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03x12 - m*ssacre

Posted: 05/23/23 06:10
by bunniefuu
Our w*r should begin shortly,

if I'm not mistaken?



Hey, kid.

His Majesty was

asking you a question.

You still with us?

Uh. Oh! Please excuse me, Lord!

Yes, I believe our

last advisory warning

was sent to Re-Estize

just recently.

I was wondering...

Majesty, why did

you ask for help

from that creepy undead guy?

The Re-Estize forces are

of no real threat to us.

And you told him to use

his most powerful magic,

right off the bat?

Kinda overkill.

You just want him

to put on a show?

Is that it?

[JIRCNIV] Eventually, we'll

need to form an alliance

against Ains Ooal Gown.

But no one will bite

until they understand

how dangerous he is.

Think. Even that dark

elf girl can wipe out

over imperial knights

in the blink of an eye.

From what I've seen

of her master,

that's just the start.

Frankly, if that man k*lled

, soldiers with one spell,

it wouldn't surprise me.

Three thousand?

I can't imagine!

That's horrifying!

The Demon Gods, or even,

the Thirteen Heroes couldn't

do something like that.

True enough, but I think

we should assume

the worst in this situation.

It does present us with a

unique opportunity, though.

We'll get to see a demonstration

of his power, firsthand.

Then we'll have more of an idea

of how we might defeat him.

If we can't best him

with strength,

we shall do so with ingenuity.

[BOULLOPE] I'm certain they

received the final warning.

The w*r should've

started already,

but the Empire's

just standing there.

Also, there's still no

word from Prince Barbro?

No, sir.

He should have arrived at

Carne Village yesterday.

I have no idea what

could've happened.

No matter, we'll make do.

We , soldiers

of the royal army

shall change

formation and march!

Let us be the frontline

and first to deal a blow

against the dogs of the Empire!


The Empire only has ,

troops, Your Highness.

I think, with our , ,

we'll wrap this up

and have them begging

for quarter soon.

[MEN laughing]

Perhaps we should

take this opportunity

to invade the their territory.



Well, I have duties to

fulfill back with my unit.

I'll leave the details of this

slaughter to you fine gentlemen.

[MEN laugh]

I'm not certain I share

your confidence exactly,

but it is reassuring.


Still not moving, huh?

In previous years,

they would mount

their attack when the final

warning had been issued.


They're waiting for something,

but I don't know what.

Whatever they're planning,

I hope we can settle

this matter quickly.

I noticed you're

wielding the legendary

Razor Edge, "whose enchanted

blade can cut through

armor like butter" they say.

[GAZEF grunts]


Ah, and I see the intent.

By donning the four

treasures of Re-Estize,

you have become a symbol

of the Kingdom, itself.

A living treasure.

I'm not worthy of such praise.

I owe everything to our king,

who bestowed such an honor

on a mere commoner like me.

That's true.

But His Majesty

trusts you completely.

The course of action that

he took with Prince Barbro

is evidence of that.


In other words.

His Majesty believes

that this Ains Ooal Gown

you're so wary of must be

every bit as deadly as you say.

Perhaps His Majesty was

selfish in sending

his child away from this battle.

In the past, I certainly

would have resented him

for such a decision.

But I was foolish enough

to aim for the throne then.

I know better now.

Because, I understand

how His Majesty feels.

And frankly, if it were my son,

I wouldn't want him

fighting in a w*r, either.

Indeed. No surprise.

I hear that you're quite

the doting father.

[laughs] Like any other.

A father, busy with work,

but always promising his son

he'll spend more time

playing with him.

Maybe after this

little w*r is over.

Though I fear

that Prince Barbro

will fail to appreciate

his father's thoughts.

Feels a bit tragic, doesn't it?

Look there.

Seems they're moving,

at long last.

[KNIGHT A whimpering]

[KNIGHTS murmur]

Master Gown.

That's him?

The magic caster who could

bring our land to ruin?

The mighty Ains Ooal Gown?

Listen, sir.

I recommend you call your team

of ex-adventurers quickly.

We need their expertise.


Marquis Raeven!

Something terrible

is about to happen.

Did you feel it, too?

[SOLDIERS gasp, murmur]

[RAMPOSA gasps]

What now?

I can scarcely

comprehend that power,

let alone hope to defeat it!

I'm going to return to my unit!

Protect the king, Master Gazef--

I fear we must order a retreat!


And I must insist that

we do so immediately.

I concur.

Disgraceful though it may be,

it seems we've no choice.

Marquis Raeven. Good luck.


You as well, Master Gazef.


No response.

[MOMONGA] In Yggdrasil,

players casting super-tier magic

are the first ones targeted.

But no one is stopping me,

they're all just

staring dumbfounded.

I guess that means

there are no Players

in the Kingdom's army.

In that case, acting as

a decoy is pointless.



Now the festival of

destruction can begin.


A lot of people are about to die

by my hand, but I feel nothing.


Forward march, men!

[MOMONGA] All I want is to

see what this magic can do,

and to make Nazarick

even stronger.

[AINS] I make this tribute

to Dark Fertility.

Ia! Shub-Niggurath!

[SOLDIERS yelling]

[SOLDIERS yelling]

[BOULLOPE groaning]

[KNIGHTS gasp]

[NIMBLE whimpering]

[AINS] Is something the

matter, Master Nimble?

I was merely stunned

by the power

of your spell just now!

It was terrifyingly effective.

To think, that , people...

[AINS laughs]

Did I say something wrong?

[AINS] I'm not offended,

if that's your concern.

But you praised the

effectiveness of my spell.

I find that amusing.

Why is that?

[AINS] Because the magic I cast

was only a means to an end.

A prelude to the carnage

you are about to behold.



After a tribute is offered

to the goddess of

dark fertility,

she responds by sending

some of her Thousand Young.

They're rather adorable

kids, as you'll see.

[KNIGHTS gasp]

[SOLDIERS murmur]

[NIMBLE whimpers]

[AINS] And now I show you

the face of despair.

[AINS laughs] Splendid!

Looks like a new record!

I believe I may be

the first to summon

five of them at once.

A pity all the sacrifices that

made this moment possible

can't share it with me.

Uhm, congratulations

on your summoning.

I'd expect nothing

less, my lord.


Why thank you, Mare.

Congratulations, Your Grace.


How kind of you!

[KNIGHTS whimpering]

[AINS] I know our objective

was to show off my strength

to other countries,

and I do believe we have

accomplished that, but still,

it seems like a waste

to send away the children

before they can play.

Especially after you

set a new record.

[AINS] Hm... Yes, let's

have a little fun.

Hunt them down, little goats.

Do your wicked mother proud.



But there are three, or rather,

four people who

you must not k*ll.

Run wild, but spare

them your wrath.


There's no way.

This can't be real.



Come on. It's a trick--

it has to be!

--[THOUSAND YOUNG bleeting]

--[SOLDIERS screaming]

Everyone, ready your spears!

Did you hear what

I said, damn it?

Don't just stand there!

Ready your spears!

[BLUMRUSH screams]


Retreat! Run for your lives!

Marquis Raeven, you need

to get out of here, too!

I'm ready! Follow my lead!

I knew he was dangerous,

but this is insane!

Never mind us,

someone this powerful

could tear the

whole world apart!


No, I can't think like that.

We'll come up with something.

We have to protect our

future from this monster.

I think it's chasing

us! Be careful!


Damn it. We gotta take a stand.

Everyone, cast your spells!


Reinforce Armor!


All right, Lesser Strength!

Marquis. We'll do what we can!

Hopefully we'll draw it away!

[LOCKMEYER] I don't know how

this'll go, so keep running

and don't look back, Marquis!

Thank you all!


Now. To battle!


--[LUNDQVIST] Fireball!


Impenetrable Fortress!


--[THOUSAND YOUNG bleating]


This is nothing but a slaughter.


Let's end this farce.


[KNIGHTS gasp]

[KNIGHTS gasp]


Now, applaud.



My power is sublime!

Should it not be celebrated?



[nervous laughter]


[KNIGHTS laughing]


Hurrah! Hail the Sorcerer King!

[KNIGHTS screaming]

Don't run away!

[AINS] If I recall,

in our original plan,

you were to launch your

attack after I cast my spell.

And yet it seems that your

troops have fled instead.

Don't worry,

I'm not blaming you.

After all, I would feel bad

for the emperor if his men

leapt into the fray and

got trampled to death

by the creatures I summoned.

So, this time, I'll be happy

to do your part as well.

Mare, please guard

the camp in my absence.


Yes! Of course, Lord Ains!

Leave everything to me!

Hey. Haven't you k*lled

enough people today?

Are you a man or demon?


Make no mistake. I am undead.

That is all.

[NIMBLE whimpers]

[AINS] All that's left is

to do a little cleanup.

Fortunately, it seems

I've found my target.

[VICE-CHIEF A] Your Majesty!

We have to get out of here!

[RAMPOSA] I will stay.

You may retreat without me.

But, Your Majesty, why?

My Lord! So few guards.

Where did they all go?

Probably ran away in terror

with everyone else.

There is nothing you can

do here, Your Majesty!

Let's return to E-Rantel.

Today's a lost cause.

Plan for next time!

Let the Chief Warrior

hold them at bay!

If there's truly

nothing I'm able

to accomplish here, then...

...I'll go. What's

the next step?

Those creatures seem

to chase down horses.

You there! Take the

king on your back!


And the rest of you?

We'll try to make

a distraction.

I'll lead our horses in

the opposite direction

of your retreat.

I'll be a decoy as well.

Although, I don't know if those

monsters have eyes or not.

If they do, my armor

makes a fine target.

[sighs] In that case, I guess

I'd better stick around, too.

I'm grateful.

Do your best.

Of course.

I can't believe

it's come to this.

Please, return to

E-Rantel safely, men.

I will grant you

any reward you wish.

I'll look forward to it!

I thank you, but my

life has been saved

by Princess Renner.

I ask no reward.

I don't need

anything for myself,

but I'm friends

with this nice kid.

He seems to get along

great with your daughter,

so it'd make my day if

those two could get married.


[RAMPOSA laughs]

A rather audacious

request, I must admit!

Please tell him

you're just joking!

Well, no promises,

but perhaps we can begin

by granting this friend

of yours a noble title.

I give you my support.

That settles it,

better make it out

of this alive, little noble!

I'm counting on you!

Your Majesty.

Let us meet again in E-Rantel.



--[SOLDIERS screaming]

--[THOUSAND YOUNG bleeting]

[GAZEF] Beyond this point

lies His Majesty's camp.

I won't let you pass!


Martial Art: Sense Weakness.

[GAZEF] There's nothing.

Possibility Sense!

Come, monster! I have no fear!





[GAZEF screams]

[GAZEF grunts]


[GAZEF] The beast doesn't find

me worthy of its attention.


Master Ains Ooal Gown.

Huh. So that's it.

Seems you're not human.


Lord Stronoff!

Glad to see you're safe.

Someone is up there.

Guess I must be a

magnet for monsters.

This'll be the third impossibly

powerful being I've met.

No matter the enemy,

I will not run away!


You look well, Master Stronoff.


Indeed I am.

As for you. I'm

not quite certain.

If you've lost your humanity

since the last time we met,

I offer you my

sympathies instead.

[AINS laughs] I assure you,

I haven't changed a bit.


Still, it's been far too long.

I feel the weight of

that now. Tell me.

What was your purpose in

reaching out to me here?

Surely you don't hope

simply to reminisce

in the midst of a battle.


You get straight to the point.

And as I don't like

beating around the bush,

I shall return the favor.

I want you to join me.


[BOTH gasp]


If you become my subordinate,

I shall grant you this.

[ALL gasp]


Do you understand now?


You've stopped them.

And easily, no less.


Consider it a momentary pause.

Your answer will determine

what happens next.

That is to say, if you

refuse my generous offer,

I will give a different

order to these children.

And I expect you can guess

what that order might be.


What do you say, Gazef Stronoff?

Will you come to my side or not?

I refuse. I am the

sword of the king.

I owe His Majesty too much.

I cannot turn my back on him.

[AINS] Even if many lives

will be lost as a result

of your decision?

Surely you understand the

weight of what you're saying.

You're a man who risked his

life to save Carne Village.

Now, when countless other

lives hang in the balance,

you will allow them to be lost?

[AINS] I never took you

for such a fool. Pity.


What is this?

Forgive me.

I know I'm still indebted

to you, Master Gown.

But I must challenge

you to a duel!

[AINS] Seventy thousand lives

are snuffed out in an instant,

and the beasts I summoned will

crush countless more underfoot.

In times such as these,

I wonder if this undead vessel

has stripped me of all mercy.

But I still respect strength,

and I see it in the eyes

of the warrior before me.

Gazef Stronoff,

I accept your request.

Chapter : "Player vs Player."

This world, and

every person in it,

will soon know of my strength!