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03x02 - Save the Cool Cat & the Hip Hippo!/Tuck & Buck!

Posted: 05/26/23 07:36
by bunniefuu
[Upbeat jazz]

[Woman] ♪ wonder pets


♪ Wonder pets

♪ We're on our way


♪ To help a friend and save the day ♪


♪ We're not too big

♪ And we're not too tough


♪ But when we work together, we've got the right stuff ♪


♪ Go, wonder pets


♪ Yeah

[Bell ringing]

[Teacher] later, now, kids.

[Kid] bye, ming-ming.

[Kid] bye, linny.

[Kid] be cool, tuck.



[Jazzy music]

♪ The phone

♪ The phone is ringing

Bonk bonk bonk

♪ The phone's a-wingin' and I'm a-swingin' ♪

♪ The phone

♪ The phone

♪ I know that tone


♪ There's an animal in trouble

♪ We'll be there on the double ♪

♪ Be wight there

♪ There's an animal in trouble somewhere ♪




[Jazz with fingersnaps]

[Cool cat] ♪ and a-one and a-two

Check it out, wonder pets.

♪ Scat diddly-adda scat dit dat ♪

♪ I'm a cool cat and I love to sing scat ♪


The cat sings jazz music,

With made-up words that sound like

♪ Scat and doo-dat

♪ Like zippity-zat?

♪ Or piddle-dee-pat?

♪ You're right about that ♪

But look now, wonder pets.

♪ Hey-boppa, i-boppa ♪

♪ Who-boppa?

♪ He-bop

♪ I'm a hip hippo and I sing bebop ♪

The hippo sings jazz too,

But a different kind, with words that sound like

♪ Bebop and hebop

♪ Or snee-bop? ♪ Tee-hee-bop?

♪ You're right as can be-bop ♪

But as the hippo tries to sing his way,

The cat keeps trying to sing her way.

♪ I gotta sing scat-dat, I just gotta ♪

♪ I got to bebop a-deebop a lot-a ♪

♪ Da-da-dee-dop

♪ Mebop

♪ Ra-dada-ta-da ♪ rebop

They both want to sing their own ways.

At the same time.

They're getting really mad at each other.

We've got to help them.

And a-one and a-two...

♪ A cat and a hippo who both want to sing ♪

♪ This is se-wious

♪ We have to help them ♪

♪ Let's save the singers ♪

[Ming-ming and tuck] ♪ let's save the singers

[All] ♪ let's save the singers


♪ Zoo-be-zoo

♪ Shoo-be-doo

♪ Toodle-oo

♪ Linny

♪ Tuck

♪ And ming-ming too

[All] ♪ we're wonder pets and we'll help you ♪

♪ What's gonna work?

Uh, linny?

I feel like singing

The teamwork song a different way today.

Go for it, guys.

♪ What's gonna worky-derk?

♪ Weema deema teama-work ♪

I want to take the marble

To the flyboat.

I want to take the mawble

To the flyboat.

♪ You two need to take turns ♪

[Together] ♪ take turns?

♪ Take turns

♪ Take turns

♪ First you, then you ♪

And a-one and a-two...

♪ What's gonna worky-derk? ♪

♪ Weema deema teama-work ♪

♪ Weedle deedle whatcha-say? ♪

♪ Teama-worky is the way ♪

♪ Feel so goody-woody you could scream ♪

♪ When ya worky

♪ Worky-derky

♪ Weema-deema- gerky-perky ♪

[All] ♪ as a team


Taking turns was fun.

And the flyboat is done.

[All] ooh.


Come on, wonder pets.

We've got some singing animals to save.

We are coming to save you, cool cat and hip hippo.

[All] whee!

♪ Wonder pets, wonder pets ♪

♪ We're on our way

♪ To help the singing animals

♪ And save the day

♪ We're not too big

♪ And we're not too tough

[All] ♪ but when we work together

♪ We've got the right stuff

Go, wonder pets!


[Linny] that's greenwich village, in new york city.

Lots of really creative people live there.

[All] ooh.

[Cool cat] ♪ skaddly-at

[Hip hippo] ♪ bebop

I hear the cool cat and the hip hippo.

Let's land, wonder pets.

[All] whee! Yay!

It's an animal jazz club,

Where animals from all over come to sing and play.

Or to sing and push.

♪ Scat daddlee adda step aside ♪

♪ Shoo-bop

♪ You-hop away and hide ♪

You tire me out, cat.

Where's my hanky?

I need some milk.

Hey, cool cat and hip hippo.

Yo, wonder pets, what's poppin'?

[Together] huh?

What's popping? Is jazz talk for,

"What have you been up to lately?"


I have been saving animals,

Using teamwork, and eating celewy.

What is popping for you?

♪ I came to sing scat

♪ But that hippo keeps bebopping in my space ♪

♪ I came to sing bebop

♪ But the cat's scattin' all over the place ♪

So you both came to the jazz club to sing,

But you keep getting in each other's way.

[Together] yeah.

That is a pwoblem.

Hey, I have an idea.

There are two stages.

Why don't you each stand on a different stage?

That's a fine plan, man.

Cool cat, you stand here.

The cat can do that.

Hip hippo, you stand here.

I'm hip to this trip.

Now you can both sing at the same time

Without bothering each other.

♪ Scat diddle-adda scat doo dat ♪ ♪ hey-pop i-bop who-bop he-bop ♪

♪ I'm a cool cat ♪ I'm a hip hippo

♪ And I love to sing scat ♪♪ and I sing bebop

It doesn't sound good

When they sing at the same time,

Does it, wonder pets?

He makes this cat sound uncool.

She makes my bebop into be-slop.

I guess having them sing

On different stages didn't work.

Look, wonder pets.


I can't wait to hear some real jazz, pa.

You will, boy.

You will.

[All] we want jazz.

We want jazz.

[Tuck] they've come from texas to hear you guys.


♪ This is se-wious

I wish you two could find a way

To make music together.

Remember how ming-ming and I

Sang our teamwork song in the classroom?

You took turns.

And the cool cat and hip hippo

Should take turns too.

Take what?

Turn who?

♪ Take turns

♪ Take turns

♪ Take turns

[Together] take turns?

♪ First you, then you ♪

That's what taking turns means.

♪ I've never taken turns singing ♪

♪ Never

♪ I've never sung with anybody else ♪

♪ Ever

You'll be great at taking turns.

The wonder pets will get you started.

Tuck, beat that drum.

Ming-ming, bang that bongo.

And I'll smack this cymbal.

Now let's show the cool cat and the hip hippo

How totally cool taking turns can be.

And a-one and a-two...

♪ What's gonna weema werka? ♪

♪ Tiddle-diddle teema werka ♪

♪ Their sound is grooving

♪ They got me moving

♪ Huh-huh-huh

♪ Hoosa whoosa herka

♪ Tuh-tuh-tuh

[All] ♪ teama weema werka

Now take turns and sing.

♪ I'm a cat and I scat

♪ I'm a hippo

♪ I bebop

♪ I skiddly diddly dat

♪ I ba-doo ba-deebop

♪ Skoot diddly at-tat ♪

♪ Roo-boo-bop bam da-dee-dup ♪

♪ Biddly iddly dit-dat ♪

♪ Bay-bop bazam

They're taking turns.

It's working.

They sound gweat,


♪ Hooza hazza woodly wat ♪

♪ Bop doo-de-lee-op da bibbity bay ♪

♪ Sheeza shazza kiddly-at ♪

♪ Bop zee-op-zee-op doo-day ♪

♪ Skit dat rat ♪ boop brop

♪ Diddly-iddly-at ♪ ploop-plop

♪ Doo diddle-diddle bebop dooda ♪

♪ Dee-boo bop-eee hop doo dee bop ♪

♪ Debop depop bop yabba yabba ♪


♪ Rrr-rebop

♪ Me-bop

♪ Poppity poppity poppity poppity ♪

♪ Go, hippo

♪ I love the way you do that ♪

♪ Go cat go

♪ You are the swingingest cat ♪

[Together] ♪ I really love the way you do your thing ♪

♪ I love your...

♪ Bebop

♪ Skiddly-at

♪ Mebop

♪ Diddly-dat

[Together] ♪ I love the way that you sing


Hot diggety dog.

These city folk can sing.

That was so good, poppa be-boppa.

Hey, cool cat and hip hippo,

Care to join us for some celery?

Can we take turns as we munch?


Everybody weady to take turns?

All right.


Well, it looks like our work here is done.

To the flyboat?

To the flyboat.

[Together] bye, cool cat.

Later, hip hippo.

Later, wonder pets.

[Cool cat] be cool.

♪ Wonder pets, wonder pets ♪

♪ We've found a wa-wa-way

♪ To help the singing animals ♪

♪ And save the diddly day

♪ We're not too big

♪ And we're not too tough

♪ But when we work together, we've got the right stuff ♪

[Linny] ♪ shoobee doo wop op

[Tuck] ♪ boody boodily doo

♪ We wop shmibbly doo

♪ Scat a doo dat weepa wagoo

[Linny] ♪ yeah boo-doo la boo doo-da

♪ Doo da wop-ba-ba

[Upright bass solo]



[Rock guitar solo]

[School bell ringing]

[Teacher] it's time to go, everyone.

[Kid] later, linny.

[Kid] adios, ming-ming.

[Kid] be cool, tuck.

[Door closes]




[Lively music]

♪ The phone

♪ The phone is ringing

♪ The phone

♪ We'll be right there

♪ The phone

♪ The phone is ringing


♪ There's an animal in trouble ♪

♪ There's an animal in twouble

♪ There's an animal in trouble somewhere ♪


♪ It's a turtle


♪ On a hang glider

[Together] huh?

What's a hang glider?

♪ It's like a kite you can ride on ♪

♪ A hang-gliding turtle, you say? ♪


♪ You don't see that every day

Wait a minute.

I knew it!

♪ It's my cousin buck

Hey, coz.

He's your cousin?

He's cute.

♪ How could someone so cute be in twouble? ♪

I'm not in trouble, ducky.

I amtrouble.

Oh, my.

Now, that's a turtle!

♪ Where are you, buck?

Not far, coz.

♪ Just look out your window

Out our window?

Come on!

♪ I see buck

♪ Good eye, tuck

[Tuck] he's gonna crash into the schoolhouse!

Oh, no!

Linny, what do we do?

Buck's gonna crash into the school.

♪ I know

♪ We'll open the window

♪ And buck can glide inside ♪

I can do it.


I can't do it.

♪ I thought I was strong enough ♪

♪ But I was wong and stuff

[Linny] ming-ming,

♪ When you can't do it on your own ♪

♪ Don't forget you're not alone ♪

Teamwork, remember?


Note to self:

Remember teamwork.

If we all lift together,

We can open the window

So buck can fly in.

♪ What's gonna work?

[All] ♪ teamwork


[Linny] buck's almost here.

[Ming-ming] we need to open the window more.

♪ What's gonna work?

[All] ♪ teamwork


We did it!

And just in time.

Here comes my cousin.


Buck's the name.

Oh, sorry, coz.

That's all right, buck.

Hey, how 'bout a hug?

Maybe later.

Aren't you gonna introduce me

To your friends?


This is my friend linny the guinea pig.

Hi, buck.

How do you do?

Exactly as I please.


And this is--

Ming-ming duckling.

I didn't know turtles could hang glide.

Most can't, but then again...

I can do a lot of things most turtles can't.

I'll bet.

Oh, yeah?

Like what, buck?

Well, if you really want to know,

♪ I'm the most coordinated turtle ♪

♪ That you'll ever meet



♪ I'm like a cat in that I always land right on my feet ♪


♪ I've never lost my balance

♪ Not a single time

♪ And as of yet I haven't met a wall I couldn't climb ♪



♪ Climbing walls is fun

♪ But when I want to get my kicks ♪

♪ The fact is, I practice cool skateboarding tricks ♪


Oh, please.


♪ I can do a lot of things

♪ Most turtles can't


♪ I can do a lot of things

♪ Most

♪ Turtles


♪ Can't


Oh, yeah?

Well, I can do a lot of things, too, buck.

Awesome, coz.

Like what?

Like saving animals.

We're the wonder pets.

Oh, the wonder pets.

What's the wonder pets?

Oh, you know.

♪ Wonder pets wonder pets ♪

♪ Yadda ya da

♪ You help a bee bee

♪ Whatever when

♪ Blah blah blah

Doesn't ring a bell.

Oh, how about

♪ What's gonna work?


I give up.


We save animals with teamwork.


What's teamwork?


Tell me more about this "teamwork" thing.

Well, okay.

Teamwork is when we do things together.

Come on!

We'll show you.

♪ This is where we put on our capes ♪

♪ And we all do it together ♪


I can do that myself.

But, buck, you're not using teamwork.

♪ One for you

♪ One for you

♪ And one

♪ For

♪ Me

Hey, that's my cape.

What's next?

[Linny] ♪ next we build the flyboat ♪

The flyboat?

♪ Like a boat that you fly in


♪ And we all build it together ♪


♪ When it comes to building things ♪

♪ I'm the master

♪ Plus I can make your flyboat fly faster ♪

It's the buck boat, baby.

Permanent marker caps?

Those'll have some kick to them.

Buck, you're still not using teamwork.

Look, this teamwork thing--

It's just not my style.

Now I'm gonna take this filly for a spin.

Buck, wait.

These things aren't easy to fly.

You need to use lots and lots of...

[Coughing] teamwork.

[Buck] whoo!




This is harder than I thought.

How do I get out of the classroom?

Through the cubby!

Over there!

The cubby.

Got it.

[Tuck] no, not that cubby!


How was I supposed to know you meant the chicken one?

Don't worry, buck.

We'll rescue you.

I can rescue myself.

I can't do it myself.

♪ This is se-wious


♪ When you can't do it on your own ♪

♪ Don't forget you're not alone ♪

Teamwork, remember?

Yeah, that teamwork thing.

Use that!

We need to get to the hang glider

On the windowsill.

You fly up, ming-ming.

And, linny, you can climb that wall.

But, tuck, how are you going to get to the windowsill?

Like this.


[Together] tuck!

♪ Beginner's luck

♪ Now let's save buck

♪ What's gonna work?

♪ Teamwork

♪ What's gonna work?

♪ Teamwork

♪ Buck

♪ Tuck

[Tuck] gotcha.

Coz, you saved my shell!

You're amazing.


This calls for some celery.

Some what?

♪ Twy it

♪ You'll love it


[All] mmm.

Coz, we need to talk,

Turtle to turtle.

What is it, buck?

♪ I'm sorry


♪ I'm sorry

For being such a show-off.

And I'm sorry for being so rude to you.

Aw, that's okay.

But thanks,


Hey, can I have that hug now?

Maybe later.

Just kidding.

Bye, buck.

Nice to meet you.

Adios, amigos.

Linny, ming-ming, stay beautiful.

I will!

Little airplane.

[Kids laughing]