

Nice welcoming party.

How's everybody?
What's going on?

- We just got home too.
- Oh.

Pete, Myka, Abigail,
this is Nick.

Nick. Hey.
How's it going, man?

- Hi.
- This is a lot of people.

Nick is just
between places right now,

so I convinced Artie to let him
stay for a couple of days.

After all, this is a B&B,
and where is my Steve?

And what
is that wonderful smell?

I know, right?

That is Steve.
He is cooking.

I knew he could cook.


Oh, the man is full
of surprises.

Come on,
I'll show you your room.

So how was Ohio?

Oh, you know,
it was...

the usual--

snag, bag, tag.

Oh. Good.


What is that?

I-I took that photo
while I was traveling.

- Oh.
- Beautiful.

Look at you
with the hidden talent.

Yeah, I was
just gonna put it upstairs.

- No.
- Leave it here.

- Leave it.
- It's cool.

[Clears throat]

- Oh.
- Is that lasagna?

- Oh, that looks so...
- Lasagna?

Can I have some?

So, Steve-O,
how'd your physical go?

It turns out I am gay.

- Mykes, when's your physical?
- Don't eat it all!

Mine's coming up this week.


There's lots.
There's lots, Artie--plenty.

The doctor
will see you now, Ms. Bering.

[Man speaking indistinctly]



Did you hear what I said?

I said we could be looking
at ovarian cancer.

I think we should discuss
treatment options, Myka.