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04x11 - The Living and the Dead

Posted: 05/28/23 06:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Warehouse 13...

Whatever the
effects of the Astrolabe,

I'm afraid it's caused Arthur to
have some sort of psychotic break.

Stop right there!

Artie, we can help you.

I am not Artie.

When Artie used the
Astrolabe, it turned him evil.

Who are you?
You're in my way.

A vibe. I just got
hit with a big one.


Oh, my God!

The deadliest artifact
in Warehouse 8

was a strange blue orchid
that released a disease

called English
sweating sickness.

I think Artie is going
to use the dagger

to open the container
and get the orchid.

He'll release
an epidemic that potentially

could wipe out half
of the world's population.

I know you're still in there.
I know you can hear me.

Save me.

- I cast you out!
- Claudia, no!

Did you really think
that you'd get away with it.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

Well, somebody ate the last of the
oatmeal scotchies in the kitchen.

And you automatically blame me.

Where's due process?

Have we lost all
semblance of civility.

You have crumbs
on your shirt, Artie.


Didn't somebody tell me they'd
like to lose 10 pounds by summer,

and that I should
lock up all the sweets?

Yes, and you've done
a terrible job.

But don't worry, I forgive you.

We're going in!
Hold on!

A lot of wind,
this could get rough.

He was back, I swear.

It was our Artie,
he said my name,

and I saw it in his eyes
for a second before...

She had to s*ab him, okay?
There was no other way.

He was... He was good again and then...

And then he was gone.

We must deal with
the release of the sickness.

Every person on the planet
is now at risk.

We have a great
deal of work to do.

Turning now to world news,

doctors in Europe are
reporting a curious outbreak.

Dozens of patients have turned
up complaining of dizziness

and dehydration
due to excessive sweating.

It's all being chalked up to the
unseasonably hot, humid weather

that's gripped Western
Europe this past week.

Officials are asking people to stay
indoors and drink plenty of water,

till the heat wave passes.

When we come back,

why is this Secretary of State
taking salsa lessons?

The answer might surprise you.

More after the break.

We're all infected with
the sweating sickness.

Dr. Calder is in Atlanta
with the CDC.

She says we don't have
very much time.

Before what...
What happens?

Chills, rapid pulse,

intense thirst, heart pain,

ultimately death.

Right. You know,
it's always

"ultimately death."

I mean, artifacts never release

a plague of tickles,

or an epidemic of kittens.

Some do, they end badly, too.

I've been coordinating
with the rest of the Regents.

The virus is spreading even
more rapidly than we thought.

How much time do we have?

The incubation period
is usually 24 hours.

We left Germany
eight hours ago.

So, we have 16 hours
to fix what Artie did.

It wasn't Artie.

Not our Artie.

How is he, now?
I mean...

He's still catatonic. We were
able to remove the dagger.

No internal damage, of course.

How is that
even possible?

Claudia knows.

I didn't know.
Not then.

At least I wasn't sure.
I was just...

Acting on instinct,
and you did very well.

Why? How does
the dagger work?

Tell them. You know.

The dagger separates
something evil,

the orchid,
from something good,

the box holding it.
So, with Artie...

You separated
the evil from Artie.

You brought him back.

It belonged to a Jesuit priest

who performed
the first exorcism.

I didn't know what I was doing.

I just knew I had to do it.

But now we could
still lose him.

We could, yes.

But you do have a plan?
We have a theory.

You two, you're with me.

Come on. Come on!

Artie's mind seems
to be failing.

And you can't
pull him out of it?

When Dr. V gets
here maybe she c...

There isn't time.

We need to reach his
subconscious and pull him back.

Before his mind
completely shuts down.

If we don't...
Artie won't come home.

So, what's your theory?

An artifact, right?

What else.

What do we know, thus far?

Well, we know that sweating
sickness first occurred in Europe.

And that there were several
outbreaks between 1485 and 1551.

Also we know that
some of the outbreaks

have said to have wiped out
half the populations they hit.

And every time
the disease vanished.

Right, the orchid turns to
ash, releases the plague.

Right, but... But when we found
the orchid, it was whole.

Even though it had already
released the disease in the 1500s.

So there must be
a way to reconstitute it.

An artifact that brings
a flower back to life.

Nothing springs to mind.

I know.

I wish Artie was here.

But who am I kidding?
Even if we save him,

I mean, the man k*lled Leena.

How does he come
back from that?

How do we?

Both Leena and Arthur cared
about one thing above all else.

And that is keeping
the world safe from harm.

We will find a solution.

Right. So, I have artifacts
that make flowers huge.

I've got artifacts
that make them poisonous,

that make them not poisonous,

but not a single one that
turns ashes into an orchid.

The Count of St. Germain.


He was a charlatan.
In the 18th century,

he claimed many
supernatural abilities

including the power
to bring sickly plants

back to bountiful,
blooming health.

He performed the trick
in public several times.

Sounds like the Count
was using an artifact.

Yes. Question is what,
and where is it now?

Keep digging.

This belonged to Sigmund Freud.

It will allow your subconscious
to interact with Artie's,

and hopefully discover
why he is trapped.

Yes, done. I'm in.

You're not going in without me.

Why do you think
I asked for both of you?

No one seemed to take the Count
seriously, or what he did.

There's no references to what
artifacts he might have used.

There's very
little information about him.

Hey, hey, hey. I think
this guy's got the dirt.

Bennett Sutton,

professor at
Colombia University,

foremost expert on the
court of Marie Antoinette.

Yeah, and if his take is right,

guess who spent a lot of time
crashing on Marie's couch.

The Count of St. Germain.

He wrote a lot about him.

It's worth a shot, right?

Talk to him, find out
what he knows. And...

You may need this.

When you're ready,

join hands.

Holy metaphor.

- Artie's brain is...
- The Warehouse.

I can't say I'm surprised.

Figured it had
to be either this

or a magical land
made entirely of donuts.


- Artie could be anywhere.
- Not really.

Think about it, if the Warehouse
is his brain, where would he live?

His office, his real
life nerve center.

Nice! We just have
to get over there.

You need to leave.

Vanessa, good.
You're here...

Will you for once
do what you're told?

Wait a minute,
that's not Vanessa.

Look at how she's dressed, that's
what she was wearing in Rapid City.

This must be the version of Vanessa
that lives in Artie's head,

his memory of her.

I'll go check that out.

You need
to leave. It's not safe.

We need to save Artie.

Artie doesn't want you here.

- I'm sorry, I'm not gonna take...
- Claudia!

This whole place
is shutting down.

And so is Artie!

You see, it's too dangerous.

You should go, right now.

Professor Sutton?



Oh, my God.

This place looks
like it's been tossed.

Maybe we're not the only
ones after this professor.

Excuse me, ma'am,

was there
a break-in here?

No, Professor Sutton's office
always looks this way.

Ah, kind of makes my room
look pretty good, don't it?

Ah, well, we were supposed
to have a meeting with him.

Do you
know where he is?



And there he is.

Whoever you are,
you're hovering.

Speak, or pour me a drink,

and don't speak.

we have an appointment.

Oh, the government agents.

Ah, it turns out
my day is full,

I'm afraid I'll have
to postpone, regrets.

Oh! Oh.

Well, you're reasonably hot.

What say you ditch
the, uh, forehead here

and interrogate me?

What say you just
answer our questions?

Mmm, sexy.

Ask me anything.

Well, I...

This is the man who's supposed
to help us save the world.

Shh. Don't tell
the world. It'll panic.

Hey, hey, Professor.
Hey, wake up.

Listen, we need you to tell
us everything you know

about the Count
of St. Germain.

That's remarkable, you could
rent it out as billboards...

Oh, really? Well, we could rent
you out as a kerosene lamp, okay?

Pete, we're running
out of time.

Oh, there's always time
for love, mon cheri, no?


Fine, all right.

The Count...

You all right?

Okay, yeah.

I'm a little drunk.


The Count was a scoundrel.
A grifter.

Claimed wild,
supernatural abilities.

But he was also entertaining.

Which meant a lot in the
days before reality TV.

He must have been
incredibly charming

to wheedle his way
into some royal courts

that, trust me, would never
have accepted him otherwise.

Yeah, like, Marie Antoinette's.

Yes, precisely.

She was a fan, for a while.

Apparently, briefly enamored of his
ability to bring any dead or dying flora

back to vibrant life.

How? How did he do it?
Was he ever, um,

holding some kind
of a special object?

Hold an object? No.

Not according to my research.

Another dead end.

Although, he always did
wear a rather garish ring.

Yes, now we are
getting somewhere.

You're gonna throw up,
aren't you?

Oh, oh, oh.
Hold on. Hold on.

No, no, no!

Two steps forward, one puke back.

We can't just
leave Artie in here.

I mean, his brain is shutting down.
He could get stuck.

And if you stay, you could
get lost in here, too.

He doesn't want that.

We're just trying to help.

Let's try this.

Claud, look.

Artie's bag of tricks.
What did I tell you?

There's still some part of him

that wants us to find him.
It's like in Germany.


I did warn you.

Now go.

He really wants us to leave.

Wouldn't be the first time
I didn't do what Artie wanted.

Find the ring.


Uh, for research purposes.

Well, well.
Won't be easy.

The Count's things were all
buried with him in the catacombs,

under Paris.

All right, so we go to Paris.

She know every
language there is.

Yes, well, your first
problem is that Marie,

placed an impenetrable
lock on the crypt.

It's, uh, rather curious actually.
Anyone who tried to get through

wound up flayed alive.

So, unless you know
a good locksmith...

Well, we really don't
have problems with locks.

We got a bitchin' set of tools.

It's actually not the locks
that I'm worried about,

it's the catacombs under Paris.

Yes, your second problem.

They're notoriously difficult
to navigate. Okay.

Yes, generations
of naive tourists,

crypt raiders and
drunken university students

got lost down there,

We don't have time to get lost.
Time is running out.

For the research
that we're doing.

Pete, we have Baudin's map.

You do?
We do?

Well, the place that we

work for, does.

Nicolas Baudin,
he was a French explorer.

Most people don't know that he
charted the French catacombs

before he left on his famous
Australian expedition.

No, most people don't.

We can have Mrs. Frederic
scan it and sent it to us.

She's our, uh...


I know Baudin's map.

But, um, unfortunately it's just
meaningless blather without the legend.

He's right.

Why do I have a feeling
that you have this legend.

And I'd be
willing to share,

if you could convince
your government friends

that I don't need to pay taxes.

Ever. Including what I owe.

How about you just
give us the legend

and we don't arrest you.

Oh, negotiation. Sexy.

I don't have the legend,

but I know who does.

And, by the way, I only fly
first class when others pay.

I only fly
first class when others pay.

Come on, Claud,
this way is still open.

Damn it.

Every root keeps
getting blocked.

If there's a way,
we'll find it.

Or, we could just glare at it.

I hate this.

The Warehouse was
supposed to do good,

and instead it just keeps
k*lling the people I love.

Well, that's kind
of a simplification.

Is it, though?
You died.

Leena died.

And now the whole
damn world is dying.

Claud, Claud, Claud. Pete and
Myka will find a cure, they will.

So what? It's not
gonna save Leena.

And Artie?

I stabbed Artie with a dagger.

Why bother if
we just keep losing?

Because it's not the win,
it's the fight.

Evil is relentless,
it always has been.

You take one evil out,

and another one pops
up to replace it.

Worst pep talk ever.

But if we stopped fighting,

if we give up, what
does that say about us?

I knew that Sykes was dangerous,
but we had to stop him.

Mrs. Frederic warned
Leena to get out,

but she stayed to
help Artie and you...

You knew the world
needed saving,

even if it cost you the only
father you've ever known.

The fight, that's what matters.

Lovely, but you
were asked to go.

Oh, this is not good.

So bad.

Since you won't go,
I'll see to it

that you make
no further progress.

What was that you were saying,

about knocking out one evil
and another one popping up?

The good news is, I was right.

This disease is not
spreading, it has spread.

Those are the words of Dr. Vanessa
Calder, from the CDC in Atlanta.

The illness, which
only a few hours ago

was thought to be simple
dehydration confined to Europe,

has quickly spread to virtually
every corner of the globe.

The CDC is classifying the
outbreak as a worldwide pandemic,

the fastest to have been declared
as such in the agency's history.

We'll be covering this crisis
around the clock, stay with us.

the legend is here?

You said it was
in a collection,

somebody lives here.

People live lots of places.

Yeah, well, I'll bet you know who
lives here and not in a good way.

Don't wrinkle your forehead.
You look like sheet music.

Hey, hey, hey.

I have a handsome
forehead, okay.

Just ask my mom.

Oh, and on the plane,
swiped your nuts.


So, who lives here?

Fine, Charlotte Dupres.

Who, as it turns out,
is a rival of mine.

Professors have rivals?

Oh, Charlotte is merely a
collector, a well-funded fan.

I'm the expert.

Well, let's just
ask Charlotte if we can

come in and take
a picture of the legend.

She'll never agree to it,
she's paranoid and delusional.

Great, that's what this needs.

She'll just accuse us

of trying to break into
her precious home.

Are we trying to break
into her precious home?

There's no one at
her precious home.

She's out of the country.

Where is she?

She may have received a message

that made her leap
on the first plane.

Convenient, no?

Okay, it's obvious that
you have another agenda.

So, can we just
stop playing games.

Oh, excellent idea.

Let's discuss the ring
and your plan to use it.

I am a history professor,

I know what sweating
sickness looks like.

I know the rumor.

An orchid that can make the
sweating sickness come and go?

Am I close to the mark?


I think the orchid
has come back again,

and you two need that ring to
reconstitute it to save the world.


I'll take your slack-jawed
silence as confirmation.

So, help me

break in here,
stop the disease.

Or don't,

and don't.
It's your choice.

Cocoons are not as
comfortable as they sound.

What did she throw at us?

That's William Hornaday's cap,

director of the Bronx Zoo.

In 1906, he rather
infamously put a human pigmy

in a cage with chimpanzees

to demonstrate
the missing link.

This thing is getting tighter.
I don't care for this.

They're like unbreakable.

And rather tangy.

Pulling at them makes
them tighter, by the way.

The darkness is getting closer.



Yes, okay. Yeah,
how are you gonna...

Oh, okay, yeah.

Yeah, I think, uh, if you
put a little bit more...

Yeah. No, I know. I know.

Put your center of gravity
as low as you can...

Yeah, Claude, I know,
I just need a little bit of...

Would you just give me...
Put your center of gravity...

Ah, man!

I sure could've used
you when I was locked up.

You got skills.


Let's get to the office.
Good plan. Good plan.

Hello, Miss Donovan.
Long time, no see.

Oh, man, I hate Artie's brain.

Alarm system.

Yeah, you got 15 seconds
before the alarm goes off.


I got this.
I saw Artie do it once.

Not that I have tried,
but Charlotte's birth date

and license plate
numbers don't work.


Brilliant toys, I wish I would
have met you two years ago.

So you tried to
break in here before?

What exactly were you after?

Tick tock, sweating sickness.
Shall we proceed?

Find the legend, save the
world, etcetera, etcetera.

All right, children,
playtime's over.

Olly, olly, oxen free.

That's MacPherson?

I always pictured him
with a mustache.

Why does Artie even have
James MacPherson in his brain?

He hates MacPherson.

Arthur sees me as
the embodiment of

danger and evil.

And he can hear us.

He also knows I'm very strong,

and right now he needs
someone powerful

to get you two out!

Well, good casting, Artie.

I'm out of ideas,
do you have any?

Just one, and you're
not gonna like it.

Remember, you're the one
who can really save Artie.

Steven, what are you doing?

Stick with me, Claud!
MacPherson will never catch up.

So brave.

The real MacPherson would
have enjoyed this very much.

Hunting human targets?

No, catching them.

Not today, James.

What's happened?
Where's Claudia?

She's still in there.

I hope.

Okay, let's just get the
legend and get out of here.

She thinks all this
belongs to her.

Arrogant woman,
I'll check the other room.

You know, people are getting sicker and
we're stuck here with that pompous...

Mykes, are you all right?



So, if I was a filthy rich,

possibly crazy hoarder
who likes old counts,

where would I...


I think that there's something
we may have missed.

You just couldn't
stay away, could you?

If I blow your heart out of your chest,
do you think that will stop you?

I'm gonna guess
that's Charlotte.


Artie, are you in there?


Artie, I'm coming in.


I warned you not to come.

We were trying to
save you. We thought

you were trapped.

Do I look trapped?

I don't want you here.

What are you... You...

Are you hiding?

You'll ruin everything.

What will I ruin?

Did you think
that you'd get away with it?

Someone ate the last of the
oatmeal scotchies in the kitchen.

You're not in Barcelona?

There's a worldwide pandemic.

That sort of thing brings a
halt to international travel.

They've just shut down
the airport.

And you didn't berate them into taking you anyway?
What unusual behavior for you.

Your brains, all over my walls.

I've tripped the alarm,
the police are on their way.

You and your friends can
explain everything to them.

We're not really
his friends, per se...

The extent to which I do not
care cannot be measured.

You just think you're so much smarter
than everybody else, don't you?

Well, there's actually quite a lot
of evidence supporting the theory...

Uh, dude, I think I'd,

you know, close the piehole
while she's got the...

Charlotte, listen to me.

We are not stealing
from you, okay?

We are Secret Service Agents.
We're on a mission...

You're not here to steal?

Then why does the good professor have
my precious gold coins in his pocket?

You know, I found these,

uh, on the floor.

Sloppy, sloppy, Charlotte.

Sutton here is not really
acting on our behalf.

No, my dear, Sutton only
ever acts on Sutton's behalf.

Which is why his behalf
is being carted off to jail.

You're not going
to turn me over to them.

It's done.

Hey, Mykes, I did it. I found
the k*ll switch for the alarm.

There's no k*ll switch.


You two are quite good.

Aw, thank you.

Why did you do that?

I mean, not
that I'm complaining.

You're gonna have to ask him.

I think he's gonna need a minute.

Artie, if you stay you'll
be lost in here forever.

And that's a problem, why?

Things are better in here.

Things are the way
I want them to be.

It's not real.

Real is overrated.

You think this is better
because Leena's here.

But it's not safe.

You can't just stay in here in denial,
Artie, you have to come out and face...


Face... Face what, Artie?

Leave it, Claudia.

You'll disappear.
I know.

That's what I want.

She wouldn't want it.

If I go with you,

then I will have to remember.

I'll remember

her face before...


She trusted me.

And she didn't understand.

And then I...


No, no, no.

Why would you make
me remember that?

So far there are no
confirmed deaths.

But we do know that tens, possibly
hundreds of thousands of victims,

have been affected by this
sweating sickness crisis.

The CDC fears devastating statistics by morning.
There is no question,

we are now witness to the worst
catastrophe in recorded medical history.

I'm being told the President
is about to make a statement.

We go now to the press
room at the White House.

Your partner has
a fantastic right hook.

Oh, uh, shouldn't we scram before
the police arrive? Oh, no.

Phone call from a crazy lady
on the fancy end of Paris?

I don't think that's a priority
for the gendarme tonight,

what with the whole world
sweating to death and all.

I think we got a minute.

He lied to us, Pete.

No, no, technically
I did not lie to you.

I have a pretty good eye
for detail, Professor.

Oh, just so you know
this is very hot.

All that research that you showed us?
Conspicuously absent

were portraits of
the Count. Not one.

And then, I saw


You are not an expert
on the Count of St. Germain,

you are
the Count of St. Germain.

You don't look very well.

Note, that he is not denying.


We really
should be going, so...

Just tell us the truth.

You're the Count.
All right, yes.

I'm the Count.


Okay, okay.

So, you're... You're
like really, really old.

With a lot more "reallys."

Are you... What are you... Are
you like a vampire or something?

Oh, please. Vampires
are for gothic novels.

And, apparently,
pre-adolescent girls.

I don't know, I kind of like...
I kind of like vampires.

How is this even possible?

Alchemy. An alchemist used a stone, a
particular stone, to keep my body from aging.

Oh, great, another artifact
we have to look for.

No, don't bother. Long
gone, so is the alchemist.

So, you're

300 years old?

That's amazing.

519, actually.
I moisturize.

So, you were hiding?

No, just lying about my age.

And who I am,
and where I'm from.

I've made my way
quite well, actually.

Fortunately, man is just
as gullible today

as he was 500 years ago,
but with a smaller vocabulary.

So you became a professor
that specializes in the 1700s.

Write what you know.

And when two government agents asked
about my ring, I saw an opportunity.

All this stuff that
Charlotte has, all these

antiques that are hundreds and
hundreds of years old, this is yours.

And you just, what?
Want them back?

Exactly, and your legend.

I'm not selfish,
I merely thought,

while we were here, I might as
well nick an old memento or two.

Oh, yes. Coincidentally,
all the gold ones, right, chap?

We didn't find the legend.

You didn't.

I snatched it.

While you two ladies were busy
gabbing about what a cad I am.

What is this?
Open it up.

That's the legend,
Mykes, to the map.

You see, I really
am trying to help.

Come now,

you've got to be
a tiny bit impressed.

All right, fine, I am a tiny
bit impressed.

Thank you.

Right then,
off to the catacombs.

Stakes high, lives in the balance,
blah, blah, danger gig. Shall we?

All right.

Let's get going before Charlotte
kicks her way out of that closet.

So, you were really
friends with Marie Antoinette?

Uh, not friends, per se.

Well, we were, then we weren't.

Woman seemed to think I was
using her for her money.

Why would she think that?

Probably because I was
using her for her money.

Pretty big haul?

It was going to be
my retirement.

Marie's violet sundial.

The diamond?

Oh, my God.
What? Big?

People wrote stories about it.

I wrote two of them.

It was worth untold riches.

Once I had it, no more cons,
I'd be out. But I misjudged.

What do you mean,
you misjudge...


They bumped uglies.

Some things are eternal.
You know, a woman scorned.

No fury to match it.
She tried to have me beheaded.

Rather her thing.

Illegitimate queen.
I disappeared.

Left everything behind, everything
I'd worked so hard to get.

You mean everything that you fleeced
from all your innocent victims.

I believe that's what I said.
Including my ring, by the way.

Pete, look.

So how do you have a
public funeral without a body?

Marie used
one of her servants.

Yeah, sweet boy
named Sebastian.

Poor Marie.

She wasn't well.

Declining popularity, I heard.

These faces...

This one's Greek, this is Greek,
this is Greek, but this one?

This face is Chinese.

They're all Greek to me.

It's the lock.

Be careful.

Well, I imagine one or two of these
gentlemen were sent here by you?

They were all well paid.


How do you even use that thing?

We know what we're doing.


Anyone faint? All safe now?

Yeah, it's clear.

We're the first people in this
room for hundreds of years.

It's, uh, impressive.

But also a little creepy,
I mean,

it is your tomb.

Pete, the ring.

That's it.

Let's do this, then.

What the hell was that?


Is this another one
of Marie's deterrents?

I have no idea. She
booby-trapped the whole place.

That woman is so paranoid.


Get the hell out of here!

Look out!

It's safe over here, come on.

- We gotta get you out.
- Okay.

Oh, that will be nice.

I am going a bit numb,
and rather quickly.

A poison dart. Typical Marie.

We'll find you an antidote.

What, in the catacombs? Myka, you're
too smart for sentimentality.

There's no time.

I always wondered if being
ageless meant being immortal.

Apparently, a poison dart
through the heart will k*ll me.

Uh, that's good to know.

Won't do that again.

You saved me.
Well, as I said,

"Beautiful women
are my fatal flaw."

Go on, use the ring.

I won't have the entire world
upstage my big death scene.

No, no, we can't
leave you here.

Are you insane?
I can't resist the poetry.

This is my crypt.

Go. Save the world.




Mykes. We did it, Mykes.

We saved everybody.

Almost everybody.

What did you remember, Artie?
What's wrong?

It wasn't you.

Something got to you,
something made you do it.

Why is it so dark?

It's reality,
fighting its way in.

She brought it.

This isn't real.


I'm sorry, Artie, but I think a
bigger part of you wants to leave.

In Germany, you said,
"Save me." So I did.

And I'd do it again,

and again, and again, and again,
no matter how angry you get.

You gave yourself clues, Artie.

Like this door.

There's no door
in this spot at Leena's.

But it's more than
just a door, isn't it?

It's the way out.

What makes you so sure
you know what's right?

Because I know you.

And I don't think
you're done fighting.

Even if you don't know it yet.

It's the fight that
matters, Artie. Now, go!


I'm sorry.

Claudia, listen to me, there was nothing
more we could have done, we tried...

Hey! Where's Artie?

Mrs. Frederic said
he was awake.

He is.
Claudia brought him back.

Clau... Claudia?

He won't talk to us.

This is going to be
harder than we thought.

Go away.

That's the nice thing
about being me.

I don't take orders from you.

Oh, God, what have I done?

It wasn't you.

Yeah, but she's still gone

by my hand.


and how do I fix that?

You can't.


I wish you could.

But there are some things,

many things,
that cannot be fixed.


You can however fix
yourself, if you want to.

I want to fight, but...


Luckily, for you,

there are many smart
people in your life

who love you,

they want to help you.

We'll make it through this

together, won't we?

What were you playing?

Oh, Sebastian.

Marie always said
you were honest and loyal.

All the things
our good Count was not.

Hundreds of years
and he hasn't changed at all.

You're in here.

And my lying, cheating husband
is once again out in the world.

And with Marie's diamond.

But I have plans, too.