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03x07 - Past Imperfect

Posted: 05/27/23 06:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on
Warehouse 13...

Apparently Martino
and your partner

were having an affair,
and he was married.

I read the press release
of what went down in Denver.

Lives were saved.
Lives were lost.

Hey, Bunny.

You're dead, Sam.

I was late.

No, Bunny.
I was early.

Myka, the only person
responsible for Sam's death

is the piece of garbage that
pulled the trigger that day.

Security, 11:00.

Copy that, Chloe.

And clear.

Okay, listen, be ready,

'cause he's gonna loop around
again in 12 minutes.

I'll only need four.

Well, Artie was right.

The plaque was just
covering up a hole

with a bunch
of junk in it.

Civic buildings used
to honor their workers

by burying their tools.

Yeah, well, I bet they'd
have preferred a proper wage

for tunneling through
the Rockies with a pickaxe.

Do you see the spike?

There's a bunch
of them in here.

Pete, wait.



No glove, no love, man.

What would I do without
my super-cautious partner?

Can't be.

Oh, my God.


Sam, wait!


Pete, are you gonna be okay?

I have to go check
on something.

I'm good. Go.

Oh, sorry.



Myka, something's happening.

Myka, help me.


Pete, what's happening?
Talk to me?

Are you okay?

It's like having breakfast

with my Aunt Jude
and Uncle Pall Mall.

Are you okay?

I almost had him, Pete.

Had who?


Who's Leo?

The guy who shot my partner.

He's the guy who k*lled Sam.

♪ Warehouse 13 3x07 ♪
Past Imperfect
Original Air Date on August 22, 2011

== sync, corrected by elderman ==

I just can't get over it.

Handsome boy like you
not married.

He's very picky.

The collection's
over here.

So what made your great Uncle
collect doorknobs?


Back then we didn't
have Prozac,

so we just called it a hobby
and looked the other way.

Well, one of these doorknobs
might be worth something now.

Fingers crossed.

Now, I checked my TV Times.

I couldn't find anything
called The Artifact Roadshow.

Mrs. Hodgson,
can I bother you

for a glass
of something cold?

Where's my head today?

I made iced tea

and left it downstairs.

I'll go get it.

I'll get my niece's
email address.

She's single too.


What do you bet
great-Uncle doorknob

never got married either?

One of these things
is not like the other.

I don't suppose
it'll just say

"Triangle Shirtwaist Factory"
on it.

Yeah, 146 women
die in a sweatshop fire.

That's a hell of a way
to create an artifact.

Yeah, they were locked in

so they couldn't
leave work early.

As they tried to escape,

the doorknob
absorbed their pain

and suffering.

Did Artie give you an actual
physical description?



Guess we just
dump all these out,

drop 'em each in a bag,
and see which one--


Oh, is everything okay?

Much better now.
Thank you.

- Is that peach?
- Thank you.

But I was wearing
purple gloves.

Yeah, see, the thing is
artifact snagging

is not an exact science.

So can I drive the Prius back?

Please, please, please.

You might consider
buying one of your own.

As soon as I can get Artie
to quit paying me

in bright orange $500 bills.


Hey, cute.

What a sweetheart.

Where'd you come from?

Hmm, she doesn't
have a dog.




Three years ago,
Leo Bock stole plates

from the Denver Mint.

Later as we were
setting a trap for him

he gunned down Sam
in the National Building.

But I know that
I saw him today.

Here you go.

I've cued it up
to 9:00 a.m.

Come on, Leo.
Show your face.

We should check
credit card purchases

for trains arriving
around 9:00.

No, no, Leo's
a master counterfeiter.

He tosses off identities

the way that
a cook breaks eggs.


That's him.

What camera is that?

The northeast exit.

Pete, let's go.

So he left
20 minutes ago.

He--he took a taxi.

Or no, a bus.

Where does that leave us?

Look, Myka, he came
to Denver for a reason.

We'll track him down.

I chased Leo harder than
I've ever chased anyone, okay?

I studied him.
I knew everything about him.

He drinks gin and tonics
with two limes,

he bats lefty,
he has no gallbladder,

and he has
a dairy allergy.

None of it paid off.

And now he's gone again.

I think we should contact
Denver Secret Service.

My old team?

Yeah, well,
it's their case, right?

You know, I haven't
been in touch with them

since I transferred to D.C.

And then Mrs. Frederic asked
me to join the warehouse.

Right, where you've been
saving the world

over and over and over again.

But I couldn't save Sam,
and I couldn't catch Leo.

And if I were my team,

I'd have a hard time
forgiving me.


Claudia, hey, wake up.


Oh, God,
what the hell happened?

This time we got snagged
and tagged.

And de-bagged.

The doorknob is gone.
Somebody must have followed us.

Hey, wait a minute.
I saw a car.

What kind?

It was silvery bluey.
Ugh, that's all I got.

Looks like
they drove closer.

These tracks are fresh.

I'll call Artie.

Shh, you!

You called me.

Artie, somebody
knocked us out,

grabbed the doorknob,
and zoomed off in a car.

Code red or blue, whatever
the worst color would be.

All right,
take a deep breath.

Were there any witnesses?

Not in the middle-of-nowhere

Hey, hey, hey.
Easy, fella.

Was the dog there
when you were att*cked?

Oh, you think
the dog did it?

Don't be absurd,

but what do dogs do
when a car zooms off?

They chase them?

Yes, and what do cars have
on their back bumpers?

License plates.

So maybe the dog saw
the license plate

and he can tell us--and that's
where this all falls apart.

Just come back

and bring the dog.

Oh, and I'm being absurd?



Let me.

So you're going in
early today.

Yeah, well,
I think it's best

if we don't show up

Why, you think
people know?


we work with agents
trained to detect

minute behavioral cues.

So do I think that
our coworkers notice

that every time I look at you

I want you in every way

Yeah, I think they know.

Don't apologize.

I like that look.

There it is now.

Oh, you're k*lling me.


I have to go to work.

So do you.

All work and no play...

Stay focused, Slim.
Eyes and ears open.

He was really young, huh?

Last guy you thought
would fall.

He was an impeccable Agent,

and his backup plans
had backup plans.

You know, Pete,
before we go in there,

I've got to tell you

I think I already know.

That FBI Agent Bonnie Belski

told me that
Sam was married

when you guys
were together.

Well, obviously Belski
didn't know the whole story.

Sam had been separated from
his wife for a year

before we even--

- Myka Bering.
- Zach.

Couldn't believe it when
I heard you were coming in.

How are you?

Good, good.
God, it's nice to see you.

How's South Dakota
Secret Service treating you?

And what the hell is there
to do in South Dakota?

Well, hey, now,
you'd be surprised.

Guarding those
Mount Rushmore Presidents,

a lot more challenging
than you'd think.

This is my partner,
Pete Lattimer.

This is Zach.

He's an investigator
here in Denver.

Actually, I'm director
of investigations now.


That was gonna be--

Sam's job, I know.

I try to live up
to his standards.

Well, come on back.

- Congratulations.
- Thank you.

Thank you so much.
I appreciate it.

So Leo came by train?

And changed his appearance.

He shaved his facial hair

and shot filler
into his chin.

But if you look
at these eight focal points,

there's a 97% match
to Leo Bock.

Okay, so I guess
the real question here

is why is Leo back in Denver?

Some murders get off

on returning
to the scene of the crime.

Well, it doesn't fit
Leo's profile.

He's white-collar
all the way.

His only violent crime
was k*lling Sam.

And this is
the first time

I've seen him
not wearing a suit.

He could be going back
to the mint, right?

Three years later,
new Secretary of Treasury.

Maybe he needs
a new set of plates.

Well, you just
can't walk into the mint.


Yes, you can.

Yes, you can.
Look at what Leo's wearing.

The mile high city T-shirt,

the Rocky Mountain
football cap, the jeans.

I mean, guys, come on,
who dresses that way?

- Tourists!
- Right.

Okay, that's why
he's not wearing a suit.

Because he's trying
to blend in with the others.

By taking a bus tour
of downtown Denver.

Okay, the first bus leaves
from the northeast corner

of the train station
at 9:10 a.m.

First stop
is the state capitol,

second stop is the art museum,
and the third stop is...

the U.S. mint.

Bus arrives in 20 minutes.

Can we make it in time?

It's a block away.

Well, I'm not from Denver,
now am I?

Okay, so the last thing that
I want is a hostage situation.

So wait until Leo
gets off the bus

before we grab him.

I'll back you up
from the east.

Zach, you got the west.

Here it comes.

Okay, boys,
just follow my lead.

Eyes and ears open.

Still impulsive
and emotional.

- Classic Myka.
- What, classic who now?

Hey, whoa--

You okay?

I will be when
we catch this bastard.

You'll need it
for the mint.

And as you can see,
you're gonna get a taste

of our famous
Denver weather.

Nice one second,
rain the next.

All right, let's go.

Pete, he's made us.

Police, freeze!

Oh, my God,
he's got a g*n!

Secret Service!

Look out, look out!

- Pete, there!
- Look out!

Jim, he's coming your way.

I'm okay.

Damn it!

What happened?
Where's Leo?

Well, he came
down this alley.

And then he just disappeared.

He did it again.

You let him get away?

How could you?
How did you let that happen?

Hang in there, man.

Jim's got a hairline
rib fracture.

The EMT says he'll be fine.

Look, I know how frustrated
you must be,

but don't take it out
on Pete, okay?

We all want to put
this guy away.


I'm--I'm gonna--yeah.

Pete, what are you doing?

Well, I'm--I'm thinking
like Myka.

Yeah, I mean, when something
doesn't make sense,

Myka tries
to make sense of it.

I mean, but not right now

because she's too emotional,

which is where
Pete usually is, emotional.

But then I thought,
hey, while you're being me

I might as well be you.

So I've investigated
every way

that Leo could have used
to escape a blind alley, right?

Like hidden drain pipes
or manholes.


but then I thought,

what if Leo was able to jump
into the bed of the truck

onto the roof
and up and over the wall?

Well, that's quite
a maneuver.

He had 50 yards on me,

Which is about
a seven-second lead.

So how long does it take
to get over the wall?

Well, that's what
I was trying out,

but I could use some help.


All right,
all right, all right.

- Okay, first...
- Yes?

We must synchronize
our watches

to the exact second.
Okay, yeah.

Ready and go.


Then we'll walk over here

to where I last saw Leo.


At the top
of the next minute,

I'll run.

Seven seconds later,
you'll go.

- Got it, I'll be you.
- Exactly.


Six, five...


Okay, okay.

Let's try 12 seconds.






It's impossible.

So there's no explanation

of how he got away?

This is what I'm saying.

Okay, look,

when something has
no explanation--

oh, my God.


Well, don't you get it?

Good, you're back
to being Myka.

Now I shall go back
to being Pete.

When something has
no explanation,

there can only be
one explanation.

Leo has an artifact?

That's the only thing
that makes sense.

I mean, he vanished
into thin air.

We know that
they're out there, right?

That we do.

But I didn't know that
three years ago.

So I didn't know
what I was looking for.

Okay, you know what,

I'm gonna go back
to Sam's office.

I'm gonna look at his notes
on the old case.

What, are you gonna
re-open it?


But not as
a Secret Service Agent.

As a Warehouse Agent.

The old Myka is back!

Could be good,
could be bad.

- You coming?
- Yeah.

Somewhere around--


All right.

Father and son Shriners.

No, they belonged
to a depression-era

mindreading act,
Mr. Mental and Coco.

Real names Raymond Fraser
and Coco.

Yes, now in the act

Coco would scamper
into the audience

and he would solicit items
like a monogrammed handkerchief

or a dollar bill, something
with initials or numbers.

Mr. Mental
would sit onstage,

he'd be blindfolded,
he would read Coco's mind,

he would recite back perfectly
the numbers or the initials.

So let me guess,
the hats were imbued

with the mystical juju of--

No, not this time,

because Mr. Mental
was an amateur inventor

and he had a background
in neurology.


A transmitter.

So the receiver would be--


Huh, so he used
radio waves?

Not quite.
Brain waves.

Magnetic resonance.

Mr. Mental made
the first MRI.

There also may have been
the teensiest amount

of mystical juju.
Wait, wait, wait,

you're saying that he could
actually read Coco's thoughts?

Well, nothing too complex,

but simple images came
through loud and clear, yes.

And we're gonna use these

to get the license plate
from the dog?

With any luck.

But there's always
a downside, right?

What's the downside?

Not that bad.

Uh, a little help
with the fezzes?


Hey, Slim.
Free for dinner tonight?

Well, that depends
on who's asking.

Ah, nobody special.

Got something for you.

Can't show you here,
but it's a game changer.

A man of mystery.

I like that.

Sam, we just got
an anonymous tip.

Leo is gonna be in the lobby

of the National Building
at 4:00.

About time
we caught a break.

You want to take Jim
for backup?

No, I'll take Myka.
She's got great eyes.

Okay, I'll take Jim.

Come on, we'll coordinate
with local.

Hey, I'll see you, Slim.
Don't be late.

Lookin' through
the old case, huh?


Find anything?

So far no luck.

Jim, you and Sam
were close, right?

Well, not as close
as you two, but yeah.

The night Sam died,

he was gonna
give me something.

It was a card
or an envelope.

Any guess
what was in it?

No idea.

Although he did say something

about him wanting you
to move in with him.

Maybe it was a key?

A key?

And maybe I shoulda just
left it at "no idea."

No, no, it's fine.

Besides, there's no key
in that box.

Well, that's just
his office stuff.

I mean, his personal stuff

was sent to, uh...

To where?

It all went to Allison's.

Who's Allison?

Sam's wife.

I could go in with you.


I need to do this alone.



What are you doing here?

Allison, hi.

I'm sorry to bother you.

I need your help.

It's about Sam.

Come in.

Thank you.

Guess we can talk in here.

What's going on?

I know that
this sounds strange,

but I'm still tracking down
Sam's k*ller.


The night that he died,

Sam--Sam was gonna
give me something.

The service gave you a box
of his personal effects.

Can I--can I ask you
what was in it?

Just office things.

A change of clothes,

Photo of him and me.

A photo of him and you.

I really hate
to intrude like this.

I know that this
is very awkward.

Myka, I was so angry.

At you.

Not that you had
done anything wrong.

We'd split up long before,

but you were proof
that Sam had moved on.

That was hard for me.

I know.

I used to give him grief

that he always had
to have a backup plan.

Well, I think
you were more to him

than just a backup.

And thank you
for speaking to me.

It was probably just
a greeting card anyway.

It wasn't--
- A card?



With everything
that happened after,

the funeral,

I didn't know
where to send it.

I guess I didn't
try very hard either.

I'm sorry.

Thank you for
giving it to me now.

On one condition.

Get this guy, Myka.

Get him.

Thank goodness
she still had it.

God, same knew that
I hated that song.

So what's on it?
What did he write?


I mean,
it's another dead end.


♪ Working at the car wash ♪

Yeah, copy that.

We'll be right there.

Security detail,

they just spotted Leo
at the train station.

We get another chance.

Hey, guys.

Thanks for calling.
Where's Leo?

He's in the waiting area.

We got a man out front
playing janitor

keeping an eye on him,

and we got the other place
locked down.

Your mission, Myka.
How do you wanna play it?

Straight up.
No chase this time.

We move in,
weapons ready but hidden.

You guys go right,
I'll go left.

I'll be on channel one.

Pete, I need you
to stay here.



Myka, Myka, Myka.


Look, I know that I can't
make you stay here,

but I can beg you to.

Why? No one
has your back like I do.

I know, it's just...

Look, the last time
I got a tip to nab Leo,

my partner ended up...

I could never
recover from that.

All right, all right.

This once, for you.

But take him down, okay?

And fast.

Hands where
I can see them!

He's got a g*n!

- Myka?
- Clean here.

I had to take the shot.

He had a w*apon
out of nowhere.

I know.

Unit four, suspect down.

sh*ts fired.

He's got no pulse.


What happened?

Leo pulled his g*n,
and Zach dropped him.

So it's over.

That's good, right?

We need to find
that artifact.

I bagged everything
that I could get my hands on.

Nothing reacted.

Well, it makes sense.

I mean, if he coulda, you know,
teleported or whatever

I guess he would have.
Something feels wrong.

Myka, I trust my vibes,

Well, trust your instincts.

You're the observant one.


Look at how he's
holding his w*apon.

He bats lefty.

It's in his right hand.

Okay, so options?

Why would someone
purposefully hold their g*n

in the wrong hand?


He got tired of running

and wanted to end it
right here and now?

su1c1de by cop.
It's not Leo.

Besides, I saw his face.
He was confused.

He wasn't determined.

Okay, okay,
so he's sitting there, right?

You guys come up.

He stands up to surrender
and then...

Suddenly his g*n
was pointed at me.

Now what
do you mean suddenly?

Suddenly, suddenly.

Like, in the blink
of an eye.

Okay, Myka,

um, blink.

I'm still here, right?

Yes, Pete, you're still here.
What does that--

Now close your eyes
and keep them closed.

Close 'em.

Okay, now open them.

I disappeared, right?

You're behind me.

No, I know, just--

what if a blink lasted
longer than a blink

and we didn't know it?

You think the artifact
messes with time?

Show me your watch.

We synchronized our watches
in the alley, remember?

And now?

They're out of synch.

You were outside
of the room

when we went after Leo,

and now my watch is--

is behind your watch by...

47 seconds.

That could only mean
two things.

Napoleon shared
a first kiss with Josephine

that lasted
exactly that long.


Or ha!

Google schmoogle,
I'll stick with paper.

The U.S.S. Eldridge.

A 1940s warship that docked
in the Philadelphia shipyards.

Well, wait, wait,
wait a minute.

The Philadelphia Experiment,

Please, please,
tell me that wasn't a hoax.

No, no, no,
don't get too excited.

The Eldridge was
the Navy's attempt

to use high-powered
magnets and generators

to create a cloaking device.
It kinda worked.

It did look like the ship was
off the radar for 47 seconds.

But really,
it just froze the radar screen

while the ship kept moving?

But the energy released
from that temporal disturbance

may have given birth
to an artifact

that recreates the effect.

Right, but only over
a limited area.

47 seconds.

That's more than enough time

for Leo to make it
over the alley wall.

It's also enough time
for someone to freeze the team

and put a g*n
into Leo's wrong hand.

Which suggests that
whoever is holding the artifact

can also move
through the freeze.

Leo wasn't working alone.
He's got a partner.

Or did until
his partner set him up

to take the fall today.

Excuse me.

If I may, good-bye.

How could I have been
so stupid?

All this time
I've been chasing Leo,

and there's
been somebody else.

All right,
so now that we know that,

we just have
to go after him.

Him? Her?

I mean, literally, it could
be anybody out there.

Easy, easy,
don't you think

you're exaggerating
just a little?

No, I don't because
this case just blew up.

It blew up again.

Myka. Myka!


We'll take it
one step at a time, right?

We'll start
identifying suspects.


You--you do it, okay?
Because I am out.

Wait, what?


For three years
I have done nothing

but fail on this case.

I failed as
a Secret Service Agent,

I failed
as a Warehouse Agent,

and I failed
as Sam's partner.

I was his backup, Pete.

Now it's important you not
make any sudden moves.

If the hat gets knocked off,

the receiver could pull in
a massive amount of static.

The downside.


One night an audience member
pulled off Coco's fez

and Raymond Fraser
was never the same.

Mr. Mental went mental?

Just keep the hat
on the dog's head.

Claudia, you're gonna write
down the license plate numbers.

As soon as
you bark them out.

I suppose you've got several
of those bon mots at the ready.

More than 5,
less than 100.

- Hooray.
- I've got three.

Just put our fezzes
on our heads

simultaneously please.


On our heads simultaneously,

This seems dangerous.


Someone could take
a picture

and post it on the Internet.

- Three, eight, five!
- Whoa, halfway there.

That stupid scarab!


Watch the hat!

Grab his tail,
grab his tail.

The hat!
Watch the hat!

Grab his tail!

Doggy, doggy, doggy,
doggy, doggy, doggy.

- Hey.
- Hey.

So you feelin' any better

after your little
fit back there?

Not really, no.

That's a shame.
It was a good one.

You know, Myka, you only fail
if you give up.

I know.

All right,
so what would Sam say?

Stay focused, Slim.

Eyes and ears open.

Don't get emotional.

Ah, well,
there you go.

He said it, not me.

Don't--don't get emotional.

I gotta tell you,

it's kinda the opposite
of what you're doing right now.

Ears open.

The card.

Sam's card.
Where is it?

Where did it?

Right here, right here.

Okay, he loved his backups,

and he knew that
I hated this song.

If he was here right now,
he would make me listen to it,

right till the end,
just to t*rture me.

I love this guy.

You said no one would
connect me to the plates,

but now this guy Sam
is all over me.

It's Leo's voice.

So he's good.
That's your problem.

You're on his team,
talk to him,

offer to cut him in.

Game changer.

That's why Sam wanted
to take me to dinner.

He wanted to talk to me
outside of the office.

Boy scout, huh?

All right,
I'll take care of him.

Use the thing.
He'll never see it coming.

My God,
the only other agents

who were on that case with us
were Zach and Jim.

All right,
so what are you thinking?

It's time to do
something impulsive.

Hey, sweetie.
Where are you, buddy?


Come on, boy.
You wanna play?


Here, doggy.

This was cute
for, like, a minute.

Yeah, come on.

Play fetch
with your Uncle Steve.

Here, doggy.
Nice doggy.

Hey, pooch!


The things I do for Artie.

Hey, any sign
of the dog?

No, but I know how to make
him come to us.

Pavlov's bell.

You know--whoa,
that happened fast.


The downside.

Getting a little slurpy.

I'll be fine tomorrow.

Hey, boy, you still
got your hat on.

Good boy.

What's that in your mouth?

Who's a good scarab k*ller?
You are.

Yes, you are.

Ah, uh...


Did I get it?

Uh, sure.

Yeah, you're good to go.

Come on, hey, let's get you
back to Artie.

Come on.

What's going on?
You said it was urgent.

You need to come with us
to see Zach.

And get some cuffs.


Got your message.

Kind of formal just for
you to say good-bye.

Actually, it's you
who's saying good-bye, Zach.

Yeah, we know everything,

how you worked with Leo
to get the plates.

And when Sam got to close,
you dropped him.

All for a lousy promotion.


Myka, are you crazy?

You're under arrest, Zach.

Jim, what are they
talking about?

I have no idea.

We've got the recording
or Leo talking to you

about k*lling Sam.

Okay, that is ridiculous.

I'm done listening
to this crap.

Hey, stop right there.

Zach, he's got a g*n!

The ship's barometer.

You know about it?

I know that
you can stop time.

And I know that you sent Sam
into the National Building

with a big target
on his chest.

Sam, wait!

When he picked you
to back him up...

I'll take Myka.
She's got great eyes.

I knew he had his doubts
about me.

So you k*lled him?

No, but I held you
back long enough so Leo could.

That's why I was late.

By 47 seconds.

It's happening again.

I'll take that.

What the hell?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, Jim.


Myka, are you okay?

Myka, what happened?

Zach, I'm so sorry.

Look, Jim--

Jim was working with Leo,
and Sam got in his way

just like we were about to.

Holy mother.
In here!

He got shot.

Hey, Myks.

Is--is it over?

Yeah, it's over.

Do you feel better?


What'd you tell the FBI?

That it all happened
in the blink of an eye,

Jim went bad,
and Zach acted by the book.

Did you give them
the recording?

First I made a copy.
You know, for backup.

Ooh, Sam taught you well.

When did you know it was Jim
and not Zach?

Well, not until Jim
pulled out the barometer.

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

So pretty much
the last second.

Risky sting operation.

Impulsive, emotional.

Classic Myka.

You knew before I did,
didn't you?

Knew what?

Don't play dumb with me,

Who, me?
What you talkin' bout, Willis?


All right, all right,
maybe a little.

I mean, I knew that Leo couldn't
have poofed out of that alley

without a little help,

and you weren't being
entirely rational.

So I thought I needed to--

Gently walk me through it.

Let me discover the proof
so I'd believe it.

It was your case
to solve, Agent Bering,

and you did it.

Thank you for...

You know,
being so patient with me.

It was a little trick
I learned

from my overly-cautious



All right,
I'll see you outside.


We got him.

We finally got him.

I heard.

Zach called.


Thank you.


It's for both of us.

Judging from the look
on his face,

something's about
to come out.

Please let it be
numbers and letters.

Q, nine, three.

Six digits, all I need.

Oh, did you get it?

Yes, Claudia's searching
right now.

Ah, yeah.
That wasn't so bad.


Claudia, what the hell?
- Pavlov's bell.

Ooh, you know that causes
excessive drooling for--

I got that.
Thank you.


Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I've seen
where that tongue has been.

So what do we do
with him now?

We take him back
to Wisconsin?

Mrs. Hodgson
says he's a stray.

Finders keepers.
Which is good,

because we couldn't
give him back.

The psychic bond between us
is just too strong.

He owns me now.

No, you mean
that you own him.

No, no, we don't own dogs.
Dogs own us.

Cats are prisoners,
but dogs own us.

His name, by the way,
is Trai.

- Trai?
- Yeah, it's short for trailer.

Got a match.

Our evil car belongs
to a rental company.

Surprise, surprise.

Which would require

a driver's license.

Can you get into
the company's computer?

Does a cheese doodle?

Hello, gorgeous.

Our doorknob stealer
is rather perky

in a roadside diner
waitress kind of way.

What the hell?


Oh, dear God.

Sally Stukowski.

Do we know her?


She knows us.