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04x09 - The Ones You Love

Posted: 05/27/23 06:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Warehouse 13...

You're safe.

You're safe.

You came into my house
and stole from me,

and I will respond in kind.

Someone's been getting
in and out

and stealing artifacts.

Why are you trying to hide it
from us?

You're the one cutting me off

from the people
that I care about.


Okay, good.

He has not found you yet.



How did you get into my ware--

DB Cooper's ripcord.

Surely my resourcefulness
doesn't surprise you.

- I wonder what this does.
- No!


[Glass shatters]

[Alarm sounds]

Oh, man,
I hate that damn alarm.

It's never a drill, is it?

It's in Ressler/Brooks.

You know what I want.

Use the astrolabe.

- No.
- Undo what you've done.

No, never.
[Boomerang whirs]

You can't k*ll me.

You need me alive.

True, but I can k*ll
your friends.

They haven't done anything.

This is between us!

- He's here!
- Hold on, Artie!

We're almost there!

Come here.
I wanna tell you my plan.

[Whispers indistinctly]



- That way.
- Artie, are you okay?

He used
DB Copper's ripcord!

- That's how he got in!
- He's gone now.

Are you hurt?

- Should we call Dr. Vanessa?
- No, no!

No, I don't want her
anywhere near this place,

not after what he said to me.

Wha--what did he say?

- Pete, the boomerang.
- That's weird.

[Boomerang whirrs]
Why would he say...

Both: Pete!

He said that he would punish
all of you,

and then he said this time
we wouldn't be able

to stop him.

[Epic adventure music]

- The Ones You Love -

All right.

I've alerted Mrs. Frederic
and the Regents

to this latest breach.

Good, so no more secrets.

No more secrets.
I can't stop him alone.

I'm gonna need all your help.

So Mrs. F is
on her way here?

No, she's with Steve
on a special assignment.

'Cause that always works out
so well.

Bad news.

When Brother Adrian
sent out Alice's mirror,

I grabbed
the shipping account number.

It traced
to a bogus address, obviously,

but I set up a system to notify
me if it got used again.

We just got another hit.
No, wait, two.

Where the packages were sent.

Yuma, Arizona,
and Colorado Springs, Colorado.

- Amanda.
- Tracy.

Your pregnant sister?

- Yeah.
- Oh, look, there's a third hit.

Menlo Park, California.

Menlo Park?
Who do we know?

We don't know anyone
in Menlo Park.

I do, but I'm not supposed
to talk about it.

Claud, we need to know
who's in danger.

- Joshua.
- Your brother is in Menlo Park?

He's working
on a classified project.

So your brother, your sister,
and my ex-wife.

And that's how he's punishing
you all.

He's going after the ones
you love,

and this is my fault.

No, no, this is
not your fault, Artie, okay?

We can fix this.

Claud, what artifacts
did he send?

I don't believe this.

According to the database,
none are missing--zero.

He must have disabled it.

All right, I gotta go
help Amanda.

I'm going to Tracy's.

Permission to save my brother?

Go. Save.
I'll stay with Leena.

We'll lock up the breach.

And we will find
the good brother.

I must ask what happened to
the needle on the elevator dial.

Uh, Mrs. Frederic,
uh, you were saying

about the whole--
about our last campaign.

Oh, Father Domenico,
your cup is safely locked

in the Warehouse.

Only a trained eye
could detect the dent.


I'm not the one
who dropped it.

We have several questions

about the Brotherhood
of the Black Diamond.

One of its members
has infiltrated--


The Vatican does not involve
itself in disputes

between ancient organizations.

Oh, really?

Well, it seems to me
the Vatican

is pretty much
at the center of all--

Thank you, Father Domenico.
We'll take it from here.

I'm assuming
this is the library.

If you don't mind.


I shall leave you now.

May God be with you.

Agent Jinks,
if there is any trouble,

I shall rely
on your A*F training.

They confiscated my w*apon.

How did you get this in here?

No one touches my purse.

Claudia made that for you.

Wow, this is so cool.

Did she--

Agent Jinks,
time's a-wasting.

This place is a mess.

And the food is moldy.

This newspaper is dated
four months ago.

Oh, looks like they left
in a hurry.

And I would hazard
a guess...

They actually didn't know
they were leaving.

Oh, my God!
What are you doing here?

Well, I got a sudden urge
to see my little sister.

I'll call you right back.

I'm so excited!

So good to see you.

[Current surges]

- Ooh!
- [Gasps]


- What was that?
- Whoa!

Static electricity, I think.

We just got new
hypoallergenic carpet

installed for the baby,
but that was a big one.

Yeah, your eyes, they--

- Yeah?
- You know what, never mind.

Just let me get a look at you!

You look great.
Is that a new necklace?

Oh, it--it was a gift
from Kevin last Christmas.

How is Kevin?

In Denver,
on business again.

- Good, so he's safe.
- Safe?

From all the crazy
sister fun

that we're gonna have!

Aah, I know!

Oh, oh, you have to see
the baby's room.


- Come on.
- Yeah, okay.

I'm coming.
I'm coming.

Trace, it's beautiful.

Got one or two neat gifts.


So a lot of new things

have shown up
in your life recently.

Still popular,
just like in high school.


Hey, you want some chai tea?

We--we can catch up.

I'll just be here
admiring your gifts!

Check out the sweater set.

It's the cutest thing ever.

- This could be it.
- What?

I said that I, uh--
I love sweater sets!

No, no, no!


I-I can't believe

that it's this cute!
[Teakettle whistles]

Oh, God.

Oh, this tea
has ginger and catnip.

I got it off a website
for pregnant women,

Everyone said I would be
throwing up

the first three months.


But I haven't
even been queasy!

I think it's the catnip.

Oh, I feel awful,

so I'm assuming
that your showing up here

is not a coincidence.

Probably not.

Look, I'm sorry, Amanda,
but it looks

like we're dealing
with a little bit more

- of the old, you know--
- Boogedy-boogedy.

What is it this time?

I'm not really sure,
but are you okay?

[Sighs] I'm feeling worse
by the minute.

[Clears throat]

Yeah, you do look
a little sweaty.

Thank you.

I was going for sweaty.
Hoping for puffy later.

Okay, um, Amanda,
have you received any--

I don't know--
weird packages today?

Yeah, actually, that little
leather box over there

arrived this morning.

There was no return address,

so I assumed
it was from Michael.

He's in Florence now.

And you touched it?

that is what humans do

when packages are sent
to them.


It made it through
the base's security,

so I figured it was all right.

Was it always empty
like this?

Yeah, just the box.

Pete, am I gonna be all right?


I'm here, okay?
We're gonna fix it.

I never really thought of you
as the fix-it guy.

You were always much more
the break-it kinda guy.

I know, right?

I mean, who'd have thought
my life

would get weirder
after I quit drinking?


All right, watch your eyes.


Do you--do you feel better?

Oh! [Grunts]
I'll take that as a no.

[Knock at door]



It's Claudia.

I-I keep calling your phone,

but it just keeps...
[Phone vibrates]


Oh, crap.


Oh, Leena.

Thank God.
I was worried about you.

Artie, what are you doing?

Something that I should have
done weeks ago.

There has to be
some other way to--

There isn't.

No more games.

I won't let him hurt
anybody else.

Next time that I see him,
I'll be ready.

Wait, well, at least let me
just come--

[Farnsworth buzzes]

Leena, thank God.

Artie won't answer,
and Josh--

Joshua is frozen
in some kind

of weird amber-like substance.

What do you think it is?


Can you check the database?

On it.

go see Artie, go.


Josh, I'm really, really,
really sorry.

Hey, you remember
that one time

when you were stuck
in a different dimension?

This is way better than that,
am I right?

I'm gonna take that as a yes.

All right: Possibilities.

Uh, paleontologist
Georges Cuvier

discovered that species
could go extinct.

Uh, he carried a handkerchief

with a gold embroidered

Wait, wait, wait.
What's this?


No, this is a napkin
with mustard on it

next to food that humans
should not eat.

Or Pliny The Elder
wrote a treatise

theorizing that amber
went from liquid to a solid,

- so it could be a--
- A tiny scroll.

- Yes!
- I found it.

Okay, good.
Neutralize it.

Not that easy.

It's inside the amber.

This tea is going
to make you feel so...


Oh, my God.

What--what are you doing?

Um, I--

you know, Trace,

this is an anti-fungal spray.

It was created
by the Secret Service.

It detects and exposes mold.



Yes, and--and that sweater set
is just covered in mold.

So who's the best aunt ever?

I am.
[Chuckles] Me.

You are.

Sorry I freaked out.


Oh, here.
Have your tea.


It... [Sniffs]
smells tangy.

That's the catnip.

Drink it fast!
[Laugh] It's yummy.

[Farnsworth buzzes]

Trace, um, you know what?

I have to go take a call,
but I'll be right back, okay?

- Oh, well, take your tea.
- Well, I--

- Oh!
- Oh!

Oh, my God.
Trace, your new carpet.

I'm so sorry.

It--it's okay.

I'll get it.

Just--just take your call.



Mykes, hey.
Are--are you okay?

There is something definitely
wrong with Tracy.

Her eyes are doing
this weird thing,

and--and then she gave me
this--this tea and--

Oh, my God, I think my sister
tried to poison me.

Wow, you said your family
was competitive, but jeez.

It's obviously an artifact.

I just--I have no idea
what I'm looking for.

Same here.

I mean, Amanda was whammied
by something in a leather box,

but I can't find anything.

- Is she okay?
- Well, she's super hot.

Yes, Pete, I've met her,

but if you could just set that
aside for a moment--

What? No.
Wait, no, no, no.

She--she has a fever.

The--the doctors have her
on antibiotics,

and it's not helping.

I don't know, Pete.
Have you tried--

Uh, Pete,
Amanda will be fine.

You will figure this out.
I-I have to go, okay?

How is she, doc?

Okay, I'm gonna prep
an ice bath.

She's 106 and rising.

Thank God
the bear's Italian.


Amanda, are you hallucinating?

We were camping, remember?

We heard a bear outside our tent
that ate our dinner.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, he, uh--he ate
that whole pot of spaghetti.

And then I said,
"Thank God that bear's Italian."


What made you think of that?

I was just thinking how,
even though

you were joking, you were
really scared of that bear.

Yes, I was.

But I wasn't.


You're not afraid of anything.

Pete, I'm scared now.

I know.

Come here.

Oh, my--oh, my God, Amanda,
your back.

Wha--what is it?

Your tattoo.
[Tattoo sizzles]

It--it--it's glowing.

It's on fire,
like it's infected.

now you're hallucinating.

- I don't have a tattoo.
- Yes, you do.

It's right--

It was just right there.
It was a cat.

Pete, I-I-I feel better.

Like--like a lot better!

Whatever you did
with your hand, it worked.

I didn't do any...



Ooh, no!


Oh, G--oh, my God.

Where is it?
Where is it?

Oh, it stopped, it stopped.
It's on your shoulder.


It's getting really hot
in here, right?

That static charge that you
felt when you hugged Tracy?

That could have marked
the activation of an artifact.

But she's been in contact
with lots of other people.

It could be sibling-specific.

Okay, so what exactly
am I looking for?

There are dozens
of sibling rivalry artifacts:

Cain and Abel,
Romulus and Remus,

Venus and Serena.

I'll--I'll check.

I don't suppose Cain or Abel
had a white sweater set,

did they?


- Come on.
- Artie?

Error signals.
He's jammed the database again.

Artie, are you there?

Good-bye, Artie.


[Farnsworth buzzes]


What, I didn't say good-bye?

Uh, well, "Hello"
would make more sense.

Yeah, sorry.

Uh, I'm--I'm just--
you look awful.

Thank you, Artie.

I, uh--I picked up
a stray cat tattoo.

Uh, does that look familiar?

It says "Kotik,"
which is Russian for "Kitten."

Kotik's also the party name
of Ignaty Gryniewietsky.

He was a member
of the people's will

in pre-bolshevik Russia.

And--and do they
call him Kitten

'cause he's cute
and cuddly?

He was a t*rror1st
who assassinated

Tsar Alexander II.

so the nickname is ironic,

like when Myka
calls me "Einstein."

All right,
what did Kotik do?

Well, he and other members,

they filled kerosene cans
with nitroglycerine.

They approached the tsar.

First man detonated.

When the tsar
went to inspect the body,

Kotik just finished the job.

A su1c1de bomber.

Yeah, many regard him
as history's first.

Okay, great.
So, eventually, I go boom.

How--how do we stop it, Artie?

- We tried goo-ing it--
- No!

Look, uh, just, uh--
you get it off your body.

- Cut it off, if you have to.
- What, what, what?

I-I gotta go.


Trailer, come on.
He's getting away.

[Dog barks]


Okay, Pete, hold on.

Let me just get a corpsman
in here.

- Maybe they can--
- No, no, no, no, no.

Amanda, no doctor
is gonna cut off a tattoo, okay?

I need you to do this.

Pete, I don't think I can.

- Aha! Okay.
- No, Pete, I--

- Amanda.
- Mm.

I know there've been
plenty of times

that you've wanted to stick
a knife in me.

This is your chance.

Uh, we should numb it first.

No time.


- I can take it.
- Oh, God, okay.


- Ah!
- What, what?

- It moved!
- All right, well, keep trying!

- It--
- What, what, what?

It won't let me get near it.


[Alarm sounds]

What the hell is that?

Uh, that is
a radiation detector.

It's all my fault,
'cause I was thinking

it couldn't get any worse.


Uh, I realize this may be
a brute force solution

to a delicate problem,
but I don't see

a lot of other choices
here, Josh,

so I'm banking on two things.

One, that the internet's
right about amber,

and, two,
that you won't feel this.

There seems to be no clue
as to what happened

to the brotherhood

Father Domenico says no one
has seen a single member

either come in or go out
in months.

Vatican knows nothing.

At the risk of invoking
an Abbott and Costello movie,

it could be
that there's some sort of--

- Secret panel.
- Yes.

Agent Jinks?

Did you find the hidden panel?




Look, you've been affected
by something.

Myka, you're sounding crazy.

I just need you to trust me.

Of course.


Oh, my God.

What's wrong?

I just felt the baby move
for the first time.

- Oh, my God.
- Oh!

Oh, my God,
you have to feel this!

Okay. Here?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Always so damn perfect.

Not such a smartie now, huh?

- I'm not gonna hurt you, but...
- Aah!

I am a trained
Secret Service agent.

- Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.

Well, I completed
the insanity workout!

[Both grunting]

That was handmade!


Ow, ow, my hair!

You and your hair.

"I like it curly!
I like it straight!"

Make a decision.

Look, you could never take me
in a fight, okay,

not when you were nine,
not now.

I don't know why
this is happening so fast.

- Okay.
- It's getting worse.

I feel like the inside

of a microwave popcorn bag.

I just hope this thing
can hold the blast.

It offers expl*sive mitigation
and radiation shielding

for 2,000 pounds
of TNT equivalent.

- Well, I'm 180.
- Pete.

All right, well,
a few more

on my fat days.


Listen, this cell phone's
not gonna work inside.

You're gonna be all alone
in there, Pete.

I know.

Look, Amanda, if--if there
was any way...

that I could do this

without being the biggest hero
you ever met...


Far bigger
than your husband Michael,

I'd do it.



Tell them to name something
after me.

Not a mall.

There's that smile.

I'm glad it's the last thing
I'll see.


I never stopped loving you.


You were always jealous I had
more friends than you!

Jimmy Quinn only asked you
to the prom

as a favor to me.

Otherwise, your date
would've just been Joel.

- Who's Joel?
- Joel the mole.

That's what we called that thing
on your face!

That was--
that was a beauty mark!

Beauty marks
don't have hair.

[Farnsworth buzzes]


Myka, I need to talk to you.

Pete, my sister is so mean.

She had a nickname
for my mole.

And I just told you
I had a mole.

It's okay.
I don't care.

Pete, what's wrong?

Is Amanda okay?


She's fine.

Pete, you're--
you're glowing.


That's kinda what
I called you about.


Uh, Myka, I think
this might be the--

I don't see a way out
this time, okay, and I...


I think this might be the end.

[Grunting and wailing]

[Gasps and groans]

Okay, Pete,
just tell me everything.

Okay, okay.

I have a tattoo of a cat
from a Russian su1c1de bomber

on my back
that's about to explode, okay?

It transfers
from skin to skin.

- Did you try--
- You can't burn it off,

cut it off, or goo it off.

Okay, how--how did the tattoo
transfer to Amanda

in the first place?

I don't know.
It's--it's unclear.

It came with this box.

I-I tried to neutralize it,
but it--


Oh, my God.

Pete, Pete, what if the tattoo
didn't come in the box?

What if it came on the box?

Think about it.
After all, what's leather?

I don't know.

Wait, Myka.

Leather--leather is skin!

Right, maybe even the skin
from the su1c1de bomber.


Sometimes this job
can be so gross!

Okay, so if it transferred
to Amanda from the box,

if it transfers
skin to skin...

Uh, maybe I can
transfer it back.

Yes, just press the box
against the tattoo.

Okay, okay, okay.


Damn it!

Pete, what's wrong?

I do too many pull-ups.

I should've done yoga.


Myka, please don't let
my last words be

"I should've done yoga."

No, no, just listen to me!

You are not just gonna lie down
and die, okay?

[Breathes heavily]

Lie down!

Myka, lie down!
Lie down!

- Aah!
- Pete, you're raving.


Oh, my God, did you explode?

Pete, did you--did you melt?



I'm okay.


Give me some skin!



[Door clicks open]

Oh, my God, I saw
the expl*si*n and I thought--

No, no, I'm good.
I'm good. I'm okay.

- Oh, thank God!
- Oh, oh, oh, I know.

Oh, I know.

I know.

I know, I know, I know.


I know.

- Pete.
- Amanda.


You can let go now, Pete.


- At ease!
- Right.

Oh, uh, I'm sorry.

I need to get back
to Colorado Springs.

Do you have a Black Hawk
I could borrow?

I can't just give a helicopter
to a civilian.

Oh, really?

Not even a civilian
you're still in love with?

- I never said that.
- Yes, you did.

- No, I said...
- No, no, no.

- "I never stopped loving you."
- You can't take it back now.

Totally different thing.

- You can't just go back.
- It doesn't mean anything.

What do you mean
it doesn't mean anything?

It means something to me.

All right, fine, I'll get you
a helicopter, all right?

That looks hot enough.


Yay, internet!

Oh, jeez.
Josh, get a manicure.

And hello, scroll.

- Huh!
- Do not recoil, earthling.

I come in peace.


Surprise... visit...

to show you
my Halloween idea this year.

No, no, no, no.
You're here because--ow!

Something Warehouse-y happened,
didn't it?


Yes, but I saved you, again.

What just happened?

I-I-I was looking
at this painting, and then--

This frame was constructed
by Rembrandt's master framer

who used wood from
the acacia tree of Iusaaset.

- The tree of life.
- Very good.

That's how some
of Rembrandt's paintings

are so incredibly lifelike.

So is the brotherhood
in there too?

Brother Adrian must have
trapped them inside

before he left
for the Warehouse.

They should be following you out
one by one.

There's one now.

Who are you people?

You cannot be in the library!

Keep that handy,
Agent Jinks.

I have a feeling you'll use it
several more times.

[Speaking in foreign language]

Just wait
till Kevin comes home.

Oh, that's right.

I have a husband
and you don't.

Nothing here, nothing.

Nothing is reacting.


Trace, you okay?

I don't feel so good.





Pete, I'm up here!


Your work husband?

Only husband you'll ever have.

Hey, are you hurt?

Well, not physically,
but--but next Thanksgiving

might be a little problematic.

How's Tracy?

She's not good.
Her heartbeat's going crazy.

I'm a little worried
about the baby.

And the artifact?

I can't find anything.

Well, looks like you went
through everything

but the wrapping paper.

Wrapping paper.

The garbage!

I haven't checked the wrapping
paper in the garbage!

Hurry, Mykes!

So tell me about the mole.


[Dog whimpers]

What is it, Trailer?

[Dog growls]

Dogs usually like me.


Why don't you--
why don't you just k*ll me?

I'm not a m*rder*r.

But don't worry.

You're never getting out
of here again.

[Dog barks]

So who is Brother Adrian?

[Sighs] Just another
in the long list

of psychos who love artifacts,
I guess.

But how would he know
I was in Menlo Park?

I mean, that was a secret
unless you told someone.

Mm-mmm, not me,

unless you inadvertently--

Uh-uh, Artie was clear.

If I told anyone,
he would personally--


Artie knew you were here?

Well, yeah, he set it all up
about two weeks ago.

But that--he acted
like it was a complete surprise,

like he never even knew.

That's weird.

You know, he was kind of abrupt
about the whole thing.

I mean, more than usual.

At first, it didn't even sound
like him.


I think I got it all.

All right.

So, um, look for something
that's--that's old-timey

or--or out of place.


Hey, Mykes.

What is this?

Uh, that--that is
a, uh, ribbon hat.

It's a dumbass tradition
in--in baby showers.

Yeah, well,
nothing says artifact

like dumbass tradition.

And may I also say...

Hey-hey-hey, huh?
Definitely old-timey.

Also weird and out of place.



- Myka.
- It's not helping.

Okay, so it's a cord,

So what else do you do
with a cord?

I don't know.
You unravel a cord.

You--you--you rip a cord.

Both: Cut the cord!

- Let's cut it.
- Okay.

Um, all right.

- Ready?
- Yeah.


Tracy, are you okay?


You--you were in the driveway.
But how did you--

Uh, you were--
you passed out, you know?

Pregnancy causes
low blood pressure,

and I read somewhere
that, um, forced limb extensions

can help with, uh...

Your pulse.

- It's back to normal.
- I had the weirdest dream.

Maybe we should call
your doctor.


No, I-I feel fine, really.


It's just so great
to see you.

Oh, me too.

Hey, your hair looks
really cute like that.

Do you think so?

'Cause I really like it curly,

but maybe I should go back
to the--

You know what, Tracy?

It doesn't matter.

[Farnsworth buzzes]

- Hey, Claud.
- Pete, can you talk?

Yeah, yeah,
I'm here with Myka.

Tracy's okay, but I'm getting
a really weird vibe.

I think I know why.

Myka, what happened here?

Uh, well,
there was a, uh...


But I closed the window
just in time.

Who's the best aunt ever?

Me. I am.

- You are.
- Hey, Mykes!

Just, um--
I'll be right back, okay?

A windstorm?

In Colorado Springs?

Hey, Claud, is Joshua okay?

Yeah, he's fine.
Um, it's Artie.

Pete, he lied to me.

He flat-out lied
about not knowing Joshua

was in Menlo Park.

And have you noticed anything
weird about him today?

Yeah, yeah.

I was having a lot of trouble
with an artifact,

and he just hung up
the Farnsworth.

He totally left me hanging.

He never does that.

Well, he's distracted.

Brother Adrian
is in the Warehouse,

and--and Artie said
that the database is down.

Yeah, except that it's not.

I set up
a remote testing system.

It checks in every few minutes.
I would've gotten the alert.

- Why would Artie say that?
- I don't know.

We need to get back
to the Warehouse right now.

This is how we deal
with the worst of the worst.

You'll fit right in.

Don't do this, Arthur.

You need me.

Like I need cancer.

You are finished attacking me
and the people I care about.

You're making
a terrible decision.

No, I'm making sure
you never hurt us again.

[Dog barking]

Trailer, where's Artie?

Where's Artie, Trailer?
[Dog barks]

Brother Dimitri!
No need to attack.

- They're from the Warehouse.
- What has happened?

You have all been trapped

in that painting
for several months.

A global crisis
forced one of our agents

to use Magellan's astrolabe.

I imagine you know
what that means.

An evil was created.

And that's where you guys
come in.

One of yours has gone rogue
and has been trying to k*ll us.

It's over.

It's finally over.

It'll never be over.



No, no, it can't--
can't be--

Who is it you accuse
of turning

against the brotherhood?

Brother Adrian.

- You are lying.
- He tried to k*ll me.

When? Where?

Two weeks ago
in South Dakota.

It is not possible.

I understand
it may be difficult

to believe something like this
is possible--

Mrs. Frederic.

You're a fool.

Oh, God.
That's enough.

That's enough!

Just leave me alone!
Leave my family alone!

Just get out my life!

Not until you use
the astrolabe.

I'll never do what you want.

And I'll stop you.
I'll stop you, I will.


What are you doing?

- Leena.
- No!

Don't you touch her!

You leave her alone!
Leena, run.

Get out!


Something has happened.

Brother Adrian, have you ever
been in South Dakota?

No, I have not.

He's telling the truth.

Then who is at
the Warehouse?


I swear by everything
that I hold dear,

if you touch one hair
on her head, then I'll--

You'll do what?

Artie, stop!
Please stop.

Artie, there's nobody there!

It's just you.
It's just you.


Just me?


Just me?

Just me?



No, no, no, no.

See, he used an artifact.

He used an artifact
to disappear

the instant
that you showed up.


No, I've been watching you
for a while, Artie,

and you've been shouting
at the air.

- Stop!
- No! No.

He tried to k*ll Vanessa

and tried to k*ll Steve
and Claudia,

and he did all of that just so
that I would use the astrolabe.

Artie, it's going
to be okay, okay?

We're gonna figure this out.
We're gonna figure this out.

No, no, no, no.
[Farnsworth buzzes]


Leena, where are you?

I'm in the Bronze Sector
with Artie.

Mrs. Frederic, I'm worried.

He's--he's talking
to Brother Adrian, but--

But he's not there, is he?

I am with Brother Adrian now
at the Vatican.

Whatever the effects
of the astrolabe,

I'm afraid it's caused Arthur
to have some sort

of psychotic break.

It would seem
that the Brother Adrian

that Arthur has been battling
never really existed.

It's all in his mind?

A construct
of his subconscious.

I think he's figuring
that out now.

And he--he came to me.

He sat right there!

The astrolabe was
our only solution.

You have to believe me.
I tried to tell you.

And he said
there would be an evil

that I would not be able
to control.

I need your help, Arthur,
in the Warehouse.

How do you know
about the Warehouse?

He sent a mirror to Rapid City.
He sent a mirror to Rapid City.

He--he tried to k*ll Hugo.

He tried to bury Claudia
and Steve.

They were dead,
and I had to use it!

[Boomerang whirrs]


[Thud, glass breaks]

[Alarm blares]

What is it, Trailer?


I shot him.
I shot him.

I'm not a m*rder*r.

You're never getting
out of here again.

Yes, I...
And I had him.

I touched him!

He pretended to be me.

No, no, no.

It's a trick.

Leena, I want you
to leave the Warehouse.


Go now.


Let me help you.

Artie, what's going on?

The Dark Vault.

It's in the Dark Vault.

Artie, stop.

Look at me.

Oh, my God.

You're--who are you?

Who are you?

You're in my way.

[Tires screech]

Pete, what is it?

A vibe, I just got hit
with a big one.

Not since my dad.

- Call the Warehouse.
- What?

Mykes, call the Warehouse!


[Farnsworth buzzes]