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02x02 - Mild Mannered

Posted: 05/26/23 06:46
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Warehouse 13"...

Thank you for remembering our appointment.


How could you possibly have survived?

The Phoenix?

Harriet Tubman's thimble.
It was me?

- Mrs. Frederic, it was me.
- The worst case of identity theft ever.

It's not her fault.

James? James!

I'm sorry, Arthur.

Hi. That's a great color on you, ma'am.


You're never gonna win these people over.

They will succumb to my charms, Myka.

They will succumb.



- What? Whatever!
- Come on.

- Come on!
- Call me.

It's just bull!


Is it Tuesday again already?

Uh, yes.

Kiss, kiss to you, Brenda.

You got our stuff or what?


It only took six months.

Shipped in from D.C. this morning.

What, are you taking deliveries from the mob?

M.O.B., Einstein.
Myka O. Bering?

What's the "O" for?


Olive oil?

Olive Garden?

- So not telling you.
- Whatever.

Wait, hey, hey, B, B!

- What about my stuff?
- Sorry, slick. That's it.

- What...
- If you don't mind...

I'm watching a movie,
and I don't have the Tivo.

It's my books, my music,...

my fuzzy slippers. Yay!

Yay. Let me get you some salt.


They sit there, Arthur,
and they hoard the things

- that can save the world.
- You've had your chance, Arthur.

- So many chances!
- Almost everything.

You always hurt the one you love.

- Arthur?
- Artie?

- Hey, you okay?
- Yeah. I'm fine.

You sure? 'Cause for a second there,
you seemed untethered.

Weren't you supposed to be helping, Leena
install the rest of the new motion detectors?

- Getting to it.
- Getting to it? Claudia...

If the Warehouse is vulnerable,...

then we are vulnerable.

And we are not going to be
vulnerable ever again.

And there are other threats out there.

Who, H.G. Wells?

Sister friend kind of did
us a favor by k*lling...


Does no one a favor.
That's why we have Teslas, not b*ll*ts.

That's why ethics are codified in the...

Saved by the beep.

Looks like we got a ping.
You want me to rally the troops?

No, what I...

What I want is for you...

to help Leena install the rest
of the new motion detectors.

Aye aye, Captain Bligh.


Hello, Motor City.


Now, that's something
I never expected to see.

Yep, yep, yep.

She must have found an artifact
that makes her act like a girl.

Her aura...

- It's just so...
- Happy?

These things hold special memories for me.

You know? It makes me feel like I'm,...


We interrupt this concert...

to bring you your regularly scheduled job.

All right, first this mugger
is delivered to Detroit Metro police,...

and he's in a twisted streetlight.
Look at that. He's in a coma.

And then this drug dealer...

he is found dangling from this flagpole...

pretty high up too.
He's in a coma as well.

And by the time it takes
to print these photos,

our mysterious assailant
strikes again.

A person did this?
With what?

If I knew that, I wouldn't be
sending you both to Detroit.

Plane's in an hour.


Yeah, listen, I know things are awkward
between you and Claudia,

but I need you working together and over it.

- Don't talk to me. Talk...
- Just get it done.


Now, that is a big hole.

So, officer Kessman,
according to the reports,

you were the first on scene
at all three incidents?

Yes, ma'am.

I was out walking my beat,
and I hear three sh*ts fired,

followed by a loud crash.
And that's when I look up, and I see the hole.

- But not what caused
- No, ma'am.

Fortunately, the occupants are out of town,

so the only casualty's the perp.

Okay, well, thank you.
We'll take it from here.


Three sh*ts fired...

No blood...

No b*llet holes.

Hey, Mykes.

Check these out.

- b*ll*ts.
- Yesiree, Bob.

At least they used to be.
Investigators didn't find these?


With all the recent cutbacks,
we're lucky we still have g*ns.

- Welcome to my world.
- Kevlar?

No way a vest would flatten
a slug that much that's just freaky.

Welcome to our world.




Hey, Claudia!

- Claudia...
- Jeez!

Jeez, Leena.
Skulk much?

Artie wants us to finish
putting these sensors up.

Well, I'm doing this instead.


look, do you want to just get it
off your chest right now?

My chest is burden-less.

Can't you tell by reading my aura?

I don't have to read your aura...

to know that you're pissed off at me.

Going back to work now.

Neighborhood watch
meets here once a week.

Might be because Loretta organized the group,
and she makes the best pies in the Midwest.

Pete, he said pie.

I know. I just want to make sure
everything's Jake on the home front first.

I'll be right there.

Thank you.

Look, all's I'm saying is
you want to make an omelet,

you got to crack a few skulls.

And I'm saying there are other ways

to keep this neighborhood safe than vigilantism.

Right, Sheldon?

I've read that there are
two types of criminals...

parasites and cowards.

Amen, brother.

Like that.



Look, cranky's kind of
your natural state of being, isn't it?

What, please?

Three squashed b*ll*ts.

Okay? We think the artifact
has some kind of a

bulletproof invulnerability.

Yeah, no, that wouldn't
explain the hole in the wall.

Well, what if whatever it is,
it does a bunch of different stuff?


Okay. Well, maybe Claudia
can do a little, you know, tippy-typy...

Look, Pete, could you just figure it out?
You're a big kid now. All right? I got to go.

Okay, look, Artie, this is a little
too crotchety, even for you.

What's going on?

I'm sorry, it's nothing.
It's just that I have a little...

rodent problem.

I'll have Claudia explore
the invulnerability theory, all right?



Detroit's almost finest.

Officer Kessman...

Large mochaccino
and a slice of Pumpkin to go?

Not today, Loretta.

This is Agent Bering, Secret Service.

Hello. I'm her partner,
Agent Lattimer. Howdy.

Is the President in town?

No, no, we're just here
on a local matter,

and we could use
the neighborhood watch's help.

The authorities need our help?
That's not a good sign.

- Yeah.
- Well, I have to run to the bank.

I'll be right back,
but you can talk to Sheldon.

He works with the watch.

Two slices of the lemon meringue
for the Agents, please.

Oh, you know what?
I'm more of a...

Twizzlers gal myself, but thanks.

But, I'll take her slice.

So what are you guys looking for?

Anything strange or unusual.


You know, something that could
twist a street lamp or...

Put a hole through a brick wall.

You see anything like that
that fits the bill?

No. Sorry. Haven't seen anything.

But I'll definitely keep my eye out.

Okay, then.

If you don't mind...

My city needs me.

You know, Dudley Do-Right
was first on the scene at all three locations.

Yeah. He's also P.O.'d about the cutbacks,

and he likes to do things his own way.

Maybe he's doing things
his own way with an artifact.

- We should probably...
- I think we should.

I'm gonna...

take these with me.
Thank you so much.

What do you think he's got?

I don't know.
Wyatt Earp's badge, maybe?

That's a good theory, Olivia.




Game on.

I'm gonna go check out the bedroom.

Hey, up there the window's been broken.

- Freeze, Dirty Harry!
- Surrender the artifact!


What are you talking about?
And what the hell is that thing?

What did you use to mop
the floor with these guys?

- I didn't do this.
- Sure you didn't.

We got an anonymous tip,
and I come run...

No freakin' way!

Help me! Please!

Okay, just put him down nice and slow.

Who was that masked man?

That was no man.

That was a superhero.

~ Warehouse 13 S02E02 ~
~ Mild Mannered ~

- Pete, that was not a superhero.
- No, that was the Iron Shadow.

- The Iron Shadow?
- Yeah. Only the most

"awesomest" character of the silver age.

You grew up in a bookstore.
How do you not know that?

Real books, not cartoons!

Yeah, comic books!

A guy in tights
just leaped over a building.

Yeah, best to omit that from your report.

What report?

All right.


That mask he was wearing
looked kind of artifact-y.

Maybe that's where he's
getting those powers from.

No, the Iron Shadow
doesn't have powers.

He's just a regular guy
trained to be the ultimate urban Samurai.

Okay, even ultimate urban Samurai
can't leap over buildings, okay?

Whoever that was has an artifact.

We should have Claudia
check the Warehouse database.

No need. You're looking at a one-man
Iron Shadow encyclopedia.

Pick an issue, any issue.

I think we already know
your issues, okay?

So officer Kessman said
he got an anonymous tip, right?

I bet you dollars to doughnuts
where that call came from.


- or pies.
- Best in the Midwest.

See, now I want doughnuts.

Since when does the Secret Service
investigate petty crimes?

Just open the safe.

Do you have any idea
what this woman means to this community?

- Sheldon, it's okay.
- No, it's not.

You go after good citizens like Loretta?

I was robbed at gunpoint
in my apartment.

Bastards took my clothes, my computer,
my collection, everything.

We all feel unsafe.

We just want somebody
to do something about it.


knock yourselves out.

What does this do?

It's a key.

It opens things.


you may want to cover your eyes.


No, no. Nothing.

Guess the Iron Shadow doesn't use keys.

Wait, the Iron Shadow?

- Yeah.
- Like the comic book?

Yeah, yeah, there's
some guy running around town.

- We're very sorry.
- Yeah.

- Sorry to bother you.
- Sorry. Sorry.

- Thank you for your time.
- Thank you.

Hello, square one...

- We meet again.
- Okay, okay. Let's just think this through.

Okay? You're Joe Shmoe.

You find an artifact
that gives you superpowers.

What do you do?

I track down Ralph Brunsky and give
him the mother of all atomic wedgies

in front of the entire seventh-grade class.

Or I don the guise of my all-time
favorite superhero and use my powers

- to fight crime.
- Okay.

Okay. So,...

where does a person...

like you...

hang out?


Okay. Artifact City.

- No. Classic collectibles.
- Potentially dangerous.

You go talk to the owner.
I'm gonna do some research.

Welcome to the Hairy Tarantula. How can I...

- Hey, I know you.
- Agent Bering.

Hi. What can I do you for?

Earlier today you were praising vigilantes.

Are you aware that someone in town
is dressing up s a superhero

and taking the law into their own hands?

Finally, someone's nutting up,
showing the cops how it's done.

- Yeah, well, people are getting hurt.
- Yeah, who?

Scum of the earth?


Who's this guy dressed up as,
so I can order more of that?

Do you keep records
of your customers' purchases?

Yeah. I got a pull list. Why?

I'm gonna need the names of anyone
who's ever bought Iron Shadow merchandise.

- I like a woman who gives orders.
- Just get me the list.


- So is Brutus Beefcake our man?
- He wishes. Did you find anything?

I sure did.

Issue 112.

"The government orders all superheroes
to reveal their secret identities,

but the Iron Shadow
removes his mask for no man.

- So the Feds send out..."
- I meant...

With our case.


So what's with the whole
underwear on the outside thing?

- They're called trunks.
- Okay. I just...

never pegged you for such a...
what are they called?


Yeah, well, my sister got me hooked
on comics after my dad died.

She thought it'd be
a good escape for me.

I've got every issue

of The Legendary Iron Shadow
except for number 46, it's my white whale.

Of course, if my stuff never comes,
I'll have to rebuild my collection from scratch.

It'll come.

"There's only two types of criminals...


and cowards."

Best mantra ever.

Pete, I heard that today
in the coffee shop.


Trade you for your phone number.


Here. Sheldon said he lost his clothes,
his computer, and his collection.

Good work, chum.

To the Batmobile.

It's just a rental.

No, no, no.
You're not the one doing this.

Not doing what, Arthur?


- Not doing what?
- Nothing.

Nothing did anything.

Artie, if there's something
wrong with the Warehouse,

- you should tell us.
- All right, enough. Enough.


I saw him.


- Where?
- The first time?

- By the Escher Vault.
- Shut up.

So first, he blows up the Warehouse,
then he dies in it, now he's haunting it?

- Dude, go into the light already.
- No, no, ghosts don't exist.

They're just a manifestation
of a temporal...

but the dead can rise again.

God, that vampire meme is so aught-nine.

Artie, are you sure this isn't...

just a manifestation of your own guilt?

No, no, no. I have no guilt.
I tried to save his life.

He didn't want to be saved.
No, no, no, this...

This is something else.

The accumulation of energy
within the Warehouse

combined with...
see if we have this.

Combined with MacPherson's psychic residue

may have triggered...

an artifact in the vicinity
of the Escher Vault

that projected an apparition.


Rasputin's prayer PE?

- Would you do the honors?
- Yeah.

You think I'm the Iron Shadow?

I work in a coffee shop.

By day, maybe, but by night, you're using a power
that's beyond your comprehension.

And maybe even beyond your control.

Look, I get it, man.

Okay? It makes you feel powerful.

Like you've just gone from
a 98-pound weakling to a badass overnight.

But every artifact has a downside,
and people will get hurt.

Yeah, the bad guys.

Or somebody that you care about.

Like Loretta.

You stay away from her!

She doesn't know anything about this.

They att*cked me.

In my own home.

You have no idea what that is like.

Actually, we kind of do.

Sheldon, please.

Just give us the artifact.


I guess I knew it was a bad idea.

I'll just, get it. It's in there.


- What the hell?
- Sheldon!

God, don't superheroes ever use stairs?

Spidey sense tingling.

Pete, just how powerful
is this Iron Shadow?

You mean like in a fight
with The Hulk, who would win?

Okay, sure.

Well, The Hulk by a mile. Why?


I will save this city!

I will make it safe for her.

And no one is going to stop me!

- Oh, God.
- This is your one warning!

Get out of my city!



This isn't a comic book, Pete.

I mean, did you see his hand tremors?

Neurological damage.

Could be a side effect
of molecular alteration.

Okay, so Sheldon's
bulletproof one minute

and then able to leap tall buildings
in a single bound the next because...

- Because he's altering his density.
- With what?

So this is some kind of super gooer?

This scrubber...

mollifies psychically triggered artifacts...

by really getting down into those pesky,

hard-to-reach pores.

So that's how Rasputin survived
all those assassination attempts.

Survived? No, no, no.

Nah, they got him the very first try.
No, the Romanovs needed their enemies,

the Bolsheviks, for example,

to believe that the mad monk...

cheated death over and over again.

So what they did
was they resurrected Rasputin

by using this prayer rope.

It did not get rid of the Bolsheviks,

- so the birth of Communism...
- I hate this course.

Sorry. So anyway, a good scrubbing
should get rid of MacPherson.



This house...

is clean.


Do svidaniya.

as you were.


Of all the people you could have turned into,
you picked me.

I don't know. I guess you were under
some kind of weird spell or something,

but I can't help feeling betrayed,

because I almost lost
the only real family I've ever had,

because you decided to pick me.

I didn't pick you.

Can't you see what MacPherson has done?

He's turned us all against each other.

Artie? Artie's paranoid,
and you're suspicious.

Without trust, we're all vulnerable.

And by the way,...

you're not the only one
who almost lost her family.

Hey, Claud, I want to run a theory by you.
You busy?

No. No. No, I'm good to go.

You can't be rid of me that easily, Arthur.

I will not let you win!

Gold star on the density altering.

I ran it by grumpzilla.
He pointed me to three items.

Samson's jawbone, Babe Ruth's bat,
and Bruce Lee's punching bag.

- But they're all here in the Warehouse.
- What about belts?

- Are there any belts?
- What?

Belts? Why belts?

Well, the Iron Shadow's belt
is made of an indestructible metal

that harnesses his chakra energy.

Ding, ding, ding!
There is, in fact, a belt

that alters density and gives
the wearer super strength.

- Well, do we have it?
- Alas, Jacob Kurtzberg's belt

is not currently in stock.

- Jacob who?
- Kurtzberg. Aka, Jack "The King" Kirby.

- He created...
- comic book stuff. Okay. Got it.

So if Kirby's belt is the artifact,
how do we counter it?

Artie had me categorizing some
old DARPA gak a couple weeks ago.

Those guys were all about
super-sizing soldiers during the cold w*r.

I'll dig in and holla back.

Okay, so Sheldon is unstable and dangerous,
plus he already considers us a threat.

Which means we're gonna have
to play it by my book and not yours.


if I were Lex Luthor...

I would go after the Man of Steel's
greatest weakness, which is...



Lois Lane.




What are you doing here?
Are you okay?

- Do you feel safer now?
- You look terrible. Here, sit down.

- Let me get you something.
- You didn't answer my question.

I don't understand.

All I want is for you to feel safe.


I always feel safe with you.


You do?


- I have to tell you something.
- No, you don't.

I already know.

I can see it...

in your eyes.

I never could have hoped
for someone like you, Loretta.

Not who I was before, but now...

now things are different.

What do you mean? Different how?

It's for you, Loretta.

I'm doing this for you.

I'm the Iron Shadow.

Oh, my God.


Okay, shadow-man, hand it over!

- You two again.
- Sheldon, we're here to help you.

I don't need your help.
Don't you see the power I have?

Dude, you have no idea
what you're messing with!


you don't!

Here we go again!

What's happening?

Sheldon, you have to stop that!

I can't!


- Are you all right?
- No, Loretta, look out!


I have to get out of here.

- Pete.
- Hey.

- Is she okay?
- She'll be fine. She just,...

She just lost it there for a second.

Sheldon. Where...

- where's Sheldon?
- I don't know.

- We need to shut him down, asap.
- Please.

- This isn't his fault. He's only doing this...
- for you.

He's in love with you.

- Talk to me.
- Good news!

I've got just the gizmo to counter
the Iron Shadow's powers.

Yeah, well, the bad news is
you're in South Dakota.

Have no fear...

- Claudia's here.
- Nice.


Don't fret. Artie said it was okay.

Well, what he actually said was...

Go, go!

Plus, any excuse to get away from Leena.

So what do you got?


Absorbs all forms of kinetic energy.

A soldier takes 100 rounds to the chest
per second and doesn't break stride.

Thinner than Kevlar, way more resilient.

- What?
- And these puppies...

- What?
- A Claudia Donovan original.

They channel the absorbed
energy from the suit

and allow the wearer to redirect it.

Irresistible force?
Say Ni-hao to immovable object.

I am gonna get to play
a superhero in real life!


But there's a kink.

The suit's energy-siphoning abilities

drain the wearer of all vital fluids,
causing paralysis in 60 minutes.

Oh, I'm only gonna need 60 seconds,
'cause I'm gonna be all like...

And in men, it causes impotence.

Here you go, Wonder Woman.

- Artie?
- He won't leave me alone.

Why can't I make him leave me alone?

It's not guilt.
It's not artifacts.

I really have no idea
what the hell it is.

Maybe you two aren't finished
with each other.

Oh, please, I was finished
with James MacPherson 15 years ago.

You parted ways,
but you weren't finished.

Artie, he was more than your ex-partner.
He was your friend.

You shared a connection stronger
than most people share in their whole life.

Death, we shared a death.

I think that's what it is.
We shared a death.

And we both rose from the ashes,...


we were both brought back...
That's what it is. We were both brought back.

You think? I think.

That's right. We were both brought back.

We shared a death,
and that's what we have in common.

If we don't get that belt,
those powers Sheldon has could k*ll him.

And not just him.

With those gravitational waves
he's pulling in,

he could pancake an entire city block.

That way.

The factory.

What? What's the factory?

Before Sheldon was laid off,
he was an automotive engineer.

He just goes there to think.


Is this how you want it?

All alone in your Fortress of Solitude?

We can help you.


You already made me hurt Loretta!

I had everything under control...

until you showed up.

This guy's off the charts!

I know. We need to call out
the big g*n. Come on!


What are you doing?


You're not the Iron Shadow!

And we're not some sinister
government agents trying to stop you.


We're the good guys!

And we're trying to help you,

whether you want us to...

or not.

No, I don't want to hurt anyone else.

Then take my hands.

Pete, come get the belt!

- I got it!
- Myka!

Use the gauntlets!


Thank God you're okay.
I'm so sorry.

It's okay. It's over.

- They got the belt.
- Belt?

What are you talking about?

All right, that's troubling.

If it's not the belt, what is it?

Help! It's starting again.

I can't get them off!

Holy underwear.
It's the trunks!

Loretta, you have to get out of here.
I can't control this anymore.

I won't leave you.

- Loretta, come on!
- Sheldon!

We have to go!


- What's happening?
- His mass keeps increasing!

He's approaching infinite density.

Well, that sucks for him.

Not just him, man!

If Sheldon collapses in on himself,
he's gonna take the whole city with him!

Collapses in on himself...

Like a black hole?

How do we stop that?

You gotta siphon as much of that
gravitational energy as possible...

And then get those trunks off him!

Just be careful, your suit might not be able
to absorb another round of energy.

We'll just wait for ya here.

Oh, thank you!


Claudia, what's happening?

The suit has absorbed his power.
We gotta break the circuit!

We got to get those trunks off of him!


Oy gevalt!

Myka, Myka.

Are you okay?


Is everyone...?

My hero.

I bought a bunch of stuff at a yard sale

to replace what I'd lost.

The trunks were mixed in
with gym clothes.

Till I put them on, I...

had no idea they had such great power.

Well, with great power
comes great responsibility.

What, is that, like, a thing or something?



Maybe some identities
are best kept secret.

Wait, hold up.
We're just gonna let him go?

An artifact took control of him,

and he hurt somebody that he loves.

I mean, these things happen.

I think we can forgive that, don't you?



- I guess.
- Yeah.

And once again...

the city is safe!

Why is that so funny?

- That is so cute.
- That's what...

That's what they say.

This used be our house, James.

I never wanted you gone.

I want you back.

I miss my partner.

And now, because of this...

we're connected forever.

Maybe you knew that would happen.

Maybe that's why you put it in my pocket.

Hello, Arthur.

If you're reading this,
it's probable that I'm gone.

Do you remember this watch?

We used to argue over it.

I think you should have it.

Good luck, old friend.

I imagine you're going to need it.

I suppose we could chat
from time to time...

If that's even possi...

or not.

Hey, Leena.

It could have easily been me.

MacPherson could have stuck
the pearl of wisdom in my ear

and turned me into his little stooge.

Yes, he could have.

He was a...

big, fat jerk who sucked.

Thank you, Claudia.

Hey, did Myka mention the...?

Yeah. I'm just gonna shelf this,
and I'll meet you over at the B&B.

Rock on.

Mrs. Frederic.

You told me to let you know if I...

I experienced anything strange.

Oh, come on! Just admit it was awesome!

- You know it was.
- Okay, okay.

I liked being a superhero, okay?

I mean, I got to kick ass
and save countless lives.

Don't we kind of do that here anyway?

I suppose we do...

Oona. No, Oksana.

It's Ophelia!


Like from Hamlet, yes, Ophelia.

Let the mocking...



That's kind of...


Can "Ophelia" boobies?


Okay, so you...

still no word from...
about your stuff, right?

Not a one, my Ophelia.


Not a one.

Well, come,...

lowly roustabout.

- Yes, my darling, and all that.
- Yes. Yes.

Okay, keep going. Keep going.

Okay, stop.

One, two, three.

- Ta-Da!
- Surprise!

You guys!

- It wasn't us.
- It was all Myka.

She totally masterminded it.

Oh, you know, it's just a distraction
until your stuff arrives.

But just in case...

it doesn't, then you can start
to rebuild your collection...



Issue 46? What, in mint condition?

Do you know how rare this is?

Yeah. Yeah, actually, I do.

You have no idea what I had to do
to get my hands on that.

- This calls for cookies.
- Oatmeal scotchies? Please? Please?

I have to apologize.

I've been extremely distracted,

and I'm back now. I'm back 100%.

100%, huh?

Yeah. 120%, all right?
Give me that.

Saving your life.

Okay, I'd be distracted too
if a ghost was chasing me.

No, no. How many times do I have
to articulate this? Ghosts do not exist.

What fools attribute to the phenomenon of ghosts

- actually...
- Oh, my God, make it stop!

Not yet. I'm someone who's trying...

- to enlighten you.
- So do you think this feels more like home now?


It's better.