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03x09 - w*r of Words

Posted: 05/23/23 06:09
by bunniefuu


'Kay! m*ssacre is now complete.

Normally, we'd k*ll everyone

in the castle, too.

But, we don't know which

one of you is the emperor,

so I guess we'd better hold off.

That said, if the emperor

doesn't apologize

to our lord, we'll destroy

your whole country.

Emperor! Step up or

we'll k*ll you all!


Ains Ooal Gown... Who is he?

No. I don't have

time to analyze.

Don't attack!

I'm Emperor Jircniv

Rune Farlord El Nix.

I wish to talk.

This guy's kinda gutsy.

Yeah. I'm surprised

he didn't run.

Well... It seems I've

underestimated our foe.

I suppose I'll have to visit

the Great Tomb

of Nazarick myself

if we're to make peace

with its ruler.


Majesty. Please.

Apologies, but we

need you to wake.


I've not taken an

afternoon nap in years.

Not since I was a child.

Perhaps I owe

Lord Gown my thanks.

Yeah. You needed a break.

You're always workin'

on one thing or another.

What's that about?

Personally, I think that

Bloody Emperor's to blame.

That's a shame.

I thought you were close.

He's fine, but he pushed

through so many new reforms

that now I can barely

keep up with the man.

Right, Vermillion?


And with all the fat nobles

we've purged from office,

the bureaucracy's been

stretched a bit thin.


What a profoundly

stupid man he is.



if I continue to make laws

at such a hectic pace,

the next emperor will

surely despise me.


What do you mean "next emperor"?

Do you plan to take

a lady of Baharuth

as your empress, or will

you seek one from outside?

I would prefer someone

from another country.

There's Princess Renner.

Your thoughts?

Her actions have certainly

been praiseworthy,

but there's something

off about her.

I get the unpleasant

feeling that she makes

mistakes deliberately.

Then have you

considered the Queen

of the Dragon Kingdom?

She carries the blood of

the Brightness Dragon Lord.

And the Dragon Lords have

access to Wild magic.

Imagine casting resurrection

without the loss of life force.

Give me a break, old man.

She's a crone who hides

her age with magic.

Those two are both

the type of women

I despise the most.



Your Majesty. It's Leinas.



Your Majesty. Excuse me.


What is it? Come in.


We're close.

Our scouts have already sighted

the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

Assuming that the report

they gave me is accurate,

maids are stationed outside.

Presumably to welcome

us upon arrival.

Really? Maids at a tomb.

The place we're about

to see is a world

that is completely

unknown to us.

If the worst should happen,

please come to my side

immediately, Your Majesty.

Ah, I see.

If needed, we'll escape with

your teleportation magic.

Well, if it comes

to that, your knights

will buy you as much

time as we can.


As always.

I will prioritize my own

safety first and foremost.

Right. I understand.

You informed me of this when

you first became my knight.

Yes. It's the deal we struck.



Let's find out what kind of man

this Ains Ooal Gown really is.

Greetings, Emperor

Jircniv Rune Farlord

El Nix of Baharuth. we've

been awaiting your arrival.

We bid you and your

retinue welcome

on behalf of Lord Ains.

I am Yuri Alpha.

And my name's Lupisregina Beta!

Lord Ains has proved himself

a gracious host already

by sending such beauties.

You're a most welcome sight.

Now then.

First, let us correct

this unacceptable weather.


It can't be!

No more clouds. It's

already much warmer.


What magic did they just use?

The most basic Control Weather

is a sixth tier spell.

But I believe this magic

to be of an even higher level!

It's simply amazing!

You all must be tired

after your journey.

[FLUDER sputters]


No. This is impossible!


Th-They're using Death Knights?

[JIRCNIV] Death Knights?

What are these things?

Are they the same as the

undead you're keeping

below the Ministry

of Magic? Answer me!

Yes, but it's

unimaginable that anyone

could control so

many mighty undead!

Majesty. Look.

Uh. Even with all

four of us here,

I have my doubts that we

can beat one of those things.

Stay back. You're in danger.

You said it's fine

for me to run?

If you think that's for

the best, then feel free.

However, if you do run,

you'll cease to be

one of my knights.

Which would make you uninvited,

much like the Workers

who came here before.



No need to be nervous.

The Death Knights you

see here were created

by the hand of

Lord Ains himself.

Created, you say?

Yes. As such, they

are absolutely loyal

to any order he might give them.

You can rest assured

that they'll do

nothing to harm you.


Such mastery! It's incredible!

Master Paradyne?

What would you like to do,

Your Majesty? Ha!

[FLUDER laughs]

Shall I teleport the

both of us out of here?

I believe it might be possible

for us to escape in that manner.

Of course, that's

assuming the master

of this place allows us to.

That's an interesting

expression, old man.

Let me ask you something.

Did you truly think I'd run?

Of course not--

I should know better.

My Jircniv is much

braver than that.

We've finished

preparing your table.

Please relax and

enjoy yourselves.

Would anyone care for

some ice-cold refreshment?


I've never had

anything like this.

It strikes a perfect balance

between sourness and sweetness.

It's soothing to the heart.


I'd say the journey was

worth it just for this.

We thank you for your patience.

Lord Ains has finished

preparing and will see you now.

If you'll please step this way.


Gold. Status. Power.

Both military and magical.

Beautiful women, too.

[JIRCNIV] There is absolutely

nothing I could offer

this Ains Ooal Gown that

he doesn't already have.

There are many who would

equate him to a god.

I'm amazed that

no one's tried to run.

A "victory" for us

would be to make it home alive,

with the Empire intact.

Excuse me, Lord Ains,

but the Emperor of Baharuth,

Jircniv Rune Farlord

El Nix is here.

He's come in response

to your summons.


Emperor of Baharuth.

Thank you for coming.

I am the master of the

Great Tomb of Nazarick,

Ains Ooal Gown.

I'm pleased to meet

you, Master Ains.

You've been a most

generous host.

Pardon, Lord.

I cannot abide this blasphemy.

These humans stand here

as if they're your equals.

I must correct this.

Prostrate yourselves!

[GROUP gasps]


Enough, Demiurge.



You're free to stand.

[AINS] It was not my

intention to insult you,

but through my inability

to control my subordinate,

I've done just that.

Please forgive me.

I will bow my head if you wish.


There is nothing

to forgive. Worry not.

This is a common occurrence.

Sometimes our vassals

misinterpret us.

One of my subordinates

has committed

precisely this offense.

I am most embarrassed.

Allow me to present you with

the head of the foolish noble

who sent intruders to your home.

Will you accept it?


I shall.

I'm not one for trophies, but I

won't put this gift to waste.



Go. Join the line.

[AINS] Now, Emperor Jircniv

Rune Farlord El Nix.


Jircniv will suffice.


I see. Emperor Jircniv, then.

Since my subordinate has acted

so rudely towards you,

I in turn will disregard

the trouble your noble

has caused to Nazarick.


[AINS] There is no longer

a need for apology.

You may go home in peace.

[JIRCNIV gasps]

[AINS] We're about to be

rather busy here in Nazarick.

[GROUP gasps]

[AINS] Thanks to your noble,

we now realize that trouble

will come to us even

if we keep to ourselves.

Armed with that knowledge,

we shall pre-empt any

aggression that may come.

What exactly is your meaning?

[AINS] I will defeat any

who would dare attempt

to bring harm to

the Tomb of Nazarick.

They'll be made to pay

for their arrogance.

This world shall feel my wrath

until the quiet

I love has returned.

An admirable goal!

Why don't we form an alliance?

As if your pathetic country

could ever be more--

Watch your mouth.

[AINS] Cease this racket.

I demand silence.

Rise up.

Found a country and

rule it as a king.

I can think of no

title more worthy

for the illustrious

Ains Ooal Gown.

My empire will do

all in its power

to assist you in

this great endeavor.

[AINS] What merit do

you see for yourself

in this, Emperor Jircniv?

I wish only to establish

friendly ties with you,

and the great country

you will someday create.

Let us prosper, together.

[AINS] I see. Then I

look forward to it.


What is he thinking?

He's at an

overwhelming advantage.

If he demanded my subservience,

I'd have no choice

but to accept.

I see. This is wonderful.

In that case,

if there is anything

we can provide you now,

ask and it will be yours.



I cannot think of

anything at present.

Though it would be

convenient if I had a way

to contact you quickly.

My secretary can

assist with that.

Meet Loune Vermillion.

[AINS] And for my part,

I'll send Demiurge to you.


Since you were so gracious

as to forgive his rude display,

I would like to leave

this matter to him.

Demiurge is one of my

most trusted aides.

I'm sure he can resolve

any issue that might arise.


He's already moved against us.

Sending a demon that can

control men with its voice.

[AINS] This is the birth

date of a new alliance.

Perhaps we'll make it a holiday.

I quite agree. Let's make it so.

Nothing would please me more.

[AINS] Well, the emperor

acted just as expected.


Pardon, Lord Ains.

but might I ask

a humble question?


Go on.

[SHALLTEAR] Why are we

treating that human emperor

as an ally when he's clearly

so much weaker than us?

All of our actions

must be justified.

But why can't we simply

take what we want?

[AINS] We could destroy

Baharuth with ease,

but we would be condemned

for our aggression.

I'll not have the name of

Ains Ooal Gown sullied so.


I see.

Oh, wow, you were really

thinking ahead, Lord Ains!

[laughs] Do all of you truly

believe that the thinking

behind the Supreme One's

plan is that simple? Huh?



--[AURA, MARE] Huh?

--[COCYTUS] What?

Is there something we missed?


Oh, goodness. Lord Ains.

I think it would be

beneficial to tell Shalltear

and the others

your true intentions.

They affect our

future plans, after all.


As expected of you, Demiurge.

Along with my overseer of

the floor guardians, Albedo.

You've recognized

my true thinking.


The hell is he talking about?

It's amazing to think how

long you've been planning.

I finally see why

you created Momon.

It's brilliant.

Your political acumen

knows no bounds.



What does Momon

have to do with it?

I still don't grasp

your meaning.



I permit you to explain my plan

as I believe you understand it.


Yes, My Lord.



That was the castle

of a Demon King.

Death was sitting

on that throne.


But no. I'm not done yet.

We still have a

chance of victory.

This Ains Ooal Gown is a

monster among monsters

who can make Death

Knights with ease.

Should he become our enemy,

Baharuth will fall.

Even if we seek to appease him,

such a being might k*ll

the living for amusement.

He's undead, after all.

We're agreed?



The situation is just

as you've described.


I feel the same.

I've got my doubts

that this is an enemy

mankind can win against.


From what I've seen,

he rules as an

absolute overlord.

And disregarding his appearance,

he has a king's charisma.

And on top of that,

this fiend is intelligent.

I saw meaning behind every

movement he chose to make.

I've no idea where he

obtained such knowledge,

but he appeared to know a

great deal about our empire.


[JIRCNIV] Ains Ooal Gown

clearly surpasses the old man

as a magic caster.

Fluder's obsessed with magic,

yet he left without protest.

Normally he would've

begged to stay behind

so he could glean

new information,

regardless of the risk.


He barely seemed curious at all.



He knew.

[JIRCNIV] He wasn't curious

because he'd seen it before.

Sorry, but are you

all right, Your Majesty?

You look a little pale.


How long?

From the beginning? Of course.

Yes, I believe he's

the one who suggested

we send Workers to that

tomb in the first place.

He's a traitor.

[ALL gasp]

Fluder Paradyne has betrayed me.

That's impossible.

Surely this is but a jest.

It's no jest. Just how

reliant upon him are we?

If I strip him of power,

how much damage

will it cause us?

The damage would

be unimaginable.

Fluder represents much

of our strength.

No country has a caster

that can match him.

Fluder's power is a

great negotiating tool.

If they learn of his demotion,

our neighbors will

feel emboldened.

There is much we must accomplish

if we're to

overcome this threat.

Our only hope is to gather

together the Empire,

the Kingdom, the Theocracy,

the Council State,

and the Holy Kingdom.

We will have to create

a grand alliance,

to fight against Nazarick.

Ostensibly, the Empire will

act as a faithful ally

while we form a resistance.

It's risky.

In the event that our

plan is discovered,

our country will be

the first to fall.

Roles reversed,

I would make an example of

our Empire by destroying it.

Oh, yeah.

That does sound like

somethin' you'd do.

I'll take that as a compliment.

Because of this, the

Empire can't be the first

to suggest an alliance.

The other countries must

band together on their own.

And as we await this.

We must seek out an

individual with the power

to thr*aten Ains himself.


You think they exist?

I know it.

I've seen them

standing by his throne.

Yes. That's how he'll think.

We can proceed with confidence

that this is the emperor's plan.

Men of some intelligence,

like himself,

are often easier

to read than fools.

So the emperor's plan

is to turn one of us

against the others while

creating an alliance

of human kingdoms

behind Lord Ains' back?

Then it's doomed to fail,

'cause none of us

would ever betray Lord Ains!

If the Empire's already

planning to betray us

then maybe we should go ahead

and destroy it right now.

No need for that.

Everything that has transpired

has played directly

into our master's great plan.

Isn't that right, my lord?


Yes. Exactly so.



Lord Ains' gaze

is always set to

the distant future.

If not for the hero Momon,

we would've been forced

to rule E-Rantel

through fear and oppression.

The Golden Princess

may have been

of assistance there,

but such a valuable card

is best kept in reserve.

She was just as I imagined

from Sebas' description.

No. She surpassed

my expectations.

I like her.

If that's the case, I'd like

to meet her myself someday.

I think you'll get

the opportunity soon.

Now then. Supreme One.

In accordance with the plan

that you set into motion,

the stage is now set

for our country

to rise and dominate this world.


Yes. Quite.

I think this leaves us

with one final matter

to be decided at present.

A mere king would

be no different

from any of the worms

we're about to conquer.

I humbly suggest

that we come up with

a more befitting title.


Very well. Do as you wish.

Would anybody here care

to make a suggestion?

Why, yes, I have an idea.

In honor of Lord Ains'

perfect form,

I believe we should call

him the King of Beauty!




I've got one!

There's no one who's

stronger than Lord Ains,

so why don't we call

him the Muscle King?


Um, m-may I suggest one?

Lord Ains is very kind, so um...

What if we called him--

I don't know.

The King of Love, maybe?



I believe we should

call him the Wise King.

In honor of his sound judgement.


"Wise King?" So dorky.



[SEBAS] I for one

believe that "King Ains"

would be sufficient.


And as for my opinion.

Since he's the one

who stands above

all other Supreme Beings,

why not the Supreme King?




What are your thoughts, Cocytus?

[COCYTUS] Hm. Lord Ains

is unrivaled in magic.

The people he rules

should know that.

Therefore, I believe

"the Sorcerer King"

would be a fitting

title for him.


Yes. A fine suggestion, Cocytus.

Once our country is established,

I shall be known as Ains Ooal

Gown, the Sorcerer King.


My Lord Fluder. I have news.

A pair of Adamantite

class adventurers

wish to meet with you.

They're a team that

calls themselves "Darkness."

You're a-a god.

You're truly an entity

of the tenth tier!

I am undeserving. I know this.

But I beg of you, oh great one.

Make me your student!

I want to see the

chasm of magic.

To tug upon the threads

of creation! Show me, please!

[AINS] And in exchange?

What will you give me?



All that I have is at

your disposal, my lord.

I kneel before you, O' Deep One.

Wise Master of the Chasm!

Your Grace--

It's fine.

[JIRCNIV] We have to be

both clever and swift.

This is no petty border dispute,

but a battle to defend mankind.

To protect our future.

[AINS] The Baharuth Empire

formally recognizes Nazarick

as a sovereign country

lead by the Sorcerer

King Ains Ool Gown.

Jirkniv also demands that

E-Rantel and the lands around it

be returned to Nazarick.

When the leaders of the

Re-Estize Kingdom meet

to discuss thier options,

Gazef advises them

to appease me.

Chapter :

"Preparation for w*r."

It's difficult to lead

when those that serve

you are incompetent.