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03x10 - Preparation for w*r

Posted: 05/23/23 06:09
by bunniefuu

The region of Nazarick,

under the Sorcerer King

Ains Ooal Gown,

is hereby recognized

as a sovereign nation,

as well as a friend and

ally of the Empire,

by decree of Jircniv

Rune Farlord El Nix,

Emperor of Baharuth.


the City of E-Rantel,

as well as the lands around it,

belong to Nazarick,

yet are currently held

by the Re-Estize Kingdom.

These lands should be returned

to their original owner at once.

Should this demand be refused,

the Empire will be proud

to aid Sorcerer King Gown

in the liberation

of his country. line: %

[RAMPOSA] Our historians

have found no mention line: %

of a country known as Nazarick. line: %

Nor of an Ains Ooal Gown

who owned the land

surrounding E-Rantel.

There's not a shred of

legitimacy in this demand.

Then it would seem these

are the ravings of a lunatic.

As often as they invade,

it only makes sense

they would start

running out of reasons.

That could be the cause.

Now, that said,

I can't help but feel that I've

heard this name once before.

From the Chief

Warrior, I believe.

He is the same magic

caster who saved my life.

Of that I'm sure.

Oh, I see.

And afterwards, did he offer

to let you kiss his royal ring?

[NOBLES chuckle]


Control yourselves.

You stand before the king.

Well, I doubt we'll need to give

much attention to

one magic caster.

If you would permit me to speak.

Their claims are baseless,

their demands unreasonable.

We have no choice

but to go to w*r.

--[NOBLES gasp]

--[NOBLE F] Hear! Hear!

But then...

Chief Warrior Stronoff.

I would like for you to share

your opinion on the matter.

Your Grace.

In my humble opinion,

this w*r will not

be ended so easily

as the annual wars

that have preceded it.

Do you have a reason?


It's because we'll be fighting

the great magic caster,

Ains Ooal Gown.

My king. How important

is E-Rantel?

I think, if possible, we should

cede it without resisting.


[laughs] A rare thing

to hear the Kingdom's

Chief Warrior speak

like a whipped pup.

Though the idea itself

is not without merit.

We could potentially

avoid a costly w*r

simply by ceding a single city.

It's a king's duty

to protect his people

from needless suffering.

Would a true king

not be willing to make

such an honorable sacrifice?

Before letting his

people suffer?

Well said indeed!

[BLUMRUSH] That land is under

direct control of the king.

If you think it right that he

give that land to the enemy,

then why not offer your own?

Chief Warrior, your

words invite needless

suspicion as to your allegiance.


Yes, quite right. So they do!

The loyalty of my Chief Warrior

has been tested and proven.

It's beyond dispute.

This magic caster

must be strong enough

to warrant such words

I appreciate your counsel,

but I can't simply

cede E-Rantel.

A ruler cannot give up

his cities freely.

It's my duty to protect them.

Your Grace, forgive me for

speaking so foolishly.

[RAEVEN] w*r is inevitable.

Let's speak practically.

First, as this is a matter

of the defense of Re-Estize,

we all must prepare

to lend our aid.

But, Marquis Raeven,

only His Majesty--

That's enough. Just think.

If His Majesty's army

should fall,

why would the Empire stop

at taking E-Rantel?

Assisting his majesty in

the defense of the Kingdom

is the logical choice.

All of our lands

are at stake here.

Of course.

You only think about

your own gain.

I say it is the duty

of any noble to stand

with His Majesty in battle.

I concur.

My blade is the king's

to use as he sees fit.

[GAZEF] Since His Majesty

drove out Jaldabaoth,

the Royal Faction has grown

in strength considerably.

That's why it's essential

that he maintain his image

as a strong king. But...

Then it's agreed that

we shall go to w*r,

but we should delay

our formal response

for as long as we can.


Yes, Your Grace.

I believe we can delay the w*r

for as long as two months.

While the Empire awaits

our declaration of w*r,

we'll gather our

troops in E-Rantel.

I'll go as well, of course.

And it would be my honor

to accompany you, Father.

That seems a bit

reckless, brother.

You're first in line to

inherit the crown, remember?

I should be the one--



Prince Barbro.

You're a valuable heir

to the throne,

as well as the fiancé

of my own dear daughter.

Shall I cower here

while my father fights?

[BOULLOPE] No, it's right for a

man to prove himself in battle.

I shall send my finest

soldiers with you.

I believe , will suffice.



Is that acceptable, Your Grace?

Yes. By all means.

You have my thanks, Father!

I'll cleave the head

from El Nix's shoulders

and bring it to you on a plate!


How charming!

[ROYALS laugh]

[RAEVEN growls]

That idiot prince!

He'll "cleave the head

from El Nix's shoulders."

Every last one of them's

a damn imbecile.

How can they not see the

danger our kingdom is in?

The nobles would rather fight

each other than the Empire.

Marquis Blumrush is

the worst of them.

He's selling the Kingdom's

secrets to the Empire.

Even the king himself.

At least he has compassion

for his people,

but he doesn't use

his head at all!

[sighs] If Prince Zanac doesn't

inherit the throne quickly,

this squabbling will never end.

The king knows that

as well as I do,

but he lacks the guts

to disinherit Barbro.

Damn! Such a foolish parent.





Do come in.


Lee! My darling boy!


[baby talk]

What's this about? Huh, Lee?




Yes, what is it?

It's detrimental to

a child's development

to speak to them in such

a diminutive manner.

Ha! Rubbish!

I say that's nothing

but a baseless rumor.

[baby talk] Right, little Lee?

So tell me! What's going on?

Right now? Well, we're

about to have dinner!


Oh, boy!

It's one of your

favorite foods, Papa!


Wow! That makes me so happy!

So what is for dinner?


It's Gabura fish meuniere .

I see.

[gasps] Little Lee?

What's wrong?

I wanted to be the

one who told you.

Oh. That's all Papa's fault!

I'm sorry, little Lee.

Why did you tell me?



Sorry, little Lee.

Papa's so silly,

he already fogot!

Will you tell me

what we're eating?



C'mon, why won't you tell me?

Papa's about to cry!


No! Don't cry, um...

It's that fish you like, Papa!

Oh, yeah? Wow! Papa's so happy!

Papa loves you.

And he wants to give his little

Lee the very best in life.

So he's gonna work

as hard as he can.

[RAEVEN] Everyone.

Thanks to your hard work,

preparations for

w*r are complete.

Now, we must discuss

our strategy

for the battle to come.

Three days ago,

the Emperor sent us

a missive stating

where his army will await us.


Is it not the same as always?

[RAEVEN] Yes, we'll fight

in the cursed fog

of the Katze Plains yet again.

Then can we assume that

they'll be employing

their usual tactics?

Unfortunately, Marquis Blumrush,

I don't believe that's likely.

I sent my subordinates, a team

of ex-Orichalcum adventurers,

to scout their army.

They reported seeing six

different coats-of-arms.

--[NOBLES gasp]

--[BLUMRUSH] So many!

[RAEVEN] For every two men

they brought last year,

they've brought another.

This is three-fourths

of their army.

In addition, we can

expect the magic caster

Ains Ooal Gown to

fight beside them.

Heh. A single magic caster

can't sway the results

of this battle, no matter

how strong he is.

Well, to be safe,

I think we should estimate

that he has the strength

of , footsoldiers.

--[NOBLES gasp]

--[LYTTON] What? Why so many?

I would equate the strength

of Chief Warrior Stronoff

to that of , soldiers.

If this caster has a

warrior like him on guard,

five times that

number seems right.

I trust the eyes

of the Chief Warrior.

I appreciate it.

Your Grace.

In regards to this so-called

Sorcerer King Gown.

It's said that he once

saved Carne Village

from a group of raiders.

We should send some

soldiers there to gather

information from the villagers.

I think we should give this

responsibility to the prince.


A fine idea, Marquis Boullope.

But, Father!

Go, my son. This is my command.

You are to travel

to Carne Village at once

and question the

people living there.

[BARBRO] If that is your

order, then I must obey.

[BOULLOPE] I have one more

question, Your Majesty.

Have you decided who

should lead our forces

in the battle to come?

I believe I would be the

most fitting candidate.

[ALL gasp]

Marquis Raeven.



I shall leave it to you.

Your Majesty.

Marquis Raeven.

My troops will be in your care.

Tell me if you need anything.

You have my gratitude.


Any other matters to resolve?

Very well, then prepare

yourselves for battle.

[RAMPOSA grunts]

You handled that

well, Your Grace.

Good. Because it took

a lot out of me.


My son is headstrong

and foolish.

He aches for battle,

but I can't stand

the thought of losing him.

I believe that Marquis Boullope

aims to protect him, too.

I believe this

as well. He's loyal.

There's no doubt in my mind

he wishes for Barbro

to inherit the crown.

I see. So then he

came up with the mission

because, if the prince

fought in this battle,

he'd have trouble

protecting him.

This battle could end us.

I should've dealt with

Baharuth long ago.

Before the nobles

split into factions

and started nipping

at each other's throats.

I wish only to leave a

good and strong kingdom

to the child who succeeds me.

I wonder. Is this not

my best chance?

My waning influence has resurged

in the wake of Jaldabaoth.

For the first time in decades,

we're a kingdom united.

Perhaps we'll win this battle

and earn a few years of peace.

Your Grace.

[door opens]

Marquis Raeven, I was

hoping you'd return.

I'm sorry for giving

you this burden.

Not at all. I'm honored

to do it, Your Grace.

And it would have been foolish

to allow Marquis Boullope

to lead our forces.

The only commands that one knows

are "attack" and "retreat."

Furthermore, if you'd

said you would command

the army yourself, the

Noble Faction would resist.

Many might have pulled

out their soldiers.

As such,

I turned out to be the only

viable candidate you had.

Although, I confess,

this will be exhausting.

I'd appreciate it if

Your Grace would allow me

to retire to my lands

for a few months--

once the w*r is

finally over, that is.

I should've asked you.

Please, I owe you this much.

There were plenty of

times that I've acted

without receiving

your permission.

And I feel that I could've taken

measures to prevent this.

Chief Warrior Stronoff.

Out of ignorance, I thought

you were a dishonorable man.

Now I understand

your good intentions.

You needn't apologize

for such a thing.

So raise your head, please.

[GAZEF] I must be made to

atone for my foolishness.

Or this guilt will never cease!

Well, if you insist.

Then atone by allowing

me to henceforth

call you Master Gazef

instead of Chief Warrior.


I never knew you well.

But I've always had

respect for you.

You have my thanks.

[RAEVEN] Now that we're

all on good terms.

I was hoping we might discuss

the Kingdom's future.

And how to win this w*r.

[GAZEF] How many of these

men will come back alive?

[GAZEF] Is it not the

duty of those who stand

on top to protect the people?


Ains Ooal Gown.

What could that man be thinking?

All I know is that he is not

a man I'd want to fight.



I take it the

adventurers have decided

to stay out of this battle?

Guess so.

With the exception

of Lockmeyer's group--

They all work for

Marquis Raeven now.

I see.

Hey, Lord Stronoff--

Just call me Gazef.

Well, Climb.

You allowed me to sneak up

behind you in plate armor.

Which tells me you're slacking.

Oh. My apologies, sir!

It's all right to relax

every now and then.

You noticed me from

across the street.

Of course, I did.

You were letting your presence

ooze out all over the place.



When you're protecting

Princess Renner,

you should be aware

of such presences.

So that's what you're on about.

Listen, Climb.

Since you're usually

training on your own,

it can be difficult to sharpen

those kinds of senses.

Not all of your enemies'll

wanna come at you head-on

with a sword in hand.

Make sense?


As you say.

Gazef, thank you for

bringing this shortcoming

to my attention.

I'll train harder.

It's fine.

As the princess's guard,

you're one of my subordinates.

This is my fault.

I should've trained you more,

but I was worried the

nobles would see us.

Even now, I'm leaving

that duty to another.

There's no need for thanks.

So, hey. Are you two

free right now?


Tell me.

What were the two of you

doing over there?

[BRAIN] Oh, we went to pay

a visit to Momon of Darkness.

Did you now?

I hear that he recently

made E-Rantel his home.



We heard the same, so we

went back to his place

to see if he'd give

us some advice.

About Shalltear Bloodfallen,

the vampire.

On the same day and not

far from where I first

met that monster...

[BRAIN] ...Momon took

down a Honyopnyoko.

Honyopnyoko, huh?

I heard about that.

The thing sounded

incredibly dangerous.

I believe Momon defeated it

with a legendary magic item.

You did your research.

Apparently Momon was trying

to hunt down two vampires.

Which leads me to believe

that the one he didn't

take down was

Shalltear Bloodfallen.

Good guess.

So, what did he have to say?

Well. Not a lot.

He wasn't at home.

That's unfortunate.

He could've been helpful.

I'd like to speak with

this Momon myself someday.

Talk about an amazing view.

Yeah, it's none too

rough on the eyes.


Those are the Katze Plains.

We'll be fighting there soon.


They're less pleasant up close.

The undead wander

through that fog.

Those fields are

stained with blood.


[BRAIN] So, why'd you bring

us to such an isolated spot?


Is there a noble that you

need us to do away with?

[BOTH gasp]


Gazef. I owe you a lot.

I would do dirty work

for you in a heartbeat.

Well, I appreciate that. But no.

I didn't bring you here

to ask for something.

I just figured that,

before the battle,

it'd be nice to talk alone.

That's it?

For an army big-shot,

you've got a lot of free time.

By the way.

Hey, Climb. I had

a question for you.



You're gonna stand out

with that armor of yours.

Have you considered

changing the color

before you head into battle?


I truly appreciate your concern.

But I can't do as you say.

If I fight well in armor

as conspicuous as this,

then my deeds will be noted,

and Princess Renner's

reputation will be improved.

For a goal like that,

I'm more than willing

to risk my life.

Also, Princess Renner

has requested

that I go into battle

without changing my armor.

I see. Then, do as you will.

I know you like

to worry, but don't.

I'll be right beside

Climb the whole battle.

Whatever danger he leaps into,

I'll pull him back out.

The Four Imperial

Knights are strong.

That said, you could

best any of them.

However, you should be wary.

Because if you come

before Ains Ooal Gown.

He will surely be

the end of you.

I'll keep an eye out.

He's really that powerful?


Duly noted. Appreciate

the heads up.

[GAZEF] There's a pub I

like back at the capital.

We can celebrate there

once this w*r is over.

You mean once we've

sent those Imperials

running for the hills, right?

Oh, did you mean me as well?


It'll be my treat.


Say, Climb. Are you a drinker?

Frankly, I've never

actually had a drink.

That so?

Well, then this'll be

part of your training.

There'll be times when you're

socially obliged to drink.

I'd say you should get

drunk at least once

so you know how it feels.

That makes sense.

Then I'll accompany you both.

Well, after the fight,

the three of us should

meet here again.

So do your best to stay alive.

[CARVAIN] We pay our respects

to the Sorcerer King!


I appreciate your kind welcome.

Your Majesty.

I am known as

Sir Nimble Arc Dale Anoch.

It's my honor to serve

as your guide.


I'll be in your care then.

Forgive me for any trouble

I might cause you.

I'm General Carvain.

Pleasure to meet you.

First off, I would

like to thank you

for assisting my regiment.

We're honored to have

you fighting beside us.

[AINS] It was Emperor

Jircniv's request.

I'm glad I accepted.

By the way, I hear

you wish to signal

the battle's start

with one of my spells.

If that is the case,

might I bolster our ranks with

a portion of my own army?

That would be a great help

and honor, Your Grace.

However, we plan to

attack the Kingdom

as early as the day after next.


That won't be a problem.

Can you hear me, Shalltear?

Open a gate right behind me.

I have need of my soldiers.


This is my army!

Damn it. Marquis Raeven.

I should be the one to

inherit Father's crown.

But he sided with my brother.

I should be distinguishing

myself in battle,

but instead I've been

sent on a child's errand.

Hold on.

Could it be that Father

wants to stop me

from proving myself?


Prince Barbro.

Are you feeling ill,

Your Highness?

No. I feel fine.

I'm thinking on our mission

and how best we

might complete it.

Have you any thoughts,

Baron Cheneko?

Not at this time, Highness.

I'll leave such weighty

matters to the future king.


Yes, Your Highness?

What are you orders?

We need to hurry.

Let's double our pace

and reach Carne quickly.

This way,

we'll finish our job,

return tomorrow night,

and then we can

take a short nap.

And head to the Katze Plains

before the morning sun rises.


But out of our , soldiers,

, are on foot.

At that pace,

some of them will

collapse from exhaustion.

That's an order I just gave you.

We must bring down

the Empire's army.

Defeat at the Katze Plains

is not an option.

Make them run.

Whip them if you must!


As you command.

[AINS] With the forces of

the Empire and Kingdom

about to clash,

, royal troops arrive

at Carne Village.

This detachment is lead

by the first prince, Barbro.

After receiving

Lupisregina's report,

I watch over the town by

means of a magic mirror.

Against such an

overwhelming force,

the town's defenders

have no chance.

The village will surely

be forced to surrender.

Chapter : "Another Battle."

Wait. What in the world

just happened?!