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04x06 - The Impending Crisis

Posted: 05/23/23 06:16
by bunniefuu
[QUAGOA cackling]


What's going on? Still no news?

Can anyone give us a detailed

report on the situation?


General! There are Quagoa

trying to invade our

stronghold as we speak!

We have magic defense items

installed to prevent this!

There's no way there's

that many of them!

Shut the gates immediately!

There are still soldiers

fighting, though!

Don't question me!

The citizens in Feo Jera

take priority!


Close the gates!


Don't let any of them in!

Spearmen! Get to the front!

Magicians, use lightning!

Thunder Ball!

[QUAGOA screaming]


Thunder Spear, go!

[QUAGOA scream]


Hurry! Lock it!


should hold them off for now!

The Quagoa will have a hard

time chomping through that!

Personally, sir, if I were you,

I'd consider deserting Feo Jera.

So, you're on the

same page as me.


Message! Message incoming!

General! This is urgent!

An undead entity appeared

at the surface entryway!

He wishes to speak to us

about the Quagoa!


What did you say?

You won't believe it.

They were able to get

a Quagoa to talk.

Nabbed him in Feo Raidho.

Apparently, the Quagoa

figured out a way

to get across the Great Chasm,

so this party rushed

over to warn us.


Allow me to introduce myself.

I am Sorcerer King

Ains Ooal Gown.


general of the dwarven army!

[AINS] What an honor that

someone so prestigious

has come to welcome me.

I assume that means the Quagoa

have been giving you trouble?

Ah. Very astute.

You were able to tell so much

from the fact that

I came to greet you?

[AINS] The situation

is rather apparent.

It seems that the

Sorcerer King's aware

of our current predicament.

It's looking dire.

It's taking up

all of our resources

to hold off the Quagoa att*cks.

And since we have

no additional forces,

we're considering

abandoning the city.


I'm here to offer assistance.

I'm trying to establish friendly

relations with your kingdom,

I would hate to

see it get destroyed.

Please consider

accepting my help.

Very well, but I must

speak with my supervisors,

the Regency Council.

[AINS] If you have time

to spare, I can wait.

However, I'm sure you've

heard the old saying

"a congress often dances

but does not move forward."

One moment, please.

What's our move, sir?

Come, Sorcerer King.

Let's discuss these details.

Your strength could

be a great help.

[YOHZ] So much for the Great

Chasm being impenetrable, huh?

Bet they're panicking.

Once we work our way around

that, we're pretty much in.

Those rare minerals

are as good as ours!

We will return victorious,

and Lord Riyuro will

be quite pleased.

Quickly. Go report to the

main force behind us.

Tell them we secured

the invasion route.

I'm on it, sir!

Are they conceding?

Let's butcher them. You ready?

No mercy! C'mere,

you little shrimps!

It's time to die!


[DEATH KNIGHT A shrieks]

Crap! What was that?

Did the dwarves have

a counterattack planned?

I doubt it!

They're never gone

on the offensive!

[BOTH gasp]


What the hell?

[QUAGOA scream]

What am I looking at?

Giant dwarves?


[gasps] Cut the bridge!

[YOHZ yells]

[QUAGOA screaming]


Lord Yohz!

Those cowards, I think

they used golems!

Used what?

It's a type of monster.

Those damn dwarves must

have tamed 'em somehow.

But the golems shouldn't

be able to climb

their way back up, at least.

Change of plans, men!

Let's fall back!

We'll notify Lord Riyuro!


We have no king

and are run by

the Regency Council.

Every decision is made by them.


I see.

If you don't mind waiting here,

I'll just be a just few moments.


Of course-- What?

[gasps] Pardon me, Your Majesty,

is something the matter?

[AINS] Forgive me.

It's a personal issue.

Nothing to concern

yourself with.


Then if you'll excuse me,

I'll go speak with the

Regency Council immediately.

[AINS] It seems that the

two Death Knights I created

have been eliminated, somehow.

[GROUP gasps]

[MOMONGA] They both died

at the same time, too.

If it was the work

of a single opponent,

they must be at least level .

Have I finally found a player?

That would explain

how they dispatched

those Death Knights so quickly.

Maybe we're dealing

with the same culprit

that brainwashed Shalltear.

Thanks for your

patience, everyone.

They're ready for you.

Please follow me.




His Majesty, the Sorcerer King,

has arrived!

[AINS] Greetings, esteemed

members of the Regency Council.

I am Ains Ooal Gown.

It's good of you

to come, You Majesty!

What a pleasure to meet you!

Please have a seat.

We have much to

discuss with you, sir.

Before we start, let us express

our sincerest gratitude

for your aid.

If it weren't for you,

our kingdom would have fallen

to the Quagoa by now.

[AINS] Everyone needs

help from time to time.

The general has already given us

a briefing on your goal.

You've come to establish

a friendly relationship

with our kingdom.

Is that more or less true?


Yes. I've heard that vegetables

are hard to obtain here,

so I can provide those.

And if liquor is

something of interest,

I can bring you plenty

from the human countries.

[ALL gasp]

Well. This all sounds nice,

but we don't have much to offer.

What did you want in exchange?


I desire ore.

My kingdom has little in

the way of natural deposits.

I see now.

[AINS] I would also like to

acquire weapons and armor

crafted in your workshops.

I'm told dwarves

make the very best.

Your Majesty, you have

already provided us

an invaluable service,

for which we are grateful,

but this offer will

require some thought.

[AINS] Please take all

the time you need.

There's no rush.

Shall we speak of the Quagoa?

I believe I have repelled

their invasion for now?

Through my strength alone.

It's just as you say.

Until you arrived, we held them

off with one set of doors.

Had they been breached,

many dwarves would've

been k*lled there.

[AINS] However, the peace that

we have won for Feo Jera

is temperory, I fear.


now that they've found a way

to get past the Great Chasm,

we can expect that

they'll attack again.

[AINS] Then you should not

wait until things are too dire

to accept help. So?

Shall I lend you my strength?

With my kingdom's power,

we can easily prevent

any invasion for the

foreseeable future.

It goes without saying that this

would be very beneficial to us.

[AINS] Allow me to

take it a step further.

What if we could go to their

nest in... Feo Berkana, was it?

Then I could reclaim

the old dwarven capital

for your country.

You say that like

it's so easy!

With all due respect,

that's too dangerous!

It's ruled over by a Clan Lord.

He controls all eight

Quagoa factions!

We don't stand a chance,

even with you.

Not to mention the capital

is impossible to get to.

Three impasses would be awaiting

you in the trails ahead!


And even if you're able

to get through alive, there's

a terrifying frost dragon

that's settled in that area.


Hm. How intriguing.

One moment.

Do you really think that we

can reclaim our old capital?




I find that hard to believe.

Why help us to that extent?

What exactly are you after?

Now, let us be respectful.

[FORGEMASTER] If a stranger

walks into a bar and pays off

your whole tab, you gotta wonder

what he's after, don't you?


Your suspicions are warranted.

But it's those sensibilities

that make you a desirable ally.

Despite their strength,

I have decided not to align

with the Quagoa, because

they are beasts at heart.

Furthermore, I recognize

the losing side

is always more grateful for

help than the winning party,

so this is a fine opportunity

to build our trust.


[AINS] The second reason--

and I'll be frank with you all--

is that you have something

I desire in return.

There's the catch.

Then this is a

business transaction.

[AINS] Yes, though it may be

different than you expect.

I want to invite your

runesmiths to my kingdom.



What did you say?

So, you're here to

enslave our people?

[AINS] Why would I do that

to country I wish to have

diplomatic relations with?

I merely want to invite

your dwarven artisans

to practice their craft

in my land. It's that simple.

How about instead

if we gave your kingdom

the right to purchase items

before they were

sent off to market.



The returns would not be high

enough to warrant such a deal.

I want to be the sole producer

of rune technology.

If you want our strength

to regain your capital,

this is what I am

asking for in return.


When can I expect a response?

We'll need until

tomorrow, Your Majesty.

Need I remind you, the Quagoa

are already attacking us?

Forgive my comrade here.

Can you please go wait in the

reception room, Your Majesty?

We will make our decision

as soon as possible.



[sighs] Just what

the hell was that?

I've never met a more

fearsome monster!

Man! I practically

pissed my britches!


The wickedness runs deep

in that fellow.

He has an army of darkness.

I dunno how comfortable I am

with giving them weapons.

There's no way he can drink

alcohol with a body like that!

We all know a guy who

can't throw one back

with the boys is suspicious.


That's for damn sure.

[GROUP chattering]



Our country's in crisis,

we have no other choice.

If we don't accept this help

right now, we'll be destroyed.

Only one man can save us.

And alas, that man's

the Sorcerer King.


Your Majesty,

after some deliberation,

we have decided to accept

the terms you have set forth.


A wise choice.

Then I will lend you enough

soldiers to reclaim

the stronghold immediately

and keep the Quagoa at bay.

As for the runesmiths,

we have agreed to let them

join your kingdom,

as you have requested.

You may take them

when you're done here.

However, we would like to

send an investigation party in

at a later date. To ensure

they're being treated well.

I'm sure you understand.

Do you accept these terms?


By all means.

I'll welcome your investigators

into the Sorcerer Kingdom

when the time comes.

[MOMONGA] They most likely want

to make sure labor regulations

are being adhered to.

After seeing how

Herohero's work treated him,

I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

I'll make a work

environment so positive,

it'll knock their

dwarven socks off!


Then, let us act immediately.


I'm here! Hey, Gon-boy!

All right. I'm ready

for that special thing

you promised me!

I'll gladly give it to you after

the Sorcerer King's speech.

Just sit and wait for now.

C'mon, don't tease me.

Just a sip before

he gets started? Please?

His Majesty has

the alcohol anyway.

That Gondo can be so stingy!

Never had booze

like that before!

I'm sure you know what I mean.

I don't like booze that much.

I didn't bother

tasting it, myself.

You gotta be joking with me!

Drinking's percent of life!

How wasteful!

Ugh. Same crap, different day.




An undead!


Huh? A monster?

--[AINS] Silen--

--[SHALLTEAR] Be quiet!

My apologies, Lord Ains,

did you say something just now?


It's all right.

I am the Sorcerer King

Ains Ooal Gown.

I have journeyed

from a kingdom south

of the Azerlisia mountains,

beyond the Great Forest of Tob.

It's truly a delight

to make the acquaintance

of skilled runesmiths

such as yourselves.

Now, what I have to say

is extremely brief

and it will be a

straightforward request.

I want you to come to my

kingdom and develop innovative

enhancement technology

using your runecraft.


I have a question, sir.

For what reason do you

want rune technology?

Honestly speaking, it's an

artform that's on its way out,

even in this country.


[ELDER A] Wow.

What a beautiful black blade.


Let me get a closer look!


Pass it here!

--Back away!



Be quiet! What a racket!


Please let me finish.

I'd like to know if

it's possible for you

to inscribe runes on

a single sword, like this.

Frankly, I've never

heard of such a thing.

To my understanding,

the most that can be engraved

on a single piece is six.

But that was done

over years ago.

It's just a record from

the golden age.



I see.

Then this must have been

made with technology

that has been since

lost, unfortunately.


You don't know where it's from?


I merely acquired this w*apon,

I have no clue of its origin.

The ones who created it

are no longer of this world.

Then that is a terrible tragedy.


My wish is simple.

This precious knowledge has

been lost to the sands of time.

I want to revive this valuable

craft in the modern age!

In order to do so,

I need the expertise

of craftsmen such as you!

I would like to try!

[RUNESMITHS chattering]

[MOMONGA] They were more

enthusiastic than I expected.

The presentation

went over swimmingly!

Man, I just love this

feeling of accomplishment!

I would jump for joy

right now if I could.

That was amazing

work, Lord Ains!

You really inspired those

dwarves back there!

You're the only man in Nazarick

who could accomplish

such a thing!


It was nothing.

I only spoke the truth.

What's wrong, Gondo?

[GONDO] I suppose that means

the Regency Council agreed

to send all the runesmiths

to the Sorcerer Kingdom?


They have.


I see.

My country doesn't have

a need for runes anymore.

They really gave

it up that easy?


Yes, Gondo. That's right.

But I'm different from them,

I see the potential

in your craft.

You may have been

discarded by your people,

but you will be

cherished in my kingdom.

That means this is far

from the end, right?

[GONDO] I thank you from

the bottom of my heart.

We will do our best

to live up to your

expectations, Your Majesty.

[AINS] Starting tomorrow, we

will be leaving for a few days.


Where are you headed, sir?


We're going to reclaim

the royal capital

of your people.



Your Majesty!

We came to talk to you about

your guide to the royal capital.

He insisted on

escorting you himself.



Listen, I gave it

a lot of thought.

I talked it over

with my companions.

I've decided to join you

as I know the quickest

route to the capital.

[AINS] Gondo, I can't have you

risking your life like this.

[GONDO] I'm well aware

of the dangers, sir.

[clears throat]

[whispering] There's a treasury

there that includes a manual

of rune technology passed

down in the royal family.

I want to recover it

no matter the cost.

[AINS] Are you asking me to be

accessory to your pilfering?

Is that not a dwarven treasure?

[GONDO] Please, if a country

doesn't care if it loses

precious knowledge like that,

does it really need a book

about its secrets?

[AINS] I have a feeling I will

have a sudden bout of blindness

at what happens to be your

most opportune moment.


[AINS] Gondo, I shall

accept your guidance.

Outgoing party! Open 'em up!

[GONDO gasps]

[SHALLTEAR] Seems like

the Death Knights really put

these filthy beasts

in their place.


As one can expect.

--Mass Fly.

--[GONDO] Whoa!

[gasps] The bridge!

What happened here?

The Great Chasm is perilous

enough to cross on its own!

[AINS] I assume this is

the work of the Quagoa?

No, that can't be.

An opponent strong enough

to slay a Death Knight

would have no reason

to take out a bridge.


Shalltear, allow me to brief you

on some details while

we have the chance.

Pen and paper ready, My Lord!

[AINS clears throat]

We're about to go into

an extremely dangerous place.

I feel the need to

preemptively warn you,

there is a formidable foe

out there who was able

to best two of my Death Knights.

I shall do everything in

my power to defeat them!

[AINS] No, that is absolutely

not what you should do.

I'm afraid I don't understand.

[AINS] You must consider

what the enemy's

likely course

of action would be.

What our opponent wants

most is information--

a gauge on our strength.


[AINS] They will likely send in

a disposable strike team

to measure our capabilities.

Find something interesting

down there, kiddo?

That what I think it is?

Um. Pardon, Lord Ains.



[AINS] As I was saying,

that's what I would do

against someone like that.

In fact, that's what my

comrades would've done, too.

You're sharing the wisdom of

the Supreme Beings with me?

[AINS] Shalltear, no matter

what, you must keep thinking.

Keep thinking. Keep

thinking. Keep thinking.

[AINS] Aura, what were

you trying to say?

It was nothing, sir! I'm sorry!


Mm. Very well.

Then, we should move forward

while preparing ourselves

for the possibility

of an enemy ambush.

[GONDO] There are still

two more dangerous areas!

The second one's a doozy.

[GONDO] A sea of lava with a

magical beast that--oh, well.

Alas, that's not all!

There's the labyrinth

of death, too!

It's a cave with

countless branching paths

where poisonous gas is

emitted from every direction.

Breathing it in

could result in death!

Gaseous or no, undead

beings aren't phased

by such inconveniences.

[AINS] Hence, we shall protect

the two of you with magic.


Breath of Titania.

[AINS] We'll be able to take

the quickest route through

using this.




[AINS] Indeed. We'll reach

the royal capital soon.

Ready to hear

the rest of the plan?



[AINS] The two of you

will deal with the Quagoa.

If they submit to us, fine.

If they resist, do not hesitate

to show them the

power of Nazarick!

Oh, heck yeah!

As you wish, My Lord!

[AINS] I'll take care

of the dragon, myself.


A frost element, huh?

I've heard that there are quite

a few living frost dragons

that make their nests

on the other side

of the Azerlisia mountains.

There could be

hundreds up there.

[AINS] Ninya. You wouldn't

happen to know

the name of the dragon

with the power over nature?



Sorry. No idea.

[AINS] She said she

would find out the truth

once we made it back to town.

A shame she died.