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04x07 - Frost Dragon Lord

Posted: 05/23/23 06:17
by bunniefuu
[RIYURO] So, the enemy

had a secret w*apon?

One so powerful that you

abandoned the plan and fled?

Think you were followed?


I can't be sure.

But we destroyed the bridge.

It would be pretty difficult for

the enemy to chase us down.

Golems in black armor,

but you only saw two?

If the dwarves mount

an attack on us,

I have a feeling they may

break out a few more.

So? What's it gonna

take to beat 'em?


They're strong, Lord Riyuro.

But they're no match for you.


Want one?

No. I'm fine.

--Your loss.

--[door opens]


Clan Lord!

A small party is approaching us,

from the direction

of the dwarven city!

Seems they found a way

to follow you here after all.

If they're that bold,

they probably have

some golems with them.

I'm going to pay

the dragons a visit.

Yohz, move all the Quagoa

to the abandoned district,

just to be safe.

So, we won't fight?


Why would we do that

when the dragons

can fight for us?

That way, we'll weaken both

of our enemies at once.


Clan Lord Riyuro.

What brings you here?

Tell me.

[RIYURO] First, allow me

to humbly thank you

for this audience, Great White

Dragon Lord, Olasird'arc.

You can spare the flattery.

[RIYURO] Of course. Getting

straight to the point, then.

I've come in hopes of borrowing

some of your strength

to vanquish a group of

invaders marching on our city.

We believe the enemies

to be dwarves.

I'd like to teach them a lesson.

If Lord Olasird'arc would

defeat them on our behalf,

we could offer a fitting reward.

What say you, honored wives?

Let's remind them

who this city belongs to.

Squashing a few lowly

dwarves should be simple.

That's my sentiment, too.

A dragon lord

should instill fear

in the hearts of those

who oppose them.

I agree, but I

don't much like it.

It's terribly audacious

of them to attack,

knowing that we're here.

Perhaps these troops are

more formidable than we think.

But if that's true, it would

be foolish to ignore them.

So be it.

Rejoice, lowly Quagoa,

for I have decided

to grant your request.


Thank you. That's very generous.

But I will require

ten times more gold.

That seems like a bit much!

Your survival comes

free of charge,

but I have named the

price of my assistance.


No, you're right. Of course.

Just allow us to

prepare the money.


Will you be going personally?

Of course not. I'll send

one of our sons.

Anyone have a suggestion?

This would be a fine test

for my eldest child.

You mean Hejinmal?

He's sharp, you know.

Any dragon could defeat

a couple of dwarves,

but he may be able to

negotiate terms with them

that would benefit you far more.

Very well. Bring Hejinmal to me.


He won't leave his room.


I know you love to tease,

but now's not the time!

Break his door down!

But, My Lord, you've always said

we should take great care not

to destroy your precious castle.

Enough of this,

I'll get him myself.

[OLASIRD'ARC] It's your father,

open the door now.


I won't ask again.

Don't defy me!

[gasps] Wh-Why, hello, Father!

To what do I owe

this great honor?

I have a job for you.

It's time to prove your worth.

Apparently, the dwarves are

coming to attack the Quagoa

and they need us.

Take care of it quickly.




I was just sneezing, that's all!

I'm terrible at fighting.

Why did they ask me?

[HEJINMAL] Well, the dwarves

don't know that.

Hopefully they'll run

when they see a dragon,

even a cowardly one.

[HEJINMAL grunts]


One dwarf, an I-don't-know-what,

and a dark elf?

They look tiny, is it a child?


That's an elder lich!

My frost breath will be

completely useless on him!

I bet he'll cast a nasty

fireball and burn me up!

Why is he wearing

such a fancy robe?

Who is he?

Ugh. My stomach hurts.

You're about to enter a dragon's

nest. Perhaps you're lost?

[clears throat] I mean,

please state your business here.

[AINS] I assume you're the

frost dragon that's taken over

the dwarven capital?

You seem a bit soft

around the edges.

I... I am the son

of that fearsome dragon!


Um, uh-oh.

These people--they're not

afraid of dragons at all!

That can't be a good sign!

[AINS] Let's see how "fearsome"

you truly are, shall we?

--Grasp Heart--

--[HEJINMAL] Please wait!

I am Hejinmal, most noble sir!

Might you grant me the honor

of hearing your name?


I am Ains Ooal Gown.

But why are you making

that strange pose?

This is a gesture to

express my utmost adoration!

Why, it only took a glance for

me to realize that Lord Gown

is a man of

extraordinary status!


So, you submit to me?

At the very least, I can

find use for your parts:

meat, fangs,

scales and the like.

Stand up for a moment.


I see.

Dragons survive

these cold conditions

by accumulating

subcutaneous fat.

Actually, the fat belly

is kind of specific to me.



So, you're a rarity

among your species?


That's a generous way to put it!

[AINS] In that case, it would

be a waste to k*ll you.

How many other

dragons are there?

Plenty! There are

four larger than me,

six about my size,

and nine that are smaller.



Aura, you may have

this dragon, if it suits you.

Thank you so much, Lord Ains!

Just so there's

no misunderstanding,

I'll make it clear

that I'm his superior.





My apologies, I assure you

I only urinated out

of unbridled joy!


This is not uncommon with pets.

In fact, Ankoro

Mocchi Mochi said

that her dog used to piddle

when it was excited to see her.

Troublesome, but harmless.

Even Supreme Beings

deal with pet pee?

[AINS] Just think of it

as an expression of emotion.

Well then, perhaps I

too should urinate

to express the joy I feel

standing beside you.

How about no?

Also, the fact that you

suggested that so casually

is kind of creepy.

[AINS] Yes, let's leave

the public urination

to the pets, please.

Otherwise, I might

collapse in shock.

--[SHALLTEAR, AURA chattering]

--[AINS laughing]

So, what are we going to do now?


I'll leave the Quagoa

in Aura and Shalltear's

capable hands.

In the meantime,

I'll take our new pet

and go deal with

the frost dragons.


Here, Your Great Majesty.

Uh. Beyond this door

lies my father,

the dragon lord Olasird'arc,

along with his three wives.

If all of his queens are there,

then I assume we're

about to see your mother?


I'm sure this is

gonna be a bloodbath,

but perhaps you could save

the boy's mother at least?

[AINS] No promises,

but I shall do my best.

That's very generous of you,

Your Great Majesty!


You needn't be quite so formal.

So long as you are loyal,

you may call me "Ains"

or "Sorcerer King."


Thank you, Your Majesty

the Sorcerer King!

The man standing upon my back

is the Sorcerer King

Ains Ooal Gown!

His Majesty shall

henceforth rule this land

and all dragons

that reside here.

You shame yourself!



Dragon Lord. If you submit to me

without question,

I will allow you to live.

I would never bow

to a skeleton.


I see that my mercy is wasted

on one as witless as yourself.

Such insolence!

I'll grind you to dust!


Grasp Heart!


[AINS] Hejinmal.

Which one is your mother?

Dragons have valuable parts,

so I'll be k*lling the

other two in short order.


--[MIANATALON] Here! Me!

[AINS] What? Did one

mother lay your egg,

one mother warm it

and one mother hatch it?

Yes, precisely so, Your Majesty.

It is my great fortune

to have three mothers!


I see.

A pity, but I shall keep

my word all the same.

Since you have been spared,

make yourselves useful.

Gather all the dragons

in this castle

and inform them

of their new ruler.


My Lord!

[AINS] Hejinmal. Collect

any dwarven documents

you've seen in the capital

and bring them to me.

Of course, Your Majesty!


And now we wait.


This is our chance.

Shall we open the

treasury and peek around

while everyone is gone?

[AINS chuckles] Quite the

little villain, aren't you?

This item can only be used

seven times, but it's worth it.




Truly magnificent!


All right! Let's do this!

[AURA] I've contained

them in this space,

so our first order

of business is to see

if they'll join us willingly.

And if they refuse, I will

butcher them aggressively

until only , remain.

Just don't overdo it.

Maybe "aggressively"

isn't the right word.

What I meant to say is that

I'll butcher them cautiously

with the utmost care,

so nothing goes wrong!

Use your head, okay?

That's precisely what I've

been doing this entire time!

And speaking of using my head,

I've mulled it over,

and I truly don't think there's

anything here powerful enough

to defeat our Death Knights.

I can't help but feel

that Lord Ains' concerns

are a bit unfounded for once.

Were you always such a dope?

If you were really thinking,

you would have

figured it out by now!

The only reason

the Death Knights died

is 'cause they fell

down the chasm.

Their footprints were on

one side of the bridge,

but nowhere to be

found on the other.

If they didn't cross the bridge,

then they must have fallen

when it was destroyed.

I don't see how

that changes things,

as it still means that

Lord Ains guessed wrong.

Ugh! You know how

perceptive Lord Ains is!

He figured it out ages ago.

[AURA] When I was checking

the ground for footprints,

he signaled for me to stay quiet

before I said what happened

to the Death Knights.

I thought he shushed you

because he was talking.

But wait, he did

that to test me?

More like he was

encouraging you to think.

It's good to prepare

for every possibility.

But you didn't hear

that from me.

Let's say you figured it

out yourself, okay?

Yes. It'll be our

secret, of course!

Where did all of

this fog come from?

Hey Yohz.

Just to be clear, those two

aren't golems, are they?

No, sir. They're

smaller, for one.


We've got a whole army here,

and they're waltzing

right up to us.

That's not a good sign.

Don't do anything aggressive.

Let me talk to them.

What?! On your own?

If they k*ll me,

then that's that.

I guess you can

figure out the rest.


Who are you?

I am the Clan Lord

of the Quagoa.

My name's Pe Riyuro.

So, uh, what brings you here?


We have come on orders

from the great and

wise Sorcerer King.

Our mission is to subjugate

your Quagoa clan.

Just you?


I'm more than enough.

Now kneel and bow your heads.

I was told there were

others in your party.

Would you mind telling

me where they went?

There's no need to tell you

that or anything else.

You may submit to

our rule or refuse,

but I will not indulge

your pointless questions

or attempts to deter us.

There are , Quagoa here.

It's simply not logical for

a force this size to surrender

without question, especially

when there are only two of you

and we don't have a

grasp of your strength.

I'm not going to argue with you,

but just so we're

perfectly clear,

we have been ordered to

cull your numbers considerably

and force your surrender

if you will not submit.

Can't we discuss this?

Only , males, , females,

and , children

will be spared.

Choose them if you'd like!

Once we're done

with the m*ssacre,

we'll take you to the

Sorcerer Kingdom.


[QUAGOA yell]

[gasps] Their bodies.

She's a monster.

[SHALLTEAR grunts]


What the hell is going on?

The golems we fought were

nothing compared to this!

We've gotta make

a run for it, quick!

We can't run! Where would we go?

They didn't make any demands,

they're just--

just butchering us!

At this rate, I'll be

finished in no time.

[QUAGOA F groans]

My chosen heroes,

now is your chance.

Although the enemy is fearsome,

they're surely exhausted by now,

and if anyone can

defeat them, it's you.

Heroes, prove your worth!

[QUAGOA yell]

Lord, are you sure?


It's all we can do.

It seems their demands

will be met in the end.

At this point, all we can do

is choose who dies.

That means all hope is lost.

If they keep their word,

, of us will remain.

With a number like that,

we'll have a chance

to rebuild someday!

I would have surrendered

if I'd known!

You could have told me

how strong you were!


What kind of wicked kingdom

do you come from?

[HEJINMAL] I have returned,

Great Sorcerer King.

The other dragons are here to

pledge their allegiance to you.


You may raise your heads.

[MOMONGA] I mean,

allegiance is fine and all,

but I was kind of hoping

I'd get my hands on a

few more dragon corpses.


This is unacceptable!

Watch your tongue, Trangealit!

You look weak.

You think me a coward?

I'll k*ll you!


Grasp Heart!


[DRAGONS gasp]


Anyone else?


Greetings, Lord Ains!

We've followed your orders

and finished the

culling of the Quagoa!


[AINS] I see. They didn't

accept my kindness.

It seems they were more

foolish than I'd hoped.

[AINS] Clan Lord of the Quagoa,

you may raise your head.

My Lord.

[AINS] I am known

to be a merciful king.

I shall grant you a kindness

that you would have

denied the Dwarves.

Refusing to accept my

conditions was a grievous sin,

but I shall allow it

to be washed away

by the blood of your people.

So long as you work hard for me,

I promise prosperity

to the Quagoa.

Then we pledge our loyalty,

and I vow that our people

and their descendants will serve

you with all our body and soul.

[AINS] That's a fine

answer. I like you.

Thank you for your

outstanding work.

You've made me very proud today.

It was our pleasure!

Ah! Such kind words!

Although I'll never forget

the mistakes I've made,

the shame in my heart

can finally fade away!


Uh, yes.

So, did you encounter

any formidable enemies?

The Clan Lord's stronger

than the rest, but not by much.


I see.

Then who defeated the Death

Knights in the Great Chasm?


Aura, Shalltear, come with me.

I have a confession to make.

Do you remember when I told

you to be wary of our foes?

That they possessed

a force strong enough

to defeat my Death Knights?

It seems that was a bit of

poor judgement on my part.


It's all right Lord Ains!

I already know!

You did that for me,

so that I would think harder

and expand my horizons!

You only pretended

to say a foolish thing!

I'm touched that you would shame

yourself to help me improve!

My heart is overflowing

with gratitude!

You've been patient

with my incompetence

and thoughtful, always!

I'll remember this lesson!

[AINS] An impressive display

of personal growth!

However, though my mistake

was a ruse this time,

I am not all-knowing, and am

just as capable of failure

as anyone else.

Although I can't imagine

a Supreme Being

such as yourself

making a mistake,

I shall remain diligent

all the same!

It's a happy ending, right?

--[AINS] Now, now.

--[SHALLTEAR] Lord Ains!


No need to cry, Shalltear.

[SHALLTEAR] All I ever wanted

was to serve you faithfully!


I wish you well, Runesmiths!

May you sharpen your skills

and achieve success

beyond your imagination

in the Sorcerer Kingdom!


To runes!

[AINS] Don't you wish

to join your associates?


You're breaking my heart, here.

I don't have the talent

to be considered

a real runesmith like them.

Sulking aside,

this food is extraordinary,

made from such fine ingredients.

And I've never seen

liquor of this kind.

This feast is a farewell

that we'll remember

for the rest of our lives!

Now we can leave home

with a smile,

knowing that we're welcome

in the Sorcerer Kingdom.

Thanks to you, we're ready for

a new beginning. A rebirth.

[AINS] My apologies for

making you come all this way

to see me, Demiurge.

It was no trouble at all.

[AINS] I've taken a look

at your latest report

on the Roble Holy Kingdom.


I'm honored, My Lord.

And let me say, I am

in awe of your genius!

Why, in no time, you got both

the Empire and these dwarves

eating out of the

palm of your hand!

[AINS] I'm certain you could do

the same just as easily.

I only wish I was

worthy of such praise.

I wonder, how many steps ahead

do you see, Lord Ains?

[MOMONGA] I'm flying

by the seat of my pants!

Like now, when I can't think

of something cool to say!

Speaking of cool.

I remember a Guild in Yggdrasil

called the Millennium Kingdom

that used a crane on its flag.

Yamaiko told me there's

an old Japanese proverb

that says cranes live

for , years,

and turtles live for...


Ten Thousand.

[gasps] You see that far ahead?


No, it was a joke.

In that case, some of

your strategies take on

a whole new meaning.

For starters, you've been using

the undead for physical labor

more and more, as time goes on,

the whole world becomes

dependent on them.

It's almost frightful.


I assure you I'm not thinking

that deeply into things.

Yes, of course.

Say no more, My Lord.

I shall keep your

words in my heart.

Your vision of the future

is mine as well!



I'm counting on you, Demiurge.

I completely understand,

Lord Ains.

[AINS chuckles]


What are we understanding?