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01x03 - Magnetism

Posted: 05/25/23 06:35
by bunniefuu
PETE: Previously on
Warehouse 13...

Arthur Nielsen.
You can call me Artie.

I'm thrilled
you're on the team.

What team?
What is this place?

You're both joining me as fellow
gatherers and protectors of secrets.

Bering, Mr. Lattimer,

welcome to Warehouse 13.

Can we get back to the Warehouse
computers being breached?

Somebody is poking
around in your system.

Warehouse 13!
I got hacked!


Myka, I could use
a hand down here.

MYKA: I'm distracting the gendarmes first.
That was the plan, remember?

Did you switch out
the blade yet?

If I had, I wouldn't be
calling you, would I?

Hang tight.
Be there in two.




MYKA: Pete, time's up!

Come on. Almost there.

Now I've got you.



Damn it.

Very nice. You must be
super fun on a date.

Guys love that, all kickass
action and no talking.

I switched the blade.

You didn't follow the plan.
Now hurry before they get up.

I'm sorry. Newsflash.
Your plan wasn't working.

Are you forgetting

Let's go.

I was just keeping
you on your toes.

MYKA: Right. It's always my toes.
What about your toes?


REPORTER 1:ripped through
areas in and around Baghdad...

REPORTER 2:to assist
Hungary in avoiding...


MAN: Sister Grace.

MAN 1: You believe this?

MAN 2: Sister Grace,
come down!

WOMAN: Somebody stop her!

MAN 3: Come on now,
Sister Grace...

Call the sheriff.

GIRL: You've gotta see this.


GIRL: You've gotta see this.

MAN: Don't jump!

WOMAN: Sister Grace,
come down!

FEMALE REPORTER: Miraculously, Sister
Grace Ellen only suffered minor injuries

and is listed in
stable condition

at a local hospital
here in Unionville.

Adele Porro, Channel 6 News.

What's going on
there in Unionville?

PETE: Okay, Marie Antoinette
guillotine blade,

bagged, tagged
and on the shelf.

MYKA: Congratulations, but remember
to charge the Tesla next time.

Are you still going
on about the Tesla?

No, Pete, what I am going
on about is protocol.

I mean, you do know
how to read, don't you?

You know, when you frown, that premature
wrinkle line in your forehead

gets a little
more prominent.

MYKA: You just hate it
when I'm right.

PETE: Thank God
that never happens.

You know what I don't get about you...

How I wake up in the
morning looking this good?

No, no, Pete,
what I don't get is

your pathological need
to ignore authority.


Guys, can you hear me?
You were not in charge in Paris.

Well, neither were you.

Well, better than you.

What is that?
You are like a child!

Watch your negative energy.

You're like an uptight
control freak!

The Warehouse
will do bad things.

No, no, no, don't do it.
Don't you do it.

Thank you very much,
Miss Community College.

Miss Community College?

Six, six, six,
four, nine, six...


PETE: What about your parents?

I suggest you
close your eyes.

It had to be done.


ARTIE: You know, it's gonna have
who knows what consequences,

and as I keep
telling you repeatedly,

all things have
a magnetic context,

especially things
in that warehouse.

Pete, Pete, you cannot go into that
place with so much negative energy.

You want to fight with her?
Fine, fight with her, but not there.

One of us has to be in charge out
in the field, don't you think?

You haven't listened to a
word I've said, have you?

Yeah, yeah, I'm just saying somebody
leads, somebody follows. Right?

I mean, I have more
experience, more know-how.

I'm more grounded.

Pete, you're the
obvious choice here.

Well... No, no, no.
Do me a favor, will you?

You let Myka think
that she's running things

because, really, she's very,
very, very sensitive.

Sometimes I just
want to punch him.

He reminds me of my father, you know.
He's arrogant.

I think he's kind of sexy.

He's so not my type.

Really? What's your type?

I don't know, Leena.
Opposable thumbs, maybe.

Hello, ladies. We're not
interrupting girl talk, are we?

Like now, see, I could
punch him right now.

ARTIE: All right, game time.
Come on. Come on.

PETE: Come on!

ARTIE: A nun, a teenager
and an old lady

all acting very strangely
in Unionville, Colorado.

I have research
here that indicates

that each of these people knew
exactly what they were doing.

The thing is, they couldn't stop
themselves from doing it for some reason.

Well, could there be a practical explanation?
Something in the water...

Nothing. I checked.
Maybe it's just a bad flu bug.

Well, only three cases
in a town of thousands

indicates it was
something non-viral,

although I still
need to rule out

anything bacterial, parasitic, prionic,
viroidic and of course fungal.

I was kidding.

No, no, never rule out anything
until you've ruled it out.

And I want you guys
to ask each of the victims

my list of field-recovery questions.

Artie, not the questions.

They're embarrassing.

ARTIE: Yeah. My only pleasure left in
life, concocting ways to embarrass you.

Here, in case you
lost them. Take this.

You know, how can it
matter if a person

smells fudge
before an incident?

Yeah, or if your gallbladder
is feeling numb?

Humor me. All right, I want
you to go to Unionville,

find out if these three people
are connected in some way,

and if they are, is there an
artifact at the center of it?

If there is, bring it home.

Easy peasy. Oh, Transpo.
My truck's still in Lake Michigan.

God, that was cold.


All right, take my car.

Just no food, no drink, don't go
over 55, don't park near anything.

What? After a certain age, a
person likes to have a nice car.


One of us needs to be in charge.
Somebody has to run point.

You. Good, then we're
both on the same page.

Of course, Myka.
I mean, you're the obvious choice.

Just do me a favor, please.
Let Pete think that he's running things.

He's very, very touchy.

I can make that work.


So, any news on the breach
at the Warehouse?

There's been no breach.
Just a two-bit hacker who's going nowhere.

Well, after the dead-end
at Dickinson's,

it looks like you're the one
that's getting nowhere.

I, my dear, am choosing to
ignore this irritating pest.

I suggest you do the same.

There could be
a probable explanation.

High-tension power lines,
a nearby chemical spill.

People just don't go crazy.

Why don't you go to the local
county records office?

See if you can pull the geographics.
Then I will go...

How about we
just talk to folks

and get a vibe
for the town first?

(LAUGHS) We need
a plan, Pete.

Something with a little more
logic and a little less Kumbaya.

Or we could just,
you know, improvise.

Do you...


Fifty cents?
Can you believe that?

See what happens.

Okay, now we have a plan.

No. Now we improvise.

DOCTOR: Man, I mean,
always blaming the other guy.

This patient weighed
300 pounds, you know.

He smoked like a chimney,
all he ate was butter.

He was dead
before he got to us.

Now it's my fault
he had a heart attack?

He was dead before
he got to us!

Excuse me.
My husband died of a...

To hell with them.
You know, what do they know?

Would you mind, please?
Lady, I'm on a break, okay?

Do you mind? MAN: Hey, who's
there talking with you?

What? I don't know. Some old lady looking
for free medical advice probably.



No, Meg.

I don't think that it's your high
blood-pressure medicine that's causing this.

I'm so embarrassed.
My daughter will be furious.

You know,
it could be...

Receptor or channel blockers
can cause dizziness,

or it could be
a sugar imbalance.

I noticed your
diabetic pendant.

You a doctor?

No, I just know a lot.

Well, her insulin levels are good.
It's not her meds.

Besides, Meg's not the only one
to go off the deep end lately.


That's one crazy old
lady in there, huh?

Oh, no. Meg's an eighth
grade English teacher.

She's as sane as I am.

Wait a minute.
She spends all day with 13-year-olds

and one bluetool
sends her over the edge?

I guess everybody
has their limit.

Any similarities between her, the
flying nun and that violinist kid?

What did you say you were
doing in Unionville?

My wife and I are just
passing through, you know.

We're on our honeymoon, so...
Anybody mention smelling fudge or...

What exactly do you
do for a living, Mr...

Pete. I'm Pete.
And you're...


Everybody around
here just calls me Mac.

We got another situation.

What's up, Sal?
Tommy Wilson was caught

trying to set
the music room on fire.

Principal wants
you to come down.

On my way, Sal.
Have a nice honeymoon.

Why would you say that?

I wanted a cover.

Don't want to say who we
are just yet, you know?

We stay on the down-Iow,
we operate more freely.

Okay, you just can't
run around town

saying whatever
comes into your head.

We have to stay under the
radar, remember? Stealth?

Well, covers are like
the definition of stealth,

plus I'm very good at them.

You're 10 years old.
You are 10 years old.

You know, I'm gonna
go interview the nun.

Fine. Sounds like the violinist
kid is getting worse,

so I'm gonna go
check that out,

if that's all right
with you, Sarge.

You're eight years old.

I knew I could fly.
I just knew it.

Where were you
before you jumped?

I had just left the center.

Sister Grace works most days
at a battered women's shelter.

Have you received any jewelry of
any kind recently? Any gifts?

Anything new?

We are nuns.
We renounce worldly possessions.

Of course. Right.

Did you know Tommy
Wilson or Meg Riley?

Not really.

Is Tommy all right?

Yes, I just
thought maybe...

I can fly. I can.

Can I talk to you outside for a second?
Will you excuse us?

PETE: Hey, Mac.

Hey, sorry to bother you, but
can I ask you a few questions

about the Wilson kid?

That's a strange way to spend
your honeymoon there, Pete.

Lattimer. Agent Pete Lattimer.
Secret Service.

Secret Service?
I hope you're not flashing that badge

all over town
and scaring folks.

No one's trying
to scare anybody.

I got enough problems
around here lately

without people thinking this is
some kind of t*rror1st plot.

There's no plot.

Look, Mac, if you just let me do
my job, no one will be hurt...

No, sir. Not if your job is
sneaking around lying to folks.

I don't trust people
who lie to me.

I just need to ask
Tommy a few questions.

Tommy Wilson slipped into
a coma about an hour ago.

Now, can the Secret
Service explain that?

Because the doctors
sure as hell can't.

I noticed that Sister Grace was
wearing one of those rubber bracelets

for domestic
v*olence awareness.

Yes, she came to us
about a year ago.

I can't go into details, but there
was a fair amount of abuse.

I'm sorry. Has she
been depressed lately?

I mean, I'm assuming this
incident is new behavior.

Well, she hasn't jumped off any other
buildings, if that's what you mean.

Of course not.
It's just...

I'd really like her to get some
rest, if that's all right with you.

Right. Sure.
Thank you, Father.

Sister Grace?

WOMAN: Oh, my God! Look!

MAN: What's she
doing up there?

Sister Grace!

The wind.


Stay there, Sister.
I'm coming up.


I can fly.

You cannot fly!

Grace Ellen!


ARTIE: (ON PHONE) So wait,
the snow bank saved her life?

Yeah, I mean,
Sister Grace is alive,

but she's all busted up
from the fall.

Should put the snow bank
in the Warehouse.

Okay, sounds like it's intensifying.
Is Tommy still in a coma?

Yeah, yeah,
I was just over there.

The doctor said he
just kind of shut down.

Okay, well, that sounds like it's
causing some kind of regression.

You gotta find this thing fast
before it gets worse. You got that?


Yeah. Have you ever seen
anything like this?

Well, actually, once.

There was this little bell, and what
it did is it made people laugh.

Well, that doesn't
sound very dangerous.

Oh, yeah? Well, the victims would
ultimately laugh themselves to death.

Cardiac arrest
due to asphyxiation.

Freaky. So what you're saying
is there's always a link?

Always. And you just keep
looking under rocks,

and I'll do what
I can from here, okay?

Book on tape.

It's always mind control.


Hey! I have work to do!



Okay. That's that.


Now cut that out.


You didn't get that
from me.

I'm running
a business here.


So nothing connects.
Tommy never had Meg as a teacher,

Meg doesn't know
Sister Grace,

and Sister Grace taught Sunday
school, but Tommy never took it.

So they're all doing things
completely out of character?

So, if someone does
something totally opposite

from what they
normally do...


Although the old lady and the nun
don't strike me as crackheads.

Not so much. Hey, I thought the
medic might know something,

so I asked him to
meet me after work.

Good idea.
I got a thing to do,

but, Myka, I want you to be careful.
I want you to use a condom.

That's hilarious.


Thanks for taking the time.
No worries.

The wife's taking
care of the twins, so...

Oh, congratulations.

Six months.
They say it gets easier.

Do you want to sit down?

Yeah, sure.

Sorry I'm late, by the way.
It's been such a weird day.

Did something else happen?

Do you remember Meg?
From the coffee shop?

Let me guess, she went
a little crazier, right?

Yeah. In the middle of a planning
meeting for a children's carnival,

she threw a lamp
at Father Braid.

Was he hurt?
He's all right.

I was just at his office.
A couple of stitches and she broke her wrist,

but the weird thing is,
they're really good friends.

Father Braid helped her through the
loss of her husband last year.

Did he die at the hospital
where Meg threw the urn?

In the emergency room.
He had a heart attack.

Okay, so...

Hey. Hey, I'm up here.

MAN: Hey.

Hi. I'm Dave. I haven't seen
you around before. You new?

Eight years, actually.
I'm just passing through town. I'm Pete.

Welcome, Pete.
It's a great meeting.

Good. I could use
one tonight.

All right, meeting time.
Take a seat if you can, please.

Welcome to the Saturday Night
Solutions meeting.

My name is Ellis.
I'm an alcoholic.

ALL: Hi, Ellis.

And I'll be your
leader for tonight.

Can you think of anything
these people have in common?

I can't. Meg isn't even from Unionville.
She's from Colton.

That could be important.
How far is...

Can I just touch these?

LUIS: Ross!

I'm sorry! I'm sorry.
I don't even know why I'd do that.

I've never done anything
like that before.

I'm married. I told you,
right? I have twins.

I told you that.
Wait a second.

Just wait a second.

Can I just touch this one? Ow!

Okay, I think I know
what's going on here.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
That hurts.

I don't know why
I keep doing that.

I believe you, I'd just rather
you didn't do it again, okay?

Ross, you lost
your balance.

Lost what?

Right before you just...
You lost your balance.

So did Meg before she threw
that guy through the glass

and Tommy in the video.

What are you saying?

You've got it.

Whatever this is,
you've been affected, too.

And if not for this program
taking it one day at a time,

I'd have been dead
22 years ago,

but I was willing to do anything to
keep from taking that next drink.

Anything. So if you...

ELLIS: Dave, you all right?

MAN: What's going on, Dave?

Excuse me.


ROSS: Thank you for this.
No problem.

Okay, so we know that you've
been in contact with Meg.

What about Sister Grace
or Tommy Wilson?

No, I don't even know Tommy, and
I've only seen the Sister at church.


Hey, Dave,
what are you doing here?


MYKA: Pete?
PETE: Hang on, Myka.

Thanks, Pete.
Yeah, it's all right, man.

Dave, put it down!
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

No, no, no, no, no!

Dave, what are you doing?

Yeah, you got over
20 years, man.

What's up?
Did something happen to you?

Why? Who are you?

He's Pete.

Pete, this is Ellis Hayes,
my therapist.

Oh, for crying out loud.

I'm sorry, I won't do it again.

I won't touch
your breasts anymore.

What are you doing?
We talked about this.

Wait, you talked to Ross?

Wait a minute, do you treat an old lady
named Meg and a teenage violinist?

I can't discuss
my patients with you.

We got a lot of
questions for you, pal.

Dave! Dave! Dave...

PETE: What the hell?
Uncuff me.

We need to get him to a hospital right away.
LUIS: Call 911.

Okay, so what, now Dave
is in a coma, too?

Yeah, he collapsed
right in front of us.

The doctors are bringing in
some specialists.

Well, I doubt that specialist
is going to be any help.

I think this thing ultimately shuts
down the central nervous system.

I'm worried it's
gonna go further

and shut down
their body entirely.

What about that therapist?

Yeah, I'm going
to see him now.

And I'm gonna go
see Father Braid,

see if I can get some details about
when Sister Grace went into therapy.

Maybe it's time related.

Time? No, no, no, no, no.

The pattern of behavior here is
the result of individual contact

with the same artifact.

Something they found.

They might have seen it.
Probably they touched it.

What am I looking for?

Anything that might cause an electrical
or chemical imbalance in the brain.

Well, so,
a brain imbalancer.

That's easy. It's probably right
next to his time-travel machine.

No, no. Trust yourselves.
You're gonna know it when you see it.

That's why we chose you.
Instinct and observation.

You're a great team.

What... What is that?
Where are you?

We are at
an ice-skating rink.

You feel better there,
twinkle toes?

I like skating and it
helps me think, Artie.

I have nothing but faith.

Nothing but faith.

For crying out loud.
Who designed this?

Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla and M.
C. Escher.

What are you doing here?
Thought you might need me.

Do you?

It's no big deal.
I'm just trying to track down

an electrical short
or an anomaly.

I tracked it down.

I'll take that as a yes.

I don't care if
you're James Bond.

What a therapist discusses with his
patients is completely privileged.

Not under the Patriot Act.

I have no intention...



Look, Ellis,
people are being hurt.

Believe me, you want to help me, or
you're not gonna have any patients left.

What's this?

Don't touch that. Please.
I just acquired it.

Really? No, don't pick it up!
It's an antique.

Belonged to Joseph Dunninger,
the famous mentalist.

Are you kidding me, man?

What, you didn't think that
this was worth mentioning?

I collect pocket watches.

There's nothing in the Patriot
Act about that, is there?

I have to take this with me.
You what?

Don't snap your pencil.
I'll get it back to you.


Sheriff MacKenna was just here
and I told him the same thing.

Sister Grace has never been
to see Ellis Hayes.

Well, how can you be sure?

Because I suggested it
and she refused.

She was mortified
by the idea.

I happen to
believe in therapy.

I suggested it
to Meg as well.

Anger issues?
When Ben died,

she felt betrayed
by doctors, by God.

It's quite common for...

I know how she feels.

Since I lost Sam,

men in my life drive me...

Even before my dad...

Yes, well, to get
back to Meg,

I suppose she's been
more angry with...

Men. Angry at men.

Agent Bering?

My boss, my colleagues,
my partner,

my father,
they're everywhere.

Suffocating me.

Agent Bering.

Are you all right? Myka?

Well, thank you so much.
I'll just show myself out.

MAC: Ellis just called me.
He's very upset.

Now, I want to know just what
the hell you two are up to.

I got people to protect
in this town.

You think you can
just walk all over me?

Dude, you're taking this kind
of personal, don't you think?

Secret Service. Anybody could
buy a badge on the Internet.

I don't know what
you two got planned,

but I will do whatever I have
to to protect my country.

Chew on that.

Oh, hey, and where
have you been?

I was...
I have been here for half an hour.

And the sheriff is
a little spooky, FYI,

but don't worry,
because I found it.


Joseph Dunninger's watch.

He's a famous mentalist,
in case you didn't know,

so score one
for the Pete dog.


Don't worry.
You're still in charge.

I mean, look, we can't all
be heroes all the time.

Your chance to be a hero...
You're an ass.



Myka, jeez Louise!

Okay, little girl,
fun's over!

Myka, I think you got it.

You're infected.

MYKA: Thanks for bailing me
out, but this is ridiculous.

I've been exposed to the artifact.
I should stay locked up.

What am I supposed to do?
Let you sit in jail and quietly slip into a coma?

I could get really
dangerous, Pete, to you!

You know,
I'm going back inside.

Wait, wait, wait.
Myka, look.

No, you look.
You have a job to do. You...

How can you trust me if you know that
I could turn on you at any minute?

Because I do, okay?
I just do.

You're gonna have to do more
than take a swing at me.

Besides, how are you gonna be in
charge if you're in jail, huh?

Who's gonna
tell me what to do?


Hey, Artie. Artie, I've got it.
I've been exposed.

Are you sure?

Oh, yeah, we're sure.

(SIGHS) Okay, well, it's just that much
more important to find this artifact fast.

Hey, Artie, look, so there's no
way it could be the watch, right?

I mean, maybe, you know, the
anti-magnetic bag thing didn't work.

It is not the watch.
Myka didn't touch the watch.

And Sister Grace
wasn't even a patient.

I told him it
wasn't the watch.

I told you it
wasn't the watch.

That's not annoying at all.

Look, guys,
you're doing great,

you just have to both go out
there and keep looking.

Artie, I've been exposed.
I have to stay locked up.

Yeah, I told her
I could handle it.

Please, like you
handled the bar?

I mean, come on. I mean, really?
Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Get it together.
People are in hospitals.

It's only a question of time
before somebody dies

from this thing that
you have not found yet.

All right.


You know, he's trying to find
the location of this warehouse

by probing the
electrical grid.

Look at that.
Not a bad notion.

This guy's a thinker.

And what,
we're just sitting ducks?

No, no, no. Look at that.
It's completely unfocused.

He's got no actual control of anything.
He's just causing trouble.

Well, he seems to be doing
a good job of that.


PETE: Okay, so maybe there's something
going on before it affects you. What if...

Pete, I insist
that you handcuff me,

make sure that
I can't hurt you.

Look, Myka,
let's find the artifact by...

I need you to disarm
the danger first...

I just don't
understand why...

I mean, that's what
you're supposed to...

Just listen to me for once.


No, you don't.
Okay. All right, all right.

Sorry about that.
No, no, no, no, no. No worries.

It's my fault. I kind
of did that on purpose.

I mean, what were you thinking just then?
What were you feeling?


Okay, I was kind of thinking that
you're an infantile chimp. I'm sorry.

No, no, okay. That's good.
So obviously it affects your subconscious.

Subconscious desires.

Pete, that's it.
Meg wants revenge.

Sister Grace wants
to escape.

Ross... I bet that Ross's
wife is still breastfeeding,

and Tommy secretly
hates the violin.

And you subconsciously want to
punch me every five minutes.

Okay, sometimes,
but why me and not you,

and why hasn't the
whole town gone nuts?

Okay, well, let's just
retrace our steps.

Where have you gone
that I haven't?

Okay, we were at the coffee shop.
Coffee shop.

And at the bar.

I was at the jail, but nobody else
there was affected, so I don't...


That's Ross.

MYKA: That's Meg.

You've been
in that church.

Twice. You?



Father, it's in the church.
What's in the church?

Tommy Wilson,
Meg, Dave, Ross,

they're all members of
your congregation, right?

What do they have in common?
Are they on some committee together?

No, they're not even...
Wait, I've seen each of them recently.

They've each been in here.
Wait, wait, here, here in this office?

Here. It's in here.
Of course it is.

I've been in here, too.
Pete, you should get out of here.

You have to get
out of here now.

Can't be that simple.

Father Braid
isn't affected.

Father, where do you talk to them?
Where are you sitting?

In that chair.

And I sat...

That's it.
It's the chair.

Father, where did you
get this chair?

I inherited it from
my great, great, great...

Got it. Pete...
I'm on it.

Okay, how long have
you had the chair?

About a week or so.
What is that thing?

(STUTTERS) It's a... It could...
We... Never mind. Pete?

Father, Father,
what's his name,

the original owner,
your great, great, great...

James Braid.
He was a doctor.

Did he... Wait.
Did he say James Braid?


He's the father
of hypnotherapy.

Artie, that's it. Father Braid has his chair.
That's gotta be it, right?

Hang on, hang on. He's a direct descendent.
And if he's got the same DNA,

same vocal patterns...
It's the iron springs.

It's the springs
in the chair?

If they become

like silverware can...

...years of powerful
hypnotherapy and brainwaves...

All those patients
sat in this chair,

and those springs began
to work on their own.

Releasing their
subconscious desires.

Combined with
the sound of his voice.

Like a tuning fork.
Are you saying this chair caused all this?

I know. It's freaky.
This stuff is always freaky.

Artie, how do we
reverse this?

You know, you could
try dousing the chair. That...


Myka, what's going on?
Hey, answer me! Pete!


MAN 1: All the way out.

MAN 2: Wait!


There you are.
Just who I was looking for.

Sheriff, put the g*n down.

It's a virus.
You planted a virus in my town,

and I've gotta contain it!


Okay, okay.
Father, are you hit anywhere else?

It's in my shoulder.
It hurts.

So I take it Sheriff MacKenna
sat in that chair recently.


Let me help you.
Let me see that.

Ross, where are
Susan and the twins?

No, it's okay.
They're outside.

MYKA: The canister of goo
is in the trunk.

Let me see. Let me see.
I'll take care of the Father.

MAC: I'm going to clean up this town.
You understand me?


Get him outside right now.

And get everyone as far
away from here as possible.

Okay. Come on.

MAC: Do you hear me?
I'm gonna clean up this town!

Do you think the Tesla
would ignite that b*mb?

Let's test that theory
another day, shall we?

Then go douse the chair.
I'll take care of Captain America.

No, no, he hates you.
You go douse the chair.

For once, would you
just let me call it?

It'd be better if
you weren't here, Pete.

Why do you always
have to be so bossy?

I'm sorry!

Would you stop
doing that?

Just stop pissing me
off then!

PETE: All right, no,
you know what? Fine, fine.

MAC: Come on out and
I'll let these people go.


Sorry. Sorry.
Okay, you know,

if you were gonna
ask me how I would die,

I would say that being beaten
to death by my partner

would be really
low on the list.

Just go do the chair.
I'm gonna go do the chair.


MAC: Stay down!
Stay down!

Don't do this, Mac!
Try and focus. This isn't you.

Some must die so
others will live!

You don't want to hurt
these people, Mac.

I know what you're feeling.
Just try and fight it.

I will not let this evil spread
to the rest of the country!

It ends here!

There is no danger, Mac.

Listen to me.
Look around you.

You know these people, right?
They're your friends.

Hey, I doused the chair.
It's over!


Okay, I'll be right back.

MAC: It's a trick!
You're trying to trick me!

MYKA: It's not a trick, Mac.
I'm on your side.

See, Mac, I'm trying
to help you.

If you want me to trust you,
then show yourself.

Show yourself!


Take me, Mac.

I'm the one you want.
Not them.

There's probably dozens of you
in town by now. Hundreds.

No, it's just me.
I'm the bad guy, Mac.

All right? Let them go.

You and your
friends are dead.


You lose this one.



They never should
have sent a woman.

No, you did not.


Pete, any time now.




Agent Bering.
What the...

There's no time.
Just help me get this thing off.

Can you disarm it?


Is he still...
No, but this thing is still ticking!

Pete? Pete?


What? What?

Oh, God.

See, wasn't so hard, was it?

No. No, it wasn't hard.
Not at all.

No. It was almost,
I don't know, fun.

ARTIE: Yeah.


Artie. Mmm-hmm?
Yeah, what is it?

Look, Artie.

First off, we wanted to say thanks
for letting us use your car.

That GPS system,
that's just fantastic.


Yeah, and the seats?
I think that leather was custom-made.

It was like Corinthian leather.

What happened to my car?
Did you... Did you ding it?

No. Ding? No.
Absolutely not.

I wouldn't say...

Then what?

Okay, look, I needed
somewhere to throw the b*mb.

Someplace enclosed.

Oh, God.

We did manage to
save your cassette.

(WHIMPERING) I loved that car.
Loved... Loved.


Psych! That's what you
get for lying to us!

"Let Myka think that she's in charge.
" Yeah.

"Pete's touchy.
Make him think that he's in charge."

You know what I'm saying?
What a burn.


PETE: You like that?
I've been working on it all...

The eyes are a little...

But it's the thing,
it's the mouth.

Well, well, well,

look who's able to work on something
together without arguing.




Oh, my God. He's in.