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04x01 - Sorcerous Nation of Ainz Ooal Gown

Posted: 05/23/23 06:12
by bunniefuu
Lord Momonga...

Sorcerer Kingdom Ains Ooal Gown...

I wonder what kind of kingdom

Lord Ains plans to create.

Either way, my duty is to follow

his orders without question.

My beloved lord...

Lord Ains!

"Sorcerer Kingdom Ains Ooal Gown:

Ains Ooal Gown Nation of Leading Darkness"

Time to wake up.

Yes. Then, I will submit my daily report

and change shifts with today's maid.

You worked hard staying up all night.

I hope you rest well.

I am undeserving of such words!

It is my duty to do everything within

my capabilities to serve my master!

She still doesn't get it...


I wish they'd stop the bedside shifts, though.


I wonder what would happen if I said

I wanted to live with them as equals.

Good morning, Lord Ains!

--I will be assisting you today.

--I wonder

--I will be assisting you today.

if I'd be able to spend my days

like I used to with my old comrades.

So, what would you like to wear today?

Fith, I will leave it to you.


Please leave it to me, Lord Ains!

There's one thing I'd like to ask...

Isn't this robe a little too flashy for me?

Not at all!

I firmly believe that an absolute ruler such

as yourself looks wonderful in everything!

Although the black garments

you wear are also wonderful,

it is nice to see you

in other colors as well...

Here you go, Nurunuru. Time to eat.

Lord Ains.

Lady Albedo and the Elder Liches

are here to see you.

I see. Let them in.

Good morning, Lord Ains.

What dashing clothes.

You seem to be glowing.

No! It must be because you wear them

that these clothes can shine so brilliantly!

I see. Thank you, Albedo.

I am undeserving of such words!

I was merely stating the truth!

You are truly--

That's enough.

So, these are the documents

you all organized last night?



Yup, I don't understand any of it.

There's no way a regular salaryman

can run an entire country.

But I still have to look the part,

so I guess I'll go through the

documents, even just for show.

This is the last one?

Uh, this one...

It's a report about some materials...

...but I don't understand much about it...

Did something catch your attention?

Hm? No, nothing much.

Wh-What is the status on the laws

of the Sorcerer Kingdom?

I have discussed the issue with Demiurge

and we've come up with an initial draft, but...

I have confidence in many things,

but I am not very

knowledgeable in social law.

A supreme one such as yourself?

I see. An absolute ruler would never

be bound by any law, after all.

Um. Well, yeah.

So, I'll allow you to do

things as you see fit.

I believe in you.

Yes! Understood!

Lord Ains?


Your happy expression looked so cute...

It's hard for me to explain

my feelings right now.

Oh, my! I'm so embarrassed!

Ahem! Well, then...

Now, it's time to do the usual.

These are various proposals

from everyone in Nazarick.

I am going through them personally

to keep their anonymity.

That way I can sneak in my own ideas, too.

The first one states,

"I think it would be good to set up an

educational system for the children.

If we find and raise talented individuals,

they will continue to strengthen Nazarick."

That is probably a

suggestion from Yuri Alpha.

How utterly foolish.

Pigs should live as pigs,

living and dying for their master.

I agree. Knowledge is worth

more when it's monopolized.

However, I think it is a good

idea to accept this proposal.

It's a bit different from

Yuri's original proposal,

but I think we should establish

an orphanage in E-Rantel.

The problem is allowing Nazarick's skills

and technology to leak to outsiders.

If that's the case,

we can raise candidates there

and only give our knowledge

to talented individuals.

We can hire the widows of

the last battle as workers.

You plan to aid those poverty-stricken

women by giving them jobs.

It would be an excellent method to

increase your fame among the masses.

Have Pestonya and Nigredo

take care of this issue.

They are no longer under house arrest.

Allow me to remind you...

During our attack on the royal capital,

they were ordered to k*ll

the humans you captured

in order to keep Nazarick and

Jaldabaoth's relationship a secret.

Those two went against orders

and sheltered the infants.

They should be beheaded

for their unacceptable actions.


Lord Ains, please don't look at me like that.


Your words are absolute.

I will release them from house arrest.

Good. I'll leave it to you, then.


Now, the next proposal.

"I would like to suggest making uniforms and

giving Nazarick a stronger sense of unity"...

An exceedingly tasteless proposal.

Who suggested such a thing?

I'm sorry! It was me!

I will look into it immediately

and punish the foolish perpetrator.

Definitely don't do that!

When I asked for everyone for suggestions,

I promised there would be no repercussions!


Lord Ains, Lady Aura and

Lord Mare are here to see you.

Let them in.

Good morning, Lord Ains!

G-Good morning, Lord Ains.

Yes. Good morning.

Morning, Albedo!

The two of you didn't even make

an appointment. To suddenly-- Aura?

Is this what you wanted?

Wh-What are you doing, Lord Ains?

Thank you very much!

You, too, Mare?

Um, Lord Ains. M-Me, too...

Albedo, you're an adult.

What brings the two of you here?

We missed you and wanted to see you!

I see. I'm glad to see

the two of you as well.

L-Lord Ains...



Um. Well, I'm fine.

So, um, let Lady Albedo...

Sorry, Mare.

Come here, Albedo.


Sorry. Could you sit down on your own?

So soft. And... Hm? This scent...

Is there a problem?

No, you smell nice.

Would you like to sniff me some more?

For an hour or the rest of the day?!

No, an hour is too much.

Th-Then will you let me sniff you a bit?

--Like I thought, this scent

is really familiar...

--Lord Ains.

--Like I thought, this scent

is really familiar...

You look a bit like a pervert.


Time to get off, you two.

Lord Ains, Aura got on first,

so I should be allowed a little longer...

You're with Lord Ains way more than us.

That can't be helped. It's work.

I see. You see him because of work.

I came just because I wanted

to be with Lord Ains!

I can understand Albedo,

but why is Aura acting like this?

I see. She probably wants to monopolize me.

Because she sees me as her father?

Either way, she'll need proper

emotional development.

I wonder if she could make some friends

in the kingdom of dark elves...

L-Lord Ains?

Hm? Oh, sorry. My mind was wandering.

Were you thinking about the previous issue?

Yes, that's right. That issue.

Wait, what issue?!

I have some ideas about that issue myself.

A-As expected of you, Albedo.

Wh-What issue?

Lord Ains, I think these two

should be included as well.

Then, Albedo, explain

everything to them gently.

Yes, in an easily understandable manner.

Also, you should get off now.


We've discovered that there is a

severe lack of goods in E-Rantel.



She's talking about that document...

E-Rantel was originally a city of trade.

But we've hardly had any merchants visit

since Lord Ains took over the city.

The amount of goods in circulation

have only continued to drop.

So, what are we going to do?

I-It'll be okay, Sis.

Lord Ains will fix everything.


Albedo, haven't you already taken some steps?

Yes. Demiurge is taking action

within the kingdom as we speak.

I see.

As expected.

But wasn't he currently laying some

foundations in the Holy Kingdom?

There is something I would like to

get your approval on, Lord Ains.

May I personally go to the Re-Estize Kingdom?


Since you're responsible for all

of Nazarick's domestic affairs,

that would be difficult...

I will return as soon as possible!

Pandora's Actor will take care

of things here while I am absent.

L-Leave things to him?!

I'll speak with him

directly about this, then.

Fine, Albedo. I expect

great gains from your trip.

And regarding Demiurge...

No, never mind.

Now, let's continue.

Since the two of you are here,

I'll listen to your opinions as well.



I'm looking for ideas to improve

the Sorcerer Kingdom. Anything is fine.

Yes! I have a good idea!


I think all the boys should dress as girls

and all the girls dress as boys!

I-I also agree!

Bukubuku Chagama!

I can't believe even Albedo agreed,

just because it was the preference

of one of the supreme beings.

If I hadn't convinced them otherwise,

the Sorcerer Kingdom would

have become a crazy place...

Wake up, Hamusuke.


Oh! Master!

Call me Lord Ains in public.

You're the riding beast

of the great hero Momon.

Of course I am, Master!


Why is that Death Knight with you?

We're training friends, we are.

Come to think of it,

we experimented to see if you

two could obtain Martial Arts...

Well, whatever.

So, is Momon... I mean, Pandora's Actor here?

Your body double?

He should be here, he should.

Oh, Supreme One! My dear creator, Lord Ains!

Forget the greetings. Sit.


Huh? Right next to me?!

Shouldn't he sit across from me?

Is there something wrong?

S-So close...

I-It's nothing.

I wanted to ask you about a few things.

First, how are you faring

as Momon's body double?

There are no major problems!

I see! Then, have there been any other issues?

Actually, Lord Ains...

I haven't touched any magic

items for a while now!

I haven't done any maintenance on them

or even finished organizing the data crystals!

I beseech you, Lord Ains!

Give me some time to

interact with magic items!

Did I really make you this way?

My emotions were definitely

bestowed upon me by Lord Ains!

Sure, I remember this setting...

Please allow me back into the treasury!

I understand.

I'll have Shalltear give

you a teleportation ring.


--Stop that!

I told you before to speak normally...

Wait, maybe I didn't.

Pandora's Actor.

I'm very happy to see you

sticking to your original settings,

but I believe that a child should

eventually surpass their own father...

Lord Ains! You see me as your child?

Yes. Yes.

That's why there's no need to speak

German or salute in front of me.

I-I see...

I want to see you do things differently

than how I originally created you.

I want to see your growth!


I understand, Father!

I will definitely abide

by my father's wishes!


Huh? W-Wait, Pandora's Actor.

Don't tell anyone else about this.

There will be unrest if I treat you

differently than the others.


Fith, you as well.

I will take my leave now.

Please wait.

There's is something

I wanted to ask you, Father.

How do you plan to rule the Sorcerer Kingdom?

A lot of people come to visit Momon.

Father, they ask what kind

of country you will lead.

Will its people become slaves?

Will they all be sent to fight wars?

The path of the Sorcerer Kingdom, huh?

The undead are quite productive,

since they require neither sleep nor rest.


Fith, what do you think about this country?

Well, I believe it is an easy country

to live in under your rule.

However, I do not understand why no one

comes to worship your reverent figure

when you show yourself in public.

Fith, do you think of humans

as boring creatures?

They are wretched creatures that were not

created by any of the supreme beings.

Like I thought, most of the NPCs

view human beings as lesser creatures.

Narberal saw humans as worms

when we first started adventuring, too.

Hm? The adventurer's guild, huh?

Is no one here?

Y-Your Majesty, the Sorcerer King?!

There are very few quests available.

M-My apologies.

I am not blaming you.

I was just curious.

There used to be many more quests posted...

At least, that's what I heard

from the adventurer Momon.

Y-Yes. Since the monster hunting and

security quests are no longer available,

only these requests remain.

The undead security personnel

seem to have maintained the peace.

Adventuring wasn't as great of a job

as it sounded like, after all.

Is the guild master in?

Y-Yes! P-Please wait a moment!

Your Majesty, the Sorcerer King.

Thank you very much for coming all this way.

Now, Ainzach.

I'm surprised you know the name

of such a lowly man as myself.


How should I bring it up?

I feel like an unsolicited marketer.

Your Majesty?

I would like to absorb the adventurer's

guild into the Sorcerer Kingdom.

I see.

Oh? I heard that the adventurer's guild

maintains independence in every country.

You don't mind?

I will follow your wishes.

You plan to send the adventurers

to other kingdoms

or the Empire and hand over an empty guild.


Why do adventurer guilds never

involve themselves with the kingdom?

That is because adventurers

exist to protect the people.

That is why we never involve ourselves with

the government and never lend our aid in w*r.

You protect the people, huh?

Are you only talking about

humans, in your case?

What do you mean?

Are elves and half-elves included?

Well, yes. They are.

Aren't elves treated

as slaves in the Empire?

Why don't you protect them?

What about other intelligent creatures,

such as the lizard men, orcs, and goblins?

Your Majesty, that is an

unreasonable statement!

As an undead, there isn't

much of a difference to me.

Well, sit. My business starts here.

I had always believed that adventurers

were people who explored the unknown.

I want adventurers to discover the

unknown and make our world better.

Discover the unknown?

Until now, most of your jobs were

monster hunting or security details,

but there is no need for that

in the Sorcerer Kingdom.

My subordinates are much stronger

than the average adventurer.

However, my subordinates have

difficulty exploring unknown lands

and creating friendly relations.

It's quite embarrassing for me to admit.

Your Majesty.

That's why I want adventurers

to take up this role.

Why not just post a request

if that's the case?

I see.

However, if I post my request and problems

arise between unknown races or countries,

will the guild resolve

the issues on their own?

I'll have you promise me that there will be

no negative impact on the Sorcerer Kingdom.


That is why I want to take the

adventurer's guild under my wing.

I want my kingdom to give the

adventurer's guild its complete support.

I'd like to ask one thing.

Do you wish to explore

these lands to invade them?

That is a difficult question to answer.

If the other side is hostile,

the kingdom may need to take action.


If I truly wished to invade

the surrounding areas,

I already have enough military power.

I simply dislike the fact that adventurers

are considered mere exterminators.

It's lamentable that you

call yourselves adventurers.

My wish is for your guild members

to become true adventurers!

You make a very attractive offer.

So, please allow an old adventurer like myself

to support this endeavor, Your Majesty!



The creations left behind by my comrades

are the things I treasure the most.

Thank you very much!

But I should also bestow some

mercy upon those I rule over.

After all, they are the people

of my Sorcerer Kingdom.

I agree wholeheartedly!

Then, let us create a utopia.

A world as sweet as honey.

A world where the people wish

to forever be under my rule.

What a wonderful thought!

Not only the humans.

I will have all the humanoid and

non-humanoid races bow before me.

Let the world know.

Eternal prosperity can only be found

under the rule of the Sorcerer Kingdom!

That's right. If I can recreate the guild

of Ains Ooal Gown here in this world...

...I'll be able to show this capital city

proudly to my old comrades,

who may be out there somewhere.