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04x11 - Well-prepared Traps

Posted: 05/23/23 06:20
by bunniefuu


Your Highness.

I'm sorry for intruding

so late at night.

Since my captor

is here to see me,

I can only assume what happened.

Our kingdom has fallen.

The day is lost.

So it seems. Soon, at least.




In short, we've lost all contact

with the royal army, and none

of the messengers we've sent

to the b*ttlefield

have returned.

Prince Zanac's whereabouts

are also unknown.

My poor, foolish boy.

You had to follow your brother.

To think that both of my sons

would go before me.

I am relieving everyone

in the castle

of their positions immediately.

If they hurry, they might

still have a chance to escape

under the veil of night.

Understood, My Lord.

That includes you.

[gasps] Your Majesty.

I will stay here and

meet our conqueror,

as the last king

of this fallen kingdom.

[BABY crying]

I worry that the children

are making too much racket.

You can never be too careful.

If we offend the emissary,

it could mean our death.

I'm bored!

How long do we have to wait

for these guys to show up?

We got our families and

everyone from the Eight Fingers

ready to ship out.

Does this Sorcerer guy

care if we're all here?

Watch it, Cocco Doll!

Uh-- Sorry, I mean...

"His Majesty"!

You're our colleague.

We must introduce you to

the Sorcerer King's emissary.

[COCCO DOLL] Hey, don't

get me wrong, I'm grateful.

I was just venting a little!

That aside, I still don't

get why you bothered

to break someone

like me outta prison!

What are you trying to imply?

I'm a has-been. I lost all

my power and connections,

so it just seems

like you're being

awfully generous to me.

What's your objective exactly?

Why would you say

such a thing, Ampetif?

You're one of us!

Of course we'll help you!

We're in this together, always!

Uh-- Huh?

Okay, no, this is weird.

Something's up.

You're not an

imposter, are you?

You're the same old Hilma?

If you're a monster

wearing her skin,

just come out and

say it already!

You really think I've

changed that much?

Yeah! And you're all so thin!

Did you get on some

weird diet together?

You don't look the same

or act the same!

It'd make more sense if you

were a bunch of skin-stealers!

What can I say?

It shows how much

we've been through.

Been through what exactly?

[ALL gasp]

We'll be destroying

the royal capital soon,

so I've come to bring

all of you to safety.

I've been told you have ,

people that are coming with you?

Bring them here and

we'll depart immediately.

Yes, ma'am.

Come, Shadow Demon.

Pardon me.

If you could spare a moment,

while we're waiting on them,

there's someone I believe

we should introduce you to.

That won't be necessary.

Rather, we should gather

your luggage first.




You will stay here

until we can transport

you to a proper home.

I'll return to check

on you in a few days,

but you should have

adequate food and supplies

to last till then.

You're one of the

executives, correct?

Uh, yes!

There something

you require of me?

You need to be taken to

Kyouhukou, as the others were.


--[yelps] Hey! Ow!


But I don't want to go!

Help! No!


Yes, yes. Come along now.

Why are you all

making that face?

C'mon, say something!


There's nothing we could have

done to save the poor man.

Don't say it like that.

He will survive, after all.

It's better to think of it

as a rite of passage.

It will bring us

closer in the end.

Yes, you're right.

We thank you for your mercy,

great Sorcerer King.


Delay Teleportation.

Body of Effulgent Beryl.

Life Essence.

Mana Essence.


Good. Now I need only wait.

[ALBEDO] If the enemy

wants to make a move,

this will be their last chance.


I'll proceed as planned.

[AINS] Yes, but be careful

not to k*ll him.

Remember, our goal

is to collect information.


Of course. But what about you?


There's no need to worry.

I will play my part

to perfection.

You need only do the same.



Ah, excuse me, I mean,

as you wish, Lord Ains.


Chain Dragon Lightning, huh?


How insolent! State your name!



[AINS] Go, Albedo!

Don't let the enemy escape!



[ALBEDO] I'd catch him easily

if I could use my w*r Bicorn.

Not very subtle, are you?

Do you really think I don't

notice that you're leading me

away from Lord Ains?

He won't fall so easily.

But how far does he plan to go?

Perhaps I was the

target all along.


Revealing your power to me?

Be my guest!

[ALBEDO] Those aren't

even magic projectiles.

Are you just testing my armor?

Well, I certainly know

what's coming next.

Physical projectiles don't work,

so you'll try hitting me

with a spell.

Let's see it, then.


No damage.

Perhaps it's not attack magic,

but instant death magic?

Did you expect such low-tier

magic to work on me?

I find that offensive!

[ALBEDO] He's so weak!

It's like punching tofu!

[ALBEDO] What a boorish

little goon you are,

and cowardly as well!

I'll sever your limbs

and grind you with my boot

till you offer Lord Ains

a proper apology

for your insolence.

[AZUTH] Just what I'd expect

from a genocidal butcher.

[ALBEDO] Oh, and here I was

thinking you were some savage,

incapable of human speech!

Well, the people of this kingdom

might as well be animals,

seeing how foolish

and weak they are.


Your poison tongue is unbecoming

of a prime minister, Albedo.

Your invasion was

never justified.

You're the savages, using any

excuse to slaughter people.

No. You're worse than that.

You're monsters.

So call my methods

cowardly all you want.

This is a battle

against pure evil.


Let him talk.

Maybe the fool will slip up

and reveal something.


Nothing is happening.

How odd. Surely he's

not working alone.


Explode Mine!


I may be standing in the open,

but I'm hardly defenseless.


Life Essence.

It seems he has

a lot of HP left.

As for his MP, none at all.

A pure warrior class, then.

[AINS laughs] Thought you

were clever, did you?

Indeed, skeletons are weak

against blunt att*cks,

but I've taken special

care to address that.

Don't take me for a fool!

So, you can put

your hammer away.

No w*apon of the sort

will work on me!


World Isolation Barrier.


Wait a minute.

His HP dropped when

he used that technique.

[AINS] I'll forgive you

for the surprise attack.

I believe you know who I am,

but allow me to introduce

myself all the same.

I am the Sorcerer King,

Ains Ooal Gown.

Now, your turn.

Will you grace me

with your name as well?


Riku Aganeia.

[AINS] Hm. I can't say

I've heard of you.

Though that platinum armor

of yours does make me wonder.

There was a nameless warrior

among the Thirteen Heroes

that was known for the

platinum armor he wore.

Could it be that I'm

dealing with a celebrity?

At any rate, a pleasure

to meet you, Riku Aganeia.

So, may I call you Riku?


You may not.


Forgive me for being informal.

Sir Aganeia it is, then.

Unless you object

to that as well.


No, that's fine.


In that case,

Sir Aganeia, I have

a proposal for you.

Why don't you become

my subordinate?


I refuse.


You won't even consider it?

The strong are valued

in my kingdom, you know.

In fact, if you joined me,

I could easily be persuaded

to stop my attack on Re-Estize.

A talented warrior like yourself

is worth more than any land.

Hm. If he doesn't care,

perhaps he isn't from Re-Estize.

So much for diplomacy,

I suppose.


Cloak of Light.


His HP went down again.


Greater Teleportation.


My magic failed.

I see.

This must be the barrier

he cast earlier.

It doesn't seem to be magic

or a normal skill.

It blocks teleportation.

And physical objects, too.

Body of Effulgent Beryl!

[AINS grunts]


[AINS] Another attack

that reduced his HP.

I told you blunt damage

would not harm me.

Are you really that stubborn?

[RIKU] Keep talking if you must,

but your fate is sealed.

You will die within

this barrier, by my hand.


Twin Magic. Obsidian Sword.



Wall of Skeleton!


Blasting Staff!


Grasp Heart!

No good?


I need to move!

Greater Teleportation!

Body of Effulgent Beryl!

It's not just the weapons.

It looks like he's controlling

the armor remotely, too.


Call Greater Thunder!


Are you surprised?

While this Blasting Staff

doesn't have much physical

attack power, it more

than makes up for it

with its strong

knock-back effect.

Convenient for a magic

caster such as myself,

since I like to create distance

between me and my enemies.

Summon Undead Tenth-Tier!

Doom Lord.

[AINS] Now, show me the full

extent of your strength!


Seems to be about level .

A t*nk that specializes

in hand-to-hand combat.

His weapons have HP, too.

And I noticed something

when I knocked him back.

The swords were sent

flying with him.

That would imply that

those floating weapons

are a part of his

body in some way.

I must assume that he's

controlling them and the armor

from another location.

I think that's all the

information my Doom Lord

can draw out.

Time to finish things up.

Here as well.


Summon Undead Tenth-Tier!

Elemental Skull!

Unlike the Doom Lord, this

summon specializes in magic,

commanding the power of

the four elemental spirits.

I'm sure you're weak to

at least one of those elements,

so now it's time

to find out which.

Or, we can cease this charade,

now that we have a grasp

of each other's strengths.

Ah-- Wait! No!

I'm still talking!


Please! I beg of you!

Just a moment of your time!

I have no desire to

fight you to the death!

This all began when

Re-Estize stole provisions

intended as aid for

the Holy Kingdom!

I believe it's clear who

is at fault in this situation.

Unless you object to our

charity for some reason,

surely you don't think

we're wrong for taking action

after we were att*cked.

[RIKU] The action you

took was excessive.


What would you have done?

What if it was your

food that was stolen?

Would you still think

that this thieving kingdom

would be worth protecting?

[RIKU] Those who possess power

must use it responsibly.

You cannot act solely

in your own self-interest.

That's why I will

protect this world,

or rather, why I

must protect it.

Absolute power is

the root of evil.

A sin I carry as well, but

I won't beg for forgiveness.

Rather I shall use it

to extinguish wickedness

from the world,

starting with you.

Now perish!


Mind your filthy tongue!

You worm!

[ALBEDO] How dare you speak

to Lord Ains that way!

I'll make you suffer!

Get back here!


Albedo, stop! That's enough!


My Lord.


Sir Aganeia.

Before you depart,

I will ask you once more.

Will you not serve me?

I will grant you

whatever you may wish!

The gates of

the Sorcerer Kingdom

will always be open to you.

Come visit me

whenever you please!


A pity.

But with that, our job is done.

Good work.


Our enemy is still unknown.

I worry that there

may be eyes upon us.

We should return

to Nazarick immediately.


A fine idea. Let's depart.


I hope you weren't waiting long.


Hey, Tsa!

[RIKU] It seems you survived

your encounter with that demon.

Yeah, but I couldn't

even hit her.

Best I could do was

keep her at a distance.

Used every w*apon at my disposal

and she shrugged 'em off,

one after another.

I'm sorry.

Wish I could've

held her off a bit.

But that aside, how'd you fare

against the Sorcerer King?


Poorly, to be quite honest.

Guess that's it, then.

For the kingdom, at least.


Forgive me.

You put your life at risk,

and I couldn't finish the job.

Don't blame yourself for this.

I'm the one who couldn't

buy you enough time, right?


No, you did your part well.

Given your opponent,

I could scarcely expect more.

To be frank, time

wasn't the issue.

I failed to defeat the

Sorcerer King because he was

much stronger than

I had anticipated.

Still, it's strange.

The World Isolation Barrier

worked perfectly against

the Sorcerer King, but Albedo

seemed to break through it

quite easily when

she came to his aid.

The space was isolated

from the outside world.

The only way she could

have made it through

was if she used wild magic

or possessed a world item.

She appears to be subservient

to the Sorcerer King,

but perhaps she's the "player"

and he's the "NPC."

It could be a method to

protect herself from enemies.

Pretending to be


would have a few advantages.

And she did seem

suspiciously powerful.

Or perhaps the Sorcerer King

has more than one world item.

Though that would mean that he

chose not to bring it with him

to the b*ttlefield

for some reason.

So, he's strong,

but what do you think

our odds are for next time?

Even if we weren't

able to pull this off,

you must've figured

something out, right?

Y'think I--or rather,

y'think my suit could win?

[RIKU] Don't take this

the wrong way, Azuth,

but you wouldn't stand a chance.

Yet as you said,

I know his power now,

and that also means

I know its limits.

While I can't hope to

defeat him in a single blow,

I should be able to win,

provided he doesn't have

any allies with him.

Well, hey! Not bad!

Though I'd expect nothing less.

You are the world's

strongest dragon lord.

[RIKU] I do my best, but I'm

sure there are many beings

out there stronger than me.

Thankfully, my skill

set is well suited

to beating the Sorcerer King.

Oh! Before I forget.

When he asked for my name,

I said it was "Riku Aganeia."

Good to remember that,

in case it comes up.

I'll write it down

when I get the chance.

Does that name have

a special meaning?


Not at all.

I didn't plan ahead,

and it was the first thing

that came to mind.

Now that I think about it,

I hope no one is actually

named that, or they're about

to have a very bad time.

That should keep

the Sorcerer King busy,

trying to hunt down someone

who doesn't even exist.


Not only him, his Prime Minister

certainly seems like the

type to hold a grudge.

I could not have accomplished

what I did today

without your help,

and I can't defeat

these evil "players" on my own.

So please take care of

yourself until next time.

Azuth has been agreeable

thus far, but I worry.

Perhaps it would be better

to k*ll him and give his armor

to a more capable

and obedient ally.

Riku. I already have

blood on my hands.

No turning back.

I could blame his death

on the Sorcerer King,

but if someone resurrected him,

then they would

find out the truth.

I can't afford to do

anything I'll regret.


Outstanding work, Albedo.

Pandora's Actor.


Thank you.


Truly, I am undeserving

of such praise, My Lord!

[AINS] I observed your battle,

but I'd like to hear

your impression of

this "Riku Aganeia,"

since you interacted

with him directly.

His words, his emotions,

all that you could draw out

of this man, everything the

mirror could not convey.

Reveal it to me.