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04x10 - The Last King

Posted: 05/23/23 06:20
by bunniefuu

Huh? What the hell?

That's a powered suit!

Like we had in Yggdrasil!

Does that mean they're

a player like me?

I can't believe they

were eliminated so easily.

[AINS] Mm. All according

to my plan, of course.




[COCYTUS] Ah, it took me

a moment, but I get it now!


What? You do?


Ooh, ooh, ooh!

I think I understand

the plan, too!

Lord Ains suspected that this

person in the red might appear,

so he reacted accordingly

with his deployment!

In other words, he sent

an underwhelming force,

because he never intended

to win in the first place!



Fine work!

A brilliant deduction!



So, wait, am I supposed

to know the red guy?

He's from one of only

three adamantite-rank

adventurer teams in Re-Estize.

They're called Drop of Red.

Our reports indicated

that they operate

in the north of the Kingdom.

Oh, so Lord Ains

att*cked a northern city

in hopes of drawing him out?


Like a master fisherman,

our lord seized his quarry.

[AINS] Couldn't have

said it better myself.


Now, the next step.

We should plan another

attack on the city soon.

Only this time,

we will handle it properly

and raze everything

to the ground.


Yes. Exactly what I was--


O-On second thought,

that port city is frankly

beneath our notice.

I believe it's time to shift to

the next phase of our operation

and attack the royal

capital directly.

If that's what you

wish, so be it.

We can always decimate

the remaining cities later.



[MOMONGA] While we're busy

finishing up this w*r,

they should have

plenty of time to flee.


Make preparations, for soon,

we shall march on the capital.

Every city and every

town along the way

will be flattened

beneath our boots!

Let's teach the world

what becomes of a kingdom

that defies Nazarick!


Yes, sir!




[SOLDIER A] Forgive the

intrusion, Your Highness,

but Princess Renner is here.

I'm busy. Tell her we can

speak during dinner.

My Lord, she said

if you don't meet

with her immediately,

she'll start spreading

unfounded accusations about you.

[sighs] We can't have that.

Tell her I can spare a moment.

But if she has those

other two with her,

then they wait outside.

As you wish, My Lord.

What is it?

[RENNER] I wanted to see

if Father was still alive.

Is that a joke?

What, do you think I k*lled him,

because I wanted to do

all this paperwork myself?

[ZANAC] Father's alive,

but he isn't well right now.

I'm having him rest a bit.

It's remarkable that you've

been able to detain him.

Without Marquis Raeven's

help, no less.

That settles it.

The military and the

head of internal affairs

must've taken your side.

Father kept insisting

that we could

talk our way out of this.

But we're long past the stage

where negotiation's an option.

I'm sure he just wanted

to save more lives,

but he only maintained that

position because he thought

the enemy's declaration

of w*r was an idle threat.

In reality, the Sorcerer

Kingdom's army

has been heading north

this whole time.

It would seem that

they targeted the border

near the Council State.

I assume that's to

prevent us from receiving

any support troops from them.

Quick to catch on, I see.

At any rate, the settlements

were completely destroyed

and all of their

people were massacred.

The message is clear.

They won't negotiate,

we must fight.

But enlighten me,

why do you think their

forces have gone unnoticed

until just now?

If you've figured out this much,

surely you know

the answer already.

Yes. It means some of our nobles

have betrayed us, right?

Still, who outside of the palace

could control so much intel?

Marquis Raeven, of course.

[gasps] What? No. Surely not.


This is his domain, isn't it?

Here's a thought.

Marquis Raeven loves

his son quite dearly.

What do you think he would do if

someone took his family hostage?


So, they forced his hand?

Is that what you think?

Well, it's possible,

but it's just as likely

he decided our kingdom

has no future.

[sighs] You've always been

more clever than me.

How would you handle this mess?

I believe the enemy

will be coming

straight for the capital.

So first, I must ask

if you have any army ready.

Well, yes.

[RENNER] And do you think

that army can win?

It's not a matter

of winning or losing.

We don't have any choice.

The enemy is burning

down our cities,

and they're murdering

everyone who lives in them.

Our chance of victory is slim,

but we have to fight.

We'll gather our soldiers

for one last battle.

The citizens will help.

Once they see the

cruelty of our enemy,

they'll want to fight, too.

I must admit, you've

truly become a king.


[RENNER] Your logic is correct.

I have nothing to add.

It's a pity, I won't

be much use in battle.

But as the face of our kingdom,

it's my duty to lead the troops.

If I die, then Father

will see this

to its grim conclusion.

You are free to escape

whenever you like.

I'll stay for now,

but I'll be ready to go

when the time arrives.


You think we should run?


Hell no! I'm fighting!

Hey, our client didn't

specify who needs to come,

and this hardly requires

the whole party,

so how about I take care of it?

Lakyus, if there's a reason

why you don't want us

coming along, just say it.

Uh, no. Don't worry,

it's nothing like that.

[GAGARAN] I bet it's

'cause the Drop of Red

will be at the meeting, too.

Their leader, Mr. Azuth

is your uncle, isn't he?

I'm sure the two of you

have a lot to catch up on.

I get it.

Yes! That's exactly right!

--So, I'll just--

--[TINA] Something's fishy.

--[TIA] Agreed.

--[LAKYUS] Huh?

Summoning us

and the Drop of Red?

What kind of job needs

two adamantite rank teams?

Could be a trap.

You think they mentioned

Mr. Azuth to lure us in?

[EVILEYE] Maybe. Either way,

we should stick together.

Plus, I'm looking forward

to meeting a famous hero.

Though I wish you had

introduced us sooner,

since he's a relative of yours.



This is the meeting place.

Yep, fishy all right.

We should prepare for the worst.


Come on in.

[WOMEN laughing]

So, uh, the thing is...

About my uncle--

some of the stuff he does can be

a little bit controversial.

[WOMEN laughing]

What's up, Laky?

Long time no see!


Your "lady friends" aside,

this is a business meeting,

couldn't you at least

put a shirt on?

Well, I could.

But I also could have

stayed in bed,

so let's just call it

a compromise.

You can't act like this!

Act like what?

--[WOMEN moan]

--[WOMAN B] Oh, you!

[EVILEYE sighs]

What a sorry excuse for a hero.

Get your floozies out of here.

Wow, kid, that's rude.

What, are you jealous, shrimp?

So insecure you have

to wear a dumb mask?


Charm Person.

Now scram.

Okay, no prob.


Charm Person. Go.

Sure, whatever you say.


All right.

Nice thinking.

I approve. Lakyus!

Everyone made it on time.



Whoa, whoa, cool it.

You're the last ones to show

up to the meeting and you

waltz in here like you're

looking for a fight?

Maybe we were just waiting

for your whores to leave,

you dirty old man.

Heh. You guys're the ones

who decided on this place.

Can't blame me for

having a little fun with it.



Very clever.

Now can everyone

settle down and play nice?

All right.

You are the leader this time,

so I guess that's only fair.

Then let me get

straight to the point.

I come to you

with a proposition.

I speak to Lord Azuth Aindra,

and the other members

of the Drop of Red.

As well as all members

of Blue Rose.

We want to recruit you

to an exclusive team.

[BLUE ROSE gasps]

One second. What country

are you folks from?

We're talking about

the future of the world here.

--[TINA] What?

--[TIA] Who's there?


No need to be alarmed.

After all, if we really

intended to k*ll you,

we'd do it quickly,

instead wasting time

with all these pleasantries.

I get it now. They're

from the Theocracy.


Are you sure?

An elite team of

their greatest heroes.

"The Black Scripture,"

I believe it was?

Though I heard

at least one of you

deviated from the

heroic path a bit.

[laughs] Seems I've developed

quite the reputation!

That said, I'm not special.

In fact, there are people

here as strong as me,

maybe even stronger.

I'm looking at you, Evileye.

You'd give me run for my money.

[AZUTH] So, I don't

think this is the time

to join your little club.

But while you're here,

why don't you help us

drive out the Sorcerer King?

No thank you.

Right now, our only mission

is to recruit talent.

Well, ladies, may I have

an answer from you as well?

[FIFTH SEAT] We have no

intention of forcing your hand.

If we're truly to secure

the future of humankind,

then how would we?

I require loyal allies

for the struggle ahead.

I'm afraid I'll have

to refuse. Everyone--

[GAGARAN] Come on.

You're the leader, aren't you?

You don't need to ask.

We'll follow your decision.

Very well then.

No need to waste

your time any further.

We shall pray for your health,

and for the downfall of the

Sorcerer King, of course.

[LAKYUS] Uncle.

What are you going to do now?

I'll hang out in the capital,

until the Sorcerer

King shows up.

No way anyone

can stop his advance.

So don't you even entertain

the thought of fighting him.

Run away.

That's not funny.

I won't leave the capital

behind. Can't we help you?

I've got a job to do,

and I'm the only man

who can pull it off.

That means I gotta

do it all on my own.



You think you can k*ll

the Sorcerer King?

[AZUTH] Wouldn't even

dream of it, little lady.

But as long as I'm alone,

I'll be fine.

Even if he surrounds

the whole capital,

he won't be able to catch me.

Well, time to get

some bodies rocking,

if you ladies catch my drift.

Sorry for the wait, my dears!


Get over here, silly!


Your Highness.

Yes, I know.


Lord Ains.

An enemy envoy is approaching.

And judging by his armor,

he thinks himself important.



[ZANAC] I am the crown prince

of the Re-Estize Kingdom,

Zanac Valleon Igana

Ryle Vaiself!

I would like to

request an audience

with the Sorcerer King,


Shall I shoo the

rat away, Lord Ains?

We're under no obligation

to humor our foe, after all.

[COCYTUS] If Lord Ains refuses

to converse in good faith,

others may think him

vindictive and close-minded.

And who will spread that opinion

once we've k*lled them all?


Let us take care, Albedo.

There are those

who may be stealing

glances at us from afar.


Forgive my negligence.


I suppose I'll go see him, then.


Shall I act as your guard?

[AINS] A prince has

come to face me alone.

It's only appropriate

that I answer in kind.

[ZANAC] It's an honor that you

came to meet me, Your Majesty.

I am Zanac Valleon

Igana Ryle Vaiself.


The honor is all mine.

I am the Sorcerer King,

Ains Ooal Gown.

Will water suffice?



Very considerate

of you, Your Majesty.

Ah, this is lovely.



With that out of the way,

we may begin our discussion.

[AINS] What did you wish

to speak about?

Perhaps you are rejecting the

justification for our invasion?

That part is clear enough,

but I still have a question.

Why have you chosen to engage

in such needless cruelty?

Why won't you accept

our plea of surrender?


Hm. Because there's no benefit

in accepting your surrender.

How is that?

[AINS] It is more advantageous

for us to make an example

out of you, and in doing so,

show the world how foolish it is

to oppose the Sorcerer Kingdom.

To that end, we will

decimate all of your forces,

then we shall march upon

the capital and reduce it

to naught but a pile of rubble.

And thus it shall remain,

for hundreds or even thousands

of years, a lasting monument

to the folly of opposing

the Sorcerer Kingdom.

That seems so close-minded.



You possess such great power.

So there are countless ways

that you could demonstrate

it to the world.

And yet you have chosen

to be vindictive instead.


One might think so.

Do you have a goal

in doing this?


How shall I answer that?


My friends from Yggdrasil

may exist somewhere

in this world.

That's the hope I've held on to.

[AINS] My goal is simple,

but shapeless.

It is honest

and straightforward,

but it slips through

one's fingers so easily.

In short, there is only one

thing that I am searching for.


That can't be all.

[AINS] In the end,

is that not the prize

that all creatures yearn for?

Living and undead?

And to achieve that,

you would rob others

of their happiness?


Is that such a surprise?

My only purpose is to bring

prosperity to those I treasure.

If I can do that,

why should I care

what happens to anyone else?

If your people could only

achieve happiness by making

the people of another country

suffer, what would you do?

Would you tell your subjects

to give up on their own joy?

Pure sophistry!

I do apologize, Your Majesty.


Please, I take no offense.

But do you truly believe

that this is the only way

to achieve your goal?

With so much strength and

intelligence at your disposal?


Mm. There may be other ways.

But they say that the

goddess of opportunity

has hair on her forehead,

but is bald from behind.

In other words,

when you see a chance,

you must seize it immediately,

lest it pass you by.

That's quite the

strange goddess!

Pardon me.

I didn't intend to

belittle your deities--

I'd simply never heard

of such a thing.

Forgive my rudeness.

[AINS] No, I only meant it

as a turn of phrase,

not an object of worship.

But the point is,

I will not take chances.

If I can destroy you

to better protect my

loved ones, then I shall.

Thus is w*r. Does that

answer satisfy you?

[sighs] I suppose so.

It's the duty of

any nation's leader.

We must act in the best

interests of our people,

above all else.

So, I do understand

your logic, at least.

I see why you won't accept

my kingdom's surrender,

and I see there's

nothing I can do.

[AINS] Perhaps it's my turn

to ask a question now,

though nothing comes to mind.

No, wait. The sword

of Gazef Stronoff.

Do you know who has it now?

I noticed that you're

wearing his armor.

Indeed. Though I

was given the armor,

the sword was entrusted

to a man named Brain Unglaus.

[AINS] Ah, I see. I know him

in passing, at least.

So, is he here with

your forces now?

No, to my knowledge,

he is in the royal palace.

[AINS] In that case, I suppose

I can destroy your soldiers

with whatever spells I fancy,

since you have

nothing worth saving.

It's not really

my intention to lose,

but I would appreciate it

if you'd use magic

that doesn't cause

undue suffering.


Mm. Fair enough.

Since we've become

acquainted with one another,

I'll make certain to slaughter

you as gently as I can manage.

[laughs] I'll call that a mercy!

Truly refreshing. I'm grateful.


Your Majesty.

Before I go, might I ask

one last question?



I fear my elder

brother was k*lled.

Were your subordinates

responsible for that?


Elder brother?

I do seem to recall

a prince being slain.

I see. I s'pose that's

closure at least.

Thank you, you've finally

put the matter to rest.



A dauntless man.

That must be what

true royalty is like.

[ZANAC sighs]

[AINS] In short,

there is only one thing

that I am searching for.



Well, that settles it.

I was never fit to be king

in the first place.

All I ever wanted was

to make this kingdom

a place worth living.


Your Highness!


You're unharmed!


What did the Sorcerer King say?

The enemy plans

to k*ll every last person

in the kingdom, I'm afraid.

Negotiation was never an option.


Welcome back, Your Highness.

It sounds like the talk

didn't go well.

No, but I never had

high expectations.

That's fair enough.

So, what kind of monster

was this Sorcerer King?

[ZANAC] I'd say he

was surprisingly human.

It's true.

He was certainly a monster

on the outside,

all bones and such.

But on the inside, he's

just like any other person.

Now then, what's

our plan of attack?

I'm afraid we don't have a plan.

We've lost our talented knights.

Most of them were wiped out

in the previous w*r.

Honestly, I wasn't

too fond of Stronoff

when he was alive, so I

never thought I'd miss him

at a time like this.


What do you want? [groans]

Don't move an inch!



Stay away!

Don't touch His Highness!


A rebellion at a time like this?

No, they're just desperate.

They'll do anything to survive.


Stand down, you traitors!


Wait. I'll speak to them.

Out with it, then. What

business brings you here?

Your Highness.

We've come to demand that

you offer up a surrender!

That is not an option.

Our only hope for survival

is defeating the Sorcerer King.

I confirmed that myself.

How could we possibly win?

He has a whole army of undead!

Perhaps our kingdom

cannot survive this,

but we don't all

have to die here.

If we offer your head

to the Sorcerer King,

then he may spare us.

We pray that he'll accept

it as a sign of loyalty.


There's no time.

Don't resist and we'll

make it quick.

I am a prince.

I will fight to the bitter end.

There's no fear within me.

If you dare to challenge me,

you must be prepared to die!

Lost your nerve? Face me!

Come and take this head

if you think you can!


Lord Ains.


Yes? What is it?

It would seem we have guests.

Some nobles from Re-Estize

request an audience.


Bring them here.

[NOBLE A] It's an honor

to bask in your glory,

Your Majesty.

Our only wish is to serve

humbly at your feet.

So, we offer this gift.

Please accept it.


Give him a proper burial.

[AINS] So, what happened

to the armor he was wearing?

[NOBLES gasp]


What's wrong?

Surely you wouldn't refuse

to answer Lord Ains' question.

Well, uh, I would

assume it's still

on the prince's corpse,

which would be in his tent

where we left it.


Hm. I see. Very well.

Splendid job, all of you.

And fine work

deserves a fine reward.

What is it that you wish?

[NOBLE A] Please spare me

and my family, Sorcerer King!

I pledge my undying allegiance

to you and you alone!


As do I, Your Majesty!


Yes, yes, no need to beg.

Don't worry. As requested,

I won't k*ll you.


Thank you, My Lord!


Albedo. Send them to Neuronist.

We'll find their families later.

Of course, My Lord.


I'm truly grateful!

Long live the great

Sorcerer King!




Uh. Yes, My Lord?


You heard the deal.

Tell Neuronist not to k*ll them,

not until they beg

for death, at least.

[AURA] Understood,

Lord Ains! No problem!

[AINS] And even when

they do beg for death,

she doesn't need to be

in a hurry about it.

Got it!

[AINS] I've lost interest

in this farce.

Cocytus, take command,

with Mare as your second.


Yes, sir.


Don't hold back.

Use the full extent of your

strength, however you see fit.