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03x08 - A Handful of Hope

Posted: 05/23/23 06:07
by bunniefuu
[AURA] Our challengers

tonight are a band

of four foolish human

adventurers that dared

to infiltrate the

Great Tomb of Nazarick!

And against them,

we have the Supreme One.

He's the illustrious overlord

of the Great Tomb of Nazarick!

The King of Death itself,

Lord Ains Ooal Gown!

And his corner man--

or rather, lady--

is the overseer of the

floor guardians, Albedo! line: %

This is my fault. line: %

I wanted the money

and got too greedy. line: %

What, are you kidding me?

If the rest of us

weren't just as greedy,

then we wouldn't be here.

That's right--we all

decided to take on

this job together.

Comes with the territory.

Sometimes a gig

goes south, right?

I'm not hopeful, but let's

try to talk this through.

Might be worth a shot.

I must offer you my most

sincere apologies.

Master Ains Ooal, uh...


Ains Ooal Gown.

[HEKKERAN] Yes, of course.

Master Ains Ooal Gown.

I am deeply sorry

for any displeasure

that our intrusion

has caused you.

If you might show us your mercy,

I would gladly pay

any price you ask.

We have plenty of gold to offer.

[AINS] I'm afraid that your

perspective is flawed.

After all, if you were to

find maggots in your food,

you wouldn't ask what

they had to offer--

you'd crush them

dead on the spot.

Although in that case,

the maggots themselves

are blameless.

You, on the other hand, knew

full well what you were doing.

You invaded my home to

satisfy your petty greed.

That makes you

lower than a maggot.

Please, just let me explain.

There's a reason why--



Do not compound

your transgressions

with obvious lies.

What if we were given

permission to be here?


That's impossible.

Who could have given you

permission, other than myself?

I assure you, it happened.


You're bluffing. Buying time.

Making a fool of me.

But, fine. I'll entertain

your little story.

Since you are so

confident, tell me.

Who gave you

permission to be here?

It could only be one person.

Surely you must know him.



Or rather, monster,

and a giant one at that.

I only spoke to him

for a moment,

so I'm afraid he didn't

give me his name.


A giant, you say?

Can you elaborate?

What did he look like?

His body was real shiny.


Shiny, huh?

[AINS] All right then.

And what did he say to you?

One thing first.

I want you to promise

we can leave here in peace.

[AINS] If what you claim

is true and you really were

granted entrance by

a comrade of mine,

then yes,

I shall allow you to

leave here unharmed.



[AINS] What did he say

to you? Every last word.

He said "if you go to the

Great Tomb of Nazarick,

give Ains my regards."

That was the last I saw of him.

[AINS] "Ains"? "Give Ains

my regards," he said?


[AINS laughs]

[GROUP gasps]

[AINS] I got my hopes up

for a moment, but if I stop

to think logically, your story

didn't hold up from the start.

[AINS growls]

Scum! All of you!

You lie to me, in my home,

the place that I built

with my comrades!

Dragging your filthy boots

across its sacred grounds!

And then you taunt me

with the false words

of a friend you never met!

An insult to my

memories of them!

I'll k*ll you!

[AINS yells]


Well, those are my feelings.

But in truth, I can

scarcely blame you.

Your life hangs in

the balance, after all.

I'm sure you would say

anything to survive.

And frankly, if I were to

indulge in this wrath of mine,

it would be selfish.

Albedo! Aura!

As well as any other

Guardians who can hear me.

I order you to cover your ears!


[AINS sighs]

[AINS] Although I'm

standing here right now,

I was opposed to the plan of

luring thieves into Nazarick.

Still, I accepted it because

I value Demiurge's judgement

and he insisted that it was

the best course of action

for us moving forward.

Well, it's fine.

I'm done complaining.

It's time to dispose

of you vermin!

[SHALLTEAR squeals]

--[SHALLTEAR] Hey! Cocytus!

--[AINS] Listen up!

[AINS] You can stop

covering your ears now!

[HEKKERAN gasps]


Let's proceed, shall we?

If you won't attack,

then I will!

[AINS yells]

Martial Art! Twin Blade Strike!

Magic Arrow!

Lesser Dexterity!


Child's play.

He can nullify it?

He's too fast.

[AINS grunts]

Try this one!



Now, Flash!

Here goes Lesser Strength!

[HEKKERAN] I won't miss again!

Twin Blade Strike!

[AINS] Melee combat has its

charm, but it's not very showy.

Also, for all my strength,

I find myself at a disadvantage

against a party with good

coordination like yours.

From now on, we're

going to play my game.


Come at me. If you dare!

He's a magic caster?

He can't be!

The guy's strong enough

with a sword, isn't he?

I hope that doesn't mean

he's even stronger with magic.

He's not. I just checked.

He must be trying

to trick us somehow.

[AINS] Hm. And where do you

get that impression?

I'm not sensing any

magic power from you at all.


Oh, you used detection magic.

My apologies. Try again.

[gasps, wretches]


I know I'm not exactly handsome,

but vomiting at the sight

of me is a bit rude.


What did he just do?

Everyone, run away!

If we fight him, we'll all die!

I've never seen power

like this before!

It's impossible! Impossible!

[ARCHE sobs]

This is a nightmare!

We're not dead yet!

Quick, help her!


Lion's Heart.

I mean it. He can

crush us like insects.

I felt it myself.

When he took off that

ring a moment ago,

my knees nearly

gave out beneath me.

[HEKKERAN] Yeah, but I

checked out the surroundings

and we can't run away.


Don't want to fight?


Perhaps this will motivate you.

Touch of Undeath.

What kind of magic is that?

I don't know. Never

heard of it before!

Stay away!


You first, then.

[IMINA gasps]

[HEKKERAN grunts]


He's right behind you!

Fight me , you son of a bitch!

Here goes!

Martial Art! Limit Breaker!

Physical Boost!

Dull Pain! Iron Fist!

Twin Blade Strike at full power!



Blades don't work!

He has some kind of resistance!



You're giving yourself

far too much credit.

The truth of the matter

is that att*cks

from weaklings like you

aren't strong enough

to even scratch me.

That goes for the rest

of your friends, too.

That can't be true.

This is a trick!

Keep thinking!

His power, what is its source?

Why did he change his combat

strategy all of a sudden?

He must have a

weakness somewhere!

We'll find it!


You think I'm deceiving you?

How hurtful. Paralysis.


[HEKKERAN gags, sighs]


[BOTH gasp]

Run away.

[AINS] All it took was

a simple Paralysis spell

and he's down for the count.

I guess Touch of Undeath

may have been a bit overkill.


You idiot!




I'm useless in this fight

and he went after me first.

You should've run away

while you had the chance!

Now look what happened!

[AINS] He risked his own

life to protect you.

The man deserves

a little respect.

I know that already!

Hekkeran's a great leader,

a better one than I deserve!

But he's still an idiot.

Just like you!

You both lost your cool

and made a huge mistake!


What are you talking about?

Take that spell off of him.

If we don't return to our

camp within a set time,

the strongest man in the world

will storm this place

looking for us.


Lying again?


It's not a lie!

Our ally is the

adventurer, Momon.

He's Adamantite class.


Oh, Momon.

Right. The truth is, he and I...

Well, never mind.

Let's just say that you won't

be able to depend on him.




That said, shall we continue?


Arche, get ready to run.

[ARCHE gasps]

If you cast "Fly," at least

you'll have a chance to escape.

We'll buy you time, though,

I'm afraid it may only

be a few seconds.


What an amusing turn of events.

Yes, by all means,

leave your allies behind.

See what happens.



Take this. We'll survive.

Just go! Your sisters

still need you!

We don't have time to

stand around and argue!

Leave us here and we'll

figure something out!


I can't!

Listen to Imina.

We'll defeat Ains

and follow you soon.

We're not so weak.

When we're done,

you can buy us all

a round of drinks.

Have faith in us.

If you don't come back,

I'll never forgive you.


[AINS] You may be filthy

thieves, but you seem

to look out for

your own at least.


She is our comrade, after all.


That's right.

If your friends were in danger,

wouldn't you do the same

to protect them?


That I would.

"Greater love hath

no man than this,

that a man lay down his

life for his friends."

Ah, was that the gospel

of Mark or John?

We'll take responsibility

for our crimes,

but if your comrades

taught you any compassion,

then honor our sacrifice

and spare our friend's life.

That's all we ask.

[AINS] Liars such as

yourself deserve no mercy,

but I'm feeling sentimental,

so I shall grant

the girl a kindness.


[AINS] I want you to teach that

girl the meaning of despair.

Punish her by striking

terror into her heart.

Let her come to realize

that she has no hope

of ever returning home.

Then, k*ll her mercifully,

so that she does not

suffer any more.


As you wish, Lord Ains.

A splendid plan!


You monster!

You order her k*lled,

then have the audacity

to call it "mercy?"


I assure you.

For those who dare to

march into Nazarick,

death is not a punishment, but

a release from true suffering.

As you'll soon see.


Don't give up on me!

Of course not!


They're not coming.

It's just me now.

--Why did I go? Why?

--[BATS clicking]



I think that's enough

hide and seek.


Futile, but good effort.

[AINS] Aura, take these

two to the Large Hole.

Goshokukochuuo says he's

running out of nesting room.

[AURA] Uh-- If it's

all right, Lord Ains.

Might I ask Mare

to do it instead?

He'll do a fine job.


It's all the same to me.

Very well, my lord.

I'm sure he'll be delighted.


I would ask you one question.

If death is a mercy

then what manner of fate

awaits me here?

[AINS] Hm. I would like to

experiment on the nature

of your power as a

religious magic caster.

For example, if I altered

your memory to replace

the god you worship

with another,

would your power still function?

If so, then what is

the value of your faith?

And what is the purpose

of knowing that?

[AINS] If you think

I'm trying to confirm

the existence of God, I assure

you, it's nothing so trite.

My only goal is to find

new sources of power

to strengthen myself

and my allies.

To strengthen my nation.

I don't believe that

I am the only chosen one

in this world, so I dare

not rest on my laurels.

[ARCHE grunts]


Is this a barrier?


More like a wall.

[ARCHE grunts]

[SHALLTEAR] It seems you've yet

to understand your situation.

What you see before you

is the sixth floor

of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

In other words, we're

underground right now.



[SHALLTEAR] Mm-hm. Knowing

that, will you still run?

Is there any point?

A fair question, but no.

[sighs] I see.


Can't blame you for trying,

but we're done here.


Well, you're done at least.

I'm just getting

to the good part.

Though I am a bit

disappointed you didn't

break down into tears for me.

Don't worry, I'll be quick.

Why, you'll hardly feel

a thing when I k*ll you!

You have Lord Ains to thank

for such a generous mercy.

But first...

[ARCHE gasps]

A bit salty, huh?



[SHALLTEAR cackles]


Impressive work.

Not only did you

subdue the intruders,

you did so with precious

little expenditure.

I feel confident leaving you

in charge of our defense.

You're too kind, my lord.

[ENTOMA with ARCHE'S voice]

Excuse me, Lord Ains.

It is time for Lady Aura

and Lord Mare to depart.


Very well, I'll see them off.

Surely you can't be happy

to hear that thief's

voice again.

[AINS] On the contrary,

I'm quite pleased.

I was the one who

suggested she take

the girl's voice

in the first place.

Which reminds me. Entoma?



[AINS] What did you do with

the rest of her body parts?

Did you ensure they

were put to good use?

[ARCHE] To the best of

my ability, Lord Ains.

To summarize, her head

was given to one

of the Silk Hat demons,

and her arms were divided

amongst the Deadman Struggle.

Lord Demiurge requested

her skin, and the rest

of her remains were fed

to Grant's children.

In the end, I believe

every last piece of her

was useful in some way.


Good. I'm pleased to hear it.

It is the responsibility

of the hunter to use

every part of its

prey without waste.

This is how we respect the dead.

I miss Arche.

When was she coming

home again, sis?

Should be real soon.

I can't wait!


Me either!

[UREIRIKA] We're going

to live somewhere new

after she comes back, right?


I hope so!


It's so late! Wish she'd hurry.


I know, huh?

[UREIRIKA] I'm gonna have

her read me a story!

[KUUDERIKA] And I'm gonna

have her sleep in my bed!

No fair, that's cheating!

What? You're cheating, too!

[BOTH giggle]

It's fine.

'Cause if we all live together,

then we can just take turns!


Mm-hm! Together with you.

And together with Arche.


None of the Workers survived?

[VASSALS gasp]

So soon, too.

--[VASSAL D] Then what's next?

--[VASSAL C] Don't know.

Very well then. Now

we know the strength

of this Ains Ooal Gown.

Those were high capable teams,

so he's not to be trifled with.

He's a true threat.

[FLUDER] You have grown

to be a fine leader.

I've served under six

generations of emperors,

and even amongst

this kingdom's finest,

your talents are extraordinary.

I have raised you

like my own son

and tried to instill

all of my wisdom,

and yet this time, I--


Old man?

You must excuse me,

Your Majesty.

I was lost in thought.

Pay me no heed.

No, on the contrary.

Even if you're getting

on in years a bit.

I still value your

every word. Truly.

Thank you for your kindness.

I shall endeavor to be

ever worthy of such favor.

As for the Workers, we need

to clean up the pieces.

Taking the head

of one foolish noble

should settle things nicely.

Was that the idea?

Just as you say, Your Majesty.

And the people in this

room are the only ones

who know the truth of it.

Although, to be safe,

I suppose we--


What is this?

Are we under attack?


Your Majesty! A dragon!

A dragon has landed

in the inner gardern!


What the hell is going on here?

[VASSAL A] It's not from

the Council State, is it?

[VASSAL B] Why did the

Royal Air Guard let it through?

[VASSAL C] Lord Paradyne,

do you have any clue

what this is about?

Unfortunately, it's not

a dragon I'm familiar with.

But it seems to have dark

elves riding on its back.


He's just walking up to them.

I dunno if that's smart.


Your Majesty, please take cover.

They landed on our roof.

Clearly, no place is safe.


Even so--


Everyone, can you hear me?

My name is Aura Bella

Fiora and this is Mare.

Lord Ains Ooal Gown sent us.

[AURA] The Great Tomb

of Nazarick, which Lord Ains

calls his home, was

recently invaded by some

unsavory sorts,

sent by your emperor!

This has put him in a bad mood!

If no one comes to apologize

for this offense,

he will reduce your

country to ash!


And as proof,

we'll start by eliminating

everyone here.


'Kay, here we go!


[KNIGHTS screaming]

[VASSALS gasping, murmuring]

[AINS] Emperor Jirkniv

receives my message

and opts wisely to

respond by apologizing

for the Workers'

trespass in person.

Jirkniv is considered a genius

compared to the emperors

who preceeded him.

He wishes to see Nazarick

with his own eyes.

And, perhaps, to win me over.

Before, he sent trespassers,

but now, he comes as a guest.

I'll be sure to

welcome him accordingly.

Chapter : "w*r of Words."

Dance as I tug your strings.