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02x07 - For the Team

Posted: 05/26/23 06:50
by bunniefuu
Previously on Warehouse 13...

Come on old friend

so what, you think
our Jimmy took a playdate?

If there's a history log
in here, we could look up...


Pete, Artie says
that H.G. Wells is actually--

a woman...

Could you please be careful
with that

I know all about it.

You what?

I was Apprenticed at Warehouse 12.

[Electricity crackles]

[both grunting]


Cavorite was
an anti-gravity metal

that Wells about,
but cavorite doesn't exist.



I'm sorry, Arthur.

You stop trying
to confuse me!


Pete, you've been infected
by an artifact.

Myka, you and Artie,
you got to get out of here.

He's got sn*pers
all over the place!

The telegraph seems
to have tapped

into some subliminal anxiety.

Take some time off,
Agent Lattimer.


I guess I'm just
lucky that

the only vet in Univille
makes house-calls.

I love ferrets.

Besides, this is
a farming community

and if I didn't
make house-calls,

my office would look
like a traveling circus.


Guess how many croissants
I shoved into my mouth at once.

One day you'll have
to tell me

how you got partnered up
with that one.

Well, the croissant thing's
actually kind of impressive

when you see it.

Yeah, at least it keeps him
from talking.

Oh, that's right.

You prefer your males
to bark and hump your leg.

I'm sure it's
in your repertoire.

Okay, okay.

Thank you.

You know, we have
to get back to work,

but thank you so much
for coming.

Myka, for you, anytime.


What is with you two?
She started it.

Good, good, you're here.
Follow me.

We got a ping.

Time to get back out there

and kick some artifact butt.

Mmm, not you, no.

Until we're sure that
there's no residual effect

from your last encounter,
you are grounded.

Myka, you're going
to Tamalpais University

in Northern California.

Artie, this is about
a wrestling team.

[Overlapping arguing]

God, all right, all right.
Yes, yes.

It's about a wrestling team.

This wrestling team,
they've lost every match

for the last seven years
and overnight,

they've become unstoppable.

No, this is--
this is one of ours.

I know you wrestled in college.

What can I say?
Irony is my specialty.


This team was tested
for steroids, right?

One of the kids
on the team died

three weeks ago,

in a fire,
alone, camping.

If an artifact
is helping them,

it could also be k*lling them.

Okay, I'm on it.

Yeah, Claudia, take this,

because you're going with Myka
to California as a backup.

For reals?

My first official assignment
as an Agent?

Shut up!
As...An Apprentice.

While you're on campus,

enroll and get a degree,
will you?

Will you never stop
with that?


Should I have worn something
more business-suity,

you know, so people take
me seriously as an Agent?

You're not an Agent.
You're an Apprentice.


Taking notes.

"Jeans are fine."


[Whistle blows]

Well, it looks
like they won again.

Think the artifact's in here?

Anything's possible,
but artifacts don't talk.

People talk.


Interviews with people, indeed.

I'm ready to begin
my Apprentice education.

(Team) Hoo-wah!

Always happy to answer
questions on how much

we're winning, but I'm not
sure what exactly

you're investigating.

Apprentice really
be in here?

We just have some routine
questions for you.


Gary, come talk
to these ladies.

Sure, Coach.
What's up?

Hi, Gary, is it?

So why do you think your team
started winning?

I mean, what changed?

Coach Tappon finally
got our asses in gear.

He got us to want it again.

And if you want it bad enough,
you're gonna crush it.

And now we're crushing it.

But seven straight seasons
without a win

and now all of a sudden--

[towel snaps]


Claudia, do you want
to see what's going on

out in the hallway?

Okay, thanks, bye.



Hey, aren't you the guy
who just won?

I feel weird.

My muscles are hurting bad.

I think I need a--




[Ethereal music]

♪ Warehouse 13 2x07 ♪
For the Team
Original Air Date on August 17, 2010

One death on the team
is bad enough.

Two is...Unthinkable.

But I know Phillip
would want us to go on.

How'd it go with the police?

He just caught on fire, Myka.

I should have done something.

There wasn't anything to do.

You would have
done something.

You would
stay calm at least.

I literally freaked out.

So the police are calling
it an accident?

Of undetermined cause.

But I hacked the coroner's
report on both desks.

Check it out.

Teddy Benson,
the wrestler who died

in the campsite fire?

Burn patterns show
that the fire

started inside
his sleeping bag.

Okay, so two deaths by
spontaneous combustion

on the same wrestling team.

Yeah, I call shenanigans.

And unless a sweaty gym sock
is the artifact,

then there's nothing that--

okay, there's that.

(Team) Hoo-wah!

Oh, yeah.
You can score that a 9.8.

All right, I'm gonna
go talk to the Coach

about that medal and you
follow up with the team.

Wait. Follow up?

By myself?

Talk to them.

You know, investigate.

Yeah, I'll just follow up.

[Imitating jet fighter]

Ahh, mom!


Are those Timothy Leary's

Take them off right now.
That's not a toy.

I'm bored, okay?

They make things
so much less boring.

Did you hear what I said?
Take 'em off right now.

Right now.

Wouldn't you rather
have a nice little fish?

Okay, stop it.

Give me the glasses.

Get up out of my chair.


Man, desk duty is lame.


Oh, it's nothing personal,
senor sensitivo.


What? What is it?

It's nothing.
It's no big deal.

It's just probably
my appendix growing back.

Your who with the what now?

Yeah, it's, uh...

Grows back every year.

It's a side effect of spending
too much time

in the Warehouse.

[Imitating Scooby Doo]

Nothing to worry about.

It's all good.

Yeah, I need a visit
from the doctor.



Are you serious?

Touching a gold medal caused
them to burn up?

You got both paddles
in the water?

You were a champion.

Now you're a Coach.

I know what it's like
to do good work

and no one notices.

A winning team puts you
back on top.


You think I'm involved
in their deaths?

You're out of your mind.

If I'm crazy,
show me the medal.

I'm not showing you anything.

Coach Tappon, we'd love
for you to join us

whenever you're free.

Great, Jeff.
I'm sorry.

Just give me a sec.

Be right with you.


Now I'm pissing off
the team's benefactors

so you can accuse me
of attacking my guys.

I am just trying to protect--

if you scare my guys,
I'll have you

thrown off this campus.

[Knock on door]

So, Gary, is it?


Can I help you?

So Coach Tappon.

Does he ever seem maybe
too intent on winning?

"Too intent on winning"?

I don't even know
what that means.

I mean does he put you under
a lot of, you know, pressure?


Have you ever tried getting out
of a half nelson

with a 200-pound monster's
on top of you?

Okay, now when you say,

I'm gonna assume you mean
a really big guy

and not an actual monster,
because in my line of work--

what I mean
is pressure is good.

It makes you win.

Okay, yes, but does
the Coach care

about your safety
or just winning?

Would he risk a wrestler's life
to, I don't know,

place in a match--

hey, this is my Coach
we're talking about.

I'm not gonna let you
rip on him.

Oh, no, no, no.

No, I wouldn't deign to rip.

I'm just...

analyzing the facts,

supposing a possible--
interrogating the--

not that you--
you okay?

You seem kind of new at this.

Are you, like, that other lady's
assistant or something?

Or something.

If I need anything,
I'll circle back.

Thanks so much
for coming, doctor.

And how's that?

Does that hurt?
It's fine.

No, no.
How about there?


So our own Warehouse doctor,

Yes, Pete,
it's in the manual,

chapter 112, section F,
paragraph 3.

Yeah, yeah.

I haven't quite gotten
to chapter 112 yet.

Yeah, why don't you
go downstairs

and read it right now?

Well, I was hoping you'd read
it to me, papa.

Vanessa, I'm really
sorry about him.

And I'm sorry you have
to come all the way

to South Dakota just for this.

Oh, well, your appendix
is always

the highlight
of my year, Artie.


What's the rest
of your year like?

Have you been working
on your meridians?


the acupuncture points
I asked you to tap on like this.

Yeah, just--I remember.

I'm really ticklish there.

You can't do that.
I know.

Sit up.

Yes, I have, actually.

I've worked on--
oh, you're lying.

Yes, I am.

If you're gonna blow hot air,

will you mind blowing into this
for me, please?

[Blows whistle]

Well, you're not infected.

Oh, that's good, right?

Yeah, it's good.

Given your proclivity
to appendicitis,

I really still think we should
remove it again.

Just prophylactically.



Shut up.

I place myself in your hands.

Okay, let me go
put on some scrubs.

Prepare the procedure room
and I'll let you know

when I'm ready for you, okay?

Okay, awesome.



Maybe I'm wrong,

Are Vanessa and Artie
sitting in a tree?

Ah, don't be absurd.

We're two adults
who just have a lot

of professional respect
for each other.

And shut up.

I knew it.

Newsflash: Artie is human.

Walk away.

You like her.
Stop it.

You want to hug her
and kiss her...

I'm walking away.

And squeeze her
and all right!

Don't touch me there.

Good, you've
got the purple goo.

Coach Tappon's office
is empty.

Artie said there's no record
of Tappon's medal on file,

but we should still
goo it just in case.

It was hard to hear.

Pete kept singing something
about Artie in a baby carriage.

Well, let's go get this medal.

Do you think he's
doing this on purpose?

No, but I think
he's hiding something.

How can you tell, like,
just from one interview?

I mean, is that instinct?

Well, instinct
is just a fancy way of saying

I've done this 10,000 times.

You don't think maybe
this guy's different?

Well, human beings
are predictable

and people rarely
surprise you.

Turn around and put
your hands in the air.


H.G. Wells.

Agent Bering.

Seems we're forever destined
to meet at gunpoint.

Ladies, I know this
is a bit awkward,

but maybe we could just--


Or we could just do this.

You are going back
to the Bronze Sector.

What did I do?

You're a k*ller and a thief.

Brain requires...

To speak.



I'm not a k*ller.

Oh, has the definition
of "k*ller"

changed a bunch since
the 1890s?

'Cause, H.G.,
you k*lled a guy.

James MacPherson?

He would have quite happily
k*lled all of you.

Why are you here?

Did you just happen
to show up?

I'm hunting for the same
artifact as you.

That's what we're looking for.

That's rather my point.

Take it.

And if you didn't believe me
just a little,

you'd have shot me by now.

[Door opens and closes]

[Indistinct chatter]
The Coach.

He can't find us here.

He can't find you in here.

He hasn't met me yet.

What? Do not.


Is your name Coach Tappon?

Oh, thank God I've found you.

She's good.

Yeah, sure,
in an obvious kind of way.

Worked on Pete in London.

Well, that's not exactly
scaling Mt. Everest, is it?

Come on, let's call Artie.

[Indistinct chatter]

An appendectomy?
Are you--

yeah, forget--
I'm fine.

Just tell me exactly
what's going on.

Room's all set.
Are you?

Uh, as ever.

Just one second,
'cause I'm in the--


Yeah, look--

you know what?
I got it.

Just--just take care
of yourself.

Okay, thanks.

[Farnsworth buzzes]

My turn.

Don't start without me.





I was just wondering...

What this...

Was doing on your shelf.

Yeah, I'm wondering
what you're doing

messing around
with my thing.

That's the Barnum to


Oh, that's right, sir.

I've been doing
a little read-a-roonie

of the artifact manifest.

Fascinating stuff.

Turns out P.T. Barnum
used this to,

and I quote,
"increase the shock factor

"in his sideshows by using it
to grow human limbs

and in some cases,
internal organs."

You, sir, have been growing
back your appendix

in an attempt to get Vanessa
to visit the Warehouse!

That's so romantic.

Are you quite finished?

If only...
So, "no," then.

There were some way
for you to...

Interact with Vanessa
that did not involve

invasive surgery.

Perhaps some kind of--

I don't know.

Social ritual.

One involving the sharing
of food or the enjoying

of filmed entertainment
with maybe some duds

that have been milked.


I mean a date.

I know what you mean.

Artie, you like her.

She--hey, hey, hey--likes you.

Ask the woman out.



I'm sorry.

I'm gonna have
to postpone the surgery.

A Regent has tungsten poisoning,
of all things,

and I have to leave
for Budapest immediately.

Ooh, that sounds
serious there.

You should go.
All right.


I got to make my flight

Get out of my sight.

Don't come near me.
I'll k*ll you.



The medal is not
the artifact,

which also means that H.G.
had nothing to lose

by handing it over.

Unless she
didn't know either.

Oh, she knew.

I don't know what her game is,
but I don't trust her.

Well, I swiped Tappon's

from the personnel office.

Last month, he moved
to bayside heights.

Very schmancy and Richie Rich.

Where does a college wrestling
Coach get the money

to buy a house like that?

Maybe H.G.'S paying him off.

Where would she get the money?

Well, you accrue
a lot of interest

in 100 years.

I'm gonna go snoop around
for a connection.

You finish interviewing
the wrestling team.

Um, no, maybe I should stick
to the computer stuff.

I'm really not good
at the interviews,

especially with,
you know, people.


Okay, so...
Why do you say that?

Well, I tried to be
like you, you know?

All professional and adult
and that--

is really...

Really dumb.

Is that your version
of a pep talk?


We already have one me.

We don't need
another me, okay?

I want you to go in there
and be more like you.

What would that get us?

Claudia, you're the same age
as these guys.

You're a peer.

You can connect with them.

Yeah, not so much.

Okay then.

Go back to the Warehouse then.

You know, not everyone's
cut out for field work.

You know, stay behind
a computer forever.

kind of a long time.

I don't have time to hold
your hand through this, Claude.

If you are not up for this--

well, I didn't say that.

Okay, well,
let me know how it goes.

Okay, I will.

Good then.

Oh, I know
what you did there.

I know.

It's 'cause you're smart.


[Knock on door]

Gar-bear, afternoon.

Let's talk.

Irritating question girl.

We kind of already talked.

No, you already avoided
telling me anything.

Now we talk.

By the way, Photoshop.

Anyway, check this.

Phillip and Teddy's deaths were
not accidental.

My Intel says Coach is dirty.

Maybe even got some payola.



What do you know?


It's just a feeling.

Spill it, hulkling.

Don't make me angry.

Coach Tappon saved us, okay?

I mean, in a town like this,

you either work at the
bottling plant or you get out.

And now even the plant's
about to close down.

Because of Coach,
now I have options

and maybe a scholarship.

I have people who did that
for me too.

Gave me options.

Then you know
I can't turn on him.

Yeah, but, dude...

If something bad's happening
to your friends,

even by accident,
don't you owe them too?


He started acting weird
after Teddy died.

Closed-door meetings,

phone calls in the middle
of practice.

He was acting--




No, it's too dangerous.

Listen to me.
They think I'm responsible.

And what if I am?

No, I'm sorry,

but I'm ending this now.

[Tires screeching]

Okay, here's here we go.
What you're gonna do.

Set something up for when
she gets back.

Dinner, a movie--
shh! Shh!

I can't do that.

Take her for a walk.

Show her the dark vault.
Doesn't matter, okay?

Just make a plan.

I don't know--

Then be one of those agents
that's obsessed

with the Warehouse.

That always works out so well.

All right.

Well, now you know
you're not infected,

so you should be all right
till I get back, Artie.

You okay with this?


Have a nice flight.


Geez, Artie,

it's not like she hasn't
already seen you naked.

Thank you very much for that.

This was no accident.

It means someone else
out there knows

about the artifact.

Look who's here.

Keep an eye
on things, Claude.


Our lead suspect is k*lled
and look who shows up.

Oh, do stop it.

What motive could
I have possibly had

for k*lling those boys
and a wrestling Coach?

That's an excellent question.

Perhaps we should
ask the Regents.

They did have you
bronzed once.

You know as well as I,
women are held

to a different standard.

Something, by the way, I thought
would have changed by now.

Don't you dare play
that card with me.

Why not?

Your partner died
and people whispered.

If you'd been a man--

That's very clever.

You did your research.

What did you steal
from the Escher Vault?


That's what I thought.

I took back what was mine.

Oh, and what is that?

That more cavorite?

What are you gonna do,
yank me up into the sky?

The only power
it has is over me.

It's my daughter.


My Christina.

Everything that ever mattered
in my life is gone now,

except the Warehouse.

Look, I know what it's like
to lose someone, but--

I want to come back
and work there again.

You what?

That's why I'm doing
all of this.

To prove I am still
a good Agent.

Look, I'm sorry about
your little girl.

I really am.

But it's not possible--

You can't--


Every day in this world is
a reminder of what I've lost.

My child, my friends, my life.

I have no tether here.

The Warehouse is the only home
I have now.

[Tires screeching]


Ooh! Whoa!

I do miss the horse
and buggy days.

Progress is
in many ways overrated.





A grappling hook?

I designed it myself.



It's just a little
old fashioned.

Well, it wasn't when
I invented it.

And it seems
to have saved your life.

And yet you're still wondering
if I set this whole thing up

just to prove my innocence.

Well, the thought did
cross my mind

somewhere between,
"holy crap, I'm gonna die,"

and, "oh, I'm flying!"

And what have you concluded?

The jury's still out.

I suppose if
we work together,

it may be faster.

And you could keep
an eye on me.


That thought
crossed my mind too.

You coming?

Hey, look what I found.

Tag says it reduces
shyness, so I--

ah! Ow, ow!



Not good.

Never hurt like this before.

Well, that's 'cause
the doc always took it out.

Yeah, must still be growing.

Might keep growing
till it bursts.


You know, this is called
breaking and entering

these days.

It always was.

Things haven't changed much.


Uh, why don't you take
the desk?

I'll go through the closet.

Aye, aye.

So you built that g*n, huh?

You are coveting
my grappler.

Old fashioned, indeed.

Admiring maybe.

Not coveting.

My technical skill could
come in very handy

when I come back to work.

Why were you bronzed?

The scales
that lady justice holds

are more easily tipped
than one knows.

The world is never
as you think it should be.

Well, it's not
my decision anyway.

You know, I don't even think
it's Artie's.

Of course.

No pressure.

Just making conversation.

Pointed conversation,
but nevertheless--


Let me do it.


H.G., come here.
Look at these pictures.

These are all of Phillip,
only he's--

quite a bit more
of a roly-poly.

Look at the dates
on these files.

He did this in three weeks.

Something's turning these boys
into perfect specimens.

And then k*lling them.

Just a little farther, Artie.

To this chair.

Oh, little help here.

At some point, you people
will have to realize

that "Veterinarian" means
"animal doctor," not humans.

Hey, I don't want
to be here either, so--

look, Doc Wellins
is out of town.

His appendix is about
to burst,

so it's either the vet
or the barber.

An appendectomy?

You do realize that most
of the surgeries

I perform are spaying
and neutering?

Okay, the barber.
The barber.

Look, Artie.

Please sit down.

I mean, come on.
Help the guy out.

Hey, I can make him look
like a giant walrus,

if that makes it any easier.

Artie, I will help you,
if only to take you

out of his care.

Good idea.
Come on.

Let's go to the exam room.


Hey, croissant-boy,
I need a prep nurse.

Get in here.

Okay, but I'm not
shaving anything.

More wrestlers
are getting sick.

Pretty soon the whole team's
gonna end up extra crispy.

That's strange.

Why would they
put a padlock

on a fridge?

"Boiling Point Energy Drink"?

Myka, every time I saw Gary,
he was chugging

one of these drinks.

It's the drink.

Claudia, you have to get
to Gary and warn him.

On it.

The artifact is in the drink.

So Dr. Mahoney, you created
the Boiling Point formula?

Yes, and there's nothing
harmful in it.

It's vitamins, caffeine,
amino acids.

It's like any other drink
on the market

except that ours is specially

to accelerate muscle growth.

It helps people.

You're testing it
on the wrestling team

at Tamalpais.

There are laws against that.

It was a focus group.

The kids were getting faster,

and combustible.

Boiling Point
financially supports

the team and you
paid Coach Tappon

to get them to drink it.

That wasn't my idea!

It was mine.

Jeff Russell.
Welcome, ladies.

Gerald, they're looking
for you in the lab.


On campus,
you pulled Coach Tappon

into a meeting.

Boiling Point is your company.

Founder and CEO, miss?

Agent Bering,
Secret Service.

And you are?

Agent Wells.

Who is also an Agent
under me.

Does whatever I say.

Lots of companies
support school teams

and we owe a lot to this town.

And for me,
it was personal.

You were on
the wrestling team?

Coach Tappon helped to
focus my life.

I wanted
to give something back.

So what?

So people died.

Coach Tappon died.

And I'm sad about that.

But I'm still waiting
to hear your proof

that my drink was responsible.

Or you could come with me
and I can prove to you

that it's completely harmless.

Might be a trap.

Usually is.

Here's my impression of Pete
at the sight of blood.

[Imitating retching]

No, no, no, no, no.


I never sounded like--

okay, that's fairly accurate.

Just 'cause I was worried
about him.

Oh, right, right.
It's sweet.

A little girly, but sweet.


Artie, we thought you would
recuperate better here,

but you got to promise that
you're gonna try

to get some rest.

Artie loves resting.

Oh, and he will,

because I'm putting you
in charge.

If he's not up
on his feet

in a couple of days,

I'm coming after you.

You're in charge?

That's right, old boy.

I'll go get you some soup.


You should ask her out.

Me ask her out?


Or be one of those
agents obsessed

with the Warehouse.

That always works out so well.

You weren't talking to me.

Oh, no?

Oh, well,
who was I talking to?

I don't know.
Let's just see.

When I died in the tunnel,
didn't you think

for just an instant,
"poor Artie.

He gave his life to this place
and he died alone"?


And since then, I see what's
been happening to you.

What happening?
No happening.

I think you're worried
that you caught

a glimpse
into your own future.

Oh, those painkillers are
making you loopy, old boy.

Oh, no, I'm not
on any painkillers.

And then your stuff
didn't come from home,

so you feel uprooted
and last week,

you imagined reconnecting
to an old girlfriend.

In my defense,
I do have a lot of those dreams.



You don't have to miss out
on having a real life

like I did.

I'd be honored to have
a life like yours.

I'd be honored if you'd
try for a little more.

Dude, you look
like Bantha poodoo.

Well, as you can see,
I feel fantastic.

Spread the word
to your teammates.

Stop drinking those dumb
energy drinks.

And I need your help.

What's wrong with--

no, just trust me.

The bottling plant,
you said it was closing down.

I don't know.

It's some kind of deal
to sell it off or something.

Talk to me more about that.

I found some tea.

Why don't you people have soup?
I mean, everybody has soup.

We're weird.

Surgery was fun, huh?

You got some moves
with that knife.

Want to get dinner?

Or coffee.


The hardware store
has a candy aisle.

We're not going out.

We could stay inside.

I heard the hardware store
delivers candy.

Look, my ex, it turns out
he's a giant tool box

and I moved to a place
where I couldn't

possibly meet
any cute men, so--

You think I'm cute.

Pete, we're not going out.

Yeah, but you think
I'm cute.

As you can see,
there's nothing dangerous

in the drink.

Well, do you collect
test samples

from every batch?

For safety purposes.

It's standard practice.

That ladle.

Is that what your people use
to collect the samples?

I suppose.

Myka, do you know
Godfrid's Spoon?


We looked for it
at Warehouse 12.

Godfrid Haraldsson,
a Viking Prince.

It's supposedly forged
from the armor

of fallen warriors.

His men would drink
from it before battle.

It gave them strength.

What are you talking about?

Mr. Russell,
where did you get this ladle?

I don't know.
It's always been here.

Myka, this plant's closing.

Production moves
to Naperville, Illinois,

in three weeks.

What's in Naperville,

Omnico Headquarters.

They're buying Boiling Point.

Beaucoup bucks
for the founder.

That gives you motive
to keep the deaths quiet

until the deal goes through
and it's not

your problem anymore.

This belongs to me.

Gerald, what are you doing?

You have no right
to come in here.

That ladle touches
every batch

of Boiling Point.


You don't have to answer their
questions, Jeff.

Mr. Russell,
does Dr. Mahoney have stake

in your company's
sale to Oomnico?

Gerald's been with Boiling
Point since the beginning.


he must have a fortune
in stock options by now.

Jeff, shut up.

Gerald, for God's sakes,
give them the ladle.

Hey! Hey!


What are you doing?

No, Claudia!

Grab Mahoney!

Gerald, what have you done?

He's about to tell
us right now.

If Omnico finds
out the drink is flawed,

the sale doesn't go through.

What's gonna happen to her?

The more you take in,
the quicker

it seems to take effect.

And it's seeping directly
into her pores.

I'm afraid she's not
gonna last very long.

I'm sorry.

None of this should
have happened.

The deal should have gone
through weeks ago,

then everything
just got out of hand.

You knew.

You knew what we were putting
out there could--

you k*lled Coach Tappon.

Is it warm in here or am
I wearing 38 snuggies?

Those boys only died because
they drank too much.

It was never safe.

You just thought
you could get away

before anyone noticed.

I didn't know how it worked.

How long does she have?

I don't know.
I'm sorry.

Based on how quickly
she's reacting,

I'd guess an hour,
maybe two.

We have to act quickly.

I'm not letting anyone else
get hurt by this.

What do we do?

Amino acids.

The amino acids
may have made contact

with the metal and amped up
the powers

of the original ladle.

I did a lot of research
on the subject

of amino acids
for Dr. Moreau.

Let me have a look.

Perhaps I can cobble
together an antidote.

But that was 115 years ago.

I doubt amino acids have
changed a great deal since then.


You're going to take Agent
Wells to your lab

and you are going
to assist her now.

I didn't want any of this.

Then this is your lucky day,

Because we're giving you
a chance to get it all sorted.

Come on.

Okay, I need something
that slows down

the burning process.

I'll put something together.

Any change?

No, she's burning up.

I'm fighting a losing battle.

She doesn't have much time.

I hope you have something.

I hope so too.

Claudia, I'm afraid this won't
taste very good.

I know one mission won't change
your mind.

I'm not expecting miracles

Just keep an open mind.



Hey, you.

How do you feel?

Did I combust?


If that guy made me combust,
I'm gonna be pissed.

Oh, thank God.

Here, let's just set you up.

That's easy for u to say.



You should really thank H.G.


U were being wheeled out--

okay, I don't care
if I'm having

a brain transplant!

If you cross paths
with H.G. Wells,

you yank me out
of anesthesia

and you fill me in.

Is that understood?

I'm really glad she showed up.

She saved my life.
Mine too.

Yeah, well, MacPherson saved
my life countless times.

It didn't change who he was.

Is that understood?

Yes, sir.

Crystal clear.

Artie, are you--

whoa, whoa.

Good work on the ladle.

Yeah, yeah.

And I think I'm gonna
go to bed.

Apparently falling
into a vat

of bubbling poison kind
of takes it out of you.

Uh, Claudia, wait.
I have something for you.

College admissions
for South Dakota University.

There's some online courses
in there too.

So why the parental shove?

Well, you need
a college degree

to apply
for the Secret Service.



Um...Thanks for being
so hard on me out there.

Turns out, you can take it.

So I'm gonna go back
to the Warehouse.

Do you want to come?
No, no, no.

I, uh--I got a date

Kelly possibly.


Oh, I thought
she turned you down.

Oh, no, no, no.
She did.

She did.

I just figured,
you know,

sometimes people
can surprise you.

Yeah, I guess sometimes
they do.

[Playing piano]

♪ ♪

You should be resting.

This is resting for me.

Okay, I rush all the way back
to remove an appendix

from my favorite patient,
but apparently

he did start without me.

Mmm, yeah,
and I'm taking a long time

to recover without you too.

Not if you work
your meridians.

I know.

I'll tap all of the meridians

and even the ticklish ones.

You can have the next one.
I promise.

Oh, thank you.

I'm honored.

Well, until next year then.


I've been thinking
that, uh,

you know, sometimes...

I can be kind of obnoxious
in a really fun

and entertaining way and since
it's already come up,

you did mention
that I was cute.

Although now that
I think about it,

bunny rabbits
and kittens are cute,

so maybe it wasn't he compliment
that I thought it was.

Look, I'm just heading
into town.

Do you want to come with me
for a little walk

or a sit?

Yeah, I'd like that.


But I'll drive.

Yeah, you better.

[Electronic beeping]

But here's the thing.

I like you when
you're not being really

unnecessarily mean to me.

And I need to eat,
you know,

and I figured, I don't know,
your species

probably occasionally
eats too.

So maybe the two of us could sit
down at the same table

together and both eat.


Eating at the same table...

But nothing more
and don't get any ideas.

I almost never do.

Chinese place on main
and we're going dutch.

Couldn't we go to
the Dutch place on Fifth

and go Chinese?

Come on, slappy,
before I change my mind.

Hey, so when you said
I was cute,

did you mean, like, kitten,
bunny rabbits cute or--