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01x05 - Elements

Posted: 05/25/23 06:36
by bunniefuu
ARTIE: Previously on
Warehouse 13...

Years ago, I swear you said you
were just a simple professor.

You left out the top-secret
warehouse full of madcap.


You're the breach.

Knock, knock.

Your brother Joshua visits you
and tells you he's not dead.

He's stuck.
Help me bring him back.

Oh, thanks.
Thanks for not giving up.

Claudia learned a great deal
about the Warehouse,

which could
become problematic.

You know what
the options are.


And this.
And this.

What artifact did that?

Or is that the artifact?

It was created by late, little-known
sculptor Walter Burleigh.

And it was stolen
late last night

from a high-end
auction house in New York.

But that's not the issue.

The issue is how this thing
was stolen, because...

JOSHUA: ...why, after I just
got back into this world,

you're in such a rush
to shove me out the door?

Because I didn't spend half my
life trying to save your life

so you could surf the net
and watch YouTube.

JOSHUA: Well, excuse me for trying
to catch up on current events

and the state of the world
for the last 12 years.

Hey, we're working.
We're working right here.

Artie, I'm sorry.
But apparently, I have to find a job.

Don't know exactly
what I'm going to put

in that little
gap in my resume.

Well, hey, what about what got
you there in the first place?


Don't you have
something to do?

Like stay out of
federal prison?

And aren't you supposed to be writing
me a full technical schematic

on how you
cracked my Warehouse?

Yeah, buddy, it's upstairs.
It's almost finished.

Well, then,
I want you to finish it.

And I want every redirect
and every backslash.

Go, now.

And then, after that, you're
going into the Warehouse

and you're going to rewire what
you unwired when you broke in.

I'd like to unwire you.




The patter of little feet.


All right, so, Artie, somebody
boosts an ugly sculpture.

Why does that involve us?

Okay, what is significant here
is how this thing was stolen.

I mean,
this theft was impossible.

It was a high-end alarm system and
8-inch-thick walls, sealed vault.

So, one second that sculpture
was there, next second gone.

But it's still just
a well-ex*cuted art theft.

I mean, it doesn't automatically
shout "Warehouse," does it?

Things rarely shout "Warehouse.
" They usually whisper.

Hey, isn't this
a little odd?

That's what they do. Yeah.

Well, I could be wrong.
I mean, it could be nothing.

But I'm probably not wrong.

Last time I was wrong
was 1987, June.

Stop right there. That.
I want to hear more about that.

Not a chance. Go.

Okay. Here we go.


Go, go, go, go, go.

Hey, Artie.

Hey, you know
I love New York.

A great town.
Yeah. It is.

So, I was just
thinking maybe you guys

could kick down some
tickets to a show or...

Well, it depends on the show.


No. Get out of here.

Show. Think you're gonna have
time for a stupid musical.

Or that I'd even
pay for it.

Off Broadway's
not that expensive.

JACKIE: Carruther's Auction House
prides itself on security.

This theft has us stumped.

Video surveillance
shows nothing.

I'm assuming you use an electronic
lock that records all activity.

And it says
the door never opened.

Who's selling
the piece?

Private estate.

He decided to auction
after he was approached

by two
interested parties,

both with deep pockets.

When is this auction

It was for today.

I hate to ask,
but would you mind?


You know, maybe one of these
interested parties hates competition.

Which would mean
that said party

has an artifact that lets them
pull off an impossible heist.

Or the simple answer,
an inside job.

She does bear scrutiny.

JACKIE: Follow me.

Yes, ma'am.


She's out of
your league.

How do you know
what my league is?

Not that I asked for them,
but I've got season tickets.

That's good.
I like that.

PETE: So, the thief
takes one piece.

Was it the most
valuable one in here?

No. Far from it.

But there's no
accounting for taste.

I don't know.

Some things
are just classic.



MYKA: Can you come here
for a second?

Excuse me.


Why don't I stay
here in the vault,

look for anything,
you know, Warehouse-y

and you go check out
those two interested parties?

Well, wouldn't things go quicker
if we just work together?

Well, not if
you're on a date.

Look, this way we can cover
twice as much ground

and maybe you'll even get done in
time to take skirt-girl to a show.

Two interested
parties, huh?

I'll get their info.

Great. I'll go with.

Batter up.

Agent Lattimer?


Gilbert Radburn.

Yeah, I've seen your name
on a few buildings.

Good. That's why I put it up there.
What can I do for you?

You were interested
in the sculpture

that was stolen last night,
the Burleigh?

I was. And as you might guess,
I'm not fond of losing.

What's the Secret
Service's interest?

How it was stolen.

Which was?

You mind telling me
where you were last night?

Ha! I have no need
to steal.

Well, sometimes
it's not about stealing.

You know,
it's about conquering.

Like putting your
name on a building.

I was with friends.

All night?

This is the city that never sleeps.
Do you want names?

Yes, please.
That would be swell.

Also, why the Burleigh?
What's so special about it?

Eye of the beholder, Agent Lattimer.
Eye of the beholder.

I'll get you those names.

Thank you, sir.


What's up?

You should get back here.

You got something?

I found something
behind one of the crates,

but it's easier
to show and tell.

What is it?

You're not going
to believe this,

but I smell fudge.

I'll be right there.

What are we
talking about here?

Well, it's right here.
You can see it.


MYKA: Right.


What the hell?





Pete, no. No.

Artifact behavior usually
requires a human element, right?


Just be careful.




Oh, my...

Check it out.

It's crazy.

Okay, you see, this is one of those
artifacts that I'd really like to keep.

Pete, put it in.

"Hey, Rocky, watch me pull
a rabbit out of my hat."

Now that's cool.


That's what I thought.

That pinching causes pain?

No. No. I know that.

But the feather, it only
works up to your elbow.

So, not enough to get in and
out with the sculpture.

Exactly. Which means that this
is only part of the artifact.

It's not the whole thing.

Well, at least
that narrows it down.

We're looking for an art-stealing
bird that walks through walls.

Like Artie always says,

"Never rule anything out."
"Never rule anything out."

Show me.


Looks Native American.

Yeah, we think it fell
off something larger,

a ceremonial object, a walking
stick, a peace pipe maybe.

Or a bird.

Yeah. Any guesses
who this thing belonged to?

Well, maybe
one of the two guys

who wanted to
buy the sculpture,

but we haven't interviewed
one of them yet.

Radburn's too rich to risk it.
He could outbid Donald Trump.

I think we can rule him out.

Never rule anything out.

Okay. Well, the second guy's a rich dude.
His name is Jeffrey Weaver.

Jeffrey Weaver?
Is that the son of Alexander Weaver?

Artie, who is
Alexander Weaver?

Yeah. Was. He was an extortionist,
real estate swindler.

And a ravager of cultures.

Not a nice man.
Now deceased.

And, yes, his son, Jeffrey,
lives in New York, so...

Look, unless the acorn fell
very far from the tree,

watch your backs.


CLAUDIA: Which one are you?
Let's see. Is it that one?

Whoa! Jeez! Hey!

Chill, sparky.

How's it going?

You mean, are you scared I'm
gonna burn the house down?

Emergency exits
are clearly marked.

You think my concern
for you is insincere?

I think you should pass me
the cable shears. Those.

So, anxious to get
on with your life?

Such shocking insight.
Did my aura tell you that?

You're certainly
pushing Joshua.

Only 'cause he needs it.

You do have
a thing for him.

You're changing
the subject.

You brought him up.

Now that you've saved him,
your life's work is complete.

And that scares you.

So, you're forcing your own
need for a purpose onto him.

And all done without a couch.

How much do I owe you,
Dr. Freud?

If Joshua accomplishes
great things,

then your sacrifice
is justified.

But you're also
afraid of being alone.

Truly alone.

It's okay if I
don't like you, right?

Of course.

But you do.



WOMAN: Mr. Weaver
will be right with you.

PETE: Thank you.


Call the cops.
Crime solved.

It's not what
it looks like.

No? Because what
it looks like is

that you're in possession
of stolen goods.

Take a closer look.

That's not the one
that was stolen.

There are four in the series, each
named for one of the four elements.

This one is fire,
the stolen one is wind.

Check with
the auction house.

How can you
tell them apart?

You're a trained expert with
a scrupulous eye for detail.

Or you read the brass
plaque on the base.

Jeff Weaver.

Myka Bering, pleasure.


Right. You mind telling us
where you were last night?

Hosting a charity event for the
Children's Hospital in New Orleans.

Rich, good-Iooking, likes kids.
Who's on a date now?

Okay, you said that
there were four sculptures,

earth, wind and fire?

Love those guys.

Rock, wind and fire,
actually. And water.


It's the artist's tribute to
Native American creation myth.

Native Americans?
You into that stuff?

It's an interest.

You wouldn't happen to be
missing a feather, would you?

Maybe off something that
lets you walk through walls?

What'd you just say?


You've got a lousy
poker face there, Jeffy.

New Orleans is, what,
a three-hour flight away?

You're still on
our suspect list.

Lacell, get in here!

Hey, hold it right there!

Don't move,
let me see your hands.

What is it?

This dude was at Radburn's
construction site.

Yeah. He was
giving me the stink eye.

It's all right. His name is Lacell.
He works for me.

We'll decide when
it's all right, okay?

He also works for Radburn.
It's... It's complicated.

Hey, wait.
You work for Weaver and Radburn?

Look, Lacell's
not the problem.

If what you said about someone
walking through walls is true,

this sculpture isn't safe.

You think they're coming after
this one next, don't you?

We're standing right here.
I think we've got it covered.

Thank you, but I can
provide my own protection.

That's not an offer, okay?
If somebody's walking through walls,

the United States government
needs to know who and how.

All I can tell you is this
sculpture is the next target.

So, please, let me move it
to a secure location.

All right,
well, hold on.

What's that, Badgey?
Hmm? Okay.

Sorry, Badgey says
we stay with the sculpture.

So, wherever it goes,
we go.

No, no, no, no, no, don't touch that.
I'm in the middle of a game.

With whom?


White's been backed
into a corner by black.

I'm waiting for a eureka
moment to save white's butt.

Been waiting a while?

Three months. Why?

Claudia was looking it over.
Noticed you were in a bit of a pickle.

She noticed I was in a pickle.
Where is the little demon?

She's in there.

She's got work to do.

Artie, Artie, Artie,
she's taking a break.

She's been working very hard.

I hate that look.

Here it comes.
Claudia needs a home.

This is not the humane society.
She is not a stray cat.

She's not staying here. Mrs.
Frederic's getting antsy as it is.

I'm not suggesting
she stay here.

Artie, you can pull strings.
MIT, Caltech.


(SCOFFS) She needs a challenge.
Artie, she needs people.

She's got Joshua.

And Joshua's on
his own path.

Yes, they're both brilliant, but
he's a researcher, and she's a doer.

She needs people like her.

(SCOFFS) Brash, rude,
anti-social, impulsive?

We're discussing Claudia,
not you.

See, that's kind of
a low-blow.

If you weren't
so brash, rude...

What are you doing?

No, no, no, no, no, no!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!


I'll be damned.

Maybe, but I'm not
one to judge.

White beats black
in nine moves.




Is the sculpture
okay back there?

PETE: Yes, it's fine.

I'm fine, too, by the way.
Thank you for asking.

Hey, would you tell Chief
Lead Foot to take it easy?

And how much longer until we
reach the airport, anyway?


Pete, is everything okay?


Stop the truck!
Stop the truck!


Pete, are you okay?
Pete, look at me.

LACELL: Hey, stop!



I need an ambulance
right away.



Hey, partner.


How are you feeling?

Sore. Everywhere.

Any cookies?

You've been out for a while.
Remember anything?

I had my
molecules rearranged,

and I got shoved out
the side of a moving truck.

That about sums it up.

Not surprisingly, it gives
you quite a headache.

You know, I told Artie what you
said about the buckskin coat

before you passed out,
and the creation myth.

He's doing his thing.

Yeah, I don't get it.
I mean, this guy could be robbing Fort Knox.

Why the sculptures?

I guess that's our
little puzzle, isn't it?


The pretty boy.


What is he doing here?

Jeff got you a free
multi-point inspection,

made sure all your parts
are where they belong.

Jeff did?

Yes, Jeff did.

He owns the hospital,

or built it,
or something.

Well, that's handy.


He asked me to dinner.
It's 3:00 a.m.

Well, in the cafeteria.
Big spender.

But I said no.
You should go.

No. I should
stay here with you.

Nah. Nah.

I mean, Pete... Pete.
No. Myka.

This guy knows
what's going on.

Now, go for it.
You know, use your feminine wiles.

You're pretty when you smile.

I am?


So, what does that mean
when I'm not smiling?

You're kind of frightening.
Head injury. Nurse.


Something I said?

(LAUGHING) I was just
going to come tell you.

Here I am.

Yeah, you were right.
I have to go.


Zero to 120.

I didn't mean today.
I was just looking for some forward momentum.

Yeah, well,
Artie made a few calls.

And there's
a position at CERN.

I should take it.
It's a once in a lifetime.

You're going to Switzerland?

Smashing atoms?

Like you said,

I can't spend
the rest of my life

listening to Springsteen
and surfing the web.


if an inter-dimensional rift can't
keep me from being in touch with you,

you think a few
thousand miles will?

Well, you better.

As I think I've demonstrated,
I will hunt you down.


Come here. Come on.

ARTIE: Pete's fine, but
somebody else could get hurt.

I mean, where does that
buckskin coat come from?

Is it connected
to the sculpture somehow?

There are hundreds of these
Native American creation myths.

I know. I know.
I still think that the feather, however,

gives us our best clue.

Anyway, the feather was
predominantly used by

the Delaware Nations

and also by the... Aha!
By the Lenape tribe.

They're the ones
who sold Manhattan

to the Dutch for 24 bucks
worth of arts and crafts.

That's not a great deal.

You had to be there.

And according
to Lenape legend,

the world was created through
the spirits of four elements.

Four. Fire which gave us our
soul, wind, our breath,

water, death...
This is fascinating.

And rock, which gave the...

Rock gave the world


So, someone has
a buckskin coat

that manipulates solidity.
Manipulates solidity.

I think that this whole
thing could be a pattern.

Because if there are artifacts
that control the other elements,

and somebody were to
acquire those artifacts,

that somebody would have
immense power over...

The world.

At the risk of
sounding dramatic.

That's never
stopped you before.

That's true.





ARTIE: Pete,
what took you so long?


Jeffrey Weaver,

I think that that guy
needs a second look.

Yeah. Myka's
taking a look at him now

over dry turkey, mushy
vegetables and tapioca pudding.

Okay, you're still
in the hospital?

I got pushed out of the side of a steel truck.
I'm recuperating.

Yeah, well, recuperate later.
Because while Myka's keeping Weaver busy,

I'm gonna need you
to toss his apartment.

Why steal his stuff from himself?
Is Weaver our guy?


Well, tell me
what you find out

and I will let you know.



It's very romantic.

I had Verna turn
up the steam tables.

It's all about atmosphere.

Well, you sure know
how to wow a girl.

It's my best move.

So, what made you
join the Secret Service?

(SIGHS) Well, it was
either that or prison.

I'm kidding.

What about you?
I mean, what is it you do exactly?

Accrue interest. Re-invest.
Try and do something good with it.

That's a nice life.

Yeah, well, it depends
on how you got it.

Your father.

My father, yeah.

And you don't want to follow
in his footsteps, is that it?

I want to erase
his footsteps.



I'm just trying to decide if I'm sitting
here with a good guy or a bad guy.

ARTIE: You know who was in
business with Radburn years ago?

The other guy who
wanted the sculpture?

That's right.
Jeffrey Weaver's father.

Both those guys tried to push
really hard at that time

to sell them
all four of his sculptures.

Yeah, what do they do?

I don't know.

I guess, you know, something happens when
you put all four sculptures together.

My best guess. Something...


Bad, bad.

You find anything
at Weaver's yet?

No. I don't know.

This place is clean.

If he's the guy with
the coat, he probably...

Come on.

It's probably nothing.
I'll call you back.

No, no, no, wait, wait.

You've got to be kidding me.
What a hack.


WEAVER: So, what are you
really after in all of this?

And don't tell me, "The
government needs to know."

I'm here for the coat.

And, yeah, the government
actually does want it.

There are certain things that just
shouldn't be out in the world.


But you. You're only
interested in the sculptures.

Why? They're not
that valuable.

You know, I think things that were
created together belong together.

Whoever's doing this, and I
haven't ruled you out yet,

is also collecting them.

What happens when the four
sculptures are together?

Seriously, Jeff, you should
tell me before somebody...


Just give me a second.

Is everything okay up there?

Yeah. I'm at Weaver's.


What are you...
The guy's got a secret room

that's a shrine to Burleigh.

He must have bought up
everything the guy ever touched.

Whatever's going on, your
boyfriend's neck deep in it.

I'll wrap this up then.


So, we should probably
head upstairs, huh?

You know, I'd really rather
go back to your place.

It's funny. I usually like it
when a beautiful woman says that.

That is funny.
That is funny

because I never like it
when my date lies to me.

You know, I don't...

Burleigh was married
to a Lenape woman.

The sculptures
are some kind of

a key to a sacred
underground cave.

To a sacred what?

A cave.

It says that it contains four
offerings to the spirits of creation.

Somehow, he hid the directions
to the cave in the sculptures.

So, those four sculptures,
they're a map?

If you put the four
sculptures together,

maybe they tell you
where this cave is.

PETE: Yeah, but how, Artie?
I mean, we're missing something.



GUARD: Mr. Radburn, we found
this man trying to break in.

It's Lacell, right?
What do you do for me, Mr. Lacell?

Geological surveys, sir.

That's right.

You see what's underground,
don't you?

And yet, here you are, lurking
very high above ground.

Find anything interesting?

No, sir.


You're not a very
good liar, Mr. Lacell.

And you work
for Mr. Weaver.

Don't waste your breath
with denials.

Was he wearing it?
Yes, sir.

Let me have it.

Tell me about this.

It's nothing.
My father gave it to me.

Don't you mean your uncle?

As I said before, deception
is not your strong suit.

Walter Burleigh was
your uncle, wasn't he?

Why do you think
that I hired you?

I had hoped you would
lead me to the place.

Your uncle hid clues to the
sacred cave in his art.

What's this?
"Water, rock, wind."

Well, that's helpful.

Now I know how to
arrange the sculptures.

Wait for me outside.

But what then?

How does it work?

How will they lead me to the place
where the objects are hidden?

I don't know. Give that back.
You have what you want.

Do you want to leave
here alive, Lacell?

Well, is there more?

"The truth is in the dawn."

What does it mean?

I don't know.


The truth is in the dawn.

What does it mean?

I don't know!
I don't know!

I suppose you didn't know.

The truth is in the dawn.
The truth is in the dawn.

Look, I...
I don't know what that means,

but it's written
all over Burleigh's notes.

What's written?

Dawn. This...

I mean, I don't know.

Creation maybe?
Tony Orlando and...

Or destruction.



Look, Artie, how much of this
stuff do we really believe?

Enough that if he's
looking for this cave,

it's better that
we find it first.

I would agree with that.

Your partner's
already got me covered.

"Lucy, you've got
some 'splainin' to do."

So, where's the coat?

Gilbert Radburn
beat me to it,

same way he's been
trying to find the cave.

What cave?

Underground, sacred.
Check it out.

We have to stop him.
Like you said,

there are some things that
should not be out in the world.

Yeah, well, what about that big guy

that works for
the two of you?

Lacell is Lenape.

He wants to
save the cave, too.

He's been my eyes
at Radburn's digs.

He hasn't checked in, either.
I think something's happened.

Okay, so, we have to find this
cave before Radburn does.

Well, if he's got all four
sculptures, he could be there now.

We've got all of Burleigh's
notes right here.

No. That hasn't
helped me solve it yet.

True, Mr. Weaver,
but you're not me.

And right now, we need to find the
location of that cave before Radburn does.

The truth is in the dawn.

Well, of course.
It's a map.

Thank you.

So, Burleigh stopped
taking notes

when he got close
to finding the cave.

ARTIE: Yeah.

It's like he realized
the stories were true

and stopped
writing anything down.

Well, you know,
I think it may be enough

because I found
all these old maps...

Knock, knock.
...and I...

I wish you wouldn't do that.
God. Not funny.

Hang on...
I just came by to grab my tools

and then I'm hitting the proverbial road.
I'm thinking Vegas.

"Really? Vegas, Claudia?

"Remember, always hit
on 16, never on 17."

There's got to be a Lenape
settlement here somewhere,

and it's got to
be somewhere safe.

PETE: Yeah, and they'd look for a
place with special properties.

It's gotta be somewhere safe.

So, no, this is not...

What? What?
Hey, hey, you'II...

Dude, have you considered matching
these against magnetic ley lines?

No, you don't...

One runs right along the
east edge of the island.

Right there.

This is the... So...

An underground cave
in Manhattan, huh?

You know,
if no one's run into it...

In all these years,

then we can eliminate

everywhere where they've dug
for major utility junctions

and subways.

This looks right.

Indeed, it does.

Guys, I think I've got it.
I've got it.

It is Lower East Side,
Corlears Hook.

That is just south
of the Williamsburg Bridge.

And it's right near the water and it's
gotta be away from the subway lines.

And Claudia
pointed out that...



Radburn's building there.

He's been digging everywhere
that Burleigh focused

using new construction
to cover his hunt.

Then he's close
to finding it.

Okay, Artie,
we're heading out.

ARTIE: Yeah, okay.
Feel free to hurry.


All right, I need to get right
here, right next to this cave.

How long will that take?

FOREMAN: We can blow it
in five minutes.

RADBURN: I need the contents
of the cave to be intact.

Nothing can be disturbed.


Well, if it's
a surgical blow,

I say we blast
right here, next to it,

and go sideways the last couple
of feet by jackhammering.

You just get me
next to that cave.

I'll take care
of everything else.

Let's go.


MAN: Fire in the hole!


Your site's just 18 inches
the other side of that wall.

Let me get a couple
guys with jackhammers.

No one comes near here.
You understand?

It's true.
It's all true.

The water of eternal life.


"You shall have
the power of nature herself."


Hey! Hey, hey, hey!

Gilbert Radburn, where is he?
Down at the blast site,

but I'm getting out of here.


Let's go.

"He shall have
the strength of 100 men.

"And he shall harness
the strength of the Earth."

You kind of got your
hands full, don't you?

Don't, Gil! You don't know
what you're dealing with.

You're too late, Jeff.
This is what I was meant to do.

Nut bag.
The nuttiest.

Okay, Radburn,
drop the arrow.

Put it back, Gil.
It's not for us!

Not for you, Jeff.
You're weak.

So was your father.


Listen to me, you don't
know what you're doing.

The fourth element
completes the transformation.

Then nothing can stop me.

How fitting that this place
should be your tomb.

No, no, no,
it's not meant for you.

They're meant for the man who's
strong enough to use them.



CLAUDIA: Knock, knock.

God, don't do that.

That just never stops being
funny, don't you think?

Oh. Never. What are you doing here?
What happened with Vegas?

That was too easy.

You didn't.

Just a little pocket money.


Shouldn't you be in
college or something?

Don't you want to be
with people your own age?

Artie, I'm not my own age.

Come on. Writing English papers
and going to frat parties?


I mean, at least here, you
know, there's a challenge.

That there is.

You up for it?

The question is, geezer,

are you?

Oh. You are so
out of your league.