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04x05 - In Pursuit of the Land of Dwarves

Posted: 05/23/23 06:15
by bunniefuu
May I please speak

with Lord Ains?

Oh, I'm sorry.

He's out at the moment.

Well now, that just won't do.

I wanted to get authorization

to enter the final stages

of our project

concerning the Theocracy.

Suppose I'll have

to keep myself busy.

I'll be on the seventh level

prepping other work

until his return.

If you're truly in a hurry,

you can always

send a message to the Lord.

I thought you were

a loyal servant.

Doesn't that include conveying

important messages promptly?

[DEMIURGE] It's really not

that urgent, forget it.

Now I'm curious.

I would like him to praise me

for the work I've done is all.

It's rather trivial

to contact him for this.

So where has Lord Ains

gone off to?

To the Dwarven Kingdom.


That's surprising.

What business could

he possibly have

in a remote place like that?

You know as well as I

that one cannot fathom

the thoughts of a supreme

being such as him.

It's true: every decision

he makes is weaved

into a tapestry of schemes.

I may never see

the entire picture.

Even so. We are

his loyal servants.

We must strive to understand

as best we can,

so we're ready

to meet his needs.

Not to change the subject,

but he brings you up sometimes,

not in a positive

context, though.


He says things like,

"Have you heard from

Demiurge lately?"

And he seems to be

hinting that your plans

don't sit right with him.

Why am I only hearing this now?

There's one thing I'd like

for you to confirm first.

Was there a method discussed

to make the Empire a vassal

state of the Kingdom?

[DEMIURGE] It was considered,

but that would have required

Lord Ains' personal involvement,

which I could not ask

for as a servant.

Not to mention, that plan

itself would have taken

over a month's time.

Take a look.


It can't be!

The Empire has officially

requested to become

a vassal state of

the Sorcerer Kingdom.


But how?

[ALBEDO] I was in the

kingdom at the time,

so I don't know the details.

This all came about

after Lord Ains

visited the Empire

of his own accord.

Seems it only took three days.

Don't you have

something to say?

Pull it together.

We have work to do.

Lord Ains has ordered us

to handle the specifics

of the Empire's request.

Are you sure? You said

he had doubts about me.

Perhaps, but this shows

that he still trusts you.


[ALBEDO] I believe

he made the first move,

because he thought that

you were being too reserved.

He was likely

setting an example.

He's dropping a hint that

you shouldn't hold back

in future endeavors.

Read between the lines.

So it's my methods, not me.

In order to meet

his expectations,

I'll further improve

my performance.


Yes, don't disappoint him.

He must have gone in person

to the Dwarven Kingdom

because his plan

is deeply intricate.

He'll be quite busy.

[AINS chuckles]

[COCYTUS] Do you plan to travel

to the Dwarven Kingdom

yourself, Lord Ains?



[COCYTUS] I'll prepare our

troops for immediate departure.


No need.

I would like to take

a friendly approach

before resorting to bloodshed.

Above all else, I hope to

acquire dwarven rune technology,

including their knowledge

of ores and w*apon forging.

Let's strive to establish

a diplomatic relationship.


Yes, sir.

[AINS] I'll have Aura accompany

me as my main bodyguard,

with Shalltear and her

brood as our support.

I stopped by this village

to speak with a Lizard Man

who spent some time

in the Dwarven Kingdom.

Is he present?

[COCYTUS] I've brough him

at your request, My Lord.

His name is Zenberu.


[AINS] I'm determined

to visit the dwarves.

Can you guide us to their home?

Your Majesty.

What's the purpose of

your visit, if I might ask?

Is it friendly?


You dare question his motives?

That's awfully rude!


It's fine, Cocytus.

Zenberu hasn't done anything

to offend me yet.



[AINS] Now, I truly mean

what I'm about to say.

I have no intention

of harming the Dwarves.

However, it goes without saying

that conflict could arise

depending on how they

react to my presence.

I 'spose that's

all right, then.

I've got a history with 'em.

In fact, they've

helped me out a lot.

I don't want to return their

kindness with malice.

[AINS] Understandable.

You have my word.

Will you take us to them?

Sure thing!

[COCYTUS growls]



I wish to learn

as much as possible

about the dwarven culture

before we arrive.

I'd like to know everything

from the mundane,

to their way of life,

to what gifts they fancy.


Lord Ains.

I'd be happy to share,

but before we get into that,

would you like

to take a seat first?



[COCYTUS yells]


What is the meaning of this?

[COCYTUS] Shalltear did this

for you once, yes?

I would like to offer

the same courtesy.


That was punishment.

No need for you to do it.

[COCYTUS] But the

Lizard Man I brought to you

was awfully rude, sir!

It's the least I can do.

[AINS] I told you that

it didn't bother me.


I insist!


Fine! Have it your way!


This is awkward.


Tell me honestly, Lord Ains!

How am I?


Hm. You're rather comfortable.

[COCYTUS] So, between

Shalltear and myself,

which one of us do you

find more ergonomic?


Wh-Why do you need to know

something like that, exactly?

[COCYTUS] Well, I wanted

an honest opinion.

I worry I may require

training for those

who will mount me in the future!




Takemikazuchi, why?

[AURA] Looks like everything

on the list is accounted for.

And now with that,

we're ready to go!


We haven't even left and

you're getting way too excited.

You better not be thinking

about meddling with me!

I have huge plans underway!

Now's my chance to make up for

my mistake and show everyone

that, I, Shalltear Bloodfallen

am worth having around!

Have I made that clear?

I can't afford to

mess anything up!

Lately, I've only been

tasked with grunt work,

like managing

teleportation gates!

I bet that Demiurge

and Albedo think of me

as a mere incompetent child!

I'm certain that

Lord Ains does, as well!


[AINS] Aura, I'd like

for you to accompany me

to the Dwarven Kingdom

and provide security.


I'm honored, sir!

[AINS] Shalltear will be joining

us on our journey, also.

You think we need her?

Oh, wait.

We must be going on a mission

to destroy the Dwarven Kingdom.


Certainly not!

Although I am inviting

her for her strength,

the intention isn't to leverage

that against the dwarfs.



[AINS] Shalltear is one of our

strongest floor guardians

created in Nazarick.

However, being labeled

as such can be detrimental

to one's growth,

if not challenged.

She has even greater potential.

I would like for her

to continue to grow.

This is a fine opportunity

to push those limits,

as she will have plenty of

allies around to support her.

Lord Ains has never felt

that way about you.

He told me he wanted

you to come so you could

gain more experience

and broaden your horizons.

Did he really tell you that?

Said you're real strong, too!

But he also brought you

on this mission with him

to look out for you.

Learn what you can from him

while you have the chance!

That's a good point.

Maybe I should.

Although, I'm not sure

how to do that exactly.


Oh, Shalltear.

[MOMONGA] They really

are the spitting image

of Bukubuku Chagama

and Peroroncino.

They're always bickering,

but they're still good friends.

Preparations are complete,

Your Majesty.



[MOMONGA] Don't look at me like

I'm gonna steal your baby.

I mean, it is pretty special.

Maybe if you had

a few to spare, sure.

I'm all ready to go, Lord Ains!

Everything's in ship shape!



Then, it's time

for our departure!

[ZENBERU] We covered so much

ground in just one day!

Not bad!


Let us rest here for the night.



This area should do nicely.

Create Fortress!

[AINS] Everyone, please

make yourselves at home.

Find your assigned rooms,

and settle in for the evening.

[AINS] An unknown land,

an unknown technology.


Some places in this world

seem to have knowledge

from Yggdrasil.

I wonder how the Dwarves

learned about runes?

Could it have been

a player who taught them?

It's risky for a person

of my stature to enter

a place like this,

but I want to create

a friendly relationship.

Coming personally

shows my sincerity.

Best of all, Demiurge and

Albedo can figure out

that whole mess with the

Empire while I'm far, far away.

What was Jircniv

thinking anyway?

I hardly said a word to him

and he wants to be our

vassal all of a sudden?

Wait, did Demiurge pull some

strings behind the scenes?


No matter.

I'm sure things will turn out

just fine in their hands.


So, which room you want?

The one to the left?

Or to the right?


They're the same to me.

You're my superior anyway,

so if you have a

preference, then take it.

I thought I'd ask at least.

What are you doing exactly?

Just writing down some notes.

I'm taking this seriously

and don't want to forget

a single thing Lord Ains says.


Whoa, impressive! Lemme see!

[SHALLTEAR] I've documented

every statement, motion,

and decision he's made

down to the last detail!

Are you sure

that's a good idea?

Keeping track of wise

words is one thing,

but that's not what

you're doing here.

Like, most of this stuff

isn't even relevant.


Only jot down

the important parts.

Or things that apply

to you, at least.

Advice you can use when

you need to make a tough call.

Can you do that with the

mess of notes you've taken?

Well, I would most

certainly hope so.

[sighs] I'll take

your word for it.

You should go to your room

and study your notes.

Imagine what Lord Ains

was thinking

while he said those things.

Then consider what you would do

if you were in his situation.

So re-read the notes, you say?

I spelled it out, didn't I?

Honestly. She's

always like this.

It feels like I'm caring

for a helpless little sister.

I'm at my wit's end with her.

Well, now I know how

Lady Bukubuku Chagama felt.

Lord Peroroncino was

her little brother,

and he could

certainly be a pain.


Here we go! This should be it!

The crack here is the entrance.

Wonder why I don't see any

guards on duty, though.




Present, sir.

[AINS] Sneak inside and

see what's going on.




Lord Ains.

We found no evidence

of life in the city.

However, we did confirm

the sounds of mining

echoing deep within the tunnels.





Hey there! Whatcha doin', pal?


Invisibility, huh?


A-Are you a dark elf?

What are you doing

in a place like this?

Answer me!

[AURA] Actually, I was looking

for the Dwarven Kingdom,

but there was no one in sight.

I was hoping someone could

tell me what happened.


I-I see. Well, sorry.

Feo Raidho is empty now.

In fact, they left

three years ago.

It's just me.

Huh. Why don't

you show yourself?

I promise I'm not here

to cause you any trouble.

[gasps] Fair enough.

Seems like you can see through

the enchantment anyway.

Then let me start over.

Nice to meet you!

My name is Aura Bella Fiora

and I'm a representative

of the Sorcerer Kingdom.

Sorcerer what?

Sorry. I'm afraid

I haven't heard of it.

Oops! Where are my manners?

My name is Gondo Firebeard

of the Dwarven Kingdom.

It's nice to meetcha.

Pleasure's all mine.


So, Where did all the dwarves

who used to live here go?

Everybody moved to

a city called Feo Jera.

It's about six days

north from here.

Aren't you a little young

to be on your own?

Did you come here by yourself?

I'm with a party, but we

thought it would be rude

to barge in with

a lot of people,

so they're waiting

at the tunnel entrance.

Very well.

In that case, let me walk

you back to your party.

I need to give them

a piece of my mind

for sending you here alone.

Who throws a kid

into an uncharted cave?


A wise man, as it turns out.

Gondo, please allow me

to introduce myself.

[screams] Oh no!

It's a monster! Run!


Please, calm yourself.

[GONDO] You're an undead?

That's not offensive, right?

I'm just shocked you're ruling

over a kingdom of humans.

[AINS] All are welcome

in my Kingdom.

I've come here today

in hopes of creating

a friendly relationship

with the dwarves.

Don't worry, harming your people

is the last thing I want.

My interest lies with

your rune technology.

Really? What would

you like to know?

[AINS] Your culture's runes

caught my interest

because they look

a bit different

from the ones

I am familiar with.

What runes do you mean?

Can you show me?


Of course.

Like these.

Ah. That character's

called Lagu

and it's one of

the mid-tier runes.

That's good!

Do you know any

others by chance?

[AINS] Some, but what

I'm interested in

is magical weapons

inscribed with these.

Do you still produce them?

Until years ago,

I heard such magic items

were common in the Empire.

What caused their disappearance?

It's simple, really.

There are no runesmiths

left working their craft.

A damn shame.

It's a long story though;

I'll tell you as we walk.

For starters, I should

prob'ly say I'm from

a famous runesmithing family.


I see.

Once all the magic items

my people crafted

were inscribed

with these runes.

But that ended about

years ago.

People found a way to

enchant items with magic

and our methods were soon

considered outdated.

Rune carving is

time consuming in comparison

to performing an enchantment.

And because of that,

many dwarves just gave up.

They believed it would be better

to become magic casters

than runesmiths.

[AINS] So that's how

the traditional craft

began to die out.



However, runecrafting

has some good points!

Mainly, it's cheaper

to produce things!


That's wonderful.

It takes a lot of

expensive ingredients

to create a high-quality

magic item.


No one sees it that way!

But imagine if we revived the

artform and created something

that only runes could make?

Then people would

change their tune.



Is that the reason you never

gave up on your craft?

But I can't do it myself.



I don't have what it takes

to be a master artisan at all.

I didn't inherit the talents

of my esteemed father.

But that doesn't matter.

I still believe in the

potential of our craft

and I want to fight for it.

The other crafters

have given up.

They drink their days away,

but they still possess the

skills of our ancestors!

There's only so much

I can do alone,

but I know the end goal

is still possible!

Most importantly, I want

to continue passing down

this craft to my children.

I won't let my father's great

name fade away into history

because of the

negligence of my people!


Seems we have much in common.

I have a legacy I'm

fighting to protect as well.

So, allow me--or rather,

allow my kingdom--

to support you financially.

[gasps] Huh?

[AINS] We will be your patron

and assist your plan.

I'll gather all the runesmiths

from the Dwarven Kingdom

to aid your research.

Let's do this together.

I trust that's enough?

Can you accomplish your research

with that sort of support?

Though, I will expect

absolute loyalty in return.

Gondo, are you prepared

to sell your soul to me

for the sake of your art?

[GONDO] If my soul alone is

enough to satisfy you,

it's a small price to pay

in order to preserve

my people's rich heritage.

I'm ready!

What's this about?

My apologies. I know

you just returned,

but there are pressing

matters at hand.


Go on.

[SHALLTEAR] Well, some

creatures have invaded.

I took the liberty of

sending the Hanzos out

to assess their numbers

and monitor them.

[AINS] And excellent

judgment call, Shalltear.

You did as I would have

done in that situation.

I wonder if those

creatures are Quagoa.


Never heard of 'em.

They're the reason my people

abandoned this city years ago.

From an early age,

the Quagoa consume the ore

in these tunnels.

The fur covering their body

is tougher than any kind

of crafted metal armor.

Be especially wary of

the ones with colored tufts.

They're the strongest

ones in the pack.



Shalltear, I want you

to capture all the Quagoa.

Can you do it?

[SHALLTEAR] If that is your

will, it shall be done.


Before you go.

Do you know why I gave

that specific order?

To extract information

from them.

And also, to avoid them

leaving with any intel on us.

[AINS] That's correct.

Good luck, Shalltear.

Bring me back good news!


[SHALLTEAR] Today will be the

day that I redeem myself!

What is the best

course of action here?

If I'm not mistaken,

that building is

connected to a tunnel.



I want to ensure that none of

them are able to make an escape.

Can we stop them?


Not a problem.

Well, let's begin, shall we?

I think we're under attack!

You sure? Those things

aren't dwarves!

Stay alert! There aren't many!

Just hold your ground for now!

[QUAGOA roar]

[SHALLTEAR] I think I figured

out which one's the leader!

Mass Hold Species!

Mass Hold Species!

Mass Hold Species!

Now go, tighten the enclosure!


Wh-What is this?

[QUAGOA roar]

They can't harm me. Lovely!

Mass Hold Species!

[SHALLTEAR] So are these all

the Quagoa who ran away?

You've searched

everywhere, right?




Well done, Shalltear.

[giggles] I am glad I didn't

disappoint you, sir!

[AINS] Now then,

I have your next order.

Gather information

from these creatures.



Huh! Well, I ain't talking.

I swear on the

honor of our tribe!

I have other ways

of doing this.

Charm Species.

Hi, pal! How can I help you?

Now I know me and you

are good friends n'all.

But can we trust them?

That's a shady bunch.

'Specially that undead goon.

Oh, wait, are you

controlling it?

--I will k*ll you!

--[AINS] That's correct.

That woman is my master.

Oh. Of course! Shoulda guessed!

Wow, you're cool!

Th-Thanks a lot, pal.

So, why did you come to this

city, and in such large numbers?

We're just proud warriors

carrying out the orders

of the great Clan Lord Riyuro!

Gonna trash the

dwarven city to the north!

Like totally destroy it.


You what?


We're a separate unit, though.

Our orders were

to k*ll any dwarves

that tried to

escape through here.

You heard that, ugly?

That weak-ass fortress you

have protecting the bridge

is going down after today!

We've found a sweet little route

that will bypass

the Great Chasm.

Our main force will be

slaughtering all those

pathetic little dwarves

any minute now!