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03x15 - Adventures in Wonderland!

Posted: 05/26/23 07:51
by bunniefuu
[Bird tweeting along with orchestra]



Isn't it nice to have a day off, wonder pets?

It sure is.

A duck could get used to this sort of thing.

♪ No hassle, no stwess

♪ It's perfect, more or less

♪ And best of all, no animals in trouble ♪


♪ Sitting in the shade drinking lemonade ♪

♪ While you're at it make mine a double ♪

You got it.


This is the life.

There's nothing that could spoil my good mood.

♪ I'm late, I'm late


I'm going to pwetend I didn't see that.

Hey, did ollie just run by saying...

♪ "I'm late, I'm late"?

No. He didn't.

≫>♪ I'm late, I'm late, I'm late ♪

All right, he might have.

Wonder pets...

♪ What are you doing standing around? ♪

♪ We should be heading underground ♪

♪ We're late, we're late, we're late ♪

What are we late for, ollie?

My party, of course.

You're having a party?

♪ But we're already tardy

♪ And it's about to start-y

♪ We're late, we're late, we're late ♪

Follow me.

Well, wonder pets,

It looks like we're going to ollie's party.


Linny, do we have to go?

Yes, ming-ming.

Ollie's our friend.


♪ Linny

♪ Tuck

♪ And ming-ming too

Both: ♪ we're going to a party


Boy, you guys sure are slow without your flyboat.

Where's the party, ollie?

Right this way.

♪ Down the rabbit hole

That's quite a rabbit hole.

He's quite a wabbit.

♪ Oh, not to worry, turtle

♪ It's safe as safe can be

♪ Just hold on to your hat and hop in after me ♪


That sounds like fun.

It is fun, pig.

Guinea pig.

Ready, everyone?


Um, linny, I don't want to go to ollie's party.

♪ I'm gonna sit this one out

Ming-ming, I understand how you feel.

But tuck and I really want you to come.

You do?


Both: ♪ everything is better when we do it together ♪

♪ Everything is better when we do it together? ♪

♪ When playing a game or just going places ♪

♪ It's nice to look around and see friendly faces ♪

♪ Everything is so much better ♪

All: ♪ when we ♪ do it

♪ Do it ♪ do it?

All: ♪ together

Please come to the party with us.

Please, ming-ming.

♪ Well, all right

Count me in.


Here we go, team.

All: one, two, three.


[Clears throat]

Wow, this sure is a deep hole.

Sure is.


Um, want to say "whee" some more?


I'm all "whee"ed out.


You mind if I say it?

Go for it.

[Clears throat]



Are you all right, tuck?

I'm fine.

But where's ming-ming?

Here I am.

Se-wiously, you two really need to learn how to land.

Hey, wonder pets.


Get it?




Everyone's a comedian.

This way.

Come on, wonder pets.


♪ Where'd he go?

♪ Come on

♪ We're late

♪ My party will not wait

♪ Either he's really small

♪ Or we're really big

All: ♪ for a turtle and a duck and a guinea pig ♪

Ollie ran through one of these tiny doors.

We have to follow him.

But how?

We'll never fit through there.

Look, wonder pets.

A tray of celery cookies.

Celery cookies?

Be still, my heart.

This card is from ollie.

"Dear wonder pets, enjoy these cookies."

Don't mind if I do.

How is it?

♪ Delicious

♪ Nutritious


♪ What is this?


What's the big idea?

♪ Let me be frank, you shrank ♪

So I did.

♪ And I am cuter than ever

I've retained the it factor.

I guess these celery cookies make you shrink.

Hey, if we eat these cookies,

Maybe we can fit through the tiny door and follow ollie.

Great idea, tuck.

Now let's go find that bunny.


♪ Stop being taller than me

Oh, sorry.

That's more like it.

♪ Ollie ran through a tiny door ♪

♪ But which one was it? I see four ♪

♪ Let's open them all and see what's behind them ♪

All: ♪ if ollie went this way we'll find him ♪

♪ Will you? ♪ Won't you?

♪ Will you? ♪ Won't you?

Both: ♪ won't you join the dance? ♪

♪ Will you? ♪ Won't you?

♪ Will you? ♪ Won't you?

♪ It's not this one

[Pleasant formal music]

♪ It's not this one


♪ It's not this one either

There's only one door left.

This has to be it.

♪ Here goes nothing

All: ooh.

Wonder pets.

You finally made it.

Come on.


♪ What is this place?

♪ It's beautiful

♪ It's marvelous

♪ It's wonderland

My kind of town.

Is this where you're having your party, ollie?

You bet ya.

Except, wait a minute.

What's wrong, ollie?

♪ The tea is made, the table is set ♪

♪ But my friends haven't shown up yet ♪

You have friends?


I mean, other than us.

Of course I do.

The mad hatter, the cheshire cat...

♪ And the queen of hearts

♪ But where are they anyhow?

♪ They should be here by now

♪ They're late, they're late, they're late ♪

♪ Oh, why is everybody late to my party? ♪

Did you invite them, ollie?

Invite them?


♪ Did you ask them to come to your party? ♪

♪ No

♪ I just sort of thought they'd show ♪

Ollie, your friends won't come to your party

Unless you invite them.

You mean...

♪ They aren't coming?

♪ But I can't have my party

♪ Without all my wonderland friends ♪

Don't worry, ollie.

We'll invite them to your party.

You will?

Sure, we will, ollie,

Starting with the mad hatter.

But where can we find him?

Oh, that's easy.

♪ All you need to understand

♪ To find your way round wonderland ♪

♪ Follow the sign, follow the sign ♪

♪ And you'll do just fine

Follow the sign, huh?

Seems pretty straightforward to me.


Come on, wonder pets.

Let's follow that sign to the mad hatter.

All: ♪ wonderland, wonderland

♪ What a crazy place

♪ You follow a sign and it leads you on a chase ♪

♪ The buildings look funny on this side of town ♪

♪ The bridges are lovely

♪ But they're upside down


All: ♪ wonderland, wonderland

♪ Here we are in--

Well, that was abrupt.

Is that the mad hatter's house, linny?

I think so, tuck.

But why do they call him the mad hatter?

Why wouldn't they call me the mad hatter?

I'm mad about hats.

♪ A hat is a magical, marvelous thing ♪

♪ That sits on top of your head ♪

♪ Why in the world would you choose not to wear one ♪

♪ When you could wear one instead? ♪

Think about it.

All right.

♪ I'm wild about them, I can't do without them ♪

♪ I'm sure you can understand

♪ I've collected so many

♪ And far more than anyone else in wonderland ♪

So you like hats.


♪ Hats of all makes, all manners, all models ♪

♪ Hats shaped like cakes and hats shaped like bottles ♪

♪ Fezzes, fedoras, and floral displays ♪

♪ Beefeaters, bonnets, bowlers, berets ♪

♪ Hats of all colors, fashions, and sizes ♪

♪ Any old hat a hatmaker devises ♪

♪ Hatmaker, wouldn't you make me a hat ♪

♪ With trim on the brim and a top nice and flat? ♪

But I'm not a hatmaker.

Yes, I know that.


♪ You see that my house is wearing a hat ♪

♪ Or is it a hat that's wearing my house? ♪

♪ There's no sense in arguing any of that ♪

♪ I'm quite happy living here, as is my mouse ♪

Hey, do you mind?

Oh, my.

♪ So I hope that answers your query ♪

♪ And gets to the heart of the matter ♪

♪ Of why I have taken to calling myself ♪

♪ The--

♪ The--

Uh, what was it again?

Wonder pets: ♪ the mad hatter


Mr. Mad hatter,

We're here to invite you to ollie's party.

Ollie's party?

Do you mean ollie the bunny

Or ollie the walrus?

The bunny.

In that case, I'd be delighted to come.


That is, we'd be delighted to come.

Great. Follow us.

♪ I am waiting, I am waiting ♪

♪ Wait, wait, wait

♪ Wait, wait, wait

♪ When is everybody

♪ Coming to my party?

♪ La, la, la

♪ La, la--

Wonder pets,

You brought the mad hatter.

We sure did.

Thank you for inviting me to your party, oliver.

"Oliver"? [Laughs]

It's ollie.

Still not wearing a hat, I see.

Thanks, wonder pets.

But the cheshire cat and the queen of hearts

Still aren't here.

Don't worry.

≫ we're off to invite the cheshire cat.

♪ See you soon, oliver


Here we are, wonder pets.

Do you think the cheshire cat is in that garden?

♪ All signs point to yes

♪ Then into the garden we'll go ♪

All: ooh.


This is beautiful, linny,

But I don't see the cheshire cat.

Me neither, tuck.

Let's spread out and look for him.

♪ I'll go this way

♪ I'll go this way

♪ And I'll sit on this bench ♪

What? I'm thinking here.

All right, ming-ming.

Just keep an eye out for the cheshire cat.

[Yawns] finally, a rest.

I'm sure linny and tuck

Will find the cheshire cat themselves.

Not if you find me first.


Not so fast, mister.


♪ I found your tail, cheshire cat ♪

♪ I've been looking all over for that ♪


Tuck and ming-ming: linny!

♪ Did you see him? No.

♪ He's bright and red.

♪ His body isn't attached to his head ♪

What? ♪ A big old grin

♪ And pointy ears

♪ He vanishes

♪ And reappears

♪ I've never heard of a creature like that ♪

Tuck and ming-ming: ♪ he's--

[All gasp]

The cheshire cat.

Forgive my appearance.

I've had a terrible dream,

Leaving me beside myself

And broken up, it seems.


Oh, boy.

Cheshire cat, we're here to invite you--

We're here to invite you to ollie's party.

♪ Ollie the bunny?

♪ I'd be delighted

♪ It's truly an honor that I've been invited ♪


Just come with us.

And let's try and stick together, shall we?

Wonder pets,

You brought the cheshire cat.

As promised.


♪ Where'd he go?

♪ Oh

Don't do that.

We almost have everybody here.

But you still haven't invited the queen of hearts.

♪ In wonderland, a party never starts

♪ Until you have the queen of hearts ♪

No problem, ollie.

We'll go invite her.


I'd better come with you.


Well, the queen of hearts can be a bit--

♪ Rude ♪ mean

♪ Like she thinks she's the queen ♪

♪ She is the queen

♪ You know what I mean

What do you mean?

♪ I mean what I say

♪ So say what you mean and we'll call it a day ♪

♪ I mean that she's mean and that's all that I mean ♪

Both: okay.

So the point is, the queen is mean.

Got it.

We have to make sure

The queen of hearts comes to my party.

Come on, wonder pets.

[Brass fanfare]

Here we are.

That's the queen of hearts' castle.


It's made out of playing cards.

But where is the queen of hearts?

♪ Presenting her majesty, the queen of hearts ♪

♪ Doo, doo-doo, doo, doo, doo, doooo ♪

♪ Who are these animals out on my lawn? ♪

♪ They tire my patience, be gone, be gone ♪

Your majesty...

♪ We're the wonder pets and we have come ♪

♪ To invite you for tea

♪ Cordially hosted by your friend ollie ♪

♪ That's me



♪ I won't be joining anyone for tea ♪

Both: ♪ no, she won't be joining anyone for tea ♪

♪ I've a busy, busy day ahead of me ♪

Both: ♪ a busy, busy day ahead has she ♪

♪ And furthermore I'm not in the habit ♪

♪ Of attending any party hosted by a rabbit ♪

♪ So kindly leave me be

Both: ♪ so kindly leave her be

♪ Her majesty the queen of hearts has spoken ♪

♪ Doo, doo-doo-doo, doo, doo, doo, doooo ♪

If you're gonna take it out, then play it.

Don't pretend to play it.

I don't know how to play it.

Oh, no.

The queen of hearts isn't coming to my party.

Don't worry, ollie.

I'm sure we'll have a great time anyway.

No, pig.

Everything is ruined.

♪ My party is canceled

You're canceling the party?

But I love parties.

♪ This is se-wious

Thanks for trying, wonder pets,

But I'm going home.

Ollie, wait.

Ollie's really upset

That the queen doesn't want to come to his party.

Yeah, just like when I didn't want to come

To the party with you guys.

But then we sang you that little song,

And you decided to come after all.

Hey, maybe if we sing that song

To the queen of hearts,

She'll decide to come to ollie's party.

It's worth a shot.

Let's all sing her the song together, wonder pets.

♪ Linny ♪ tuck

♪ And ming-ming too

All: ♪ we're wonder pets and we'll help you ♪

♪ What's gonna work?

All: ♪ teamwork

What's gonna work?

All: ♪ teamwork

Your majesty, look.


Didn't I ask you creatures to leave me be?

Now, listen here, queenie.

♪ We understand how you feel

♪ You don't want to come along ♪

♪ Spare a moment of your time ♪

All: ♪ and listen to this

♪ Song ♪ song

♪ Song


What song?

What song?


Wonder pets: ♪ everything is better

♪ When we do it together

♪ Everything is better when we do it together? ♪

♪ When you're having tea with a friend ♪

Tuck and ming-ming: ♪ or three

♪ It's nice to be together

♪ Yes, siree

♪ Everything is so much better ♪

All: ♪ when we ♪ do it

♪ Do it ♪ do it

All: ♪ together

♪ Doo, doo-doo-doo, doo, doo, doo, doo ♪

Not now.

So will you come to ollie's party with us,

Your majesty?


Well--well, i--

Oh, I've always had a weakness for turtles.

[Laughs nervously]

Very well.

Wonder pets: hooray.

Thanks for coming, friends.

But since the queen of hearts couldn't make it,

My party is canceled.



It absolutely is not.

[All gasp]

♪ I have traveled a very long way ♪

♪ To attend your tea-sipping soiree ♪

♪ If you were to cancel it would be a travesty ♪

♪ Do I make myself clear?

♪ Yes, your majesty

Wonder pets,

You brought the queen of hearts to my party.

Thank you.

You're welcome, ollie.

Now the party can start.


♪ Thank you all for coming ♪

♪ I'm glad that you could make it ♪

♪ I don't have a speech prepared ♪

♪ But I'll try and fake it ♪

♪ Right now I'm the happiest ♪

♪ That I have ever been

♪ So without further ado let my party begin ♪

♪ It's a wonderful wonderland party ♪

♪ With wonderful wonderland tea ♪

♪ We're all here together

♪ Oh, what could be better?

♪ How 'bout some celery?

Wow, ollie.

Wonderland celery?

Only the best for my friends.

♪ A party just isn't a party ♪

♪ If you're not wearing party hats ♪

♪ For heads big and small one size fits all ♪

♪ In fact they even fit cats ♪

Most cats, that is.

♪ It's a wonderful wonderland party ♪

♪ As wondrous as wonderland gets ♪

♪ What could be better?

♪ We're all together

♪ Thanks to the wonder pets

♪ Thanks for inviting us, ollie ♪

♪ We're glad to lend a hand ♪

♪ Everything's all right so let's party all night ♪

All: ♪ here in wonderland





Little airplane.

[Kids laughing]