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04x06 - Fractures

Posted: 05/27/23 06:47
by bunniefuu
Previously on Warehouse 13...

You came into my house
and stole from me,

and I will respond in kind.

Gone! Someone is undoing
my life's work!

They're all here.


I'm not sure
this is everything.

Those are shipping supplies.


God, what now?

Yeah, we gotta get
you off that metronome.

I don't know
if it's possible.

You, sir, owe me a dinner.

A very nice dinner.

How is the research coming?

I'm only halfway
through the "A"s.

Do you have any idea how huge
the Warehouse database is?

No. Tell me.

You could have just said,
"stupid question."

Stupid question.

Well, you know
who could help you, though?

Tech-savvy girl.

Maybe with a bit of punk rock
flair, and a bit of goth.

Artie, if Claudia finds out
that I'm looking to disconnect

myself from the metronome,
she'll just try and stop me,

'cause it's dangerous.

Oh, yes, of course.


She'd probably find
a way to blame me, too.

Hey, look at me.

When's the last time
you slept?

Right after I died.
How am I supposed to sleep?

As long as Claudia feels
any pain that I do,

I'm gonna be
a little stressed out.

It's not fair that she's being
punished for saving my life.

Artifacts are not fair.

All right, off I go.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

I'll dive right into this with
you as soon as I am back,

and we will find something.
All right?


But soft, what light through
yon umbilicus breaks?

It is the east,
and Dr. Vaness-iet is the sun.

Arise, fair sun,
and k*ll the envious moon--

Yeah, there's a thought.

- Hey, is this new?
- No.

Oh, come on.
I think it's so cute

you officially have
a girlfriend.

- She's not my girlfriend.
- Are you seeing anyone else?

- No.
- Do you want to?

- No.
- She's your girlfriend.


I haven't had a girlfriend
since Nixon left office.

Oh, well, get thee hence.
Go forth and procreate.

Oh, yes, that's what
we want, children.


Where are Pete and Myka?

I gave them an assignment.

What assignment?

We've been ping-less
for 48 hours.

It's a Warehouse record.
Where are they?

What are you keeping from me?

Oh, lord, why in your wisdom
did you send me such a noodge?

That is new, isn't it?


- Et voilà, monsieur.
- Oh!

You found it!
Is it the right one?

Make, model, and year,
as requested.

Oh, yeah, I don't even want to
know what kind of jingle bells

- kinks you two kids are into.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey.

It's a gift--

Not an artifact.

And furthermore,
show of hands.

Who here, in this room,
is not single?

- I rest my case.
- So you do have a girlfriend.


A little advice.

Things have been
going rather well,

and I've been considering asking
Vanessa for a more...

geographical commitment.

What, you mean, like,
move in together?


Or in Univille,
the Paris of the badlands?

- Who wouldn't want to live there?
- Ooh, good point.

Yes, perhaps a pied-à-terre
in Featherhead is

more the ticket.

It's just I don't know
if the timing is right.

I think it's a great idea,

- You do?
- Yeah.

- Thank you.
- Is this new?

- Yes.
- It's lovely.

Thanks. Speaking of timing,
I'm late.

All right, if you need me
for any reason whatsoever,

you call me--
only if it's important.

Artie, would you
just relax, okay?

- We're old pros.
- Yeah, go.

Have a great weekend.

Yes, I--
I intend to.

I'll try.

Don't be yourself.


Not bad for an impromptu
clothing drive.

Thanks to you,

All I did was tweet
about it.

You're too modest.

Oh, that reminds me,

uh, Mrs. Thompson was
looking for pieces

for a bedroom set.

Someone just donated
a dressing mirror, I think.

I remember the package.
I'll go.


Oh, she'll love it.

"Click me."

Oh, goodness! Oh...


Is someone there?

Help me.
Please, help me!



Are you okay?

Tell me, Father...

Where can I find L'Étoile?

- What?
- What?

- I--I don't know--
- You don't know.

- I don't know--what?
- L'Étoile.

I don't know what--

Well, maybe this will jog
your memory.

Mmmmmm... ha!

Damn, they'll be here soon.
I mustn't me late.

L'Étoile. Where is it?

Kristen. Kristen!

What the devil
has gotten into you?

Not the devil.


- Watch out!
- Aah!

Oh, show some skin,

Let me out of here,
you bastards!

She's such a sweet
young lady.

I've never seen her
like that.

It's like she's possessed.

Yeah, well,
she does kinda have

that whole Linda Blair
head-spinning thing

going on there.

What's wrong with her?

Father, has Kristen
come into contact

with any old
or unusual objects lately?

We work in a thrift store.

I will k*ll
every one of you!

She doesn't mean that.

Well, this should be
a fun interview.

- Hi.
- Hello, Kristen.

- I'm, uh--
- Myka Bering.

And Pete Lattimer.

Possession and telepathy.

An artifact two-fer.

Kristen, we think
that you may have

come into contact
with something that's

altered you.

When, exactly, did you--

You should wear
tighter clothes, Pete.

- You're lookin' hot!
- Really?

'Cause I do a thousand crunches,
and I'm just, like, oh--

- Pete!

Do you--do you remember
touching something

that perhaps you shouldn't
have--have touched?

I know what I'd like
to touch.

Aah! Ow!

You almost broke my finger,
you psycho!

Take an ax
and hack it to bits.

O... kay.

We are not going to get
anything out of her.

Let's, uh--
let's go check out

that thrift store.


Smile all you want.

Linda Blair's career
was never the same.

All right...



Once more into the breach.


Just the reaction
I was hoping for.

- Hi.
- Hi.


- Hi.
- Hi.

So I need
just one more minute.

Make yourself comfortable.

And I like that jacket.

What, this old thing?

Did you find
someplace interesting?

Only the finest, most
romantic restaurant in town.

Granted, we don't set the bar
very high around here.

Well, it's the company
that matters.

I couldn't ask
for better.


- Shall we?
- Oh, yes.

Not gonna let it go,
are you?

Oh, you know me
so well.

You know, you and I could have
totally solved the case

of church girl gone wild,
but no--

Jinksy had to be all,
"You know--you know what?

I think we should let Pete
and Myka handle this one."

That is absolutely me.
Do Nicholson!

Oh, come on, you used to love
action and adventure.

Bad guys and g*ns!

- What are you hiding?
- I'm not hiding.

Look, we've been
through a lot.

I think that we should
just take it easy...

for a while...

- Both of us.
- Really?

Who died and made you boss
of me?

Uh, I did.

Well, what, are you...
afraid of dying again?

You know you can't die,

That's not what
I'm afraid of, Claude.

Trust me.

Anything sparking?

No. You know,

my mother would love
this place.

- Eww.
- You?

Nope. I mean, look,
we could be here all night.

Maybe not.




Blood, blood.

Blood, blood, blood.


Well, if you say so.

Aah! Sh--

"Click me", huh?
Click you!

Pete this is--
this is mirror glass.


Would you help me with this
for a second?


- It's funny,
this almost looks like--

- It is.

Oh, my God, the mirror!


No, we--we locked this
in the Dark Vault years ago.

Aw, come on, man!
Artifacts can walk now?

Pete, do you remember
the rule of the mirror?

Yeah, uh, nothing comes out
unless something goes in.

Oh, snap, that wasn't Kristen
at the hospital!

It was Alice Liddell.

She's free... again.

Hi, handsome.

You from around here?

Born and raised.

Ooh. Then you must know
where I can find L'Étoile.

Yeah, sure.
It's over at 6th and State.

It's a short drive
from here.

6th and State.


My hand is numb.
Is that okay?

It might--
it might be too tight.

The--the strap.

Is it, um--
is it tingling?

It was, and now
I can't feel anything at all.


Eleanor does have
a tendency to go

a little too tight
with these.

Crazy woman thinks she runs
this place half the time.

Feels so good.


We're all mad here.



6th and State.

All Alice ever wanted was
to be free of the Warehouse.

It looks like the little
lunatic got her wish.

She gets out of here,
she's gonna run.

We could lose her

Hey, where is she?

Where's the girl?
She's dangerous.

- I know.
- Dude!

She smashed my face
and took off.

Secret Service. I need you
to shut down this hospital now.

No one gets in or out--
you got me?

- Yeah, but--
- Just go!

Why don't women like me?

Pete, we just need
to get inside her head.

You know, figure out
her next move.

I'm not sure
"psychopathic nut job"

is in my wheelhouse.

Deep down,
she's still a little girl.

We just need to think
like a child.

Okay, now,
that's in my wheelhouse.

If I'd just escaped
from my magic-mirror prison,

I'd want to get as far away
from the two of us as possible.

- Where would I go?
- Pete.

I really need to start
looking down.

Pete, she went this way.

Alice, hands where we can
see 'em!

Alice? Who's Alice?

Knock it off, Wonderland.
We know you're in there.

Who are you people?

Where's... Father Mitchell?

Is this a hospital?

Pete, Alice wouldn't know
who Father Mitchell is.

Okay, all right.

Come on. There you go.

What's the last thing
you remember?

I was in the stockroom
unwrapping this mirror

that came in, and then...
a bright flash of light.

- And then--
- Nothing.


Like the whole world
just disappeared,

and all that was left
was cold and darkness and--

- And silence.
- Yeah.

It was horrible.
I never felt so alone.

It's okay.

What was that?

Pete, that's exactly
how I felt

when I was trapped
in Lewis Carroll's mirror

that's not Alice.

- Then where is she?
- If I had to guess...

She's inside someone else.

Wait, wait,
somebody else?

Do you think she's figured out
how to jump bodies?

I don't know,
but if she has,

I mean,
she could be anyone.

Hey, where's my ambulance?

And she's mobile.

I tracked here heading
due south

a few miles
from your location.

Uploading the coordinates
to the Highlander's GPS now.

Wherever that ambulance goes,
you'll be able to find it.

Awesome. Thanks, Claude.

The mirror's destroyed, so
you guys need to find something

to extract and contain Alice.

Aye, captain.

- Spock and Uhura out.
- Thanks.

I like it
when I get to be Spock.

Oh, you're hilarious.

Okay, now, I really want
to understand this.

Alice In Wonderland is
actually a real account

of a homicidal maniac
trapped in a mirror

that we have in the Warehouse?

Which is totally freaky.

That thing was
locked down tight.

Okay, two jobs.

One, find a containment
artifact for Alice,

and two, figure out
how that mirror got out.

Paging Leena.
Please retreat the Dodgson file

and meet your party
in the Dark Vault.

I made that.

Sylvia Plath's typewriter can
suck the life out of a person.

Don't get too close.

Yeah, that'll slow her down,
but it won't draw her out.

Maybe her escape
had something to do

with the properties
of the mirror?

Could she have found
a way out on her own?

You said she's
pretty resourceful.

Doubtful. It's more likely
the mirror got out first,

not Alice.

Somebody set her free.

That's the same thing
Artie and I saw the other day.

Please to 'splain.

You've seen
one of these before?

There was a box of black
diamonds at the storage space.

What storage space?

Where the artifacts
were stored.

What are you talking about?

Artie said
he was gonna tell you.

- Tell me what?
- That someone's been

stealing artifacts
from the Warehouse

and sending them
out into the world.

So many questions.

Well, uh,
he wouldn't say much,

but he seemed to know
who it was,

and it's clearly someone
with a serious beef against him.

All right, I'm gonna have
to check the security feeds.

So these are what,
the Pink Panther's calling card?

Where is Lewis Carroll's

Gone. Broken.

And Alice is loose
in Rapid City.

So we're looking for a new
and hopefully permanent home

for little Miss Cray-Cray.

The traps section.

Oh, my God.

- Bupkis up front.
- The tire's warm.

Okay, the crash
must've just happened.

She can't have gotten far.

Not without new wheels.

There's nothing.

Pete... over there.

Bloody hell!

Let's go.



Who the hell are you?

I'm you.

That's how she's been
body jumping.

She's got a piece
of the mirror.

Love to stay and play,

but I have
a very important date.

All right,
you put out the flames,

- I'll turn off the gas.
- Okay.

So you still think
she's a little girl?

I think it's time
we called Artie.


They should be done
with dessert.

Okay, it was a--
it was a bicycle

that my father gave me
for my seventh birthday.

And it was all, like,
pinky and shiny.

And it had this cute
little basket on the back of it.

And it had tassels hanging
from the handlebars.

And the only thing
it was missing--

Was a shiny copper bell?

I've told you this story.

Okay, well, that happens
sometimes at this age,

- Mm-hmm.
- Your name's Artie, right?

How--how do I know you?

I could hear you
tell that story 1,000 times

just to see that look
in your eyes

when you tell it.

I've been thinking.

We have these little
rendezvous once a month...

And maybe we...
should do it more?

I'd like that.

You would?

I have something for you.

It's okay.
It's nothing fancy.

It's just something that
I'm absolutely positive...

- you don't have.
- Ooh.


All right, Pete,
this better be so important.

Alice Liddell is loose.


- Where?
- Rapid City, South Dakota.

Why is she in Rapid City?

'Cause that's where
L'Étoile is,

uh, I guess.


The EMT that Alice
body-jacked said

she was in a hurry to get
to something called L'Étoile.

And Myka says
it means "star" in French.

It's also a restaurant.

Compliments of the house.

We happen to be
at L'Étoile right now.

I think you should
absolutely join us.

It's got the best tiramisu
in all of South Dakota.

Hurry, before it's 86ed.


Uh, you know,
nature calls.

I understand.

So sorry. Somebody look after
that poor girl!

Come on.

Where are the people
from this table?

Where, damn it?

Where, damn it?

This has Alice written
all over it.

Yeah, we should check
with Artie.

Artie, where are you?

No, uh, turn around.

- Pete.
- Yeah.

Over here. Hey.

So where's Alice?

Alice, well,
inside our waitress.

Probably not anymore.

She's got a new trick
up her sleeve.

Girlfriend can body jump.

Oh, great.

What does she want?
What is she doing here?

Yeah, and how did she
get out of the Warehouse?

Let's not worry
about that now.

Let's just focus on
what is she doing here,

and what does she want?

Well, we thought it was
about her finally being

free of the mirror,

but it doesn't look like
she's on the run.

She's hunting something,
or someone.


She's hunting me.

Looks like somebody's behind
on inventory in this section.

I figured I'd get to it
sometime before

my 40th birthday.
Save the date.

What exactly
are we looking for?

- This.
- Right, okay.

So the Warehouse agent who wrote
Alice In Wonderland

incorporated artifacts
into the narrative.

Like, the Mad Hatter
is based

on King George III's crown,
which causes madness.

And the Stoner Caterpillar?

It says, "based on
Hakim Abul Fateh Gilani,

"16th century physician
whose hookah could draw

a person's spirit
out of their body and trap it."

Sounds perfect.

Now where is it?

Hey, you guys look here.

I'll check the next aisle.

Spartacus's retarius.

Rube Goldberg's
wire collection.

Ebenezer Thorndike's
lobster trap.

Hey, is that it?

Where, up at the top?


Ugh, come to mamacita.

Uh, Claude, be careful.

None of that stuff
looks like it's nailed down.

Oh, have a little faith.

If I get to the top
of this thing,

I'm naming it Mount Donovan.



What the hell was that?

Claude, are you okay?


Yep, all good, Jinksy.

- You're absolutely sure?
- No, no, I'm fine.

- Do you feel any pain?
- It was just a quick--


Did Artie tell you
about my phantom pains?

Yeah. Yeah.

Ugh, that's why you're
being so soft and squishy today.

Are you protecting me?

- Yeah, yeah.
- Oh, silly "wabbit."

Girl wonders
can't be k*lled.

- Steve?
- Yeah?

What's going on between
you and Claudia?

What? Nothing.

Your auras just swapped
back and forth.

No, they didn't.

I know what I saw.

And I have only ever
seen that once before,

and it didn't end well.

All right,
saddle up, Jinksy.

We'll talk about this later.

Let's go smoke us out
a psychopath.

Takes one to find one.

Be careful.

Okay, Claudia and Steve
are on the way

with the Fateh-Gilani hookah.

And now we have to find Alice.

She could be inside
any of these people.

She's probably still here,
watching us.

I mean, watching you.

All right, look, while
you two play "where's wacko?"--

Myks, do you still have those
sunglasses with the mirrors?

- What?
- Yeah, no, no.

That's excellent.

She'll show up
in the reflection.

Oh, look at you,
having ideas.

I have ideas--

most of them are illegal.

It's so much more exciting
out here in the field, you know?

Yeah. Well, on this date
I was hoping

for an entirely different
kind of excitement.

Here we go.



Excuse me, Sparky.

- No.
- No.

- Hello.
- Ladies?

- Hi.
- Hi.

Oh, let's see.


You know, maybe we could--
I don't know,

- do dinner later, or--?
- Pete!

If that mad monk thinks
he can catch me

- with my britches down...
- What?

He's got--what?

Just stay behind me.

Hey, we're supposed
to be protecting you, remember?

Maybe Alice decided
to take off.

No, no, she's--
she's here, Myks.

I mean, I'm having
major vibe-age.

Alice Liddell!


Everybody get down!

Give us the shard!

- Get back!
- Hey!

Myka, she jumped out
of the fireman.


Secret Service, stay back!

Out of the way!

- Okay.
- Please let this be Alice.

No. It's not Alice.

Well, at least we know
what she wants now.

Yeah, she wants
to k*ll Artie.

And she could be anyone
when we she does it.

- Don't worry, Artie.
- Yeah, we'll find her.

How we gonna find her?

I mean,
we can't make everyone

in Rapid City
look in a mirror.

Wait, you know,
it seems to me that

if she's looking for us,
we have a slight advantage.


- We should set a trap.
- And--

I know just the bait.

Come on.

Somebody order
a soul-sucking hookah?

Okay, good, excellent.

All right, let's get
the lay of the land.

Two, three, four--
I count five--five exits.

All right, Claudia,
you take the front.

Steve, take the two
at the back.

You two take the two
up in the mezzanine.

Where are you gonna be?

I'm gonna be right here
in the open,

where Alice can see me.

We can scope her out
by using

the reflective surfaces
of the marble.

- Or mirrors.
- Or mirrors.

That's why you get
the big bucks.

What bucks?
There are no bucks.

Fine. Listen,
when she gets close,

- you use the hookah.
- Will do.

When we catch her,
what then?

Well, what I'd prefer to do

is bronze the little lunatic.

But she has no corporeal form,

so the next best thing is
back into the Dark Vault.

Unless you have
a better plan?

Well, maybe we--

Probably not.

Artie, what makes you
so sure she'll show up?

She's a predator.
I'm her prey.

She will not rest until
she's made her k*ll, trust me.

All right, you two,
up the mezzanine.

Claudia, you keep an eye
on the front door

by hiding behind that
plant over there.

- Don't let Alice see you.
- Oh, thank God you said that.

Because I was gonna
jump up and down and yell,

"Hey, crazy Alice,
look over here."

You made your point.
Thank you.

Steve, should you be back
at the Warehouse

not getting hurt?

You were right, Artie.

I have to tell Claudia
about the metronome.

Okay, first things first.

Just--back doors.

Where's my mirror?

You, my dear, are going

as far away from here
as possible.

That is not gonna happen.

- Vanessa, I don't wanna argue--
- I am a member

- of this organization.
- You are a doctor.

- You are not a field agent.
- I am the Warehouse doctor.

Do you have any idea how many
agents' lives I've saved?

- Including yours.
- Yeah, I was hoping

not to need a doctor
this time.

Besides that,
I care about you.

- Well, I care about you.
- Well, good.

Then this doesn't have
to come to fisticuffs.

You have five exits,
four pairs of eyes.

You need mine,
end of story.

All right.

You stand by the elevators.

That's as far away
from here as possible.

- Artie.
- Yeah?

- This is a peppermint Patty.
- Oh.

- Sorry.
- Thank you.

Come on, take a breath,

Just pretend to use
your Farnsworth or something.

Oh, that's smart.

We make a good team.

Yep, you guys are definitely
not vampires.

Good game.

I'm all clear.

All clear here.

Now we just wait and watch.

I just--I wish that--
never mind.

What? What is it?

Something's been bugging you.
What is it?

It's just, you know,
I was trapped

in that mirror
for a few hours.

Imagine a little girl trapped
in here for over 100 years.

It must be horrible.

Yeah, well, she was already
a bit of a homicidal maniac

before the agents
put her in there.

Do you know how
she got that way?

Yeah. No.

She was at this tea party
at the home of Charles Dodgson--

- Oh, uh,
AKA Lewis Carroll.

You see? I retain.

Very good.

Anyway, um, curious Alice
found Dodgson's handgun.

And her mother tried
to take it away.

And when she did,
it went off.

And she watched her mother die
in front of the mirror

that eventually
became her prison.

Look, it's pretty tragic.

But, on the other hand,
she's trying to k*ll Artie.

So, oh, well.

I know, it's just
the Warehouse

has this nasty habit
of turning people psycho.

Yeah, well, tick-tock on us.

Come on.

Come on, Alice,
I'm right here.

Where the hell are you?

Beg your pardon,
but do you know

which room Arthur Nielsen
is staying in?

Oh, I'm sorry sir.

We're not allowed to give away
that information.

Hotel policy.

Yes, but you do know
which room, don't you?

Excuse me.





Stop, or I'll cut her
wide open.

Oh, my God.
It's not me she wants.

It's Vanessa!

No! Stop it!

- Way to go, doc!
- Find the shard.

Vanessa, did she hurt you?

No. She held this mirror
to my face.

No, you're all right.
You're all right.

I hope you know
how to use that thing.

Uh, open lid, extract spirit.
Seems pretty straightforward.

- You might wanna stand back.
- It's not here.

The bellhop doesn't have
the mirror shard.

- Then where's Alice?
- She's right over here.

- Artie...
- Hands in the air.

- Drop it!
- Oh! Ha ha ha!

I can slit his jugular
as quick as

any one of you can
squeeze off a shot.

Alice. Alice.
It's me you want.

You let Vanessa go.
Take me instead.

Artie, you and I both know
this was about

so much more than that.

Don't you get it?




Brother Adrian's the one
who released the mirror

and sent you here
to k*ll Vanessa--

that's the plan, isn't it?

To punish me for not
undoing the astrolabe?

See what happens when you play
with someone else's toys?

The people you love
are made to suffer.

You could have k*lled her
before we came up here.

- You didn't do it.
- Real suffering

is knowing what lies
just beyond your grasp

yet never being able
to reach it.

I'm gonna keep this body
for a little while,

and I'm gonna do some
unspeakable things to it

before I cut
your beloved Vanessa's throat.

- Oof!
- Sorry, Vanessa.


Suck on this, Alice!




To hell with
the bloody plan.

Myka, hold her!

Open your eyes!

Get out of my friends,
you bitch!


- Myka, get a bag?
- Okay, okay.


Are you all right?

Yeah. Yeah, no, I am.

- I'm not sure if Claudia is.
- I guess we'll have

a story to tell her.

Oh... oh...

- Vanessa.
- My ribs hurt.

Yeah, I bet they do.

- Oh, that's more in my head.
- Oh, Pete, don't get up yet.

- It's okay.
- Okay...

Jeez, what'd you do
to your shoulder, huh?

Oh! Uh...

Oh, my God.
Oh, my shoulder's k*lling me.

Okay. Yeah, I-I think
that you and Steve

need to have
a little conversation.

A what?
Ow, ow, ow!


We got her.

It's over?


All right,
so we're heading home.

Dr. V, pleasure, as always.


Artie, I'll, uh,
see you in the morning.

Jingle, jingle.

I'm gonna go too.

You're leaving?

This was a mistake.

Well, not one of
our top ten dates, but--

No, no, not the date.

This. Us.


Look... I always believed

that the life of a Warehouse
agent, by necessity,

had to be one of solitude,

And then you came into mine.

And you...

You gave me hope...

I could have more.

But after seeing
your life threatened

simply because
I care about you,

no, this is a mistake,
and as long as we're together,

- you'll always be a target.
- Whoa, hold on, hold on.

A few hours ago,
you wanted to up our game,

and now it's just over.

Don't you understand?

Anything more than
a platonic relationship

is just... too risky.

- Some risks are worth taking.
- Some are not!

Look, we'll...
see each other

at the Warehouse
from time to time.

- No.
- What?

No. You don't get
to just quit on us.

That's not how this works.

But after what happened

It happens all the time
in this job.

Being connected
to the Warehouse

involves danger
on a regular basis.

No, no, no.
This is not a debate.

My life has become...

My life has become
more complicated

than I realized.

And I cannot do this
right now.

I'm sorry, Vanessa.

It's over.


I don't know
what's going on with you.

But when you finally
wake up and realize

that cutting yourself off
from the people who love you

is a truly terrible idea...

Call me.

I am not going anywhere.

So that's where the phantom
pains are coming from.

I'm sorry.

- How's the shoulder?
- It's still a little stabby.

bringing me back yet?

You should have told me,

Well, now you know
how it feels.

Okay, touché.

I was hoping
to disconnect myself first.



- Okay.
- All right.

The metronome is the only
thing keeping you alive.

I can handle
a little pain, apparently.

And I get mortally wounded,
can you handle a little death?

Because that doesn't work
for me.

Look... now that I know,

we'll figure this out

We're a team, are we not?


Come on.
They're waiting for us.

Ow, ow, ow!


So Artie didn't want
to talk to you

about what happened tonight.

Nope. Just grumpier
than usual,

which is saying a lot.

- Hi.
- Hey.

Claudia, however, found
something in the Dark Vault

that might tell us
how the mirror got out.

Jinksy says that someone
from Artie's past

has been breaking into
the Warehouse

and sending out artifacts.

- What?
- Basically undoing

his life's work
as a Warehouse agent.

But nothing's showing up
on the security feeds.

Which would explain why I've
been having the mega-vibes.

But not why Artie's been
keeping us out of the loop.

Or what black diamonds

Look, guys,
let's not panic, okay?

He's probably
just trying to protect us.

Yes, but from who?

First Hugo... now Vanessa.

You're the one
cutting me off

from the people
that I care about--not me!

You're the one, Adrian.
Not me.

Not me!


It's safe.

I don't know
how you're getting in here...

But if you're here now,
know this.

You coward!


I will find you,
and I will stop you.

Stop you.
I'll stop you.

I'll st--stop you.