Triumph of the Will (1935)

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Triumph of the Will (1935)

Post by bunniefuu »

The Document
of the Reich Party Day 1934

Commissioned by order of the F?hrer

Directed by Leni Riefenstahl

On the 5th of September 1934...

20 years after the outbreak
of the World w*r...

16 years after the beginning
of Germany's suffering...

19 months after the beginning
of the German Rebirth...

Adolf Hitler flew again to Nuremberg
to review his faithful followers.

The "old city" of Nuremberg

Motorcade from the airport
to the Hotel Deutscher Hof

A bouquet for the F?hrer

Arrival at the Hotel Deutscher Hof

Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler
(Hitler's SS Bodyguard Regiment)

Band serenade and night rally
in front of Hitler's hotel

Hitler Youth
and German Youth encampment
outside the city of Nuremberg

March past of farmers
in traditional costume and
presentation of the harvest to Hitler

Hitler and Dr. Robert Ley, Reichsleiter
and Head of The German Labor Front
(DAF- Deutsche Arbeitsfront)...

review ranks of Labor Front men

Rudolf Hess, Deputy F?hrer

Viktor Lutz, SA Obergruppenf?hrer
and Chief of Staff of the Storm Troopers
(SA - Sturmabteilungen)...

succeeding Ernst R?hm

Dr. Josef Goebbels, Reich Minister
of People Enlightenment and Propaganda
and Gauleiter of Berlin

Baldur Von Schirach,
(Reich Youth Leader)

Congress Hall of the NSDAP
(National Socialist
German Workers Party)

Rudolf Hess, Deputy F?hrer

I open the Congress
of the Sixth Party Day...

in respectful public memory of...

General Field Marshal
and Reich President Von Hindenburg...

who has passed into Eternity.

The General Field Marshal is remembered
as the first soldier of the Great w*r.

And thoughts as well
to our fallen comrades.

I greet the high representatives
of foreign states...

who by their presence are participating
in this day for their political parties.

In sincere friendship the greeting
of the Movement is extended...

especially to the representatives
of the Armed Forces here,
now under the orders of the F?hrer!

My Leader:

Around you stand the flags and standards
of this National Socialism.

Only when they are threadbare...

will the people
be able to understand...

by hindsight,
the greatness of our time...

because of what you, my Leader,
mean to Germany!

You are Germany!

When you act, the Nation acts.

When you judge, the People judge.

Our thanks is the vow
to stand with you...

in good days and bad...

come what may. !

Reich Minister Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels

Thanks to your leadership, Germany
will be attainable as the homeland.

Homeland for all Germans in the world.

To us you were the guarantor of victory.

To us you are the guarantor of peace!

Adolf Hitler: Hail Victory. !

Hail Victory. ! Hail Victory. !

From the proclamation of the F?hrer
read by Wagner

Adolf Wagner, Gauleiter of Munich-Upper
Bavaria Adolf Bavarian Interior Minister
& SA-Obergruppenf?hrer

No revolution
that seems to be permanent...

can lead to anything other
than complete anarchy.

So the World will not live at w*r.

So also the people
do not live on revolution.

Nothing on this earth that has lasted
for thousands of years...

was assembled in mere decades.

The largest tree also has
the longest period of growth.

What braves the centuries...

will also be strong
through the centuries.

Alfred Rosenberg, Reichsleiter
and later Reich Minister
for annexed Eastern Territories

It is our unshakeable belief
in ourselves...

that is our hope for the youth...

to carry on the work which has been put
before them in the stormy years...

of the revolt of 1918 in Munich...

and which is already part
of the entire German nation's history.

Dr. Otto Dietrich, Reichsleiter
and Reich Press Chief in Ministry
of People Enlightenment and Propaganda

Truth is the foundation...

on which the power of the press
stands in the world.

And that it reports the truth
about Germany...

is the only demand that we place
on the foreign press.

Dr Fritz Todt, Reich General Inspector
of Highways and Construction
and Minister of Armaments and Munitions

As I speak, work on the Reich Autobahn
has begun at 51 locations.

Although this work
is in its early stage...

today there are already
52,000 men on the job...

and another 100,000...

engaged in the work
of allied industries.

Fritz Reinhardt, State Secretary
in the Reich Ministry of Finance
and SA Obergruppenf?hrer

Wherever we look,
all around there is building...

and new creations...

and activity and life...

which will continue into the future.

Richard-Walther Darr?,
Reich Agricultural Leader, Head of
Central Office of Race and Resettlement

Maintaining the health of our farmers
is the primary foundation...

for the prosperity of industry...

for German business
and for foreign exports.

Julius Streicher,
Gauleiter of Upper Franconia
and Editor of "Der St?rmer"

A people that does not protect
the purity of its race, goes to seed!

Dr. Robert Ley, Reichsleiter
and Head of the German Labor Front
(DAF- Deutsche Arbeitsfront)

All our work must be dictated
by a single thought...

that the German worker...

be made an upright, proud
and equally entitled national comrade.

Dr. Hans Frank,
Reichs Minister of Justice and later
Governor General of occupied Poland

As the Leader
of the German legal service...

I can say that, clearly, the basis
of the National Socialist State...

is the Nationalist Socialist Law Code.

And for us our highest leader
is also the highest judge. !

We know how sacred the principles
of these laws are to our F?hrer.

These Reich laws can assure you,
National Comrades...

that your life and existence is safe
in this National Socialist State
of Order, Freedom and Law.

Dr. Josef Goebbels, Reich Minister
of People Enlightenment and Propaganda,
Gauleiter of Berlin...

and later
General Plenipotentiary for Total w*r

May the bright flame of our enthusiasm
never be extinguished.

It alone gives light and warmth...

to the creative art
of modern political propaganda.

This comes
from the depths of the People...

and from these depths of the people...

it must always again
find its roots and its strength.

It may be good to possess power
based on strength...

but it is better to win
and hold the heart of a People.

Konstantin Hierl, Reichsarbeitsf?hrer,
Head of the German Labor Service

Today, the German people
are spiritually and soulfully ready...

to undertake their obligation
in the general Labor Service.

We have the F?hrer's orders!

Reich Labor Service Review
before Hitler

Reich Labor Service Review
before Hitler

My Leader:

I wish to present 52,000 RAD men
for your inspection.

Hail, Men of the Labor Service!

Hail my F?hrer!

Shoulder spades!

Spades at ease!

Here we stand.

We are ready...

to carry Germany into a new era.


Comrade, where do you come from?

From Friesenland

And you, Comrade?

From Bavaria

And you?

From Kaiserstuhl

And you?

From Pomerania

And from K?nigsberg

From Silesia

From the seacoast

From the Black Forest

From Dresden

From the Danube

From the Rhine

And from the Saar

One People!

One Leader!

One Reich!


Today we work together...

in the swamp.

We work in the swamp.

And in the sand.

We dam the North Sea.

We plant trees.

We build roads...

from town to town,
and city to city.

We provide the farmer
with new soil...

forests and fields,
land and bread...

for Germany.

We didn't stand in the trenches.

Nor were we
under the shell fire of grenades...

and still we are soldiers.

Sharpen the hammers...

axes, pick axes
and spades. !

We are the Reich's young manhood. !

As once at Langemarck...

at Tannenberg...

before L?ttich (Liege)...

before Verdun...

on the Somme...

on the ?hne...

in Flanders...

in the West...

in the East...

in the South...

on land, on water,
and in the clouds.

Comrades, who were shot
by the Red Front and Reactionaries...

You are not dead. !

You live in Germany. !

My Labor Service Men.

For the first time you are presented
for review in this forum...

before me
and before the German people.

You represent a great idea...

and we know that for millions
of our national comrades...

physical labor will not longer
be a divisive concept.

But it will instead bind us together
and, furthermore...

no longer will it be the case
in Germany...

that physical labor will be seen
as anything less...

than any other work.

The whole nation passes
through your school.

The time will come
when no German...

can be admitted
into the community of the people...

until he has first become a member
of your group.

And you know that today
you are not only being seen...

by the thousands in Nuremberg,
but by all of Germany...

which also sees you here
for the first time today.

And I know that just as you serve
this Germany proudly...

all of Germany today will see its sons
marching in you with proud joy!

Viktor Lutze, S. A. Chief of Staff
at SA Night Rally

Hail Victory!
Hail Victory! Hail Victory!


Many of you here tonight knew me...

as an SA man...

marching in the rank and file...

in the first years of the Movement.

And Party Comrades,
just as I was an SA man then...

so I am still an SA man today!

We SA workers will always be true
only to the F?hrer...

and fight for the F?hrer.

Hitler Youth and German Youth Rally
at the German Stadium

Hitler and Baldur von Schirach,
Reich Youth Leader

Reich Minister Dr. Paul Josef Goebbels

Martin Bormann, Secretary to the F?hrer
and Head of the Party Chancellory...

SS-Adjutant Schaub, Hitler,
SA-Adjutant Br?ckner

and Deputy F?hrer Rudolf Hess

Hitlerjugend Marsch
(The Hitler Youth March -
Adolf Hitler to Thee)

Baldur Von Schirach, Reichjugendf?hrer
(Reich Youth Leader)

My Leader!

My Comrades!

We live again for this hour
which makes us proud and happy.

According to your command, my Leader,
a youth stands here...

a youth that knows
neither class nor caste.

The young generation of our people
follows after you.

Just as you demonstrate the highest
self-sacrifice in this Nation...

so does this youth wish to be selfless.

Because you embody
the concept of fidelity for us...

therefore we wish to be faithful.

Adolf Hitler,
the Leader of German Youth, attention!

My German youth.

After one year
I can greet you again here.

You standing here today
represent something...

that is happening all over Germany.

And we want that you,
German boys and girls...

will absorb everything
that we wish for Germany.

We want to be one people...

and through you,
to become this people.

We want a society with
neither castes nor ranks.

And you must not allow
these ideas to grow within you.

We want to see one Reich. !

And you must educate yourselves
for this.

We want this people to be obedient...

and you must practice obedience
in yourselves.

We want this people
to be peace-loving...

but at the same time to be courageous.

And you must, for that reason,
be both peace-loving...

You must be both peace-loving
and strong.

We want this people
not to become soft...

but to become hard and, therefore...

you must steel yourselves for this
in your youth.

You must learn sacrifice...

and also never to collapse.

Whatever we create today...

whatever we do...

will all pass away...

but in you Germany will live on.

And when we can no longer hold...

the flag that we tore from nothing...

you must hold it firmly in your fists!

And I know
that it cannot be any other way...

as we bind ourselves together.

For you are flesh of our flesh
and blood from our blood. !

The same spirit that governs us...

burns in your young minds.

And when the great columns
of the movement...

sweep through Germany today...

then I know that you will close ranks...

and we know that Germany
lies in front of us...

Germany marches within us...

and Germany follows behind us. !

Air Marshal (later Reichsmarschall)
Hermann Wilhelm Goering, Hitler...

and Minister of w*r
General Werner Von Blomberg,
review units of the Reichswehr

Ride by of the 18th Cavalry Regiment
and modern armored cars
and g*n caissons of the Reichswehr

Night Rally of Political Leaders

Architect Albert Speer's
"Sea of Flags"...

and "Cathedral of Lights"
on Zeppelin Field.

Ayear ago...

we met for the first time
on this field:

the first general review
of political leaders...

of the National Socialist Party.

200,000 men have assembled here.

They are not here
at the summons of their hearts alone...

but also at the summons
of their loyalty.

It was the great calamity of our people
that drove us to the struggle...

brought us together...

and left us greater.

Those who do not understand...

have not experienced
the same calamities among their people.

These things appear
enigmatic and mysterious...

that hundreds of thousands
would be led to assemble...

amidst calamity and passion.

Others cannot understand...

that this is not
an order of the State. !

They are deceiving themselves. !

The State does not order us. !

We order the State. !

The State did not create us. !

Rather we created our own State. !

No, the movement lives...

and it is grounded hard and fast.

And as long as one of us
can draw a breath...

he will give his strengths
to the movement...

just as it was in yesteryear.

Then drum will join drum...

flag will join flag...

group will join group,
Gau to Gau...

and after that,
this earlier divided people...

will follow these sacred columns
of the Nation.

It would be an outrage
if we were to lose...

what we have fought for...

with so much labor,
so much worry...

so much sacrifice,
and so many privations.

One cannot live faithfully
and give up...

what has given meaning and purpose
to one's entire life.

That would not be so...

if it were not a cardinal command.

And no earthly power
gave us that command.

For the God, our God, who created
our people, gave us that command. !

So it is our vow this evening...

that each hour, on every day...

to think only of Germany
of the People and Reich...

and of our German nation. !

To the German people. !
Hail Victory. ! Hail Victory. !

Review of SA and SS and Commemoration
of the recent death on August 2, 1934...

of Reichspr?sident and General
Feldmarshall Paul von Hindenburg

Heinrich Himmler, Reichsf?hrer-SS
and Chief of the German Police, Hitler,
and Viktor Lutze, Stabchef-SA

SA, NSKK, and SS Party formations
offer an oath of fealty to Adolf Hitler

Viktor Lutze, Storm Troopers (SA)
Chief of Staff

My F?hrer (My Leader):

Just as we have always done our duty
to you in the past...

so too in the future,
we await your orders alone.

And we, Comrades, know only to obey...

the orders of our F?hrer...

and to prove that we have remained
true to the F?hrer.

Our F?hrer, Adolf Hitler:

Hail Victory. ! Hail Victory. !

SA and SS men:

A few months ago...

a dark shadow cast itself
across our Movement.

The SA and other institutions
of the Party...

had nothing whatsoever to do
with this shadow.

They who would believe that a rift has
opened in the unity of the Movement...

deceive themselves.

It stands fast as this block here...

and nothing in Germany
will break it.

And when anyone does harm
to the spirit of my SA...

then the SA will not be harmed...

but those who do this harm...

will injure only themselves!

And only a fool
or a known liar...

could think...

that I would ever
disband an organization...

that took us so many years to build.

My Comrades...

we stand fast together
for our Germany...

and we must stand fast together
for this Germany.

And I hand to each of you
the new insignia...

placing them with confidence...

in the hands that I see as the most
trustworthy there are in Germany.

For in the past you have proven
your loyalty to me a thousand times.

In the time to come, it cannot
and will not be any different.

And so I greet you as my old,
faithful SA and SS men. !

Hail Victory. ! Hail. !
Hail. ! Hail. !

Honor g*n salute of the army
to the Party standards

Hitler presents new colors
to the assembled Party formations...

touching each new flag
to the Blutfahne, the "Blood Banner"...

carried by SS-Standartenf?hrer
Jakob Grimminger...

the same man
who carried this flag during
the abortive Munich putsch of 1923

Hitler's grand review
of all paramilitary formations
of the NSDAP...

in Adolf Hitler Platz
in front of the Frauenkirche
(the Church of Our Lady)

March past of SA Honor Guard units
led by Viktor Lutze

Salute of Julius Streicher,
Gauleiter of Nuremberg-Upper Franconia

Parade of the "Storm Flags"

Grand Admiral Eric Raeder

Hermann G?ring in SA uniform

SA Stabchef (SA-Chief of Staff)
Viktor Lutze

Hermann G?ring and...

Rudolf Hess take the salute

Max Amann, Reichsleiter
in charge of the NSDAPpress

Walter Buch, Reichsleiter
and Chief Judge of the NSDAP Court

Viktor Lutze, SA Chief of Staff

Dr. Robert Ley, Reichsleiter
and Head of the German Labor Front

Gauleiter of Munich and Upper Bavaria
and SA-Obergruppenf?hrer Adolf Wagner

Alpine units of the SA Storm Troopers

General Franz Xavier Ritter von Epp,
NSDAPReichsleiter and
Reichsstatthalter (Governor) of Bavaria

Reich Air Defense League march past

Old Guard SA Feldherrnhalle Regiment
march past

NSKK(National Socialist
Transportation Corps) march past

Gau Standard Bearers march past

Adolf Hitler Platz
in the old city center

Reichsarbeitsdienst- RAD
(Reich Labor Service) march past

Senior army, police and political
officers, including Lieutenant General
(later General Field Marshall)...

Gerd von Rundstedt,
salute the Reich Labor Service men
in their march past the F?hrer

Konstantin Hierl, Reichsleiter
and Reichsarbeitsf?hrer
(Reich Labor Service Leader- RAD)

Reich Minister Dr. Goebbels

Band of the SS (Schutzstaffel)
Elite Guard

Obergruppenf?hrer- SS Julius Schaub,
Hitler's personal SS-Adjutant

Heinrich Himmler, Reichsf?hrer- SS,
leads the march past of the SS

Obergruppenf?hrer- SS Sepp Dietrich,
Commander of Hitler's
personal bodyguard...

the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler
(SS Bodyguard Regiment Adolf Hitler)

Reichsf?hrer- SS Heimlich Himmler
salutes the F?hrer

Willy Liebel, Lord Mayor
(Oberburgermeister) of Nuremberg

Himmler and Hitler take the salute
of the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler,
the F?hrer's personal bodyguard regiment

Franz Xavier Schwarz, Reichsleiter,
National Treasurer of the NSDAP,
and SS-Oberst-Gruppenf?hrer

Hitler Youth boy and family
watch the parade from an upper story

Crowd anticipates the march past
of Hitler's personal bodyguard regiment,
the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler

Band of the Leibstandarte-SS
Adolf Hitler

March past of the Leibstandarte-SS
Adolf Hitler to Hitler's favorite march,
the Badenweiler Marsch

Color guard of the Leibstandarte-SS
Adolf Hitler, carrying the F?hrer's
personal standard

Army Chief of Staff
General Werner von Blomberg...

gives military salute to
the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler units

The parade step of the "Black Guards, "
the Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler

Closing Ceremonies of
the Parteitag (Party Day) week of events
in the Nuremberg Congress Hall

SS-Standartenf?hrer Jakob Grimminger,
carries the Blutfahne (Blood Flag)...

into the Congress Hall
for the closing ceremonies

Deputy F?hrer Rudolf Hess
at the Podium

The F?hrer speaks:

The Sixth Party Day of the Movement
has come to and end.

What appeared
like a show of political strength...

for millions of Germans
outside of our ranks.

For hundreds of thousands
of fighters...

it was ultimately more.

The great personal
and spiritual meeting...

of the old fighters
and comrades in struggle.

And, perhaps, a cross section of you...

despite the forced civility
of this review of our Party...

will return with courageous hearts

to the days in which it was difficult
to be a National Socialist.

When our Party consisted
of only seven members...

it already had two principles.

First, it would be a Party
with a true ideology.

And second, it would be,

the one and only power in Germany.

We had to remain in the minority,
because we mobilized...

the most valuable elements of struggle
and sacrifice in the Nation...

which have always been not in the
majority, but rather in the minority.

And because these are the racially best
of the German nation...

they can in the proudest self-esteem...

claim the leadership
of the Reich and the people.

The German people...

and subordinated itself to
this leadership in ever-growing numbers!

The German people is happy...

in the knowledge
that a constantly changing vision...

has been replaced by a fixed pole. !

Whoever feels that he is the carrier
of the best blood...

and knowingly uses it
to attain the leadership...

will never relinquish it!

Ludwig M?ller, Reichsbischof
(Reich Bishop of the United
German Evangelist Church)

There is always a part of the people who
stand out as really active fighters...

and more is expected from them
than from the millions of national
comrades in the general population.

For them it is not simply enough
to make the pledge: "I believe. ! "

Rather, the affirmation: "I fight. ! "

For all time to come the Party will be
the source of political leadership
for the German people.

It will in its teaching...

and was ultimately in its organization
hard as steel...

malleable in its tactics
and adaptable in its entirety:

yet it will be a training school
like a holy order for political leaders.

It must be shown, however,
that all upstanding Germans
become Nationalist Socialists.

Only the best Nationalist Socialists,
however, are Party Comrades. !

Once, our enemies worried us and
persecuted us and, from time to time...

removed the lesser elements
from the Movement for us.

Today we must examine ourselves
and remove from our midst
the elements that have become bad.

And therefore, do not belong with us. !

It is our wish and will...

that this State and this Reich
last for thousand years.

We can be happy to know
that this future belongs entirely to us. !

When the older ones among us falter...

the youth will stiffen
and remain until their bodies decay.

Only then, if we in the Party
with our most obedient dedication...

become the highest embodiment of
National Socialist thought and being...

then the Party will materialize...

into an eternal and indestructible
pillar of the German people and Reich.

Then our glorious
and laudable Army...

the old, proud,
standard bearers of our people...

who are equally tradition minded...

will champion the Political Leadership
and the Party.

And then these two institutions
will equally educate the German man...

and, therefore, strengthen
and carry on their shoulders...

the German State, the German Reich. !

At this hour, tens of thousands
of our Party Comrades
are already leaving the City.

While many of them relive
the meeting in their memories...

still others are already planning
the next review.

And again the people come and go and
they will be engrossed anew and happy...

and inspired, for the idea and
the Movement live on in our people...

and with the Movement
are symbol of eternity!

Long live
the National Socialist Movement. !

Long live Germany. !

Deputy F?hrer Rudolf Hess
at the Podium

The Party is Hitler. !

But Hitler is Germany,
as Germany is Hitler. !

Hitler: Hail Victory!
Hail Victory!

"The Horst Wessel Song"

the NSDAP hymn and unofficial
German National Anthem
after Deutschland ?ber Alles.

Raise the banner

The columns are closed tightly

The SA marches
with a peaceful strong step

Comrades shot by the Red Front
and the Reactionaries

March in spirit together
in our columns

Comrades shot by the Red Front
and the Reactionaries

march in spirit together
in our columns
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