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01x06 - Loose Threads of the Past

Posted: 05/25/23 06:13
by bunniefuu
CLAIRE: I just feel

like they worry about me,

but they don't see me or know me,

and they're never gonna love

me as much as they loved her.

That fucker has all the answers

to every question in my life.

I'm going to get him to tell me them.

Thank you for tonight.


ALISON: Tyler, no.

SARA: It needs to stop.

If you having feelings for me,

then you need to just

come out and say it.

What would Clive think if he knew?

- CLIVE: Bery.

- BERY: We've been in touch.

He sent me something. I

think you should read it.

CLAIRE: His friend gave him a letter,

which has to be from Edwin.

You got fired,

and you got me f*cking fired, too.

DRAKKON: Accelerator!

But, yes, I can increase the power

of any electrical device

to evil proportions!


Stealing again, Drakkon?

What ever happened to

inventing your own stuff?

DRAKKON: It's called abstract

Oh, get on with it.


about you get on with it?

DRAKKON: No, it's not the

time to question the nature

of our relationship.


but I am not doing this for you.

I'm doing this for me.







BILL: Man.


That's not acceptable.

I need you to do your jobs.

Every single person on the island,

in the States, in your f*cking agency

thinks this is a cover-up.

So find the damn proof!


It was a bogus timeline

from a corrupt detective

who had to just resign, for f*ck's sake.

I got to bury my daughter in an hour.

Don't tell me to calm down.




You need to get dressed for the funeral.

We should probably take those out.


- MIA: I know, sweetie. I know.

But you're so brave.

Almost done with this one.

- It really hurts.

- MIA: I know, honey.










- What?

- Oh, my God, I got you.

SUNITA: I need you to stop calling me.

CLAIRE: Look, I feel so terrible.

Okay, yeah, I promise, I'm

gonna make it up to you.


You gonna pay off my

student loans, my rent?

Are you gonna get me another job

that actually gives me enough

time to work on my screenplay

and is ten minutes from where I live?

Oh, and offers health insurance?

Didn't think so.

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

I'm I'm a fuckup.

I-I got carried away.

I know that, and

SUNITA: You know what? Just stop.

I'm done. This is

exactly like last time.

You're not eating. You're not sleeping.

You're like a walking time b*mb.

And you know what, Em?

I'm sorry that your sister died,

and I'm sorry that you ran

into the guy who k*lled her,

but you need to get some f*cking help,

because at this point,

you've become a stalker.

CLAIRE: I know. I'm sorry.

I'm gonna stop so soon.

It's just I need to

know what's in that letter.

I'm outside his apartment now.

I just need to figure

out how to get inside.

Oh, my God, Emily, do

you f*cking hear yourself?

- CLAIRE: Sunita, please





You dead?

Just checking.

PERSON: Yeah, I tried to come.

Yeah, I'm saving everything.

Farhad's an assh*le.

I hate all these guys.

I got to find a new place.






[SOFTLY] f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.


- PAUL: I don't know.

- You want a a breakfast eggroll?

- JAMIE: Oh, there you are.

Brett and I got in a

huge fight last night.

He apologized. I said, "Fine.

As penance, you're gonna

watch the kids all day."

- GREG: Yeah.

- JAMIE: I'm gonna hang

- and gossip with my gays."


EDWIN: Morning, miss.

TYLER: Hey, Alison.

What was that about?

Oh, it turns out Tyler's

a closeted douche.

- What's a douche?

- A word you shouldn't say.

Mm, dork but slimier.

I thought that was going well.

Yes, well, I have only

known him for six days, so

I think we will all get over it.

I'm gonna go take a walk.


EDWIN: Hey, guys.

Des, you got one for me?


What's up your ass today, man?

BERY: Gogo, come here.

Stephen saw Julian out

last night with another man.

He minutes working here be numbered.

Poor Julian, just being himself.

Serves he right. He's so obvious.

[SCOFFS] Well, now you're gonna end up

having to carry all his slack today.


I wanted to be like you ♪

I wanted every ♪

BIGGIE: I got the chronic

by the tree, 'cause ♪

I love it when you call me Big Poppa ♪

Throw your hands in the air ♪

EDWIN: Hello, hello, Miss.



Here you are again.

Since when you listen

to music like that?

BIGGIE: I love it when

you call me Big Poppa ♪

ALISON: I love hip-hop.

Where he from, then?

Since you're such a big fan, right?

He from New York,

the greatest city in

the world, your home.

You know, I have a

cousin who live there.

He live in Queensbridge.

You ever been Queensbridge?

Maybe, yeah. I-I think so.

It's cool.

Ever since he moved there,

I knew I could do it, too.

What's it like?

It's amazing.

I mean, I live more,

like, city-adjacent,

but I-I take the train in all

the time for the culture


It's fun.

You like culture?

I do. G


- I love theatre

- and restaurants

- Mm.

And traveling.

Mm, one sunny resort after another.

That's not true! [LAUGHTER]

We went to Rome last year.



You know, this island,

we have culture, you know?

We have culture. We have tradition.

We have everything as

old and as deep as Italy.

You have never even left the hotel.

Show me, then. I

I would love to see what

your island has to offer.

I-I want to experience all of it.

Ooh, all of it?

Yeah, it'd be cool to

lime with you after work.


Oh, you want to lime?

You want to become like

a native now, right?

Tell you what, Miss.

I don't think you can handle it.

Well, how can I convince you?

Mm, um

- I can't.

- No ideas?

EDWIN: No, no, no, no, no.

Why don't you Give

it give it a go.

Why don't you try?



- Oh, hey.


Don't you have that deposition?

What are you doing back?

It's 10:00 a.m. Why aren't you at work?

I, um [SIGHS]

[SIGHS] I got fired.

You got fired?


Last night.

Why'd you get fired?

Well, I, uh, didn't

hand the cut in on time.

I got sidetracked.



Are you seeing someone?


I ran into him, you

know, the cab driver,

the one who walked you to the door.

Saw him at the restaurant

where you bought the, uh

the plantains.

CLAIRE: You think I'm

I'm having an affair with a cab driver,

because, what, we both like plantains?

Don't do that.

You've been lying to me

for so long,

and I've tried to let you

sort it all out on your own,

but, um but I can't take it anymore.

Josh, Josh, please.

Josh, I need you!

Yes, I haven't been letting

you in, but I want to.

I want to tell you everything.


I will tell you everything.


We're supposed to have dinner

with your parents tonight.

Oh, f*ck!

Josh, stop, please.

Look at me.


I would never never cheat on you


I promise.

I love you.




- Hi.

- Hi, Susan.

Oh, it's it's so good to see you.

And, Clairey, look

how big you've gotten.

[CHUCKLES] I'm just here stocking up.

Molly's home from her

first year of school.

Oh, Molly. How is she?

She she was just devastated

to hear about Alison, Mia.

We we all were.

If you need anything,

we're here for you.

Just call.

I really appreciate that.

Thank you, and I will.

- It was nice to see you, Susan.

- You too.

MIA: Okay.

[SIGHS] Okay.



MIA: [SOFTLY] Okay. It's okay.


BILL: Have you read

the coroner's report?

No. So [SIGHS]

So do the background checks again.

No, I-I won't accept that.

I will I will never accept that.

How many times do I have to

go through this with you guys?

It's it's been six f*cking months.


- Grocery store?

- MIA: Yeah.

I talked to my sister.


She offered to take Claire

to Paris for the month.

Mm, no.

I want her here with us.

MIA: I Bill, the f*cking tabloids,

the TV

she can't keep hearing

this stuff about her sister.

BILL: Her sister's dead, Mia.

There's nothing we

can do to change that.

MIA: Her tic's getting worse.

She's just a little girl,

and we have to protect her.

CLAIRE: That is so fun.

MIA: Ooh.

Oh, hey!

You seem energized.

Good walk?

- ALISON: Great walk.

- MIA: Oh, good.


they're organizing a really

big scavenger hunt later.

Should I sign us up?

No, I'm in the mood

for something a little more exciting.

MIA: Okay, well, what

were you thinking, sweetie?

I think we should go off the resort.

MIA: Well

I could see if they have

those whale-watching tours.

You remember the one

we did in Saint Martin?

- CLAIRE: I love whales!


No, it needs to be specific

to the indigenous culture.

CLAIRE: What's that?

ALISON: I'll be right

back. I have an idea.

MIA: Just so you know,

I'm never letting you go to college.


EDWIN: Mm-mm, mm-mm, mm-mm,

Gogo, why you why you

shaking up drinks, man?

Your head up you ass? Julian been fired.

- EDWIN: For what?

- You know for what.

EDWIN: Oh, can't keep

the cocks out of he mouth?

But, shit, Go, we a man down

Oh, no, we an anti-man down.

Gogo, should I get the beer myself?

- GOGO: No, no.

- I can see it.

EDWIN: Des, Des, come

give Gogo a hand, come.

DESMOND: I'll give you some more.

EDWIN: He be slammed

here. Come give a hand.

I gonna give two hands,

because Gogo be my friend.

Okay, good for you.

You see, I be a true friend to he.

Are you high?

You okay?

- I still feel like a prick.

- OLIVIA: You'll bounce back.

I mean, find someone who's

like, who gets you, you know,

and just, like, wants to

be around you and stuff.

TYLER: I apologized.

I didn't mean to

It's not even about you, you know.

Edwin just makes for a

better story for Alison

to take back to Princeton with her.

- Wait, what?

- What?

Alison's with Edwin?

I don't I don't think I said that.

I, uh, um

Okay. Tyler, I'm so sorry. I

Just if anybody asks,

I didn't say anything, okay?

BERY: I can't believe

you got my doing this.


BERY: You know I'm a babysitter, right?

DESMOND: Yeah. No, Stephen

need to pay us more.


- Look, um, Bery


DESMOND: Um, can I

talk to you about Edwin?

- BERY: Yeah, sure.


ALISON: Hey, Desmond [SIGHS]

My family and I would love

to see more of the island.

DESMOND: Oh, sure.

You want to do, like,

a snorkeling excursion

or a ziplining tour or someth

ALISON: No, something

not silly and touristy.

Like, do you have

something more authentic?

Ah, perhaps, like a

restaurant for dinner?

I have the perfect place.

Look, my friend Jeanne run it.

All the local people frequent there.

- ALISON: Yes, amazing.

- DESMOND: You know?

I'll sort out all the

transportation for you,

and you just need to be there, yeah?

- 7:00?

- DESMOND: 7:00 works fine.

Thank you. Bye.


BERY: What did you want

to talk to me about?



You ever notice anything

between Edwin and Sara?

Like like, maybe he

have feelings for her?

No. No way.

DESMOND: Yeah, it's just I

I saw something yesterday,

and it made me feel so weird.

Sara's with Keithley,

and Edwin would not do that to Gogo.

They be best mates.

[SCOFFS] What be wrong with you?


- You owe me after this.

- DESMOND: Yes, ma'am.

- BERY: Thank you.







Who did it? Who ransacked my room?

- It was Farhad.

- GOGO: Why?

He thinks you stole his money.

What money?

BEN: Cash under his bed.

He was saving for his mother's surgery.

I wouldn't take that.

He says you did, and

he's looking for payback,

so be careful.

Seriously, Clive

he's not in his right head over this.



- Oh, hey.


- You're here. Um

They're on their way over.


So, uh

you've been, uh, hanging

out with Clive Richardson?

- It's not

- JOSH: Don't.

No more lying.

Just got off the phone with

Sunita I know everything.

Okay, Josh.

I didn't mean to lie to you.

I just didn't know how

how to tell you

That you have been

sitting down to dinner

with the man who k*lled your sister?

You realize how dangerous that is?

What the f*ck are you thinking?

This is why I didn't say anything,

because I knew you would overreact!

I knew you would try and stop me!

Of course I would try to stop you.

Anybody in their right

mind would try to stop you!

Oh, so I'm not in my right mind?

- I didn't say that.




My parents.

JOSH: Look, if

Don't worry I'm not

gonna say anything to them.


they can't know about any of this


I don't want to go out to dinner.

ALISON: Come on,

Clairey, it'll be so fun.

We'll learn all about how

people live here firsthand.

But what if the goat woman's there?

ALISON: No, the goat woman

lives on Faraway Cay

- nowhere near where we're going.


I think I just want to stay here

and have chicken fingers again.

Claire, you're being a baby.

Maybe we should just have

dinner here, Al, yeah?

Silver lining less

chance of food poisoning.

Do you hear how gross you sound?

MIA: Al, calm down. It's

not that big of a deal.

ALISON: It's "Alison,"

and it is a big deal,

and you guys don't do her any favors

when you baby her like this.

Your life is going

to be extremely boring

if all you do is sit in

pools, eating chicken fingers.



DESMOND: Guys, look, just come this way.

Guys, come this way for

the real plantains, yes?

My friend Ramon here he's

gonna show you a fine time.

- It's gonna be lovely, man.


The queen from the land Westchester

finally leave the hotel

in a giant resort bus.

That's some real island

culture there, huh?

Good job, miss. [LAUGHS]

Big man.

Big man.

Oh, Miss Alison, right on time.

Hey, um

Claire, my sister, she's

she's not feeling well,

so we're gonna have to sit this one out.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

PAUL: Ugh, finally, a

moment away from Jamie.

I can't help it. It's like I

enjoy her and all her neuroses.

We came on this trip so that we

could spend more time together,

but we've barely had a

meal just the two of us.

GREG: Hey, I have an idea.

Yesterday that hot bartender, Julian,

told me about a little

place on the island.

PAUL: Mm-hmm.

You maybe want to get a

little naughty tonight?

Could be an adventure.

- Huh?

- I say hell yes.

GREG: Yes, adventure time!

- To adventure time.

- Let's do it. To adventure.

- I love you.

- GREG: Love you.




Let me ask you a question, yeah?

Let me ask you a question.

What do Goges mean to you?

What do Goges mean to you?

What the f*ck kind of

question is that, then?

I'm onto you, mate.

What the what the f*ck, Des?

STEPHEN: Chitchat time is over.

We're a man down.

EDWIN: Stephen want to know where I go,

tell him I had enough for today.

But, Edwin, it's a madhouse.

EDWIN: Gogo, I got shit to take care of.

I should just Sharpie

"clueless white woman" on my forehead.

Stop. You're amazing.

No one thinks that of you,

and especially Edwin, right?

Um, shit, okay.

Hey, so you're gonna

be really mad at me,

and I'm ugh, I'm so sorry,

but, um, uh, before,

I did something kind of terrible.

I told Tyler about the

whole Edwin situation.

- I'm really sorry.

- Is he pissed?

- He's pissed, right?

- OLIVIA: A little bit.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Can we have a sec?

Yeah, yeah. Um, I'll go.



Can I, uh, ask you a question?

Are you and Edwin, like, serious?

I'm here for, like, one more day.


But are you sleeping with him?

That's none of your business.

I'm sorry. It's just

I'm trying to understand.

I'm not.

Okay? I'm not.



are you going to?

I know how that sounds.

But I'm asking as a friend.


"A friend."

Why the f*ck do you

think you're so special?

Edwin hooks up with another girl

every set of vacationers, so, like

you're just his white girl of the week.

That's not true.

TYLER: [SCOFFS] Have you asked him?






Oh, I'm so sorry.

This is so embarrassing. [SNIFFLES]

You okay?

ALISON: Can I ask you a question?

Am I generic?

I'm sorry. You know

You don't know me,

but I am

For the record.

But I-I've

I've watched you, and I

I can see

You're the kind of person

who commands attention.

You know? You you

you've got o-opinions, brains.

You're special.

You think that?

[CHUCKLES] [SOFTLY] Thank you.

You're really nice. [CHUCKLES, SNIFFLES]

You're gonna be a great mom.




BILL: So tell us more. How was the food?

CLAIRE: Aunt Cynthia

made me eat a snail.

- I hated it.


And the Louvre?

CLAIRE: It was crowded and noisy.


- CLAIRE: And I missed you.

MIA: Oh, we missed you, too, honey.

What do you want for

dinner? I can make tacos.

- BILL: Ooh, Taco Tuesday. Hmm?


You seem different from before.

MIA: Well, honey,


trying to

be better.

- But are you better?

- BILL: Oh, Clairey.

It's called "faking

it till you make it."

We're gonna try and be okay,

and eventually we will be.

You'll see.

MIA: Daddy and I were talking

and we were thinking

that it could be fun

for the three of us

to make a fresh start.

What do you mean?

What do you think about

us moving somewhere

a place like California?

But why?

Well, we think it might be a good idea

to go somewhere where

Where people won't always bring up

Where we won't always be reminded

of the terrible thing

that happened to Alison.

But, hey, hey, hey

only if you want to, okay, honey?

You don't want to remember Alison?

Oh, no, of course we do. Of course.

But it's also important that

we not be sad all the time.

And, you know

I was thinking that

I might try gardening,

and your dad was thinking

he might change his job

and try teaching.

And you know what?

You could try new things, too.


JOSH: As you can see, we

still need some pictures hung,

got to get some plants,

but we're gettin' there.

- We're doin' it.

- MIA: Oh.

I mean, honey, you weren't kidding.

I mean, your well,

your shower is actually

in your kitchen. [LAUGHTER]

- Yeah.

- It's adorable.

I mean, we had a place

like this, Bill

Lower East Side, very Bohemian.

BILL: Well, if roaches are Bohemian.


But, seriously

I mean, look at you two

creating a home, building

a life, it's it's

- it's pretty spectacular.

- It really is.

BILL: Yeah, and after

that rough patch, Em,

the way you came

through it, we're just

[INHALES DEEPLY] We're so proud of you.

And you're really on your way now.

First stop, Flatbush, Next stop, Oscars?

[CHUCKLES] Cheers.

Hey, I'll drink to that.

- Right.


Hey, sorry we didn't have time to cook.

- No, please, no worries.

You're both busy worker bees.

What's a New York visit

without Chinese takeout anyway?

- JOSH: Right.


Sorry, that ugh,

it gets kind of crazy

out there sometimes.


This is a a Caribbean

neighborhood, yes?

- Yes.

- Hmm, how's that?

Is that a good idea?

No, probably not.




Also, I'm not a worker bee anymore.

I got fired.

- Let me grab those.



- What are you doing?

- CLAIRE: Nothing.

- Fired? W w why?

- BILL: Okay.

W-when when?

L-let's not freak out.

Things happen, right?

- Uh, I got fired yesterday.

I guess wasn't doing so well.

Did you talk to Dr. Norton about this?

No, I stopped going to Dr. Norton.

Wait, what? You I

mean, wasn't she helping?

I don't need to go to therapy

to fix what's wrong with me.

I need to f*cking know

what happened to my sister.

BILL: Okay. Emily

You two just gave up on getting answers.

- We did that for you.

- Bullshit!

No, we we did that

because it was making us crazy, okay?

And it would've made you crazy, too.

Don't you see how what you did

made me so much crazier?

All this pretending,

pretending that I was perfect,

- that we were perfect

- Hey, don't you dare

- Bill, Bill

- Judge us.

- Bill!

- You have no idea

Yes, I do, because I was

in that same pain, too,

but I couldn't talk about it!

I couldn't talk about it

because you wouldn't

let me talk about it!

MIA: Stop it!

And I won't f*cking do it anymore!

- Stop it!

- I won't pretend!

I won't do it!

MIA: Oh, my God.

- Oh.

- BILL: Hey.


MIA: Daddy and I spoke

to your new principal.

And, honey, I think you are

going to love this school.

You okay?

Will you sign me up for Girl Scouts?



And I think I'm gonna

join the soccer team.

BILL: Soccer.

Oh, that sounds amazing.

And, also, I've been thinking.

In California, I want to

be called by my middle name.


- That's got a cool ring.



JOSH: They're gone.

They, uh they're really

heartbroken, worried.


I can't believe you.

Those poor people

they didn't deserve that.

They're your parents.

Josh, if you could

look cancer in the eye

and ask, "Why my sister?

Why did you pick her?"

Wouldn't you?

Some things are inexplicable.

This isn't.

It's impossible to make

sense of m*rder, Em.

No amount of information

will ever be enough,

and what you're doing now, it's unsafe.

I got into the man's cab, Josh

Like it was fate.

I need to keep doing this, for her.

I'm so close.

You're not yourself.

You're stressed. You need to sleep.

This is me.

This is me,

and I'm so sick of

pretending like it's not.

- I need to go for a walk.



DANA: Hey.


Snagged her cardigan at dinner,

and I am already hard.

No, I suffered through

the Sally scandal.

I watched you get demoted for

sending d*ck pics to a coworker.


I ju I just wanted to nip

this one in the bud, you know?

Refocus your attentions

on me. [CHUCKLES]

I-I can't do this anymore, Ethan.

It's gross.

Whatever. She's a bitch.

She's a child.

- Oh, f

- You

Grow the f*ck up, Ethan.

What are you doing here?

I hear you and Edwin the other night.

You said he have feelings for you.

- I need to know if it true.

- SARA: It is not your business.

I just gonna tell Gogo what I hear.

The love of he life and he best friend.

SARA: It is not what you think.

PAUL: Secret gay f*ck spot?

Aren't we too old for this?

GREG: Oh, come on.

It's so magical. Look at the stars.

PAUL: I feel like this is

how new STDs get started.

GREG: Oh, Jesus Christ, will you stop?

This is an adventure.

It's supposed to be fun.

Remember that, um,

hot-rock, scented-oil massage

- at Parrot Caye?

- GREG: Mm.

That's what I meant by adventure.

GREG: [GASPS] Oh, what do we have here?

- Oh, shit.

- Well, well, well

Someone's gettin' it.

PAUL: Hello.

[SCOFFS] Damn.



PAUL: Oh, shit, go.

Baby, come on.


- PAUL: Run, run.

We deserve everything

that be coming our way.

We deserve it.

FARHAD: Where is it, your m*therf*cker?


- Where is my money?

Yo, m*therf*cker, where's my money?

GOGO: I didn't take it.

FARHAD: Where you

going? Where you going?

Yo, give me back my f*cking money, man!

GOGO: I didn't take your f*cking money!

FARHAD: Where's my money?

You're the only one

who knew where it was.

You're the only one

who knew where it was,

and you f*cking took it!

Don't walk away from me!

Where you going? Where

the f*ck is my money?

I didn't take it!

- Oh, yeah, who else, then?

- Of course it was you.

I need that money.

I'm warning you, man.

Once a criminal, always a criminal.

What was that?

I know about you being

locked up on that island.

For dr*gs, right?

But I heard you did

something a lot worse.




No, no.

I'm sorry.



I'm so sorry.

CHILD: Woof.