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04x01 - A New Hope

Posted: 05/27/23 06:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on Warehouse 13...

You got what you wanted,
now get out.

No, this is just step one.

This is an artifact
nuclear device.

Helena, what are you doing?

You've protected us
from the blast.


Mrs. Frederic!

That was his plan,
to destroy the entire warehouse.

We lost, Artie.

Not yet.


Artie. Artie!

What did you mean?
About what?

What did you mean
when you said, "not yet"?

The watch. Is it...
is it something?

Is it some kind of a...
a warehouse rebuilder?

Oh, my God. Lavoisier's law
of the conservation of mass.

Matter cannot be created,
nor can it be destroyed.

It's lavoisier's watch,
isn't it?

It can somehow
reconstitute matter, right?

- Myka...
- Well, thank God.

I mean, what are you
waiting for, Artie?

Wave the watch
and rebuild the warehouse.

Do you think you can bring back
Steve and H.G. Too?

Listen to me, this watch
is not a rebuilder.

It's not a reconstituter.

Wait, you said,
"not yet," Artie.

Please have something
up your sleeve.

Artie, if we ever needed
some sort of warehouse magic,

now would be the time.

All I can tell you is that this
is some kind of a key

to what might be
a fail-safe device.

I-I don't know.

- Artie?
- Can you feel that?

All I feel is really sad.


Oh, dear God, no.

Artie, Artie,
where are you going?

Where are you going?

Artie, what is that?

Well, it was
the ytterbium chamber.

What's so important
about the... the what is it?

The what now?

Nothing any more.

It was made of pure lutetium.
It's the hardest metal on earth.

And I had hoped that it would
survive and protect the...

Protect the what?

Just can't be
absolutely certain

until I've checked
the television.

I got to go to Leena's.

Oh, now I know he's lost it.

He never watches television.

Okay, so the watch
might lead us to an artifact.

We have no idea what
or where that artifact is.

Or if it has a downside.

Nor do I know what
that artifact might do.

I don't even know
what the watch does.

All right, well,
we should ask Mrs. Frederic.

She'll know what to...

I imagine Mrs. Frederic
is gone?

Gone? What... what do you mean
she's gone?

She collapsed, and then just...

she just disappeared
right in front of us.

Mrs. Frederic
is... is dead?

Wait, so when the warehouse
was destroyed...

- the warehouse was what?
- Destroyed?

The b*mb destroyed
the whole place?

Listen to me, listen to me.

[Overlapping arguing]

Please, everyone! If we
are gonna get through this,

we have to take a deep breath
and you have to focus.

Now, Leena, Claudia...

The b*mb that Walter Sykes
set off was far more powerful

than we imagined.

We only survived
because H.G. Wells insulated us

from the blast,
and she was k*lled.

Oh, my God.

Pete, Myka...
Mrs. Frederic, as caretaker

of Warehouse 13, was organically
connected to the warehouse,

and when it was taken,
she went with it.



[Trailer whimpers]

All right, look, um...

Take a deep breath
and focus, right?

Okay, all right, come on.
Artie, let's go.

Use the watch.

What watch?
MacPherson's watch?

Artie, I thought you didn't
know how that worked.

I don't.

We also don't know
if it has a downside.

Well, yeah, but what
difference does it make?

Well, it's a danger
that we have to consider.

Who cares?
Mrs. Frederic is dead.

Steve is dead.
H.G. Is dead.

I know.
I watched her die.

But every day, people die.

Sometimes it's people
we care about,

and sometimes
it's even people that we love.

We just... we just need
to make sure

that we're not being selfish.

The ytterbium.

The ytterbium chamber.

Artie, what about
the ytterbium chamber?

It's gone.

The what?
What's in there?

- Pandora's box.
- What?

What's that even mean?

No one seems
to be able to pinpoint

exactly why there has been
this sudden and steep decline

across every financial market
that is now open.

The dow has lost 58%
of its value in the last hour.

Currencies across the globe
are crashing

in this stunning
financial meltdown

that experts say
may be the delayed reaction

to the turmoil that has gripped
the world's economies

in recent months.

As a result, rioting and looting
has broken out

in dozens of major cities.

Lester holt is with us

about an even more
bizarre development.


Ed, thanks.

In dozens of major cities
around the world,

this morning's panic
is trending towards spates

of both individual
and group suicides.

Here in New York,

there have been at least 16
separate incidents reported.

Witnesses say in most cases,

an overwhelming depression
gripped the victims,

and ultimately led them
to take their own lives.

Oh, wait, you're saying
that all that

was caused
by the expl*si*n here?

"And in the bottom
of pandora's box,

all that remained
was hope."

So when the warehouse
was destroyed...

The world lost hope.

[Dramatic music]

A New Hope


What else does it say?

I don't know,
I can't see anything else.

Maybe if I had
a microscope, I could...

it's a Portuguese language.

Also a surname.

It's probably the name
of the watchmaker.

Artie, look at that.

- Where?
- There.

"Carregar o Botao."

I don't know what that is.
That's Portuguese

for, uh,
"push the button."

Really? This is still
a surprise to you?

Well, here goes.


[All gasp, wince]

- Nobody got vaporized.
- Artie, look.

I see it.
It's turned into a stopwatch.

Let me see.
24-hour stopwatch.

Yeah, but it didn't start
at 24 hours.

It started just over 23 hours.

Because it started
counting down

the moment the warehouse
was destroyed,

and this is all the time
we have left.

Left till what?

Well, whatever
this fail-safe is,

maybe we have to use it
within the next 23 hours.

And maybe once we find
the fail-safe,

that'll buy us back 24 hours.

Okay, so we have
around 23 hours

to find this...
Whatever the hell it is,

and it's anywhere in the world?

I like beavers.
I'll take Canada.

Artie, look.
The back of the watch,

it... it's loose.

It is loose.

There's nothing.

There's no symbols,
there's no writing.

There should be something.
Black diamonds.

- Where?
- Right there.

Look, usually watchmakers
use... use rubies.

I've never seen anyone
use black diamonds before.

She's right,
it's black diamonds.

What does that mean?

Leena, bring the pump needle.

- Artie, what are you doing?
- Artie?

- Where are you going?
- To the warehouse.

You know it blew up
though, right?

[Beeping, clicking]

Shouldn't we be trying
to figure out

what the fail-safe does?

That's exactly what I'm doing.

There! Pete!

Oof! Ugh!

Yeah, okay,
all right, all right.

All right, all right.

Oh, I knew that
wasn't regulation weight.

Wait, so... so the football
isn't an artifact?

Uh, it's an artifact tracker.

No, the football
is constantly in the process

of collecting information

on various artifacts
all over the world.

It would normally
download that information

to the warehouse system
as it passes overhead.

Now that we have a clue...
"black diamond"...

the football
is our only resource.

Yeah, well, I've been
through Google, Bing, Altavista,

Yahoo, Hotbot, Galaxy,
Gigablast, Alexa, and Cuil,

and I can't find anything
on black diamonds

unless you're looking for
jewelry, ski gear, or tattoos.

Internet is a distant second
to the football.


"In hoc signo vinces."

"By this sign,
we conquer."

It's a templar motto.

I hate running into
the knights of the templar.

They're always so intense,
and they're overly devoted

to whatever kooky task
they've been given.

Yeah, that would be annoying.


That's in the South of France.

There was an underground sect
in Richerenches.

16th century, I think.

And it was descended
of the templars.

Very dangerous.
I got it.

"The brotherhood of the knights
of the black diamond."

The Internet knows everything.


Looks like we're off
to France to find a...

we still don't know what,
do we?

We'll know it when we find it.

Leena, you've got
to talk to Mr. Keeler.

Uh, Keeler.

That... that was the regent
from the grocery store.

The one who led us
into the vault, right?

Yes, he's also got
a master's in history

from usd-rapid city,
and he's got access

to a private
regents library there.

And you are gonna need him
to do the research.

What am I researching?

A plan, right?
I mean, if...

if we're gonna
somehow get the day back,

we're gonna need
a plan to stop the b*mb.


Leena, you're gonna have to
research and locate an artifact

that was in warehouse 13,
and if we can erase 24 hours,

an artifact that we can use
to diffuse Sykes's b*mb.

How hard could that be?

- Good game.
- Thank you.

Precisely 22 hours
and 18 minutes

to get to Richerenches,
find the artifact,

figure out what it does,
and go back far enough

to stop the warehouse
from being destroyed.

Great, what could possibly
go wrong?

I'm not going.


But, Claudia...

It's too late already,
isn't it?

We're never gonna
get there in time.

In time for what?

What... we... we've
got to try.

In time to go back
far enough to save Steve.

No, I'm taking the metronome.
I'm bringing him back.

Claudia. Claudia!

Bring him back to what?

A world without hope?
Okay, look, I get it.

I do.
We... we all do.

We've all lost someone
we care about.

And if you live long enough,
it happens over and over again.

Listen, Claude.

We need everything
that we got right now.

We need you.


Don't think this is over.

I will remember
what I have to do,

and nothing will stop me
from doing it.

10 hours, 28 minutes left.

Why are there signs
for truffles everywhere?

Black perigold truffles,
to be precise.

They're also known
as black diamonds.

The public face
of the brotherhood

is that they collect and auction
the truffles for the church.

Not a lot of other info
exists on them.

Well, they're an intensely
secretive sect.

Oh, why is it so cold
in the middle of summer?

It's not actually cold.

Are you kidding me?
It's freezing.

It's a physical manifestation
of the loss of hope.

Our minds are starting
to interpret weather and music,

sounds, colors
in a duller, darker context.

Our brains are producing
far fewer endorphins.

That explains why Pete didn't
hit on that flight attendant.

I know, right?
That's not like me.

We can control the loss of hope

if we dig into other emotions,
focusing on those.

I'm using anger.
It's working rather well.

Artie, there's the commandry.

- It's been converted.
- Wait. "Barbosa."

Isn't that the name
of the watch company?

Let's get that cab.

Ah, ah, ah.
I'm assuming the rest of you

have noticed the two guys
following us?

Yeah, since the station.

They're not doing
a very good job hiding it.

It's the brotherhood's turf.
They don't have to hide it.

Well, they could've
at least made it challenging.

You know,
professional courtesy?

Hi, guys!

- Okay, who's got francs?
- Euros.


Okay, fill us in.
The percussive force

of the house of commons masonry
was fueled

by the n*zi regime's hate.

That's why it was so powerful.

More than any w*r in history,

Hitler's campaign was driven
by pure, violent hate.

We're thinking an artifact
of pure peace

might counteract it.
That sounds reasonable.

Any ideas?

Uh, something that
sergeant shriver owned?

He was the first director
of the peace corps.

Yeah, or the first
peace treaty ever signed.

We must have that.
A peacekeeping m*ssile.

And that's why
this is not my department.

- We'll find something, Artie.
- All right, good.

I assume your alien mother ship

will be taking you back home?

[Mocking laugh]

Okay, is that enough
of a challenge for you?

Yes, much better, thank you.

Artie, look at that door
behind them.

Carbonado is the mineral name
for black diamonds.

Andprivemeans that's
probably where we need to go.

All right, Myka and I
will distract the brotherhood.

You guys go find
the magic doohickey.

It's not a doohickey,
it's a fail-safe.

Whatever, as long
as it's magic.

Be careful, because those guys
will not think twice

about k*lling you.

Okay, so what's the plan?

No, that's all I had.

You usually have all the plans.

- What?
- Kidding. Watch this.

Oh, guys, hey!
How are you?

Hey, listen, I'm thinking
you guys can help me.

I'm looking for
ye olde truffle shoppe.

Anything? It's in my, uh...
my "go France" guide,

and I promised the missus
I'd get her some

of those 'shrooms she loves.

Oh, there she is!
Come on out.

No, come on out, honey.

Look at that figure.

Uh, she likes to put the...
you know, the 'shrooms

in her salad.

She's a bit of a health nut,

which apparently
you can understand.

Can't you, big guy?

[Laughing] Oh, man, you're big.

Oh, my God, you're...
not gay, but open-minded.


Really, that was the plan?
Hit the big one?

All right, we're here.

Any idea what
we're looking for yet?

We're looking
for anything out of place.

If they hid
an artifact in here,

they'd need some kind of clue
or a map to find it again.

This is nuts.
Is it bigger than a baguette?

Is it an antique corkscrew?
Napoleon's original pastry?

I mean, it could be anything.

Uh... Wait a minute.

Look at this.


You see the difference
between that and that?

Yeah, these barrels have space
between them and the wall.

This is right up against it.
Sneaky, sneaky.


So there's something
about these barrels that...

[floor creaking]

Something about
these barrels...





Ha ha! Yes!
There is a track under here.

Okay, all right, nice.

You found a track.
And I broke my back.

I think it's l4.
No, l5.

You know what?
Pull my elbows down.

Put your knee right...
Yeah, that's gonna happen.

Help me pull these forward.

All right.

[Both grunting]

Harder, harder, come on,
pull harder.

I am pulling.
Did I mention I broke my back?

Just pull, grandma!

- Aah! No!
- [Grunts]

Maybe it's something else.

No, never give up,
never surrender.

Just give me a second.
Let me look at this.

Okay, six barrels,
same label, same trim pieces.

Same... oh!
It's so obvious.

That's better.

- Huh?
- Yeah.

- Again.
- Okay.

[Both grunting]

Oh, yeah, I'm lifting.

Still an expert
at breaking and entering.

It's like stealing a bicycle.

All right.

And how are you
at breaking through walls?

Well, we'll find out, won't we?

Hope Pete and Myka are okay.



Hey, pooh bear,
you want to let me do that?

Now do you see
why it was important

that you came along?

I can just picture you
trying to get through here.

"Oh, help and bother!
I'm stuck!"

All right, all right.

- "I'm so rumbly in my tumbly."
- Stop it.

- Silly old bear.
- Enough.

- [Coughing]
- What do you see?


Claudia, can you hear me?

Claud... Claudia?

You all right?
I'm fine.

I think I found something.

I found something, right?

Dear God.

This is an astrolabe.

And if I'm...
Reading this right,

it belonged
to ferdinand Magellan.

That must be what this "m"
on the watch is for.

That's why
it's a 24-hour stopwatch.

Because Magellan
was the first guy

to sail all the way
around the world.

So you actually
paid attention in fifth grade?

Yes, now think back
to your youth,

and try to remember
what he said to you on deck

the night he crossed
the international date line.

I never tire of those comments.

If this is
the fail-safe,

then it must've been imbued
with something.

Something that
lets it erase 24 hours, but...

- But what?
- The alidade...

eyepiece that affixes
to the center... it's missing.

It's what... it's what
the sailors used

to look through
to get their bearings.

Okay, it must still be in here.

It's not very deep,
only about 12 feet back

before it dead ends
into solid rock.

Uh, it's just
a straight piece of brass,

pointed slightly on each end.
Uh, please.

Who doesn't know
what an alidade looks like?

Uh, there's nothing
back here, Artie.

Absolutely nothing.
Maybe it's...

that belongs to us.

You don't understand.

The world has lost hope.
No, my friend.

It's you who doesn't

I can't let you
take the astrolabe.

Put it back.
No, no.

Listen to me.
Put it back.


I won't ask you again.

Claudia, get back!

- Aah!
- No!


Any luck out there, Pete?

Look, there's no use trying
to get in this way.

It's not just a cave-in,
it's a trap.

We'll never get past
the iron gate.

Got to be a release switch
or something

to get her out of there.
All right, Claudia,

can you see another way out?

My legs are trapped
under the dirt anyway.

I can't move.
I should've seen this.

It was so damn obvious.
What the hell was I doing?

You were getting
Magellan's astrolabe, Artie.

I only got half of it.
And at what price?

We're already seeing
the downside of this thing

before we get any
of the benefits from it.

Artie, hey.
We're gonna get her out.

There's always a way, all right?

Don't lose hope, guys.
Just find the other part.

If you can make it work,

I won't ever
have gone in here, right?

She's right, we have to stay
focused on the big picture.

We have to erase
the last 24 hours.

Yeah, but where's
the other part?

The alidade.

It wasn't with the disc.

I don't know,
it could be anywhere.

It could be anywhere
in the world.

The watch.
The writing on the watch

was Portuguese, right?

Magellan was Portuguese.
Barbosa was Portuguese.

Duarte Barbosa, he was
the captain of Magellan's ship.


Well, don't look at me.

I was probably
at wrestling practice.

All right, maybe there's
something on this watch.

Something to connect it
to this astrolabe

so it'll tell us something.

Artie, look.

I know.
It's a watch again.

Yeah, but that's
the wrong time.

4:18? 4:18?
What's the significance of that?

Could be longitude/latitude.

4 north/18 east is literally
the middle of the jungle

in the central
African Republic.

4 south/18 east
is middle of Congo.

We couldn't get
to either place in time anyway.

4 north/18 west,
middle of the Atlantic.

4 south/18 west, ditto.

[Muttering] April 18th?

1775. Paul revere's ride.

I don't even have to
look that one up.

Uh, 1881, Billy the kid
escaped from Lincoln county jail

in new Mexico.

San Francisco earthquake.

Yankee stadium opened.

BBC announces that there's
no news to report that day.

All right,
maybe it's not a date.

Any other options?

Uh, the 418 area code
is quebec.

Uh, the year 418,
nothing happened of consequence.

- What about military time?
16:18, does...

or does that just
complicate things?

I don't know.

No, you know what?
Never mind.

No, wait, 16:18.
Chapter and verse!

- Chapter and verse!
- You guys sound excited.

Did I solve it?

What if the "m"
doesn't stand for...

it doesn't stand for
"Magellan," it stands for...

Both: A book
in the Bible!

- Leena!
- I'm looking them up right now.

The only "m" s
in the old testament

are Micah and malachi, and they
don't have a 16th chapter.

In the new testament,
it'd be mark or Matthew.

They made us read the Bible
a lot in the psych hospital.

I think it's how
they kept their funding.

Mark 16:18: "They shall
take up serpents..."

And if they drink any deadly
thing, it shall not hurt them."

Man, I-I really hope we don't
have to drink snake poison

to find this thing.
I mean, I'll do it...

But I'm really hoping
we don't have to.

Artie, Artie!

Matthew 16:18: "And I
tell you, you are Peter..."

"And on this rock
I will build my church...

And the gates of hell
shall not prevail against it."

- Peter.
- "On this rock."

- The Vatican.
- The Vatican.

The alidade is at the Vatican.

Listen to this:

The cornerstone
of St. Peter's basilica

was laid in 1506, April 18th.

Even I know that's where it is.

All right, you two keep
looking for the peace artifact.

Don't worry,
we'll find something.

- Bye.
- And Artie, Artie, Artie...

Look, the watch
is counting down again.


All right, we've got exactly
8 hours and 57 minutes

to get to Rome,
break into the Vatican,

get down to St. Peter's tomb,
find the alidade.

All right, well, let's go.


I'll stay.

Oh, Mykes, I'll... I'll...
I'll stay.

Hey, are you guys still there?

- Yeah, Claude, don't worry...
- Why?

Get the hell out of here.

Forget about me, just go
get the thing and make it work.

Now. Go now.
You should be gone already.

- Okay, Claude.
- We'll get it, I promise.

Or we'll be back.

[Sirens blaring]

[Crowd shouting]

[Overlapping shouting]

- Hey, hey, hey!
- No, no, no, no, Pete!

No, no, no, no!
We've got no time.

We've got less
than two hours left.

Artie, it's getting worse,
isn't it?

Yes, yes,
because when there's no hope,

then people turn to fear
and chaos takes over.

Okay, this...
this is the restaurant.

- Man, I'm starving.
- Really? Now?

We are not here to eat.

An army travels on its stomach.

[Speaking italian]


Alberto, no, no, no, no, no.

[Overlapping chatter]


Okay, what are we even
doing here?

Shouldn't we be
breaking into St. Peter's?

No, no, no, in the basement
of Giancarlo's,

there is an old tunnel
that leads directly

into the bowels
of the basilica.

People used to break
into the Vatican?

Back when the tunnel was built,

they more often
used it to sneak out.

All right, so how
do we get past brunhilda?

- Exactly.
- You guys stay here.

what are you gonna do?

We're running out of time
and options, okay?

So just get ready
to find your tunnel.

Oh, man, I've seen
that look before.

Just get your head down.

- Oh, dio!
- Arrivederci!


- Go!
- What? Wait.

[Speaking italian]

- Come on, let's go.
- Artie, she's in trouble.


Okay, it's now or never.

Come on.

[Grunting] I got her.

All right, all right.

St. Peter's tomb is another
level directly below us.

The church has had it sealed off
for over a hundred years,

but, you know, if I remember,
there is an elevator system.

And, okay, this is...

oh, God, 30 minutes left.

Artie, I'm getting
some major vibe-age here.

Good or bad?

I don't know.
Both. It's weird.

Good and then...

Something... something
really dark.

Wait. Ah.
Look at that.

Looks like an elevator to me.

But how do we...


We need Claudia.

No, no, the old dog's
still got a few tricks.



Looks like it singed your fur
a little bit there, scrappy.

Yeah, yeah, that didn't do it.


And that's how you get down
to St. Peter's tomb.

Vibe, Artie.

A big one. I don't know.
There's something.

Oh, my God.
The alidade.

Look in the mirror.
The dial.

- [Laughing]
- It's right here.

Oh, great.

You guys again.



My partner taught me that one.

Behind you!


[Small gasp]


I got it, Artie.

I got it.

Oh, my God.

Should've seen the other guy.



I think he got...

I think he got me good, Artie.

It didn't hurt at first, but...

Now it kind of does.

It hurts bad.

It really, really hurts, Artie.

Don't you... don't...
don't talk.

I just got to stop
this bleeding.

But that was it, right?
That was what...

that's what you needed?

We got it?

Yes, Pete, okay.
You got it.

- [Coughing]
- You got it, you got it.


It's gonna be okay.
It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay, okay.

It's gonna be okay, right?

I'm not gonna remember?

Remember what?

Remember dying.

No. No, Pete.

You won't remember.

But I will.

I will.

- Artie, what's wrong?
- Pete.

He... he...

he, uh, found the alidade.

So we're good to go.

But we're out of time,
so please tell me

you've got something
to counteract the b*mb.

Gandhi's dhoti.

The homespun cloth of cotton
that the mahatma wore

during his fast
for non-v*olence.

I've seen it in the inventory.

It was snagged
after he was assassinated.

They say it emanates
pure peace.

We think it's your best bet.
All right.

Wish me...

wish us luck.


Oh, my God.

Tell me why.

I can't.

I'm so sorry.

Something's happened.

something irrevocable?

I believe I can fix it.
I know I can.

If you do this,
you can tell no one.

Anyone you tell...

Of your actions
will be in grave danger.

All right.

If you use the astrolabe,

you will create an evil
of your own making.

An evil that will live
with you the rest of your days.

[Dramatic music]

♪ ♪

[h. G. And Myka grunting]


Artie, thank God.

Yes, that was getting
rather close.

- Uh...
- Okay, listen.

We have to find Sykes, right?

He's probably...
what... Artie, what's wrong?

- Are you all right?
- What?

Yeah, I'm... I'm good.

Right, you were tied up,
and now you're free.

Artie, what is wrong?


Right, uh, yeah.

Then there's a b*mb
in Sykes's wheelchair.


There's a b*mb
in Sykes's wheelchair!

Why would he have a b*mb...

because he wants
to destroy the warehouse.

He wants to blow it up.

Yes, yes,
that makes perfect sense.

This is what he's
been waiting decades to...

how did you know about that?

We have to go
to aisle Rajghat 1948.

We have to do that right now.

Why do you always do that?


This is masonry from the British
house of commons.

Yeah, it was infused
with all the hatred

of the n*zi regime
during the blitzkrieg.

Now where is it?

Are you sure we even have
Gandhi's dhoti? I mean...

and there's the sandals.
There's the glasses.

Where's the damn...
Dhoti! Got it.

But, Artie,
how did you even know

about the b*mb
being in the wheelchair?

It was logical, and, uh,

I think he may have
mentioned it in passing.

And how did you know
about Gandhi's...

it doesn't matter.

[Beeping stops]



[Beeping resumes]

It's still counting down.

No, it can't be.
It's supposed to stop.

Myka, if we don't do something,

this thing is gonna
destroy the whole warehouse.

Hey, don't panic, all right?

You... you said that the b*mb
was fueled by hatred, right?

Yeah, well, we thought

that the pure peace
of Gandhi's dhoti

would counteract
Hitler's pure hatred.

- It's not the b*mb.
- What?

It's not the b*mb.

- Of course. The hatred.
- Right.

So if hatred is
what ignites the b*mb,

then we don't need
to diffuse the b*mb.

We need to diffuse
Walter Sykes.


And Pete is about
to push him through the portal,

and he's gonna be lost forever.


How do you know these things?

Get away from her!


No, no!
Pete, don't!

No, bring him back.
You have to bring him back.

Bring him back!


[Portal powers down]


[Beeping stops]

It stopped.


I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

He's gone.

Agent Nielsen,
you have to be m more specific.

How can you be certain
of h.G. Wells's rehabilitation?

I know how all this sounds,

but could you possibly
just trust me on this?

Trust you on this?
That's it?

Look, she did save Myka's life
in Hong Kong,

and the two of them did manage
to reopen the portal,

which ultimately saved us all.

What h.G. Did
was admirable,

but one event
doesn't change history.

You cannot have the regents
simply ignore the past.

Why not? The past isn't
written in stone, you know.

Well, I mean, you know,
it's... it's written in...

you... you know
what I mean.


Actually we don't, Arthur.
What are you talking about?

II mean, people change.

They learn.
They grow.

She had any number
of opportunities to bury us.

She didn't.

I think under
an extreme circumstance,

I can see miss Wells
behaving quite...


I mean, if it came to it.

This is a sudden and
miraculous change of opinion.

It's quite unlike you.

If I recall, in the past,

you have been
the most vocal opponent

of miss Wells
having her freedom.

Yeah... Well...

My point is that in my gut,
I know that if she had to,

h.G. Wells would give her life
for the warehouse.

I know it.

And I think I've earned
the occasional.

"I'm gonna go
with Artie's gut on this."

Don't you?

Would you excuse us
for a moment?

Yeah, take all
the time you need.

- Thank you.
- Oh.

We are inclined to go

with Artie's gut on this,
as requested.

This must, of course,
be taken up

with the rest of the regents.
Of course.

But given your
strong recommendation,

I don't foresee a problem.


Uh, thank you very much,
Mr. Kosan.

Appreciate it.
Thank you.

Got a lotta work to do...

something strange is going on.

Well, it's warehouse 13.

I mean, isn't something strange
always going on?

Not like this.

No doubt you know what I mean.

Arthur Nielsen
at a loss for words?

You've done something.

Don't be ridiculous.
I didn't do anything.

I'm not at a loss for words.

I simply don't
have anything to say.

I will tell you...

oh, dear God.

Don't judge me.

I didn't have any choice,
did I?

I haven't slept
in two parallel universes.

[Trailer whimpers]

I'm exhausted.


Brother Adrian: [Echoing]
You will create an evil

of your own making.

[Thunder rumbles]


No! No!



[Farnsworth buzzes]


[Farnsworth continues buzzing]

Claudia's gone.

She disappeared
in the middle of the night.

[Thunder rumbles]

Brother Adrian: [Echoing]
An evil that will live with you

the rest of your days.