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04x07 - Endless Wonder

Posted: 05/27/23 06:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Warehouse 13...

There's a b*mb
in Sykes' wheelchair!

How did you know
about that?

You came into my house
and stole from me,

and I will respond
in kind.

Someone from Artie's past

has been breaking
into the Warehouse

and sending out artifacts.

Basically undoing his life's
work as a Warehouse agent.

But nothing's showing up
on the security feeds.

Which would explain why
I've been having the mega-vibes.

But not why Artie's been
keeping us out of the loop.

Or what black diamonds mean.

He's probably just trying
to protect us.

Yes, but from whom?

None of you are reacting.

"Unhand me, human."


Here, look.

I used to be 5'7".
Now I'm 5'10 1/2".

I did not make this up.

Yeah, trust me,
we've heard stranger.

Please be careful.

We're always careful.

Says here, uh, Mr. Byck,
that you updated

your online dating profile
on Tuesday.

Yes, women consistently
prefer taller men,

which they should.

Taller men on average
are more successful,

and they make more money.

Yeah, well,
Tom Cruise is 5'7",

but you stick with that.

Chicks love robots.

But that was
before it got painful?

When this started,
I didn't care how or why.

I was thrilled.

But I have enough things
wrong with me.

I don't need all my joints
to ache too.

Asthma, heartburn...

restless leg,
wellness anxiety...

Hey, these are all


Mr. Byck,
what's wellness anxiety?


I might have that too.


It's hard to believe
Commander Data over there

hasn't found his soul mate.

You think Artie just sent us
on a wild goose chase

to get us out
of the Warehouse?

Well, whatever he's keeping
secret from us,

Steve and Claudia'll find out,
and they'll let us know.



Look, he--he's taller
than the stove hood now.

It's not a wild goose chase
after all.

Hey, Leena.

Barry Byck
has improved his dunk.

So have two others.
I'm sending over the info now.

A John Tufano, near you,
and a Lisa Bernardo

on the other side of town.

And I suddenly realized
I was taller.

I was trying out a new recipe
for the potluck--


Yeah, maybe I should just--

And all of the sudden,

I could reach the pots
hanging above the range

that I couldn't reach before.

Guys, we got another one.

Pete, this is spreading fast.

What's happening to me?

Endless Wonder

Artie, so far,
there's been four cases.

There's no telling how
widespread this thing could get.

Yeah, they start out
with just getting taller,

but pretty quickly,
it escalates to really painful.

Gotta figure eventually
it's gonna be, "Now I'm dead."

There's no obvious connection
between the victims so far.

Different parts of town,
different jobs.

There's one more person
we have to contact.

- Anthony...
- A lawyer named Anthony...

- Seklir.
- Seklir.

So go talk to Mr. Seklir.

Artie, what are you doing?

I'm organizing
my wire collection.

It's gotta be an artifact.

Adults don't have
growth spurts.

No short jokes,
no fat jokes,

no age jokes.

Well, then, I got nothing.

So what about, um,
Paul Bunyan's axe

or David's slingshot?

Or how 'bout
a magical bag of beans?

We got the axe.
We got the slingshot.

The beans? Please.
That's just a fairytale.

Well, it's good to know
where we draw the line.

Someone call a handyman?

What are you trying to do,
k*ll me?

- What are you two doing here?
- You first.

Might it have something
to do with your new bling?

Wh-where did you--
where did you get that?

We found it in the dark vault,
where Alice's mirror used to be.

That's not unlike the box
of them we found

in that garage filled
with artifacts, is it?

Now, you said you were gonna
tell everyone about that, Artie.

I did not.
I said I would handle it.

I said there was a protocol
to these things.

If I know my Warehouse
backbone architecture,

and I think we can all agree
that I do,

I'd say you
were trying to fix

the artifact removal
detection system,

since obviously
it's been on the fritz.

Someone's been getting
in and out

and stealing artifacts.

And the burning question
on every agent's mind is,

why are you trying to hide it
from us?

Did it ever occur to you
that part of my job

is deciding what is and what
is not part of your job,

and the reason
I'm not telling you something

may just be
because I am protecting you?

Yes, that did occur to us.

We also considered crankiness,

and Artie's
just sugar-crashing.

Did it mayhaps occur to you

that we don't need

I was A*F.

I raided heavily armed compounds
for a living,

not to mention that I've already
died on this job.

Yeah, and I was bodyjacked
by Alice because of this.

Really? You're gonna compare
that to dying?


Excellent suggestion.
Why don't you both focus--

on something else?

Artie, if you don't tell us
what we're up against,

how are we supposed
to defend ourselves?

You're obviously dealing
with something huge.

Stop trying to do it alone,
and let us help.

I was already too tall.

Now I gotta buy
all these new suits.

I mean, look at this.

Juries don't exactly trust
a lawyer in Capri pants.

Excuse me.
I gotta eat.

I have a hearing
at lunchtime.


- What?
- Oh, sorry.

It's just,
I haven't eaten yet,

so it's kind of, ooh.

In this line of work,
grab it when you can.

- Mykes, can we get Mexican?
- No.

- What are those?
- Heartburn.

It's too much stress.

You know, Mr. Seklir,

hot sauce is great
for that.

Byck, our--our--
our first victim,

wasn't he taking
heartburn medication?

What wasn't he taking?

Although Reduxid
does sound familiar.

Okay, we need to check
on Barry Byck

and confirm
that's what he's taking,

then find out if Tufano and
Bernardo were taking it too.

Gil, we're getting
some odd reports

from docs prescribing Reduxid
in South Bend, Indiana.

They say their patients
are getting taller.

I want to go check it out.

Just South Bend?
You know that sounds crazy.

I know. I know.

But sometimes you gotta
follow up on crazy.

If it turns out to be true
and we get sued,

the less we know,
the better.

True, but on the flip side,

this could lead to possible
treatments for osteoporosis

and growth hormone deficiency,

Plus there's research
that shows

that men really want
to be taller.

It's right up there
with better in bed

and more hair.


Barry, can you get
to the door?

Myka, stand back.

Help me.


Oh, God.

So all four came in
in the last couple hours.

Doc's got 'em on morphine.
Says their--

their body is literally
pulling themselves apart.

Gives 'em, oh, two days tops
on the outside.

Well, I talked to Artie.

He's gonna look for something
to slow the effect.

He'll send it to the hotel
if he finds it.

Yeah, but what does
a heartburn pill have to do

- with an artifact?
- I don't know.

Maybe it's some sort
of chemical in the pill

that interacts
with the artifact

when someone touches it.

So we're looking
for something

that all four of these people
touched in common.

Pete, look at this.

Byck and Tufano, both of them
were prescribed Reduxid

by the same gastroenterologist,
a-a Dr. Selden.

Maybe the artifact is,
I don't know, at his office.

Well, it's a place to start.

And maybe while we're there,

he can give me something
for my gas.

Well, Pete, he--
he's a doctor,

not a magician.

Can I help you?

Yes, Agents Bering
and Lattimer.

We would like to speak
to a Dr. Selden, please.

Uh, excuse me.

These people and I
have been waiting.

- Pete?
- Got it.

Sorry. Federal Agents.

Very important.

Badge. g*n.


Okay, let's go.

Reduxid is
in early market trials,

and only a handful of doctors
are prescribing it

in a select few cities.

Did you treat all four
of these patients?

No, only Byck and Tufano.
I don't know the others.

- Can I help you?
- Um, uh--

so this isn't the connection.

Uh, maybe we need to check
the pharmacy

where they got the pills.

No, Byck and Tufano went
to different drugstores.

Can I ask
what you're looking for?

And, uh,
can I be a part of this?

Hi. Me again.


Uh, look, I know we had
a little thing out there

with the chin,

but this
is official business.

Deb Stanley,
Moorpark Pharmaceutical.

We make Reduxid.

Dr. Selden,

Mr. Lieber is getting
very impatient.

Mr. Lieber
and his spastic colon.

Excuse me.

We would be very interested
to know if our pill

is making people taller.

It's not just making
people taller.

There are four people
currently in critical condition

- in the ICU.
- I didn't know that.

Okay, if it is the pill,

it can't just be
the pill.

Right? I keep tabs
of all the doctors

that are participating
in the trial,

and whatever's going on,

it's only happening
here in South Bend.

So if the FDA
wants to get involved--

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
We're not the FDA, okay?

We're the Secret Service.

Does the president
have heartburn?

- Wouldn't you?
- Ms. Stanley,

we're not going
after your company,

and we already know
that this is only happening

in South Bend, so--

We're trying to help
these people.

- Good. Me too.
- Well, uh,

then you can get us a list
of all the patients

who are taking
Reduxid currently

that live in the city.

Do you have a subpoena?

I know. Subpoena.

It's kind of a funny word,

- It just sounds like--
- Pete.

It's okay. I grew up
with three brothers.

- Ah.
- Penis. It sounds like penis.


You guys are looking
for some environmental factor.

Right? Some place that
the affected patients have been

or something
that they've done in common?

Something like that.

Then we work together.

- Oh--
- Kay. Okay.

- But--
- Okay.

Okay. So.

Patient info is all by code
for confidentiality.

Now, I don't have the name
of the patients.

I only have
the doctors' numbers.

But I can call them.

I can ask them to have
the patients talk to us.

We still have to look
into those four victims

that we already know about.

Why don't we split up?

You dig into the four
we know,

and I'll go play doctor
with Deb.

"Brother" Adrian?

As in Brotherhood
of the Black Diamond?

How--how did you--

Well, as soon as we found
the diamonds,

I did some surfing.

They're a secret society
in France.

Yeah, well, s-secret society
doesn't quite capture it.

One of the last offshoots
of the Knights Templar.

So what's their beef
with us?

Not us. Me.

Brother Adrian has a grudge
against me personally.

So that's why he's been
stealing artifacts

that are meaningful to you.

A grudge?
More info, please.

He's trying to force me

to do something
that I...I can't do.

What--what does he--

What that is
I can't tell you.

Suffice it to say
it would be bad,

and that's all you get.

I'm maxed out on my
sharing quota for the day.

Okay, we'll wait outside.

We're just trying
to help you here.

I'm sorry.
Thank you.

"I'm sorry" and "Thank you"
in the same sentence?

Keep your eye out
for four horsemen.

It turns out
the Mayans were right.

How is this guy
even getting in?

I mean, there've been
no security breaches,

no break-ins,
no unauthorized open doors.

Well, he's using an artifact,
isn't he?

One would assume.

So do you have any idea
how to find him?

Uh, yeah, I've got
a number,

but I've tried tracing it.

It's routed through
all these anonymous handoffs.

- It's impossible.
- Oh, Artie.

You are adorable.
This is why you ask for help.

The number, please.

Anyone you tell
will be in grave danger.

Oh, Secret Service stuff.

- Ah.
- Hey, Mykes. Anything?

No, there's no connection
between any of the victims yet.

What about you?

How goes it with the, uh,
second ex-future-Mrs. Lattimer?

Not bad, not bad.

She's not half the hard-ass
we made her out to be at first.

Hey, Mykes, uh,

we just hit the last
of the docs on the list,

and none of the other patients
are getting any taller.

So it is limited
to a small group.

Okay, you know what?

I'm gonna go back
to the hospital

and see if any of the victims
can talk.

You stick with Deb.

- Really?
- Yeah.

I mean, there's still
some connection

involving Reduxid
that we haven't figured out,

so, you know,
work your boyish charm.


All right, well,
twist my arm.

You tell the President
I'll call him back

when I'm good and ready.



So, Deb,
I gotta tell you,

you were, uh, pretty good
with the docs in there.

Wow. Sound more surprised.

It is what I do.

No, I know.

It's just, uh,
you know,

when we first met, I--
I don't know.

I thought you were gonna be
a little more--


I meant it
in the best possible way.

As in, "wow, hard ass."

It's not exactly the compliment
a girl's looking for.

You can bounce a quarter
off of mine.

I do not want to know
how you know that.


as it happens,
I like doctors.

My dad was one.
He's gone now.

Oh, mine too.

Uh, dead, not a doctor.

Also, sorry.

So why didn't you follow
in his footsteps?

Did you ever notice
how most doctors

already seem
to know everything?

What, you don't find that

Oh, no, no, no.
You're hiding that very well.

Ah, see, there's that
hard-ass thing again.

Point is, I prefer working
in new drug development.

And I like being in a field
that's still discovering.

I mean, the world's full
of surprises, right?

What time is it?

A little after 4:00.

Pete, it's me.

- Hurry!
- Pete!

- Hi.
- Hey.

- Hi.
- Hey.

Ooh! Dress! Okay.

Open the door.

- Oh, hey, Myka.
- Hey.

Yeah, I'm sleeping, and--

Get dressed, okay?

Leena picked up a 9-1-1 call
from a new victim,

and Artie sent us this,

the gold spike that completed
the transcontinental railroad.

It pulls things together.
He thinks it might...

slow... the symptoms...

You slept with her,
didn't you?

Well, you--you told me
to investigate, okay?


She's unarmed.

You know what?
Just get dressed, okay?



Okay, so this new victim

is a Christian scientist,
all right?

Which means he doesn't have
a doctor.

So he never took the pills.

The pill has nothing to do
with this.

Why are you such a slut?

Oh, Myka,
would you please just go?

I'll be out in a minute.

I'm leaving.
Fine. Fine.


- Hi.
- Hi.

Hi, Deb.

This--this was great.

Okay? I mean, this was--
this was really great.

And I'm not--
I'm not just saying it, okay?

And I-I'm sorry that
I have to run off and all,

but I just don't want you
to think that I'm,

you know, that guy--

Pete, listen.

I'm a big girl, you know.

Occasionally, I'm that guy.

- Oh, okay. Dude.
- Yeah.


But you would've called me,
though, right?

I mean...

Anyway, good news.

Uh, there's--there's no
connection to your pill.

So the last guy
who got taller,

he didn't even take it,

Okay. Uh, wow.

Well, so what do we do next?

Oh, we--

Wow. We--we--we don't--
we don't do anything.

Your company's in the clear.

But listen,
I gotta go, okay?

But--but, Pete.
No, look.

Hey, hey, hey.

I didn't just come here to cover
my company's butt, you know?

I want to help.

Let me be part of this.

I'm sorry, okay?

You can't.

I'll call you though, okay?
I'll call.

I did ask nicely.

Okay, you distract
the EMTs.

I'll use the spike.


Unit 321,
what's your status?

We're onsite now.

All right, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Guys, guys, guys, guys.

Okay, Secret Service.

Now, I need you to move
this vehicle ASAP.

Copy that.

- Are you kidding me?
- Okay.

All right,
I'm gonna help you.

I need you to grab this.


Okay. All right.

You're gonna be okay.

All right.

Certainly don't wanna
interfere with Secret Service.

What's that?
Go for Red Zebra 34.

What? He changed his route?

Agh, that guy's a pain
in my--

All right, dudes.
Well, as you were.

But don't worry.

I'll get you
a signed picture.

Meanwhile, you really should be
taking care of that man.

Well, this should buy us
a few hours, anyway.

Unless we figure out
what's causing this,

all of these people
are gonna die.

Gil? Hey.

It's, uh,
it's not the Reduxid.

But I-I think
I'm onto something bigger.

These Secret Service agents,

they're part of some group
that collects--

I don't know, uh,

objects with unusual properties,

things that make people
grow taller

and suspend out-of-control
tissue growth.

Who knows what other
medical applications

they've been sitting on?

You sure about this?

Yeah, I've seen it
with my own eyes.

- This could be huge for us.
- I know, but listen.

This growing thing,
it's really bad.

We've gotta figure out a way
to help these people.

Of course, of course.

The company would only pursue
any product

if we could keep the adverse
effects to a minimum.

It's just good business.

All right.
Keep digging.

Let me know what you find.
And, Deb,

- good work.
- Thanks.

My fiance--

they brought him in
in an ambulance.

Are you looking
for Mr. Irving?


He's upstairs.
I'll take you to him.

Hi, I'm Deb.

I'm with a drug company
that's trying to help.

Do you mind if I ask you
a few questions about Karl?


That's the last one.

Give it a try.

Uh, it's good.
Yeah, it's good.

It's bad. Bad.

Whoa, whoa, hey.
What's wrong?

He got Harriet Tubman's

Another bad thing.

Yeah, yeah, it lets you

change your appearance
into anyone, and--

Artie, I don't speak mumble.


I got a 20
on Brother Adrian's cell.

Old mansion outside of Sturgis,
supposed to be empty.

All right, listen.

This place is condemned
and dangerous,

so be careful,
and remember,

we take away whatever artifact
he's using,

take it into the Warehouse.

We cut off his access.

What's this guy look like?

Well, look at the place.

I mean, you see any other
human being in there,

it's probably him.

All right, ear buds on.

You guys go around the back.
I'll take the front.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Please be careful.

Remember, you're falling
on your face for two now.

Oh, thanks for your concern.

Who you calling?

Hoping he didn't leave it
on vibrate.

At least we know he's here.

- Stop!
- Hold it!

Artie, second floor,
just above the back hall.

Damn it, we lost him.

All right,
I'll come toward you.

- Maybe we can trap him.
- He was carrying

a wooden plank,
maybe a yard long--

oh, and old,
with Roman lettering.

Gotta be at least

Something's giving me

Pete, if it's not
the pill,

what if what they have
in--in common

is the symptom?

I mean, heartburn's caused
by lifestyle.

Stress, weight,
eating habits.

Do you still have those
patient reports from Deb?

- Yeah. These guys?
- Yeah. Okay.

Um... right.

Look, each of these victims
had a spike

in their heartburn
on the same night.

A couple days later,
they started to get taller.

Oh, so what'd they do
on the 16th?

So Barry organized
all his receipts by date.

Color me shocked.

Here, on the 16th,

he took a-a cooking class
at a cooking school

called Le Cordon Bend.

He probably did it
to meet girls.

Right, well,
here's their website.

Ah, and lookee there.

The class was taught
by victim number five,

Karl Irving.

Tastes of the Mediterranean.

Didn't Lisa Bernardo say

that she was trying
a new recipe?


They all took
the same cooking class.

5 listen to this.

"Karl's specialty
is exotic, spicy foods."

That explains why
some of them were taking

the heartburn pill.

"And his passion
is collecting

"authentic antique
cooking tools

"from around the world,

which he uses
in his classes."

Artifact jackpot.

This place has been
cleaned out.

But that doesn't make
any sense.

Oh, no.
It--it does.

I heard about it
from the fiance.

Yeah, I cleaned
the place out.

I sent everything over
to R&D for study.

Who knows?

Radiation? Chemical coating?

Maybe they can figure out
a way to make this thing safe.

Thanks, Gil.

I have another stop
to make.

I'll be in touch.

That wooden plank
might be

the threshold of Limentinus.

The Roman God of thresholds.
Of course.

Tell me about the plank.

Well, when it's placed
at the base of anything,

it creates an opening.

That's how he's been
breaking in.


Yeah, you--
keep digging.

I'll get back to you.

Before you deny it,

I know that Pete Lattimer
lives here,

I know he's not strictly
Secret Service,

and I've got about a million
questions about that.

May I come in?

Yes. Okay, thank you.

Yep, Moorpark Pharmaceutical
bought the whole school.

Shipped it to research
and development

in Minneapolis.

- She used me.
- Yes.

That's kinda hot.


Hi, guys.

Uh, there's a Deb Stanley here
who says she knows you

and is asking
all sorts of questions.

Isn't that interesting?

Oh, my God.

This is, like, the worst
one-night stand ever.

Okay, look, Mykes.

I get a really good vibe
off of her,

and I-I-I think
that--that Deb truly believes

that what she's doing
is right.

So I'll just tell her
that whatever she's found

she has to give back
or else people are gonna die,

and--and I think
she'll give it back.

And how are you going
to deny what we do

and admit that a cooking utensil
has the power to k*ll?

- You are so smart.
- Look, we'll just--

we'll bag it faster
if we go to Minneapolis.

So we'll split up, okay?

I'll go get the artifact,
and you go home

and clean up your mess.

Or--or maybe you
could talk to Deb.

Yeah, no, never mind.

Please don't still be there.
Please don't still be there.


Um, the Secret Service
doesn't house their agents

in quaint little B&Bs.

Who are you?

Wait, how did you even
find me here?

I pulled some strings.
I got your travel records.

Okay, a little stalker-y.

Look, I know
I rocked your world,

but you can't
just follow me home.

Oh, yeah.
That's why I'm here.

You're gonna have to put
a ring on it.

- Really?
- No.

- What?
- Look, I found out

that you guys were around
a couple of years ago

when a wrestling team
got buff quick.

Yeah, another time,
there were rumors

some old ladies
got miraculously younger.

Things like this,
they pop up on the radar

when you're in the business
of finding new dr*gs.

But every time
I dug further,

the stories got buried,
and I think--

I think that you guys
are the ones who buried them.

Look, Deb,
for your own safety,

get outta here now.

I work for some people
that don't like strangers

asking questions.

Are they gonna put a b*llet
in my head?


Pete, I've seen
this movie before.

Other people know I'm here.

Look, my boss
is already on his way.

Oh, man.
Why am I so irresistible?

I know, Senator.
I thought it was a myth too.

But I have it
from a very trusted source.

I'm on my way
to the airport now.

If this collection of objects
does exist,

the government has no right
to suppress it.

I mean, just think
of the lost opportunity

to help people...

and the lost revenue.

Thank you.

You and your fundraising
committee won't regret it.

All right.
See you there.

Where have you been?

Yeah, uh, well,
you know,

I searched the whole cellar,
and nothing.

Steve, the thimble.
It's not Artie.

It's him.

- No!
- No!

He didn't have
the plank with him.

Well, maybe he stored it
down here,

and he used the thimble
in case we saw him.

Artie, can you read us?

We're in the cellar.

No, no, it's choppy.

What were those sh*ts?
Are you all right?

We think that Brother Adrian

may have stashed the plank
down here,

but now he might be heading
your way.

He made himself look
like you.

Do you have it in you

to sh**t yourself,
Agent Nielsen?

Wouldn't be the first time.


A little truth.

Pete, I have been trying
to make sense

of these stories
for years.

Don't shut me out now.

Okay, look, whatever you think
you're onto,

or whatever you think
you saw,

you're wrong.

Okay? Urban legends.

Modern folklore.

Just go away.

Agent Lattimer.

May I have a word?


A senator who had no idea
about the Warehouse yesterday

is today calling the White House
and asking about it.

Oh, God, Mr. Kosan,
I'm so sorry.

Ms. Stanley
works for a company

that has a great deal
of influence.

They're pressuring
the senator

to grant them access
to our facility.

Well, can they do that?

Can't Mrs. Frederic
just make it go away?

Mrs. Frederic is on her way
to Washington now,

but there are no guarantees.

The Warehouse has always had
a delicate relationship

with the government
that hosts it.

All right, well,

don't the regents have a plan
for this sort of thing?

don't the Regents have a plan
for this sort of thing?

We do.

It's very messy.

And borders on treason.


Maybe we don't want
to go there just yet.

There is an alternative,

but it relies on you.


Haven't I done enough?

What do your vibes
tell you?

That I'm in a heap
of trouble.

Not about you.
About her.

Yeah. Yeah, she's okay.

She's a good egg.

Is she smart?

Yeah, she's very smart.

She's almost Myka smart.


Then perhaps we need
to consider another option.

I can't believe
I'm saying this,

but welcome to Warehouse 13.

Artie does that
a lot better.

Try to breathe.
I'm calling 9-1-1.

Okay, I-I-I'm getting help,
so just hang on.

Uh, everything's
gonna be fine.

Trust me, okay?

I'm the only one
that can help him.

Just tell me
what he touched.


Everything but the chicken.

How big is this place?

I have no idea.

I've worked here
for three years,

and I have yet to see
a wall, so--

How long has it been here?

Uh, I don't know.
About a hundred years.

But--but Warehouses like it
have--have existed

for way longer.

I mean, like, since,
like, Alexander The Great.

It's incredible.
The things in here--

I mean, it can--
we could extend life.

We could cure disease.

You could end hunger
and misery.

Uh, yeah,
the thing is, Deb,

what you're looking at,
all this stuff,

I mean, it's thousands of years
of people doing

the smartest thing
they could do,

and that's locking it
all away,

because it all has
a downside,

and it's usually
pretty nasty.

Everything has a downside.
Come on.

Fire has a downside.

We just have to learn
how to control it.

Yeah, but this can't be

I mean, it's not science.

Science isn't science
until it is.

Isaac Newton believed
in the occult.

Albert Einstein refused
to accept quantum mechanics.

We still don't even know
what all of our DNA does.

Why is everyone so convinced

that the age of great discovery
is over?


This sounds like more
than a drug exec talking.

Why is this so important
to you?

My dad had Parkinson's.

He was a brilliant man,
and his body betrayed him.

In the end,
he couldn't walk.

He couldn't speak.

What if you've got something
in here that could help

others like him
before it's too late for them?

Okay, come on.

I want to show you something.

This artifact...

could have cured your dad.

But to use it,

you have to give the disease
to someone else.

This raincoat, uh,

it boosts your immunity
to the point

that nothing can hurt you,

but it turns you
into a serial k*ller.

Okay, so we--
we don't use those.

It's not that simple, Deb.

There are things here that--

that could wipe out a country
or start a famine.

I mean, how do we tell the world
about some of it

and keep the rest a secret?

I know your heart's
in the right place,

but what about your boss?

I mean, will he always do
the right thing?

I mean, isn't his job
to think about money first?

What if--what if he has friends
that--that build weapons

or want to control governments
for "all the right reasons"?

Will those guys
always do the right thing?

Can you promise me that?

Can you take that risk?

He touched a lot of it.

We--we don't have time
for this, okay?

Just--just narrow it down
for me.

Where was he standing last?

Uh, he was standing
at that batch.


Rhodes. People--
people growing.

The--the Colossus!

He scraped the inside
of that bowl

for a surface sample.

Must have sped up
the effect.

Just--just cover your eyes.

What the hell was that?

It was nothing.

Nothing at all.
Just, um,

you know, tell--
tell your friend, uh,

drink a lot of water.

Tell me exactly
what the evil is

that will be released,
and maybe I can stop it.

We're going to find
the threshold, you know.

You've gotten into the Warehouse
for the last time.

I have other artifacts.

And I'll keep using them
until you restore

the day you erased
with the astrolabe.

You might want
to rethink that.

If I restored
the other timeline...

you'd be dead.

Well, then,

that's the natural order
of things.

I've dedicated myself
to eradicating evil,

and if sacrificing my life
is what it takes,

I'm willing to do that.


Artie, we found
the threshold.

Gonna take us a minute
to get to it.



Got it.

You've spent your life
containing evil.

You know that I'm right
about this.

I can see that
you're afraid of it.

Don't talk to me
about my life.

You know nothing about me.

I know everything
about you.

And I'm going to keep
dismantling your life

until you comply,

erasing every good deed
you ever did,

isolating you from everyone
you've ever cared about.

Everyone I care about.

Everyone I care...


Steve, stop!

Do not--

Don't move!
Can you hear me?


Claudia, Steve!

Breathe, Obi Wan.
We heard you.

We found a trip wire,
so we tripped it.

On purpose.
Thanks for the heads-up, Artie.


I-I-I was afraid that you
were buried alive again.


- Uh, what?
- Again?

Why do you only listen to me
when I don't want you to?

Oh, good.

Thanks again
for coming, Senator.

This had better be
worth it, Gil.

I'm missing two important votes
on the floor.

Oh, trust me, Don,

you'll be glad
I showed you this.

My associate assures me
it's a phenomenon.

This way, gentlemen.


to storage space six.


This is the secret
government stash

that's gonna blow the lid
off Washington?

If I were you, Gil,
I'd fire my associate

and find someone who's not
gonna waste my time

and make you
look like an idiot.

So Myka says the artifact
was a marble bowl.

Looks like it was carved
from the ruins

of the Colossus of Rhodes.

She also talked
to the people at the hospital.

I guess everybody there
is okay.


Well, maybe one of them
is hiring,

'cause I'm pretty sure
I just got myself fired.

Yeah. Sorry about that.

So what made you change
your mind?

Did I--did I charm you
again, or--

I saw the rod
of Asclepius down there.

That's the original, huh?

Oh, yeah.

That baby almost took off
my hand one time.

It's an interesting story.
We were in Egypt, and--

Hippocratic oath.
You know, that's my dad's oath.

First, do no harm.

So I think probably
the best no harm I can do

is to help
keep this place secret.

Ms. Stanley.

Agent Lattimer,
would you excuse us?

Oh, uh, well...

Yeah. Are--are you--

are you gonna erase
her memory?

If you don't remember me,

when you hear,
"hey, hey, hey"--

- Agent.
- Yes.

Thank you
for your assistance today.

After I caused
the whole problem.

We'll call it
a learning curve.

You don't strike me
as government issue.

What is your part
in all of this?

I'm a member
of what you might call

a civilian oversight board.

We're known as the Regents.

You're the ones who decided
to let me in on this today.

We rely heavily
on the input of our agents.

Well, Pete's a really good
guy, you know.

You should hang on to him.

We intend to.

When someone tries
as hard as you did

to find the Warehouse
and then shows considerable

wisdom in their actions,

perhaps they're meant to be
part of what we do.

Sometimes that's how
we find new Regents.

Might that interest you?

Yes. Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Well, you know, uh...

It might, you know.

Good. Then we'll continue
our discussions.

And time will tell.

Put that down.


You were great.

All right, so the big bad
brother is on the run.

It's time to apply
pressure, right?

Right, now he can't get
into the Warehouse anymore--

Hold it, hold it.
Hold it, hold it, hold it.

You were right, I was handling
too much for myself,

and I did need your help,
so thanks.

- That's why we're here.
- And here comes the--

But there is still
a part of this

I can't tell you
because even knowing about it

would put people
in danger.

So this is where
your involvement ends.

You are done.

- But Artie--
- Okay.

We're not done, are we?

Not by a mile.

I presumed you'd rather
we speak alone.

You presumed right.

Did you find the knife?

I have a few leads.

There's something we need
to discuss first.

Something that's been
on my mind.

What would that be?

When you pled on my behalf
to the Regents,

I understand you spoke
with great certainty

that I would lay down my life
for the Warehouse.

Uh, yes, well,

I'm a good judge
of character.

Yes, you are.

But are you also a good judge
of wheelchairs?

You quite suddenly knew
that Mr. Sykes

had brought a b*mb
with him

and precisely where
it was hidden.

Do you know how long
I've been doing this job?

I had an instinct.

Artie, if there's
one subject

I'm rather a world-class expert
on, it's time travel.

Bit of an unhealthy
obsession once, really.

And the more I've thought
about it, the more I'm convinced

it's the only explanation
for your behavior.

- N-no, it's not.
- You knew things

the rest of us couldn't

because you've been ahead
in time and come back again.

Y-you can't tell anyone.

I already have.

Oh my God.
What have you done?

I've shared my suspicions
with Mrs. Frederic.

Artie, I dont know why you've
been keeping this a secret.

But I believe you used
Magellan's astrolabe.

Anyone you tell
will be in grave danger.