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01x03 - Men of Interest

Posted: 05/25/23 06:12
by bunniefuu
Desmond cousin hook we up

with a meeting with One-Eye Mike.

One-Eye Mike a real drug dealer?

You and Alison, you guys

are, like, together, right?

- Yes.

- Cool.

Maybe see you here sometime.


Listen, Edwin be trouble.

I urge you stay away from he.

I don't really like

being told what to do.

How you gonna compete for Sara heart

when little Keithley be buying it?

Would it be possible to meet up

so I could get my phone back?

There's a restaurant Little Sugar.

- Emily.

- My sister's m*rder

was headline news for a year,

and sometimes it feels

like the whole world knows

more about what happened

to her than I do.

There's no good answers out there.

What the boy say?

Nothing useful.

They all went drinking

and drop she at the hotel.

If they done something,

if they even get named,

the implications for the island

do you think they could have?

I must've picked up

Gogo, Edwin, and they friends

maybe 100 times before

never saw it as punishment,

never even wrote them up,

just tryin' to protect them

from they own young, stupid selves.

The first 99 times,

them joke with me, them

laugh, them chitchat.

This time,


And that's how I know.

Mr. Mayor, hello.

Roy, answer your damn radio!

They found her

on Faraway Cay!


On this island?

Do not say that word again.

And we are so f*cked.

Do you have any idea how f*cked we are?

Fix this, Roy!


Hey, there he is.

Good morning.

- Good morning.

- Hey.


Thank you.

I'm starving.

Last night was, uh

Worth repeating?


No, no, I made breakfast.

Let's just sit. No.

I know what you're trying to do, okay?

Let me just please,

let's just talk, okay?

Why have you been at the office so late?

What's this work crisis?

Mm, it's just bear drama,

or lack thereof.

Half of them went into

hibernation early, so.

- I'll figure it out.

- Em.

This, uh, bear job was

supposed to be chill.

It is chill. It's temporary.

- It's fine.

- Then what is it?

Because you seem kind of tense, Em.

Okay, I know that you're

going through something.

I can hear you pacing

in the middle of the night.

Okay? So please talk to me.

Okay, but

Don't freak out.

Lately, I've

I haven't been able to

stop thinking about Alison.

She was the most important person

in my universe, and for 20 years,

I've never allowed myself

to wonder what actually happened

why those men took her from me,

took her from my family,

and now that I've started, I just

I just I can't I

can't shut it off, you know?

I went into a similar

spiral after Miranda died.

I was like, "Why did she

get cancer and not me?

Why didn't we catch it sooner?

What else could my parents have done?"

It's dangerous to question,

because it doesn't change the outcome,

and it doesn't stop you

from missing her every day.



I just thought we were talking

about my sister and not yours.

I'm just trying to connect.

You know how Miranda died.

You were with her when she died.

She was surrounded by love to the end.

My sister was r*ped and m*rder*d,

and no one had to explain why.

You didn't have to

wonder in the same way!

So to be honest, it's a

bullshit f*cking comparison!

Why the pickney still with we?

Sara's not home,

and I couldn't leave he with she mom.

So Sara been out all night?

With Keithley?

That no surprise.

Keithley been Keithley been

wantin' she since grade school,

and that sket been threatening

to get back with he for months.

Don't call Sara a sket.

So what we gonna do with that?

Drop he at your grandma?

She's not home today,

so he gonna have to come

to Indigo Bay with we.

Oh, no, he not.

I go to ask Bery to watch he.

And then what?

We got big One-Eye meeting tonight.

Sara will be back by then.

She best be.

Stephen! How we today?

I'm not advancing your paycheck again.

Oh, man, just, uh, want to catch up.

How are the little ones?

Last I seen Jeffrey,

he scoring many goals on

the school soccer team.

And the wife, she still

work at the hospital?

She wants another pickney.

Stephen, you a hard worker.

Give your wife a girl.

You know, making she will be fun.

Bery, there you are.

No, Gogo. Oh, no.

I love he, but no.

I don't want to get in trouble.

Remember in grade school

when you break your arm,

and I carry your books home for a month?

Please? For an hour or so.

I'm sure Sara will be here soon.

Ooh, where she be anyway?

She with Keithley?

Give he here.


Be a good boy and go play

with Auntie Bery, okay?

I owe you big time.

Okay, that that is not okay.

We paid for a private babysitter,

not day care.

One of us should go talk to her.

Honey, you should go talk to her.

Not to play that card, but I don't

What card is that, Greg?

Oh, I think he means the Black card.

Or should I say African American card?

You know what? I'ma get a shot.

- Get get us all some.

- White people being white.

Was that weird of me? I'm so sorry.

Mom! That's so reductive.

I just said, "Tyler's cute."

I was young once, too, you know?

I didn't say you weren't.

I know what it's like to be 19.

My freshman year in college,

I went to my first

consciousness-raising group.

I burned my bras, I came

home for winter break,

and I looked at my

housewife mom with new eyes.

And I was an assh*le to her too.

I don't mean to be an assh*le.

- I know.

- At least not to you.

Your dad is not the corporate

sellout that you think he is.

When I met him,

he was writing a science-fiction novel.

- No way.

- Yes.

- Dad?

- Yeah.

He never said that.

Commercial real estate

is not anybody's dream.

He did that to provide for our family

to give us this life.

He really missed you this fall.

He was hopin' to spend

some quality time with you.

He's just so tone-deaf.

Like, so sheltered.

So are you, Alison.

Yeah, but at least I'm, like,

trying to be better

to not be complacent, you know?

I mean, no offense to Dad,

but I don't wanna settle

for some second-rate dream.

I really wanna make a difference.

I love that you feel that way.

And if there's one thing

that I know about you, Alison,

it's that you can be

anything you wanna be.

Was all along Ms. Thomas was submerged.

DNA evidence will be impossible.

Though abrasions to the vulva

suggest penetration, we

cannot be sure of the

nature of the sexual act.

As for the two men of

interest in this case,

Clive Richardson

and Edwin Hastings,

they were seen leavin'

the bar with Ms. Thomas.

I, myself, found them

a mere two hours later.

There is no way the men

could've been in a boat

all the way to Faraway Cay,

hiked with Ms. Thomas to the waterfall,

and made it back in such

a short window of time.

dr*gs were found in the

home of Mr. Richardson.

So he faces arraignment.

But let me be clear

we have determined the

death of Alison Thomas

was an accident.

Thank you.

I know what you did.


Clive, right?


I'm Emily, the one who lost her phone

in your cab a couple weeks ago.

Oh. Yes, hello.

Pepper pot and Carib, my dear?

Oh, I'll do the same, please

my treat.


- Please

- No.

You'd be doing me a favor.

I've been feeling totally guilty

that you wouldn't accept my reward

after returning the phone.


Of course.


Can I join you?

It's really good.

It's kind of spicy.

I mean, that sounded dumb.

It's supposed to be spicy, right?

It depends.

Thank you for the meal.

Here you are, miss.

Let me know if you need

anything else, all right?


Goges, let's game plan tonight.

Yeah, I need to go check on Clive.

Shit, Goges, it gonna

just take a minute.

Fine, a minute.

I gonna do the talkin'.

You be the muscle.

That's all you got to do

look tough and not like

a heartbroken little girl.

Can you do that?

Des, tell Gogo

we'll be good with One-Eye Mike.

He lookin' scared.

Don't worry about it,

Goges. You with Edwin.

I not to be f*ck with.

Hey, my cousin tell me

that One-Eye Mike not

what you expect, yeah?

He not to be f*cked with neither.

What do you mean he

not to be f*cked with?


I was looking for you by the firepit.

I thought maybe you'd be on break.

Too busy for break today.

That seems not okay. Is that even legal?

You should go play croquet

with your little friends, miss.


I'll catch you later.

- He's so cute.

- That he is.

What did your cousin mean by that?

I just giving you a little

friendly advice, yeah?

Shit, Bery.

Ah, what you bring he here for?

Ms. High and Mighty

and that ass, Keithley, out front.

I had a lovely night and an

even better morning with you,

but my wife come back in town tomorrow.

Perhaps I can sneak away this weekend.

That sound great.

I look forward to it.

He not even gonna drive you home?

Oh, it's not far. I can walk.

Baby, I missed you.

You've been a good boy?

Oh, thank you for watching he.

Why you with him when

you know he married?

Because he shows up for me.

He there when I need someone to talk to.

He probably would have been

there for the birth of his son.

Sara, please.

Do you know how I felt that night?

19, alone in a hospital.

Where were you?

Out liming with your friends?

How many times I say sorry for that?

Can't you see I'm trying to do better?

I want we to be a family.

We did not even date.

We had a few kisses when we kids

and then that one night behind my house,

and I glad it brought

me my beautiful boy,

but other than that, it was a mistake.

No don't say that.

It not a mistake.

I love you.


Why do you not see that

what we have is not love?

It is obligation.

Hi! Hi!

That me daughter who

just walked in here?

Hi, Mom.

I see you've been cleanin'.

Well, me daughter waste she

life in a married man bed.

Oy, she hitting below the belt today.

What would your father think to see ya?

A minister's daughter slinking around

You a minister wife then?

Who keeps you home like so?

I'm going to change he sheets.

About a dead husband.

I don't care who he was! You're nothing!

Nothing at all! A sket!

You daughter a sket just like you!

Get out of here!

- You crazy!

- Don't talk about my

A minister marry you!

Don't talk about me baby girl!


Wh what happened?

It's me mom boyfriend.

He touch you?

Your mom?

Sara, she do not deserve that.

You do not deserve that.

You're smart.

You're beautiful.

You you a minister's daughter.


I never knew he.

You be like that flower in your hair.

You stand out

not just ordinary


For f*ck sake.

Can you hear me practice

it one time, Goges?

This we shot. We don't get another.

You still have Sara in your head.

I see it. To hell with she.

Don't start about Sara.

Why you defend her?

She run she pumpum all over the place

and treats my Goge like

she own personal babysitter.

That's what you be.

Dumb f*ck, she can dump

she pickney up for free.

I messed up.

If I set she up like she

deserve, maybe we a family.

It's some real fuckery

what she make you think.

You were out with she one

time. What you owe her?

She the mother of my child.

For one fuckup,

you're supposed to work your ass,

give all your bread to she,

be faithful, and mope around like a dog

while she kick you again

and again and again

Shut the f*ck up!

I love she.

I'm out, man. You can walk back.


Can't show up to One-Eye with you

bitchin' and whinin' in my ear.

- Are you for real?

- You can't show your face

lookin' like a cryin' p*ssy!

Open it. f*ck!


The evidence that cleared those two men

came directly from Detective Roy.

It's obvious he faced pressure,

because if the media

got wind that two locals

k*lled a young American,

tourism might t*nk.

But this was not an accident,

and everyone knows it.

Those men r*ped her

and m*rder*d her.

Clive Richardson, Edwin Hastings,

we are not gonna rest

until we get answers,

until you pay for what

you did to our daughter.

- Hey.

- Where were you?

Sorry, MTA madness.

Oh, my God, I saw

this girl on the subway

that looked exactly like

your freshman roommate

the one with the snake.

What was her name?

- What?

- Josh texted me.

He's worried about you.


What did you tell him?

I said, "Yes, Josh, there

is a big bear calamity

in a job where there

is never a calamity,

and no, I'm not worried

Emily's obsessed with her dead sister."

I covered for you.

Well, there's nothing to worry about.


This is about him.

I know it is, and you are

gonna come clean right now.

I was hopin' we could

talk about your product.

Um, I knew that if we joined forces,

it would be a mutually

beneficial business venture.

- I work at Indigo Bay

- What a five-letter word for a meaty flavor?

Jackson says he know you.

- I don't know he.

- Too bad.

Because he wants to be friends.

He say he like you.


we only sell to friends.

Isn't that right, Jackson?

Edwin, how you mess

your good shirt already?

This is church. Fix yourself.

Cousin Johnny not tucked.

You do not want to end

up like Cousin Johnny.

Look, I tuck.

I'm handsome again.

Ah, that's my boy.

Go on. I see ya at home.


Hey, Goges.

Why you so sad?

Someone needs to stop him

from making their lives miserable.

I know where my gran hide she machete.

That is for she mother to sort out.

You gonna do nothing.



Never have I ever played cello

in the Yale Symphony Orchestra.

The whole point is to say

something you haven't done.

Here, watch me do it.

Um, never have I ever found

a way to work my S.A.T.

scores into a conversation.

So you would drink, because you did that

to me yesterday.

You've done that?

Never have I ever

masturbated on an airplane.

Wait, no, no, better one.

Never have I ever masturbated

while listening to Coldplay.

So one's the better one, for sure?

- Wait, no.

- Oh, my God.

Pick one.

Never have I ever had a threesome.

We are so f*cking lame.

Do you need some?

Can't hog all of them, you know?

- 'Scuse me?

- The boys.

I saw you flirting with,

you know, the cute towel guy

this morning. Now you're all into Tyler.

I mean, even Wes in

his stupid stoner way

is drooling for you.

Can't take 'em all.

You should put some on.

Your shoulders are getting burnt.

Hey, um


Right, sorry.

Um, I think your mom needs a hand

or, like, a detox.

Jesus, Mom.

This is even crazier

than I could've imagined.

You had a f*cking meal

with Clive Richardson?

In a public space.

That does not make it okay.

I mean, why would you not tell me?

'Cause I thought you'd f*cking k*ll me.

Yeah, well, I might.

Em, this man is a r*pist.

- He's a k*ller.

- I know he is.

Then why?

Because that fucker has all the answers

to every question in my life.

I'm going to get him to tell me them.



Who said that?

Don't come near me!

Who's Gogo?

That's what they called

him back at the resort.

I don't remember a lot about that trip,

but I remember how he tricked us

into befriending him

when that whole time, he

I need to know why.

What kind of person

I'm gonna make him trust me,

like he made her trust him.

Okay, this is nuts.

I mean, you could get yourself k*lled.

If you're doing this,

you're not doing it alone.

I'm doing it.

Is your mom, like, one of those

white wine alcoholics,

or is she more of, like, a tonic

Yeah, I don't wanna

talk about it, obviously.

- Was she ever into pills

- Can you f*ck off?

Like, I mean it. Okay?

Hi, I'll, um, I'll

have what she's having,

and she'll have another.

Thank you.

Yeah, you don't have to buy me anything

or be nice to me,

just because my mom is a train wreck,

and I am a pathetic mess.

I'm not being that nice,

and I'm not buying.

My parents are, so.

Like, the way you've

been acting towards me,

seems like you think that

I have it all figured out

or something, but I really don't.

I'm good at getting attention from guys,

but it doesn't mean anything.

I promise you, I, too,

am a pathetic mess.


Okay, so I, um,

still sleep with a night light,

and, um, I get so stressed out

during exams that I pull my hair out.

- Really?

- Yeah, I have a bald spot.

Do you wanna see it?


Do you see it?

Yeah, okay, that

yeah, that's pathetic.

- Thank you.

- All right.

So, um, who do you like more?

Tyler or the pool boy?

Do I have to choose?

- We're on vacation.

- Yeah, right.

I really do like them both.

I do.

Tyler's cute and genuinely interesting

in a not obvious way,

but Edwin's not just hot.

He's a grown-up. You know?

He's had experiences I

could never dream about.

He's, what, only a few

years older than us?


I don't know. You can tell he's lived.

Yeah, but your parents

would freak out, too, huh?

Which would be an added bonus.

I don't honestly think

it's a thing anymore,

because earlier, he just,

like, totally blew me off.

I mean, that makes him

even more appealing, right?



That's what the ladies call me.

The ladies call me Desi.

- So?

- I got the coke.

Why you not tell me

One-Eye Mike an anti-man?

What the hell I supposed

to know about it?

Creep flirt with me. It was disgustin'.

f*ck you.

Uh, f*ck you.

What are you doing here, Edwin?

- You have a problem.

- So?

I can take care of it.

You're only 14.

You could not possibly

take care of this.

Let's just say I have a way.

Right, you a mobster like your cousin?


You a fool.

And why would you do anything for me?

I will want something in return.

I don't have any money.

I know that.

If I do this,

you can never be with Gogo.


But why do you even care?

It the queen from the land West Chester.

So you're talking to me now?

- Baby.

- What?

I haven't had ten

minutes alone with you.

I know.

Somebody got to tell this

woman to stop invitin' herself

on our vacations,

and it needs to be

you, and you know why.

- Why?

- Because you're white.

Touché. I will.

- Hi.

- Hey.

Oh, thank you.

You look even hotter than usual.

Thank you.


I'm just really enjoying my vacation.


You sold your soul for nothing.

I'm going on 20/20. Your

island is ruined anyway.

When Alison went missing,

I thought she was playing

a game or something.

And then when they

brought her body back,

it suddenly

became very real,

and everything else felt very unreal.

Like suddenly, everything

I believed was wrong.

Like it was upside down.

And I think I've I

I've always felt like that.

Yeah, but Emily, when you act like

somehow my loss is less

painful than yours

I mean, it feels so


I know.

And I'm sorry.

So what does it mean you're

thinking about Alison?

You're looking into it?

The internet, the articles?

Is there anything else?

I will tell you. I just can't right now.

I just am not ready.

Can't say that doesn't hurt.

I know. I'm sorry.

Okay, I guess I'll

get back to work then.






My sister was m*rder*d.

I just want answers.

You're a New York cab driver.

I mean, I'm sure you've

got a ton of crazy stories.

A few.

Play one game with me, tell me a few.

And the thought of you spending time

with that man, I just

Hey, it's gonna be fine. I got this.

- I wanna see more of you.

- I'm working.

You go spend some time

with that college boy.

Just get the feeling

he's making fun of me.

Poor Alison one of her suitors isn't

worshipping the ground that she

walks on in a suitable fashion.


- Why my sister?

- Some things are inexplicable.

I've been thinking

about how unfair it is

we still don't have answers.

You know what, Em?

I'm sorry that your sister died,

but you're not eating,

you're not sleeping.

I'm outside his apartment.

I just need to figure

out how to get inside.

Oh, my God, do you hear yourself?

Your lucky day, big man. I

got a big surprise for you.


All you need to do is hold the dr*gs,

and you will get 10% of my profits.

I stopped going to Dr. Norton.

Wasn't she helping?

I don't need to go to therapy

to fix what's wrong with me.

I need to f*cking know

what happened to my sister.

My life was ripped apart.

Do you know what that's like?

I know the feeling of being

ripped apart.