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04x02 - An Evil Within

Posted: 05/27/23 06:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on Warehouse 13...


I'm taking the metronome.
I'm bringing him back.

Don't think this is over.

I will remember what
I have to do

and nothing will stop me
from doing it.

If you use the astrolabe,

you will create an evil
of your own making.

Claudia's gone.

She disappeared in the middle
of the night.

An evil that will live
with you the rest of your days.

It's time for you to stop
talking and listen, okay?

You're not--
no, no, no.

You can't do this without
accounting for the variable.

- The variable?
- The variable.

Dude, eccentric strength,
concentric strength,

and static strength all being
factored into the equation--

None of those are the variable
I'm talking about.

Oh, no?

The variable
is the resistance, okay?

Is the resistance
encountered greater

than the overall maximal
isometric strength?


Scrapple and eggs, times two.

You'll need this.

I have accounted
for the variable.

And given the copper-based
physiology, the end result is...

The Vulcans are
47% stronger than Klingons.

Huh. I wonder why there's
never a girl with you two.

The usual?


- What is that?
- Holy--

Oh, my God!

Somebody call 911!

It's gonna k*ll us!

We're gonna have to stop it!

Okay, okay.

- Police!
- Police!

Break it up.

- Come on.
- No!

Dispatch, we need backup
and an ambulance now!

I'm not getting a pulse.

Oh, my God.


An Evil Within

An evil that will live
with you

the rest of your days.


- Artie.
- No!


Don't worry.
We're going to find her.

Just drink it.
It's protein.


Hey, so what's the plan?

- Plan? What plan?
- The plan to help Claudia.

Yeah, what other plan
would there be?

so we know where she went,

and we know what she's after.

Okay, technically,
we don't know where she went,

but I'll bet you do.

- We are not helping Claudia.
- What?

- What are you talking about?
- We're not stopping Claudia?

No, no.
We are not doing anything.

I will find Claudia.

The two of you will be
in Philadelphia.

It's cold there.

What are we supposed
to do in Philadelphia?

We got a ping.

What is that?

Cool is what it is.

It's a pocket ping device.
Claudia made it for me.

Well, there you go, Artie.

That's another reason
that we need to find--

Listen, listen.

A mob in Philadelphia almost

k*lled a young man
in cold blood.

They claimed that they
were att*cked

by some kind of--

Anyway, unless you want it
to happen again,

you will get there,
uh, yesterday.

Yesterday? What, are we
supposed to turn back time?

- What?
- What?

- What?
- What?

- Nothing.
- You're the one that said--

I was being hyperbolic.
I'm colorful. Just go.


What are you doing here?

I'm sorry.

I must have gotten turned
around outside.

Why are you here?

I'm looking for
an Arthur Nielsen.

My name is Adrian.
Brother Adrian.

- I work with the Vatican.
- Yes, of course you do.

I know, we've met--

No, we haven't.

No, I--
I don't believe we have.

Arthur Nielsen.

Oh. Excellent.

I need your help, Arthur.

And the Warehouse.

How do you know
about the Warehouse?

Well, as I said before,
I work with the Vatican.

We know an awful lot of things
about an awful lot of things.

I understand you can
locate certain items.


Something's been stolen
from my care.

A very powerful something.

And now I must get it back.

Yeah, it's very powerful.

I mean, it must be
very powerful for you

to come all the way
from the Vatican to--

And very dangerous.

Yeah, I understand that,

but what exactly--
can you tell me exactly the da--

Magellan's astrolabe,
to be precise.

Oh, Magellan's astrolabe.

It's been used to erase
24 hours,

and now the thief has to undo
that act.

Yes, but the danger,
what exactly is the danger?

What do you mean, undo?

Using the astrolabe

an evil.

A formidable evil,

an evil
that has to be eradicated.

And the only way to do that is
to undo what the astrolabe did?

Yes, if the same person
uses the astrolabe again,

time will be reset.

The evil never will
have existed.

Things will go back to exactly
as they were?


But wouldn't the person
who used the artifact

be aware
of that danger?

I mean, clearly, it is a risk
they were willing to take.


A risk they might still be
willing to take

if circumstances--

No! It was a mistake.

It has to be undone.

Now, will you help me,

Of course, I'm absolutely
at your service.

You can reach me
at this number.

day or night.

Well, I will do everything
in my power

to find the person
who used the astrolabe.

Eradicating this evil is
of the utmost importance.

I cannot impress
that upon you enough.

Eradicating evil?
It's what we do.

Please don't worry
about a thing.

Delicious scones by the way.

Scones and evil.
That's what we do.


- It's that way.
- Right.

It was gonna k*ll us

and fry us up for dinner,
I swear.

Well, maybe it was something
in the food.

Not a chance.

I never eat the food
in this place.

I've never seen anything
like it.

Not even on animal planet.

It was like a nightmare.

Or an acid trip gone really,
really bad.

But you guys said that

you weren't drinking last night,

or doing, you know,
anything else?

No. Not even Red Bull
and Ritalin.


Whatever it was,
it was real.

No, it--it wasn't.
It was Joe.

He was supposed to meet us here,
and we put him into a coma.

Why would we do that?

We think that something
affected you,

made you see the--

whatever it was
that you think you saw.

That's why were here to find out
what it is.

Now, did you guys come
into contact

with anything weird here
at the diner?

Like, um, an old plate

ooh, a ladle?

Never mind.

- Could--could we go?
- Yeah, you can--yeah.

Let me guess.

They couldn't make it out,

but it was big and red
and had lots of tentacles.

I hate tentacles.

Well, you're not gonna like
this case.

It's a veritable


They said that
they were sober.

I used to say that
a lot.

Yeah, but there's--
there's no drink or drug

that can--can make
multiple people

have the exact same
hallucination at the same time.

No, it had to be
something here.

Something that the cops
didn't come into contact with

because all they saw
was Joe.

Well, what?
Artifact intoxication?

Maybe it's something
in the water.

The condiments, you know.

I never trusted
no grey poup.

Give me
good, ol' fashioned yellow.

whatever it was,

we should find it
before somebody else gets hurt.

All right, well,
let's just close this baby down.

No diner, no danger.

Dr. Bauer's ready for you now.

Thank you.

My God!

What is it?
What's happening?

It's gonna k*ll us!

Linda, run!

Somebody help us!

What are you doing?

Get away from him!

Okay, calling 911 now.


Miss, are you all right?

- No, no, no, no, no, no.
- It's okay, it's okay.

God, this can't be
happening to me.

out of order now.

God, I'm due on 14, and if I'm
late, he's going to fire me.

He's not going
to fire you.

We'll get you there on time,

Gosh, oh, thank you.
I'll sort it in the elevator.

- Okay. You all good?
- God, thank you.

Oh, wait, sorry.

I need to see
your security badge.

Oh, God, yeah.



don't cry.
It's okay.

It'll be our little secret.

Thank you.

How's it going?

Pretty quiet.

Why doesn't that surprise me?

Uh, you new?

Yeah, I just started
on Tuesday, actually.

Must not have met yet.

New kind of badge.

- Made it myself.
- Hey, crybaby.

This isn't 14.


Okay, all right.

All right--ow--
with the pulling.

Ow. Ow.

You learn anything?

Well, whatever att*cked them
was big and green

with enormous claws
and glowing eyes.

- Anything helpful?
- Nah. What about you?

No--I mean,
none of the patients

had been in to see
the dentist yet,

so it wasn't one
of the instruments he used.

None of them drank
from the same water cooler

or read the same magazine
or even used the same pen.

I mean, there's no
cross-contamination at all.

Great, we have a fantastic
list of what this isn't.

Think there's a chance
any of them ate at the diner?


I mean,
aside from the end result,

there's no connection
to the people at the diner.

Look, the folks at the diner
saw a big, red scary thing.

With tentacles.

Please don't.

And, you know, the people here
saw this green thing

with the claws
and the eyes and--

I think there's something
about the tentacles.

Will you please stop saying
that word?

Man, it's like Indiana Jones
with snakes.

Yes, it is.

I don't know what that means,
but it is, okay?

I hate octopi...

Or jellyfish or squid...

Or anything that's a form
of cnidarian, okay?

It's a phobia,
so just don't.

Okay, okay.

All right, fine.
Let's review.

We don't know
what the artifact is,

how it works, or why it's doing
what it's doing.

We do know
that it's spreading.

And this time,
someone died.

I'm going to call Leena.

You know, maybe she'll scour
the police scanners

and find--find out
if anyone's reported

more of these hallucinations.

Ask her
about the tentacles.

I don't care
who knows I'm here.

I don't care
what it costs.

I'm bringing Steve back,

and you are not going
to stop me.

Don't you think that I know
how you feel?

I have lost partners,
I've lost friends,

people that I would do anything
to bring back.

It's not how things work.

You don't get to use artifacts
for your own selfish needs.

I'm not being selfish!

This is not about me,
it's about Steve!

Is it?

Or is it because you can't
bear losing him?

Claudia, is this what
Steve would want?

For you to risk


If you could use
an artifact

to set something right,

to undo

a huge,
stupid tragedy,

wouldn't you do it?

I cared
about Steve too.

I care
about all of you.

I know
how tempting it is,

but I'm not going to let
you go down that road,

letting yourself be seduced
by an artifact--

Claudia, that's just a path
to destruction!

And I've seen it.
You've seen it!

With MacPherson,
with H.G., with Sykes.

I'm not them.

They weren't them either
until they became them.


No, she did not use
the metronome.

And she won't.
I'll see to it.

There's no need for a Regent
to get involved.

It's all right, Artie.

The decision has already
been made.

Claudia can bring back
agent Jinks.

No, no.

No, no, no.
They can't.

- They can't allow--
- Artie, I said it's all right.

It's not all right!

You don't understand.

could be released.

This is wrong.

It's wrong.

Thank you.

I know I'm putting my career
on the line.

No, no.

You're putting your life
on the line.

- Are you absolutely sure?
- Yes.

All right.

Then there are certain
arrangements to be made.

Hey, Jimmy,
I'm home.

Can you come help me
with these groceries?

Excuse me, ma'am.

I think you dropped
your key.

No, sorry.
This isn't mine.

Oh, well, my mistake.


Hey, honey, did you remember
to get the kale for the--

I intercepted a 911 call

where a man
said something scary

did something awful
to his wife.

That sounds
like one for us.

Leena, did the scary thing
have tenta--

- Don't.
- tive.

Was it tent--I was asking
if it was the same tentative.

What did it do to her?

He didn't know,
but he locked it in a closet,

and the 911 operator
told him to sleep it off.

Artifact intoxication.

East side of town,
and it doesn't seem like

the police are in any rush
to get over there.

Well, that's okay.
We are.

- You!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Easy, easy. Okay?
We're here to help.

- It's in there!
- We're Secret Service.

All right?

We have a lot of experience
dealing with this, uh--

this sort of thing.

That's right, that's right.
Look, see?

We--we even brought
the right equipment.

What are you?
Like, the Men In Black?

Yeah, yeah.
We kind of are.

Why not?

Okay, listen to me.
I just need you to move aside.

Just come over here with me,

And just give me the g*n.

No, no, no, no!
What are you doing?

It's going to k*ll us!

Hey, hey, hey!

Will he, um--
will he be the same?

He's not going
to come back

like some kind of zombie,

Steve will be Steve again.

what you're about to do--

Is very dangerous,
yes I know.

- You don't have to hold my hand.
- I actually do.

This is not unlike
the bronze shoes.

Without someone to walk
this road with you,

you may lose your way.



Leave one hand
on the metronome.

Gently place the other
on Steve's heart.

Close your eyes,

on his face.

His eyes.

But why doesn't it--


- Thank you for contacting me.
- What kind of evil?

The evil that you mentioned
from the astrolabe?

What kind of evil exactly?

I've been told

it's an unimaginable evil,

unique to the user.

nothing you could anticipate

but an evil that will cut
through his heart like a--

- A dagger.
- Yes.

Nothing's happening.
It's not working!

Patience, Claudia.

please come back.



Put your hand back
on the metronome!

Claudia, look at me now,
look at me.

You can't help him
if you die too!

Claudia, look at me!

I've done the research.

I've used every resource
at my disposal.

Nowhere, nowhere does it
describe this evil.

Is it possible that--

could this evil be triggered
by a resurrection?

By bringing somebody back
to life?

A resurrection?

It is possible,
isn't it?

Anything's possible.

don't look away!

That's it,
that's right.

Try not to panic.

No! No, I will not
let this happen.

Claudia, talk to me!

What do you see?

White everywhere.

And Steve...

Don't go to him.
He has to come to you.

Stay focused on me,
and bring him with you.

You wanted to save him,
so save him!

Damn it!


That's it.

That's it.


Oh, my God.

What happened?

There has to be something
more that you can tell me.

Something specific.

Knowing the evil
won't help

you locate
the astrolabe.

I have to know

Everything about the astrolabe
in order to find it.

For instance,
was it used before?

Yes, but every circumstance
is different.

And the evil
that was released?

By Robespierre, at the advent
of the French Revolution.

The reign of terror.

Which resulted
in the deaths

of tens of thousands
of people,

so you see
the possibilities.

Nothing? There was nothing
that could be done to stop it?

Yes, I've explained the only way
to stop the evil

from being created
is to reverse

the effect
of the astrolabe.

There has to be
another way.

It was huge.

With wings
and these glowing eyes.

Yeah, he started acting weird
right after lunch.

Must have been the mushrooms
he had in his salad.

That happens sometimes,
especially with wild mushrooms.

It's the psilocybin.

Thank God
you got here in time.

It was like he was having
a nightmare,

but he was wide awake.

This happened
as soon as you got home?

Right after I got inside.

Did you see anything else?
Anything unusual?


Okay, look, Robin,
just walk me through this, okay?

Jimmy was home,
you got home from the store.

You got out of your car.

I grabbed the groceries
from the trunk.

And then I go inside.

Oh, yeah.
There was a man.

He thought he dropped my key,

Wait, wait, wait.
A man.

A man--
a man thought what?

Well, he handed me
a silver key,

but it wasn't mine,
so I gave it back.

A key, a key.

Mykes, do you still have
those sketches?

Yeah, if you could just
excuse us for a second?


You know,
there must be

some sort of time element
to this artifact.

I mean, her husband saw
some terrifying something,

and then we show up
a few minutes later,

and we don't see
anything at all.

And the same thing happened
to the cops at the diner.

A key.
Nightmare. Tentacles.


Would you stop staying
that word?

That's it! That's it!

- Cthulhu.
- What?

That's what I've been trying
to remember, Mykes.

When I was a kid,
I read these comic books

about a sea creature


by H.P. Lovecraft."

You know, I've never read
anything by him.

A writer you never read?

Well, when it
comes to horror,

I'm more of
a Kafka or Shelley girl.

But Cthulhu,
I mean the mythos

does permeate a lot
of popular culture.

Well, you lost me there.

But these things
that they've been seeing...

Are definitely

Tentacles, claws,
and sometimes wings

are all common
to Lovecraft creatures.

Apparently, he suffered
a form of waking dream

called night terrors.

They came to him
in his dreams.

- Nightmares.
- Right.

And yes.

He blamed it on
a silver key.

He called it "the key
to the gate of dreams."

I smell artifact.

Thanks, Leena.

Okay. Okay.

So--so a man in a baseball cap
gives Robin a silver key.

- Right.
- Right?

She walks into the house,

like the guy
at the dental office.

Or the kid in the diner--
oh, my God, Pete.

We're looking at this thing
all wrong.

It's not the people
who are seeing

Lovecraft's creatures
who've been affected.

It's the victims.

The victims are the ones
who get whammied.

The artifact makes people
see them as monsters.

Okay, we need to go to talk
to the first victim.

- We can't. He's in a coma.
- Okay.

Well, we'll just--
we'll go to his house then.

And--and try
and find a connection.

Let's go.

I'm not finding


Look at this.

It's from the championship game.

Didn't Robin say that
our key collector wore a hat

from the championship game?

Yeah, so?

So they went
to the same game.

versus Cincinnati.

Okay, so what was so important
about that game?

I don't know.

After Cleveland lost,
I quit watching.

Which was early.

Philly versus Cincinnati.

I remember something
about that game.

You know
about a sports event?

Something that could
connect our victims?

Not something.


Theresa Hicks.

She died at that game.

I feel like I've been hit
by a truck.

Yeah, well--

The last thing I remember,

Marcus was coming at me
with a syringe.


Guess I wasn't much
of a hero.

Oh, no, you were a hero.
You were amazing.

Oh, yeah?
So how did I end up here?

Well, the injection Marcus
gave you was pretty intense.

You know, you were out
of commission for a while.

But what you did
saved us.

Your intel led us
right to Sykes.

- So he's--
- Finished.

- The Warehouse is safe.
- And Marcus?

Also finished.
For good, this time.

Well, I must have been out
of it for a while

- to have missed all that.
- Yeah.

But you're back now, Jinksy.
Good as new.

Why aren't we
in my room?

No reason.

It's cleaner, easier.

It's closer to the front door,

- Claudia.
- Yeah?

What aren't you
telling me?


Oh, now you're lying.


I guess
we didn't lose the whole

human lie detector thing.
God, I was kind of hoping.

Why would I lose--

listen to me.

I wasn't lying to you,

A lot of things happened.

Here's the security camera
footage we have

from that part
of the stadium.

The victim's name
was Theresa Hicks.

I know.
It's a name I'll never forget.

that's her right there.

She was knocked out.

Wait, stop. Stop.
That's him.

That's--that's the guy
who was att*cked

at the dental office.

- He knocked her down, right?
- Right.

that's the accountant.

Could you keep it running,

He got in his way.

Oh, my God,
that's--that's Joe,

- the kid from the diner.
- Yes, it is.

- He wouldn't help either.
- Oh, wait.

Let me pull up
a different angle here.

Okay, this is
a few seconds later.

Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

Wasn't she just holding his hand
a few seconds ago?

That newspaper article--

it said that Theresa Hicks
was engaged.

Right, right.
Uh...Ron Hadsell.

He's trying
to save her.

- Why won't she help?
- That's Robin.

- The--the housewife.
- He couldn't save her.

- What?
- He couldn't save her.

He--he couldn't save her,
so he blames them.

All those people.

The man
who pushed her down,

the woman who wouldn't stop
to help.

To Ron Hadsell,
those people are monsters.

He used
Lovecraft's key

so that people would see them
as real monsters.

And suffer the same fate
as his fiancee did.

Pete, look.

The guy who's blocking
the ambulance.

He's got another monster
on his list.

Okay, I'm going to find
Ron Hadsell.

Okay, you run those tags
and find his next victim.


I guess
I should have told you.

You think?


I was dead.

You know,

a lot of people experience
clinical death

for a few minutes.

How many minutes
was I dead for?


I'm sorry, okay?

God, I'm sorry
any of it happened.

But if you think
I'm going to apologize

for bringing you back,
I'm not.

You know, maybe it was
completely selfish of me.

Maybe I ruined your karma or put
a kink in your plan to achieve

and come back as a butterfly

or whatever
Buddhists do.

Maybe I've upset
the whole cosmos.

I don't care.

I would do it
all again.

I really hop
you can forgive me,

but it's okay
if you don't.

You know,
as long as you're here.

The world's a better place
with you in it, Jinksy.

My world is, anyway.

It's just--
it's weird, okay?

I don't know what I feel
or how I feel.

Hell, I don't know
if I feel.

It's going
to take some time.

I get that.

I totally get it.

And you know, if you decide you
want to be a butterfly,

we can always stop
the metronome.

Let's not rush
into anything.

Mr. Hadsell, open up.
This is Secret Service.

Ron Hadsell?

Secret Service.

Mr. Green!
Mr. Jeff Green?

You may be in danger.



Pete, listen,
I'm at Hadsell's house.

He's definitely
our guy.

Good work, partner, huh?
We got him.

Uh, well, not quite.
He's not--not here.

Jeff Green?

'cause he's here.

Who are you?

Look, I'm just someone
who's here to help.

Son of a--

Wait, wait!

Just un-whammy me, okay?

Look, we know what happened
to Theresa.

We can work this out.
I promise.

Oh, yeah?
Can you bring her back?

Then there's nothing
to work out.

I'm sorry.
It's too late.

Oh, my God,
what the hell is that?

What you talking about?

Hey, it's gonna k*ll me!

Somebody, this alien thing's
gonna k*ll us all!

Wait, cut it out, man!

What are you talking about?

it's gonna k*ll me!

Help! Somebody, help!

Somebody, help!

Come on, Pete.

Just pick up the phone.

You better get here quick.

I've been whammied.

Oh, my God, Pete!
Is that you?

Help! Help!
It's gonna k*ll me!

Somebody, please help me!

Would you knock it off?

Hang on, buddy!

Wait, hold on!
Hold on!

Okay? This--this isn't
what it looks like.

I'm not--

k*ll it!
k*ll it before it kills us!

Never mind.

Oh, my God, Pete!
Is that you?

Of course it's you.

Oh, that's a lot
of tentacles.

Lady, look out!
Get away from it!

Pete, just get behind me!

- Okay.
- Are you crazy?

just stay where you are, okay?

I'm Secret Service,
don't make another move!

Yeah, you tell him, Mykes!

It's gonna k*ll you!

No, no!
I'm not gonna hurt her.

I like Myka.
She's my partner. See?

Okay, everybody,
just stay where you are.

Okay, this isn't real.

Whatever you think
you're seeing,

it's not going
to hurt you.

I mean, he's annoying
and childish

and sometimes I wish I could
throw a chair at him,

but he's--
he's not dangerous.

He's my partner.

Thanks, Mykes.

What you're seeing
is a hallucination.

It's caused
by mushrooms.

I don't eat mushrooms!

In the water supply, okay?
So everybody just relax.

No, she was right.

We got to k*ll it
before it kills us.

Oh, my God, it's him.

Pete, here.

Okay, Hadsell,
give me the key.

- Even she's afraid of it.
- It's got her ray g*n!

Don't make me sh**t you.

Hey, watch it.
Those things are expensive.


You could have put an eye out,

We got it scared now.

Stay down.

Jerry, wait!

You're just a-a guy?

Oh, yeah?

Well, you're overworking
your lats.

You see what happens?

I tried going to the police.
They wouldn't listen.

They said
it was an accident.

It wasn't.
It was a crime.

Fear and selfishness.

People should be prosecuted
for that.

So why go through
with all of this?

I mean,
why not just sh**t them?

I tried once.
I couldn't do it.

Then--then you just stumbled
upon the key?

I heard about it years ago
at a horror con.

When the cops
wouldn't help,

I-I hunted it down.

I know that if
it somehow worked,

it would be the perfect w*apon,
and it was.

It showed those people
for who they really were.

Let's go.

I wish I could feel sorry
for him, Mykes,

but...I can't.

One guy in a coma,
another guy dead.

He's no better
than they are.

I know that in my head,
but I also understand

how that combination
of grief and anger

can drive you
to do things that

you know
you shouldn't do.

All right, Artie,
Steve's at the "B" and "B"

waiting for Pete and Myka,
so I'm...

in a bit of trouble.

Wait, no, I'm s--
I got permission.

So it would seem.

what's going on here?

Jane, I believe you know
exactly what's going on.

You didn't get approval,
did you?

- You rebel.
- Agent Donovan.

Using an artifact
of this magnitude

- is almost unconscionable.
- No.

Leaving Steve dead
after he saved the Warehouse,

saved all of us--
that would be unconscionable.

- Jane.
- That would have been wrong.


You cannot be ruled
by your guilt.

Whether any of this
is right or wrong

is now irrelevant,
isn't it?

Neither one of you

the ramifications
of your actions.

Nor does
agent Jinks.

There are

Agent Jinks
may be alive,

but he's not
a free man.

He's linked
to the metronome,

and therefore, to the Warehouse
and the Regents forever.

And because we
do not yet know

the downside
of this artifact,

the metronome
will stay with us,

and agent Jinks
will be under supervision.

Lifetime supervision.

Well, okay,
that doesn't sound so bad.

And if there is
a dangerous downside,

the Regents
will take action.

Sounding worse.

What if we
were to discover

that the downside
of the artifact is

that anyone agent Jinks
has ever touched

is now slowly dying?

Bear in mind,
should things go awry,

we will not hesitate.

- You would have to--
- Our first responsibility--

all of us--
is to protect the world

from dangers
of an artifact.

- Dead guys eat, right?
- Oh, that's so stupid.

Uh, what?

I imagine
Mr. Kosan--


And are you okay?


I'm okay.
Are we okay?


We're okay.

I'm so tired from bringing
a man back from the dead.

- Salad?
- Yes.


An evil that will cut through
your heart like a dagger.

Hey, what are you, dead?

You did hear the word "dinner,"
didn't you?



What is it?

It's nothing.

- Nothing at all.
- No, what is it?


So what have we--
what have we got?

What's in there?

Um, it's like a vegan--

- No.
- No, it's good.