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04x11 - Quest

Posted: 05/26/23 09:33
by bunniefuu

[Bass thumping]

♪ ♪

- Yo gabba gabba!

[Bubbly electronic music]

Muno! - Yo, right!

- ♪ He's tall and friendly ♪

- Foofa!

- ♪ She's pink and happy ♪

- Brobee!

- ♪ The little green one ♪

- Toodee!

- ♪ She likes to have fun ♪

- Plex!

- Whoa!

- ♪ A magic robot ♪

♪ Let's all come and play with dj lance rock today ♪

All yo gabba gabba!

Yo gabba gabba!

Yo gabba gabba!


- Hello, friends.

Got to make sure I look my best.

An important visitor is coming to gabbaland.

[Trumpet fanfare]

[All cheering]


[Excited murmuring]

- Good morning, brave citizens of gabbaland.

'Tis i, mini-king tambor.

All hello, your highness.

- Please, please.

That's not necessary.

I've come to ask for your help.

My peaceful kingdom has been disturbed by a pesky dragon.

- Huh?

What happened, your kingliness?

- Ah.

Allow me to tell you the tale.

Once upon a time,

A dragon arrived in our fair village,

And the villagers were afraid,

Because a dragon had never been seen up close before.

He was tall and scaly with huge wings,

Sharp claws, and teeth.

At the sight of him,

The villagers ran into their houses

And locked all their doors.

The children stared at him through their windows,

Frozen in fear.

No one would play with him or even come close,

And so he started to become a mean bully.

He flew through the town whenever he pleased,

Making a mess and calling the townspeople names,

Which made them sad.

One day, I tried to talk to the dragon myself,

But he only laughed and made fun of my size.

No one knows exactly where he goes at night,

But some say he lives in a dragon's lair

Far, far away, past the spooky forest.

So now I've come to gabbaland for your help

With our dragon bully.

- What a story.

- Poor villagers.

- Poor dragon.

He's probably just as scared as they are.

- Indeed. And there's more.

Yesterday, he flew away with all our town's blankets,

And winter is just about to arrive.

All aww.

- Oh, no.

Everyone's gonna be so cold.

- The dragon surely seems cruel,

But I wonder if all he really needs

Are some friends to show him a little kindness.

So I've come to you, mini-king tambor, to ask,

Will you please help us?

All yeah!

- My dear toodee, what is the matter?

Are you not ready for such a challenge?

- Uh, well, I want to help, but...

- But what?

- But I'm scared.

What if I'm not brave enough or strong enough?

- I know real heroes when I see them.


- Whoa! [All gasping]

- Wow! - Whoa!

- Yeah! - Yay!

- Cool! - Yeah!

- Oh, yeah! - Awesome!

- ♪ I see that you're having doubts ♪

- Um, yeah.

- ♪ But you're stronger than you think ♪

- I am?

- ♪ Yes, you're very brave, indeed ♪

- Wow!

- ♪ You're the hero that we need ♪

All ♪ ooh-ooh ♪

- ♪ I know you can do, do, do it ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ And there's nothing to it ♪

- ♪ I've never tried this before ♪

♪ And I'm a little scared ♪

- ♪ You'll be great ♪

♪ Just believe ♪

♪ And soon you'll get there ♪

- ♪ Feeling any better now? ♪

- Well, a little.

♪ But I don't feel as brave as you ♪

- Yes, you are!

♪ We think you're a hero too ♪

All ♪ ooh-ooh ♪

- ♪ And we'll be there to help you through ♪

- [Laughs] oh, yeah!

All ♪ we know you can do, do, do it ♪

♪ Believe in yourself ♪

♪ And there's nothing to it ♪

- ♪ I'm strong enough, brave enough ♪

♪ To do, do, do it ♪

♪ I'm ready to go for it ♪

♪ I can do, do, do it ♪

Thank you, your highness.

You're right. I am ready.

- Oh, that's wonderful, toodee.

Now, let me show you the way.

All whoa!

- You follow that path,

And it will lead you to the dragon.

Oh, but please, please hurry.

You must bring back our dear blankets

Before the first snow falls.

- Good-bye.

- Good-bye! - Bye!

- Bye! - Here we go!

- Good-bye! - Bye-bye!

- See ya. - See ya.

- Oh, ha-ha.

- ♪ La, la, la, la, la ♪

- Ah.

- Razzle-dazzle.

Oh, it's such a mess.

- Come out, little one.

We're friendly visitors.

What's the matter?

- The dragon was here,

And he laughed at my haircut.

- Aww, I think your hair is totally cute.

Maybe he was laughing at something else.

- He drew a picture.

- Oh.

Oh, dear.

That dragon sure is a big bully.

- Hi, there.

What happened to you?

- I was having a birthday party,

And the dragon smushed my cake.

- What?

How rude.

- The dragon breathed all over my flowers,

And now they're wilted.

- My name is taylor, and I like to dance,

But the dragon took my dancing shoes.

- And did you hear?

The dragon took all our blankets.

- Yes, we heard.

Sorry about all the trouble with that old dragon.

My name's toodee, and I'm here to cheer you up.

- Yeah!

- ♪ Bullies can be mean ♪

♪ They'll get you down ♪

♪ And make you blue ♪

♪ If they call you names ♪

♪ Don't let it get to you ♪

♪ Remember that you're you ♪

All ♪ come on, let's cheer up, cheer up ♪

♪ Don't listen to the bullies ♪

♪ It's okay to be you ♪

♪ Got to keep that chin up, chin up ♪

♪ Don't let those bullies get you down ♪

♪ Keep doing what you do ♪

- ♪ When you're feeling low ♪

♪ Don't sit around ♪

♪ Get up and go, go, g-go, go, g-go ♪

- ♪ Spend some time with friends ♪

♪ And have some fun ♪

♪ You're number one ♪

All ♪ come on, let's cheer up, cheer up ♪

♪ Don't listen to the bullies ♪

♪ It's okay to be you ♪

♪ Got to keep that chin up, chin up ♪

♪ Don't let those bullies get you down ♪

♪ Keep doing what you do ♪

[Percussive clanging]

♪ ♪

♪ Come on, let's cheer up, cheer up ♪

♪ Don't listen to the bullies ♪

♪ It's okay to be you ♪

♪ Got to keep that chin up, chin up ♪

♪ Don't let those bullies get you down ♪

♪ Keep doing what you do ♪


- Cool! - Ha-ha!

- Cheer up, you guys.

- Thanks, everyone.

I feel a lot better about my haircut now.

- I feel much better too.

But I still wish I had my cake back.

- And my flowers.

- And my shoes to dance.

- And don't forget about our blankets.

- Don't worry, villagers.

We're on a quest to find the dragon and fix everything.

[All cheering]

- Excuse me, sir.

Maybe if you cheer up the dragon,

He'll stop being a bully.

- That's a great idea!

We're gonna cheer up that dragon

And make sure he stops bullying your village for good.

[All cheering]

- Come on, guys.

Let's head to the spooky forest.

I have a feeling our quest is just beginning.

- Hooray! - Good-bye!

- Good-bye! - Bye!

- Ah, here we go! - Bye!

- Good-bye!

- Oh. - Oh, no.

- Oh, no.

- Uh...

- Oh, I think I saw something move.

- I'm not gonna lie.

I'm a little spooked.

- [Giggles]

- [Laughs]

It's just a couple of friendly gnomes.

- Pardon us.

We've been waiting forever

For someone to clear the path.

- Oh, hello, there.

Plex, can you do anything about this tree?

- Yes, I can.

All whoa!

- Plex, you rule.

- Always glad to help.

- Oh, little gnomes.

Are you looking for the dragon too?

- What? The dragon's that way.

Uh...i think I have something in the oven.

Let's go, mabel.

Good luck to you all.

- Um, you guys? - What is it, brobee?

- Does anyone remember what the dragon looked like?

- Voila.

All huh? - Hello, everyone.

It is i, sir mark of mothersbaugh.

All hi, mark. - Hello.

I heard you guys need help finding a dragon.

All yeah!

- Is it the one who's been bullying his way

Through the kingdom?

All yeah!

- Oh, I know exactly

What he looks like.

- [Gasps] what's he look like?

- Well, I'm gonna draw him for you.

All okay.

- First, let's draw his head.

He's got a big snout. - Oh!

- Lots of teeth.

And ears.

Some horns.

Now let's draw his body and feet.

- Ooh.

- Got a couple arms.

Dragon has a tail.

Got a tail.


What's missing?

Oh, yeah, he's got two wings.

Yep, that's the guy you're looking for.

I made him a little cuter, though.

All ahh.


- Hope that helps.

Good luck finding him.


All thanks, mark!

- Good-bye! - Bye!

- Good-bye! - Bye!

- See ya! - Good-bye!

- Bye, mark! - Bye!

- I wonder if we're ever gonna find that dragon.

- We will, toodee.

We just have to keep going.

- Hey!

Check it out.

[All gasping] - wow!

What's that?

- I don't know, but I like it.

- I think it's trying to tell us something.

[Instrumental fanfare]

♪ ♪

- ♪ When things seem very hard ♪

♪ Don't hang up your hat ♪

♪ You'll get through it if you try ♪

♪ When the finish line seems far away ♪

♪ Keep on running to it ♪

♪ You'll get there if only you don't give up ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Well, we're behind you all the way ♪

♪ You've got friends in us ♪

♪ If you're not winning, don't lose heart ♪

♪ Because what matters is taking part ♪

♪ You can do it if you try ♪

♪ You can do it if you try ♪

♪ You can do it if you really try ♪

♪ You can do it if you try ♪

♪ You can do it if you try ♪

♪ You can do it if you really try ♪

♪ You can do it if you really try ♪

♪ You can do it if you really try ♪

♪ ♪


- We can do it.

- Yeah, let's keep going.

- Hey, guys.

I see a cave up ahead.

Maybe it's the dragon's lair.

- Let's check it out.

All yeah! All right!

- [Snoring]

- There's the blankets.

And look. The dragon!

- Hey.

Who are you?

This is my lair.

- Oh.

Greetings, mr. Dragon.

I'm muno.

- I'm foofa.

- And I'm plex.

- The name's--

- Yeah, yeah, okay.

Enough with the hellos.

I'm carl the dragon.

Now, scram.

- But we were sent by the mini-king.

- [Laughs]

That little guy? Hah.

Go back and tell him carl's in charge.

- We've come to ask you to stop bullying the nearby village.

Don't you know it's not nice

To mess with other people's things

And call them names?

- Hey, man.

That's what dragons do.

- Excuse me, dragon-- I mean carl--

Could you please give us back the town's blankets?

Winter is coming, and without them,

Everyone in the village is going to be cold.

- Hey, what a funny little hat.

I think I'll keep it.

- But--b-b-but-- but that is mine.

- Not anymore.


- Aww.

- Guys, I think I got an idea how to make carl nicer.

- Oh.

[All whispering]

- Hey, carl.

This is a pretty cool dragon's lair.

But where are all your friends?

- Duh.

Dragons don't need friends.

We're tough and mean.

- No way.

Everyone needs friends, even dragons.

I'm half dragon, and I love my friends.

All aww.

- Who needs friends when I got all these blankets

To make me happy?

- Trust me.

Friends are way better than blankets.

I'd do anything for my friends,

And they'd do anything for me.

- Hmm.

- Let me show you.

♪ I'll do anything ♪

♪ Anything ♪

♪ Anything for my friends ♪

♪ And they'll do anything for me ♪

♪ Anything for me ♪

- ♪ When you're lonely ♪

♪ We'll cheer you up ♪

♪ And when we're lonely ♪

♪ You'll cheer us up too ♪

- Hmm.

- ♪ I'll do anything ♪

♪ Anything ♪

♪ Anything for my friends ♪

♪ And they'll do anything for me ♪

♪ Anything for me ♪

- ♪ When you're bored ♪

♪ We'll play a game with you ♪

♪ And when we're bored ♪

♪ You'll play with us too ♪

- ♪ I'll do anything ♪ - I'm sorry.

- ♪ Anything ♪

♪ Anything for my friends ♪ - yeah!

- ♪ And they'll do anything for me ♪

- Hooray!

- ♪ Anything for me ♪ - yeah!

- ♪ I'll do anything ♪

♪ Anything ♪

♪ Anything for my friends ♪

♪ And they'll do anything for me ♪

♪ Anything for me ♪

♪ 'Cause we're friends ♪

- Friends. [Cheers]

- Thank you, mr. Dragon, for the lovely drawing.

I like my new haircut.

- Thanks for the cake.

Now I can have my birthday party.

Mr. Carl, these flowers are beautiful.

- And I finally have shoes to dance.

♪ My name is taylor ♪

♪ I like to dance ♪

- And thanks to carl, we all got our blankets back.

[All cheering]

- I'm so sorry, your highness.

I never realized how fun it is to be nice.

I love my new friends.

- Oh, that's great, carl.

And we are happy to be your friends too.

In fact, your new friends in town

Knitted you a giant blanket,

So you'll be warm for the winter.

- Oh, thank you so much, everyone.

Look at me--

A dragon with friends.

[All cheering]

- Hey, it's snowing.

- Ah, the blankets have been returned

Just in time for winter.

Oh, I can't thank you enough

For all your hard work and courage.

It's time for a royal celebration.

Fetch the mini-band.

All hooray!

- It's neon indian

With a song I wrote for carl.

It's called carl's song

Or we learn from our mistakes.


- ♪ It's okay ♪

♪ Every one of us makes mistakes ♪

♪ ♪

♪ If you broke something ♪

♪ You weren't supposed to touch ♪

♪ If you did something ♪

♪ You weren't supposed to do ♪

♪ If you said something ♪

♪ You weren't supposed to say ♪

♪ Apologize and know that it was wrong ♪

♪ But also it's okay ♪

♪ We all learn from our mistakes ♪

♪ ♪

♪ It's okay ♪

♪ Every one of us makes mistakes ♪

♪ If you fix something ♪

♪ You weren't supposed to touch ♪

♪ If you return something ♪

♪ You weren't supposed to take ♪

♪ If you said something ♪

♪ You weren't supposed to say ♪

♪ Apologize and know that it was wrong ♪

♪ But also it's okay ♪

♪ We all learn from our mistakes ♪

♪ ♪

♪ It's okay ♪

♪ Every one of us makes mistakes ♪

♪ ♪


- Oh, listening and dancing to music is royally awesome.

All hooray!

- You said it, king.

- Huh?

- Hey, guys, it's almost time to go back to gabbaland.

All aww.

- But first,

I brought my remix flute.

[Jaunty flute music]

This door will take you back home.

Now it's time to dance.

All yeah!

- Are you ready?

All yeah!

- Well, let's do it.

Break it down.

- ♪ I know you can do, do, do it ♪

♪ Believe in yourself and there's nothing to it ♪

- ♪ I'm ready to go for it ♪

♪ I can do, do, do it ♪

- ♪ Come on, let's cheer up, cheer up ♪

♪ It's okay to be you ♪

♪ Got to keep that chin up, chin up ♪

♪ Don't let those bullies get you down ♪

♪ Keep doing what you do ♪

[Percussive clanging]

- Let me show you.

♪ I'll do anything ♪

♪ Anything ♪

♪ Anything for my friends ♪

♪ And they'll do anything for me ♪

♪ Anything for me ♪

♪ 'Cause we're friends ♪

[All cheering]

- Wow, we're back.

- What a day.

- Thanks for playing with us. See you next time.

All bye!

- Here we go.

Yo gabba gabba!