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04x02 - Re-Estize Kingdom

Posted: 05/23/23 06:14
by bunniefuu
The development of the Sorcerer Kingdom...

Was it Ulbert who said it would be

best to rule as an iron-fisted dictator?

Luckily, two immortal geniuses like Albedo and

Demiurge are taking care of the kingdom.

I don't really understand their

desire for world domination...

But I couldn't reject the idea, either.

That's why I've left everything

in their hands, but...

...if the Sorcerer Kingdom becomes

known for treating all races equally,

I could recreate the same environment

I had with my comrades in the past.

If I told Albedo and the others my feelings,

it might ruin their current plans.

Maybe I should do things

on my own for a while...

--M-My apologies!


A maid that causes her master to

let out a sigh is a failure of a maid!

Such a failure can only

be punishable by death!


And so, the knight defeated the

villainous dragon and saved the princess.

And they lived happily ever after.


--Good for the princess!

--So wonderful!

--That was great!

You're right.

Hey, the brat's here.

Excuse me, Princess Renner.

It is time to return to the royal palace.


Are you going home, Princess?

Let's make something delicious next time.


Let's make it together!

You gotta promise!

--Come back soon!


--Thank you!

I can't wait!

I'm surprised you established

such a big orphanage.

Must've cost a lot of money.

My brother was kind enough

to listen to my request.

After all, a lot of children lost their parents

when the Sorcerer King came to power.

I think the weak dying is unavoidable.

You're wrong.

It is the duty of the

strong to save the weak.

I treasure the children very much.

We have to take care of them, so they do

not wander from the path of righteousness.

The princess is smart.

Not all humans can be strong, I guess.

Rigrit said that in front of you, too?


It's true that children without parents have

a higher tendency to get involved in crime.

If the orphanage can raise

some talented individuals,

other nobles may also become interested.

A pretty good line of thought.

Charity without anything in return

is always suspicious as hell.

Evileye's heart is twisted.

You think just like me!

I'm pure.

You're the dirty one.

The idea came from Brain.

He mentioned gathering orphans who

might be talented swordsmen,

so I established the orphanage.

Tina. Evileye.

Were there any talented

children that caught your eye?

I was standing outside the whole time.

What about you, Evileye?

I have no idea if a kid has magical

talent just by looking at them.

I see.

Oh, do all of you have special talents?

It's a secret.

What the heck? Why are

you so obsessed with this?

There aren't many people near me

who have special talents.

Don't ask stupid questions.

So you do have a talent!

I am very interested in talents.

Can you tell me what

kind of talent you have?

It's not something I want

a lot of people to know.

Lend me your ear.


A talent is an adventurer's trump card.


Who'd tell others their talent so easily?!

How mean! My ears are ringing!

Princess Renner!

Lady Evileye, please show some mercy.


Brat, this is all because you spoil her!

Th-That's not...

You're right!

I think you should

spoil me more, Climb.

I agree with Evileye's opinion.

No, that's not what I meant.

So please spoil me more.

Let's start by napping together,

like when we were children...

N-No, Princess...

Forget it.

I was the stupid one.

Brat, it depends on the talent.

For instance,

our leader has enough power to level a city

when her sword goes on a rampage.

Lakyus's sword?

According to her, it takes a lot of power

to keep her rampaging sword at bay.

Our fiendish boss doesn't

want to worry you.

Pretend you don't know.

Of course.

U-Um, Princess Renner...

My! How careless of me.

Come to think of it,

how is Lady Aindra doing?

She's watching over

Gagaran and Tina's training.

The two of them died

at Jaldabaoth's hand.

They lost a lot of life force

when they were revived.

They can only train to

regain their strength.

It would be difficult for us to even

slow him down if he appeared again.

Slow him down?

Oh, until Evileye's hero

comes to our rescue.

That's right! The great hero, Lord Momon!

A powerful warrior who swings his

giant sword like he's holding a twig.

He's definitely the strongest warrior

among all the neighboring kingdoms!

We wouldn't have to worry about

Jaldabaoth with him around!

The Sorcerer King, too!

But didn't that man decide to

work under the Sorcerer King?

Lord Momon! What was he thinking?!

This is a good chance to ask.

Evileye, could you k*ll the Sorcerer King?

If all the rumors are true... would be impossible for me.

I'm pretty sure Lord Momon is the

only person who might be his match.

And that guy is working under

the Sorcerer King. That sucks.

No one can go against him.

The adventurers have been

continuing their search,

but there is still no

sign of Prince Barbro.

I am afraid to say that the chances

that he is alive are quite low.

Please continue the search.


Troublesome until the very end...

Prince Zanac.

What is it?

About Marquis Raeven...

I haven't heard a single word from him.

It seems he has completely

retreated into his domain.

The Sorcerer King must

have been quite terrifying...

What is it?

Princess Renner has returned.

Marquis Raeven will

probably never come back.

I'd hate to lose his power

and knowledge, but...

Right now, as next in line for the throne,

I need to decide how to deal

with the Sorcerer Kingdom first.

I should send a tribute to

deepen our relationship,

but I want to avoid looking subservient

in front of our nobles

and the neighboring countries.

What to do...?

I've returned, Brother.

Welcome home, Sister.

Shall we walk a bit together?

I'd love to.

A representative of the

Sorcerer Kingdom will arrive soon.

If you planned to send a tribute,

why not give the representative double

the amount in appreciation for their visit?

That would be a perfect

excuse for the public.


we have been notified that a diplomatic mission

is visiting us from the Sorcerer Kingdom.

I will greet them immediately.


If I become king, I will give you

a domain in some remote area.

You can live out your days there.

Thank you very much, Brother.

Though, your suggestion does

not appeal to me in the least.

Six Fold Flash of Light!


You've changed.

You think so?

You had a terrible expression on your face

when you lost in the previous tournament.

I mistakenly thought I could

stand amongst the strong back then.

"Seek life when facing death."

If a normal person wishes

to go against a monster,

he can only fight by

putting his life on the line

and grasping for any

small chance of victory.

I'd gladly take that victory

if it'd only cost my measly life.

Is the Sorcerer King truly that powerful?

Yeah. He defeated your precious student,

Gazef, in a blink of an eye.

He wasn't my student.

I just gave him a little training.

I heard you taught him

your strongest Martial Art.

The art of the retired adamantite

adventurer, Vesture Kloff Di Laufen.

I'm looking for someone to inherit Gazef

Stronoff's position as Head Warrior,

but a commoner like me

lacks the necessary connections.

Why not take over yourself?

I'm not fit for it.

I'm gathering kids that seem

to have some potential,

but it'll take a while

for them to grow up.

You're going that far?

The more people we can get, the better.

Our enemy is the Sorcerer King, after all.

So this is magic, as well?


Apologies for speaking on horseback!

We are the diplomatic mission of the

Sorcerer Kingdom, Ains Ooal Gown!

I am the second prince of the Re-Estize Kingdom,

Zanac Valleon Igana Ryle Vaiself.

I have been ordered by His Majesty to

guide your party to the royal palace.

Understood. As for my name...

Forgive me. We do not

have individual names,

so please call me by our race,

the Death Cavaliers!

I understand, Sir Cavalier.

Please allow me to greet the leader

of your diplomatic mission.


Now, stand tall.

Do not show any disrespect.


Please allow me to introduce the

leader of our diplomatic mission

and the right-hand of the

Sorcerer King, Ains Ooal Gown.

Lady Albedo.

They're all looking down on me just

because they have money and status.

It's all my father's fault that

we're such a poor noble family.

If I were the head of the family,

my groundbreaking methods

would instantly improve our rank.



I would like to introduce the diplomatic

envoy of the Sorcerer Kingdom, Lady Albedo.

So beautiful.

All right! This is my chance.

I've come up with such a great idea!

I'm a lucky guy.

I'm going to take full

advantage of this opportunity!

Lady Albedo.

I am the heir of the Montserrat Barony,

Philip Dayton L'Eyre Montserrat.

So rude!

Please call me Philip.

You fool!

You want to have a ball and invite the

representative of the Sorcerer Kingdom?!

I had you attend that

party to have the count

and other nobles in our faction

recognize you as my heir!

I had to pull a lot of strings

to get that invitation for you.

Father, please calm down.

Please think about it!

Our domain is between the

Sorcerer Kingdom and the royal capital.

We should deepen our relationship

with the Sorcerer Kingdom.

What are you saying?!

Those bastards from the Sorcerer

Kingdom k*lled your older brother!

That's why a third son like me

even has a chance to inherit.

Philip! You...

I just want to protect our

domain and our people.

We should nurture a relationship just

in case the Sorcerer Kingdom invades.

Just our family?

Of course.

That's the whole reason I jumped in front of

her to introduce myself before anyone else.

Didn't you think that would

antagonize our neighbors?

A lot of people died in that w*r.

No one has the forces to attack us.

Our domain has only a single village.

We've managed to make ends meet

by cooperating with our neighbors

and dividing our crops appropriately.

If we do something like this...

We can ask the Sorcerer Kingdom for aid.

Why would the Sorcerer Kingdom aid

a village in an enemy kingdom?

I would.

It would be great for their

ruler's public image.

Any other reason?

Well, not really.

Do you understand?

As long as we use our brains, the Sorcerer

King is nothing to be afraid of.

I--No, we should use him as a tool

for the prosperity of our family.

I have nothing more to say to you.

There is still one more issue to address.

What will we do about the ball?

That's right, Philip!

We have no space to hold

a ball in our domain!

Don't worry.

We'll just borrow the house of a lady

I've recently become acquainted with.

What do we do about

the appreciation money?

We won't give any.

How can that be?

It's true. She said she saw my future

potential and wishes to invest in me.

Which lady of which house?

She's a commoner, judging from her name.

But she's a very wealthy commoner.

Have you heard of Hilma Cygnaeus?

--I'm the host of this ball...

--Long time no see.

--How have you been?

--Thank you.

Thank you for the invitation.

Lady Hilma!

Why don't they greet me first?

You seem displeased, Lord Philip.

No, not at all.

I'm a willing partner that wishes to

benefit from your power in the future.

Please don't hide things from me.

I left the guest list to you,

but I feel like many of these

people are unqualified.

It's true that there is a

lack of influential figures.

I chose to invite family heads and future heirs

who were newly appointed after the w*r.

Will I be able to create a faction

with those kinds of people?

They will grow powerful as

you lead them, Lord Philip.

Y-You're right.

That's right. As the one

who stands at the top,

I'll have to guide those fools along.

So beautiful...

And she smells so nice, too.

T-Tonight, I have gathered nobles who wish

to become closer with the Sorcerer Kingdom.

They have all been looking forward

to meeting you, Lady Albedo.

Thank you for all

your efforts, Lord Philip.

By the way, are you married, Lady Albedo?

What a strange question.

Unfortunately, I am still a single woman.

I see.

Announcing the arrival of the diplomatic envoy

of the Sorcerer Kingdom, Lady Albedo!

What's wrong?

I-It's nothing.

Now, let us enter.

Third-rate trash nobles

in a first-class venue.

They have no idea that

this is a feeding ground.

Hilma, it seems that Lady Albedo

wishes to rest for a bit.

Anyone would tire after

talking with so many people.

Please allow me to lead

her to the sitting room.

I'll come along, as well.

I do not think that would be a good idea.

Why not? I'm the host.

For a man who is not a woman's husband

to accompany her to the sitting room...

Oh, I see.


How would I go about courting Lady Albedo?

I'm capable of gathering this many nobles.

While the Sorcerer Kingdom has a lot of military

power, it's a kingdom with a single city.

I don't lose to her in status.

What do you think?


Impossible. There is no way the

two of you can get married!

I feel like we had a

good connection, though.

How disgusting.

There is only one person in this world

who is allowed to lustfully touch this body.

Shit! That inferior piece of shit!

We can prepare a new puppet

if you wish, Lady Albedo.

Don't worry about it.

A lot of nobles were able to see the

level of his idiocy in the royal palace.

It would be a waste to replace him.

I understand.

Right this way.

Lady Albedo, we have been waiting for you.

First, I will have all of you smuggle

goods into the Sorcerer Kingdom.

Understood. We will

gather a proper tribute.

No. Sell the items for a reasonable price

and prepare countermeasures for the

kingdom's inevitable food shortage.

Have you found any information

about magic items?

Raise your head.


Oh, my.

Lord Ains is very satisfied with your work

and has prepared a fitting reward for you.

This must be...

Thank you very much.

Please relay my thanks to His

Majesty Ains Ooal Gown, as well.

Of course.

About the other thing you desire. I assume

there is no need for further discussion?

Of course.

Granting me that kindness after the proper price

is paid will bring me no greater happiness.

Will you be able to open that box?

Yes. I have already made preparations.

I see. Then take care of

it before the invasion.

I understand, great ones.

That's enough serious talk.

Let's see. Will you tell me

more about your puppy?

Gladly, Lady Albedo.

I'd love to hear about His Majesty

Ains Ooal Gown from you, as well!