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03x18 - It Isn't What You Think

Posted: 07/29/14 18:25
by bunniefuu
Narrator: Previously on "Switched at Birth"...

Is this Carlton?

Ah, you know it?

I just started teaching there.

No way!

Your mom and her white boyfriend think they're gonna bulldoze in here, make lofts and places for brunch.

She's not working for him anymore.

I got my job back.

On the East Riverside project?

Are you determined to get yourself hurt?

I invited a new member of the chamber of commerce and he's got a great deal of interest in your project.

Chip Coto. Great to meet you.

And you.

The guy is a total sleaze. And I don't know what he's trying to pull with this whole construction-company thing.

Do you want to take a stand or do you want to make things better for East Riverside?

All of this, like, "we want to save East Riverside!"

Just admit it... it's for him.

(Tires squeal)

There's been an accident.

His C.T. scan showed a ruptured cerebral aneurysm.

Typical causes are stress, anxiety, anger...

Did you say anger?


Are you okay?

This is all your fault.

Do you know about Francesca?

Who's Francesca?

Angelo's older sister.

She was 18 when she died of an aneurysm too.


Hi, hon.

Tackling your homework already? Way to go.

Um, I was checking out celebrity gossip.

Ooh, that Justin Bieber.

Since when do you care about Justin Bieber?

I was checking out other art schools.

That's great.

Honey, we just don't want to see you lose momentum and flounder.

What, like Toby?

Speaking of your brother, honey, could you do me a huge favor and take this over to Toby's?

It's his favorite... chicken enchilada casserole.

350°F for 30 minutes.

This is what floundering tastes like.

(Video game g*nf*re)

Hey, dude, I hate to be that guy, but you think we could maybe lay down some ground rules?

Nothing formal.

Fire away.

I'm pretty easy, as long as... maybe no boxers on the furniture, don't use my hair gel, and pay your rent on time, and I'm good.

Okay. No problem, roomie.

Sweet. Do you have any rules of your own?

Well, when it comes to the ladies,

I guess I appreciate a certain amount of privacy, which I don't so much have out here.


And we need some kind of code, you know, like a sock-on-the-door kind of thing, in case one of us has a visitor, if you will.

What about just actually like a sock on the door?

Is that too telling?

No, it's simple. I like it.

(Phone ringing)


Hey, this is Toby.

Oh, hey, Coach Rausch. How's it going?

Really? That's weird.

(Knocking on door)

You're not pizza.

What are you doing here?

I live here now.

You what?

Toby needed a roommate, plus my new roommate was a tool, equals here I am.

Would have been nice for somebody to run it by me.

You've got to be kidding.

Nobody thought that this would be awkward for me?

I de-pledged Omega Psi for you.

And then you cheated on me and you lied about it.

And then you dumped me anyway. So I lost all my friends and I became a pariah at school.

And that is why I'm living on your brother's couch.

Good point.


Is that for him?


I'll tell Toby you came by.


You did it.

Look at that!


I'm so happy for you.

The first of many "yes" s.

Thanks, guys.

Do you have an idea when you'll hear from the other schools?

Northwestern is still a possibility, right?

It should be any day now.

Regina is going to be thrilled when she finds out.

I think I left my jacket in the laundry room.


I think she's still mad at Regina.

She's mad at the world.

Maybe we should talk to her again.

No, we should give it a little more time.


I should get to work.


See you later.


(Door opens, closes)




Sorry to just drop in on you.

I can come back another time.

No, um, please come on in.


they're financiers, which is a fancy word for muffin, apparently.

People rave about them. I don't know.


I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

So what's going on with the project?

Oh, we don't have to talk about that.

You hate small talk. And I'm really interested in what I missed.

We're breaking ground tomorrow.


Yeah, finally. Can you believe it?

Would it be okay if I came?

Well, yeah, I would love for you to be there, but if you're not ready...

I'd like to see it.

We worked really hard to get here.

Okay. I'll have a hard hat ready for you.

Thanks. Have a seat.

You want some coffee or a fancy muffin?

You mean financier.

Excuse me... financier.

Oh, um, Wes, this is my daughter Daphne.

Daphne, this is Wes.

It's nice to meet you.

Would you like a very fancy muffin?

Yeah, I need to be able to see your lips to understand you.

Never came up.

Daphne is deaf, but she can read lips.


I was just saying...

Nothing important.

What are you doing here?


I was here telling your mom that we're just breaking ground on the East Riverside project and that your mom's been a very big part of it.

I was actually thinking about attending the ceremony.

Oh, I guess all it takes is a few weeks and a muffin basket.

(Clears throat)

I should probably go.

Do what you want.

I'm going to school.

(Door slams)

What's up, k*ller?

Don't even try to make me run laps right now, unless you want this chocolate milk spewed everywhere.

I come in peace, bearing gifts.

An angry little huldufólk... Icelandic elf.

It's awesome.

It's my new spirit animal. (Laughs)

So how's your mom?

She's all right.

She's out of the treatment center, so I'm just trying to get her into a routine.

So Coach Rausch called me.


Said that you didn't turn in some forms for your scholarship a few weeks ago.

I didn't see a point in turning in all those forms since it looks like I'm probably going to be failing English.

Wait, what?


I got caught up with stuff with my mom and I bombed this really big test.

And the teacher, she doesn't give make-ups.

Well, did you explain why you bombed it?

I tried, but Miss Summers, she doesn't care what the excuse is.

Wait, Miss Summers? The British girl?

I mean lady?


Okay. We can fix this.

This isn't your problem.

Hey, I got you into this craziness, and I'm going to continue to guide you through it.



Oh, but good luck, 'cause she's a lot.

Oh, I'm aware.



Thanks for telling me t*nk's your new roommate.

I'm sorry. We were literally sealing the deal when you showed up.

You know, I knew I had it coming.

I just wasn't expecting it there.

Well, it's not just you.

He's freaking out 'cause his dad's coming into town.


He hasn't told him that he de-pledged Lambda Panda or whatever, and he's afraid he's not going to take it very well.

(Sighs) Fun times.



(Bells tolling)


Look, there is no way for this to be easy.

We have this class and you're Toby's roommate now.

I'm not moving out.

Of course not. I didn't mean that.

I just hate that you hate me.

Look, I forgot to say something yesterday.

I think I got the point.

No. I'm sorry about Angelo.

I'm really sorry.

It's awful.


I'm sorry you have to tell your dad about de-pledging.

Toby mentioned it.


There is that crap sandwich waiting for me.

I could come with you, if you want.


For moral support.

Maybe he won't get too upset if you have a friend with you.

Trust me, you don't want to face your dad alone.

It's not a terrible idea.

And my dad loves the ladies.

And I love the dads.

(Laughs) Okay.


Hey, Nacho.

You come to play spy for your mom at the community center?

Definitely not.

What happened here?

Soccer ball.

Nice of you to fix it.

Maybe it doesn't look it, but we actually take pride in our appearances here.

Yeah, I know. I used to live here.

Yeah, you'd never guess it looking at you now.

Hey, look, I just wanted to apologize.

Don't bother.

I feel like I'm about to get played again and I don't like it.

Hey, you're not the only one who was lied to here.

My mom told me she stopped working on the project, but she didn't.

Yeah, I noticed.

And apparently nothing is going to stop her.

I thought you were on her side.

Yeah, I was.

She's... changed.

There's a groundbreaking ceremony tomorrow.

I'm sorry. I guess it's really going to happen.

You could always rain on the parade.

Do what you want. I won't say anything.


Where are you going?


To do what?

I don't know.

Look, if you're really pissed at your ma, and you need her to know, then you've got to show her.

I'm thinking of paying the work site a visit tonight.

You know, roll out the "unwelcome" mat.

You want to come?

No, I don't really think that's my scene.

Or, you know, you could just go home and sit in your central air and just boil up inside.

All right. I'm in.

Cool. I'll see you tonight.

Hey, there.

Wow, you really are everywhere.

I swung by to check on some of my old field hockey kids.

(Classical music playing)

Tchaikovsky. Um, "Memory of a dear place"?

How did you know that?

I like to listen to him when I want my thoughts to go away.

Me too.

Did you need something?

Yeah, I wanted to talk to you.

Sharee Gifford is in your English lit class, right?


She was my star player.

And she thinks she's going to flunk your class.

Yeah, well, she failed a really important test.

Can she retake it?

I don't do retests.

Sharee doesn't have many people looking out for her.

Do you know about her mom?

I'm aware there was a family situation, but she had weeks to prepare.

Can't you make an exception?

If I make an exception for her, I have to make an exception for everyone.

Look, I don't come into your D.J. booth and teach you how to spin.

This is my job.

Her scholarship is on the line here.

That's not my problem.

Why are you being such a hard-ass about this?

This isn't prison. This is high school.

You're playing with this girl's future.

I have a curriculum meeting with principal Rose in five minutes.

Excuse me.

Hey, come on.

I didn't mean for this to...

Whatever this is, it's over.

(Door opens, closes)


Poor Travis.

I know how he feels.

You and me and Mary Beth should take him out for some fun.

Uh, I can't. I'm having dinner with t*nk and his dad.

Don't freak out.

He's telling his dad that he de-pledged his fraternity.

It's a big deal.

Of course it is. But I did something awful to t*nk.

And the least I can do is be there when he tells his dad that he's de-pledging.

He doesn't have a lot of friends right now.

Emmett, it is one dinner.

And it's going to be boring and awkward.

And I owe it to him. We both do.

You're gonna do great.

He'll understand.
You look... wow.

Thank you.

Um... (Clears throat)

I should have told you this before but, uh, my dad thinks we're still dating.



I was going to tell him, but...

Can you please just go with it? Please?

Well, they will just let anyone in here nowadays, won't they?

Hey, dad.


Hey, dad.

Oh, how you doin', son?

Good, I'm good.

Good, good, good.

Um, dad, this is Bay Kennish, my girlfriend.

And, Bay, my dad Chuck.

It's nice to meet you, Mr. Conroy.

No no no, please, call me Chuck.

Wow, I mean, you told me that she was gorgeous, but I thought you were exaggerating to make yourself feel better.

But... (Clears throat)

Excuse me, I'm sorry.

Can I get a G&T, easy on the "T?"

Yes, sir.

You know what? Make that a double.

Yeah, let's not waste time, right?

(Both laughing)

Okay, thank you, darling.

And wait till you taste their T-bone. Oh!

Now look, I do appreciate you lovebirds coming out to join me.

I know you would rather spend the evening alone.

I was young once, you know.


Okay, why are you sitting so far apart from your girl?

Come on, get closer. Show her some love.

There we go.

Where'd you get all that paint?

My sister. She's an artist.


So, um, what do we do?

(Distant siren wailing)

We're just going to make sure that the party doesn't go as planned.

You know, send a message that we ain't giving up and that this place is still ours.

It's your mom's boss, right?

Yeah, guys like that... all they care about is the bottom dollar and they'll screw anyone that gets in their way.

He ruined everything.

(Cans rattling)

Feels good?

You have no idea.

Then let's tear it up!

♪ Hold your applause ♪
♪ 'cause this is how it's meant to be ♪
♪ trying to stop it is just a waste of energy ♪
♪ come pick your poison 'cause we... we've got the recipe ♪

Ah, yeah!


♪ ... let in all of our enemies ♪
♪ gonna hunt you down ♪
♪ hunt... hunt you down ♪
♪ like an animal ♪
♪ I'm an animal ♪
♪ don't test me now... ♪

What are you doing?

Oh, just a little something extra. (Laughs)


Should I tag it?

Hey, you want them to really hear you?

Sometimes you've got to shout!

(Daphne screaming)




♪ Heavy hand drops down like a guillotine ♪
♪ -ine - ine -ine ♪
♪ we'll come swingin' from the stars ♪
♪ and let in all of our enemies ♪
♪ gonna hunt you down ♪


♪ Hunt... hunt you down ♪

That's what I'm talkin' about!

Oh, wow.

♪ Don't test me now, test... test me now ♪

All right!

Come on, let's go.

♪ I'm an animal. ♪

Why did I just get an email from Miss Bledsoe asking me to come in and discuss the Sharee Gifford situation?

No clue.

That's so strange, because I saw you coming out of her office after school.

She's a close family friend.

How dare you? You don't like my answer, so you just circumvent with your family connections?

Sharee deserves another shot, okay?

She's got all this potential, and all you're doing...

What's this all about? Why do you care about her so much?

I really hope you're not asking what I think you're asking.

I just know there's no such thing as a selfless act.

She's a good kid. I'm trying to help her out!

Okay. Well, if you need to infuse your life with meaning, I'd appreciate it if you did it in a way that didn't interfere with my classroom.

Oh, so my life has no meaning?

I don't know. I barely know you.

That's right, you don't.

And don't presume to know me.

Why are you staring at me?

I'm still really angry at you.

That's fine.

(Laughs) Wait wait wait.

Do they still give you extra pledge duties at the house, you know, if you flunk a class?

Yeah, I think so. (Laughs)

But it doesn't really matter.

Well, yeah, 'cause you like to clean latrines.


Well, actually...


Actually, um, dad?

I'm not in Omega Psi anymore.


I dropped out.

I de-pledged.

They were awful to him.

And they did awful things.

You want to know half the stupid stuff we did as pledges?

Who cares?

You were this close to becoming a brother.

Those guys were jerks.

They threw a party to humiliate girls.

Oh. So what now, hmm?

What's the plan? Do you even have a plan?

Yeah, I'm not dropping out of school or anything.

But it felt like a time suck.

And, you know, now I'm freed up to do all these other things.

Like, last night I went to this vegetarian dinner 'cause I had nobody else to eat with, and it turns out I really like it.

Vegetarian food?

You do?

And I signed up to take this meditation class.

What the hell is going on?

All right, this is not coming out right.

I'm not turning into a hippie or anything.

You know? I still love football.

It's just that I want to try new stuff too.

I want to expand my world view.

Isn't that the point of college?

Give me a break.

Miles, I wasn't born yesterday.

This girl didn't like who you were, so you changed to make her happy.

Omega Psi has been in our family for three generations.

You've had this girl for how long? What, a week?

Her name is Bay.

And she's not my girl.

Not anymore.

I don't understand. Didn't you tell me that...

We broke up a while ago.

We're better as friends.



Okay, so no girl and no fraternity.

That's rich.

You know what, dad?

I made the decision. It's over.

You don't have to like it, but I'm telling you this for your information, not your approval. So get over it.


(Door closes)

Daphne: I can't believe I just did that!

I'm on probation!

Wait, how do you mean? Like at school?

No, like with the courts.

Like, I have a probation officer. I did community service.

(Laughs) Wait, what?

It's a long story.

Lay it on me.


I blackmailed this politician because he was sleeping with his intern and being a total hypocrite.

Wait, are you serious?

Man, I like a girl with conviction.

Let's get out of here.

Hey, hold up.

Bad girl, huh?

Mmm, wait, slow down.

What's wrong?

I just, um... we should go.

It's cool. Let's get out of here.

What about some place nearby?

When you were at Gallaudet, you helped take over the school.

You demanded a deaf president.

If that Melody were here now...

What would she do?

He's not going to cut you off or anything, is he?

I don't know. I don't think so.

I don't care.

I've pissed my dad off so many times.

They always come around.

I'm sorry to put you in an awkward position.

It's okay.

No, it was really cool of you to come, especially after I was such an ass the other day.

I totally deserved it.

And I'm really sorry for how everything ended.

Can we go back to being friends?

Yeah, I would love that.


All right.

Let's get out of here.

You know, I kind of think I know what gay kids feel like when they come out.

Not just gay kids.

No, not that de-pledging is the same as coming out.

I mean...

I have to tell you something.

Are... are you gay?

No. Um...

But if I tell you, you have to promise you won't tell anyone.

Yeah, of course.

What is it?

Not here.

Well, then...

My first Brit.

Did you just victory pump our liaison?

(Both laughing)

Am I your first American?

Toby, I am American.

(British accent) Oh, really?

I was born here.

My parents sent me to boarding school when I was 10.

By dad's a Brit, so attending Eastbourne is kind of a family tradition. Hence the accent.

(British accent) Got it.

You are my first divorcé, though.


Hey, about Sharee, I just...

I feel like if you gave her another shot, she would nail that test.

Why are we talking about this again?

Because I thought it was unresolved.


It was quite resolved.

But I...

You just thought if we did this, that I'd change my rules.

No, I just still think that you're being a little hard on her.


Just unbelievable.

Lily, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen.

No, um, neither did I.

So let's pretend it never did.

An aneurysm? Yikes.

Genetically speaking, with my dad and my aunt having one, the odds aren't in my favor.

Can anything be done if you have one?

I don't know.

Can you manage it, or, like, try to prevent it?

I don't know.

Are they only in your brain or can you get them somewhere else, like a blood clot?

I don't know!

I haven't seen a doctor.

Well, why not?

Because if I go see him, then it's real.

Bay, go see a doctor.

I could come with you.

No, I... thank you for the offer, but...

You have a boyfriend.

Look, it's better to know.

Okay? And I'm sure you're going to be fine.

But just go see a doctor.




Yeah, come on. You got to give me a bid.

You gotta do better than that.


(Phone beeps off)

You said we were vandalized, but this?

Yeah, this is a catastrophe.

They put sand in the oil fillers of our top-of-the-line tractors.

Can't you just clean it out?

No, you can't. The engines are scrapped.

You know how much money we're talking here?

That's what insurance is for.

Well, try explaining that to our contractor.

They dropped the project.


They're afraid that this is only the beginning and that their payday isn't worth the risk.

So we'll get a new contractor.

I've already called five companies.

They're all hedging or slapping us with some outrageous bid.

So we'll keep trying.

That could take weeks. We need to break ground now or we'll lose our permits and put the job in jeopardy.

(Sighs) Look...

There is a contractor willing to take the project for a fair price.


Chip Coto's company? Absolutely not.

We don't have a choice.

You agreed with me.

The guy is a complete slimeball. No way we are going to bankroll him.

Do we want this project to happen?

Yes! But...

Then like it or not, chip Coto is the only option we have left.

So once again, the bad guy wins.

(Phone ringing)

You better have something good for me.

(Phone buzzing)

Hey, Lily?

Oh, pretend you're deaf. That's... that's cute.

Jeez, you're fast... at walking.

What do you want?

I got you something.

They're ear plugs. Since you're a light sleeper and all, and your jerk of a downstairs neighbor is loud.

I want you to know what happened between us had nothing to do with Sharee. I didn't plan that.

I didn't seduce you in order to get you to re-administer a test to a former player of mine. That would be slightly insane.


For the record, I am capable of empathy.

But my little brother... he's deaf and has loads of other medical issues.

And I grew up watching my parents and all of his teachers baby him.

And it didn't do him any favors.

It wasn't until people stopped making excuses for him and forced him to truly try that he made any real progress.

I didn't know that.

Well, now you do.

Anyway, I've got to run.

Actually, I've got a student taking a make-up test right now.


You do that a lot, don't you?

Just when I'm happy.


Hi, uh...

My name is Bay Kennish.

Dr. Larkin operated on my dad a few weeks ago...

Angelo Sorrento.

Yes. Well, uh...

I'd like to make an appointment to see him.

(Rock music playing)

♪ I got a hole in my heart ♪
♪ mighty deep, cold and dark ♪
♪ like a tunnel ♪

Hey, give us a second, man.

And try not to choke while I'm gone.

Thought I'd never see you again.

♪ In this time ♪
♪ I'm sinking deep, going down ♪
♪ through the funnel ♪
♪ I'll never stop ♪
♪ hurry here we go now fast as we can ♪

What happened to slowing it down?

We tried that.

Now it's full speed ahead.

♪ Every day a state of confusion ♪

Come on.

♪ Don't you ever say I didn't tell you so ♪
♪ I was doing right when I let you know ♪
♪ I'm just a fool I let all my cards show ♪
♪ don't believe the illusion ♪
♪ hurry here we go now fast as we can ♪
♪ glory's come to play he wants to make a stand ♪
♪ I got the shakes got my head in my hands ♪
♪ every day the illusion. ♪