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04x08 - An Unexpected Move

Posted: 05/23/23 06:18
by bunniefuu
[RENNER] You spoke with

the Roble Holy Kingdom?

Not quite.

One of their representatives

did come calling, though.

Since they were in

such a dire position,

I thought we might discuss

some countermeasures together.

But you strongly

insisted we should

stand by our foreign policy.

So, what could I say?

You were the one who decided

not to meet with them.

Don't blame me!

You said it yourself,

didn't you?

There's nothing that

our kingdom can do

against a demonic

foe like Jaldabaoth.

[sighs] Let's not point

fingers, dear sister.

The issue is, we keep pushing

all our little problems aside,

and now they've piled up

into quite the mountain.

Since we refused the

Holy Kingdom's request for aid,

they had to turn to

the Sorcerer King instead.

In the end, his forces

defeated Jaldabaoth

and even provided some

generous post-w*r relief.

They're developing

an air of legitimacy.

If you didn't want them

to deliver the supplies,

then you shouldn't have let

them come through our kingdom.

I did everything in

my power to deter them.

We requested the right to impose

import taxes and charge fees

for the use of our

merchants and warehouses.

The Sorcerer Kingdom

accepted everything

without a hint of resistance.

What could I say?

And now, our nation

is full of their wares,

their wagons, their flags.

Their generosity on display.

Is a bit of charity truly

so threatening to you?

It's not "charity"--

they're plotting something.

Just like with the Empire.

They didn't become

a vassal state

because the Sorcerer

King is nice.

If we became a vassal state,

we might be joining

the winning side.

Have you considered that?

[gasps] Unlike our kingdom,

the Empire has all of its

nobles on a tight leash.

Also, the Sorcerer King

slaughtered us.

Siding with him would

cause a civil w*r.

Pessimism doesn't

look flattering on you.


I know she's just taunting me,

but why do I get the feeling

she wouldn't object

if I bowed down to them?

If only I had Elias's

guidance to rely on.

[RENNER] If you're thinking

about Marquis Raeven,

I doubt we'll be

able to convince him

to return to the capital.


The w*r with the Empire

crushed his will.

We should consider him

a lost cause, I'm afraid.

That aside, don't you

think it's about time

you ascend to the throne?



You promised me my own domain,

and I will hold you to that.

Why the delay?

Father's waiting

for the right moment.

He's planning something.

This is a trying

time for us all,

so please be patient for now.

Things will work out.

Soon enough.


This was supposed to be easy.


Oh, Baron Montserrat.


Baron Delvi. Baron Rokerlen.

Good evening.

[VIANNEY] To our faction's

great leader, Baron Philip!



My mistake!

It's hardly a drop.

But you seemed quite out

of sorts when we stepped in.

What ails you, friend?

[sighs] I had high hopes

for my faction,

but my all associates have

failed me at every turn!

The commoners are even worse!

I'm the head of the

prestigious Montserrat family!

You'd think they

would listen to me!

Our lands our fertile enough--

If they'd do the work,

we'd be raking it in!

I told them which

cash crops to shift to,

but they still won't do it!

"We don't have the manpower--

too many people died!"

or "Those crops can't grow

in this climate!" Excuses!

Isn't that how it always goes?

When you're ahead of the times,

the world never understands you.

Ignorance is the

enemy of progress

and the bane of a genius

like yourself! Right?

Precisely so.

Ah! It's a joy to speak

with likeminded fellows!

If only someone else would

recognize my sizable talents!

I don't know if I'd say that--

Since you have a backer,

at least one commoner

believes in what you can do!

Yes, Hilma is wonderful.

So true!

And you can drink your fill

whenever you so choose!

She's crafted the perfect

meeting place for your faction,

without asking for

anything in return!

As a proper noble, I intend

to pay her back fully!

Though the whole

kingdom will thank me

once I dismantle our

broken aristocracy!

One's age and rank

isn't everything!

Oh, my! You're such a visionary!

Isn't he?


Yes. Precisely so.

By the way, I hear you're close

to the Sorcerer Kingdom's

prime minister.


In fact, I'm writing letters

to Lady Albedo constantly!

[gasps] Then you know

of the situation, I assume?


It seems the Sorcerer

Kingdom is producing

a huge amount of food,

equivalent to our entire output.

But how?

They're a tiny kingdom and

E-Rantel is their only city!

It's simple.

The undead never tire,

so they're able to cultivate

a massive amount of farmland

in no time at all.


How troubling.

It sends a chill down my spine!

But they don't need that food.

It's sent as aid

to the Holy Kingdom.

I've seen it myself,

since convoys from the

Sorcerer Kingdom have been

so brazenly traveling

through my land.

That sounds awful, Lord Vianney.

The thing is, they're storing

that huge supply of food

in warehouses throughout

our kingdom. And the excess

can be sold at rock-bottom

prices any time.

We'll go broke! That's cheating!

[VIANNEY] Lord Philip,

please keep your voice down.

We're struggling enough already!

We can't turn a profit

if someone's undercutting

us that much!

You've gotten right to

the heart of the problem!

I knew you'd understand

if we told you.

[sighs] We need to do something

about this, immediately.

The question is,

how could I make

the Sorcerer Kingdom lower

their production of crops?


No, this is good!

If I can bring down

the hammer of justice

on the Sorcerer Kingdom, not

only will my domain benefit,

I'll be a hero!

It's three birds with

one stone. I can't lose!



I think this plan

may interest you.

Let's work together, gentlemen.

[ALBEDO] We're conquering

territories at a good pace,

thanks to the

genius of Lord Ains.

It's hard to keep up.

[ALBEDO] We're lacking

in skilled workers,

but it would look like

a personal failing

if I asked the

Supreme One for help.

[ALBEDO] "Problems encountered

during the transport of aid

to the Holy Kingdom"?



[MOMONGA] I get that we're

trying to show the public

that I have a good

relationship with Momon,

but this oppressive silence

is really ruining the mood.

Not that there's anything

I want to talk to

Pandora's Actor about.


So, uh, Nabe.



Just making conversation,

but how is Yuri's

orphanage going?

Have you been?

Not yet, I'm afraid.


Then, should we stop by?


All right.



Lord Ains.


What is it, Entoma?

[ENTOMA] I'm sorry for the

interruption, but Lady Albedo

is requesting your presence

at the Great Tomb of Nazarick

as soon as possible.



[ALBEDO] Thank you for heeding

my call so quickly, Lord Ains.

I have gathered all the

floor guardians before you.


Yes. So, I see.

Raise your heads.




It's unusual for you to call

everyone together like this.

Did something troubling occur?

Correct. It was

four days ago.

One of the convoys we deployed

to the Holy Kingdom was robbed.

They were ambushed in Re-Estize.


I see. And the culprit?

It was a noble from Re-Estize.

It was strange.

He had a small army

of commoners with him.

Seems they blocked

our carriages by force.

[AINS] If I remember correctly,

wasn't the convoy

lead by a merchant selected

by the Eight Fingers?

Furthermore, the carriage should

have been flying our flag.

In other words,

Re-Estize decided

to directly attack

the Sorcerer Kingdom.

If not that, then perhaps the

Eight Fingers have betrayed us?


It's not like that.


Hm. What's wrong, Albedo?


Jeez, what's with that look?

It's like when an office worker

screws up something really bad

and has to come

clean to their boss.

I don't remember

any of the nobles

from Re-Estize, though.

Did I piss someone off?

Albedo, don't hold back.

Whatever it is, tell me.


As you wish, My Lord.

If you will recall, we

formulated a plan to take over

the Re-Estize Kingdom by

manipulating a witless noble.

[AINS] Yes, the one you've been

sending letters to, correct?

They aren't personal

letters, I swear!

Wait. Sorry, never mind that.

I'm ashamed to tell you this,

but the robbery

was all his doing.

You're surely thinking

this was a clever ploy,

that the Re-Estize

Kingdom is plotting

something greater against us.


Mm. If that was the case,

then I'm sure you've already

looked into it thoroughly.


I have prepared

a witness for you.

This is the one responsible

for managing that noble.


Do I know her?

[HILMA] It's an honor

to see you, Your Majesty.

And in such good health, too!

[AINS] Before we begin, I would

have you state your name.

It's Hilma Cygnaeus,

Your Majesty!

Member of the Eight Fingers!


Okay. Right! That lady!

I-I didn't know anything

about this, I promise!

Why, I would never do anything

that went against your

wishes, Your Majesty!

This was Philip's plan alone!


I see.

Well, I hope you're

telling the truth,

but I will confirm that myself.

[HILMA whimpers]



[AINS] Were you involved

with the robbery

orchestrated by that

noble, in any way?

No, I wasn't.

[AINS] Do you have memory loss

or multiple personalities?


No, I don't.

[AINS] Hm. And do you have any

intent to operate against us?


Absolutely not! Never! Never!


A decisive response. Very well.

Even if your actions may

have indirectly triggered

this result, it would be unfair

to blame you for the crime.

I find Hilma Cygnaeus innocent.

But she's still his superior!

His mistakes are hers, too.

A leader must always

take responsibility.

I couldn't believe it!

I never thought he would

do something so insane!

--I warned him many times!

--[ALBEDO] How--


What you said is correct.

A superior should be responsible

for the mistakes of

their subordinates.

However, those words

should be used by a leader

to protect their followers.

It shouldn't be used by another

to force responsibility

on someone beneath them.

Albedo, if she is

responsible for that noble,

who is responsible for her?

Ah, well. That would

be me, My Lord.

[AINS] Correct and by that

measure, I am your master.

Which means this failure is

ultimately my responsibility.

No, not at all, Lord Ains!

I would never dream of blaming

you for this disaster!

[AINS] Cygnaeus, prepare

several new policy changes

and present them to Albedo.

That will be your punishment.


Yes, My Lord.

[AINS] With that,

the matter is settled.



How are you?


I have some fruit liquor here,

if you need to wash

the taste out!

[NOAH] The others are coming

as quick as they can!


I'm grateful for your concern.

But it's all right.

They didn't do

anything cruel to me.

[GROUP gasps]

Then, what happened?

This time, they took me

before His Majesty.

I spoke with the Sorcerer King.

And he didn't punish you?

[HILMA giggles]

Would you believe it?

He was a kind and

reasonable man.

I went there,

certain that I would die,

but His Majesty was merciful.

He had an air of true wisdom.

I see now that he is worthy of

the throne, above all others!

Hilma, they're simply giving

you the carrot and stick.


Perhaps you're right.

I've certainly used

that approach myself,

but you could never

understand how it felt!

It was so warm!

It's only because

I've tasted such pain

that the flavor of mercy

is so sweet on these lips.

I felt that I could

trust His Majesty

above anyone else.

More than that,

I wanted to trust him.

Fine, then.

If that's your opinion, we must

show him our unwavering loyalty.


Indeed! Now, let's get to work!

He's given me a new task!


Surely you didn't call me here

just to pass judgement on her.

Is there something else?

[ALBEDO] Of course,

I'll get straight to it.

That noble is nothing.

but what if someone is using him

for a much larger agenda?

Should we change our approach?

Can we conquer Re-Estize

the same way we planned?

I thought it best

to ask for your opinion

before we went any further.


Mm. I know you and Demiurge

are involved in the operation,

but have you explained the

details to the others yet?

I didn't assume

it was necessary.

[AINS] Then this is a fine

opportunity to tell them.


And me, too, of course.



[AINS] I'm interested in hearing

your opinions, everyone.


Yes, sir.

Operation Carrot and Stick

is quite simple.

We are to conquer the Re-Estize

Kingdom by inciting instability,

and then civil w*r.

The citizens will come

to beg for our help,

at which point, we will

enter their kingdom

to restore peace,

then bring it under our rule.

Lord Ains came up with the name,

but the suggestion came from

someone within Re-Estize.

To be frank, the idea was

quite clever from the start.

We hardly altered a thing.

But we need that nobleman,

and now he's thrown

the whole plan into disarray.


Wait, he did?

Seems like everything's

working out fine.

Hold on.


What is it, Shalltear?

I'm afraid I'm failing

to see the issue here.

We wanted trouble and the

foolish noble provided it,

without any effort on our part.

[MOMONGA] Thank you!

That's what I'm saying!

He chose the wrong target.

They're supposed to be

unhappy with their own rulers.

I never suspected

they'd be foolish enough

to attack us.

They might have someone

much more clever

than we anticipated

on their side.

If we move carelessly,

we may play

straight into the hands

of an unknown enemy.


Seems like a stretch.

Super geniuses don't just

pop up out of nowhere.


Are you sure that nobleman

didn't do something foolish

on his own accord?

Seems unlikely.

The man is a dunce,

but even that has its limits.


No, let's think this through.

We can predict the actions

of a logical man,

but not a complete imbecile.

Yet Lord Ains sees the truth

even in a fool's heart.

[GROUP gasps]

Perhaps the simplest

answer is the right one.

Perhaps arrogance and ignorance

warped that man's feeble mind.

No, but how?

No one is that stupid!

Surely not!

If Lord Ains says so,

I trust him.

Humans are not smart at all.

That makes enough sense to me.

[COCYTUS] There is no noble wise

enough to outsmart Lord Ains,

so I don't see why we had

to use one quite so stupid.

Couldn't you find a smart one?

Or are they all this useless?

Some are sensible.

In fact, a number

of capable nobles

have already joined

our side in secret.

But we have decided to gather

all the useless nobles

in a faction together.

A wastebasket we can burn

when the time comes.


Ah, a fine plan.

For now, let's decide

no how we should

respond to this noble.

As I'm sure you are aware,

the convoy they

stole supplies from

bore the flag of

the Sorcerer Kingdom.

How should we punish

such a brazen attack?

k*ll them and move on.



I don't think there's

any other solution, really.



So, we execute all those

involved in the robbery?


That's not enough.

Their masters share the blame,

I say the entire kingdom

should be punished

for their impudence!


I concur, My Lord.



That would be

my judgement as well.

But I wonder.

Are you recalling

Lord Ains' words of wisdom?

He told us that it is easy

to rule with v*olence,

but that gives birth

to more enemies.

And what joy is there

in standing victorious

upon a great pile

of rubble, correct?

[AINS] You remember

my words well, Demiurge.

I'm impressed.

Ooh, I remember them

as well, My Lord!

How could I ever

forget them, Lord Ains?

Uh, me, too!


Yes, yes.

I'm thankful for all of you.

[DEMIURGE] In accordance

with your wishes,

we must refrain from laying

waste to the kingdom.

However, we cannot give them too

light of a punishment, either.

I'm afraid this puts

our current task on hold.

We may have to scrap,

or at least,

substantially rework our plans.


I see.


Well, now I feel guilty.

Seems like a waste to toss

everything out just like that.


Are you certain, Demiurge?

Has our plan truly failed?


No! What a fool I've been!

Lord Ains is right!


I see now.

So, this is why you brought

the Empire under your control!

You want to use the

"carrot and stick"

on an international level!


I what?


[GROUP gasps]





Thank you for your guidance.

Very well.

Since we've received

permission from Lord Ains,

we'll give Re-Estize

a truly wicked punishment.



The Empire bowed to us quickly,

so they get the carrot,

but the ingrates in

Re-Estize will get the stick.

This message shall

be presented to all.

They will see both your wrath

and your mercy as clear as day.

And suddenly,

every leader in the world

will have to ask themselves,

"which do I want,

the carrot or the stick?"

This is exciting,

Lord Ains, terribly so.




No, no, no!

[ZANAC] Let us begin this

meeting of the royal court.

We have gathered here today

to discuss the letter

we just received from

the Sorcerer Kingdom.

"Our convoy was sending

food to the Holy Kingdom

when it was att*cked by a group

of people from Re-Estize."

"We, the Sorcerer Kingdom

consider this action

blatant hostility

and are willing

to declare w*r if necessary."

They've placed their seal

here, alongside the seals

of the Baharuth Empire,

the Dragon Kingdom,

and the Dwarven Kingdom,

all who support the

contents of this letter.

Next to them is the seal

of the Holy Kingdom,

and the seal of one individual,

known as "Faceless,"

who seems to hold authority

over their temples.

One question. Is it

possible this incident

was caused by the

meddling of a third party,

in order to destroy

our relationship

with the Sorcerer Kingdom?

I can't confirm that there

isn't a larger conspiracy,

but frankly, even if there is,

this falls squarely

on our shoulders.

How far have you looked

into this matter?

The truth is, we have already

confirmed the culprit.

[NOBLES murmur]

Baron Philip Dayton

L'Eyre Montserrat

is the one responsible.


I've never heard of him.

Whoever he is, I can't imagine

one of our nobles doing

something so obviously suicidal.

This must be a ploy,

orchestrated by the

Sorcerer Kingdom.


I agree.

Perhaps he was afflicted

with Charm Person

and made to do it

against his will.

Then we must hurry,

the Sorcerer Kingdom

will want to silence him.

Call him here. He'll

retain his memories,

even if he was mind controlled.

After that, I think we should

we take the man's head.

It will aid our negotiations.

What are you saying, you fool?

[ZANAC] Father. We should

not fight against

the Sorcerer Kingdom,

no matter the circumstances.

Then you would

sacrifice the life

of an innocent noble in an

attempt to appease our enemy?

I ask you, my son,

is that what the future king

of this land should say?

It's not that simple!

Someone who witnessed

the tragedy

of the Katze Plains

should know that.


Even after seeing what

they're capable of,

you still think

it's wise to fight

against the Sorcerer Kingdom?

I'm firmly opposed to it.

Call me cowardly if you like,

but this isn't a battle

we can hope to win.

So, yes.

I would offer up the life of

a nobleman, innocent or not!

I refuse to see our

nation come to ruin!


Your Majesty,

Prince Zanac doesn't

mean to be callous, He simply

wants to protect this kingdom

the same as the rest of us.

Rather than fight, might we

do as the Empire did?

We could submit ourselves

as a vassal state

and settle all this.

Are you out of your mind?

Try showing some dignity!

Minister, this is absurd.

No. I'm afraid

that's the one thing

we simply can't do.

How many lives were lost

protecting this kingdom?

It would be an insult

to their sacrifice

if we gave in so easily.

I do value your opinion,

but I cannot accept this.


Of course, I understand.

[RAMPOSA III] Zanac. I believe

I might have a solution.


Really? You're certain?


[SOLIDER A] A herald comes

from the Sorcerer Kingdom!

Prime Minister Albedo will

arrive in the royal capital

any moment now.

[NOBLES gasp]

Very well.

Prepare the throne room and

I will meet with her, myself.

Welcome, Lady Albedo.

It's been some time.

Thank you for seeing me

on short notice, Your Highness.

Now, civilities aside,

what is it that brings

you here today?

Well, just recently,

we were transporting some

relief supplies

through your kingdom.

They were stolen

by a certain noble.

[RAMPOSA III] I just heard

of the matter, myself.

As ruler of this nation,

I would like to apologize

for the inexcusable

actions of my subject.


...if I were to offer

my head to you,

would that be enough

to settle this matter?