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22x22 - Open Wounds

Posted: 05/25/23 06:24
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

the people are represented

by two separate,
yet equally important groups:

the police, who investigate crime,

and the district attorneys,
who prosecute the offenders.

These are their stories.

Your wedding song was terrific.


Who was the singer?

Uh, Pretenders... Chrissie Hynde.

Ah, right, right, right. Chrissie Hynde.

The singer,
the short-haired lady, she...

She had a drug problem, right?

I don't know, Dad.
I just like the song is all.

Okay. Big smile.

- Okay!
- No wonder people love you.

I detect a hint of sarcasm.


Come on, Nic.
Let's not do this, not tonight.

- It's your wedding.
- Exactly.

What's that supposed to mean?

You just only seem happy
when the cameras are around.

Senator, you must be excited today.

Every father's dream, dancing
with his lovely daughter

on her wedding night.

I couldn't be happier for Nicole

or for her wonderful husband, Asher.

Just an amazing, amazing couple.

All right, I get it. I'm not perfect.

But let's... let's just
have fun tonight.




♪ ♪

[SOBBING] Daddy! Daddy!

Won't somebody help me?

At the moment, all we know is,

the sh**t was wearing
a white COVID mask.

Apparently, he was mingling
with the crowd,

bum rushed the dance floor,

shot Chandler two times in the chest,

and then just took off running.

What about all the security guards?

I saw at least ten of them
when I came up.

Talked to the head of the team already.

They didn't see anything.

They were too focused
on securing the perimeter.

All right, what about the guests?

Did anybody get a look?

Not really.
A lot of people saw him run off.

All we have now is that he's white male,

average build, average height.

m*rder w*apon was a mil.

We know this because we found

two shell casings on the dance floor.



Even the commissioner
is getting involved.

That's what happens when
a United States Senator

gets gunned down
at his own daughter's wedding.


♪ ♪

We're pulling as much video as we can

and setting up a containment.

Hopefully, we can keep
the suspect inside the park.

Right. Good.

So he shot Chandler and ran off,

but no one saw him,
tried to apprehend him?


I'll call in for more backup.

We need more boots on the ground.

Still no luck ID'ing the sh**t.

But we talked to several
guests who saw him flee,

including the bride, and they all say

he disappeared in the
northeast section of the park.

We got a level
mobilization in progress.


I'll make sure you have
all the resources you need.

You two are gonna run point.



♪ ♪

Hey, I think I got something here.

White COVID mask.

Still looks new,
like someone just dropped it.

Yeah, it means
we're in the right place, huh?

Find it. [DOG WHINES]

Hey! Police!


Stay where you are! K- !




Release! Release. Come on.

Release. Okay, okay. Come on.

Hands. Show us your hands.

- Show us your hands.
- Turn over.

Keep your hands where we can see them.

What's your name?

- Jim.
- Jim what?

- What's your last name?
- Bronson.

Jim Bronson, what the hell
are you doing out here?

I sleep here.

Where do you sleep?

Over there.

There's a sleeping bag
and a... a blanket.

All right. Get up.

Just keep your hands
where we can see them.

Did you see anybody out here
running through the woods?

White guy? Maybe your height?

I saw someone or something.

Which way did he go?

That way.

I need the K- .

You did good.

Have somebody take a look at that arm.


I got a witness who
saw the suspect running west.

Repeat, running west.

I don't know, Frank.

I think he got too much of a jump on us.


Maybe not. The dog's got something.

♪ ♪


He's in the wind now.


No, I didn't really see anything.

I... I heard the g*nshots, but...

I tried to help my father.

I tried to stop the bleeding...

What about the sh**t?
Did you hear him say anything?

Um, no.

I don't think so.

I was so scattered.

It was... it was my wedding.

I wanted everything
to be perfect, and then...

My father and I, we started arguing

right before the g*nshots.

We had a complicated relationship.

- [SOBS]
- Hey, hey, hey.

Excu... I'm sorry, if you don't mind,

can we have a minute?

Are you aware of anyone who
wanted to harm your husband?

My husband was a senator.

Half the country loved him.

Half hated him.

But are you aware of any
specific threats or problems?

Money issues?


I hate to ask this, but how
about romantic issues?

Not that I was aware of, no.

I got here as soon as I could.


I'm so sorry.

I can't believe this really happened.

This is Carla,
my husband's chief of staff.

If there's anything I can do...

Detective Jalen Shaw. I appreciate that.

Doesn't feel real. Alan was a great man.

He was going to be president someday.

Were you aware of any specific threats

he was receiving?


There were lots of haters,

a lot of hollow Twitter threats,

but that's just part of the job.

I saw Alan arguing
with one of the waiters

about an hour before he was shot.

It didn't seem serious, but...

[STAMMERS] I just thought
I should mention it.

Did the wife know
what the argument was about?


We know the waiter he was arguing with?

Not yet; we're still looking
for the manager

of the catering company.

Hey, the wedding planner just sent over

some footage from the videographer.

It's helpful and brutal.

Unfortunately, the sh**t's face

is obscured by a COVID mask.

[g*nshots, SCREAMING]

Freeze it there. Zoom in on the sh**t.

Yeah, black pants, white shirt,
red jacket.

- He's a waiter.
- Yeah. The wife was right.

Unfortunately, it was a lot
more serious than she thought.

Find this guy ASAP.


I didn't actually see the sh**ting.

I heard the g*nshots, though.

I ran over to see what was going on.

I saw the senator on the floor
bleeding, so I called .

You see anybody running away?

More specifically, did you see one

of your waiters running away?

No. But why do you say that?

One of the witnesses
said that they saw a waiter

arguing with the senator
an hour before the sh**ting.

Yeah. I know.

Yeah, I was horrified, so I
fired the guy on the spot.

And then what? He just left?

I had security
escort him from the property.

One last thing.

We're gonna need the name
of this smart guy.

Yeah. We argued.

I don't regret it, either.

What you two argue about?

Someone say I did something?

Did you?


I yelled at him.

Got in his face.

And I pushed him.

Anything else?

- Like what?
- Like sh**t him?

Someone shot and k*lled Senator Chandler

last night at the wedding,

someone that looked like a waiter.


We got into an argument.

That's all.

How come?

I used to live in Columbus.

That's where Chandler lives.

I waited on him one time
about five years ago.

He was a prick.

Complained about everything

and then stiffed me on a $ , tab.

So when I saw him at the wedding,

I couldn't help myself.

Okay, so you and Chandler
have it out finally.

Then what? What do you do?

I went to a bar
on Sherman Ave, Dooley's Pub.

Figured I might as well celebrate

my newfound unemployment.

Yeah, I got it. Thanks.

Lou, waiter's alibi checks out.

He was having a Jack and Coke
at Dooley's

- when Chandler was shot.
- All right.

Did you talk to the crime lab about the

COVID mask you found in the woods?

They pulled the DNA sample,
but they haven't found a match yet.

So we're just back to where we started,

looking for an average-sized
white guy who was a waiter.

I think I have a lead.

I pulled all the video
near the staging area

where the catering operations
were based.

Every single car parked in that lot

is registered to someone
working at the event,

except for one, that blue Prius.

Did you run it?

It comes back to a Derek Quinn.

But here's what's interesting.

It's the only car that stays
parked in that lot overnight.

Every other car leaves
when the event ends.

So the sh**t kills Chandler,

disappears into the woods,

hides out in the city
for a little while,

then comes back the next day
to the parking lot

to pick up his Prius.


Go check him out.

Good job.

♪ ♪

- Hey. Put your hands up.
- Ma'am.

Stay right there.
Stay right there. Don't move.

Stay right there.

Copy. House is all clear and secure.

All clear, sir.

What is going on?

- Where's your husband?
- I don't know.

That's why I filed
a police report last night.

Yes, and that's why we're here,

because of that police report.

So if you could tell us in
your own words what's happened.

My husband, Derek, he's missing.

He hasn't come home.

When's the last time you saw him?

Yesterday at breakfast.

And what was his demeanor like?

Was he acting normal?

He was really distracted,
like he was in his own world.

I asked him what was wrong,
but he didn't respond.

He just said he had to take a drive
to New Hampshire. Then he left.

What's in New Hampshire?

I have no idea.

We don't even know anyone
in New Hampshire.


We're gonna need to ping
Derek's cell phone.

It'll help us find out where he is.

♪ ♪

Phone hit off a tower
two blocks from here.

I'm sitting on the
suspect's car right now.

I'm approaching Nathan's
on the boardwalk.

We've got a credit card hit
that he bought something there

ten minutes ago, so he's gotta
be around here somewhere.

♪ ♪

I got somebody approaching
the suspect's vehicle

on West th.

Medium build, gray hoodie.

I'm in pursuit.


Show me your hands! Don't move!


Suspect headed to the boardwalk.

He's running to the
amusement park, Frank.

Move! Move!

NYPD! Move!

- Let's go! Out of the way!

Move! NYPD!


Freeze! Get down on the ground!

- Hey! Freeze!
- Let me see your hands!

- Freeze!
- Down on the ground.

Stop where you are. NYPD.

Derek, it's over.

Show us your hands.

Take your hands out of your pocket.

Both of them.

The other hand... Out of your pocket.

Put the g*n down! Drop the g*n!

- Drop it!
- Drop it!

- Put the g*n down!
- Drop the w*apon!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey.

Derek, we're here because
of your wife, Elena.

We spoke to her.

She's worried about you.
She loves you very much.

Look at me.

- You talked to Elena?
- Yes.

She's very concerned about you, Derek.

I know why you're here.

But that bastard Chandler
got what he deserved.

He should have never changed his vote!

We need to stop all this g*n craziness.

How many more people have to die?

I agree with you.

And nobody needs to die
right here tonight.


Don't make her a widow.

Just put it down.

Think of your wife.

Just put it down.
Just get... there, yeah.

Come on.

Now, back up. Put your hands up.

Turn around.

♪ ♪

You're under arrest for the m*rder
of Senator Alan Chandler.

At approximately : p.m.
yesterday evening,

the New York Police Department
arrested a suspect

in connection with the
recent assassination

of United States Senator Alan Chandler.

The suspect, Derek Quinn,
has been taken into custody

and is currently awaiting arraignment

on first-degree m*rder charges.

After considerable consultation

with the U.S. Attorney's office,

we decided to prosecute
this matter in state court.

g*n v*olence is a national plague.

The only way to effect real change

is to move past
all the political acrimony

and pass strong and effective

common-sense g*n-control legislation.

The question for all of us is...


Had enough?

We can't become a place
where people settle

their political differences
at the point of a g*n

or where talented and passionate

men and women avoid public service

out of fear for their lives.


♪ ♪



It's good to see you, Dad.


Good to see you too.

So much for keeping
your politics a secret.

I couldn't help it.

I get it. Trust me.

So what are you doing here?

I'm representing Derek Quinn.


I didn't know you were
doing m*rder cases.

I represent people
I think need representing.

Sometimes that includes people
charged with m*rder.

I didn't mean...

He's not the monster you described.

That may be.


But the evidence
tells a different story.

A much different story.

We'll see what the jury has to say.

Anyway, um, I just wanted to say hi

and let you know what's going on.

I appreciate the heads-up.

Of course.

If you're free, maybe we could
grab a quick coffee, catch up?

I'd love it.

It's so good to see you again.

How's it going? How's Eric?

He's okay.

But we're not so good.

We're back in counseling,
trying to better

understand each other.

How's Linc?

How's he doing at Northwestern?

He's waiting to hear from law schools.

For better or worse, it's in the genes.

So I have a favor to ask.

I'd like to delay
Derek Quinn's arraignment

so I can have him evaluated
for competency.

Rebecca, you know I can't.

He's in rough shape.

You'll have to take that up
with the prosecutor

trying the case, Nolan Price.

Just hear me out.

No. I can't get involved.

Talk to Price.

You're my father, for God's sake.

Just one of a hundred reasons
why I can't be involved.

I know the rules.

Then you know we can't

discuss the case at all.

♪ ♪

Calling docket ending in
, People v. Derek Quinn,

charging m*rder in the first degree.

How do you plead, Mr. Quinn?

My client is entering
a plea of not guilty

by reason of mental disease or defect.

He's pleading insanity
at the arraignment?

Mr. Quinn is suffering from
post-traumatic stress disorder,

a result of his having survived

one of the most deadly
school sh**t of all time.

students were k*lled.

others were wounded,
including my client.

Yet Mr. Quinn was still able to
tackle and disarm the gunman.

He's a hero and a victim.

He needs our help.

Mr. Price.

The people request remand.

This was an act of domestic terrorism.

The defendant was literally
holding the m*rder w*apon

when police arrested him.

Given that penalty for
m*rder one is life in prison,

he's obviously a flight risk.

He's a well-respected member
of the community

with no prior arrests.

The defendant's wife and several

of his former students
are here in the courtroom.

They support him and all
that he's been through.

I would ask the court to impose
a reasonable cash bail

so that my client can go home
and get treatment.

He's alleged to have k*lled
a United States Senator.

He's remanded.

Next case. [GAVEL BANGS]


I looked into Rebecca's assertions.

They're true.

Quinn survived a mass sh**ting?

He was a history teacher
at Thatcher Academy.

He saved several students,
disarmed the sh**t,

and got shot in the process.

The defense is clearly gonna
present him as a hero.

He may have done something heroic,

but that doesn't mean
that he gets a free pass.

k*lling Senator Chandler
at his daughter's wedding,

that was an act of revenge,

not the result of mental illness.

There's no question
he knew right from wrong.

He found out where the senator
was going to be that night,

drove to New Hampshire
to purchase the g*n,

blended in with the crowd, and escaped.

I agree... legally.

But morally,
some may see it differently.

It could result in jury nullification.

This was a political assassination...

A well-planned, well-orchestrated,

and premeditated attack
on a United States Senator.

That's m*rder one.

And we're not budging.

Since your daughter is
representing the defendant,

I was wondering if, uh...


How do you wanna handle this
in terms of process?

I love my daughter dearly.

But this is just another case,
and she's just another lawyer.

♪ ♪

The party was in full swing.

People were dancing, drinking.

And my father, he was so happy.

And all of a sudden, this man walks...

Right up to us and sh**t him.

Did the sh**t appear
to be calm, collected?

Very much so.

Did it appear that he had a plan

and that he ex*cuted that plan?

Objection. Calls for a conclusion.


Did the defendant
aim the g*n at your father?


Put his finger on the trigger and sh**t?


Did both b*ll*ts hit the
intended target, your father?

[SIGHS] Yes.

I'm showing you people's .


♪ ♪

Is this your wedding dress?


Is this your father's blood?


♪ ♪

Nothing further.

I'm very sorry for your loss.

I can't imagine what you went through,

what you experienced.

Thank you.

To witness that kind of
v*olence must be devastating.

It is.

Must take an incredible
toll on your life,

on your ability to experience joy,

to see things clearly, right?

That's correct.

And it takes a physical toll as well.

Is that right?

Yes. I've hardly slept.

And when I do finally fall asleep,

I often experience night terrors.

That must impact your thinking,

cause confusion,
irrational thoughts, behavior.

Objection. Relevance?


No further questions.

And again, I'm very sorry
for what you've been through.

Any redirect, Mr. Price?

Is it fair to say that

despite the unthinkable tragedy

and v*olence you experienced,

you remain in command of your faculties?

I believe so, yes.

You're able to distinguish
right from wrong.


Nothing further.

♪ ♪

Mr. Quinn, please describe

what happened to you on April , .

I was talking to my class

about the Cold w*r, Vietnam.

And then the door
to the classroom flew open,

and a man walked in.

He was dressed in combat gear.

And he took an as*ault r*fle
out of his gym bag.

The kids started screaming

as I rushed towards the man.

But he started sh**ting.

If you could, please tell us
what happened next.

It's hard to remember exactly.

I can...

Remember the sound of b*ll*ts

and seeing lots of blood.

It was chaos.

Were you shot?

In the chest.

Were others shot as well?


other students
and teachers were wounded.

[VOICE BREAKING] kids were k*lled

in my classroom

right in front of me.

All I could think about was
just getting them to safety.

It's my deepest regret.

It haunts me every minute of every day.

As a result, did you become
a g*n-control activist?


Some people say if I had a g*n
I could have saved my class.

It might be true. I don't know.

What were your feelings
towards Senator Chandler?

I thought he was
a good man, good senator.

I believed him when
he said he would vote

in favor of an important
g*n-control bill.

And when he voted against
that bill, did that upset you?


He was the swing vote.

I... I felt betrayed...

and scared.

So I... I drove to New Hampshire,
and I bought a g*n.

And I... I went to find
Senator Chandler.

I don't know what I was thinking.

♪ ♪

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Nothing further.

♪ ♪

You were angry when
you bought the w*apon.

I was desperate.

Yeah, desperate for revenge.

It's hard to explain.

[SIGHS] Let's try.


Senator Chandler voted in a way
that you disapproved of,

and you decided to take matters
into your own hands.

I wasn't thinking clearly.


I am showing you people's .

[VOICE CATCHES] Is this the g*n?

Your Honor, could we request a recess?

Will ten minutes do?

Tomorrow morning would be better.

See you tomorrow at : .


♪ ♪


What's going on?

I just... I needed some time
to prepare some of the exhibits.

Well, I organized
the exhibits last night.

They're all in order.


Are you okay?

I'm fine.
I just... I wanted to take some time...



The defendant's testimony
was compelling, and I...

I have tremendous empathy for him.

I bet.

You've been through something similar.

What you saw on the subway
last year was horrific.

It's different.

Like, this poor bastard, he was right

in the middle of it, Sam.
The b*ll*ts were live.

- The screams, the blood...
- Trauma is trauma.

There is no need
to minimize your experience.

I appreciate your concern, but I'm fine.


♪ ♪


Yeah, I don't think...


You sure about that?

♪ ♪

Dr. Gold, could you please tell us

about your medical
and academic credentials?

I'm a psychiatrist
at Mount Sinai Medical Center

focusing on post-traumatic
stress disorder.

I've written two books on this matter

and teach a class
at Columbia University.

We stipulate the witnesses
is an expert in her field.

Yes, let's move on.

Could you describe
what your research has revealed

about survivors of mass sh**t?

The symptoms vary,
but often the initial relief

of surviving such an event is
followed by distress, fear,

survivor guilt, and anger.

I conducted a forensic
evaluation of Mr. Quinn,

and he reported symptoms consistent

with what I would characterize

as severe post-traumatic
stress disorder.

Is it your opinion that this trauma

affected my client's
cognitive functions?


I believe he was unable
to appreciate the wrongfulness

of his acts and unable
to comport himself

within the confines of the law.

Thank you.

You're basing this opinion
on the word of the accused.

Isn't that correct?

I found no reason
to believe he was malingering.

So you just took him at his word.

I'm a psychiatrist, not a detective.

Is he still suffering from
this mental disease or defect?

- Not at the present time, no.
- Convenient.

Are you aware that the
defendant drove from New York

to New Hampshire to find a g*n store

and then drove from that g*n store

to a wedding venue in Manhattan,

stole a waiter uniform,
and then snuck past a team

of trained security guards?

I am.

And you don't think that
required rational thought?

It's possible some people
suffering extreme PTSD

can be rational one minute
and irrational the next.

Simple, everyday situations can trigger

intense fear and anxiety,

can cause people to perceive
a threat where there is none.

A car backfires, a man
looks at you the wrong way...

PTSD is a complicated,
insidious disease.

You never know when or why
it might be triggered

or how the afflicted person might act.

Can't even look me in the eye, huh?

Excuse me?

You're embarrassed.

I... I have no idea
what you're talking about.

No way in hell you should be trying

to send Derek Quinn to prison.

He needs help.

I know that your client has
suffered in unimaginable ways.

But I am a prosecutor,

and my job is to follow the law.

I can see it in your eyes, Nolan.

You know what he's been through.

You know what it feels like
to see young kids

bleeding, dying.

I read about that subway
sh**ting a year ago.

I know you were there.

I know what you endured.

So how the hell can you
stand here and pretend that

Derek Quinn is just another
angry liberal seeking revenge?

What I believe is irrelevant.

The district attorney,
my boss, your father,

is firmly opposed to any kind
of leniency in this case.


♪ ♪

I thought we talked about this, Becca.

I can't talk about the case.

It's not appropriate.

Derek Quinn lived in abject
fear of another mass sh**ting,

of seeing more innocent
children slaughtered,

so he took action.

It was wrong, of course.

But it doesn't mean
he deserves to die in prison,

and you know it.

But empathy isn't really part

of your personal constitution, is it?

Principles before feelings?

Your client shot a United States Senator

in cold blood at his daughter's wedding.


It practically proves my point.

He's suffering.

I'm sorry, but I'm done.

We can't discuss this anymore.


You've been hiding behind that damn line

your whole life.

♪ ♪


I hope you understand I'm not trying

to usurp your authority here.

But, uh... [SIGHS]

I agree with defense counsel.

I think we should offer a plea.

The defendant is a victim

of one of the worst mass sh**t

in the history of America.

You ask me, every damn person
on that jury

thinks he deserves
some level of compassion.

Hell, they might even vote to acquit,

regardless of the law.

We failed him, Jack.

The system failed him.

Isn't it fair that we take that
into consideration?

I know your daughter
represents the defendant,

and you are trying hard
to protect the optics.


I think you're trying too hard.

Excuse me. Sorry. Sorry.

- Do you have a minute?
- Yeah.

I would like to offer a plea.

Man one, years.


That's... that is the best
I can do, trust me.

I had a hard time getting
approval for this offer.

I'm sure you did.

But your boss's lack of empathy
is not my concern.

My client's trauma is.


It is a coin toss,
Rebecca, and even if you win,

he'll spend years in a psych ward.

Derek Quinn is different.

What if you're wrong?

He is... he's years old.

He'll be a free man at .

That is still plenty of life to live.

Unless you have something
more reasonable to offer,

there is nothing else to discuss.

Wait, wait, okay.

Talk to your client.

See what he has to say.
Maybe he feels...

I know how my client feels.

And I know how his wife feels
and how his parents feel.

And I can assure you, none of them

is interested in years.

♪ ♪

Please rise.

Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

On the charge of m*rder
in the first degree,

we find the defendant,
Derek Quinn, guilty.

♪ ♪

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury,
thank you for your service.

Court is adjourned. [GAVEL BANGS]

♪ ♪

I have a car.

Can I drop you somewhere?

No. I'm fine.

Maybe we could go somewhere and talk.

You tried a good case.

You did everything you could.

God damn you.

Why couldn't you just...


♪ ♪

Come on.

Let's have dinner.

Sorry. Not tonight.

Linc got accepted
to Columbia Law School.

Starts in the fall.

I'll tell him you say hi.

♪ ♪